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Free Trial
- Publication:
- Buchanan Recordi
- Location:
- Buchanan, Michigan
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- 1
Start Free Trial
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
NUMBEE 2 5 I I We have a complete line of VOLUME XXXII Ranging in price from 1c TO $200 TO POST OICE BUCHANAN 7 ALGER GUARDS MINSTRELS a OPERA HOUSE Tuesday eliy 15 them JOKES WITHOUT WHISKERS is 1 I SITED BRETHREN ev vi NEW ADYEIITISEM ENTS Grand Street I anil Igiveh tc i 1 AT 5 By the ALQER GUARDS I bury him CHURCH NOTES on iwiite U6 pb hold 3 A ISSION 25 CTS rejfc i 1 is (la iMi our TH i H'l tolroit Of Lor A b'oBfi (JOY ADDRESS in 1 1 Dancing at close of performance Bieago Kaiajnaz'Hi ram jou yejr to rniers fforts and Gentlemen: to address you Pays the of freight were well 'and thin a hair Do not tai to ebruary a ibaltry that the In all the latest fancy dances Greatest avorite dehonl Iniiwctor i CaunUtr: find i bin ary 8 i to speak about our Jhunibers I would rather anding all these gathered as we next into The class in fropi tax ALGER guards coming The Alger Guard company of Benton Harbor will give a min strel performance in this city Tues day evening eb 15 at Opera House and they will bring a company of one hundred people witli them including the Band and will give a grand street parade at five on arrival of the fc train This company played" to the largest audience ever brought together in Benton Harbor on eb 4 and over three hundred were turned away fi Live Butter 1 ticj te Buchanan A on invii Station was represented at Dayton iCtimp on Wednesday evening by the working team and others to the num her of about thirty After the Camp was adjourned supperwas provided i by the ladieswhich wasfreely par iitaken of and well enjoydd followed by music ami recitations and a very Yleasant time was had Yes Lucindy You be mine And I'll be Your Valentine John Taylor Richards BUCK DANCES CLOG DANCES Ou Monday Mr Reynolds Bangor this state was in town and while here the National Mfg Co i 4 closed a contract tq manufacture hispatent hammock 'support li The Cauffman deer Tuesday before Justice and a jury Attorney ington appeared for Attorney appeared for the went to the jury Miss Blcimie Watrman with lung fever I ClewlaiiC CiiiCiiii rpjii' ut Luui and were discharged The case was called up before Justice Keller this morninir and was nolle pressed on motion of Mr IV A Palmer the com plamant i 4 Come now Honey (jet in line Get your love A Valentine This mild weather is just the to see that your 'sidewalk is cleared of the jsnow and ice anditlierejiy have yourself regarded as a benefactor by passing pedeslrii ins li slAn interesting meeting of the was held at thehome of Mrs John Bishop the papers by Mrs red rEaton and Miss Lulu and i the select reading by Mrs Ellis Roe were thoroughly enjoyed by all The vocal duett by 'Mesdames Pears and Bishop wasuex i cellent Mrs Roe had charge of the lesson in the absence of Mrs Wood Tho dub adjourned to meet nextWednesday at the home of Mrs Eu gene Bliss with program as follows: Quotations Jean Ingelow paper Beethoven Mrs Glen Smith music Miss Carrie Boyle papery Northmen Mrs jBower conversation Current Events lesson chapters 9 10Z Class conducted byMrs Bressler The appointment oUck Gov Jqhn Ti Rich as 'collector of customs i at Detroit is an excellent one and bne that9 assures to the office at businessadministration for no one better qualified for this posit ion that John Rich If i Mitten Joseph Kent and Isaac Iroad Thosc Swho I lold UMBRELLA OUND An umbrella was left in my market Owner can have same upon proving property and paying for this notice A TREAT Meat market Clerk Highway Coxunusfionr The social given by the Epworth League of the Church onTues evening as the residence of Mr Runner was well attended and' many iutei esting facts were biought out by those participating A feature of the evening was rfn observation table upon which were placed twenty two objects and a person was allow ed one minute to look at the objects and then given a card and allowed two minutes to write a list of the articles seen Prizes were given for the best lists and were won by Misses Lillie Jephon and Adah Kingcfy passes wear It would be intere the amount of mo iy taken from the farim and dairymen of the those who control th of the country iPte hcbiD" htiol 12:0) 1 Pinyer ere cordial Tickets and reserved seats at Jewelry Store No extra charge Carpet rags were brought a merry war commenced flew and tongues were by idle In the evening the appeared and work iwas A bountiful supper iwas it Oak and jpKytor in