Ruston Leader from Ruston, Louisiana (2024)

News From Lincoln Parish Towns and Communities Mr. and Mrs. Odis Leachman spent Sunday with Mrs. R. Franklin.

Mr. Frank Brock and Morel Martin spent Sunday with Charlie Garlington. McAdoo and Clovis Ricks spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. John Younse and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Eck Fraster and daughter, Irene, spent Baturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Romie Dukes. Mrs. W. L.

Franklin, of Rio Grande Valley, spent Friday with Mrs. J. B. Bryan. Mr.

and Mrs. Odis Holstead and children of Douglas spent Sunday with Mrs. R. F. Howard.

Miss Mattie Lue Howard spent part of the week with Miss Wilver Holloway of Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford spent Sunday with Mrs. Jack Horton.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Roane and family have moved back to their old home from Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. Mick Lunctord spent Sunday with Mrs. Lucas Martin. ANTIOCH ANTIOCH, June and Mrs.

Crawford Young of Cheneire and Misses Agnes Chandler and Elizabeth James of Ruston were the week-end guests of Mrs. J. E. Hood. Miss Mildred Saint of Hilly was the guest of Mrs.

"Sport" McLaughlin this week-end. Those leaving Monday for camp are: Messrs. Henry Liner, Harold Trussell, Ruben Colvin, Miles and Wayne Liner; Misses Louise, Evelyn and Ollive Trussell, Lora Skinner and Margaret Hedgepeth. Miss Louise Trussell will assist Mr. Shealy and others in chaperoning and instructing the bunch of clubers.

Mr. Milton Mevline left this mornIng for Mansfleld and will bring the League delegates home. A party of young people enjoyed a hayride to Hilly in Mr. Liner's truck Saturday night. Those in the party were: Messrs.

Frankie, Armond and Dring. Egan Otze, Wayne Liner, Melvin Hines and Milton Mevline; Misses Louise. Maric, Margaret, Adele and ginia Trussell, Sarah and Marie Liner and Mary Dring. Miss Verne Saint of Hilly visted Adele Trussell Sunday. The Methodist preachers of Ruston District will hold their Group Meeting at Antioch June 29th.

Lunch will be served at noon hour. Rev. John Dring I of Jonesboro will be in charge of morning services. Rev. Dring is a native of Antioch and Antioch will welcome with pride his morning message.

The Senior Sunday School class will entertain the young people of the S. S. with a social Saturday night. GREENVILLE GREENVILLE, June, have their crops worked out and are ready for a good rain. We had good crowds at New Hope church Sunday at both morning and evening services.

The pastor, Rev. H. M. Michael preached at the morning service and at evening after B. Y.

P. Carvelin Johnston, (our boy preacher) preached for us. We are to have a S. S. and B.

Y. P. U. study course this week, taught by Miss Detherage, a truined worker. Mr.

and Mrs. R. M. Leggett and daughter, Nola Faye, of D'Arbonne, visited Mrs. Leggett's mother, Mrs.

Hartness, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hartness has been a patient sufferer a long tine. Mr. and Mrs.

Lee Bylant and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie erson. of Hico. Sunday.

Mrs. J. M. Green spent several days with her brother. C.

L. Smith and famaly last work. Miss Elizabeth Shields of Simsboro, visited her grandparents, uncles and aunts here last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Joynor and family of Antioch visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Duck Sunday. Mrs. O.

J. Smith and daughter, Virinn, visited Mrs. T. P. Farmer and daughter, Lorena, Friday afternoon.

Mrs. J. lI. Green and Mrs. Eurl Colvin were in Ruston.

shopping, Saturday afternoon. Morris and Frederick Farmer were glad to have a visit troin their little schoolmates, Lyndon and W. H. Larance, Sunday. Lee Johnston visited Willard Green Sunday.

John Willie White spent Sunday with Elzey Joynor. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.

