The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

FOSTER'S FIGURES. Tie Hew Gorernor Elected by Plu lalitj of 30,170. ZtcEnery Recelre More Votes Than Beth of the Republican Candidates. Tie Labor Candidate Carries Pour Farilie. The Returns From the Outljin? Sections of the State.

THIS PARISH KKTCBXS. 1 1 5 5 3, 2 221 111 63J 1.12 SO 1 927 1,721 913 94 181 191 324 433 217 96 102 66 919 25 94 1,051 i) 611 403 90 27 35 410 96 81 SSS 3 luO i SST 69 470. e4 282 1.0. 1.WT 333 219 110 OOF SS 1 S69 ltd 39 39 63 15 123 473 UK 4U IT U02S 814 899 15 79 a 14 S9 3 ST. ParishAe.

1.6 3, Assnniptlon BiftnTlllO M2t Jiossier 3.95 aires! M5 Cameron 272 43 1.01 1.23 eSou 13 Kaat B. Kouce 1.514 Xasl 91 J5. 1 Grant 'Iberia 3 lberrillle. 1.517 4 Jaffnnoa Mil Lose ILaf eurcbe ojnoola L5 XlrtBjCMOB S3 MmUmi a IrekMM. jtatchitocne.

Orleans. Ouachita LAii yiaqaesnfes PotutCoapee, tn S.B lied "74 111 IMtit 14 i ts SK i 13 3 3U 714 XU 33 a Js 439 I 7 639 rrj 4 23 10 736 64 MS 30 3J4 50. S3 13 3. 23 3 679 1.25 3 36 1JT3 1 60 3 '959 391 429 103 4 479 153 317 77 37U 100 3C4. 167 190 14 190 1124 27 4 241 854 203 1 71 34 436 6S 31; 16 9 97 1 49 307" 828 23 14 IStf J.193 178 3 111 68 1,001 Richland tit.

Bernard tot. Charles Bt. gfc James St. 76 630 320 Bt. al BC 965 St.

Mary S.134' ft. Tammany. C19 Tangipahoa OUT 907 Terrebonne 690 Union 4.157 Vermillion 1,013 Vernon 201 65 "Webster 1.217 Wat B. Bonn 7S Went Carroll. 333 W.

1,111 Winn 130 TX3fAMaoimLi.E. April 22. Spo Ths rote of the nurian. of Aaoeuaioa in tua election 01 apni is as tonowa For GorernorMcKnery 65. Foster 3623, TMnftrd 112.

Breanxtw. Tan neb 111 7. For Lieutenant Goremor Wlckllffe 633, 1141. 79. Mllla 7.

For A nrtl tor Steele 666. Heard 2628, Fon II LO 1IBU 1111. Mmw I For TraaaurerMontetrnt 654. Pickett 2628, JJarrell 1118. Jewia T.

Maaoner 7. For Baterintendent Kducatlon Calbonn 653, Larargao 3627, Martinet 1118, Barrett 79. WUHiOKQUU MC V. a. An 1 QO Uoagh7.

For Senator, Eighth DIatrlot MoAll 930, For BepreaentaUTO Benaa 1630, A. Bullion 2867. Vnr Judrft nnlnnWri. ralMltlR. For Sheriff St.

Martin 2980. Maurin 1506. For Clerk ol Court JUandrr 2867. Ajraud unonsr man iioM, uuiunar iuu. ABOTELLE8.

MARKBVII.I.K, April 22. t8peoial.l The rote of the pariah of Arorellee In the aieotlon of ADril 19 is as follows: For Governor Foster 2209, MoEnery 914, leonara 944. Breanx 182, Tannehiii 181. Lieutenant Gorernor Parlanjte 2211, WW klifln LOT Colainau 047. Weaka 181 Mllla 189.

T7n.w4 0.11 Qta.l. QIH ranf.ll.n iMa. uar iki. ieiiuricn io. Secretary Adams 2215.

Mason 903, Voisln 945. Htaea 181. MeHUariek 188. Treasurer Plotett 2i08, Montgilt 904, Darrell 94G. Lewis 182.

186. Superintendent of Lafargme saeo. (jaiooun 78, va, xtarrett in. Patten 133. Attorney General Cunningham 2176.

'Boutberiia 899. out 945, Jdwarcu 226, Uousll 184. JadxeTenth Judicial TMstrlot Cooo 3093, Andrews 2808. BJaoKinan 1492. Senator Heard 059, Ducote 1152, Bond 170.

Kepresentatlrea Lafarrue 2699, Hirman aon 2532, Barbta 1415. Johnson 411. Yoantet 224. McC'rea 920. Addlaon 137.

Iaic Loire 138. Sheriff Cannon 2935. bander 1449. Cleric or Court Bordalon 2742, GremOUoa 1670. Coroner Bor 4343.

Scales 190. Distrlot Attorney Breazeale 2583, Henry 1419. Marksttixe, April 23. Special. The Tote of the pariah of Aroyeiies lu the eieo tlon of Auril 19 is as follows For Gorernor MeKnery 913, Foster 3309, Leonard 944.

Breaux 182. For Lleuteuant Gorernor Wickliffe 907, "Parlance 2211, Coleman 947, weaka 181, Mills 139. For Auditor Steele 910, Heard 3211, Fon telieu 945. Gar 183. Kendricka 185.

For Treasurer Montexat 904, Pickett 2208. Darrell 916, Lewla 182. Maboney 186. For Secretary of Stat Mason 905, Adams 2V13. Votkin 946.

staes 181. For Snperintendent of Education Cal houa 787, Lafarftue 2365, Martinet 937. Bar rett 177. Fatttn 133. For Attorney General Sntherifn 899, CnnnlnRbam 2176, Yost 946, Jid wards 229, For Senator J.

IT. XHioote 1152, T. J. Beara 3000. j.

js aona 17a For Bepresentatlrea A. Barbln 1415. L. F. Johnaon 414, A.

J. Lafarsne 2699. J. S. W.

llarmanson 2582. w. McCree 920. A. Younger 124.

A. X. Addison 137, P. Magloiro 138. For Jnde A.

V. Cooo S093, a. ATI are ws 3808. w. uiftckinan 1492.

For Sheriff O. Cannon 2936, L. Saacler 1 1449. For Clerk of Court A. M.

Bordelon 3742, A. xi. wremuiion J670. For District Attorney P. Brareale 2583, B.

J. Henry 1459. For Coroner T. A. Boy 4343, J.

P. Scales Ivv. BAST BXTOX BATOX Bocgk, La, April 20. Special. 7 Messrs.

w. p. ivooerut ana w. ua.ieinpeter, the Foster eominisfdaners who were arrest ed for abandoning the Sixth ward poll and retuainir to aiirn tue tauy sneeta, were nren an examination neiore juuee u. iiucK ner to day and released on asoo bond aaoh.

Joseph J. Wllllamii. whose, election to the Sixth ward, has mandamused Boherta and Klein peter to toe returns, and has eujotnea tuereturninc omcerirom promnl cut in the result so far as members of the legislature are concerned, until the decision of the mandamus nrooeedinra. Baton Kocgk, La April 23. I The rote of the pariah of Fast Baton Kouge In the election of April 19 is as follows For Gorernor McKuery 1004, Leonard 1647.

