The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)


BRITISH ADVANCE UP THE DIALAH. The War 4th Year 129th ay. Trench and I3riu li troops re in the fighting line in Italy. British troops are in the Montello district where the Plate enters the Venetian plain. An Italian cornmuniqu6 ttatea that between the ltrent and the Pave a French patrol brought.

back JO prisoners. Dig operations line been carried out by Italian. French and British aeroplanes. To the number of 150 Allied pilots attacked with bombs and machine-guns the enemy troopa which have been pushed forward from the Asiago plateau to the head of the Frenzela valley. Italian airships have raided the enemji communica tion on the Tia front.

Infantry fighting has died down. During the weekend there has been little in fantry fighting on the Vrstcm front South. west of Caznhrai small actions are noted in the British reports wed of Gramcourt and eat of floursies. In Mesopotamia General Mar-hall's troops with Russians aiding them on their right chased the Turkish forces on the right bank of the Dialah across the Jebel lamrin range north-cast of Baghdad. On December 4 British troops' on the Deli Abbas Kifri road took SaLaltutan Pass.

and. crossing the Xahrin drove the enemy out of Kara Tepo on tile fol. lowing day. Between December 3 and 5 we took 227 prisoners. Heavy ram has fallen in Palestine making the' roll difficult.

General Allexiby reports that since the occupation of Hebron there has been no change in thd situation. Our Special Correspondent Petrograd telegraphs that it is stated' on good authority that the following German terms are likely to form part of the peace pourparlers with the Russian delegates. 1 Germany to obtain for 15 yeas control of the Russian wheat market importation Into Russia of all German goods free of duty 3 no territory occupied by German troops to be surrendered. An appeal to the Russian people to crush the Cadets has been issued by the Lenin Coment. The appeal tats that they are at the back of the rising of Kaledin and Xorniloff on the Don and Dutoff in the Urals.

It adds that arrangements have been made to send troops against the enemies of the people. The creation of a Power Board in Ind a has produced most satisfactory results. The number of recruits in the lasf four months has been three times as many as in the corresponding period of last year. Deaths by the explosion of a munitions ship at Halifax NOT a Scotia may exceed 3000. The injured are so numerous that no reliable' estimate is yet possible.

The most. complete destruction is in the north. end of the city. known as Richmond. The King has sent a' message of condolence to Canada.

The United States destroyer Jacob Jones has been torpedoed and sunk. Survivors have been landed in the Scillies. There has been a ruing in Lisbon against the Portuguese Government. with three days of street lighting. Part of the Army took part in the rising The Government was forced to resign and a Provisional Government bas been formed under the.

leadership of Dr. Sidonlo Pac who led the revolt Casualties to 224 officers are officially reported to-day and addition WI announce un. officially the death of 16 officers. JThe War Office has. also is ued lists of 4400 casualties the ranks.

FREE LOANS. TO TURKEY. l1nEIIDV. Doc 7 According to th Con. nllnople correspondent of the Cologne Gazette the Senate unnimouI Voted A rapt lementary war' rn-dit of ofLTOOUOoOO The Minister of Finance javid Hey.

id that in accordance with an ar-most already concluded for 12 years at ih war liernay would rpMUire no interest on advancea made to Turkej. Renter. AMERICAN NAVAL EXPANSION. HUGE INCREASE ix- PERSONNEL. WS1Jlsoro Dee 9 Mr.

Daniels Secretary of the ftvv. in his annual report. asks for' a lfudket for the coming year of 1200000000. but explains that it will be necessary to ask for I additional funds as the Conigrcssional session proceed The stimulating effect of the war on the 19 illustrated by the following increases inee January 1. aval It ce officer and men from' 59500 to K-fve omeors nd men from 4 few hundreds to 49000 Mont hly expenditures from 1600000 to buij comnnMion from 300 to over 1000.