Green, Mrs. J. L. Green and Mrs. Earl Colvin visited Mrs.

Hartness Sunday afternoon. carline Bryant spent Saturday night and Sunday with Lula Calhoun and Annie Mar Colvin. Journal and Grace MeGice visited Chaton Truett Sunday. Ployu Farmer was 0l1 the sick list last work. Little Jo Linda (ireen was sick Sun-, day.

Mrs. J. Green visited Mrs. J. Brewster Thursday.

Garland Farmer visited Carnella Jobuston Sunday. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. DOWNSVILLE DOWNSVILLE, June Nelson Band, of Ruston, rendered a very lovely program at the High School auditorium Saturday night. Ice cream and cake was sold throughout the program.

cent of the program and the proper from the were used for the ceeds Y. P. U. The B. Y.

P. U's. are trying to raise to send one delegate to Mandemoney ville to the B. Y. P.

U. encampment. Miss Ora Hamilton, president of the B. Y. P.

has been elected to rethe church here. Miss Nell present Golden will also go with Miss HamilMisses Verna and Erma Johnson ton. driving through, and will join them are at Mandeville. We, the B. Y.

P. wish to thank the Nelson Band for their program. DOWNSVILLE, June Epworth Leaguers who attended the assembly at Mansfield, returned home on night full of inspiration and Monday enthusiasm. We are expecting wonderful things of them during the coming year. Downsville had the largest from any single chapter in delegation Louisiana and the Ruston district came second in attendance, with twenty-onc representatives.

Shreveport district had the largest number present, which WAS -seven. The loving cup award went to New Orleans. The B. Y. P.

U. young people are preparing a play, "Kidnapping Betty," which Is to be given at an early date and the funds used to send their representatives to Mandyville in July. Mrs. V. A.

Hennen returned to her home in Choudrant Sunday. Friends of Happy Hemler are glad to hear that he arrived In Carlsbad. sunny side up, and that he is entirely satisfied with his new position. Mrs. Sport McLaughlin has returned to her home at Antioch, after having spent a week with her mother, Mrs.

S. U. Jones. I feel that I cannot close without speaking of the beautiful relationship leaguers of the Ruston district had with one another while at Mansfield. Let us not forget the beauty of the twilight service nor the comfort of the morning watch.

We are especially proud of the fine young man, who volunteered for life service, and when he has problems to face that seem like mountains we want him to know that Downsville leaguers are "for him" and that we have not forgotten. To Mr. Floyd James, our former district secretary, we extend hearty congratulations, He is now of Conference Epworth Leagues. Miss Beth Murphy is our new Senior district secretary, and we want her know that we are ready to serve district union in any capacity. MINERAL SPRINGS By "Billie" MINERAL SPRINGS.

June -Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Frasier spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. S. M. Revels. Mr.

and Mrs. E. B. Williamson had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs.

J. B. Bryan and Mr. and Mra. C.

M. WilliamHOT. Mrs. Ethel Greer spent the week with Mr. and Mrs.

Charlie Chrisinan. Misses Margaret and Mildred Witliamson and Avis Colvin spent Saturday afternoon with Lance Frasier. Mrs. C. M.

Williamson and Mrs. Cieo. Hogg spent Saturday alternoon with Mrs. Della Colvin. Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Crawford, Mrs. Levie Gill, Mrs. Mary Liner and granddaughter Jessie Ruth of Ruston spent Friday with Mrs. H.

W. Revels. Mr. John A. Mitchell spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr.

Lowell: Alden of Ruston. Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Howard was the guests of Mrs. Jake Franklin Sunday.

Master Dalton Williamson spent Sunday with Hirman Garlington. Miss Avis Colvin spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Delta Colvin. Miss Velda Mae Liner spent Sunday night and Monday with Irma Ellen' Williamson. Mr.

and Mrs. S. N. Williamson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.

