Kenosha News from Kenosha, Wisconsin (2024)

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PAGE THIRTEEN KENOSHA EVENING NEWS TUESDAY DECEMBER 4 1934 of said Ralph Yager deceased late of the City of Kenosha in said County Notice is further given that all claims City Council Sets Budget Today's Quotations aeainat the said Ralph Yager de City Budget for 1935 ceased late of the City of Kenosna Kenosha County Wisconsin must do presented to said County Court at Kenosha in said County on or before the Stock and Bonds Produce and Grain 27 Mill Rate New NRA Plan for Industry is Considered 2nd dav of Aiiril 1935 or be barrea and that all such claims and demands Below is presented in full the budget for the city of Kenosha for 1935 adopted Monday evening by the city council and Upon -which was based a tax levy of 27 mills a decrease of one mill from the 28-mill tax levy of last year: TCevennes (Continued from Page One) I will be examined and adjusted at a term of said Court to be held at the riirtTiniiK in the City of Kenosha in 6en Elec 0 Gen Fds 35 Gen Mot 32 PJEYV STOCKS Big Industry Leaders Meet in New York Discuss New Deal in Move to Join Recovery Team CLOSING PRICES I en Into consideration that the award said county on Tuesday the 7th day 1934 Gillette 13 to a Kenoshamade car would aid I of May 1935 at 10 o'clock tne iore- tlB3080924 (By Associated Press) this community EiE 3500000 Gimbel Bros 4 Gold Dust 17 ThA rnnnHl also voted to nurchase Bv Order of the Court So Cal Ed 12' Sou Pac 19 So Ry 17 Spiegel May Stern 69 Std Brands 19 Std El 6 Std Oil Cal 32 Std Oil Ind 25 Std OilN 42 Sterl Prod 60 i Stewart Warn 8 Stone Web 5 Ad Exp 7 Goodrich 10 ii wVa ROBERT BAKER a iai juur mo use ujl lue Juflge fire department This is a Nash Car TT ri TniKS (Stutrtl property tax i Water department tax Income taxes Penalty on tax collections Occupational tax Delinquent taxes prior years Public utility tax Telephone tax Licenses Permits Air Red 110 Al Jul! 17 Goodyear 25 Graham Paige 2 Granby Con 7 which has beeh on display during Attorneys (Nov 27-Dec 4-ll) Alleghany 1 the past seaaon at the Century of notice to bidders Al Chem Dye 135 Plan is Before Industrial Emergency Council in Washington (Copyright 1934 by United Press) "Washington (UR) Permanent replacement of the present XRA setup through federal incorporation of I Prrnrrmia ont anA at a discount I Snalert proposals will be received by Al Ch Mfg 15 New fcLign cnieaui It VViTt- the City of Kenosha at the office of foooooo 20000 4000 1000000 8000000 150000 70000 400000 8S00000 1200000 200000 Soooooo 1500000 275000 Amerada 47 industry are holding one 01 the City Manager in the city Man uniu Studebaker 2 Dance- permits Court fines and costs Main funds alloted by state Special assessment revenues Wo-epst now-wows in yeara this week A delegation appeared before the 10 o'clock a Friday December inn Am Can 106 Am Fdy 18 Gt Nor Ir Ore ctf 11 Gt No Ry pfd 17 Gt West Sug 29 Hahn Dept Strs 5 Homestake 378 HoustonOil 16 Houston Oil (new) 3 Howe Sound 48 intent upon taking their places on council asking for endorsem*nt of 1934b0 ppiy (approximately 1935 3187504146 SOOOOOO 7000000 10000 5000 8300000 7000000 800000 3000000 150000 40000 400000 3300000 1200000 180000 200000 6000000 1000000 275000 1500000 10000 10000 300000 50000 30000 100000 60000 5000 00 500000 Bent President Roosevelt ail-Ainei au uueuiyiuymeni eight thousand pounds) liquid chio- om ot tiiA same time I now before Ooneress known as rine Sup Oil 1 Texas Corp 21 Tex Gulf Sul 34 Tex Pac Li Tr 8 Tide Wat As 9 Am uomi Aico Am For Pow 5 Am Ice 3 Automobile tax from state Refund from Library Board presenting their program to defeat 7958 This communication of stanc ard auanty a riAnrPssion was reierred xo xne council a a vu- I shipped in one hundred fifty (150) pound Sale of city property Revenue from liquor tax Huds Mot 18 containers as needed during tne year Monday was the firat of four days mittee of the whole Hupp Mot 8 Tlmk Det Ax 6' Tlmk Roll 33 Departmental earnings- Am Loco Am Meta Am Pow lit Am Rad st A li nfouosals must be made to include a Finance of sessions at the waiaori-Asiui 41 vtunl AoKfVia- the payment by the vendor of the TransAmerica 6 freierht on full drums also on the empty 111 Cent Ind Ray Ing Band 18 13 4 15 20 J5 70 17 89 drums when returned Am Roll Mill iponsorwu uy in tlon of Manufacturers whicli has fjpell a "(nn8TPss of American in-1 1 tin Carb 46 Engineering Service Dock Rental Police Health The City of Kenosha reserves tne risnt i 10000 10000 600000 100000 50000 120000 200000 200000 500000 500000 Un Oil Cal 16 Tjn Pac 10814" Am Snuff dustry to rmv or Disbarment 18 27 68 88 2 23 82 66 any bid considered advantageous to tne Am Stl Fdrs City of Kenosha Unit Aircr Corp 13' Upon wnivn it caii svanu i i 4l I Poor