and A lince' every Vedn Hi rurdiaHy Il On Saturday evening Mr red Snwel entertained the members of his Sunday School class at his home Detroit St and on Monday evening Mrs A M' Gloyr did the same for her class A most enjoyable evening was the result in both cases These unselfish efforts made in a social wavy ly bunday School teachers leave pleasant impressions on the minds of the young people to be recalled at later times for good and Mrs Mrs JU 51 iiiau Ac Office a ItiH hsnsn 0 IAN SU Air IL Wilson who is cmployjl at the ALichigan Cutlery has' moved into tire house south of Marsh clubs and conventions and some of them are here now In the olden time there was one Judas in twelve How many are there today? You better spend a little time watching them It would pay you to suspend business for six months and see' to it that the next legislature would do something to equalize your taxes and freight charges I have said a hundred times that the direct taxes which you pay are a trifle Y'ou have something to show for them But the indirect taxes which the State permits express com panies and railroad companies and telegraph companies and telephone companies to levy upon the people constitute the principal burden The tax gatherer who conies but once a year has a specified demand The tax gatherer who comes every day is the one who keeps you poor The freight rate in Michigan and Illinois as shown by the schedules is about the same but in transporting live stock in Illinois a cow is billed at 2000 pounds and in Michigan at 4000 This is made to apply to any animal over six months old so that a person shipping a Jersey calf over six months old and weighing from 100 to 150 pounds is compelled to pay freight on 4000 pounds Let me briefly outline my tiews upon thelubject of freight and pass engei rates: Public corporations are biought into being by the laws of the State for public purposes and for the public good i The State gives them special privi leges and even confers upon them the power of eminent domain They can take our streets and highways and even your property' They should be under the control of the State and the State should have the power of fixing and regulating the rates which they shall have power to charge for performing the public service just as the State fixes the salaries and fees of its public officers The State has such power but the cowards whom you have trusted tomanage Ayour affairs not seen fit to en force it All books of such corporations should be open to inspection and all extortionate salaries should be sub jectto regulation by the State The rates which they ware permitted to charge for public service should be estimated upon the basis of cost of construction and the property should be valued at what it 'U worth and pot what stock jobbers and mag nates it is worth i The law punished you for watering your milk and fot adulterating the goods which you sell and 6 UNNY END MEN 6 6 INE SOLOISTS 6 LATEST SONGS The inclemency of the weitther did not prevent the Mite Society of the Advent Christian Church' from holding a pleasant meeting Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs Bliss out and Needles no means gentlemen suspended served which all did crcdit It is the intention of these ladies to remodel the interior of the church in the Spring and for this purpose sum is now in the treasury the 27th of At that time there were They' are all them being oa liave re Zzif Niagara alls if1 jhave large salaries jfrom 100 000' a year jTho vi tahey do is so great ithat 1 lhave private cars ride 'cost from $10000 Ib $5( land all of these ctfqonses to be provi CONNECTIONS: No'l with C'No 81 WestNo 3 with M1 No 14 East No 2 with No 6 East and No bomb No 4 wltj MN'o4 South and No 3 North JI Gn rt Pass Agt Mr AV II Seitz of Royalton was in town on Saturday attending the an nual meeting of the Berrien County armers Mutual ire Insurrance Co Mrs Ivy uller and Airs Alary Burgoyne of Chicago who were call ed here on account of the death of Mrs Joseph uller returned home Tuesday afternoon Messrs Goodricn of ort At kinson AVis and State Supt of In stitutes Butterfield passed through town yesterday on their way the Berrien Springs Institute Aliss Alyrtle Edwards of Dowagiac who has been visiting Air and Airs AV Edwards left for Niles on Sat urday where she spent Sunday with friends returning to her home Air rank lane Sewell visited parents yesterday on his way home at New Troy from his regular attend ance on the winter Poultry Exhibi tions in Boston and New York Alessrs armer and Wm Ehrle of the Alger Guards of Benton Harbor were in town Tuesday arrang ing for the minstrel