Leon Frasier of Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Williamson, spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Leachman of Douglas. Mr.

and Mrs. Dock Prasier spell Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Nina Dukes. Notice The graveyard working will be June 28, Saturday. Everybody p.

invited to come and bring dinner. Miss Etheleen Franklin spent the week with Shirley Franchu of Ruston We are glad to have young people; from Ruston, Burgessvilie and Douglas with us every Sunday night at B. Y. U. Mr.

and Mrs. Billy Frasier spent Sunday with Mrs. Wick Colvin. Mr. and Mrs.

Prankitu Gullatt spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert Franklin. CROSS ROADS Jewel Hood and a "certain" boy at Monroe got married? Tom Foster quit going to Terryville? Rivers Weir could go with Margaruiete Wooward? J. P. Foster found him a girl? Harold Harrison quit going to Mr.

Tim Baxter's? Baxter could find someone to Roy love? Wayne Fallin quit loving Maxwell Hood? Boyce Holley and Lorene Rich quit loving each other? Bryant Duggan quit dancing? L. G. Watson lost his black hat? Bill Cooper and Grayson Baxter could find someone to love 'em? Mr. and Mrs. E.

M. Davidson was the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stewart. Mr.

and Mrs. S. P. Colvin was the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J.

M. Sunday Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bennett of Delhi visited friends and relatives here last CROSS ROADS, June Nells Hood is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

B. Roland, at Heflin this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hood and son, Sidwere the Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. M. W. Hood. Their friends will be surprised to hear of the marriage of Miss Lynn Jenkins, of Sibley, to Mr.

Henry Woodard, Terryville, The bride has taught school here for the last three years and has many friends to wish her lots of happiness. Vienna and Cross Roads played ball Sunday afternoon. Cross Roads won A large score. Mr. and Mrs.

Scot Henry and daughters, Margurete and Devon, of Monroe, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harrison.

Miss Fannie Harrison of Dubach, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harrison.

Her friends are glad to see Mrs. Lela Hood well and up again. Rev. and Mrs. P.

M. McCullen and family, of Hall Summitt, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nie McCullen, Monday night. They also attended the funeral of Miss Belle Davidson Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Cal McCullen and family, Mr. and Mrs. E.

M. Davidson and Mrs. Nanny Davidson visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duggan and Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Duggan Thursday. Mrs. Sallie Snider visited Mrs. Duggan Thursday afternoon.

What Would Happen If? Lucille Hood would quit loving someone at Terryville? Viola Hood could find her a fellow? Maxwell Hood and Rubye Baxter could go to Dallas, and work? Ruth Hood got a letter from Arcadia? Allie Pilgreen could go to school Arcadia next year? Alvice McDou quit talking? Eva Dell Fallin quit laughing? Cecil Cooper quit loving someone Minden? Horace Henry lost his Chevrolet? Sidney Hood lost his Ford? Gilbert Hood quit courting Theo Green? Velma Hood quit raving about a "certain" one at Athens? SIBLEY SIBLEY, June O'Neal Davis, of Alto, visited his parents Sunday. Miss Alline O'Neal is visiting her brother, Mr. Aubrey O'Neal, of Alto. Mr. and Mrs.

R. D. O'Neal and Miss Lillian O'Neal visited their daughters and sisters, Mrs. R. C.

Alexander, of ITico, Mrs. W. N. Barmore of Hilly, and Mrs. J.

H. Wiltiamson of Vienna, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. J. L.

O'Neal and family viisted their brother and uncle, Horace Smith, Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hardage and daughter visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs.

Lonnie James of Oak Grove, visited with her sister, Mrs. A. D. Calhoun, the past week. Misses Theo Davis and Jewel Littleton of La.

Tech, spent the week -end with their parents. Misses Evelyn Penuell and Mr. Arch, Culhoun attended the midnight matinee at the Strand Saturday night. Mrs. Leon Ford has been on the sick list, also little Miss Ruth O'Neal, who is better.

