Buchanan Record from Buchanan, Michigan (2024)

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Buchanan Recordi

Buchanan, Michigan

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Buchanan Record Buchanan Kecors THURSDAY EBRUARY 3 18H PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY i BUCHANAN BERRIEN COUNTY MICHIGAN THURSDAY 51 VOLUME COUNTY SEAT NEWS year of 4 NIJXT TO POST OICE BUCHANAN OBITUARY after Business Directory charge of the funeral arrange gJH Muller Mfg Co 2 drills and tap 188 IK 6 PERSONALS his bonds presented the Hello! Central rd ay fe 11 i your birthday and something of his or Standard Oil Co oil Smith 1 day labor 196 166 114 82 more crimi than at the the case of Louis plaintiff a 8)1 Ber vs Kompass Stoll of was Tuesday the attachment disolved and II The $250 Av ds Rich de jertus l20 300 350 WATERWORKS UND A Myler engineer for Jan Geo Howard Phelps making box Elson Co have leased the build ing No 34 ront street now occupied by Geo Papson and will make" exten sive alterations in the interior and put ina stock of millinery goods' of all kinds They ill open April firsthand will also a reception room for Mr gallery in connection with the 'mil linery store tit VVYADLB IN ADVANC js tf Yu SUBaCBITlOHS DiaooKmnnm AT IXPIXATSS HIGHWAY UND Jos draymg Luther Hamilton team work Will Wood team work Decker labor John Eisenhart labor rank Thomas try eiM Married eb 1898 by Justice Baldrey at St Joseph Ann Kremble and John Burns both of Buchanan Ten of our citizens have been sum moned to give testimony before 7 the grand jury Yesterday six of them went to the county seat and today four others followed The Ry have adopt ed a shorter designation of their line an4cajltheiroa4 tberVBentptj Hajbo)'' You will please not call it the Joe any longer The Harbor if you please March 1 for trial His been estreated because of The Buchanan Commercial Club just placed in their rooms a supply of club stationery for the use of mem bers and visitors 4 The stationery is as fine as that of any club in this sec tion being real Irish linen of an azure1 tintjiwith envelope to match The paper and envelopes have the name of the club stamped in blue ink with a steel die and altogether gives a fine effect i Ban 555M 606 CEMETERY UND Joseph Shook labor I Phelps repairing The Benton Harbor Palladium is authority for tlie statement that the petitions for local option election will be to the Board of Su pervisors within ten days The Ladies Missionary Society of the church met yesterday after nooniwith Mrs A Glover and had an enjoyable time Supper was? served and a delightful surprise was furnished by a solo by Earl Water man a son of Mr and Mrs Waterman who had been trained in singing by Miss Gardner at the pri mary school Circuit Judge Judxe ot Probate Clerk Slerifl Register Deeds Tresare School Commieeioner Prosecuting Attorney Mrs Wilson is (seriously ill at tlie residence of her sister Mrs Wm Pears Mr Deissner of the National: Mfg Co has rented the Bertha Roe honse on Main street After the minstrel performance last evening Weaver took a flash light photograph? of the troupe M1 ver 400 Beautiful Patterns EE THEM Now is the fA i TT 1 8T1TIOS8 Buchanan Berrien Springs Hinchman Koyalr on This week has been lome winter Monday's and storms were genuine blizzards All trains were late the Michigan Central train' due here at 12:45 has been about four to five hours late each day The ton Harbor have been running two tbcomotiveson their trains and have kept the road open fortravel although it has kept them hustling amounts Ayes Bainton Richards and Mathew Uplinger familiarly known as who is employed at stables: was kicked by a horse yesterday breaking both bones of his left forearm He will carry his arm in a sling for some time Richards besiil and an order Vvcs Baintun Graham Richards and GOING SOUTH No 3 No 1 Daily Daily Mil Ex Ex from Sun 6 104 61 442 4 254 16 Mrs Joseph uller who near town died Monday quite a long illness She and her husband have been residents of Buch anan' towiisliip for many years The funeral services were held to day at one lev II Potter offi ciating undertaker Hahn hav ing ments CLEAR 4 MCE RALE STHOS 8z SPRAGUE SOK Attorneys and Soildtonr or PH enta United States and a virn Correspondence solicited Mructlon pamphlet free W) rr CosbBxaa Snucrr nnixf 17 31 3A)0 ax ftUPt tB Rouib Bbtwbin TBS U1CB1 US Cmis AND AU SOUTHXBM POINTS Trains earning passengers leave Nilee as lUllvnc GOING No 22 No 24 Nn as Tbe above train runs between Benton Ha bor and Elkhart only SSirrH Agent I I Benton Ha or 1 Oscab lbbat Traffic Manag dncinnitl 'O 8 Blacuas Trav Pass Agt i Anderson bid McCobmick Pae Traffic liaa Cincinnati Wm Niles argued in the Circuit Judge Coolidge or Parker Robinson was born March 221810 in Circleville Ohio and died Jan 29 1898 in Buchanan Mich aged 87 years 10 