relief Poor farm Highways and bridges Parks Int Har mt Mer Mar Int Nick Can IT AT Island Crk Jewel Tea iAUtiHlJt Am Stl pfd That co-operation witn tu a- Unit Bisc 25 (Dec 4 11) City Manager Am 109 istration will be the keynote state Board of Baf Commissioners STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Unit Carb 48 Unit Corp 3 3386189924 23I41414 Am Tob without aayinjr It has Deen Total revenues COURT KENOSHA COUNTY fashion at such gatherings since the Institutes Proceedings Against Milwaukeean William Deerine Howe plaintiff vs Johns-Manv 54 Unit Drug 13 Expenditures Andrew Slack and Anna Slack husband Unit Fruit 72 Am Tob' Am Wat Wks Am Wool Am Wool Pf American Bankers' association convention in Washington six weeks and wife defendants 1934 2841701 800000 766060 Contingent fund Unit Gas Imp 13 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAJL1S So 8 Kelly Spring 1 Kelvinafor 16 affo where President Roosevelt called Madison" Wis Proceedings By virtue and in pursuance of a jud? Ind Aleo 44 Leath 5 Anaconda City council City manager Finance department Tnrrhaslnir department 1935 2422060 747500 765560 1077000 400030 1139964 115000 584130 600000 1653832 Arm Del Pf for his "ail-American team" from an for the disbarment of Alfred Kay Ment of foreclosure and sale rendered alliance of "business and banking Milwaukee attorney 'and convicted by the circuit court of Kenosha county agriculture and industry labor and president of the Milwaukee Commer- Wisnsir in the abov entitled action Kennecott 17 Kresge (S S) 20 Lea A 8 Assessment and collection or taxes Pipe 21 Krog Groc 29 Special accounting and auaiung capital" I cial bank were Instituted before the favor the aboVe named plaintiff and Call Utile "Congress" state suDreme court today by the against the above named defendants Lambert 29 Department or law Rub 16 Sm 118 i Arm 111 Arm 111 Pf Pf A Atl Cst Line Atl Refin Municipal court Leh Val 11 Nevertheless with such moment- board of bar commissioners BaLa 83 85 14 8 39 10 99 70 56 35 25 26 4 5 15 6 17 12 16 Stl 38 Lehman Corp 70 OllSt nuestlons aS lUlUre OI we I -r1rlort said I i- Scntpmhcr A 1933 Libbey 01- 28 Engineering department Police department Fire department Public works department Elections Auburn NRA coming before the congress in hpntenced to the and Pursuant to the order of said court Washington next month the Indus- tJCay had been tento Aviation Corp Stl pfd 81 Univ Pict 1 pfd 42 Vanadium 19 yick Chem 33 Walworth 3 1 4 1 a frtrfilrnPf 1 IWi 11JU5 T- City Hall Trial ieaaers xiave rauw years upon pleading guilty to a of the mortgaged premises hereinafter jsaiuwm xjuu large industries and trade associations charters embracing principles of Blue Eagle codes received serious consideration by high administration officials today The plan is' before the Industrial Emergency Council headed by Donald Richberg director and composed of Secretary of Interior Har-cld 1 Ickes Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins AAA Administrator Chester Davis Federal Relief Administrator Harry Hopkins and Chairman S'Clay Williams' of the JJIRB If approved by the IEC the proposal will go to President Roosevelt for submission to congress Under its terms industries and trade associations would take out federal charters containing principles of XRA codes such as collective bargaining wages and hours Administration of the charters would be vested with the department of commerce Drafted by Dickinson Eldridge The' plan it was learned was drafted by Assistant Secretary of Commerce John Dickinson and Frank Eldridge chief of the commercial Intelligence division of the department" of commerce Secretary of Commerce Daniel Roper is reported to "have favored it Under it industries and trade groups operating in interstate commerce would be given the opportunity to obtain federal charters or continue under regular codes "The advantages of this plan" a prominent official told the Xfnited Press "is that it would save large concerns millions of dollars annually In code assessments The charters would be elastic enough to attract large business interests which are paying terrific costs to keep the Chiseler in line" If there are violations of the charter provisions the plan provides that the firm's incorporation papers shall be revoked thus throwing the concern back into the code category "The plan" the official said their littlo "congress" as- a sounume amA wwp- mnnov from described as provided by statute i tne i Life Savers 22 Lig My 107 Lig cVMy 107 Liq Carb 28 Loews 36 Loft 1 Loose Wil Bis 85 board for a program of their own consent of the undersigned sheriff Barnsdall Many of the industrialists say tney mQrllo WBS ln Ju Beatrice Cr Service department City planning Fire protection Inspection department Dance supervision Health department