Air Uiimcl au tioum CM that Am ncAd tw pla np are mrnt 1111 with tnencao engine that 114 lie Iiso the Id that Amfncaa patrol otationa boon uthonznl and. will ho ID oiwrmtHtn next je r. In conclusion he tumi the possibility of an nix-mat toual nary to kop the peace 0 the world. i tttch 1 owu assigning Uta. to it in proportion to' Us wraith and population.

It woulu be a ring e1sniitv. he sonLinwel when the war end tu re ttoould linger as a burden upon th people already heavily lazed the war a com etitie pn graiiimi ut costly naval cowlrI1ctioo. This country LWill no doubt. tote it proper place in brinifiugtabout such proviuoJ in ttw peace treaty an Btiouul never ain constrain any nation to adapt its naval programme to the iiropriuiiiie of some saioo trout which these is a uoiaca of poKuiblo i An inUrnaiionil navy would make mifKMfuble such a naval development and would provide force ample enough to gm. valntityi to international decfeua.

i US DESTROYER SUNK. WSHLGT Dec 7 Tho following an. nounfoment is mode by the 2iavy Depart bent The destroyer Jacob Jones was torpedoed and. sunk on Thursday at o'clock at night. while on petrol duty in foreign waters.

I arlj reports indicate that 37 survivors have been piLkOd up so far. They were' taken oil life. rafts. December 8. The Navy Department an- nounces hat Lieutenant-Commander Bagley.

who was in command of the Jacob Jones has on saved. Two otticers and four enlisted men ides the. 37 already reported saved have on picked up by a motor boat and landed at tho I Islands. Lxchangt TeltgTOplt Company. Ljeutn Comm nder Baglvr is brother of Mrs.

Dulela wife of the tiecretary of the vj- MORE GERMAN SLAVES. LADOUR RULES IN OCCUPIED PKOVINCES. raow ova DEST MILAN DEC. 9. The Goctta del Popolo has at length been permitted by the censor to.

print the text of the first proclamation which the German Military Government the province of Udine issued to the population which remained. The first clauses relate to. the obligation to deliver up arms ammunition and all victuals remaining in the house. The fourth clause of the first proclamation states that ev ery citizen must obey our labour regulation. The second proclamation contains the following labour regulation.

All workmen. women and children over 15 yean old are obliged to work in the fields every da in. clUllioq Sundays from 4 to Rests of one half hour in the morning an hour and a halt at noon and half an hour in the afternoon are permitted. Disobedience will be punished in the following mariner 1 Lazy- workmen will be accompanied to work and watched by Germans. After the harvest they.

will be imprisoned for six months and every. third' day wilt be given nothing but bread and water 2 lazy women will be exiled and obliged to work and after the harvest receive FIX months' imprisonment 3 lazy children will be punished by beating. Tho commandant. reserves the right to punish lazy workmen with 20 lashes daily. A further illustration of the character German" rule in the newly- invaded provinces is afforded by a communication in the newspaper Provinces Ii Bruc which says.

The majority of Italian prisoners he been em. plo ed by the cn my in military wort under fire their own runs. This fact explains the extraordinary delay in the receipt of news from rnoiiers token in the. actions of October and November Such prisoners are now en a ed in consolidating the works of dlnee which the enemy his undertaken on mcii a large scale. HITISU SNIPERS' METHODS FOR US.

AUMY. FROM on srEtiAL CORUESPOVDENT wiTH ARMY LX ilLVNCE DEC. 9 A selected number of American infantry officers left to-day for the British front for a three weeks' course of instruction a British sniping school. lhe will take a course in Piupinc ht recon. tinissailee work.

and day observation together with other work of a kindred nature. Then- thy will return to the American camps and pass on thtirj knowledge to other American ollicers and their troop It as presumed from this procedure although nothing official to that end has boen out that ltnti li method for tins kind of work Mill adopted the American Arnij. I saw the officers leave and all were enthusiastic upon their errand as admiration fur the Hnti Arm i equal to admiration for the French among the officers of the American Force. THE CAJIDRAI BATTLEFIELD. Jtiyt xTrescut jf RiFrsicoart Tht pica attack winch began on November 30 and caused the withdrairal of tht British line from beyond Hasnierct to tin front indicated by the dotted mo de.

icnbcd to-day by our Special Correspondent at British Headquarters. THE HALIFAX DISASTER. PREASING DEATH ROLL. HALF TliE CITY IN RUINS. FROM orn OWN I TORONTO.

