Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

irwinVH to be 15 18 (9) when Btich wirlowei mother have such pwon has ceased to cene to act aa a life Inaurance atenb. OF TTTiMWATION' OP JCON 1'KACT: COMMUNICATIONS Marfisort WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL FuilfealJcn (4) APPLICATION FOR LICENSE, fa) Etch applicant for a license to act ai a life Insurance anient within this state shall file with the fommibslorier of Insurance Ma written application on forms furnished by the eoma-ilMlmi. er. The application shall be imned and duly sworo to by the applicant. The prescribed form shall require the ap pllcant to state his full name: reel dence; aire: occupation and of business for 5 years wecedlnc date of the application; whether applicant bss ever held a license to solicit life, or any other Insurance In any state: a nether he has been refused, or has had suspended or revoked a license to solicit life, or any other Insurance In any state; what Insurance experience.

If any. he has had; what instruction In life Insurance and la the insurance laws of this state he has had or expects to have; whether any insurer or seneral aaent claims applicant Is Indebted under en agency contract or otherwise, and If so. the name of the eUimnot. the nature of the claim and; the applicant's defense thereto: whelh-! er applicant nas naa so aneney.contract canceiea ana. so, wnen, oy wnati munr ji i reached the age of 60 years, and are disabled, are unable adequately to care for themselves, and lack adequate mean of support.

(e) No persons shall be admitted to the home who have been convicted of a felony, or of a crime Involving moral turpitude, without producing sufficient evidence Of subsequent good conduct end reformation of character to be satisfactory to the department, nor shall any chronic alcoholics, drug addicts. Tychoti-8. or active tuberculous cases be (f) The members of the home at the time of the effective date 16491 of this section shall not be required to xe-dtinltfy for membership because of chBtiees made In eligibility standards unless they are subsequently dsschara-ed and later anply for reentry into the home, or unless the financial or physical status of any member has chained or Improved so that he would no loneer be eligible for admission tin der the standards applicihle at the; time of his admission After such rt-i fective date the department shall re-' fuso arimiMHlon to persons -ho have; conveyed or disposed of property or anv inreret therein nf a value in ex i neie me property is irtiiiveseu in tne state or Wisconsin lr the department determines that anv such conveyance or disposition of property had no relation to prospective entrance Into the home, the last above provision shall not be Applicable. Applications, etcept In cases wnerr tuere is itiifneauiLe neru itir physical care or economic assistance. I i'liyrsiiui tiii ui n3.iii.aiii:t7.

I Mm If 11 12 7 Af Ihl alntu IB r-n-ur-herecl to be IS 17. SK'iK'M 13. IS 18 (Introductory paraarsutu of tha statutes 1 created rtU IS PROOEDCrtK fin-trniiucUnf paragraph) The director rre-tu'jii claims aecurdance tM tin fuiiuwLtig procedure: tfcduoN 14. iS3l of the statutes rriiunirMTcd 11.18 tl end ti emend ed i Trad: IS Ul CLAIMS AGAINST STATE. Audit.

All claims tnuiist the tl, hno pavuueni thereof out of the siate treasury la authoM.ed by In snail auuitd by the director Of (b) PT Mill. Pay roll, to be entitled to kudu, shall be certified bv trie proper officers who shall tot lurth the nature ol the servicee ren di-rrd by etuli person named therein other rialms. Unless otherwise provide by law. all other Claims to be rutUled to audit shall: 1. rn-cif the nature and pur-Ili'tiUr thfitof tin oMivtal or orn-itnl inxitre.

2, esform with wrtlon 14. Tl. i litt iuue ript for mil Heme or etDrndii are t( 1 or more, unlfM tattninrtory rvutiice Accepted by in kttii.iMi officer. ll). Inrliid trie elslmartVe tf'UUirtt 'ittrtK form that all items ff nirline engennta were Incurred in he of clat.es reiuirmi by tt.e (nitMiR sifrvhe, and ttiat the amount rtird fnr "tranrtiorlatlnit or for other n-t-in.

inrinent to travel a actuallT li'l out and thntv no part of tuch ir.i.iM,f iuin mm Imd upon free or ottirrlR free of rtiaree. The hmnk f'trni of aurh affidavit ehiUl be prei rlli! bv the dliwtor S. He approved by tba proper Afftfee IP en (d) Rjiarie. when pavable. I Ihe Mleriee.

wnten. cumiwn- eaMon of and reliiiburefmeats to all oilicem and emmoyre, exreit aa rxifmir provided, ehell be rid i ihe beinnin of the till In wine the month for the price rendr-ed ix dubursemf ati mnde 1-ifinn MLh mouth, or at the tertui-nettoii mtt awcU Rtrvlcs, and ahall be Miarge'1 et'Miiut the proprr approprta mil for tiie ii-spit'ttvt office, comnils-, titijim of body with which the h.rmri rrc-eivlrig the san.e Is connected j. Ail aurh talnrlea wn or rumnvnkilliin Wfmrl In if tli rntei sons therefor; whether applicant will'01 truerwurtiuiiea or competence toieess of 500 by gist or ante for an ln-clevote all or part of his efforts toi a lusurance aitent: or (adequate consideration, except In cases acting as a life Insurance ant. and If part only, how much time he will! end conditions of life in-or a Ma.ll" contracts: or t8 Hm i or caused Issued, any statement I ffSHV' rnnrfrAn. H'8 term" 01 ot Jh- by 'nv insurer, tor the purpose of Inducing or atteinptlnu to induce the nwnr i in mna shall be passed upon In the order IH YOUR JOB? priority In point of time of the 'com-' www.

10 EMP10YMEN1 WANTED INDUSTRIAL F.NOIN LfcRING. Now administrative Practical shoo experience. Post graduate bvminess. Year graduate tralnlnir program. 2rt duty assignment prewnt 1400 range for rixht challenge Mndison area only.

Are 31, Family 5-1 M7J -1 Xt ta. CHIMNEY repair pt-h nlaatertne. Odd Jobs of -all kinds Lowest prlcen, Oeorse Thranher it HElf WANT! D- FEMAU 11 A DOMESTIC Ulkl, WANTED to take rare of children rnd do light house work. Monday thru t'rHBV, 8-m2, eve II HELP WANTED EM All MB MISCELLANEOUS MAID Apply tn person. to la-J' noon M.ntnj ina Pin HOTEL jj-- cknev DISHWASHER WANTED Hours to 4:30 days Mon off Machine op- rested 2035Atwood Are Slit GIRI.

PHOTOGRAPHER "for night club work C.ood anhvry. Transportation furnished S335 ARE YOU BORED Are you ever 20 rd under 32? Anj your working condition perfect? Is your Income ibov $60 per week? Is your ob clean? Do you have fun tor each hour you are earning your living5 Are you building secure future? Each day do you feel that you accomplish something toward building that future a little more solidly? MEN OR WOMEN Apply In person at our Studio 20 Vi E. Mifflin St. between the hours of 1 and 10. And, let us tell you about your future, working for Arthur Murray.

Arthur Murray EXPER1ENCEP Inundrv sorter. Apply at l.iilversa.1 Laundry 1228 Regent. CHRISTMAS CARD SALESPEOPLE VaTtilraa hlnr mnnow; nailv 9l-rrl il f- to rt at i 1U: Ult iuH or a ttl the I ,) I'Mivad ll thf r-i ha iiemed 4 t. VJj 1 1 a uFWfop. fa Lf i.