isolation hospital Warn Pict 4 West Mary 9 i ii nL lux a is a ajlixj a uuuiiij a hivu are fully awar that such nweeping bt th in6titution in the sum south front door of the courthouse in nlUiflnii! a for an i th rltv and county of Kenosha In the Belding Hem Bendix Avia rtrrv: ot ww -ta-t --c-f wcon8in- the uth day ot Lorlllard (P) Cewera afd drains Beth 8tl West Un Tel 36 Westgh Air 25 West El 35 White Mot 16 irameuian mriirt p1U Dmher A 1934 at ten o'clock in LLvl Nash 10775-00 397530 1271822 90000 582600 600000 1659361 131:33304 11333213 144870 1100000 680000 1048400 10000 7000000 8138450 50000 3175480" 800000 1089800 3836600 3581900 55000 15000 218000 50000 224800 728700 25000 7300000 480500 149000 435484 6860033 4990307 2550000 1608750 245400 100000 10600000 600000 4000000 59 the forenoon of that day the following I Bohn Al Of an end to government iiilciavi- -X J- Vi Sill liUdlum Stl Waste collection Roadways of streets and alleys Sidewalks onffifo neia at a laier uaw described mortgaged premises greeted Borden -M 24 Wils Co 6 Mack Tks Administration spokesmen have preme coun t-i I VrAa Vwaters I in said Judgment to be sold or so I thereof as may be sufficient to pay the 13203593 11944204 129570 650000 540100 1138000 102500 7000000 843450 40000 311E948 1000000 1188460 4084000 8989800 61000 100000 227000 70000 374800 998419 20000 7354000 663500 164000 6944598 6978304 S550000 1950875 714820 855000 10600000 500000 (In Co Levy) Borg Warn 27 Briggs Mfg 23 Mack (R H) Bridges amount due to the plaintiff upon saia asserted that the government is ready to retire from the normal Legaia Drinking fountains judgment for principal interest ana Bristol My 83 Woolworth 54 Worth 21 Yellow Truck AC 3 Yng Sh 19 Zonite Prod 4 costs together with the expense or sucn fields of individual Initiative as soon notice to biddkks Briggs Strat 21 -ivoi Snow and ice removal Street cleaning Street sprinkling a Minwill takP uo'the Slack Sealed proposals will be recelvea sale wmcn saia prem as ousmeas win ue uH Brooklyn Un Gas 51 i a ir i ha fimpn he Lilts I in aairi iiinirriiHiiL uh luiiuna at th9 office the of through providing employment and "ft6" th'ft Clty Haii untu 2 Street lighting kot number seventeen I17 or 21 47 15 26 46 19 6 12 29 1 41 93 3 11 3 29 3 Budd Mfg 5 Bur Ad Mach 15 Burke's Subdivision of part of the rnnitnl Lviv Friday December 14th northeast quarter of section one (1) Traffic control devices Weed cutting Poor farm Library Donald Richberg head of the 1934 for furnishing one year Byers Co i 19 Magma Cop Marine Midi Marsh Field Math Alkali McCrory Stors Mclntyre Pore cKeesport Miami COp Mid Cont pet MKT Mo pac pfd Monty Ward annroximaveiy President's national emergency coun- Cal Pack 37 sulphate of alumina OUIUUH'VU Wi j- NEW YORK CURB CLOSiyO PRICES (By Associated Press) cil has been traveling about tor i ln bagg to be delivered in carload lots Cal Heo 3 weeks making public speeches to i during the year on orders irom mo wv Can Ale 16 In township one (l) north ot range twenty-two (22) east of the fourth principal meridian In the city of Kenosha Kenosha county Wisconsin as per plat of sald subdivision on file and of record in the office of the register of deeds for Kenosha county Wisconsin Terms of sale: Cash Park department Bond principal Pond interest 1 Y'lY principal and interest on land contracts Rent maintenance rental property and airport Int and temporary loan from state ctfo charge business men and attending private Can Pac 12 dinners with business leaders and I Wisconsin 53 Case (J I) Celanese Raymond Moley former No 1 brain- The City of Kenosha reserves the right 29 39 Am Fgn War 3 Am Found 7-15 Am Sup Power 1 City's portion of county relief truster has been meeting privately to reject wra Dated at the sheriff's office at Kenosha Cer De Pao Mother Lode 8944565 J98403017 with small groups Wisconsin this SOtBvday or ucioDer City of Kenosha Total maintenance 45 42 Ark Nat A 15-15 Mtr Prod Mtr Wheel A 134 LAUGHLIN Ches Corp Outlay Both will address the sessions this week CLARENCE ERiCiCSiSJN City Manager (Dee 4 11) 5 Sheriff of Kenosha County Wis As El As El A Murray Corp xrrkTirm TO TtlDDERS RANDALL CAVANAGH pfd 11 NASH MOTORS Discuss New Deal Feature But while stressing their willing Sealed proposals will be received by STEPHENSON M1TTELSTAED Engineering department Police department Fire departmnt at West 2 1935 6000 335800 633575 3523324 100000 25000 315000 200000 th ritv Manager of tne uuy oi iveuu- i-iaintin Aiiorneya 25 10 18 30 18 17 27 8 44 would permit the little business St 3 Nat Bisc Nat Cash A ness to co-operate the program of Knnosha Wis uha wtsonnsin at his office in the City Butler Bros 8 Can Marc Wire 1 Cities Serv 1 Cities Serv pfd 13 Cons Cop Min 1 St pfd 4 (Oct 30 Nov 6 13 20 27 Dec 4 iij the four-day conclave