show to be given at opera house eb 15 Geo Haase of Niles was in town jesterday He came to get his little daughter who had been stay ing with her Anstisa illness Alessrs Ed AV in Burks AVm Thayer 'Shafer went to St Joseph yesterday to testify before the grand jury Messrs ohn Dalrymple loyd ca ver and rank Cauffman of Daydon went to St Joseph this morning bluswr Pastor Nnbbatli hath School st Preaching People's Meeting 5:45 ai I Pra vr Meetineand Bible Heading Evervbodv invited to all i iThe AL (Tub had a very pleasant meeting at the home of Airs Dodd and the programme aspubljeh ed last week was carriecl out The next meeting will be with Airs AV Cuppies and the programme is as follows: History chapters 37 40 led by Airs Runner: Literature After the supremacy of Humanism by Airs Weaver music Airs Graham Art Alengs Geology Irregularities of the Earth Airs' Johnson The Cap will appear at the Do not faib to see them Tht' supper given by the Ladies Society at the home ot Alias Ella Jlahi was very successful and the soenty in his space this weekj Smith Cp advert "ele case was tried AV II Keller A A AVorth Prosecuting while A Roe defense The case at 5 and at Wils UBomucK Kuk joilsiX ES( A 'Voon Last evening Airs tain a number ot the "30 nt flier Xreel parents Al durnig oulc I rate ogle will ffice gool citi hj vridow PRESBYTERIAN Rev James Provan will preach Sunday morning and evening Alor ning subject Evening subject' remedy for METHODIST The Epworth League devotional meeting will be held Sunday even ing at 15 minutes before Subject: Unfailing Ref 2d Cor 1:20 2d Peter 1:4 1st 2:25 Leader AV Jones This is promise meeting find one of liirty thousand promises that tell us financiers and luagnjfcs hi permitted by law toktort i from day to day anil fron year The Congress of and the legislature 1 Y7 ANTED Several tmstworthp gentlemen or ladies to travel in Michigan far established reliable house Salary $780 ana expend Steady position: Enclose reference anf st (adresged 'Stamped envelope The: Dept 9 Chicago DJ 5 BAUD AND MINSTREL TROUPE 100 ft Jfviil VOOMDOK lAiSi' i'l Joiui Needham 7 BdoaU riiovson'AuritswO rench Clark xsiT Clark GeoMi i Valentine JOHN St v'LAlK 'I Ba Pratt Jos ft jb Hi lsTLE I iNBLIN WDY 1 i ri Brown IT Kevnolds Correll (J'AJDosaidson have made the fortunes I I the wonder ot the 1 have been endowed? ii been built palAccs erected seats in the United bltcs beij been bought legislatures lb The Bay View Reading Circle had a very pleasant meeting at the home of Aliss Ada Slocum last Alonday evening Airs Redden conducted the lesson in her usual able manner Several very interesting and well pre pared' papers were presented The next meeting will be at the home of Aliss Hubbell with the following program: Roll Call about the Lesson Review Alusic Instrumental Aliss Hubbell Biography Airs Cun ningham Origin and Review of aust Mrs Chas Treat Paper Earl Light Alusicy La dies Quartette Under New Management 7: To day Mr II Roqgh made a five lease of the Opera House to Messrs Will Wolcott of Buchanan and' Sherlock Allen of Chicago who recently purchased the 0CourtHouse property at Berrien Springs The lessees are' both gentlemen emi nently'fitted to manage amusem*nt they? will at once make a number of alterations and im provements to the hall and promise the town a line of first? class shows success to Y' The Ladies Amateur Alinstrels gave an excellent performance on Sa turd ay to a packed house numbering nearly 600 Afany jokee were sprung and the audience left the hall highly pleased Among the audience was a sleight load I of Niles' people 'numbering 'The ladies haAre had several invitations1 to give thelfhinstrbls at out of! town plaqes I 1 tu bqniUS con jig the country i BUY JHE BUCHANAN EXTRAPTS Vanina' Lemon Winterirreen Peppermint Ja mica Ginger Orange Rose Ciuna man Almond Sure Catarrh Cure Manufactured by JOBCN' SHOOK Bcctvuiaa Mich men whose i faces arc UDDIN BROS RICE and TAPIOCA In their new and original laughable sketch GOING SOUTH No 3 1 gj Daily I Ex' Ex Son Sun II stations 'pjn am i 5 10 8 00 27M Bncbarnm i 4 51 i 7 41 195 Oakland 4 48 7 33 165 Berrien Spring 1 25 21 :114 ti a fl Rivulnn 4 00 7 00' Lv Benin 1120'645 on signal only I ns 1 On Alonday Deputy Sheriff Wenger arrested Norman Smith onthe complaint of Airs CharJ wood for furnishingjiquorto a minqr Smith plead guilty to' the cliarge be fore Judge Sabin andpaid a fine of $25 and $405 costs: Th! i bovi train runs buiweenSlg nton Harbor and Elkhart only nna Smith Aenl Benlon Ila or Ucar AiuKKAY Traffit iiianH" Mjtncinnati BiackmanTrav Aulere on InC SkCoftacrch Pat TYiifiic Man i Are 'i 2 s7iinrr7 Milwaukee