4 al i I' i tit Olie ii It. ifu k. i jm frill .1 'i i 1 trt renum- 4 i i 14 I be i iii Mil iii ii 4 t. it i ii (, i i f.f 4 1H he 1) 1 i i 1 i i to he i Ml ii m. (r i aii'l tl.Jl i it i to iw ne'tl i i iej iiinj I' 1 4, 14 1 1 fxi iiuiro- ii ti i4 liii I Hi a i-I I einl mi'inif i.i (.

it i il aud tit ttie ie int MiM'ftnkin, lit cvft4lr Hd jriMy I it .14 It i't! unit 14) It mvi tt I al at 'ie i. t.t tto until. I fij el I a if was at 1 I i. ill a eifwr'is I'lmii eii.etn tie I It ttA. ttf i i a in 't I'lii'm an4 Hie i ea: and to 4 f.ct juxiirt 11 In add 4 Ml le '''irrllt te iii's a tut eiis- I'urlal lulld 1'if 1 I i.

alillhlt4 Klft.l 4 i. i'-t ill lh yelteiai i t' f'lrtint li-ii- 4 II HiHM 'I I -4 Ivt I ir it, i.i if. tx.KHio imi and hll I i.i, tili tne IrgttU- It iine th Irtrivis sr. i in I reriHii i Wii (-i illl M'lrn I iinilnrni i- -I i as I i "ii i I null i I itl- IiUU i mi I iiii i lit.f in, i) month slu*tll be iiayaole ariiiiiii'iiiMiiy devote to such work, and In what oth TJr" iw mv.iiii. hotArlzed certificate, signed by an of fleer or properly authorised repreAenta tlve of the insurer stating that trie in suier hits lnvustlgated the character and background of the applicant and to satisfied that he Is trustworthy and (UiftlUied to act as Ha agent and Intends to hold himself out in good faith to the general public as a life insurance ageut and that the Insurer desires that the applicant be licensed as a life insurance ageut to represent It In this state.

ic) The application filed b7 the Insurer shall be accompanied by the annual license fee and. In the case of applicants requltr-d to take an examination as herearter prescribed, by an examination fee in the amount of tj In the event an applicant falls to Qual ify for. or la reiused a license, the nnnuat license fee shall he credited to I the Insurer, the examination lee shall not be returned tor any reason. i5l EXAMINATION Of APPLICANT FOR LICENSE, la) Each applicant for a license to act as a llle Insuiance agent within this state shall submit to a personal written examination to determine his competence with respect to life Insurance and anuutty contracts and his familiarity with the pertinent provisions of the laws of this state, and shall pass the same to the satisfaction of the commissioner: except that no such written examination shall be required of an applicant for renewal license, unless A license hacf not been issued to such applicant within 2 vers preceding the date of filing his application. The commissioner shall establish rules and regulation with respect to the scope, type, frequencv.

grading of papers, and announcements of the results of such written examinations and the times and places within the state wnere they shall be held. Upon giving the commissioner 3 davs notice In writing of his intention to apply, any Applicant shall be permitted to take the examination on any business day bv aooenrina at tha nfflci nf th mlssioner person-. The commissioner' UfflUlTI IV Bill 11 Villi ili WUBI Vlfl-1 er business or busltiese.ee he la engaged employed: whether. If applicant la a married woman, her husband has ever applied for or held a license to So'lcll hfe or anv othe? Insurance in anv stare and whether such license has been refused, suspended, or re- voked: such other information and refei-ehces aa the pnmmlsKlnner In hi 1114 mencement of the military service upon which the privilege'1' of member ship in the home Is based Wives, wld-j ows and mothers shall have the samel priority as that of the person from whom their privilege of membership Is derived. (hi All members of the home, re-' sard less of their date of admission, shall pay the following portions of their annual income Into the general fund of the state: INCOME BRACKETS 1st 1120 2nd ftl20 3rd 1120 4th 120 5th I20 8th S12U RATES none pone 40 per cent 50 per cent.

.60 per cent .70 per cent 75 per cent 7th 120 All remnlnintr Income ion per cent Payments of the amounts Indicated above shall be made at buch time and in such amounts as tne hoard of the department shall provide by rule or regulation The department may remit not to exceed $10 monthly from payments required of each married veteran for the personal use of his wife while she la a member of the home. The department may remit such sums monthly as it deems necessary for the care of nonmember dependents of a member. "Income" as used in this section, shall Include, without limitation by enumeration, all pensions from state, federal or private sources, annuities, social security payments and recurrent Insurance pavments from state, federal and private sources but shall not Include wages; salary or payment to a member for services rendered to the home as an employe thereof. (3 IT any member of the home shall die without legal dependents, his real property shall descend and his personal property shall be distributed to the stnte of Wisconsin as sole heir for the sole tise and benefit of the home, and no will, previously or hereafter drawn, makmi a contrary disposal shall be valid. A wife or mother residing at.

the home shall he included among and considered as a legal dependent for the purpose of -this, subsection. (41 The provisions of section 142.07 are applicable to veterans of all wars while members of the home, subject to the same restrictions end with the same privileges now en.loyed by the veterans of World War I at the Wisconsin general hospital. Costs Incident to tne hospitalization or members of the home shall be nald from the id. home, except, for those veterans of 1 "Feature" Assortment sells fast. Up BFDRt, house or ipartroent unto 100-r profit.

PLASTICS, everydny. 'oi Madison buslneigi man Vn I hZ Ji i iu considered a V. I.i... rl.V I cimvtin.in asaociatlon. society.

i 'in rr.rerenr or meetlnc. This I 'iint in. If.rl,u,. al! other atat. muni cause examinations to be con-1 tuMMiasiuwiK.

Any person ducted from time to time at convert-! w1evert by an act of the commis-lent points throughout the state as the I s'oner under the provisions of this need for such examinations muy arise I section mav appeal therefrom within In advance of such examination thei30 days after receipt of notice thereof World War I who are eligible to hos-i u'Ve oiuce worn i out avail-pltallzatlon and treatment under the! ltm whln, ell. provisions of section 5 3R and eycent.i Write Ft 4i9 Times-Journal. ahull not rredit tne treasur lur nv aiiiu nf mnnev. natrl nut hv hi i i 4 it.afcf avtlUhle to i- it the i-i. uve i i i i imiiiiif.

i ii i i i aliiiiiie i i Ui'nlie- "i 'n'ii' Jin) In-i Mil I inn ni i iileni. i Ii ii lli Jl, etui i --r. i-i mil I ixiili lt im i 4 ii a Mil iriiitir tf' ill n( Hi ftiarillrs I'll" il St'Hl keep 4 ei i.naiii ih 1 1 i I Iif wis it in tr -Mt, iii 1 1 at iw i i im i(ir psr-. i- I ihe tuiuiM are tlv ii. riin.ir -f tii-iillii l-e i it i.

in rii'- int (irliitii-r. i tlic fnijuttitlf I erl" and Ihetr i-l ii 'i i "'r I (in. T.i i. 1 I V- i 7" i- i i i In ir hi i Khali rril- I .1 'to ViVr wi- I iiiiin uiHiii sucn warrants. 1-h llON is 14 to 14 3l of the reniinibered to be respec- llvry (K hUTius 19 1S59' of the statutes Ml HON 15 14 32 of the statures la rui.inrrt to he 15 1 i2 and Is imrmwl to read.