calls ior jcon nail until 10:00 a on Thursaay 1934 5000 90000 840000 2911248 1000:00 25000 473000 30000 100000 10000 10000 Park department Sewers and drains Sidewalks "Wn nllprl loll Nat Dairy Pr 2 sideration of a number of new dal cember 13 1934 for he 0 state of WISCONSIN CIRCUIT Chi Rk Is firm to govern themselves through their code authorities or trade associations Solved by Legislatures ia lnwlne eauioment Kenosha wis- COURT KENOSHA COUNTT Chi Yellow Cab Nat Distil Nat Pow Lt aspects wnicn many ousiness icttUCT i 30000 Kenosna isunaing aa uuan i assert tend to obstruct private in Cusi Mex 1 El Bond Sh 8 Four (4) 1-ton trucks each with Hr nrnnrsHnn Tllaintiff VS Claude olcx Natl Stl Civic Center and street widening New water mains New pavements City manager Pnnr farm "The question of small firms en hvdraulic body (approx 3 cu yus Rnrdick and Martha Burdick his wife! Coca Cola 10 39 155 17 4 8 Ford Can A 25 1ft ra-at atnrter electric lights cab Nat Tea gaged in intrastate trade would be 100000 10000 17500 877500 8500 Joseph Shllla and Nell Shllla his Wife Charles Nash trustee and Domenick dustry in its effort to take tip the slack The first two day will be taken up with meetings of the national in hoist and 8-pIy pneumatic tlrna duals in rear denartment Cent 22 8 solved by the individual legislatures probably They will see the savings Tirabassi defendants Colgate Palm Col Fuel Ir Col a El Col Carb ritv tit Kenosha has one (1) 3-ton Ford Mot Ltd 8 Gt Atl Nv 135 Hecla Min 7 i Hsds Bay 12 TVOTrCK OF SAiXi Koadwaye of streets end alleys Putchaslng department PSiMsn tractor truck (used) which it Norahda Mines 81 of the larger companies and demand By virtue and In pursuance of a Judg- 11 dustrial council composed of repre uusiruii council wmpuBu ui 6181199 72 37 Norfolk 171 iio- vnfl ums 1 I a a proposes to trade in on the aDove items of foreciOSUre and sale rendered by sentatives of several hundred state AAtit hall state the amount of al- nl i 7t Tronnsha county Coml Credit Nat Bellas Hess 2 Total outlay Total maintenance 4094248 98944565 4094248 No Am Avia 78 9S4U3U1Y 6181199 and local manufacturers aSSOCla- I lowance on the above unit Each bidder wisconsiri in the above entitled action I Coml Inv Tr 13 Nor Am Newmont Min 39 Niag Hud Pow 3' 08 21 1 tions Two government activities shau accompany i whirh on the 27th day of Marcn- Coml Solv I nna hnwlnir in detail the Unit On WnlCn -Uv namart -nlalntiff 1 21 Nor Pac that many business executives com- ubmltted iamea defendants Comwlth So 1103038813 Jl04584216 Tctal outlay Total city budget Nor St A 9 Ohio Oil similar action from their state legislatures "Through moral persuasion the public will come to regard all firms which are not incorporated as chi3-elers' and refuse to do business' with them" Disclosure of this program follows closely 'a recent report to the sen plain of will be discussed at a lunch- I Tjjft city ofKenosha reserves the right hlch sai(1 judgment was duly docketed rjongol Na 34 Parke Davis 33 10 3 15 01 Farm School Budget 24 eon meeting Of this council "iney I to reject any or an mu i r--- in the office of the cierk oi saia court thft Ctivitle of the FERA in bid considered advantageous to- the the l6th day May A 1933 Uas I Oil Otis El 1935 70429190 fha mflf nf said COUrt Con 5 Otis Stl I City or itenosna providing government sponsored fac- TT TATIOHLIN I ni ninhr A TV 1- tti Pitts PLGl Smith AO Translux Unit Gas 8 6 City Maintenance expense 53 29 2 if 1 1 11523260 20000000 85 4 i Pit City Manager 1934 nxing the time and place of saleof 1934 I 68696069 11503500 20000000 100199569 300000 torles for the unemployed to manu-1 (Dec 4 11) Owens 111 Gl Pac El r-wmwi CT-D I Vea iMAffo-tt s)r1 rt PITt 1 BPf hrBlTl SLlZGT OB" I iY8 Interest on scnooi Donas Principal of school bonds facture furniture mattresses and 63 Un Lt Pow A 101952440 4 Notice is hereby given that we the scribed as provided by statute I the un- cont -Can other consun rs goods and the fed- Packard Mot Para Publix ctf 35 200000 undersigned IU sell the following de- derslgned sheriff of Kenosha caunxy -a- Cont Ins 3 Toial operating expense Total outlay expenanuica scribed personal property: consin win ouer mi rj Cont Mot TirA I j- oon ni-tinn nnd vendue at the south 1 102152440 Pathe Exch 1 Pen Ford 64 i una iiiuutsi oluucmw i 1 1 i i -A jm v-v i i' 18424493 100499569 I'" 18789937 With tha fiitiiiv-nf NRA in Automobile serial number 2110304 front door of the courtnouse in oonu xju ici Total maintenance and outlay 19 66 CHICAGO STOCKS CLOSING PRICES v- ir- I I jt VArtAohc TriA StHIR Dl I if Penney (JC) 70 i At- tct motor dumber 61834 ana cuuiy i A M-orn riua Estimated revenue iiixnu we iimuuiavmiwo uaUiMuw w-hp bidder for cash at public Wisconsin on the lain nay rrit 4 Penn 25 nnmmlfa An "th fnturA relation