Mrs. W. N. Barmore and funily of Hilly spent Thursday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

R. D. O'Neal. A favorite pastime for some of the people around Sabley is "Rook." The stores of A. D.

Calhoun and D. O'Neul is the common meeting place. A game is rarely played with out either John Calhoun or Uncle Dan O'Neal, participating. The 19th of June, it is said that Uncle Dan and his nephew. Jim Neal out played John Calhoun and his nephew.

Eldon O'Neal, both morning and afternoon, causing, John to hand the title over to Uncle Dan acknowledge he was beaten. Uncle Dan is up in his seventies and John in his fifties, but they enjoy this favorite game as a pastime. SIMBBORO, June Margaret and Francis Burt Are visiting their uncle, Dr. T. E.

Strain and family in Shreveport. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Napper and children and Misses Lidle Vining and Rubye Harris were visitors to Monroe Sunday. Friends of Mr.

W. A. Barnett are glad to know he is able to be at home, after a very serious operation in 8 Shreveport sanitarium. Mr. and Mrs.

A. B. Corbitt and son were visitors to Colfax, Sunday. Mrs. Lamar Rogers and little son.

Billy, returned to their home In Oklahoma City, Saturday, after visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Waldron. Mrs.

E. D. Thomae returned Friday from a visit to relatives in Miss. Mrs. J.

M. May and children visited relatives in Dubach last week. Mr. and Mrs. E.

F. Sumiin were the week-end visitors to Shreveport. They were accompanied home by John Alexlander, who will visit them for awhile. Little Misses Selma and Allie Mae Lann, of Ruston, are guests of Miss Marie Lann this week. Aubrey Brooks of Oak Grove, was the guest of Miss Thelma Mitchell on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ross of Shreveport, are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. M. L. Wright. Dr.

and Mrs. J. M. Johnson and daughter of Monroe. were guests of Mr.

and Mrs. T. R. Weir Sunday. Miss Gladys Marie and Eugene Sumlin are visiting relatives in Shreveport.

SIMSBORO WESLEY CHAPEL WESLEY CHAPEL, June community club met Saturday night with a large attendance. The meeting was held in the church in order to practice songs for the revival meeting to be held the week following the fourth Sunday in July. The club was honored by the presence of Mr. McKnight, Mr. E.

L. Walker and Mr. W. E. McBride.

Mr. Walker made a very enjoyable and instructive talk on the subject, "'The Incongruities of Our Criminal Law." Mr. McBride chose the subject of law inforcement for his subject, pointing out the duty of the citizen and the official and the relation they bear to one another in solving the perplexing problems of law enforcement. Mr. McKnight also talked and as always, his talk was enjoyed.

It was decided by the club to meet Friday June 27 and work the graveyard at Wesley Chapel Church, this working, however, is not intended to interfere with the regular working to be held on Thursday before the fourth Sunday in July. Mr. Henry Hinton had all his children at home, except Mrs. Jeff Lee Kelly, for the week-end. Several of his wife's relatives and Rev.

R. V. Fulton ate dinner with him Sunday. He can tell you the full meaning of a panic. Miss Lola Tucker had for her guests over the week-end Miss Gussie Lee Beard.

Miss Ruble Wilks and Miss Murline Beard. Rev. R. V. Fulton filled his regular appointment at Wesley Chapel Sunday.

A large crowd attended the service. Mr. Bobbie Kolb is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. J.

A. Kolb. GREENWOOD GREENWOOD, June are needing rain badly, and are hoping that it rains soon. The farmers are up with their crops until it rains. Mrs.

Lula Holloway, Misses Bell DeFreese and Nannie Kate Harris visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Tabor Thursday.

Mrs. A. Jiles and daughter, Nelda and Elaine DeFreese spent Friday with May DeFreese. Rev. J.

E. Baggarly and granddaughters, Odessa and Vorice Shields, were shopping Saturday and visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

Baggarly. Messrs. Leslie and Leroy DeFreese spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. B.