months and 6 days lie lived near Circleville until his marri age Rec 22 1833 when he moved with his wife to Elkhart County Ind In 1807 he moved to Buchanan where he has since resided except 2 years spent in Berrien Springs Deceased leaves a wife who has alvfays been a loving and helpful companion and he was the father of ten children 4 boys and 6 girls 7 of i whom are now living All but one of the children lived to begiown annie aged 11 months The child ren now living are Sarah Elizabeth William Woolsey Daniel Abner and Etoly Etoly the youngest has al ways lived at home Deceased had 23 grandchildren andl3 great grand children Mr Robinson labored actively until about 12 years ago since which time he has been growing more feeble each year The end came peacefully and he went to sleep as a little 'child All for change of advertise ments must he in our office by Wednes day of each week io ensure the change beinamade il OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY EB 6 1898 Gjeology Cur Mrs Johnson 7 at Mrs' Dr i SjSO T25 13J5 Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago St Louis Railway 5209 95 1057 5rl56 37 ss $J2J S5 PAY YOUR WATER TAX ft' AlLpersons indebted to the village: for Water Taxes are requested to' call 'and at once WObD ckrk of Water Boird NORTH GOING SOUTH jl 1:18 pm I No 23 7:63 am i NL 25 1:57 8:02 a No 27 12:31 AM 9:47 A 5:20 No 22 7 22 1 Milwaukee Benton Harbor Coliidus Railway Co Time Table EECTIVE SUNDAY DEC 5 Dr 0 Colvin PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Tel phone from office to bouse accessible frm tbestieet at all hours of day or niht office' over rmer Carmer't hoe store Iw 1 Residence W5Caynga Street The Heddon Telephone Co i 1 are pushing along and have at present writing begun business although only a small percentagejof the have been connected with the central office The company liave had sev eral vexatious delays caused by in ability of the manufacturers of the to ship1 as promptly as de sired At present the firms that have beeu connected with the central and their numbers are as Brodrick res 38 Desenberg Bro' 19 Treat Bros 45 Board map 42 Keller 31 Hotel Steph ens 32 Roe 33 Lr Raymond 1 Batchelor 25 Dr Bailey 15 Record Office 2 A Treat 12 Sylvia chapter No 74 hoidj a regular meeting Wednesday evening on or be fore the full moon in each month i 2 EGBERT HENDERSON Physician nd Surgeon Office Opera House BIok Residence No 90 ront Street Calle answ'ed all hours of the day and night HM BRODRICK Homeopathic J'by fidau Ac Office at bis rew ieeideuee ront Buchanan la! parlors for the guests To say that the performance was good would bea mild statement It was a for the audience simplyhovyled with delight during the en i tirej: program The ladies all had i their faces blackened anti were dres sed in all colors of the rainbow The singing was excellent the lo cal hits being enthusiastically ap i plauded and the jokes were all fresh The interlocutor was Ann "Hiser fi Bush (Mrs May uller) The end ladies were Dinah Doe Corkey (Mrs i Pears) and Chloe May Peters (MissGeorgia Wilcox) Solos were by Ambolena Snow (Mrs II Rough) Louisa Lou Jones (Mrs Board man) Liza Ann Sweet (Mrs Bishop) Dinah Doe Corkey Chloe May Peters Patti Lindy Washington (Mrs1 Bower) and Jemima Jen kins (Mrs Brodrick) Gon dolia Brown (Mrs Glen Smith) executed a jig The accompanist was Melinda Cinda Blake (Mrs Edwards) The other ladies compos ing the minstrels were 'Mrs George Richards Miss Lou Moulton Mrs Dr Peck and Mrs rederic Eaton The performance' was so well received that it was decided to repeat the minstrelsln Opera House on Saturday evening and make a nominal admission of 10 cents devot ing the proceeds to local charitable workWe will add just one bit of If' you want 5 a good laugh a a UvSulv vv lU ULC Jr MJgUVa jZ Card of Thanks We desire to thank the neighbors friends and members of the OT for their aid and kindly sympathy during our recent sad bereavement Mbs SarahE VakNobdstrand wv dates CHURCH NOTES LARGERnOPE UiS Elder Paton will preach in the church of the Larger Hope Sunday morning and evening eb 6 1898 7 Services as usual sin jthe evening the pastor will preach a sermon to young men Come PRESBYTERIAN Rev Jas Provan will speak on the following subjects next Sunday: Morning Evening METHODIST The Epworth League devotional meeting will be hbld Sunday even ing at 15 minutes' before Subject: Close to Ref Matt 17:4 Luke 10:38 42 Shall we not make this a heart test ing and by light of Bible truth' fine out whether we are living close to or are drifting away from our Savior i The Epworth Leagut will hold a birthday social with some added I features a musical Jand literary character so as to liave an all around 'good time at Tues day i evening eb 8 I All Epworth Leaders and their friends which takes in the town are invited This is social connected