TannehUl 3, Foster 1477. Breaux 323. For Lieutenant Governor Wlckliffo 1004, Coleman 167, Mills 3, rariango 1475, weaka 322. For Auditor Hendricks 3. Steel 1030, Heard 1459.

Fontaileu 1646. Gay 313. For Treasurer Mahoney 3, Montegut 1010. Darrell 1645, picitett 1463. Lewis 321.

For Sfloretary of State McatraTick 3, Mason 1003, Yoiaon 1645, Adams 1470. Staes 822. For Superintendent of Education Patten S. Calhoun 1004, Martinet 1645, Lafargue 1476, Barrett 3.2. For Attorney General Houch S.

Suther 11 1010, Yost 1645, Cunningham 14G7. Ed wards 822. For Senator Jaa, D. Fisher 2773. B.

1 Knowltou 1WJ2. orKepreeentatlre T. 8. Jones 825. E.

1). Chcathaui 933. Mllla 1944, Lewis 1596. Williams 1532. Wilson 1517, Gee 282, Tanner ES7.

or Judge G. W. 3uokner 2723, I J3ealel6S2. For Sheriff J. H.

Slaughter 3073, J. W. Bates 1726. or Clerk of Court F. YonnsT 2813, Tbi.

E. McIIu(rh 1576. For District Attorney Geo. K. Farrot 27:5, U.K.

fclierburne 1CC5. April 32. fSpeeiaLl The roteof the parish of Blenruie in ute eoo tion of April 19 Uas For Goremor McEnery 324. Foster 11H, Leonard 2. Breaax 3.

Tanehill 6.O. For Livareuant Gorernor Wlekllfre 317. FarUng 11 VS. Coleman 2. Weak.

3. Mllla 633. For Auditor Steele xw. ne um. Hen Oay Jhn HendrtcksftiX For Treasurer Moo uut 817, Picket 1113, Darrell Lewla S.Jo ha Maboney SS3.

For Secretary of Bimt Huon 318, Aflaaaa U98. Volsin 3. Staes Me9trsrla 633. For Superintendent of Education Calhoun 33, Lafargue U17, Martinet Barrett 3, J. P.

Fatten 633. For Attorney ueneraiDoeriui ninghaia 1106, Yost 2, Edwards 3, uouga 33. For Senator wrenn ioe, ntrona iw For Bepresentatlre J. K. Boone 199L For Juure J.

T. Watkins 2016. For Bberlff B. M. Manning 1027, W.

A. Foliar 976. For Clerk of Court J. w. xooaa i4e.

For Coroner J. U. Girias 1499, G. W. Wil son 82, V.

Ratow Sorai. Annl 31 fSpeclaLl Th rote of the pariah of Bossier la the election of April 19 Is as follows: For Gorernor rauneniu juor.nery 317, Leonard 96. Footer 3704. Breanx 103. For Ltetttenaat Gorernor Mil is wior 11 tie 217, Coleman 96, Parian ge 8704, weaka 102.

For Anditor Henancss 9. eteexe 217. Heard 3764. Fontelieo 96, Gay 102. For Treasurer uauoney o.

Jiontrut X17. Darrell 96. Pickett 3C96. Lewis 10X For secretary 01 state MestrancK, Jta aon 217, Voiaon 96, Adams 3705. Staes 103.

For Superintendent iiiu cation rat ten 9, Calhoun 217, Martinet 96, Lalargue 04, Barrett 102. For Attorney General Houffh 9, flu the lin 217. Yost 98, Cunningham 3701, Edwards 10X For Senator G. L. P.

wren. Twenty first dlKtrlet, 4111, A. Straud 4111. For Representative w. B.

Baggs 4100. For udge J. T. Watkins 4117. For Sheriff A.

K. Thomyon412L For Clerk of Court B. A Kelly. 4131. For District Attorney A.

J. Ueuff 4130. CALCA6H0. lake Charles. April 21.

f8peclaLl The rote of the parish of Tessas in the eleo tioa or April is la as ioiiowa For Gorernor TannehUl 677. MeEnerr 1061, Foster 1456, Leonard 479. Breaux 337. Lientenant Gorernor mils 683. wieKuae 976, Parlance 1465, Coleman 477.

Weeks 292. auditor Headrloas 669, Steele 1060. Heard 1454, Fon telle 487, Gay 344. Treasurer Mahoney 669. Montegut 1040.

Pickett 1463, Darrell 487, Lewis 299. secretary of state McstravicK 799. Mason 1029. Adams 1396. Volata 488.

Staes 164. Superintendent 01 JSauoatlon fatten 678, Calhoun 1047, Lafargue 1384, Martinet 481, Barrett 436. Attorney General uougn 659. Butnoriin 1042. Cunningham 1468, Yost 481.

Kdwarde 340. Vat Senator J. C. Man day 1757, Don car frey 1949. S.

P. Henry i960. 11. P. Wise 1619.

Bepresentatires x. b. rerKtns ibis, ueow VBicbardson 149L or uage u. a. ournes xvui, uo.

tx. Veils 979. S. D. Bead 1285.

For Sheriff D. J. Bold 3171, J. W. Bosteet IftOl For Clerk el court u.

weisn 2194, r. js. Haskell 1812. District Attorney D. Miller 3733.

B. P. O'Bryan 1267. For lotterr. 146: aealnst.

3466. For article 329. 1105; against 1000. For elty against, 1670. a AST CABKOLI.

Floyd, April 22. Special.) Our election nudoiraiileuT. HcCaerr receired 186 rote for go pernor, Foster 333; Vein brook 496 for state senator, Lott ui ana o. x. uatraa 21L S.

T. Jackson's majority erer D. Brigrs. for legislature, 139. K.

3. Herring Is elected sheriff. Lakb Frovidkmcx. April 2a The roteof the partsa of East Carroll In the election of April 19. is as follows; For Governor McEnery 310, Leonard 110, TannehUl i.

Foster 91. Breaux 946. Foj Lieutenant Governor Wlckllffe 310, Coleman 110. Mills 0. Parlance 91.

Weaka 985. Auditor Hendricks o. Steele 310, Heard 91. Fontelieu UO. Gar 985.

For Treasurer Mahoney 0, Montegut 310, Darrel 110. rickets 91. Lewie 985. For Secretary of State MoStravlok 0, Mason 2ia Voxsin 110. Adams 91.

staes 986, For Snperintendent of Education Fatten 0. iCalhoun 210, Stoddard 110, Lafargue 91, ASarrett985. For Attorney General Hough 0. Bother lin 210. Yost 110, Cuunlugaam 91, Edwards 985.

For Senator Geo. W. Montgomery 1383. Bepresentatlrea J. M.

Kennedy 1390. WEST CARBOLU Flotd, Ajril 23. 8peolal.V The vote of the parish of West Carroll In the election of April 19 is as follows; For Governor MeEnery 186, Footer 833, Leonard 4. annehUl 25. For Lieutenant Governor Wiekllffe 186, Parian 2u 333.

Coleman 4. For Senator 8. T. Baird 313, H. B.

Lott 257. Vanurook 496. Krepreaentatlvee T. Jackson 870, H. D.

Bribes 229. For Judge J. Ula 406, K. H. WU1 luni 172.