1 The director shall not eiiiit item of espendiMire for ti. ihm luraaav uartur car aeata other thiui tierpiiiK eiir tH-rt ha. or fori expenses lurt ressnrilv incurred In the per. furitiiiiire it dnUoa ri-qtllred by the liniilUJ service: iwr shall he audit, extent, am herein provided, items of nii-nil i lure in urred while tntvelinK ouiihie the atate by any oflicer or emiuuve i the state or of ariv deparl-rmi nr liutt tuition thereof unless in disrtiii'n uf his iliittee required by In tnibitt- service: nor nhnli he audit etrept noon the order of the governor lieina expenditure for expenses of mure u.m one officer or employe of ti.e s'H'-e of any dfiwrtment or In-tiiiiiiii thereof while attending any ruhwniirtii. aiMuwUittnn socleiy.

bui-r4 runlerettce or meciiiur held out-auie the slate Artv nunitlary, allied nr sutM-ruiinite sixlety. association. tir mertiuu held Hi; connection with lm.Harlialw frtllnwinir roiivnlton, association. fn. Ih.

iiiurv tirnVMlotia pe ically authorizing tiiit.or-ttsta travel. f.n rioN 14 and 14 34 of the iitun- are renumbered to be re- iivi-jy (3i and 1). rpClUN 14 of the statutes la reiiiiiiibered to be 15 13 Mi and Is emviKlntt to read IMi t.V The director shall rime his warrant on the state treasurer pmahie to the clHlinant for the amount iiiiowed hv him upnn every claim audited under nihwtlon (I), specl-luiig trniii what fund to be paid, the ran iruinr law which authorizes the aume lo he paid out of ihe state treus- iM. ana tne uirerior aiscrenon payee: er him In es and regulation adopted pursuant liirtrto. all iippile.

materials, equipment and contractual services shall be L' I'll" ii'r '-iri in tun tin nui I ne rector ni inin iiases in w. i 1 1 i iir i.iiii,,!: iiiiibriiHi. ii vim her and rtispnaltlnn of requisitions ami shill prescribe regulation as to lime anil ni inner nf kiihmilting such reiiilslinn tor prweximg. -Approved- June 1049; INiJ S'lO A 1 Pllh 1940 in efisirt as MiciuiN 1. 20 55 UQ of the statutes is ffsi.it tu read I 7i tini AUM INISTH ATTON OF; i -ii uni a "iii irt ui viu.

urn. aaenia not. rnuntnrslan anv 'r contract of Insurance. i-n-flON 3. 201 (J) of the ii.

ui, iiib avRium amenciea in react J.i) yi Anv i.nl mar na. th. Ml' V. aiiienned to read- k'-eit otherwise provided a-Moit list to 15 67 and In the nil 19 II Id' priTAI "Villi's: i. u'wiuiraa'! V'A VI (i erM 1 r-t l.AfMiK ki lJtt "ed il.i.i..

le i r.riit a l.ililK Tlei.rie'iit.-t M.it t-ttupie pitrrril M-i imi Sif'rlViM'V'U -u lj Iii i-T im ii i ii 1 laree. rm i 1 1 i i i r.Min Ii lie r' a Pl'ins lir.e 4'47 KihM Ji.r n. i i.r IJ1J A4nma tl I1M --r fcv, T' hTT'lu', T17uX.it 1 1 ii two i.ma i is! In elM'lr" H1. fur't ui. i.

I i So-" I i IJte I riiiii-cil it.i!t livg I a 'I a- 1 1 iAT1rAtTtj. Imii i ft, i tlHi i.i, i it rieiinri arvl Oxp Ihuti nr i tit hi i'' -ri tl ROOM AND KOAC rt AN I jiV h.7 d' if ill lixi.e.. ttil, dive to tin r' i-r Viiiiu. ii'i glut hard i-m PllllM and Hiif-rl f. i- 111.

Ic.rt, ai ir: il t-r v. i 19 HOUSltlriNC fOMt III i laiil. if' tlichett $it tilf ilaitiiK fare kir.pi.t i I I -I Piute'. Adult u.r..i 'ii. TI I Jfr a-'i jm 20 AFAtTMiNTe -HAH AV' ITT 111) a nnri I lii -NEW 4 hihiSI AI'Aii Ml 1 I.

i limit re'rinerni i.i facilities f.Kiiuhed llrtvi Ai Juir Wtlle I i i'i. fi WML Fi'H4MiP vt l. -tC Ivimi-iririit at'-irt ivieni umi I Of i-t for 4 I f-r Unfiirt lis Mni i (t Hl'f! I A 'il I iirv 21 rURNISHtD APIS un 111; m4-i i ii-1 em lnt rVn. Illlli Ii, in rii'ldrep tx 3 i i 1U NT I Urlt I'M a iit 1 1 i a lit ri'-hniiae rate nj ii i ri.i. Slid llllllie lKi kl llu-Uirr I I char.

nf anixiun tvn(l, ftakmn, (I (i'RL ih -ii i.wi lamidiv iriKi--r. ria' i week li i.iMi tivm jlfter 4 'i Roi'M apaiin.rni the riB at Inn. iv j. ii i'UOOMJt' and 1-a'l, "i P'liieti pft roo'ifii i Jl'HT" f-H't'lU! "i fi-Hilil and ML if il -if man li )' l. 't' 'llTVi -inii ami Am room dniMi-j ii itin 'i i iihd 41 i pi.v oi in w.n j.iini'e h.

Am. iu. It i. Will hut- i-iiuiu i.n at trnvig FiiX Avaiiat a ti'-rf i- a ll'h Hen ItiMi m.niiii Xii (ar. -v.

tr" r. 2 fUANIilUy MOt'Ul IUNuK Ii I if Cto i 1,, J.iai,,in rail fil A-k I I Mr I lit l'l 24 COf 1 MNl tifi 1 i I Hi Mi ni' II i-l-1 lilrli li. tin In. I. I HI Wit I 1" I V' vt riinraii-v or In.) i --e i nil fn'Une Vuii.il tUMMHUlAl bun 'UK i.

Wln'ie i 1. tali vn i i. ti 2S UtHl I'ltiOnie i.iii.-i I ooanhrr ariiue V.iii i in Jji i. i' i it a i BOB 1f (MB it ti.i.i H1 xri in. ii, i I Hour hlf! ImSU.iii iv I.

Of In, a Hup 111 nl'li-e 1 l-nur (liliiuitl ami I til i i-i i jl.e A'mi aiure. tiiiiiiait ex i I I 1 rt-4 I'VI to ajTMl 111 "I ii lai-li li heMleil. i. I 4 i liiill an Imam. i.r III)! HOU 111 lll'llt I'i Iiartn.

itiiliinil ftrileiiv A ei 'i-ie, fii'iuau at i- (it a '--a nw 29A feUMi OH MV.ru uvv. i ny At. Madtai'tt lm in luiiii mi i nhle f-i pt I I ii-. 'ir I i i.i i ur in-sn Wm Mix i i' n'Mnillaon 28 i AR wMll ABtiUT I J-ilii i Hb-nit Maf ii-i 11 (i 1 11 MAI mAtt WAhTlU I WUIt iA1jx in li, f.iui "i I III ail'. lll'it jA HI rr-H i WAN tlesii.il le I en i.mu., 13 on i-iibi in ii ah a I- i In i Iimiwit ml, Illf-lilliP inillia J.