HsibsrViXolumbus Railway Co Time Jeole EECTIVE SUNDAY DEC 5 797 of thedeatli oV Aliss Georgia daughter of Air John Barmorc at Bloomiri tqn Ill Air Salma Barmore is an 1 uncle of the deceased The funeral services were held yesterday at Three Oaks 4 1 5 Last evening! the ladies who wereparticipants in the recent minstrel performance were entertained by the jfcntei tainmcnt committee Airs 'pishop Mrs AV Brodrick and ilrs Smith at the residence df the latter Games were played and light refreshments werc served The committee reported the net proceeds rof Satnrday's entertainment to be about $40 iSiintteyt 73 1 ECOR GOING SORTH No 4 'Daily Daily Ex Ex Sun' Sun am mV 10 00 5 5 ii 10 26 5 56 :10 3H 6 06 6 19 11 01 6 27 vbu had better conk he ivcufr i fi 1 1 ng 1 iiivu mil igphj'rf'pbai ami jg ilnisd ijal ICi vvd A meeting of the Teachers and Pa Tri Twnship Association will be held at the Geyer school houc Saturday eb ICth An intcrcstidg programme has been prepared? at all should attend News was received this wet a Repuliif wiltjyou attempt to 1 ernes Then they Tprepsjfe for ptjsincss frThey must employ nen lo manage the Iroad Thosc Swho I told the largest Amount of stock which liascoit them 11 I SrJ i i It ithejlcast are now njlongnr ordinary men but magnatesa and thcfl'inust NEWHALL DEDICATED LAST I RID AY NIGHT On the evening of Af arch 27 1889 a camp of the modern woodmen "was organized consisting of twenty char ter meni bers They held their meet ings in Kail on Oakstreet and for a year or so itjwas suffi ciently large for the purpose then they began to increase in membership and it iwas deemed wise tq move tothc hall in the third srtory of Dr blqck on ront street and still they grew until this hall became too small to accomodate their present number of 164 and the first of January it was voted to rent their newhall in the third story of the brick block immediately street from the old hall It was put in first class shape papered painted ante rooms built new carpets furnished Acctric lights and some new furni ture added until it has become one of the handsomest halls in south western Alichigan Last riday even ing was the first night of its occupan cy and the Dedicatory services took place After calling the Camp to order The Board of Alanagcrs who had the control of the filling and em belisbment of the rooms though one of theit number I II Dodd made the presentation speech to the Camp which was accepted on behalf of the Camp by A Alyler preceml ed and followed by music by Neigh bors Boardman Herb RoeWm Alon roe and A Alyler Then followed the Dedicatory speech of Neighbor Rev James Provan in a happy and humorous manner as folldws: Venerable Counsul an6 Esteem ed It has bfeeti stated that Alark Twain at one time travel ed into the heart of Utah in the old en days of polygamy In the course of his meanderings he came across family where he found six: sistes They yere fascinated with the Jir lecturer and immediately popped tie question to him lie knew' he was living in a free country but this was a little too free for him arid so he declined the offer with thanks said the blushing beauties are not asking you to do anything yery difficult there are only six of us that would like to be married to you and that is not said the humorist is owing to the: that I would rather When I glance around this hall filled with bright with the expectancy' of what they shall see and also eat I almost infer that it seems useless on my part to detain our distinguished visitors and guests by any remarks of mine The numerous and interesting details of this evenii not the o1 prompt me to say th not But notwiths riv'Dint1 i ons nrn to nd irate oiir new hall it mav i torpKti ny remember a few rn facts in connection with the Modern Woodman of Aulerica I feel proud of my relation tLis order 'Hvcs our loved ones the glorious privilege of being independent and when all that is mortal of us may be lying among the cold clods of the valley the husband and father from his home on high rnay see those that are still bound to him with tender ties cared for through his thought ful provision and not left to the tender mercies of a cold world The Modern Woodmen of America I be lieve to be one of the most benevo lent societies in this land arid were it nothing more than the inestimable blessing we are bestowing bn the helpless widow arid the lonely orphan every payment that we make the present work of love in which we are thus engaged not to think of the benefit our own families in course of time will receive alone is worth the money we arc handing over to the Alodern Woodmen of America In addition to the unselfislrmotive