For Sheriff B. J. Herring 346. E. ar ret 183.

For Clerk of Cpurt W. S. Hedrleks 600. CATAHOULA. Harbisoxbubo, April 33.

Special. The vote of the pariah of Catahoula in the election is as follows For Governor Mills 858. TannehUl 653, Foster 428, McEnery 410, Leonard 360, Breaux 81. For Lieutenant Governor Parlange 424, Wiekllfie 413, Coleman 382, Weaka 82. For Auditor Steele 426, Heard 423, Fonte lieu 862.

Gar 73. For Treasurer Plekett 436, Montegut 407, Darrell 362. Lewis 79, For Secretary of State Mason 434, Adams 14. Voisln 831. Staes 73.

For Superintendent eC Education La fargue 423. Calhoun 412, Barrett 80. For Attorney General Cunningham 436, Sutheriin 412. Yost 362. Edwards 80.

For Senator Teal 1126, Brian (third party) 1007. For Representative Calvert (L) 1077, Brutbauot (tuira party 1 1063. For Judge Duke 1118, H. B. Talia ferro 1026.

For Sheriff John Doaher 1121. K. G. Hoi etelu 1020. For Clerk of Court L.

M. Davis 1111. J. G. Taliaferro 1007.

Diatrlet Attorney D. K. Thompson 1293, J. L. Aiagg B41.

COXCORDIA. Natchez, April IX iSpeolal. Tn tue tonooruia election tuere is iiotmax new to report, aave that the returning oOioer will not promulgate the returns of the parish, and In order to avoid the serviee of a writ 01 mandamus by the McEnery men compel him to promulgate the returns, has crossed the river Into Mississippi. What the result will be la unknown. DI SOTO.

Mawsfteld. AprU 92. Speolal.1 The vote of the parish of De Soto In the election of April 19. is ae follows: For Governor McEnery 470, Foster 109S, Leonard 636. TannehUl 383.

For Lleuteuant Governor Wlokllffe 479, Parlance 1003. Coleman 634. Mills 3. Auditor Steele 475, Heard 1096, Fontelieu 635, Hendricks 286. For Treasurer Montegut 474, Pickett 1079.

Darrell 664. Mahonr 283. For Secretary of State Mason 473, Adams 1095. VOlSin 635. AieSiraVlCK 286.

For Superintendent Education Calhoun 473, Laiargue 1096, Martinet 634. rattoa 286 For Attorney Geueral eutherlla 496, vunnmguam auos, xost sro, nouiru aae. For Senator Pugh 1771, Flke, 1863, Jones 437. Brown 391. Representatives Elam.

1939, Peyton 1799, xi orris 90a. Alien 331. For Jndice W. P. Hall 1855.

Roach 69. For Sheriff II. Huson 1J. For Clerk of Court Geo. H.

Sutheriin 2116. WKST FELICIA3TA. Batotj Baba, April 32. Special me oiiieiat returns ior west eitciana are as follows: MoEuary 1193,. Foster 1112.

Leonard 178. TannehUl a. State Senator. Fifteenth Senatorial Dis trict 1). W.

Pipes 2489. For Bepresenta tlrea Chas. K. Decker 1293, Chas. W.

Ball 1206. For Sheriff John 11. Clock 1417, M. Burrow 1179. BCiJKTON, La.

AprU 33. The vote of the parish of West Feliciana la the elootlon of AprU 19. Is as follows: For Governor McEnery 1193, Foster 1112, Leouard 178, TanneblU 3. For Lieutenant Governor Wiekllffe 1233, Parlange loao, Coleman 177. MUls 3.

Auditor Steele ilus, Hwtrd llll, Fon tellen 177. iienarioks 3. For Treasurer Montegut 1304, Plokett 11 11. uarreu 177. Mahoney 3.

For Secretary of states Mason 1301, Adams me, voisin 177. Mostraries 3. For Superintendent of Education Cal houn 1205. Lafargue 1111, Barrett 177, Pat ten 3. For Attorney General Sutheriin 1303, cuuningnam 1111.

xost 177, uougn 3. For Senator IX W. Pipes 2489. For Representatives Cuaa. W.

Ball 1308, For Judire F. D. Brame 9483. For Sheriff John H. Clark 1317, Chas.

M. Barrow 1179. For Clerk of Coort Ia W. Brandon 1391, w. B.

sinttu 1101 For Croner Dr. W. H. Taylor 3488. For District Attorney L.

Gibson 1460. Kaw IiJEaj. La, Arrll 5i SpeclaLl IBKRIA. TOE DAIIY FICAYUNIrV ORLEANS. SUNDAY, APRIL, 24; 1892.

1 aaWAWSS SWaWa WaWawWS SW The rote of the parish of Iberia Is as lewa For Governor HaT.iiwr 1093. Foeter sat Breaux 17. Leoaard 408. For Beeator Dndler Irarr fMOE.1 lSM. Jean Dmee 813.

For Representative T. L. Gates MCE.) 1376. A. MoGewen (F.) 999, no.

T. White Gum. a. April 22. Specisl.l The 4rote of tne parish of J.lfarsom laahe eloo tlon April 19 Is aa For Governor Tannehil 14.

CM En err SCO. Foster 1311. Leonard 451. Breaux U4. For Lieutenant Gorernor MUls 14.

wiek llffe 800, Parlange 1209, Coleman 437, Weeks 114. For Anditor Reailrlck 14. ftteela 804. Heard 1808, Fontelieu 464. Gay 112.

For Treasurer Maboney 14. MoategatSOS, Pickett 1310. DarreU 464, Lewis 113. For Score tarr of State Mestratne 14, Ma een 808, Adauie 1309. Voisln 462.

Btaes lis. Jror suporintenaent of iwiuesoos rat ten 14. Calhoun 862, Lafargue 1163. Martinet 447. Barrett 113.

For Attorney General Hougn 14. suther iin 803, Cunningham 1308, Yost 433, Edwards 113. For Senator L. H. Marerro 2344.

Henry Demas.278. Eor ReDreaentatives w. Beeaneon 3113. B. J.

Perkins, 346, F. Brown 230. Parish utnoers: For uage. wenty nrst Judicial district Emile Bost 257a For Sheriff Wm. L.

Landrlda 2242. O. V. Wagner S4L For Clerk of Court J. C.

TUotaoa 2383. W. Boaner 193. Other 'OOioer: For District Attorney, Twenty first judicial District P. E.

Ed rington 3029, Gerrals Leehe 628. For Coroner G. W. setteon 1747. J.

a. Ford 849. VADISOV. Tallcxah. La.

April 22. SpeetaLl Offi cial returns as riven out this morning gire Foster a majority of 2747 ever all candidates In Madison The returns are as ioiiows Foster 30. McEnery 34. Breaax 163. Leonard 7.

XATCHITOCHaa. Katchtocbbs. April 22. TSpeelal.l The official vote of this parish Is as follows: Foster 1076. MeEnery 602, TannehUl 714, Leonard 128, Breaux 834.

Andrews and Coco are elected mares. Pharor Breazeale. district attorney. The whole pariah Foster ticket Is eleoted by good majt titles. OUACRTTA.