DEC. 7. AU Canada is stunned by the disaster at Ilali. fax. Wmli there is no evidence that enmity agencies were responsible for the disaster many i causes are combining to make Canada feel in miry the gravity of the war situation.

The people been made even more resolute by the catastrophe. It is nipossiblo accurately to estimate the number' if dead but it may exceed 3000. while half the ity is in ruins. So far as is known only 12 soldie were killt i The injured are so flouter- ous that 10 reliable estimate is et possible. The llision between the muniuon ship and the VeIl an relief ship took place at the pier right in the harbour.

Information' available. seems to show that tile accident was due to a confusion of the whittles sounded by the Belgian steamer jut it is premature to make any positive statemen. An immediate and thorough inquiry into the aiu es of the disaster ha. been ordered by the vemmellt. All gui la the hotels escaped.

and the main portion of the city where the buildings are of stone and concrete. little damage has been done beond broken windows. In the west and north wobt quarters the walls of many houses have been blown to but the most complete destruction la in the north end of the city known ai Kichmond. There Street alter street is in ruins Substantial buildings have. been- reduced to smouldering heaps of Umber and ordi.

fragile houses shattered and flattened. The disaster was so unexpected and instantane. 005 that kite panic and fusion wore indescribable. PLiable scenes were. witnessed in the schools.

Many women lied along the streets ranyingjchildren wlule others stood in dumb horror arid saw the flames consume homes from which all members of the family had not escaped. Offers jo relief have comet from all the chief cities and towns of Canada and from. many Aniencat communities. Massachusetts at the instance the Governor. sent a relief train with nurses aiid surgeons- and Portland Maine carloads of supplies.

The Dominion and Provincial Gov emments are taking energetic care of the wounded and are giving every possible assist. anee. Sir Robert Borden was speaking at Prince Edward Island when the disaster occurred but started immediately for Halifax. DECEMBIJI 9. All later reports show too conclusively that tl" extent of.

the disaster at Halifax sas not exaggerated. Over' 3000 horn. vere destroyed and. 25000 people rendered homeless. There are over 20000 dt titut poor in the area.

affected while the value ol property destroyed is estimated at from toJOOOOOO to' 1:6.000.000. Relief committees ore working energetically and sllPpliea are pouring la from all over the' continent. THE DOOMED QUARTERS. STORIES OF SURVIVORS. FROM OUE CORBESPONDENT NEW YORK.

DEC. 8. Tlio newspapers print many columns of description of tins devastation wrought by the explosion at Haufax the full extent of which in not yt known owing to the difficulties the ay of rescue ork. caused by a blizzard. Mr can tirej who was when the disaster happened inspecting a died on the water front.

and who barely escaped with his life gives the I follow mg story I A few Boconds after the roar or the explosion a or wind swept tlirough the hp anddown cairn pill115 boards. and be I rushed into too oprnauJ toe sigut that mol my gaze was the worst 1 have awn. thoiurh I atii acquainted with the horrors of ho ld I saw pie lying under timlte. tonce sod uLhrC libr. sonic beyond cognition others at the point of death.

a near i can remember I pulled out 22 men and eiiildccn Iiumthewreckag. lwtly Wind. by smoke from the burning dweliingn gave what help I could to riiotiien sad little un" who were hing fur lost t4ativeo. I struggled on coming acn my bodies of iiMn wuiuetu and children. iWth was everywhere and too lamm were sweeping a for tllenudv jfc men.

pat denu otcd effort to scue their and laii cluMivn crying for Lieuk alao id on the VII tie1 Vet bur brick in running along. souse cm red with blood heir parents. iflnt Colonel Good. of Jredrricton ttmt lie iii er saw sun a hi ht even in the tn a 01000111. was uthm that I two othtr could be tn fur a great urcmnf rrtir- ing luildings grvt tmrun In if iron and 1.