with the Methodist church and no collec tion! ind the name of some noted person born on come and tell us i her life i as todue the v' 11 and A of stock patterns a now on' San am 800741 7337 21714 IX fANTED Several trustworthy gentlemen or Jad'es to travel in Michigan lor established reliable house Salary $780 and expenses Steady potltion Enclose reference and self addressed Bta nped envelope The Dominion Company 4 tU CIRCUIT COURT i The circuit court convened Monday for January term with the usual large attendance' of attorneys liti gants and others The day was devoted to the as signment Of casesj rmotions and other premliminary business i Criminal? cases will not'be taken up for trial tilltpexjl4veok ai The case against Gibsorivfor carrying concealed weapons was dis missed 1 1 Several persons charged with cim inal offences were arrraigned and plea ed not guilty including Iry Ashman A Hill Delilah PurCell and Murray 1 our member of the grand jury were discharged by Judge Coolidge leaving 19 to do the work In the railroad case of Wescott vs Deam plaintiff was required to give security for $40 costs Attorney Sears was appointed to de fend Meechem arrested for stealing a rig who pleaded not guilty Attorney Gore was appointed to de fend David Gricet who pleaded not guilty Albert Sykes a subject of the Queen of Great Britain was given full nat uralization papers in the Circuit court Monday morning Security for costs in thecijse of Pot? ter vs Burkhaid was denied bus Nfl i A blackboard has been placed in the court room upon whichthe assign ment of cases for the following weekwill be bulletined Both parties in the case of the Big our railroad vs the city of Benton Harbor have given notice of an appeal to the Supreme court Richard Liskey of Stevensville charged with selling liquor without license did not appear and has there by forfeited his bonds $300 signed by Morlock and John Schairer The criminal cases which are usu ally tried first in the term will not be brought up before March 1 as the prosecuting attorney is engaged with the grand jury and will have no time to devote to them When the first of March arrives there will in all probability be many nal cases to look after present time Richard Linskey and men appeared in open court Tues day morning and entered a recogni zance and the defendant was ordered to appear bond had his failure to appear in court Mon day but he gave illness as his reason for not doing so The mandamus proceeding of Dan tel I Hibbard vs rank Graves were argued tit length Monday Judge Coolidge entered an order re quiring Justice Graves to make re turn to the Circuit court within ten days on the case of John Owens vs Daniel I Hibbard In the case of Charles Mirkle vs Phillip Hiler the motion to require further security for costs was argued in part and adjourned until Monday Judge Coolidge has allowed a hear ing on the order dismissing the bill of complaint in the case of Deam vs Hamilton et al hearing will be had Monday In the attachment case of Light which court dered declared that the mortgage given to the irst National Bank of Niles was was valid Immediately upon the decision Kompass fc Stoll thiough their attorney filed a suit for dam age against Wm Light The suit was commenced by summons so that the particulars of the case and the amount of damages alleged are not known A decree entered in Thos Wilkinson vs Tatro et al giving the verdict for $362 NEW CASES Amanda Brant of Royalton has filed a suit in hanccry against Exza va Brant et al to set aside a deed made Oct 7 1896 by Exzava Brant and another made Dec 16 to Warner Warskow ASSIGNMENT CASES The following is the assignment of cases for next week commencing eb 7: Monday Nos 19 20 23 25 Tuesday Nos 26 29 30 Wednesday Nos 31 32 33 Thursday Nos 35 36 37 Nos 38 39 41 42 grand jury Judge address election of Holmes as and Woodruff as clerk' afternoon the grand jury LEAVE BUCHANAN Detroit Express No 8 Ml No 2 ast Eastern Express No 14 Chicago Kalanyfcoo Accom BUCHANAN MARKETS Hay per ton Lard retail bait retail 90c lour per 16 Live poultry fii 16 92p Chicago May 94 Oats 22d Corn 22p Clover Seed 42 Beans Live Hogs $325 NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS Tlie Club met (with Mrs WE Runner Neither theblizzard that was raging on Clarke St drifts kept the ladies from getting out It was a very interesting lesson and those present felt well paid Program for next! week: History cl ap 33 to 37 Mrs Redden Literature Martin Lu ther Music Mrs Whitman Art Hof aim Mrs Graham rents of Air and Sea Meet Monday ell Dodds a I Mr TI Smith went to Detroit Tuesdayi Mr A Sanford 'was iri t'own Mondayl I ji Mr 0 Chipman went tot ijilattle Creek Tuesday i Mr and Mrs Jacob Imhoff nt to Niles last riday I gs i Mr Jay Xroafrey went to Stfe on Sundaylo see the wreck (: i Mr rank Mead went to j'inton HarborMonday