ivliich thus prompts our order to ecare for those in distress there iire certain excellent features that appeal person ally to us all The lives of members of this order will naturally be the longest as no risk is taken in any of the large cities where in dense centres of population the mortality is high Restricting its membeiship to the rural districts and healthiest sections of the United States the death rate is remarkably low Then again an ex cellent feature of our order consists is the fact that the liquor business is entirely prohibited and anyone par ticipating in the traffic thereof im mediately becomes ineligible to enter our order Alorally arid physically the society becomes a means of grace second to no similar association in the land In connection ith the dedication of our new hall in Buclianan it may be interesting to remember that this camp was organized Alarch 1889 15 charter members living yet many this platform tZnijfht on hand and my left moved to otler fiMTof labor At tho present there are 160 members in' full fellowship in this local camp hence the necessity of securing the hall now dedicated In the whole order there are over 259 000 members' Si5e 1883 when the i order was organized! ore than nine million dollars have ben paid to the widows and: orphans of deceasedmembers Rut I need not say more in praise of the society tin whose in terests we are gathered here io iright The good that is being done in this largeness of our members and 1 the act that' there is more to olid (our ranks being aug mented at every meeting) is encomi um 1 1 preaching th ndo ghts The Ladies the 'jj ii'' 1 ehtirch are preparing ash lined Skule to bo given at Opera 'House eb 22 IG On Wednesday evening Airs Red class indulged in a YankeeAlusical at the home of i Airs Estes Each member of the classin different ingeniouN ways 'represented familiar song: This with other mu sical features afforded a very pleasr: ihg way in whibh to spend anevening 0 fetii national affairs and Julia or Joseph's coat or fi for if Senators' Thon pson rii I zette or the Manceliina lie aid hear that you are of equal taxes and efliaal ri will tell you that yoi Umbrella found Se local New Milcasrc Ticketl See local i for La Grippe itsee local Will Martin coining See local Green beech or inapll wood wanted local Old aMi lined Deest rick 1 locals I Special rates io anner's Iiistinite local i Harry Binns is advertising va'enurici tins week Alger Guard Millsrivl: Arrangements have been completed and on Tuesday evening next our cit izens will have an opportunity of witnessing onejiof the best amateur miiistgel performances ever placed on the boards The Alger Guard Benton Harbor is an organization of which the county may well be proud and our citizens should make a point of securing tickets for excellent performance at once? The sale of reserved seats will be at II 1 and no extra jchurge will be made for reserved scats Buy your tiickcts earlv and avoid the rush jobbers gamble wiijuit am jlssue $2000000 of orids give away 1 after awhile the read is 1 they claim to ha vejnves el (4000 luuv to say uotiiingi me itributed by the flfmers iline and tho xpeopjh in thetowns and large citl Is 1 Then they A prepare fo PoriLAn K(vtk Between Mhihgan Cities and all Sovtubbn I Trains carryine passensrers Ipitvp Niles as follows: GOING NORTH GOIlS SOUTH '22 pm No ilci 4' 7: i5 a 24 tn I No 15 1 1 23 rtksa No 97i to the rab letter proves anthen ic Wilks I HI a ''S' pith are piliow a 4 Air Wilson of Concordia Kansas who lias been quite ill at the rosidcnce of her nephew Air Pears last riday received a telegram informing her of the sudden death of her linsbandiat licit home in Con icordia Mrs Wilson had just been in reeelp't of a letter telling her that every one was well when the telegramaring the sad news arrived Airs AVilson left Saturday for her home at Cj'oncordia In Michigan thesi IS! 0 S41 If )1 held in great esteem'! cd with religious ai stitutious and arc afion TIidv arfi so 1 stock and bonds ail I lar I 4 and private cars legislature are noij1 ruel place additional burp ens tr The road being llyi now ready to fix fresr jhtj a wov vn i i If: fi an idea that the Site created railroads anffli the right to collect Ish some voice in fixife the you have such ouisli fci 1 thonr to yourself (giyoji he appointed to a fe iral oi You should see i zens that the farmer1 land and the poor mercha wh cling to save enouE i to 1 4 i I when he is dead all and bear all the bmdeii a nient must those who ride in receive $50000 salaries road attorneys who a brk for $500 a day will teiiyoii 1 foundations of the totter to their fall i I 