I dab In the sidt- women. and lIildreu a huddled to- tying III Uie deal. Man people with LulU or broken bone. were lying unutt nd 1 that 4 toy tuuiuar MSTFR fTairs lois Scotia at TII The to King to lo ut llahiusc dashed into the turning kb" to while little ttll-lielJ. of ranee.

lie ndded itJ 1 at out to aid the injured and fur stdpped a whn raiut. huu that An. ol 1 bit stood hi Ipl ing BUS 111101 in 1110 building ill nanji ed to enter tile teas and ounl 1 Hi oced to 15 tb half burned body of ttii I old uuinaii. trougit it mi tie en and the old man ur vor seconds ho jJL thin lie maid trt treinufenly yes KX wile. Thee wire many hundrvda of I 8 Tho Slmihtry of Forrin il If It pram fr Ibo hull.

Whn stating tb it th steaors ii rdani and siiLid at KINGS SYMPATHY. lowing telegram lius sent by tho lie tiovtmor GtntTal of Canada. ply rt xt to bear of serious fxpfo ion ulting UI gnat lo of life end pro- convey to tile lwplo of Halifax where I rue OFOKGB nt hi. lit a tie viii ndon rofouud with the tart' spent HO many happy times my. Mithv in tins grievous cslLimtv.

li san In Is 4 rraphrd to the Governor- CaiuulA xptn-i-kitii li do dtntn nd i lo ronvi to he poj Halifax ft It sympathy. JV- i 1 lit Wiso has al. to tie' rnor ulru rul an 1 1 tvsuion of hy of the i oopli of lbs I 4 u- in litw pri std thu eiili of its of Can ad A LORD MAYORS UND. The LortI ilu or is arranging to open A fun 1 for the lid thu sufferers liu i 1. HUWIJEHT TO UK CiiAIED COM ra ThoS.

tuKtl he eonlj eleeti of 31. 11 Scrsst-c unit I hen Humbert tin eluu proinmi tl llurnberts Jluiiiberl rend' renl its pre EQUAl IEHCE WITH THE ENEMY 1 ota rutis DEC. 0 ommittee acting on is bon an 1 ruvor oaj tl the Ilibhe i lrosoc n-i in wlueh the. Journal tlianj ulrjnc of 1. Lt noir a inon' leltfd to rtpurt in favour of the 8iipen- iuil mbrrt a Stnitoriul iruimmitj.

The 11 vote up tlio matter on Friday. is no eloubt that in due course will appear In fore the IUgh Court of euiuintreo with the enemy. On rnijluy ni ht a lariw of thin most roniributors to the Journal re in continuo on a paper under ihreitien. lo day hue name no upin the title page ant otate flush Lteerubcr I ho stir- utrol of thu HKr tcj JL LettUicr la prt pnctor ier toj OK SEVERS KKLATIONS. GcnQ IU Hoc.

8. It IH ofllcUUy announv lust qiuulor has severed diplomatic relations with ALLIES IN ACTION ITALY. 150 AEROPLANES BOMB THE FRENCH PATROLS CAPTURE OH PRISONERS. The following ItaliaA official commlniqvc have been issued. DEC.