E. "JACK" RUGCirS J.S. CATTCLL. ASSOCfAIL n. i ii'H Nl- l- ll 3 iii a i I 1 4 A I i i I i ii 1 1 1 I' A -U VI i li I 'l l.ui,r,.r, a i I f.i pri-'i t-r ni' 'v Isnsf id's nl ft" Cix -1 A1 MilVINii in IM Maul I ri.ridi.in ni'd Mi I i.

a Vrl'e fx -i Vit i.l.)v.v. hi-n a In KaVo'i nf 'j, 12 HOUill UM I IxTi- i'i i l'-'if-1 f'-'H'lil ''-'f- -x til hi ui Pi 3 it Mai hi )(i ni KFW llutui' I -in. -( built mi last basemant li-n I c-n Qtw 4ivi fei w. ft 1 KP.W id i.t'M' i faiag nit -at I- i kis.iiii atid nit ba-iaiiii-hi'' Vi.vl I AtuT tu ii.H.ii, air heat 1 t- i- i I ff paid A fiili II Oiir ti y.rleiai.ia" Pi'V A ili King ti ii, i a i .1 WtST HUE LMU.J UV ririvenlrt 1 badi.tn tlf -t rn, in fii.m li.in Wut f.nly in -i Flfit MiC-ULttON HO'-TJ On Huhnard Ave -n l4 hatha tl.i,,i art i. ia B'lin'ila I ri! bt titi netrt rareee' te PAk.

IAwH L'liCAl fV, (eleel from fine new I. riHirt'-V 3 In4 I ik-iIi-i," i.a nil f'lil t.Slaltia.. 1 1 t-l rune ava.i-it..a in ii i i (iii -d teasniiauiy ItiltiiS 4 I 1 1 i IKK) i'AVIli Pal a-. 'I lrtm sin tsnuaa B'aast Ji-s'i Sar m.ia km i n.f pin 'li i I ii.J. fAf-B.

I A -A i NW 4 roc-Wi hi.li.iluv -a-81f jX tia I'mM I if 1, le.n k'n oil heal li ii a. I i 1-1 Til.0 I on V1I in a it i. i -t Hi- Iniliidlne t--i i i- i- iV A ANi i i fxsvi i -i4 til MliJlH I i -li i Kit 4 I- iiuigli" rn fi-'i I- i Pn Alflirm ii. ii I l-'l ft I'- ti edlat kh.a ii lH-r. e.i iiitt-M! Bt Modefn 7-t I f-, a tut .1 seoi icho-ii net frr lot I ff i'iii4 fill featm a) lm Bit-ial lain an I i 1 a im" f- RUvHAU nkiiti.u til, JtiiJ ra Wisromfn PKlViLlLijli.D.

Kverv lnfcurw ehall. linnn tertulnauiin ol the appointment of any life Insurance agent, Iraroettiately file with tne corumlesloner a statement of the facte reiatue to the termination of the appointment and the date end cause thereof. The commissioner shall thereupon terminate the llcenne of such agent to represent suca Insurer la this state. (Ill Htr USAL, BOSPKVSIOW. OR REVOCATION OP LICfcNbfcS.

I a) A license may be rrfuaed. or a license duly issued may be suspended or revoked or the renewal thereof refused by the commissioner, If he finds that the applicant for, or holder of aurh license: 1. Hum wilfully violated any provision ol the Insurance law a of this state: or 2. Has Intentionally made a materia) misstatement la tne application for such license: or 3. tins obtained, or attempted to obtain, such license by fraud or mis-rpreemtlon; or 4.

Has misappropriated or converted 0mhj2 11 fy withheld v' 5. Has otherwise demonstrated lnrlr rf iua arerrn auiixj ut Arsuauient or Has materially misrepresented I contract to forfeit or surrender nmu contract or allow it to lapse for i the purpose of reDlaclne such cnnrrm i the purpose of replacing euch contract wnn anutner: or was obtained, or attempted to obtain such license, not for the purpose of holding himself out to the general public as a life insurance agent, but, primarily for the purpose of soUc-ltine. nesounune or procur-intr life Insurance or annuity contracts covering himself or members of his i a i n. or me oiucers. directors, stork-holders, partners, employes, or debtors of a partnership, association, or corporation of which he or a member of his family is an officer, director, stockholder, partner, or employe.

10 Has discounted a note taken In payment of a premium before the issuance and delivery of the policy to the Insured ll Hiis misrepresented the flnanrhil or other condition of a company. (bl Whenever anv license ahull ha refused (except for failure to pass trumreu written examination), or suspended or revoked, or the renewal thereof refused hereunder, the commissioner shall Klve notice by registered mall, to the applicant for. or holder of such license and the Insurer whom he represents or who desires that he be licensed. Any Insurer or applicant for license aggrieved hv action of the commissioner hereunder may require a public hearing: and request in wrltlne. a review of the commissioner's actions, by proceeding In accordance with chapter 227.

c) No licensee whrme licence has been revoked hereunder shnll be en-titled to file another application Jor a lieeiiRe as a life Insurance aeent within one year from the effective date of such revocation or, If Judicial review of such revocation is sought, within one vear from the date of final court order or decree afflrmlne such revocation. Such application, when filed, may be refused by the commissioner unless the applicant shows good cause why the revocation of his license shall not be deemed a bar to the Issuance of a new license in; juuk OP ACTS to anv court nf cnmnet.enr. iiifiaiHiiiirv Thereafter, such proceeding shall proceed as in the case of any other civil cause. (13 1 PENALTY. Any person, partnership, association or corporation violating any of the provisions of this section shall.

In addition to anv other penalty provided bv law be finod not more than 500 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, each such violation being a separate offense. In addition. It such offender holds a license as a life Insurance agent, such license shall be suspended or revoked as hereinbefore provided. 141 COMMISSIONER MAY ESTABLISH RULES AND RKOULATION8. The commissioner Is authorized to establish, and from time to time to amend reasonable rules and regulations concerning all matters Included In thl sectio'i 1S FFFKCT OP LICENSE ON POR-ETON COMPANY.

A foreien company shall be bound hv the acts of its licensed aeent within the scope of his apparent authority while his license remains In force. Ml EFFECT Of PARTIAL INVALIDITY. Should any provision or section of this section held to be unconstitutional or othi erwise InvnllYl for any reason, such hnlriine shall not foe construed as affecting the valldltv of anv remaining portion of such section SECTION 5. This act shall take effect Mnv 1. 1950.

Approved June 30. 1H49. (No. 363. A Pub.

July 1949 CHAPTER LAWS OF 1949 AS ACT To repeal chanter 347 lawa nf 1fl.11 section 3: to renumber 20 038 (10) of tne statutes to be 2ii.U3ri rl (g) and to amend the same; and to repeal and recreate 45 37: relating to the Orond Army Home for Veterans and making an appropriation. The people or the state of Wisconsin, represented In senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION Chapter 347. laws of 1931. section 3. la repealed SECTION 2.

20 036 (10) of the statutes is renumbered 20.036 (7) (g) aud is amended to read: 20 038 (7) (g Any moneys received by the state under the provisions or section 45.37 3), or any moneys received by gifts or bequest shall be paid Into the general fund, and are appropriated therefrom 45 37arrlf Ut tlle purpose 0jt ect'on SECTION 3. 45 37 of the statutes Is reijemea ana recreated to read u-iH ,7 iri.FIliB ul joereasier in xnis section referred to as the home! and employ a commandant and mirh nmr. attendants and other personnel as may 1 "ur Proper conuuet of v.ic uuine. vompiete personal main tenance and medical er avian x. nlsh.ed all members under the policy of the department.

lhJ "mttst'ong of the itne horri- the department iw iiiouiuersnip me follow- (a) Those men and woman nl wt. served at least 90 davg of active duty in tha. im.ii United States during 'VaVwrlod1 or i comparaoie thereto O'tcrmihed by department, m.ntwh0 meet 'ollowtai requlre- 1. Who were discharged from such service under conditions considered by the department: i.IX by the "Prtment rnrna of support for themselves and dependents, and are tVcpaUon:" ubt'ntl' a to care In facility controlled by the United States i veterans' administration: 4. wlin ara SIX aaaM -w vi ur over: Who were bona fide resident of Wisconsin at the time of entering service with the armed force, who SSIT.