evening ift 'Ii Mr El Roe is visting his lir'bther Claude it Ann wed Miss Ida Rynearson returned home from Noblesville Ind Mr Lj Marsh of Kalamaz1 it reg istered Hotel Stephens i sjs i Miss Velma Amsden of Do agiac is visiting Mis Godfrey thjiS iveek Mr Jjohn Holmes is at thletoun ty Seat nil attendance on thfjlrand jmy 1 Messrs II II Porter Clary were over fr oni wagi5'i Sat Irday Mr and Mrs Geo Critesi Chi i cago ar visiting Dr atid Mritt I Brodiick i i Mrs 'E Pardon of (Jlttago! visited her sgn Manager Wnijfl trdon of the Postal Telegraph Tuesib'p' Mr Herb Schoch of Edward jburg and MrlStanley arnum of Ciafjopo lis visited Buchanan iriendi over Sunday i Mr and Mrs Henry I Cant Train and daughter Miss Belle ye io Edwardsburg last riday reiipning over Sunday Hi i Mrs A Carothers went tqienh ville Saturday afternoon for a visit with her daughter MrsffiDr Martin Steele i a Mr Ci Deissner of the io nal Mfg Co arrived here on riday His family arrived Monday anHsthey will make Buchanan their 'I Mr and Mrs Haven jLan sing has been visiting rel atives Mr Haven was at oi time Register of Deeds for this couii 'Mrs jC Smith wife of fu Smith of the Nation r' I Mfg arrived here on Monday i household goods are'expected a few days Mrs (Mary Russell went to giac Tuesday to attend the dfcA Bnchanaii Lodge No 68 hold a refcilar meeting Monday evening on or beforehe fuiimoon In each month i 1 UU Buchanan Lodge No 98 hold Its A reular meeting the 1st and 3d riday el i of each month i G1 A Wm Perron Poet No22 Regt Jar meeting on the firet and third Saturday retting of each month Visiting comrade! iy welcome After and the foreman Monday proceeded immediately to business Witnesses were examined during the afternoon and Tuesday afternoon a number of young men fromtthe two cities were called in by Deputy Sher iff Tennant to appear before the jury and tell what they knew of the prize fight which occurred in Benton Har bor last October between Doc Cald erwood and Sam Brown and also to testify as to what they knew of sa loons in Benton Harbor St Joseph and Niles running after hours and on Sundays i The grand jury are confining them selves at to violators of the liquor law and to the'prize fighters1' They secured 'evidence against some of the former but were riot as success ful regarding the prize fight 'l Many letters have been received by the grand jury directing them to wit nesses and violators of lajv'but most of these communications have not been signed and nd attention's paid tnanonvmrU8 rniqtlps 7 7' i 'I' PROLATE COURTyAX A Estate of John eather deceas ed Proofs having been completed eonra jurth NozIo4 Daily iMily Ex Sx Bun' a Lv IODO 10 88 10 68 81911 01 8 IT 400 7 00 Lv Benin HWr Ar 1120 645 Stop on signal only 7' PUYTHE BUCHANAN EXTRACTS Vanilla Lemon Wintergreen Peppermfr Km lea Ginger Orange Pineapple Almond Sore Catarrh Cure I 1 UiHaiauiunJU uy PRESIDENT SPEECH THE PRESIDENT SAYS OUR STAND MUST EVER BE HIGHEST PIRTINENT HINTS AS TO EXTENSION TRADE 'President Wm McKinley was the ftuest of honor last Thursday night atthe third annual banquet of the National Association of Manufactur ert at the Waldorf Astoria hotel Oi thousand guests were present Ti menu card was the same as that of the other guests ex cept that the edges were in gold and tbi words in emboss ed 'gold on the cover VThe wildest enthusiasm prevailed wjien President McKinley was intro duped Men stood in their seats wo niep in the boxes waved their hand kerchiefs and the uproar drowned the voice The cheering and clap ping of hands were redoubled when atojst was drunk to the president Prifsident McKinley spoke slowly rind W8? plainly heard in every portion of thc hall His reference to the cold in Cincinnati Jan 22 1895 was received with laughter which broad ened into a perfect roar when he spoke of the extension of business in stead of notes President McKinley said: Toastmaster Members of the National Association of Manufact unrs and Guests or the cordial character of this greeting I return my tlif'riks The genuineness of your welcome is full compensation for hav ing! left Washington at an unusually budy season in order to participate in this interesting meeting I scarcely need remind you that we do not meet as grangers Neither your business organization nor your social reunions are altogether unfamiliar to me I ha'ye Jbeen with you before not as a guast as now but rather in the ca pacity of host I recall that as gov ernor of the state of Ohio it was my pleasure to welcome you to the city of Cincinnati on January 22 1895 at the? initial convention of the manu association I well remem be the occasion It was a cold day You had lost everything' but your pliick or thought you had Courage was the only friend your grief could call its own I note with satisfaction yovir improved appearance now You aremore cheerful in countenance