Hoxroi, La, April 2X BpeetaL The vote of the parish of Ouachita In the election of AprU 19, is as follows: For Gorernor MoEnery 1249. Foster 1849. Leonard 6, Breaux 32. Tauneuill 33. For Lientenant Governor lokUffe 1346.

Parlance 1664, Coleman 6. Weaka 22. MUls 22. For Auditor Steele 1243, Heard 1545, Foa teltea 6, Gay 22, Hendricks 28. For Treasurer Montegut 1345, Pickets 1564.

Darrell 6. Lewla 21. Mahoney 23. For Seeretary of State Maaon 1236. Adams 1563, Voisln 6.

Staes 21. MeStravlck 28. For Superintendent Education Calhoun 1245. Lafargue 1663, Martinet 22, Barrett 22. Patten 38.

For Attojney General Sutheriin 1238. Cunnldghara 1663, Yost 6, Edwards 33, Houch 28. For Senator F. Endow 1293, W. R.

Wo tnacfc 1561, P. Balfour 1278, G. B. Brumby 1661. BepreeentatlTes MlUsaps 1283, A.

Benolt 1576. ForJudce B. W. Richardson 2827. For Sheriff Garrett 1620, John 8.

Faulk 1387. For Clerk of Court CL Madden 1711. A. Babun 1138. For Coroner G.

Lurghnor 1630. W. Hilton 1230. rorjTTB coiTPaB. New Boaks, La April 33.

Special. The vote of the parish of Polnte Coupee In the election of April 19 la aa follows For Gorernor MeEnery 746, Foster 071, Leonard 3069, Breaux 81. For Lieutenant Gorernor Wickliffe 738, Parlange 678, Coleman 2086, Weake 21. Auditor Steele 742. Heard 676, Fontelieu 2076, Gay 8L For Treasurer Montegut 741.

Pickett 669, Darrell 9091, Lewis 36. For Seeretary of State Masoa 743, Adams 671, Voisln 2076. Staes 89. For Superintendent Kducatlon Calhoun 743. Lafargue 673.

Barrett SL For Attorney General SutberUn 741, Cunningham 658, Yost 2083, Edwards 81. For Senator Bond 821. Heard 761. Dneote 194X 1 Representatives Caldwell 2748, Batehe lor 745. For Judge Temple 2825.

Talbat 635. For Sheriff Barker 2747. Collins 767. For Clerk of Court Bedaux 2774. Laoour 709.

Coroner MenvlUe 3365. Matthews Ult. SAPID 8. A lbx akdi a. April 22.

Tbe vote of the parish of Rapides in the election of April 19 Is as fellows For Governor Taunebill McEnery 439. Leonard 109, Foster 2983, Breaux 780. For Lieutenant Gorernor Mills 639, Wiekllffe 438, Coleman 109, Parlange 2983, Weake 773. Auditor Hendricks 637, Steele 440, Heard 3983, Fontelieu 105. Gay 790.

For Treasurer Mahouey Montegut 438, Darrell 113. Piokett 2975, Lewie 77a For Secretary of State MeStavick 638, Mason 438. Voisin 109, Adams 2986. Staes 776. For Superintendent of Education Patten 631, Calhoun 433, Stoddard 1, Lafargue 2970, Barrett 802, For Attorney General Hough 638.

Buther lln 437, Yost 109. Cunningham 3890, Edwards 779. For Senator J. G. Wise 683, T.

Selp 3702, Paine 633. Representatlres Watts 689, Collins 184, Meeker 8708. Bolton 3754. DeLaoey 54, G. W.

Brnloe 719, W. W. Monroe 642. For Judge Jamea Andrews 4180, A. Y.

Coco 4180, For Sheriff D. T. Stafford 4122. For Clerk of Court L. Raaadell 4278, G.

W. Christian 643. F. Blaokmau. for Judre, 747.

C. I Robinson, for sheriff, 160. SCO KIVCR. CousHATTA, April 23. Special.

xne vote oi sne pans a or He a river, in me election of April 19. is as follows For Governor MeEnery 165, Footer 663, Leonard 106. TanneblU 234. For Lieutenant Governor Wiekllffe 166, Parlange 666, Coleman 206, J. J.

MUls 24a For Auditor Steele 166, Heard 666. Fontelieu 204, no. Hendricks 240. For Treasurer Montegut 166, Plokett 669, Darrell 204. John Mahoney 340.

For Seeretary of State aeon 166, Adams 665, Yoism 206. D. M. Stravick 24a For Superintendent Education Calhoun 166. Lafargue 664, Martinet 206, J.

P. Pat tin 240. For Attorney General Sutheriin 166, Cunningham 669. Yost 206, Wade U. Hough 340.

For Senator J. C. Pugh 819. A J. Flke 653, V.

W. Bo wn 240, J. Jones 403. For Representatives P. L.

Collins 606, T. H. Hamilton 401. For Jadre W. P.

Hall 1309." v. For Sheriff JT. M. T. Elliott 1092.

For Clerk of Court T. K. Paxton 1098. For Coroner Edgerten 914. '(.

RICHLAND. BiTnui, La, April 23. Special The vote of the parish of Richland aa follow For Governor McEnery 878, Foster 961, Aieenaras. Breaux ax For Lieutenant Governor Wickliffe 378. Parlance 961, Coleman 4.

Weeks 22. Auditor Steele 377, Heard 931, Fontelieu 4. Gar 22. For Secretary of State Mason 877, Adams 961, Voisin 4, StaeS 32, For Superintendent Education Calhoun B78, Laxarcue aeo. narrett S3.

For Attorney General Sutheriin 878, cunnincnam aoo, xost 4, Edwards 22. For Senator C. P. Balfour 667. G.

Brumby 719, Fred Endom 690, W. Womaok 671. Representatlres W. H. Todd 781.

W. 8. Riehardsonr 625. For Judge K. P.

WlUUms 827, a J. EUls 626. For Sheriff Lent Boost 1316, J. F. Wynn 88.

For Clerk of Court J. J. Snmmerlln 1311, A. Boies 3a District Attorney J. W.

Willis 633, L. A. xnompson 688, newuian so. For Coroner J. S.

York 71a ST. JAMES. CoirvcKT. La. April 22.

rSDeclaLl The vote of tbe parish of St. Jatuee In the elec tion of April 19. Is as follows For Governor McEuery 679, Foster 70S, Leonard 12K6. Breaux 20S. For Lieutenant Governor rWIokliffo 681.

Coieman 1284. Penance 766. Weeks 296. Auditor Steele 681, Heard 766, Fontelieu 1384. Gay 396.

For Treasurer Montegut 831, Darrel 1384, Pickett 766. Lewis 396. For Secretary of State Mason 881. Voisln 1283, Adama 766. Btaes 296.

For Superintendent et Education Cat hoam58l, Martinet 1133, Lafargue 766. Bar rett 296. For Attorney General Sutheriin 681, Yost 1284, Cunningham 794. i a waras ave. For Senator 1L Joseph St.

Am ant 1858, Henry McCaU107a Representatives EJohard Slmms 1767. Jno. A. Nicholas 101X For Judges, Twentieth District TJ. Folse 1862.

Walter 1051. For Sheriff A. Bourgeois 1934, Louis TRenrmols 934. Fr Clerk of Court E.J. Lalohe 1S09, L.