F. De Freese spent Saturday night with his son and family, Mr. W. K. De Freese.

Misses Mae and Erma Harrison of Hodge, spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilder visited relatives near Bernice Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs.

R. N. Hurris and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stone Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Harrison visited Mrs.

W. B. Singleton Sunday afternoon. Mr. Luther Baggarly of Quitman, visited Rev.

and Mrs. J. E. Baggarly Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. S. B. Colvin and sons were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Rabb Sunday, Mrs. J. De Freese and children DeFreese. Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Terrell erville, and Mrs. and Mrs. Ira Holloway of Ruston, were Sunday quests of and Mrs. W. Holloway.

Mr. W. E. Simmons and daughter and Miss Louella Simmons attended church at Cook's Chapel yesterday. Mr.

and Mrs. J. A. Simmons visited Mr. and Mrs.

W. F. Simmons Sunday afternoon. Those taking part in the B. Y.

P. U. course at Vienna were Grady Harris, Baxter Colvin, Clinton Harris and Enmett Colvin. The revival meeting will begin here on Wednesday night before the second Sunday in July, Everybody is cordially invited to attend and take part in the meeting. PLEASANT HILL PLEASANT HILL, June people of this communtty are now enJoying the good roads.

About three and one-half miles has been completed and ready for the gravel. Miss Janice Simpson is visiting her aunt at Winnfleld for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. R.

P. Whitman and children, of Ruston, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson. Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Pesnell and family visited relatives here Sunday afternoon. Miss Sarah Causey, of Ruston, spent Friday night with Miss Audra West. Mr. and Mrs.

Chester Grigsby and children were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Brown of the Wesley Chapel community Sunday, Royce Stokes is visiting his grandparents this week. A number of people of this place went fishing last Thursday, but didn't have much luck on account of High water. They said they got plenty of bites though.

(Mosquito bites.) Miss Loree Simpson and Mr. Harvey Shelby were married Saturday evening. They will reside in Ruston. Mr. Shelby is employed at the F.

E. Morgan wholesale house. Miss Audra West spent Saturday night with Miss Sarah Causey. Mr. and Mrs.

George Carroll visited relatives at Farmerville Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stokes and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Stokes' parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Winfree near Clay, Sunday. Mr. Will Belton got through hoeing cotton at last and it's looking good now. Mr.

Tom Gardner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Gardner.

Harrell Alexander broke his toe the other day trying to kick a stump out of his way. Watch what you're kicking next time, Harrell. We'll get a rain when this long dry spell breaks up. HILLY By Cuckoo HILLY, June crops and gardens of our community are badly in need of rain. Mrs.

A. B. Larance has been on the sick list the past week. Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Saint and family visited their brother, Mr. W. E.

Larance and family, near Hodge on Sunday. Members of the New Prospect B. Y. P. U.

entertained the Hilly Epworth League members with a social Saturday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Alexander.

Those visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Saint Saturday were Mr.

and Mrs. Chas, Colvin, of Unionville, and Miss Nannie Green of Ruston. Miss Clara Defreese visited Misses Neva Dell and Norma Alexander during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs.

W. N. Barmore enjoyed la visit from their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.

D. O'Neal, and brother and sister, Miss Lillian and Mr. Allen O'Neal during the weekMiss Mildred Saint spent the weekend with friends at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Delony and little dughter spent Sunday with homefolks at Greenwood. Miss Alyne Saint motored to Mansfield on Monday. Those enjoying a fishing party on last Wednesday at (Loutre) were Mr.

and Mrs. M. L. Saint, Mr. and Mrs.

E. IT. Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilks of Vienna.

Miss Vern Saint spent Sunday with Miss Adele Trussell. The score of the Hilly vs. Clay ball game on Saturday was 8 to 7 in favor of Hilly. Mr. and Mrs.