EZUS Wwnltt contlnu- lii. next preceding shfp- PPllcatlon for member-a XT bhi. ...1 nn days Ihthif die considered a ri. a terminated of connected dlsabll- veterans Under 50 Manx ma, be ear. fai, "rcure adeQuate mZJ mJh tf1tr tfe''nment.

Vet-fr? not credited au.mL ii? utwwh2, otherwise IJ "frriembershlp may be ad-bi th''h" resided continuoirs- loTS1 x. rist? ot. Res-Im? for the purpose of bv fJLK'r mrnot be initiated ry reetdence in a United States vet-" administration facility. who of Teterans TwS JfT rllklble to membershin unde' with their vet eran husbands not lea-, than 10 Tears hTTa. and who husbands are membe-a of the home because of HtZ.

Y.te 'W or this section and foe mtv0fvTn home mwst qualify widows under the provisions of subsection fc) if their to be ccnVinued wllow or those veterans W.ba0," wo.ldd oualtfled un- i-; 1 i wn" were married to and llvlce with their veteran tnRn lfl Fear lm" Phvslcallv deuately to care for themselves and lack adequate means of support. Widow who married to and living the i timr entered service forces. otherwise ligibV. ghaM considered ir such marriage was terminated hi. Tore 10 vears by the death of the t-eran whue in semr-e or as the result of phvMcal riisabllltiea Incurred dur- ias a motnerg ot ve'er.

commissioner shall cause notice to be given to all companies admitted to do uiiniiir-v, me state, ine commissioner IS authorised to unnnlnt nnr. aentntlve deemed hi him in ha t-nm. unnii, wiiii snail conduct the nation In the commissioner's office or! in nuv mure designated ny tne commissioner In the state. The commissioner Is authorized in his discretion to pay a ree to the person conducting the examination as his deputy. person who shall have taken and railed to pass 2 examinations given pursuant to this section shall be en-VwUl? taltf fUrlher examination until after the expiration of 8 months iiomu.lhi? ati laat examination in which he failed.

An examination fee snail he paid for each and every examination. The commissioner shall appoint an Bdvlsory board consisting of not. less than 6 nor more than members to respect to the scope, type, frequency arnrllng of papers, announcement of results and generally the conduct of n(1 le times and snail he held, the mm ami passing upon and Issuing licenses ami I generally to aid and assist the com-' visions of the 1 in the interest of the insuring public the companies and applicants. The advisory board shall consist of peraoris experienced in the life insurant bus-lness, oue-thlrd of whom shall be Wleconsin aom! th one-I hy be r.n,"rl ents or man- one-tnira licensed life in-i ranee aent. of whom one ahall be Hi- OUIIULB lliattS- Two-thirds of first advisory hoarrt sh.ii wno soiicira inrtiio vlsory lT tne term of 2 years and one-third thereof for the term of oue year and thereafter all members 8hwal1 be -0P0lnted7or HL of 'l commissioner, shall be reimbursed for their reasonable mentl of thf JhJ i0rT The advisory board shall meet no less than 2 times in "-rflcl the ad-' hall not apply to officers, employes or agents of credit unlom organised under chSntSr section iK mS.

AL5 0T nr of licensees un- aueh n.rm.r-;ii,B 218 0l- nr to 14 SALESWORK SALESMAN learr to fit hearing klrtt exclusive territory steady nitiiorment. earnings vniimitd car eeuUl. fur annuintment call tV'33 VOUNO MEN. 18-23 of newt appre am, free- to travel 3 state and return with circulation urn up Transportation paid, expense aivapcfd draalnn account and bonuses Axer. aire earnings 1150 mon'hly.

Mr Kintop Wed. 1 burs. 1-4 p. Vine Slate Employment office. ro Phone.

VACUUM CIEANRH's and appllame esleman. If vou find your produri hurri to sell, stop In and see me You will be at the eprtaetilr demonstration with this appliance that Is needed In every home A Mr ZoM. 420 Park a. p. m.

15 SCHOOLSINSTRUCTIONS oovEnMr.Nr"joB Hu starting nay Secure positions Men-Wnmen Qualify NOW for next exams FREE 40-page hook lists openlnos. tests Write t'1sT Pn py MOUSES WANTED URlVF.NTt Couple with child need unfurnished gnartment Up to teO oef month 2H43 4-5 UNFVRNIPHD apartment or "flat for mlrtill-x-agwl cnurl Kefertncrs furnished if t1eired S-iKet. PURE OIL CO branch rnsnairet tram-ferrcd permanently to Madison from Pennaeylvania perils bedroom apart, ment 2 adults No chl'ren, pets jn jnj hetween 0 sAPARTMENT "for'couivle teacher an1" Internatlcnal Harvester eitinloyae 12fi0 after 7pm ask for Ed PTNCf RE quiet erailuale couple wlfh 10 months ttirl needs immediate hous. Jit Veteran Nnn-smo er4 5 -U 3 4 OOUPLF urgentlv need fuinlbhed or unfurl shed ansrtment 8-8i'-5 Have you ONE a cart meet For TW-.) emnioved people' with T11W'E rooms or FOUR I'nfurnlEhed No children fr pets Rellahl Wt will be twT gi-ateful people if you win tlve tig a chance to rent your apart-nent 01TI I after 5:30 RAILROAD employee permanent resident desires apartment for wife anil tmal' Excellent care references F6738J DI8TRTOT manater for "Western Union desire ni 1 bedroom apartment flat or house Adults Call Mr. Tappet) 5-1831 HAVE YOU a furnished gnartment for permanent reliable vuung cou-ple" No children Reference.

Call 5-4011 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT bv wo-mcn past mlddle-ace Unlet habit! lnlast flat 17 years. 8-5672 VETErXn student, wife" small chl'ld want, npertmetit. Phong Mrs Wll- llama -5-3S34. 11 1 ENOINFFRING student and working wife want 2-3 room furnished apart-men -Wt nf pt 4 30 UP TO 75 for iinrurnl.tied 5-4 riin. Rellnh'e.

etnplowl. settled couple References. 1385 after ft PLEASE "'i'i iami'y 6-2536 3 OR 4 ROOMS unfunmlshed for middle-aged couple and 10 year old daughter. Prefer at or Centul low tion. r.

or s-73'to. 4 ROOM furnished or unf urnishM apartment for professional couple Nu children. Deal ruble west aide loca-tion. 8-0503 evenings FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED for permanently employed srcntleman and his mother. Central or University location.

5-002S est 18 8-8 n. m. PROFESSIONAL WOMAN (fltnt Hoard nf Health nnnervlaorl Cnl iirtilkhMl 2-bedroom apartment. Sept. 1.