8 Yesterday on the Ai go Plateau the action of the infantry was luited to patrol encounters. Between Asiago and the head pf the Frenzela Valley notices sic movements and assembling ofj enemy troops which a lept out of rifle range were shelled tot a long Urn. by the coneen. trated fire of our batteries and they also served as objectives for big bombardment actions earned cut by our and our Allies' air squadrons. Alto.

gether 150 machines dropped I bombs on the enemy's lines causing damage losses and ex posione of ammunition dumpsi The valiant i airmen then tiding low attacked the enemy troops with machine-gun fire. I On the rest of the front artillery actions only. which were rather intense on the lower Piave took place. Last night our airships in the neighbourhood of Quero right bank ettfhe Piaue just north of the Italian line and MotEs di nenza on the plain 12 miles eat of the Plate bombarded with several tons of bombs enemy bivouacs and motor-lorry columns in movement In air duels three enemy machines were broui ht down during the day. Major Baracca gained his 3Uth victory.

DEC. irom the Stelvio to the JJrenU lighting was generally limited. In Legarina Valley our patrols captured some enemy soldiers and on the Asiao Plateau our bttenes repeatedly and heavilyjahelled hostile forces in movement. Between the Urenta and the Piave artillery fire which had kept very violent 1 became normal again early in 1 the afternoon the ni ht. A French reconnoitring patrol br Ught back It prisoners.

On the Piave Plain at San miles from the sea artillery a mi Valley 11 activity on both sides was very noticeable. Numerous enemy patrols were repulsed with rifle fire. Our Caproni machines effectively bombarded this enemy lines of comraumcatic on the Asiago Plateau afterwards firing with guns on the troops leav ing th places bo d. During list night the airships repeated th ir daring raids dropping more than four tons of nmhs on enemy encampments near Quero Motta ii Liv enza and Portogruaro IS miles east of th Piave Two enemy aeroplanes were brought down' and a captive balloon on fire fell in the' neighbourhood of Grisolira near the mouth of the Psave AUSTWAN CLAIM TO 16000 PUISONERS. reports DEC.

8 Our brave troops iith the Feet Rifle Regiment No. 6 in their cetitre yesterday stormed to the east of Asiago thejjtrong points dapput of Stenfle and maintained them against violent The number of prisoners cap. tured by the Army Group of iitld Marshal Conrad since December 4 exceeds 16 QOO men. Our airmen yesterday fought runemus aerial battles and' shot down six Italian aeroplanes. The deputy officer trrighi gained his 21st aerial vittor tc.

9 In Venetia there lave been at times lively artillery duels ty per ttirclot Press. GUERILLA FIGIITIXG. MOUNTAIN AMBUSHES FOR TIlE. ENLMYi 1BOM G. Vnn FRIC ITALIAN DEC.

9. Another lull in the storm of ifchuug on the tsiais Plateau but no more than an interval between two gusts. an hal Cunrad receives new reinforcements cvtry da tleu and guns re pouring en the tine front Trent to the rail. head at Prunolano within five miles of his most advanced positions. MX Austrian divisions in the front line are the forces of which he disposes fur use on a fcix miKf front.

list the density in attack whl gives la even greater than that st com ess since for one thing. Conrad has nut yet tried to break tlirouili on bo wing of the Italian lint it once and seconijI on a ux nule front. in tInt tlps there are so few valleys down which assaulting troops can be usshetl ana them to scale the Austriars xceplioiial It eminy front few alo e3 gradient possible tlihit the effective congestion of aiain the Italians here is quite. i isbelicxcd that the trop. in ti hide have to be.

cluusgcd every 24 are their lo se under the mur lerous Italian Iju eluni gun and rule lire. or the. bullet plays at lea ts important a part as the shell in this warfar Thu elny has a great quantity of bi puns anil Uin. calibre up there. but tl and turn that it is often them to place their shells in a ru withm their rin frt the fighting I.

of a gue iistrians 1 ti forward little parties machine uunners to commanding ridges with' orders to lire at everything they Jhe Jtaliins he in wlitt in caverns on the bheer sided of the ravines tlo which the rare roads pa s. The bottom of the valley la choked with imim- a ite wire that the entinj artillery cannot iulenjuately real ll to destroy. Look at that aid a general when I was visiting thi alpine front yesterdav. lie this strength bf Urn llm de valleys impoaMblo or quite close lla kind The mted to a shier rock face that looked un- mbablebj anvtIing two feet You cannot a single man the general pent on but there is a whole battalion' up there and standing where are you are witlim SOU ard- rat4n of hundreds of rifles. and a do er that could wipe out a thousand without ever revealing their po- indeed the toy tne 1 to posit d.