A. Pallerin 1036. Croner Dr. Oscar Gandet 1825. Dr.

J. O. Bertin 1006. 1 Alintrlet Attorne; i car D. biuow 1033.

District Attorney J. A Gauaet 1ST, Os gT. MAETTTf. Sr. MAsrnxrTLLB.

April 21 Special. The rote of the parish of St. Max tin is as fellows For Governor MeEnerr asa. Foster 968. Leonard 3.

Breaux 1. isr Lieutenant Gerernor Wiekllffe 868. Parlance 905. Coleman 3. Weaka or Auuitor Steele 65.

Heard 970, Fontelieu 3. Oay i or Treasurer Monterut tsa. Pickett 970. Darrell 3. Lewis For Seeretarr of Suts Vum asa a a.m.

970. Votala 3. Staea Jror supertatendeat or TldnnrntJon Cal houn 368, Lafargue 969, Martinet 2, Barrett For Attorney Genera) SutberUn 358. Cun ningham 969, Yosts, Edwards Repreaentatlree L. C.

Gntdxr T20. W. A. Birarena 256. A.

Wells 368. For Judce rJasnex K. Mo ton 308, CL H. Moutea 406. FeUx Voorhlea 40s.

or Sheriff Dana Km ama. Gab. Gar deinal 633. For Clerk ef Court Alex. V.

Foarnet 738. Cha. Delhomer 694. senators John Domes 731. Dndler Avery 69K.

District Attorney R.F. Brouasard 873. I a Hacker (Si. ST. MABT.

FRAHKLnr. La Anrll 22. rBneelaLl The vote of the parish ef St, Mary, In the election 01 Apnt 19. la as follow: ror Governor MeEnerv 39L Foster 8134. Leonard 439, Breaax 103.

TannehUl 4. For Lieutenant Governor Wickliffe; 443. Coleman 43a Parlange 3125, Weake L106. Mills 4. For Auditor Steele 435.

Heard 8124. Fontelieu 430, Gay 105. Hendricks 4. For Treasurer Montea nt 441. Pickett 8123.

Darrell 43a Lewis 102, Mahoney 4. For Secretary of State Mason 443. Adams 3125, Voisln 43a Staes 104 MeStraviok 4. For superintendent of Education bona 413. Lafargue 3134, Martinet 204, Barrett 106.

Pattern 4. ror Attorney General Sutheriin 442. Cunnincham 3122, Yost 43a Edwards 103, Houch 4. For Senator J. H.

P. Wise 1523. A. u. Munday 633, D.

C. Caffory 3548, 8. P. Henry 3589. For Representatives H.

A. Perot 1194. B. F. Queen 116a J.

A. Loret 293a J. T. Banders 2857. For Judge A.

Allen 3343, John ciegg 846. For Clerk ef Court F. P. Ferret 3639. a.

8. Lenaux 147a For District Attorney M. T. Go ray. 3486.

W. K. Wilson 1694. For Sheriff A. G.

Frero 2323, u. u. cross 176L for coroner Dr. M. Smith 3613, ux.

x. W. Torieton 168L TAUGHTAHOA. TAwr.rpAHOt. Anrll 23.

iBpeelaLl The vote of tbe parish of Tangipahoa In the election 01 April 19 las follows: For Gorernor Tanehill 167. MeKnery 442, Foster 85a Leonard 110, Breaux 611. For Lieutenant Gorernor Aims iw, Wiekllffe 444. Parlange 763. Coleman UO, Weak 613.

For Auditor Hendricks 165. Steele 442. Heard 952. Fontelieu 110. Gay 612.

For Treasurer Mahoney 165. Montegut 442. Piokitt 949. Durrell 110. Lewis 612.

For Secretary of State Mcstrarick 166. Mason 430. Adama 963, Voisin 155, Staes 613. For Superintendent of Educatson Pat ten 165. Calhoun 449.

Lufargue 953, Martinet UO, Bairet 613. For Attorney General iioucn Burn er lib 442. Cunnlhgham 953, Yost UO, Edwards 608. For Senator John R. Wood U02.

IX, Newsom 1048. For Representatives M. Haney938. T. M.

Akers 1139. J. W. Hoover 7X Jor Judge R. B.

Beed 1266. O. P. Am ack er 80L For Sheriff P. P.

MoMehael 7M. F. P. Mix 643. For Clerk of Court T.

E. Warner 1349, D. T. Sattoon 778. For District Attorney General BoUvar Edwards 1438, W.

BL MoClendon 718. uxiox. Fakmbxtille. La. April 30.

Special. The vote of the pariah of Union in tbe election of April 19 is as follows: For Governor McEnery 276, jroeter 2107, Leonard 4, Breaux 67. For Lieutenant Governor wiekllffe 388. Parlance 2130. Coleman 2.

Weak 67. For Auditor Steele 284, ueara 2182. ron telleu 2. Gey 6a For Treasurer Monte cut 394, Pickett 3149. DarreU 2, Lewis 97.

For Seeretary of State Mason 293, Adams Voisin 3. Staes 67. For Superintendent ef Education Cal houn 294, Lafargue 2149, Martinet 2, Barrett 15. For Attorney General Sutheriin 333, Cnn aiagham 2152. Yost 2.

Edwards 67. or senators M. M. Lott (Foeter) 3596, W. A.

Van Hook (Foster) 2238. Representatives J. M. Dawklns 3703. wntjr.

WnncriELD, April 2X SpeelaLT Returns from four boxes give the vote lor governor, senatorial and and parish officers aa iouowa: irsi warn Moboery 33, oster 16. Leonard 4. TannehUl 46; state senator, H. Teal 6X B. F.

Bryan 127: representative, J. M. Peters 60, H. L. Bryan 126; sheriff.

8. E. Deloaoh ia J. IL Crawford 118; clerk, R. C.

Jones 67. L. D. Jones 117. Thrld Ward MeEnery 18.

TannehUl 66; senator, C. H. Teal 19, B. F. Bryan 63 representative, J.

M. Peters 3a H. L. Bryan 63 sheriff, J. E.

Deloaoh 3L J. H. Crawford 62 elerk, B. Jonee 23, L. D.

Jones 89. Sixth Ward McEnery 12. Foster 16, TannehUl 109 senator, H. Teal 36. B.

Bryan 114 representatre, J. M. Peters 41, H. L. Bryan 98 sheriff.

J. E. Deloach 44. J. H.

Crawford 100; elerk, B. U. Jones 40, L. D. Jones 9 Eighth Ward, Second Precinct MoEaery 0, Foster 10.

Leonard 10, Taunebill 80; senator. H. Teal 29. B. F.

Bryan 68 repre sentatire, J. M. Peters 32. H. L.

Bryan 62 i sheriff. J. E. Deloach 38. J.

IL Crawford 63 Clerk, B. C. Jonee 43. L. D.

Jones 59. Geo. Wear was elected district Judge and Andre Milling dlstrior attorney, neither having opposition. Wimmhki.d. 1a.

AprU 23. Special. The vote or the pariah of Winn In the election of April 19 Is aa follows: For Governor TannehUl 1001, McEnery Ul. Foster 136, Leouard 68. For Lieutenant Governor Mllla 1001, Wiekllfie 113, Coleman 68.