mere buoyant in spirits more hopeful iq manner and more confident in pur pose Then too there are more of you here than there were at your first meeting Distances are of course the saiie buttraveling has been resumed Yoiir speeches and resolutions at that firs convention were directed mainly to jhe question of how to regain what yotj had lost in the previous years or if ijtiat was found impossible then to stop further loss But your object now as I gather it is to go st ouij and possess what you have never had before You want to extend not yodr notes but your business Isym patihized with your purposes then I 1 amin full accord with your intentions nolv ventured to say at the gathering referred to as reported in your pub lis'aed proceedings speaking both for yoar encouragement ana trom a pro found conviction: f'ljThis great country cannot be permanently kept in a state of relapse 1 Relieve we will reoccupy the field temporarily lost to us and go out to thd conquest of new and greater fields of trade and commerce The recovery will come slowly perhaps but it will come and when it does we will bejsteadier and will better know how to exposure hereafter I have abated none of the faith I then ex pressed and you seem to have regain edlyours policies can encourage industry and commerce but it re mains for the people to project and catry them on If these policies stimulate industrial developement and energy the people can Ud safely1 trusted to do the rest The govern mint however is restricted in its poswer to promote industry It can widen and deepen its rivers improve its! harbors and develop its great hatural waterways but the ships to sail and the traflic to carry it the people must supply The government ca raise revenues by taxation in such a way as will discriminate in favor oft domestic enterprises but it cannot pstablish them It can make com mercial treaties openingto our nianu fa cturers and agriculturists the ports oil other nations It can enter into reciprocal arrangements tq exchange our products with those of other Gauntries It can aid our merchant ruarine by encouraging our people Jnild ships off commerce in every lawful manner private enterprise to unite the two oceans with a great canal "i bit can do all these things and ought do them but with all this accom pushed' the result will stilb be in effectual unless supplemented bythe energy enterprise and industry of (lie people' It is they who must build svifl nnpriiiA thft flrtnriAfl burnish HIHI rivers and the Hs they who must find the coujiners andj 1 5 tain trade by going fortfi to win it tAl profitable trade is still unen joyed by our people because of theilf st present insufficient facilities for rlaching desirable nrarkets7 Much qjf it is lost because 'of a Jack of in ormation and ignorance of the con tiftions and needs of other nations' Afe must khow just what other people 'ant before we can supply theif wantsIfe must understand exactly how rsach them with least exoense 'if we jtjould enter into the i most avanta 't' io nn a hnoi noao ololirno nr Oil 4 liom Kjihe ship requires the shipper but1 be shipper must have a promise that $he goods will have a sale when thqy ach their destination i It is a good rule if buyers will not torne to us for ua to go to them It si our duty to make American enter prise and industrial ambition as well ts achievement terms of respect and iraise not only at home but among family of nations the world over I is another duty resting upon Jhe national I government coin honey andfegulate the value thereof COUNTY OICERS i 7 Oitvnxx CoouxviBJacob Vax RihsJohn Nbxdh xKdoab xbght inAubxdO rsf3 John Ebxkst Cu ik GbobobM Valxmti Circuit Court Commissioners Surveyor Btbon Ps rr uraia WMBuiiBSiuuer a I ranklin lotto era bbown I Rbtnoiob Superintendents of Poor Gbo A Cobbi1i A Don aum on VILLAGE OICERS: Uiffi i President Ephbaim Sand! bs Clerk Wnx Bbodb ck Hxbbbbt I Assessor John WbnlBB Trustees: Chablss L' Bainton A Ao rn John Gbaham Gbo Richabds Jeja Cobxt Boabdxan City Marshal Chablis Robs) ll Attorney Alison CJ ob Health officer Hisbt BB0DHca TOWNSHIP OICERS 4 Supervisor Gio RichaJ De Cterk WooDWOlTB TreAsnrer IJoabdm ix Highway Commissioner Chas Bbadt Members Board of Review i Oe Sabo: Justices Kbliib School Inspector Mbs Euza Ebi tx TH nmo VI 1 JOHN VI KN US a Constables yKSBT Inglbright Hxbb Hanoi RECAPITULATION General fund Waterworks fund Highway fund Cemetery fund 1 1 HI alLPaper Total Chas Bainton inance Cjan Moved by Mr Graham supported by MrWood that the report of pie inance committee as read by Trus tee Bainton be accepted and ordtls be drawn tor the several from funds specified Boardman Graham 5 Chairman Bainton following bills tor consideration Bill of Russell foi bal of salary due $4 65 Moved by Trustee Richards sup ported by Trustee Boardman that the bill of Russell amountingto $465 