th Valle I af au up the attempt on this wing since theie last ton dav L1OIIi i lley nd in the tadena lt company iped out ar in a tniuute tion Twice wn the vallejs the la his leading he has giv en n. GENERAL mvzs wticoME TO ALLIED TROOPS. ROME Dee 8 Genrral ILIZ tho Italian Commandtr Chief issued on tl 3 5th wt. the following Order of the day i Ofliors. and soldiers of Italy' In our name I am the ratmrf of this I tali Vllle France and treat Itntam to our who have co promptlY ht xt mti to our count rr.

and to-day have nUrd the lint by our sidl Iy titus nt we he fought andon jj red with them in tru ty con- hip in arms for the feui rente IeVsLi justice and iijiht- ore again we arc resc4iteiy niarching towards a future which will brin ui victwr the side of th nmguiiiccit nt Vtiuy shin thtbUitl xibt will of the Unit. jt tpie has urrucdeJ in vvoatiig stat lh puwrfUI Frt anuw1 which know th i xlt rv a thousand battle- uiliivm aud men France OTu nut Britain No unite U' in that the Vlcl brotherly fuM if and men of fltud the of kHhl and a heart our union clurwr 1 KT lull prittrtude and teat with firm conviction ou hope coiuinon triuiup ANGLO COMMERCIAL AGKEEMKNT treaty of commerce i born concluded en the sh and Spanish Uoxtrnment This dials with the export and uuport of coal. iron ore and fruit. and fellow with some modification this agreement ttacrvxj with the British ernmcnt by thin Marquu Cortina during his late mi iOQ to Londori BRITISH POSITION TAKEN UP. GUARDING ENTRANCE TO PLAIN.


The great transfer is complete has been jn fact for' a week past and the British troops who last month were in the trenches in France are now welt settled into sector of the Italian line which includes the. Montello. Two things he greatly helped our settling in on the new line. The first this remarkably fine weather. The other circ*mstance of advan.

tage has been that in front of where we are the enemy has not yet appeared in force or established ay definite line of positions. The broad gravelly bed of the Piave divides our territory from his own and. though he has a number Ol batteries between the mountains at his back and the nver on his front the relief at which the Italians handed over their positions to us was carried out entirely untroubled by enemy' shells. Not during ie week that has elapsed since our find detachments entered the trout line has there been military activ fty beyond artillery registration on both sides varied with an occasional spell of bombardment by eneni field guns. The Montello which forms part of ur sector is curiously isolated hog back eight miles long.

The Kiver Piave runs round two sides of it and our front accordingly faces both east and north. The highest point of the ridge about I 000ft. above the level of the surrounding plain. The Montello however appears as no more than a long moutid by comparison with the mountains that. start less than ova miles away across the river and rise gradually northwards to the snow- cov ered summits of the Alps.

Its urtace is. irregular for the slopes on both tides are fashioned into a multitude ol little dells and cuplike hollows. s. There are many woods and coppices though trees of. larger growth are not numerous.

A peculiar feature of the Moutello is th remarkable number of parallel roads that run il it over it from south to north. There are 21. of thei all of them only about 1000 yards rpart. these longitudinal roads whose Oritpz a such numbers seems. rather obscure there is a lateral highway cutting across them which runs along the ridge of the tableland and there is also a sort of outer circle road that makes the complete tour of its base fco that the Montello may be said to be as welt supplied with roads as a herring is with bones and sfter a rather similar design.

rom the crest 01 the hill you have a wonderful view all round. and particularly over the enemy a ground be end the river across which you look in just as commanding' a ay as the North Downs look ov er the eald. On the more exposed ridges of the Montello you are quite as. visible to the enemy on the lower ground beyond the river as he is to you hen he mov es about Isis roads in the day tune and if his observers see you they turn a held gun on to do some sniping. rom the loot of the mountain range opposite the ground slopes gently to the river bank for a space of some three wiles.