vinm a 10S4 at ten o'clock In the 1 viuwn cuer (By Associated Press) 83727942 6440600 1250000 23 Required from tar levy Vocational school Phelps Dodge 14 Ship of government to industry" has of Trevor County of Kenosha State orenoo of that aTrth Crucible Stl nr a rrt nfr snhmlttinr of on the 29th day of De- scribed mortgaged Pjem seS directed In Curtigg Wright 81709632 1113930 1250000 4863930 Phillips Pet 15 Operating expense Estimated revenues -i i i mn nt onn nMnrt or sain inn e-ment 10 uo auiu i 18 43 5190600 a questionnaire to several thousand th A'v t0 8atisfy' charges for storage thereof as may be sufficient to pay the i1 Cutler Ham nnnn Pub Svc 31 mint rlltft Trt TnB DialulliL WW" Required from tax levy Pullman 49 42 19 24 L- Concerns I of said automobile Xatiii-A TTn disclosed Dated November 26th 1934 re tnattuoswi TREVOR GARAGE Appropriation for School judgment for principal Interest and costs together with the expense of such 83727942 Pure Oil 7 Diamond Mat 5190600 81709632 4863930 912557 While the nature or tne report I Trevor wis sale which said premises are uhkiiuou 1388920 3T Purity Bak 8 Dome Mines City schools Vocational school Turreatlonal activities from tax levy ln said judgment as ioiiowb has-not been disclosed some usually (Nov 27-Dec 4-11) Tof nnmhsred one nunarea nine Radio 6 Douglas Aire 244 for a well-informed quarters look STATH OF WISCONSIN COUNTY 90307462 teen (119) of Lawndale a subdivision Radio Pf 63 COURT KENOSHA COUNTY 87486119 Total school appropriation Total Appropriation 98 112 of part of the westf hair or tne soum-t rmnrtr of the southwest quar 1 In the Matter of the Estate of Ellas Du De Eastman Kod El Auto plea for self-government of Industry under government supervised rules of fair play Real Silk 7 27 Swanson Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS State county city schools soldiers relief relief for 8IJ6i64992 nmnlnvmeut rellel 37592468 104584216 Rem Rand 10 JSiV Boat letters of Administration having been Labor problems particularly those 4 3 ior oiinii City 87486119 Berghoff Brew 2' Cen IH Sec Cen Pub Util Chi Corp 2 Chi Corp Pf 29 Cities Svc 14 Comwlth Edis 47 i Cord Corp 3 Crane Co 9 I Gen Household 6 McN "Lt 6 Mid West Ut iNorwest Bancorp 3 Oshkosh Over Pf 23 Quaker Oats 129 Swift Co 18 Swift Int 34 Util Ind Walgreen 28 ii Waukesha Mot 28 Zenith Rad 2 El Pow Lt ter of section thirty-six (36) in township two (2) north of range twenty-two (22) east of the fourth principal meridian according to the recorded plat of said subdivision said premises lying and being ln the city of Kenosha county of Kenosha arising under Section 7-A of the re issued to Harold Swanson ln the estate of Ellas Swapson deceased late of the Reo Mot 2 Rep Stl 14 Rey Tob 52 47 El Stge Bat ate by the federal trade commission on all phases of federal licensing and Incorporation Although the commission made no recommendations it was regarded generally that the issue would draw attention when congress meets net result of this plan" the official said "would be to put the 2s'IRA on a permanent constitutional basis In the famous Dartmouth college and Texas Pacific railroad cases- we have the supreme court definitely upholding the constitutionality of federal' charters" China Trade Act Stands Tfce only existing federal incorporation law is the China trade act cf 132'2 drafted by the late Senator Thomas "Walsh Democrat Mont This law attempts to equalire operations by reputable American firms doing business in China with ether countries' nationals through granting them inducements Chief among these inducements Is exemption from income tax payments on business done in China This act has according to the department of commerce resulted in 212 major companies or nearly all American business firms This act it was pointed out could be revised for use in this country Its operation department officials aid does not embrace cumbersome compliance machinery or preliminary court action The department jbf commerce has the sola right to declare the charters invalid covery act also will be up for con Tom of Pleasant Prairie In said Coun- 90307462 $232414146 $232414146 3232414146 14 slderatlon Former Governor Kohler I tv Erie Fid Fire Ins $22118992 25189924 S228189924 34 Safeway Strs 48 of Wisconsin fresh from the labor Notice Is hereby given that all claims Total budget Tetal revenues Total ttoenuitores and state of Wisconsin Torm nf Rale: Cash Seab Air 16 Firestone Controversy at his own plant at the" Town oi Pleasant Dated at the sheriff's office at Kenosha Seab Oil 26 Fost Wh It wismnsifTi this 30th day or octoDer Sears Roeb 41 Fox Film A 14 A 1934 Kohler WIS Will lead the discussion prairie in Kenosha County Wisconsin The association anticipates an at- must be presented to said County Court tendance of between 500 and 750 