Parlance 137. Auditor Hendricks 919, Heard 137, Fontelieu 68. For Treasurer Mahoney 999, Montegut 1113. Darrell 68, Plokett 136. For Secretary of State MoStravick 999.

Voisln 68, Adams 136. For Superintendent of Education Patten 978, Calhoun 112, Lafarcue 137. Fer Attorney General Hongh 996, Bather lin 113. Yost 58, Cunningham 137. For Senator 11.

Teal 361, B. F. Brian 915. Representatives J. M.

Peters 403, H. L. Brian 877. For udge George Wear U67. For Sheriff J.

E. DelTaoh 473, J. H. Crawford 833. For Clerk of Court C.

Jones 473, D. Jones 815. For Coroner W. B. Mask 103a a rosTan jubilbk.

Thibodadx, April 23. Speelal.1 The followers Of h'aatiir anioiul lhinuilu yesterday afternoon, celebrating their victory uy the nriug ol cannons In front of the oourthonsc The New ConncIL 'Under the city charter the members of the new city council, whose election is at tested by the returns prima facie, assemble in the council chamber at noon to morrow, are sworn In and organize the new council The president pro tern of the outgoing 00 noil presides and the elerk calls the re turns as compiled by the mayoc'a clerical force. Buoh contests as are to be nled are then presented and the council proceeds to organise. Bo far as known there la but one contest tnat or Mr. Hen Cason, caudldate for the council from the Sixth muuluipal district, against C.

E. Murray, who was returned eieoteu. xuis ease wiu be adjudicated oy the council, that body being the Judge of the election of the members. It Is doubtful whether the council at to morrow's session will do more thau organ ize uy the election of a resident itro teui. There is a legion of candidates for all tbe oQloea which it is required to nil.

and all eflurw to tlx ep a elate have thus far failed. A confereuoa between the new oounolluieu and the ward leaders was held yesterday afternoon, but it came to naught. Tbe ward leaders held an Indopeudeut conference later on, but they also failed to settle the matter. Should no decision be reached bofore to morrow at noon the matter will go over untu alter the ineetlnr Among those said to be candidates for the various places are Seeretary of the Council B. 8.

Landry, Ed. T. Manning, EuaUe J. O'Brien, E. A.

cninius, ix. u. 13 wis. Assistant Seoretarr A. Blackmar.

Committee Clerks J. J. McUluty, Tom vampueu. City EudneerL. w.

Brawn. City Attorney Judge Albert Voorbeee. Jodce A. L. TUsot, E.

A. O'SulUvan, Eva rlste E. Molae and Judge Lawrence O'Don YOTJ CANT HEAT THEM, Can be truly said of the old reliable Louis Grunewald Company, 14 tn 22 Baronno street and 127 Canal street, for fine pianos ami orgaus on tue easiest terms. Don't forcet that Trtii gm.n hllT nianO or orcan on easy monthlr pajroieuts at weriein at 153 Canal street. PLEASANT PASTI1LES.

17b I form BZalcnts of Hob or. The grand military ball, given by Cosmopolitan Commanding No. S7, Uniformed Ranks, Knights of Honor, at Washington Artilery Hall, last night, was a pronounced success, every detail being looked after ia a most finished manner by tbo efficient committee. Tbe ball was well filled with a joyous throng, all on pleasure bent, and who fully realized their anticipations of a pleasant and enjoyable evening. The following gentlemen of tbe uniformed Odd Feliowa and 1'vthian bodies in a.

relied over in a body and were re ceived in an appropriate manner by the committees: Colonel li. D. Vettiur commanding; Major Bernard lie vers. W. T.

Machin. Charles Volz. W. T. Moore.

J. Keppler. Captain Geo. V. Ktantield, and Laeutenaut John.

T. Rai cevich. The committees in charge were Terr efficient and were as follows: A 1 1 I Al. Estalote, 8. 11.

West. Joseph Fa bach er, A. w. btsnley. A.

C. Carillon, 8. P. Oblsen, Geo. Anderson, li.

J. lief ton. C. Kecknagle, Wm. H.

Voelker. Sir Knights Floor Com mi tee W. J. Zimmerman, chairman; lieniy Klock, Deichniau. E.

R. Boehler, J. Kouz. J. Vigo, o.

r. Nichols, J. Uoeback, J. lw Moore, F. Degelman.

bir Rnigbte Reception Committee William Vosloh. ehairman; Alonzo Charles, James D. liogcrs. Max Pet rowsky, Charles F. bcbiniderer, i Kuelper, J.F.

Laporte.Frank J. Becker. J. Leitz. A.

Ponder. C. B. Zimmerman, E. Melkild.

Mit Rose. Joseph Markey, C. Wagner. A. J.

Kapp, H. LiTenuore, K. E. Brady, J. W.

Saider. Perbes, li. T. Downing, IL M. Johnson, William.

Cromiller. Tbe oflicers of tbe lodge are as fol lows A. Canillon, past commander; Nick Smith, commander, C. KeckiiageL, lint vice commander: A. W.

Stanley, second vice commander; William II. Voelker, secretary; IS. P. Oblsen. senior aid: S.

11. West, treasurer: F. A. Olxoyd. junior aid; J.

FaOachcr, guard; Theodore sentinel, A nnnBrl.tioii Chnnh Ru The last of the aeries cat entertain ments for the benefit of the Annunciation School took place at tbe school hall, on Mandeville and Marais streets. The hall was aooroDriately decorated for the occasion. At 9 o'clock the curtain rose and exhibited a inarch of eight comical personages, composed of Masters J. Wigaud. JS.

Beuson, J. Frazer, W. Flanegan. Smith. L.

Menrne, J. rreamau ana u. iraiterson, wuo uo. cuted tbe drill quite nicely. Next was taoican enutieu iub oiinuo ui nns." which was well Tbe following ladies took part in the tableaux: Misses V.

Powers, M. and C. Salvant and Lw Soisa. The tableau of Faith, liope and Cbrity" was also executed by tbe same ladies. Tbe t.l.laiu was thn ftlim of tbe evening.

Eight pretty and gor geousiy aressoa latiioe iiuuo nnw Af t. A BtlA IV nnAMff Stlfl ber maids and elicited much applause. Tbe following ladies took part: Misses C. and 31. feaivant.

vtero. aj. auu ix. Sbisa. M.

Fortkr. S. Ayer and M. Ma deaux. Misses Marie DeBlano and RitaCornay sang several pretty solos and were well received.

Tho ladies of the church had tbe bazar under their anvwmriaiftn nH fXil A the ti 1 II meat both a financial and artistio success. They bare decided to continue tbe entertainment for a week longer with a matinee on Ihursuay. The Lady Pythlans. Saengor Hall, on Marengo, between Magazine and Constance streets, was crowded by tbe friends and patrons of tbe Ladies' Pythian Benevolent Association last night, drawn thither by the first tableaux, concert and ball of that organization. Tbe tableaux were pretty and original.

One that was especially attractive was a crowd of gypsies grouped pleasantly on tbe stage, which was set off with appropriate scenery. A series of musical selections followed, and the entertainment wound up with a ball. Truly, if all tbe affairs of this association are conducted as tbe one of last night was, they will be immeasurably suecfssfuL The officers of the association are President. Mrs. Donbanser: first vice president, Mrs.