'I subvert the sacred rislitsianid Hl 0 watered stock saiAts 1 8 I Hfvou want to off true (But the road is not'jyct rt business 1 hoy mint ort: 1 (freight Hues and ei press and sleeping car line wh wheels rings withiiw rings filiations within coiitoinatijonsa is shrewd financieriijj I i 151 IV 5L Vi 31 I'll Il Mui Thov firm rl ars 11 clu ritalile in i ru i lled lowii with rge1 salaries icrsjof the enotjgh to pon'athem luiraied is A I 3 i id njassen Some of I ju farmers have which has them have If keep never United Sjates fl this Stateland of other states havqinet in so 1pm session for more tit in tweniyfive years and have seeiritthfe growth of fabulcus fortunes wjiich have purchased by the grit lual prpcesy of leeching those who the Kourg of the trial savi her tifend those who in the dayif of peace aye borne every burden I fl i It is not necessary for niq to tell you who pays rthe ieighti Eijery dollar of wealth that his becnifcrecd since the foundation the wildhas been created since til of the world has come from the ground Those who have wee Ithi should be if i i those who haves prod iced it is not so It has not eCri taken 'Trim you by the rude hif liwJiynianiut you have been: lure into plcaslnt places and havebeenf fibbed by those who have prepared a i anqiietifpr you You cannot get back that whicKJias taken from vouiin the Svay of fexe'U ive freight rates hat has gcMe forever But there isi lie thing whifeh you can do and that that the robbery wjf I continue io IJ 1 4 longer It will not iff or you to 3 that you 1 have no tie ifor uIiHcaffairs Thoscsto' 10m pity neither slunt1 ier 1 nor slee They have paid agent i ty' working day anil night' lTh areifurnished with check books and pass books and theyxhro nowbuiy selecting members of nextlegislit tion who will see to it' shat noyestej rights of the people ball interfei ewith the vested rights the railitoadiL They'ippear in differ? it day they are writing1 Jed itorials fl country newspapers ito' print them iTonii the homjon Main ign power should not disgracetfz 2 A A a 1 a fl 1 vc 'JAr ire' Uj puuiBJiuig pcvijf vumiuaukwu allowing the magnate's to escape 7 a The control of ali i these matters with the people themselves' and if they wiltnot help themselves they zl AO a wrArk(v rt KoTn UVUV4 TV MV BUCHANAN BERRIEN COUNTY MICHIGAN THURSDAY EBRUARY 10 Vt PERSONALS Russell was in Niles' ri 7 Air II Hoff of Niles was in riday Alias Carrie Smith 'went to Niles Alonday 1 Air: Chas: Pears was in Chicago Saturday Air: and Airs Jacob Imhoff were in South Bend Alonday Goodenow bf Kalamazoo iwas in town Saturday Air John Carr visited Edwards burg friends last week Dr and Airs Ostrander were over from Niles Sunday Airs and children visited Air Harvey riday Air and Airs 11 Burns moved to Benton Harbor Alonday Alessrs John Wynirand Will Van Aletcr were in town Sunday Air Ahron Heiidlciueii of Berrien Springs was in town Sunday Air Black wasin Benton Har bor the fore part of the week Deputy Sheriff John Wenger was at the County Seat riday Air Hoyt of Paul Alinn i visiting Air and Airs AV Edwards AIessr Groat and II Stebbins were over from Niles ri day Air Henry Dickenson and wife are enjoying a visit from their sister this week Editor Gilson of the Benton Harbor Palladium wasin tovn ri day night Aliss Grace Watson of Dowagiac is visiting her grandmother Airs Jas Ingalls who is very ill Air Barmore went to Niles to day to attend the funeral of Ex Mayor 0 AV Dougan Ticket Agent Schafer of the llorbor was up from Benton Harbor Tuesday Airs Needham was called to St Joseph on Alonday by the illness of Airs AV Needham Airs A Carothers returned from a visit with her daughter at enn ville yesterday afternoon Air and Airs Reese and fam ily of Three Oaks visited Air and Airs Boardman Tuesday Aliss Genie Vinton went Alonday morning for a visit with her grand mother Airs Wm DeAVing atKala mazoo Airs Lewis Alartin was called to reeport Ill by telegram on Tues day on account of the serious illness of her mother Air AIt Truitt of was in town Saturday attending the annual meeting of the Berrien Co Alutual Eire Insurance Co Air and Airs Salma Barmore and Airs A Wood attended the funer al of Aliss Georgia Barmore at Tnree Oaks AVcdnesday Airs Ida Baker went to Chicago riday On Alonday she went to Cedar Rapids Iowa to visit her sis ter Airs AAr Rumi DM iss Beulah Meffert who accom panied her aunt Airs Ivy uller from Chicago is making a visit with Buchanan relatives Airs Alary Straw expects to start to morrow morning for Alcrrill Alich to visit her brother Air Geo Brown and family Airs Jos Clout returned on Mon day from a pleasant visit with her children