in- iVb Show Results of Shattuck (FG) 8 CLARENCE IT A Book a Day Sheriff of Kenosha County Wis Shell Union 6 dustrialists The invitations which lrrpdr and that nil such claims and de- RANDALL CAVANAGH Freeport Tex 26 Gen Am Trans 38 Gen Asphalt 17 Gen Bak 7 SIMMONS 10 Milk Analyses were sent Out over the signatures of mands will be examined and adjusted gTEPHENSON MITTELSTAED Socony-Vac 14 Plaintiff's Attorneys TTpnnshn Wis (Continued from Page Six) a score of heads of leading corpora- attenn the "Ons said: Oitv of Kenosha in said County on (Oct 30 Nov 6 13 20 27 Dec 4 11) State Co-operative Laboratory Direc Inflnstrv has hfom it a this I TnPsdnv th 7th flav of May 1935 at NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE time a duty of imposing proportions 10 o'clock in the forenoon oi saia 4 JZ i -o Dated November 26th 1934 that be Re the work of discarding President Wilson's famous Fourteen- Points was begun at a meeting of Premiers Lloyd George Clemenceau and Or rtv vtrtiiB of a ludsrment of foreclos must met squarely Livestock and Produce Prices By Order of the court ROBERT BAKER tor in Report on iso- vember Tests The results of analyses of milk covery problems face the country Judge lando early In October at wmcn They demand the best thought and ure and sale made and docketed on the 14th day of April 1933 and the subsequent order of the court In an action In the Circuit Court for Kenosha County State of Wisconsin wherein Integrity ers 2 to 3 lbs 13 over lbs 14 white rock springers 2 to 3 lbs 14 over 3 lbs 1414! white rock springers 2 to 3 lbs 15 over 8 lbs 16 barred rock springers 2 to 3 lbs 14 over 8 lbs 15 old roosters 10 leghorn springers 12 ancona and black 10 barebacks 10 ducks 14 geese 10 turkeys young hens and toms 16 hens and toms 15 No 2 11 VEGETABLES Cabbage: home grown 2025 bu 600700 ton Potatoes: Wis No 1 cwt ungraded cwt Idaho russets l016S cwt commercials 125 130 cwt Onions: yellow No 1 90100 armistice terms for (lermany were drawn up help of all the people- Elected officials who invite assistance are en JUDSON STAPLEKAMP Attorney First National Bank Bldg TTonnsVia Wlsnonain amiox taken irom uteiBcu Savings Bldg Loan An a corpora dealers during the month of Novem Chicago Livestock run iHnfi5 Receiots 42000 On October 9 1918 Bliss told titled to the full assistance of Indus tion is plaintiff and Anna Fasana (Nov 27Dee 4-11) try in working out a sound basis of and James Fasana her husband Clar- I noludin 10000 direct market slow 10 ber were revealed in a siaiei Issued this morning by Henry Baker of this meeting told of the armistice proposals and added: co-operation which will restore eco NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON FORECLOSURE Miller director or me ence no nuu I lower than Monday weignis aoove his wife Nafl Finance Co a Wis- I lbjJ 61020 top 620 170 to 230 lbs 510 Corp The Bermingham Lumber 6io light lights 400500 pigs 350 "Of course it is not an armistice nomic stability" By virtue of a judgment of fore 4 I nrTl InilUHLl iai UUail I ji Irli anwa KrmXfi: lllfllt llilL operative laboratory rne teaus pasteurized milk last month resulted closure and sale made and docketed on th 31st dav of in the ordinary sense of the word It looks to me as though it were in T-v VW nnd --m nr I vb w- December 1932 and Chicago Grain Range aJf U1 1 Kenosha a wis corp auu I good and choice 140 to itu ids oiatr subsequent order of the court in I Dlscount Corp a foreign corporation 5 00 ht weisht 160 to 200 lbs 4751 the as follows: Youths Visit Toy Republic an action In the Circuit Court for Ke-j are de(enaants the undersigned Clar- 600: medium weight 200 to 250 lbs 580 Butter- Plate fat Count ment nosun iuuiuy oiaw i ence jurlcKsen snerm vi jvouu" wherein Integrity Savings Bldg Loan I nmintv tata of Wisconsin will sell at re 6000 tended to say 'We will not treat with you on the terms of President Wilson's i 14 propositions or on any other terms Surrender and we will then do as we please'" Ass'n a corporation is plaintiff and tne front d00P 0t the county court house I 276 tt 5B0 lbs B90 pigs good and Apple Blossom Dairy 885 Golden Bell Dairy 895 Golden BeU Dairy of Guatemala Leonard Dorsch and Mary worsen "a the city and county of Kenosna i choIce 10o to 180 lbs 250375 wife are defendants: I winrnein nn the 8th day of I mirn? Tinto i4nnn commercial eiM NCA SERVICtlNC Grade A The undersigned Clarence Ericksen nnnemher 18S4 at 10:00 o'clock In the rAvrnniint! calves 2000 commercial Jensen's Dairy SheriiT of Kenosha County State of Wis- torenoon of that day the real estate jrovernment Strictly good and choice (Continued from Page Nine) Incidentally post-war British com consm win oeii i uw rum uu and mortgaged premises aireciea uy siu fed steers and yearlings wean io ia iuw (Continued from Page Flve