Kapp; second vice president, Mrs. Edler; financial secretary, Mrs. Anthony; assistant financial secretary, Mrs. Van lloven; treasurer, Mrs. Dillon; recording secretary.

Mrs. Foun tenet; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Ledder; warden. Mrs.

De Sha; doorkeeper. Miss Bloch. The Monogram Clan. Tbe grand soiree given last night by the Monogram Club in the Garden district ball, corner of Philip and Chippe wa streets, was a Bucceaa, as all enter tainments of this kind are when given by sucb persons as headed tbe organization last night. A varied programme was presented, and those in attendance had plenty of opportunity to enjoy themselves.

Dancing was kept up until a late hour, and when the nn seekers disbanded for the night all voted thanks to the efficient committee of who were as follows: Frank A. Dillenkoffer. chairman; John I. Kirwin, ex offlcio; C. J.

E. P. Kault. P. A.

Young. T. C. Dopf, T. H.

Burke. St. Patrick's Fair. At tbe fair now la progress at Washington Artillery Hall, for tbe benefit of St. Patrick's church, the guests arejwelcomed at Mrs.

M. Kenny's table, where they are waited npon and refreshed by a bevy ef beautiful ladies, among whom are Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Hanley. Mrs.

Grover, Miss Anna Hobsmann. Miss Moragea. Miss tCov incton and a number of others. At tbe A. H.

table is an exhibit of artistic needle a pillow of orasy patohwork. presented by Mrs. Sweeney, and a handsome table scarf, presented by Miss Anna Hoha nnhll. will a tertained by ths tug ot war and baby show. THE .220 LI AN CONCERT.

Prof. Toledo, ef New York, cave one of his dellrntf ul eonoerta at Grunewald Hall yesterday, introducing the famous 4.o llan for which the Lonia Grunewald Company are the sole agents. The prorramme Introduced a number of choice selections on this wonderful instrument, whion were receired with favor by the large audience of musical experts. CITY FIN ANCLES. The elty treasurer makes ths following it, nut week n)! Cash balance AprU 16, 1892.......

..8173.621 64 Receipts since 28,277 88 ....1201.838 92 Less payments 64.971 61 Balance April 33, 1893..... .....8136,937 41 1873..... 832,859 08 1891 iimi 4.2C7 S3 1HM0 62.669 68 tax. 10.974 44 1X87 in '8 tuar 916 95 1049 81 IHS4 203 89 133 65 139 90 1RK1 LS60 46 1880 80 1879 "1 1878 5 30 in 15J 61 1870 1U 49 Biimlrv aocounta 2,842 77 Printinc. advertising back 123 38 8138.927 41 XECOBDBBS kbtcbxs.

Becordera' returns for the week ending April 23. l92: a Rrinier. first 10 60 Anc M. Aucoin, second 2J2 00 u. Laudrr.

third 41 John L. Suilth. fourth 60 k. H. Lea.

flith 3 cj Total. tClt CD BfBfBBSSss Vow Is tiio time to ret bftre Ains la pianos 0,1 irjaeVAA ss 'wsbssm vv AiiusLiirirrD. SPORT! SPORT SPfffiT! Ul it )B tbtb Baaarrr or ST. JOSEPH'S FAIR GROUNDS, Tuesday and Wedncsrlay, Mfiy 3 and 4, 1892, trader the auspices et the centlemeaef the parish, subdivided into eotnmltteea. nanng for their chairmea the ollowlag gentlemen, to wit: Xxecuttve Committee HUGH MCMANTJS, Chairman; jo HK A.

VkSS, Secretary. Committee en Sport" JOH F. MARKET. Chairman Committse on Supplies BKUY KLOCK, Chairman. Committee on Ostes JOHN HONAQHAN, Chairman.

Cnramlttee on Onler and Police UABKY llcKNT, Chalrmaa. Committee en Music and Dancing WM. J. KANE. Chairman.

Committee on Printing and Advertising Befreshment tables win be presided erer by ladles of the parish, and all refreshments served at, city prices. An lnterestlag programme nas oeea arrancea feT both daya. consisting ef the loUowing sports: Trotting and Pacing Race. Fast Male Running Race. Pony Running Race.

Ladies'' Riding Race. liule Trotting Race, Gentlemen's Riding Race. Reindeer Club Handicap. Equestrian Tournament. Lady Riders, Boys Goat Race.

Baseball Hatch. Tug of War. Gents' Bicycle Race. Boys' Bicycle Race. GentaRunning Race.

Ladies' Running Race. Boys' Running Race. Ladies' and Girls' Rope Jumping Contest Fat llan's Running Race. Grand Military OrilL Prize Jig Dancing Jamplng Contest Greasy Pole. Greasy Pig.

Horizontal Bar Performance. Trapeze Performance. Vaulting and Tumbling, By Members ef Athletic Clans ef This City. For alLpt which suitable prises wUl be offered. AH entries to be made on or before Sunday.

May 1. 1803. at office of John F. Marker. Chat, man Committee ea 6 ports, 42 and 44 South Claiborne street.

1 Fur further information aee fa tare adrertise. ments. handbills and posters. The programme of ''amusem*nts la nil will appear la daily papers. Base Ball.

Sportsmen's Park, 4: p. m. sharp, Sunday, April 2rL, Tuesday, April 26, Wednesday, April 27, Montgomery vs. New Orleans. General Admission 25cts.

Reserve seats extra. Ladies free. AJTSTJ AL E5TEETAE12LE2TT of rax LADES'. BETHEL ASSOCIATION, AT TEX hetuez, Fulton Street, near Jackson Avenue. Friday Next April 23, at 8 O'CIock P.

U. ADMISSION Q5 CENTS. REFRESHMENTS. GEAIID FETE CHAIIPETRE, rVT TUB OX'X' PAKTT, SUJiDAY AAD MOXDAY, MAY 1 AXD3, Under the auspices of The Sew Orleans City Park Improreincnt isa'a (Organized Aucnat 13th, 189 L) Ceremonies te begin each day at 1 o'clock p. m.

Adilres of Welcome and Objects of AmocIa. uon, by his Honor, tbe Mayor of our city, and the Hon. A. L. Tissot.

Pres.dent. Open Air and Proroecaile Concerts, DnnciDC, Oraod Illumlnstion of Park, Fireworks, Chinese lAntern and Pyrotechnic Promenade by Chtld Oreii participaatM. ChUiUen's Shim, Gymnaatio Kxsrcises. 1 oot Races by Boys snd Uirls: Races. oat.

Uoose, Greasy Pi. Bak and Floor. Cream Cheese; OIoto CoDtesn. etc. etc, will beat tractive features of the occasion.

wiu awarded to all suecessfnl com. petltors. Admission tickets for adnlta. with coupon. 2 nnder 12 years ol see free.

AU lucky bolders of numbers will be entitled to sauh prizes aa may be draws from the wheel a Monday. 2d insu, a 1 8 p. m. assoclstlon is ia receipt of serersl prizes kiortly donated by its friends. All others desirous of eonu ibutlBc wiu please, address any member of tiIn committee or association.

lo the park and return will be fli8 "A sm eUy via the Kew Orleans City sad the 1'ort BUiroajls. Relreshnirntsat citr prices. tWisinuen of eomniiitees sre: Arraucements Rlchsrd Priinc: Louis A. luchartls, Privl eea, Munn, Programme, A. P.