-3Jll, PXt 4428 days. WOULD YOU like reliable tenant' Student couple no. children, 8 J9 after 8 n. BHORKWOOD VILLAGB MAN At. I -ft, wife need furnished or unfurnished apartment We have a car.

tl. 1310 8 a. to 5 m. Mon. through Frl Leave rn ease gew! til party who answers, FURNISHED or seml-f urnlslied anari-ment or house drurcd bv emninn'il womanG.

4200 or5-57(3E. Albrrrht. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN AND WJt-K (Nurse! desires 3-4 room apartment. No children. O.

5330 M. REPONSTBLE b'ilneg executive" and wife des're lurnlshed apartment or house Five weeks bremnln 11 Will pay up to mn for that period. Write Box 4R9 Tlmea-Jour-nnl APARTMFNT or house," infurnlJePl' 3 bedrnoma wanted by family of 4. Prefer Mnnle Illuff. Nakoma.

or hore. wood. Will consider city Will pv up to 175 per month. Write 515 Times-Journal. GRADUATE STUD? NT.

emnloyed small apsrimenl. No imiHin or (l'lnklim. No children, t-5541 8 to 9 LMPLOYII) COrFLK desires i of 1 room apartment. No smoking ur drlnklttcSRSCollect, STATE employed rouble want. or 4 room unfurnished apartment.

Call O. 7211-R after B. NOTICE I iTAKDLOpna" Deairable tenanta available for your email apartment by Aue. 1st Gradual stndentBiid employedwife. YOUNG WOMAN Inatrurinr wotitii furnlBhed aoHrtment.

kin-hen, bedroom and bath for August IS, Ner University. Phoue Jane Morlarty 8-5531 YOUNG COUPLE Will ledecorate, Call Pat O. i8 Weik. days.9-5:30 or after 8. MARRIED" WORKING'VoupIe "deut'e 3 or 3 room unfurnished apartment, Qualified to do maintenance work.

No children or lietJl-IH'ld eves. DO YOU WANT A GOOD" NAN Family of 4 wants 2 or 3 bedroom Unfurnished home with yard. Will le-ise find maintain pmpertv. Call Don Taylor. B.

52.10 nrR. iMt HAVE YOU Apartment or home for a hlh arhool teacher and his small Ueat ref.repces. rins Call O. 77T-W. WANTED REGISTERED NURSK will Ble erv.

Icea In exchange for living nuarteri for student, husband, acho'il Bu-wJ children and self, Doctors office experience, tvplng. some lab WOtk. Wrlttc R-410. Times-Joiirnsl. 1 7 RENT ROOMS "for working men Air cut dlttoned.

linens Maid service Unlimited hot watert.S weekly FURNISHED ROOM FOR 3 GIRLS Private hath and one room to share Laundry and rnoklnt privileges S43 Langdon 8-8332 TWO DOUbTf, ROOMS working girls preferred orf I anedon Pr near Lake Mendnrn 8'? Di.lU RLE OR SINGLE sleeping roum for elrls Laundry and tetenhone prlv lleeea Fast BUSINESS. CUPIDS" lit. Another series of newlv furnished rooms at 625 Mendota Ct Conking end iauri. dry ortvllegea 8-26(15 dart. U.

34IJ eveg. CHARTER HOUSE Rooms t9 up Dally or Weekly MAIU CtMVltg, CaU i-9144 or 8-8111 22 flouth Charter PINOLE AND DOUBLE KOOM3 NEAR BUS 6-1740 DOUBLE ROOM for girls Brekfa and laundry privilege West, ou b'i corner, seml-prlvate entrance. 8.738 1 DOUBTR rooms frtPwupie or IPI4 Llver.ltydlstHct 8-2R08 room for 2 men Private entrance 2j'J -ifierman Ave ujnj 1 ovj HI'S, poum lor fiui xm Btiuare ann ixe. o-ziia DOUBLE and single room 3 blocks from University On bus line. 311 N.

rn ces. SLEEPING ROOMS 8-1258 85 MENDOTA CT Single and double room 8-R42for stop in. EAST Master bedroom Twin beds. LUht and airy. Bmgie ot douU Phone P.

8458 A DOUBLE ANb 61.NGI.F young working girl. Near square. 3ut Carroll. 6-2184. i ROOMS with prlv'atiinialh for 3 student or 3 employed men Na cooking.

Write R-481 Tlinee-Juurniit "a "LARGE TjOUBI it ROOMS 'bus; Wet O. 524 DOUBLE AND EINGLS rootvs for work-lng men hnJ bon Iji Oil-man. 8-B2ii9. WLT Double and an vle tuimn for buninesamen or couple. Near bus.

Cil 6-4 al tcr4 m. PFBTinsi West," atlr-ctlre able room riewiy decorated, tile bfh. ehower. Neiir lake, unlyi-rsily 6 3 '-I for nian F-aet Ride Crrhua. g-i i COMrORTABlK" fioubie "ik-eplne rw-n C'ln'-etueut east side KHtiom.

tt -5lhl. SINGLE RfiOM fur eirliTVu. hen pfixl-leces. 'a bliwk trom tle bt. call eveninr'g 5-1544.

Bo'jPLE ROOM for girl i. I hlm squaie. Jr.ner nd r-U pria Pn. ale entrance. firt floor.

Brctlnaat supper end laundry prlvUetea. Llneus Ituaiaheii. 6-aaol. riui ul i tlllfir.K Or 11 ai-H tiUM, tnirltlerl AN 'ACT'-;" ifii amend 301 44 (11 and 501 53 SV. to i.

urn to. hum In! I and recreate 20841, and to ii i.i nt rf(i' 2d inn of the statutes, ra- fci.it ni, miiijird tuialtfications and licensing a it mnin yrai Ufa Inmiranre agents, providing a fiMi-l penniiy and making an appropriation. nl 'i. The peoi.le if the utale of Wlsronsln. i i i Jin ui.

reprevnir4 In senate and assembly. "i i i-r nii'-i'n ib t.i f'iet HON 20 41 ror the period of ii ii ti.i.i,.! mb, I 9o, ti) June 30. J833 anti it-niUiiniis bhuiihIIv, Julv 1. 0(XI i i-wium toi the edministrnMon of his functions i- I. In I till nil mirtur sect Inn -mii rfilie.t lni .1 M-nioNa 2ni 44 (1) or the statutes i.h.iim iiii.it.

lirliuilHl Is amientfed to fend; i niniiiiii niiftiwi, imi 3(11 44 i No pulley of Insurance shaH i aiiii i he oH.ll'l Issued or delivered In this Mm a nlH -ie ni, ex. epi through an agent law-' i 'H sifT i.il'n aiithnrired aa to the kind of in innutr Is.ir.iiice enectert bv such policy. ici i.i'..i.i. iniif-r sucn reiuhitlons and restrlc- 1 iiiee on ii ai may be deemed necessary by ao-en inii (heniie r-mimlxiitoner of Insurance, ll- in.ei i an, i ylieii au lensea mav lie Uanul t.t luinryi i 4 Iii lh.aaen'.s, other than persons Who rep- l.v me star which they reside upon! Li." "iiiiaiue aoesiiina section referred trt aa I Via An or anv nart nf nl. the th twm 1 roinmiaainna are paid: fbi mmreantunr Insurance anent licensed Iransart hisliev In this state- lr mi, Wwon i.

snlt'itor Itxrept as aroresald. no agent hall par anv part of hla commUslon anv iersiiii HftTlt.N 4. 'i4l of the aatute la TrerrWied to read i emu girt wrape monv more. Personal Christmas Cards 50 for $1. up.

lm- printed Stationery. "Feature" ON APPROVAL FREE Imprint Samples. ARTISTIC. 509 Way. Elmlra.