be allowed and order drawn for same Aves Bainton Boardinrn Graham Richards and Wood Bill of Brown for four months night watching at $5 per mo amt to Moved by Graham sup ported by Trustee Wood the bilPof Brown be allowed at and order drawn or same Barmore Boardman Graham rds and Wood Bill of estate of Geo II Ricli hards for interest of 5 notes against the village aint Moved by Trustee Graham sup ported by Boardman that tbe billiof the estate of Geo lowed as presented for the amount Boardman 5 Moved by Tiusteee Bainton sup ported by Trustee Wood that £hc President and Clerk be autborizd to take up the notes of the estate ofG II Richards against the village pay ing the interest up to eb 1 ltji'lS and making one note of the amount payable one day after date andLto date from eb 1 1898 Aves Bain ton Boardman Graham Richards and Wood 5 fejL The report of the Street Comtfor the past month was read by St Com Chas Russell and on motion of Mr Boardman supported by Mr Gra ham the same was accepted and placed on file President Sanders presented a con tract from the Michigan Telephone Co of placing a telephone in I he water works building of the village of Buchanan free of charge Moved by Trustee Graham sup ported by Trustee Bainton tliatithe Council accept the proposition oftthe Mich Telephone Co and allow a telephone to be placed in the water works building on Oak street free 'of charge Ayes 5 The Clerk presented a letter from Buchanan Hose Co No 1 recommend ing rank Barnes for Chief the ire Department of the village of Buchan an for the ensuing year 44 Moved by Trustee Graham sup ported bj Trustee Wood that the letter from the Buchanan Hose Co No 1 be laid on the table untiLfbe other company is heard from The Clerk presented the resigna tion of Chas Russell as Marshal and Street Commissioner of the'vil lage of Buchanan to take effect eb 2 1898 On motion: of Trustee Wood sup ported by Trustee Graham resignation of Russell was ac cepted 'S Moved by Trustee Bainton sup ported by Trustee Graham that red Eldridge be appointed Marshal and Street Commissioner of lage of Buchanan to fill vacant time left by Russell Ayes 2 Pres Sanders appointed Eldridge and Street Com missioner of the village of Buchanan to fill vacancy left by Russell i Mr Ira Sparks was present and? re quested the Council to consider the amount paid by him for his cemetery lot Moved by Trustee Wood support ed by Trustee Bainton that the case of Mr Ira Sparks be referred to the Cemetery committee Ayes 5 vi Health Ofliccr Dr TI Brodrick called the attention of the Council to the water closet recently located near the water works a the Columbia Wood Novelty Works' recommend its removal on ac 'count of the' 'danger of its infecting the publi'csupply of water On motion of Trustee Graham' sup ported by Trustee Bainton the Coun cil 4 Brodrick' LEAVE i i Chicago Kalamazoo Accom No 21 810 A Boet Chi Special No 1512:44 Mail No 1 4:15 IM A Peaco*ck Load Ageaj Evsglxs A A I' i il i 'IE 4 vperuvt? laciur ADVERTISING RATES LESS THAN ONE YEAR One week JO per Hah One month 90 Two montas ioo Three Boatha $10 Six months 340 YEARLY CONTRACTS One inch $600 for year of 63 iaaertionB Two inchiea or over $500 per inch for A Inwwtinna One column $120 for of 52 insertions 0 In Record Building Oak Street a teacher and wife visiAidMrl and Mrs red Canfield lasts riday evening! Will Koons of Buchanan our invitation and came Sunday with him tri 1 that butter on his coat1 tail sti? jHf caught Clint McCollum be ft re iwo "STRAYER OR STOLE? A black and tan Hound information to JohnBroc chan an Mich The Ladies of the Eh 1 will give aiitfusical? ana at' the home 1 ancu Mrs Hinman riday ehru ry 18 th LIVINGSTON 1 1 from Regular Comspon tent If i eb Our town came near bnrnw up a a 5 Tew lavs luroi it i i prater tank caught firel Alson Post is the happy dric 'ly iof a new boy They call him Nijilijber fij Myrtle Post spent Sundaywith Aiartu a nesuuu I Card of thanks See local i Major's Cement See local Ladies Minstrels I See adv Dog strayed or stalen See local Estate of Charity i Ann Barmore See legal I Treat Bros have a new price list in their space this week Morris the air is advertising a special sale for ebruary See his adv Keller sayl he Is selling first class goods at spot cash prices i1' il Parkinson advertises the finest line of men and clothing in the county ft 1 Carmet Carmer pave some poetry in space Read it and then try a pair of their shoes i Brodrick is advertising a fine line of Toilet Soaps and Petroline in his space this week George Wyman Co offer at special price a variety of goods for ebruary See advertisem*nt i Desenberg' Bro advertise aGreatest ebruary Clearing for two days only Read their adv Roe advertises 1898 Bicycles are 1 ready for inspection If you want an up to date machine MrRoe has them Lee Rros Co "have placed their card in