and stood on the soil of Gua temala! Jensen's Dairy Grade A Lantlpren's Dairy 377 her drawn face "Things are not as the county court house in the city and hudgment to be sold and therein par plaints that America was slow in er early top yearlings aou umyaio- 1 icuunty ui acuuiuo i ticularly aescriDea as iouowa iuwn cimrl qq Thar" I -tno a 1 li-uia ij vw getting her troops into action is an WHEAT Open High Low Close Dec Cold) 100 100 99 99 (new) 98 100 98 99 May 99 100 98 100 July 92 94 92 94 Dec (old) 91 93 91 93 (new) 91 93 91 93 May 90 91 89 91 July 87 88 87 88 Dec (old) 56 (new) 54 56 64 56 May 52 54 52 54 July 48 49 48 49 Dec (old) 78 78 78 78 (new) 77 78 77 78 May 77 78 76 78 July 77 77 76 77 Dec 85 85 85 85 May 81 Landgren'a Dairy -rim nnnth 33 feet of the north 66 ion me sm any or Lftjceiuuci but tively little done Lower graoes io on some early bids suggesting more decline All she stock steady to weak Bulls and All morning we watched officials 8000 11000 1000 2000 1000 5000 2000 3000 4000 11000 27000 1000 Grade A "I wish they were" she said 'Id Ho o'clock In the forenoon of that swered by the revelation that in juay 1917 Bliss proposed that 500000 feet of the following described real estate to-wit: Part of the NE of wrestle with our belongings and at Dairy in ri nt tua -nrnrlfl" I day the real estate and mortgagee uivv 'D ii iA-ment to Milk Froducers' Ass daybreak we boarded a train for the Peter paid the bill took Ann toy 7-1- rriMiiT di- vealers steady to strong Largely steer run with lower grades predominating Slaughter cattle and vealers: steefs good and choice 650 to 900 lbs 6250925 900 section 6 town 1 north range 9t of the 4th Principal meridian Milk Producers' Asan regulars and national guardsmen be shipped to France at once to be iaterlor The train whirled us 43! the arm and led her out to nis os scribed as follows to-wit: and beginning at a point In the nnFk linn of 81st St (formerly Pom through our first jungleland Lot fifteen 15 of Guernsey Struhar'a Dairy Struhar's Dairy Jacob's BHD- trained overseas division of part of the North (N) JS2 447 460 British and French military ex Half of block thirty (30) on eroy St) which is 30 feet westerly from the corner of the certain nnrrpi of land conveyed to Squawking of parrots cocoanuts dangling from palm trees bananas at eight per penny little grass Grade A' Sunshyne Dairy perts had indorsed this plan the re the Southeast (SE) quarter of Mfttlon thlrtv (30) ln town Sunshyne Dairy Tamps Ban" by Orlando Foster sult would have been a gain or six to 1100 lbs 625960 1100 to 1300 IDs 62510Q00 1300 to 1500 lbs 6751025 common and medium 650 to 1300 lbs 650 heifers good and choice 950 to 750 lbs 680825 common and medium 250550 COWS good 350525 common and medium 2353 50 low cutter and cutter 175235 bulls (yearlings excluded) good (beef) cutter common and medium 815 vealers shacks and all of the rest green wet tw 4) north: of range twenty- 1000 S000 Special XKTnnA TtA Tlalrv 401 months' time in getting large bodies three (23) east according to a plat and mtrvev of said subdivision on jangles rising into the blue Fail to Get Interview of troops into action The following results were frr thA testa made of samples tak file and of record in the office of But the plan fell through because In Guatemala City at last we de- widower on October 25 1885 by warranty deed recorded ln the office of the register of deeds of Kenosha County Wisconsin in Volume 32 of deeds page 654 thence northerly parallel with the east line of said parcel of land so conveyed by said Orlando Foster to said James Rrr to the south line of land for- the register of deeds in and for the inuntv of Kenosha state of Wiscon the British refused to furnish the roadster "Let's drive arOund the park" he said tucking a warm rug about her "The park? All right" Ann agreed without enthusiasm Peter laughed He was thinking that last night Valeria had said "Let's ride In the park tomorrow It will be white and beautiful" Another hour Another girl to whom the park meant nothing To whom places meant nothing because she was-suffering just as he was suffering He wished Ann could go away en from licensed dealers in raw mim Voted two days to trying and failing Today's Real Estate Transfers necessary shipping Butter- riaie ft Count ment sin and lying and being ln the city and oonntv of Kenosha state of to obtain an interview with Prest dent Ubico an old Guatemala war Bliss'- letters also reveal that soon after we got into the war the Allied 17000 10000 Wisconsin Terms of Sale: Cash nutnil Dfttoher 19 1934 good and choice 700 medium 450 cull Ind common 300450 stocker and feeder cattle: steers good and choice 500 to 1050 lbs 400 common and medium 250JMOO SHEEP Receipts 13000 fat lambs again in fairly broad demand undertone fully steadyto' stronger