N. Y. SALESWOMEN WANTED Sports wear department. Must have experience. Excellent salary and commission 23 Main Millers MAID for atria dormitory, short hours, steady work, good pay Call 5-2GR3.

EXPERIENCED woman typist for part WOMEN with sales ability. Steady In- Come. Pleasant WOtk Chance for: advancement. Write 484 Times Journal. BIO PROFITS ARF YOURS Christmas Cards WITH NAME.

Prices low as 50 for il assure fast Bales from REE Humpies' 21 card "Leader" assortment pays up to 50c on 81. PLASTICS. Religious. Everydny, others. Personnl Stationery.

"Leader" Assortment ON APPROVAL. FR1END- pmp. 811 Adams. Elmlra N. cash from frek sampipr s.n.ow F''Ffi Chrlstmiis Card amples 50 for 1.25.

up. WITH NAME. YOU mage out famous 21 card tl assortments pay you up to 50c Get assortment on nnorovnl. Other money, makers. BOULEVARD ART.

75 West VanBuren. Dept. 102. 'Chicago 5. Bfih CHRISTMAS CARDS from FREE SAMPLES.

50 for 1 1 name-lmprinted. Also Secret Pal. Plastics. Rcliuious. Kiddy, Wrans.

Stationery. Eastern Star Boxes rVLuxe box on approval. Midwest Card. 41S N. 8th.

Dept. 601. St. Louis. Mo.

GIRLS. IB or older for work at Drive-In. Apply between 3 and 6 p. m. Snence's Drlve-lu.

3500 E. Washington Ave. YOUNO WOMEN. 18-25. attractive, intelligent, free to travel with chaperoned circulation group.

Average earnings 200 monthly. Transportation furnished. See Mr. Klntop. Wed, Frl.

1-4 p. m. Wise. State Em. uiuy iiiru on ice.

wo pnotie EXPERIFNCFD" mangle operators. Ap-rlv at Universal laundry. 1226 Regent St EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Nleht shift 9 m. to 5 a. m.

Good wnitcs. Saturday night off. Call 5-7131 for appoint- ment. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Local bank 5 days per week. Write Box Times-Journal.

12 HELP WANTED MALE OPPORTUNITY Young; man to learn tewing machine and vacuum repairing, excellent future for rleht party Apply In person to Mr O'Day berore noon Singer Sewing Machine Co 325 State St. WARD-BRODT MUSl5CO. has opening for young man in Sales Department. Must have knowledge of Musical Instruments and piano Also experience in selling Apply Mr, Ward, 208 State. MAN to care for garden and lawn on mall country place.

38 miles from Madison. Drive car for owner. Live on premises. Write Mrs. Andrew Porter.

F. 3. Spring Oreen. Wis. or Phone 8FI4 AN EXCEPTIONAL opening tor real estate with license and car.

Write Times-Journal. CLASS A MECHANIC! Top wage. Must be familiar with til makes and models JACK'S GARAGE P. 104 13 MALE AND FEMALE HELP VAULT CUSTODIAN AND TYPIsT" With insurance experience Permanent position with Madison banking Institution. Write.

Box 467 Tlmes- Journtil. 14 SALESWORK EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for local and district representation Call Mr Clack, 5-8151 AUTO AND TRUCK SALESMAN Youn. aeereaatve man with aome selling experience to fill position now open with reputable, direct dealer Must be clean-cut. dependable and wining to work sell, lng cars and trucks. We will train, you if you hsve tne ability to Bell.

Salary plug commission basis For appointment call B4E2 Bun Prairie, nnriii ii. 7 7 aaiesmnn with car. Write Times-1 journal. WANT. ALUMINUM AWNINO DEALER Large manufacturer hns openlnt tor reputable dealer this territory.

Pre. fer concern with home marketing experience. National line backed by rich power local advertising campaln Only investment: Working capital aateg help and co-operation. Bog 485 Times-Journal. BUILD YOUR FUTURE! IN YOUR LOCAllTY SALESMEN 25-55 Thle maybe your opportunity Does your present Job offer you the income you want? Can you boss yourselt? We are interested In contact, lng men of gixxl character who possess selling ambition and want an opportunity to earn tlUO-t-O) per week.

You will be trained by a company representative and will have chance to earn while you Itarn You will become fn-miilar v. 1th the many products gold by one rf the oldest euc-cessful companies in this f'eld. We will give you the opportunity to become top sales, man. Should you ha Interested In further psrtlculara. then we invite you to come In and talk it over with u.

Applv mornings except Mondayt at 1.W Moume Mi'iinn, Wisconsin. AtlE tor hit, V. titer. i 1 i lllikl'll those veterans of World War II who icr to 1itrui.iiiriiL llllut-l llir provisions of section 45.35. (5 ins commandant of the home may receive; disburse and account for personal funds of members of the home, other than" state funds, received from anv source, under nollrles adopted by the board of veterans' affairs (6) Any veteran who served honorably In anv branch of the mtlltnrv lui i ynlW? en a resident, of this state, shall he elielhle for burial and interment at the home.

Cost or preparing grave and erection of marker shall bp paid from the appropriation made by section 20.038 (7) (al. (71 Burial shall he provided In the cemetery of the home for anv wife, widow or mother of an honornblv dls-chareed veteran of any hranrh of the military forces of the United States who was engaged In any of Its wars, where such wife, widow or mother at the time of her death was a member of the home. AH expenses incident to nie ouriui at tne noma of a person defined in this subsection shall be paid from the estate of the decedent, except, that If there is no estate or the estate is Insufficient, the expense of burial or necessary part thereof, shall be paid from the appropriation made oy section U3 (a) and the amount expended therefor shnll not exceed the amount therein specified '81 The department shall have the power to acquire, by gift, purchase or i-uiiuerfiiiatioii. lands necessary for the purnoscs of, the home. Title thereto shall be taken In the name of the state of Wisconsin nnd shall he held by and for the uses anil purposes of said home so long as used Tor the "resent objects and purposes thereof No payment sholl be made out of the state treasury or otherwise for any such land until the title has been examined and approved by the attorney-general Every such deed of conveyance shall be Immediately recorded In the office of the proper register of deeds and thereafter filed with the secretary of lifate.

s. Approved June 30. 1949. 1 WANT ADS 4 CEMETERY LOTS. Monumentt CHOICE lots in section K.

Roselawn cemetery. Call 8-0186 PERSONAL WILL PAY'EXPENSFS' Party wants ride July 9 or 10 to Rhine-lander or Three Lakes, also July 18. 8-5044. LEAVING JULY 20 for Yellowstone. Glacier National Park, Lake Louise.

Take 2. share expense. References ex-chsnred Write Times-Journal. 6 BUSINESS PERSONALS FAMOUS ONCK-OVEIx Thin Rasoi blades with 80 shaving edge In a clever plastlo dispenser case with convenient slot for used blade 80c complete Earon'e its floor eog-tnetlca CURTAINS blankets bedspreads and small rugs laundered and finished Home service. 211 Few at.

8-5286. CALL FORRER SALAD and CATERINO for their 4 menu picnic circular. Be surprised to what they have to offer. li. 78.

U. PICTURE two tvnea of businessmen: 1 Settles hia old notes, judgments or recounts by selling them at a substantial profit 2. Buys book after book to keep traclt of those owinj, pays bookkeeper good wages to figure how much he might be worth some oay. -if you are Type One get in touch wim us at once: we have rash wait ing for those old notes. Judgments and accounts Hung.