the Record and agree to pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits See their card i The Cauffman deer case has been adjourned until next Monday Their Towa 4 neral of hertsister Mr A Stepans is a grandson of the same lady rid he and his wife attended the funeual Mrs Mary Burgoyne of Chicago and Mrs Addie King of StjjUohns Michfecame on Tuesday afternoon in response to telegrams ing the death of their1 mothfeH Mrs Jos uller t1 UONNECTIONS: No 1 with No 21 West No 3 with No 14 East No 2 with No 6 East and A No 1 Soatb No 4 with MNo 4 South and No 8 North Dickinson Gen it A Pau Agt 5 COMMON COUNCIL OICIAL MINUTES regular meeting of the Common iCounciltof the Village of Buchanan iwas held in the Council Cham be Tuesday evening eb 1898 jPresident Sanders presiding Trustees Present Messrs Bainte Boardman Graham Richards a jWood 1 Absent Jlr Corey 1 fcThe minutes of the of Jan 4 1897 were read approved The report of the inance Comnm tee onbills and expenditures for the past month was read by Chairman Bainton as follows: Buchanan Mich eb 1 18973To the President and Members of the Common Council of the Village of Buchanan: Your Committee on nance having had the following bills against thb village under consideration and beg leave to present their report same and recommend the payment ofjhe several amounts as stated from the funds specified: GENERAL UND Brodrick sen ices as clerk to Jan 13 Baruiore book and supplies Chas Rtssell mar and st coni Chas Boyle' 2 colds wood Wm Ilathawav Seoul wood The Beckwith st elec for Jsin i doz lamps I'aO CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday aerricee: Preaching at 10:30 a and 7 :00 Junior atSWp Sen Eat 6:00 prm SS at 12 :00 Other services Cottage prayer meet ing Tuesday evening at 7:00 Church prayer mi et ing Thursday evening at 7:00 Ladies aidary Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 Teachers meet pg riday evening at 7 :00 receiving day Tuesday and riday afternoon 2 to 4 Black tor 11 Detroit I UNITED BRETHREN Rev Gis Siusser Pastor Sabbath eervicee: ib bath School 12 dX) Preaching 10 :30 AM Young People's Meeting 5:45 pm Era ver Meeting and Bible Reading Thureday ev Everybody invited to all tneee servicijk vDVENT CHRISTIAN RevEV Shepard Pastor Preaching at 10:30 A andl 30 Sunday school at 1 YP pra er meeting Thursday evening Cottage prayer meet ing Tuesday evening Covenant meeting Sat ir tha Snrultv nf 4RCh TTinnth III communion the first Sunday of the moKh Strangers always welcome ETHODIST CHURCH Rev Pott I patrt Sahhsth services: Preaching 16:30 "a and 7:00 Sabbath School 12:00 unior League 3:30 Epworth League 00 Prayer meeting Thursday evening 701 Members are expected and strangers arc al 4 ways welcome PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHjRev James Pro van Pastor Sabbath services: Preach ig JO A and 7:00 Sabbath School lr 00 Young meeting 6:00 Prater meeting Thursday evening 7 :30 All are corckAl ly invited rfrr EV ANGELICAL CHURCH corner Oak ind Second Sts Rev Berger Pastor as idence 47 Main St Preaching at 1030 a vid 730 Sunday School 1145 Mrs WA Koehler Supt Young People's Alliance ey ry Sunday at 630 pm Prayer service Wednesday at 730 All sects are free AU cordially welcomed i IOO Buchanan Lodge No 75 holds its regular meeting at Odd ellows Hall on eon Tuesday evening VANDALIA LINE: TIMETABLE' III effect Dec 3 1897 Trains Jelve Galien Mich as follows: jD OR THE NORTH No 6 Ex Sun 1:30 or St Jolb OR THE SOUTH No 21 Ex un 11:18 A or Terre ute No 15 Ex Sun 6:12 or south or Complete Time card giving aU trains And stations and for full information as to tea through care etc address 3 VVA agCUHL' Galien MiCji Or E' A obd i Genl Pass Agent St Louis Mo i it BURNT CORK AND MUSIC Thirteen Buchanan Ladies Score a Hit 4 I or some weeks past a number of the been preparing a minstrel performance for the mem bers of the club and their friends' Last evening the ladies made their bow to an admiring crowd of friends' whe had assembled at the home of Mr and Mrs Edwards A stage had been erected in the bay I window? and seats provided in the Nathaniel Wilson by ExrJ vanus erguson 10 acres! U11 1 5 i Solomon A erguson to I a Currier fil 127 160 acres inBerirand $85 Elberli Anderson to Edi Martin dot in village of Threes Daks $1100 ii Roslie Lowry to David ECum mins part lot 4 Walling add to ty of Niles $500 i Marshall Starr to Willialtl sGr Ul man part lot 39 I Id to city of Niles $1000 MARRIAGE LICENSES i Wm AHall 31 Berrien Springs jif? ty ar ley 23 same A i i John HBurns 48 Buchanan Anna EKrctn ble same I' f'p i Joseph 1) Arnaelt 35 Benton Harboifi INellla 3 same 1 a Albert jl Stark 24 Michigan Cityla zabeth Kooth 22 (Three Oaks i Claude Barnes 21 Rolling rame man 20 Three Oaks i John BSerrv 25 Weesaw township: Ind Hahn 16 Biiroda $10 00 1 25 Michigan Central The Niagara alls Route" np? TV