NoU. Priies. Hporta, Albert Psldwln. Donations. Anseman.

Pnblie tiruer. Proposals far promenade, eom wUl be receiTenl no to 8 VSth Inst. Artdrr.s Ihe Cpuimitteo, 51 Bienville street. Coil evenlnsr A i'i rriilotre. will be received by Lnnls A.

lacharus. Room 15, Cliy Hall. ap'ilmy3 DO YOU KNOW. IT rrUes the sT.teniwlti tae deucon. of which C'oncas.

lirlw.i Coosa mpi Ion. Fr sn.Wi'.,,rk Un.N. j'iAied 1 aa un J. C. r.IILLDR ill ::7, Ak, Grand Cgera Hcjcc.

SEASON OF COnC OFtl awarlacMUXDAV Iftnvr: Blatlaees Tharsday, Saxaraay and THE ARIOrJ COLIIC CPEHA ITmii, LA NO. with ths foUowmc artists: 80X. Mesora. BELL. PMITU.

Wlii ivu I1 W1LUAV18 sad "wv" eeass 60s Second Aanlvfnirv DRAMATIC Of the TJbIbb IsJIm Tor the Benefit of the Relief Pvod ttuiRnr' llSTRlCTr HAI corner of tpV, PhUlp streets, on L'tJJAY. APHiiTla. 1 vnuuren nnaer 12 years ef are 10 Ceau. Grand Jelnt romnli To be Giren hr th. TOTTNG MEN'S KXCELSIOR STTTrrL LENT ASCIATIO.V and the YofSd ME.V8 KXCELSIOR JPMOt Bt ASSOCIATION, aa the 6PAK I6K On Ssmday, AprU 34, Men a Excelsior Junior neasrulent Assocui S'y 2 lw aTatTfr; "1 Poydrss.

OaniB. lsh Fort Depot, on Caual street, by or' I at:, uranu Marshal B. of XL L. BECK. Uraart Marshal.



OrweewaJd Hall. May 1 ty 2. at 7 p. From 7 to 1030. cbiutres.

rrom Kvol aLu' AUMIION 5f CNTC Tsooy Usaces Starts. p. aa. Sharp. Tickets lor sal at 'erlein's kuit bturs.1'3 Canal street.

SERIES OF ENTERTAINMENTS For the Benefit of the Kew Monastery ct DXS CALCEATED CARMELITES, April 'Zi te 30, lnclaslva, (. GRUXKWALD II ALL. Tito Fair opens oaily at 11 for ranch, eioss at 6 p. ra. Mo cdItum.

fee dnrin. i day except at 12 Satanlay, for the chirair matinee: entrance tickets eeata. chi Mrtn centA. Fair re opens at 7 p. tn, Ucketa chlidrsa lo oent.

Entertainineiits bcoi MOXDAY KIGHT. Dramatlo Entertainment, loung Men's CathnTle ALUs Rubie lu TUESDAY I FIT I Rl 811 NIGHT. Calistbeolca; or. Clilldren's Taice. by Miss Whita, of Plaae's Ins Miss L.

VinvDt, piano. Robert Kmmet's Speech from the lxx k. Hon. b. Moore's Melody "She la Far from the Aaad," (bolo) MissA.Gr: Acoompanis Miss Barr.

WEDNESDAY IGIIT FKEX CU I Two Tableaux, directed bjr VIki Ellia O'C nor. MiMi Helena ChaLaron and Mrs. A. Antony, pliao aooorortnita. French Solo J.liiuJn:LaVr Alls.

Cur Beagnot, accoaipniv Kapnleou LetuartiDe Cjril XI MACioLantern Exhiultion Jaa. P. Freret, of the Camera TUIESDAY KIGHT. Pflo KrltUon olo i Comedy The Happy Pair. Jos.

Onorato and Miss A Arlington Quartette. FBLDAY "IGirr GEB.3IAX XI CZ. 7, Grand Jerusalem Prof. Joa. Gerr tCotupruung a soprano, tenor acd 1 Polo iara.

Musical Selections. Under direction of L. T' Germaa National Air. irerinaa K.l,;.v.. SATURDAY MATIXEE, ChiMren's Tableanx.

cf Eliza V'Connor and Alra. Virriuie Imrj Plane Little Ailsaes Conn. sutt J1 Ajb'I Mandolin vc. SATURDAY XIGHT. Frln's Flaf Father Ryan Dalton vr; Polo Mr.

(. Recitation The Confederate Widow. Mrs. I'ier J. Plane Solo Mk.

a. Macie Lantern Exhibition "The Boltle." by Lionel Cazensreui. The followincia tbe list of tauicsa. i dies havlnc them ia chsrire: St. Theresa's (Stre.ratn'iii Xarlo tine, Aondt, West.

Mount Carmel (L'Vmon yr.iirjn Mnies. Geo, Trudoau snd Tlieanl. reau. Malone, Conxud, lisrris i Alphonsus (Voanff Men's ho TaMs Mmes. Mitchell.

Frerel I. SS. Peter and faul's i.e Naxel, Leaf, Erervtt and Norah. St.' Retreat iib.e Jlnrt Beusch and Chan.lier.

St. Patrick's (Hibcrnianl Table 't" Br, Westerneld, Brown. Miilerai' i St. Joseph's tCstiioile Joy. Bums, StinoUach aD.i Lerine.

bt. Louis Society snd Club Trr' Misses CorrejoUea, tiniiiot, a bert Mmea heard, Theoa, pecud and Legarileur. Post Office MIm R. le 1'lsle, pol: assisted by eharmiBg letter earners. Mj9j Tent Mrs.

Hammond, ijuees. a byfalry maida. Flower hover Mrs. Paul Plcard asl Sistanta. EUh Pond Mrs.

Henry Hamilton i Mangan. etc FIFTH 'ANNIVERSARY AD To be given by tie kli3Sf Kaly agscciat For the Benefit of their P.e'.ief Sato lay renins. April C3. 1' AT WASHINGTON ARTILLERY COaaTTTXB Of ABBASGEHL.VT Miss Alley, Cha triad y. Jvlrs.

V. Johnoi. Mrs. R. Barnes, ra.

HeiBiel. Mrt B. Linderman, Xr. i Mra. K.

EmUrc. Miss M. A4eiil. r. ner.

Mrs. A. Yoangblood, Tickets, '25 cents. DETROPOLITAII T' f. MM GIjTO 0: George JOIK VAH ex iVT ccloc: gevesal KESEKVED SEATJ TickeU for Sale at lAmclv.e' I Charles Hotel; A.

B. Cooin r's, 4 and Peter Young blood's, earner I Elyslan Fields street, on V.j;c ln.t, ri Carondelet street entrance, Arr.l 1 CHAriD TU3 CF Between Pirlions cf tv A lgis ADMl3iOX, sr' ii TO .1 I L.i t.ww. Tia ri Ta is crrzt it field ...1,1 I ET? 1C. TICKKT.i Lt its 1 e. i.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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