8 S. Carroll iviaoison. uirtord 4790. In return for pianist's use in own noma, rerxect cart guaranteed. 8 4981.

THE CLOCK PF.PAIR SERVIC'B All types, pick ud and pELnTERYSERVICE 8-5100 LADIES are you looking for new patterns? save money In Disking skirts nnd sweaters. Fleur de France will help you with free knitting lessons every afternoon. 447 W. Oilman. 6-4375.

KNOW WHAT? Amateur get "professional result cleaning auto upholstery witn Fma Foam. BaronsIst floor. FORMULA for a bad day: Casey wnlk-lnto the store and saving "Onod niornine." Biid O'Brien laying "What LOST AND FOUND PRESCRIPTION siin glasses In brown leather case. Lost Sunday June 19 G. 473.

LOST: Will psrtv finding lady a black leather pure. lost Julv 1st. 1 p. m. at Sunset Point, please call O.

6129 for return. (GiHSfcc-a are badly need- edl Reward. SMALL BOSTON bull terrier lost at West Point. Light tan with white markings. Reward.

Call B. itpk 9 ARTICLES FOR RENT Baby Crloa and Mattresses HIGH CHAIR3 8CALF3 STROLLFR BABYLAM) 1251 WILLI 4MSON EMPLOTMINI WANTED "Wn.I "TAKE CARS OP BM.Vtt. CHILDREN IN MY HOUSt DAYS 5-4TTJ MIDDLE-AGED LADY withes house, keeping position on ft farm. Write it- s'20 Times-journal EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. evenog.

raoher wanti part lime wurk evenings rWlteJ5j8jnm HIGH SCHOOL graduate experienced In ohotvgraDhv chemistry or lat work. nif ACCOUNTING-BOOKKEEPING delred by young man. 1 esr busing T.w.. tne term "life agent means anv aiithnrl Wail iftiwL 1 'otltlon for. or procure- tV; Insurer, or of a V'T'i', agent, who does r.

from the public II MI il'IftLlllll X. frit mitf a iihi :nn.a.... il i 1 1 a i aim III or the il i -i nf the I ,1 all aeemtnta (t 14 jail IT .1 i-f i.ti-e aii.lll ml fc I i ii m. Mfililn ml'llil, M'' a f.iiih.- i.i( id it i a 14 i ail In a I tiHft li. ui- if I ifi.f aaUM p.

I i. i. "i ftiH.Jitiai, 'T'jtyil ''i lt iinvv a in I a bard I 'H IftiMlllilint. I Ii Ii. f.MT 'ii I "-i 4 b.i.i,iiitiiHI ex- i M.

i li 44 ervit a lrV.Vr.,,.Va.,i,"-, i i i to I i. on i 1 i i ili.li l.f a i. i. i- i ii ftt't'iiiiuiaied. I' I Hi.

1. 1 i i.e. i.V. lu furi i.r,.: M' I illlrllllll lira, v-'-w vwmmm 'l 11 (f iki n( A--f A 3( i i a tint Id hi i 'mV siry1" ii--1 H' i'mii a.uiee 1 M.i 5 ri I' f. mima j.r.i.

I r-i r. v.i fuciHer .1 iiiu i. "i li 4 cf the tiites ill. isi end i a r. i i ni? ii.

'2 a. id ii nt n.ui.d t. rtaie the i' i. a i 'ft if i irt4B ni, vf. ta I.eri of T'" "anil oy reason or Atuti i Pr" cn salaried officer or emit wnmrl ilyii0iJLPta k-S5 ssaV WjrrK' or jnor.

and who Is a sti't- may be i Nd 'Vil corporation hall. J'T rtlTt. procure, re- I frwccl applications for life I fj" or Issue or de- P'V nr manner o. or aid In placing of ef Insurance or an- i Person other than hlm- with any nT, M- Partnership or corp. "'le.

iversonallv for a An insurance agent for writing the kind of insurance for "ti tJLAI IFirATIOMOl lltn TV tir tin INSURANCE INSURANCE ao i nth iirr ir-utVoT 7 rn tvi any contract of lif nr through him or i vi 1.9 il.llP iiu i-oiumisK oa ili, c.naideMi.it for aefrWes as i 1L irl- iniiiertiv pv iniurer er licenced life iiuiirai.ee agent to any person it i ner than a person hoMIng a ruf-enue vs'td lieenaa to act as a iff! iiimi-ance agent aa reuuh-ed hr laws bt male Nor shall anr person. iariherilp. or cortxorati.m nihai- than i ue paia to ItlT Dart- nerahiu of which he la member, em-i'i" epl. or to any corporation hU-t he i an officer, emplove. or int if such cortiration or partner- i.

i fnnii priniariiv tn the m- hiuiinea- and iinm isn 3 The amount or the Insurance Hum 35? KWterT1 th' nt LIciwS UCTf th.Ra WUSAL OF sattffi.d is wnr I' trust hr whom thy 'arenV WWlmS lrmhen Si r.om",s 1Pt fortn iwfcMctlon (12 thl ha11 nnt'f the applicant and the Insurer In writing that ii Vhi. i A Ppron not resident In this state may be licensed i nl 7sJtssjrz cHiofS accori nihWhlch mides wH anyntotherh ute w.lhlnrl!,t:h0rf,P1',, ot as a dent of this state a -1 vm ire a llf. to cense and llcep, or Itlf'tW Tftl ahg JJIli a set Ji nw hU aMiSir VhT may Issue such additional license without examination of. or further in- vennga'ion concerning- the ND REMEWAL. OP AOFNT-8 LICENSE, fal Each ill.

cene Issued to a life insurance- ant shall expire on Mar 1 fnl! of issue, xinlesg prior thereto It la revoked or suspended by the commlnslon-er or the authority of the agent to act for Insurer is terminated. In the absence of c-ontrary ruling by the commissioner, llcenae re-newaia may be lasued from year to Tear noon request of the insurer, -without further action on tha part of the agent. ic) Upon the filing of requent for renewal of license and payment of the required fees prior to its date of expiration, the current license shall continue in force until the renewal license Issued by the commissioner or until the commissioner has refused for call" to issue such renewal hiwiu rZwX, hJseKr' desire "to vi' asi.f,rfi lUHn mm iirat ii amount or an in'iiifr t. i in "i i ry, mill. to dj business In I iACnfn AOENT WITHOUT SvlIAlD UNt'lCENSED I 1 al No person shall act as limianr agent within this state he shell hse Procured hense I reqiilrnl tha l- i ili Hie uiv lu-enxed life Inaurance agent ac-st co mm leal on or other i ('u, vx.natie fnriii derat loa.

except that any I II it in i.i and lirensnj agent may direct that liininiiwirii "I II II 4 i I i ib''u1 for (i inaKe a ii I in Hi .1 SP- ii il t-f-mllit to nf SOLD in p-' P-'I'li riH.oi in thU J' hi.n i. ri Vf aril-lull I f-i tt ll ftilf 4 a- rai .1 i help i tii V. v-x- l9 Imirii ROLF DAPXO CO. Office, Ttac(iia Avt, U- provtded in subsection (IJ, and hM.inr euch aerrie nn i ot x-iia section shall pot ri It I prevent the wmiit receipt of re- If I4 li, tvewal ftr her detereaiit given notice or aurh in wn. i In tj ih..

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.