It is thickly wooded and. among the trees are many white country houses. They look thorougitly deserted now at least on the side towards our lines but I saw the calm on- several of them suddenly stimulated to volcanic life by the arm al of a British shell which punched a net round hole in the sunlit facade and set every window belching hey black smoke from the explosion within. Italy seems a good place to our aia so far. Is it winter I asked one of them doubtfully of an Lnchsh opeakini Italian.

Ho will probably learn before long that thin inter of Northern I taly can be quite as ere a our own. One. thing wilt help the troops to support the rjcorons climate that is now due to set in. and tiat is English cigarettes. few packets should be in every parcel There are parts of this army of ours that have been transferred froth trenches in France to trenches in Italy In little more that aI fortnight.

That is a crest achievement. everak brigades marched to the front from Mantua. Over 15 Oiile a day for a vteek on end was the average march. In spite of the difficulties the arnv al of our troops at the front and the process of taking ov er front the Italians which lasted several went off without the least difficulty. TJIE FKEXC1I IX LINE.

i CONFIDENT AND READY FOlK I THE ENEMY. i FROM ora SPECIAL CORttEPODt irillHLHtENClI IN ITVLVMJhc. 8. I The first stage of tue new ha- ot that ar I in ital Slow ioijjpiitikL Itio rellcb troops under ntr il Ducl*tbud xakeu up. their i Piti0tk in the trout line reptuenig part of the 1 talma Army.

which tar lass unaided. boris this btird a wd heat ot tboi btru Iu a uifx-st the invader iho troops. that have arrived are of the high. quality ihey look tw fresh as if they lost up to the prebtnf dono no ti iitiug at nil and at the satno tune hove wit tue tuntideist ring and quit aeiurunco of this wax woru S-ct'r4iis that tti varc man. of theta LS trains 1 to this highest hitch 111 oil di taild of siiodern uiulare and they know by long ry wilt Ui Ftk ire uf tIm vcteiny and.

feel that on thin jhild lw art more thu liitt equal tltt wa wlilchi thr rry ttuiu en is not only toahtltat but liaj I To this who have tii relv tnt lj notuuii roul have acted as stronger aiitidcijte to- ailv il lo dfj rossiou of iriu thtin that tuiruiij lof thttr wiithltiit lrn and li brutlitra ux anus anti 4 sot lu Tto be ijdt nt that Jrv ult 01 the reatett aluw will taring from the 4. HEAVY RAIN OX PALESTINE T. I RinsH report Decj. 8 General Altetiby reports tjliat there no tliango IQ the utuatiou on the xleatmu Front ileitry ram ltd on 7. soaking tho roads thjflieutLj I TraKl i report iva Ithetayed J- nga mtnU see pijrted in the region of lisit uf el to ft extreme viult uee iu lae couis4 of which the enemy mtt Vita Set kfe- i lutes ani 4a men Here tskea briauiiuTSi titmtrrr THEATRE 1ULiAJU Vttt I lUb Tna XU Uii JO i iV lAj i iu.

Tjtu tt. un fc sc Lest JiJ 1JL AlK qViMa Uu MILt ttt JJ bait txiit w4. CRirtCioS Looti ui Ujlill lic 4 Ul iV Tai niLA 1 OOO DilA i. 5155 I ffi UllU. toy UlT 1 11 fir I lixceinK4 Cane Df racarcu U1 BlU1 itittt Nl torjbr iTrhvrit WAOJ lie toe.

ART DOX1 Muiif awl i witi. i UL nhor CWJiJaa. jLu br Ay. Feat Thx MUWG O. tk tr VLVOVO 1 1L Jtt.