Buddy Larance were dinner guests of Mr. and Mra, W. J. Larauce on Sunday. BURGESSVILLE June mett Diwards of Arcadia, spent the week -end with his parente, and Mrs.

Pete Edwardo. Lillie and Cascile Chandler, Ida Belle Hogan, and Mr. Marvin Culi pepper spent Sunday afternoon with Miss 'Emmie Lea Baxter. Mr. Sam Ruston, spent Sunday with hometolks.

Misses Vergle and 'Arva Holloway spent Friday afternoon with Misses Cascile and Lillie Chandler. Mrs. Robert Wilder and children visited her mother, Mrs. V. M.

Hammons, Friday afternoon. Little Miss Elaine Richardson is visIting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C.

Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Boddle and little son, Thomas, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Edd Holloway Sunday afternoon. Mr. Spencer Chandler of Cedar Grove is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

S. C. Chandler. Miss Pauline McCleod spent Friday. night with Vera Holloway.

Miss Ida Belle Hogan entertained the young people with a tacky party last Wednesday night. It was enjoyed by all. The prizes were won by R. G. Holloway and Emmie Lea Baxter, The people of the Burgessville community worked out the crop of Mr.

Bobbie Spinks. Our Community Clug meets Saturday night June 28. A negro play entitled "The Coonville Ristrocrat Club," will be given. Everyone is invited to attend. CORINTH By Bobby CORINTH, June many friends of Mr.

J. P. Brazzel will be grieved to learn of his death at his home here last Monday night at 12:30 o'clock. Mr. Brazzel had been 111 for the past several weeks.

Interment was in the Corinth cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Rev. D. D. Cantrell conducted the funeral services.

Mr. Brazzel is survived by his mother, Mrs. E. A. Brazzel, of this community; a sister, Mrs.

J. O. Hedgepeth, also of this community; another sister, Mrs. Sam Duke of Ruston; a brother, Mr. Elmo Brazzel of Tallulah; and a host of other relatives and friends.

Mrs. J. O. Hedgepeth and daughters, Inez and Estelle, have returned. home after a few days visit with relatives in Ruston.

Mr. E. L. Loyd spent Saturday night as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

J. M. Strother. Messrs. Clifton and Chester McClung were visitors to Dubach Saturday afternoon, Miss Honor Bennett visited relatives in Dubach Saturday night.

Messrs. Carl Bennett, Earl Douglas and Aubrey Strother, narrowly escaped serious injury Saturday night, when the Ford touring car in which they were riding overturned on the DubachRuston highway, near Unionville. The young men were going toward Ruston when the bright lights of an approaching automobile blinded the driver so that he falled to see a wagon that was just ahead, until they were within a few feet of the wagon. The driver put on the brakes causing the car to skid and strike the wagon with such force that the car turned compietely over on the top. While the car was badly torn up the occupants escaped with a few minor cuts and bruises.

Mr. Johnnie Rines spent Saturday night as the guest of relatives in Dubach. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bennett were the Saturday night guests of their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. R. F. Bennett. Mr.

and Mrs. J. H. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Stephenson and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hood were the Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Nolan Carter of Sharon community, Misses Inez Williams, Pearl Brazzel and Lillian Boggs attended the community meeting at Hico, on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Young visited relatives: at Simsboro, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J.

Young and family and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Young were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.

M. Strother, Sr. Mrs. Sarah Rines and family had as their guests Sunday, Mrs. Kittie Butler, Mrs.

Julia Farrar of Lillie, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rines and family of Dubach, Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Broughton and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Broughton and family, Mrs.

J. T. Farley, Mr. and Mrs. R.

F. Bennett and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.

Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bennett.

We are glad to report quite a large crowd at B. Y. P. U. Sunday night.

Come on folks, let's have even a better attendance next Sunday night. Make our class your class. (Additional Community News Continued 00 Following Page).

Ruston Leader from Ruston, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.