rtsTS EAST Xf 1 printed with bond sum of 1 20000 Estate? of Charity A Barml ceasediPetition filed ihv: A' CT if Barmore for the probate! if £he will an(l for the appointment! Da vid flinman as executor Hear ing el 28 I 1 RAL ESTATE TRANSERS Sally pM Curtis to John field pjrt lot 1 blk A add to puebanan $550 Jediall Safford to Sarah lot 64 jillburg $3501 BPratt et al to Adell ert Pratt 2(1 acres in Hagar $40Ui lorence Butzbach tojlfia C' Wilson acres in Bert rand Ludwig Lubke to Chris ophei Lubkejblks 342 344 347 and 355 Virginia add to io $i5to hL i Geo Webb to Elva Norton 40 acresdn Niles $2000 Elvafe Norton to Lucian Wood I one fiftH hit in 80 acres in Ni les tp $265 jri Robeij Rector to 20 acrcsiin Pipestone $700 Ij rank: Mason to John Gone1 one fourth int in 40 acres in Sodu $35 1' I Nathaniel Wilson by Exr Ida Curlier 18 acres in Bdlyarid $104251 Nathaniel ilson by Exr Jer ome Sebasty 64 acres in Bet1 Varid With this issuejthe Record begins Volume XXXII jj Gov Pingree delivered a red hot speech on the subject of priys the before the state Association at Ypsilanti eb 2 1898 All hope for legislation along the lines of currency reform has been disposed of as far as this session is concerned by the fate of the Teller resolution 6 Carrie VanNordstrand Brown Was born May 2363 at Crown Point St Joseph County Ind and died at Buchanan Mich Jan 29th 1898 aged 35 years 8 month's and 6 days When" she was bift 2 years old her parents moved to South Bend Ind where they resided for 7 years rom thencewhen she was 9 years of age they moved to' a farm near Three Oaks Mich The past 8 years she has lived in Buchanan At the early age of 13 she accepted Christ as her personal Savior and was buried into bis death by Elder Spaf ord of the Baptist church The next year she united with the Christian church of which she has ever since remained a faithful member In ebruary 1881 she was married to Drew and of this union one son Glen survives On Nov Stli 1885 she was united in marriage to Oscar Brown and for 12 years they have shared their mjitual joys and cares but now she rests where cares and toils' are unknown Two little boys Nate and Van now moiirii with their father a loss that earth can nev er repair But greater still is the loss of the son who now has neither father nor mother yet God will pity as a father and comfort as a mother and say son give me thine Her father 1 sister and 3 brothers have walked in valley of the and of her family only a mother and brother re main to follow In this hour of they1 deep grief may thy grace Lord be sufficient for them and into their wounded hearts may the Balm of Gil ead flow She was yet in the bloom of youth when the withering blight of disease smote her and after years of brave battling and patient suffer ing she has fallen like a fair flower in a summer garden yet surely she will bloom more lovely and fair in the Paradise of God where the inhabT itants shall never be sick and death cannot enter arewell thou pure hearted sweet spirited sister in Christ! Wc shall long miss your bright presence in the church of God suf ferer rest in Jesus he May the influence of your precious life sweeten the memory of thine aged saintly mother comfort the be reaved heart of thy lonely companion and may thy white life tender moth er love apd 'earnest prayers guide thy three sons into the1 path their mother' and assure them and all these broken hearts of perfect healing and a happy meeting in our house The material for the Bell Telephone exchange is at the depot and men are daily expected to arrive to begin work on the line i 1 Coming on inely i Tuesday night was tlie meeting of the: stockholders of the Buchanan Club goodly number were present rank Plimpton was elected a stocknoldr erand Ray EtLee am associate mem 1ber Two applications for member ship were also received The club js prospering finely and bids fairo be 'oneof? one the institutions of the plaeei rank EHoqker Of the Hariimeter Cigar Co df Detroit was a visitor at 7 the'Jclufi evening and was enthusiastic over ihe arrange ig ments and conveniences One a Star Local Talent Popular Songs Lively Skits Capital Jokes Admission 'll cenfe a PROCEEDS 1 OH LOCAL CHARITABLE (I8JECTS codicil jf deceased they wire ad in the in last He brought Wil' larlow Ask Barlow whe he got ght McCollum be ft SPRIHG HHE! A fa 3 S' 'bv 'fe Tsj' 1 to' 1 1 Bi 40 'W 'l' Jfr Ea siliSa ir A ik JT to 'Li 1 to? 4 S'' 4:1 I I Hu A I I'i 1 i Sk '14 I to lit mi i fe si I I ir iiJ 7 'IKS T'J' WRWs I I jflll TO4 ijf 1 eS EBB f' IB 1 1 I It ft 1 4 I 2'1 1'" Mr I sJ I 111 I 4 1 vtis 4 I If WK BH SI Isl fl Hfl HW 1 I i to I I r3? 1 rr i 4 i i I I 41 I sT I ftlH PAM 'i 2X1 9 i "SR 3 4 'I 1 i Bdi 4 a JEf 1 3 IVil 'r vMate 13 A kto 13 1 2 IHi rl' 1 EV TERMS StOO PER YEAR'J tl' I 'll I 5 1 2 fr 1 i i.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.