and s'randchildren at Ulii Lod 5 an Governor Pingree 'has won thefirst round in the suit to compcll the Micjh igan Central Railway to comply with the state laws by polling a 1000 nijlej: book good fur family use at $20 The decision of the court will bo appealed li by the railroad company The sensation of the hour is thein terception of a letter alleged to be written by Spanish Alinistcr Dephy Dp Lome to Senor iCanaljos at Cui a in which the Spanish minister operly insults President bystylipg him low fellow little in States and If this in all probability! there wills be Spanish minister jwho wjlj passports without! asking for BUCHANANMARKETS Hay pcr ton Iarrl rofnil SA I Buchanan ecord THURSDAY EBRUAlttlJO 1898 44 3 jn PUBLISHED 'lilURSDAY' Salt lour per Q0 Honey 1G 92J Chicago Alay 23 Corn Clovcr Seed Rye 45C i Beans Live $325 Parkinson invites the gemh mrin of Bnchiiiiaii to inspect his siniiner niuis I ii um nir: li Desciiberg A Bros are tom that their "new spring goods will beg to arrive this week i Elson is! advertising $800 cabinets fir $150 until March 15 with one large pic ture included bee local i I I or ten i Covcll or ti Allegni 1 IR i $i(HOOO to orkwhich thjeyi anjwhich00(3 each hale got to be provided and lailscsscd Against freiglii and service ad ya to do fast linfls and within and' coin This TERMS SLOOP PVTABLE IM AD trilMCBirTlOKa PISCONTIN PXP AxxrittATioH I LESS TUAN ONE T) O6ceak Gnn month Two months Three bix months vfxotv coNTRAOtSJ in fbr'yenr of insertions i' oic $120 for year of rjons In Record BnUdlngtO tkjRreet sy COUNTY OICER) Circuit Judire Sitdge i'f ProhalefT Clerk 77 sheriff j' IL cisier of Deeds Treasurer school ConimisJSionei 1 rosecuttng Attorney Circuit Court Commissioners Surveyor rirei n'tlnm issioner jTCorrnere Snperinb'ttdentg Qf Poar VILLAGE OICERS President Clerk rA seee4'r re CllALUtW yap Juun Gk miam tso John UllKYy cut arshal CflLus vs ell Atibrtrev Health officer llEstn! Mi Bidikk TOWNSHIP diJi 111 IklCHASDS CH1 1 Woodwobtii SLll Bo llDUAN' Bbadijsy Hamilton loaNSMOSTAGLK mivi fc Sauix Kkixkk MdJlKtaz Emeky I Jous WnsttKK lLWKm iNoLKiiumrj lijnlAo' nt IHntetiiry CUUKCii anu Sen tft in Service iiieet a mn pvrv dav auernoou at 4:11) 'l4JMn ineenng aio raaror i riday afternoon 2 Black Pus tor 11 Tim Columbia Wood Novell Co have got theu nioforT) laced in osil tioiuand began wonk omthe accunuir lation of orders that have piled on: The work of setting poles forMhe Bell Telephone Co is being Tapidtv pushed and wires strung fit is ex pected to have the cxchnage in oper tition very? soon i I I AU far elutwje af dflrertlc merds must be in our office by ii'ednfs ibuj of each week to ensurt the rhanye licinamade to the State dairyman associ ation AT YPSILANTI EB 8 1898 Alembers of the State Association Ladies I have been asked upon the question If rates not too high the question would not be asked We never trouble ourselves about things that do not worry us The burden that is light is easily borne 1 reight is a tax laid by the owner of the team that hauls the goods of one man to the house of another and if our laws were equitable and justi the tax would be an amount equal to a fair interest upon the value of the team and affair compensation to the man who owns and drives it' To this should be added the cost of and there arc certain risks which by custom and common consent should be ctaken into con sideration This method of fixing charges is pursued in all private business of the merchant the and the manufacturer In other words there is added to ho raw ma terial a reasonable profit for the labor of man' Since tho business of hauling lias talk about party A 4 a Ji a a a a Ji AT I SB A ore a 15 aw trine thriy lare ns bad as and the itt inid vou meet them von will not rt wive that pink tea smile which all 'ose wlio rifle on ring est mate onguiilly )ki raisers PoTTES 10:30 SahbMti SliiXl 12:00 Epwoillij lemrue a 1 1 1 1 I Ar are expected and arc af andgiveuj to rdat rail Sva'y companies a iwmeihbcl of fix ing rates has been stabnh6dp 'is A railroad) is bi between? two cities Those wliojnuild ft art) called promoters and fiui nciers sTjie act ual cost in rouni numbers! is 000600 The fiuauriersphavnno must i They issue $2000000 of ock andIqt stock nit iiiey i am and fiiteal then i i hni it and the JSxei sto biited SStjits by freigrat hnrgcs your pockets been taken th niill onslthat tm ire ii are a orld Colleges rjliespUals have re been erected es senate nave res ItaveSieen purchased nith tht money wjiich: Jk A IL1 3AA Ta DVEN'T GHKISTI AX CHCR1 lIpKevyE bhppiirrl I'juior rnueumsai av P' Bchval at 1 nieenu i I nursaay eveiww inzTn Htay