Asking higher Openingxids and sales 725 65 bulk 750 upward best held well horse Yesterday morning we heeded the call of the antiquated former military leaders got the idea of feed- Barter Dairy 5-00 Cooper Rd Dairy 457 Higgins Dairy 51 Hillmer Dairy 515 Pine View Dairy 480 Thomey Dairy 500 rtimswR ERICKSEN merly owned by one Grant thence westerly along said south line of land so formerly owned by one Grant 68 feet thence amithfirlv to the point in the north ins: American troops into tne line 12000 11000 11000 14000 RnarifT nf Kpnnshft County Wis Guatemala capital Antigua some tiforpmpal as reinforcements for FRANK STMMONDS 23 miles out British and French divisions so that After a two hour mountain jour He would like to see the color come (Oct 23 JO Nov 6 13 20 37 ueo America would never have an line of 61st St which Is 68 feet west of the point of beginning thence east on the north line of 61st St to nlnnit of beginning: also back to her cheeks and serenity to state of Wisconsin county i Former Convict is rey we were scrambling among the ruins of Antigua Talk about bad dependent army at the front In May her stormv eves She was very dlf- COURT KENOSHA COUNT 1917 he wrote to Baker: South 33 feet of lot 20 of Grant a subdivision of part of the Sentenced to Waupun xt M1 wlin hfld "When the war Is over it may be iCl-cni iiuiu mo imj i tia luck! Antigua used to be a flourishing city of 80000 which ln 1765 established the first university in NE14 -of sec 6 town 1 north or talktd with him that day last sum- NOTICE 'OF application for FRO- a literal fact that the American flag range 23 east of the 4th principal may not have appeared anywhere on mer BATE OF WILL ASU jnuai AV TO CREDITORS Oconto Wis (UPJ Henry Kebel Gustav Graham and wife to Edward Eugene Fugh property at 5038 6th Ave Gustav Graham and wife to Loan Trust Co property at 6038 6th Ave William Bullamore trustee to Clarence Schlater and wife property at 6205 33rd Ave Harriet Meers and husband to George Brunicon and wife property at 7120 13th Ave Theodore Nehlsen and wife to Doris Johnson property at 7409 22nd Ave Doris Johnson to Theodore Nehlsen and wife property at 7409 22nd Ave Loan Trust Co trustee to William Zick property at Somers Frances Bullamore to William Johnson and wife property at Pleasant Information furnished by Newberry Abstract Co Mli 7th Ave Kenosh meridian as per plat or saia bud division on file and of record ln of above 775 Sheep and feeding lambs strong slaughter sheep and lambs: 90 lbs down good and choice com mon and medium ewes 80 to 150 lbs good and choice 275 all weights common and medium 1502-00 feeding lambs 59 to 75 good and choice 55025 Milwaukee Produce Milwaukee (UR) EGGS A grade 45 lb 17 89V4 lb 23 grade 45 lb 23 39 lb 80 ungraded 43 lb 24 undergrade 17 BUTTER Fresfe extras 29 CHEESE American 1314! fancy brick Hmberger 14i415 iney were cnvuig he-reby glven that at a term 38 former Waupun prison inmate JCorth America and then suddenly a plague swept the city and thous ands dTed Then things became nor the line because our organizations will simply be parts of battalions and fice of register of deeds for Kenosha County Wis all of said property Ivfne- flnrl 'helnK in the city of Ke paric now A Deaumui www 0f said Court to be held on luesaay nrltv ewnli ohriiho linddlpd under I fha nth riav nf January 1935 at 10 returned to that institution today to begin a one to three year term on regiments of the Entente Allies mal and an earthquake did a Gilda snowy cloaks and tall trees nosha Kenosha County Wisconsin charges of burglarizing the Isaacson "We might have a million men there and yet no American army and Gray and everything tumbled down Terms of Sale: Cash rtatart nctnhpr 19 1934 general store and postofflce at Lake ing wun myriaus ii lutrcs in said County there will be neara nu Suddenly Peter stopped the car considered I ni 1 1 ry a pla Tnnnsen no American commander Speaking Well after a bit the city was restored and then a nearby volcano nARENCB ERICKSEN wood He was charged with stealing Sheriff of Kenosha County Wis frankly I have received the impres merchandise from the store and a said somethmg strange anu im-u- theWiU ci Ralpli Inir "Ann marrv me tonight ana nnnoint- erupted and covered the city in lava FRANK STMMONDS money order stamp from the post Live: fowls neavy sion from English and French officers that such is their deliberate Plaintiff's Attorney (Oct 23 30 Nov 6 13 20 27 Dec 4) 1 medium 11 leghorn 9 colored spring you can go with me" mentof an executor or administrator (To Be Continued) with the will annexed of the estate Once again Antigua rose from the ashes but then came a flood to mess up the city again" office Sentence was passed by Cir cult-Judge A Murphy desire".

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.