evemhz Covviunl day beftne lhe iSnuday ui ca idc Ofs cuuW always tvelware ITIETHUPIST GHURKi Rev liPusvor Mibhatb unices: a in and 7 in 1 KHTII14 A) II ra rayeriuet tiujf Thursday rr Iways welcome 1 eiiURL van bahbath a r0 i Tout: 6: uieti in 1'Jmrsds uvvuiuii) ly iavitetl pC a5gEL1GAL cjiURUil cjj xievjr tin" St Preaching s5r unday nt Ypua PeqdtjsL VANDALIA LINE TIME TABUS'" i effect Dee 3 18? Jeave Galien Mich as topriwp: OR THE Ex Sun 1:30 jjEot Ml ORTH SOUTH lit I I 21 Ev Hi A tM Tenc Haule 15 Lx Sun 6:12 uulli Bnd 3 iine art Ehhrillill train and efutioi s' and for full inioi niatktiil as to rates through car? aiidresa ihi1 I PlifWV A 4 Ar JXi next TueMlnr 4 is advertising spruisr goods Sgovern be pursuers of cn'ji and ftafthMDaD ixfKiyJt? £051 jL tegular meeting at Qe etch Tuesday evening 1 'it A Buchanan Lodaefefo Jj re alar meeting Monday veBisii ustjee 'll at their rcsridenije Edgar 1 Buri'idfel atfil meefinc oh the lit ri Hp verting' of eats welcome TjfiVIA 74 reerdsr jrcetttg Xi edneday fore the fuii jnovn each mofiio ROBE KT PENDEliSU HcsMc ae No :90 rom Street hnur? vf tb day and night Jil ar tilHHTSTTAN Preftea tug at atSilMp in: inn Tnesdav evening at 7:40: Chufflj pMwrincet ine dav eveuiug at i ii riday evening at Tiierrlay nvxiuifelays Ift'trpit St to Tas helped you come and that wc all may be helped CHRISTIAN Sunday morning subject things go well Last Sunday we entered upon our 3rd fiscal year with money in the treasury andthis from weekly offer ings Not once in the past year did the Church resort to even a social as a means to raise money If any one desires to change his pledge for the current year please no tify the financial committee at once an incident that took place iir rance A miserable man jn a drunken bEawV had committed murder and' was about to be guillotined Before his head was cut off a physician in the interest of science requested the culT prit to do him a last favor am said the man of science know how Jong a hunian hcadican retain consciousness afterbeing sev ered from th body AVhen( your head is'ciit off will you open and close your eye ks long as you are conscious that by this sign 1 may count the seconds and thereby benefit the world of The contract was made and a moment afterwards the head of theerring one rolled into the basket Instantly the' man of held 'in his hand the head which had just been severed from the body Remarkable to relate so runs the story first the left eye winked and then the right eye winked Thiscon tinued for a few minutes when lo the mouth of the man that had' been beheaded opened and in a sepulchral tone of voice said: you' give ine "a good stiff glass of whiskey I can keep this up for the next half hour Being an abstainer and a member of this order I do not ask for any tlnng but merely mention if it were so desired I might keep this talk up for the next half hour In closingjet me sipiply say what can be echoed by every man in this house: Success to our visitors and guests success to our local camp success to our new hall success to the Modern Woodmen of America The regular order of business was taken umand four new members were and at the close of the Camp lal tunc was had with about one hundred visitors from Benton Harbor nd St Joe who came down on a special car over the 51 II route and Niles Galien and Dayton Refreshments were served followed by speeches recitations and ill until the si separated to their homes well pleased with the pleasant and instructive evening they had enjoyed They four more ''candidates for the meeting eb 13 to instruct the mysteries of Woodcraft working team on invitation expect to go to Dayton on Wednesday even ing to assist in the adoption cere mony in that Camp initiate a so when all i dsi Young IjpnrMlay evet LSqeii'eiirvices I It i and prayer rayer jncet JSalur nlnonth with (fg (month ia vrx '3 i A iirTSl y1 'Af 4 a A K4 91 A I I 7 7 3 7 7 1 i "1 4 a Hi TH 7 Ml TBJk BN s' iy Irak NMHIl I wk 1 BnC si Ira is ra Wk jiBk wkv I I MM 12 4 't i Aw IS SS' SK to 1 r' ASCV If ft" 1 EMINES i I' Hr 7 I Sy 'W pi 1 i fi'li Bi Bbl I IK I E9k 5 I K'S ss xm" Iva Pearl Ross I I 1 i 1 5 mg rt I 1 zf I II 1 to CwZT lZCm to) LE1VE BUCHAN 1 5 to' to in Expo ss 1 a Kaljuimzw A' eor 41 1 yffg LEAVE lil'l BANAZj Ace re 21 A 4 Mail No I7 IjA A LaJlifioKal Agifll to RcjtfMCS TrAjx sg £3 I 1 gjfl li fl LbS 4 Il 9 7 AX i Sft No No il I fl i flHfl MUSI i feAto i 5 v' 'i I A i V57 4 zSL 'y i 1 Taw xzL sw a thia I ATn Prt lifihnfQlrani nr at hfttiriG nr rho urtny nnnnr 1 nfiv ATTA 11 yar A' a HSSSkt afe 4 ve a aasnsr sf JsefiS a 1R I jfc 0" nz 1 I 'T 1 7.
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