SiSS Gen. rjiUTY zefiPStfte 1 Haianc itfi 3 GW THEJ WILLOW IEEE. REXEE KELr CSV cmN CHOW EfiTOS BjnmltT lk kM mmulitr uS kirt ECTTT ia. 1 li. JU e.

TS 5tr rj gggg Yell s. Jj Walter MerrrLV i Al UOKErl THK1TEB. tttiLvkg BALLL fc tle EW Tawatit*. LAST TFK TBELAWNX OF THE AiTHlM PBQa LtsT WTtS. XMA EVE al i ft.

rtT tf nt A ml P4Tt Ritr EH iINGS. A2iej i PJJ sTrt vEBtrtrAXPBnx iiofsts UUlk I KOBK viiELTtVf HV e. Kmitwlukf Ptar TUt curt Wtfc- bfcTt KviKvifviraite ol ow Ani Shot iiair ei I ALA TO alT tmaih as JL4 I si Cat. 1 rmmmr- rVUtlfwS us MJSI I' OWLS lUEsT liir UTml. oS TUL tLi enV Tltkirii cttrv rOOPF ALL.

pr urto b- WMfW lljiii 0005' pm IK at tuu if life. rto LU ist AW fob Ar rUbiKVwfc V. AU To- is to 1 1 ToSeea. Srt itesel QLtirX' 1J rUiii ir Mint ijt Mri wits. I AT ItT OT I It VH 3" Litssis AI li Mil iatuU.

Ltwi iu jAUiMcn Mr M- rite IiRVtVSSVSss rniSuatK At tmm ITk ir en A pr liirtir ll i. i. JLkU. tins at nrL LN AI r- i by tiSes itunt 81 lu irt a sstissi eo a AtDEMLLb iMF H1KB1 EATT tlM1" riser VAkltTltS. Ac.

Sir BJ Uu it Ul Al JT au VtV siuvMi veK tijn lmf 3 8 I MOND I I ALLIED1ID Y. I RFWJL. I I I i flriih Are in ligh ng Ital in I. eelen I Pi ekIO prisbncrs Drilishaeroplans thenumr 150. piJotsatt ked witli enemy' trobpii.

1 lIe enem communications Piave in. fantryfighting est ons Graincourt. lar halls Rl1IS ans have I on' anlrin mber Kifri crossing' ehem ng since in in is folloingGerman are theRl1IS an I ears bosnmndered. RU3S been. nin back.

ofjKaledi KOrru loB DUlor in th arranlments btCn sen4 ope. ere iion in India Th in las fo in by lamUnitions Ualifax.Xo\ mayexeced so reliable in thenortb a toCanada JbJones Suri vors i in I rising in. tti da part in rising. resign. Cssual es offici lly in ann nee The is in a.

A the I Oa ltk. the' a. plernentary oance l1j. id Iky. aid I alter the loin 1 Turk IE IA NATVAL EXI ANSION.

I iIN REASE Mr. Yir ing ar necessary' fundss ConSressionalon proeeedJhe aly is illllStrated. increases since 1 I I' ava. 0 i a1IW. I and ndredo 4V.

Monthly ll OOO 17100. 1Sn commiionlrom V. plan. aL iescnt I tbe. I ba.

Am. cau abru.d.ndj 11 bolD WD I bili nteIVtutIuoal to Iower grllnR III. It Lw U. eT. uWlingo the Ie.

I h. iI I. compell no prograniuto Iy ctzg 1 i lro I i nu l1li 00 to ada va I WI" on po. lo i unprovo 1Dmation in Ie a' d. a PI I DESTHOYERSUXK.

S. louoinganI th6XaylJtopart. i i 1' I et Soclock Early Il rl. UPIIO The Twoot cers fo. ur ed men.

motor-boat- land a Iary X. SLAV S. a nULESINOCCUPIED. atl I Go hithe ued po ulation IUIIunition all in every on woturn. old.

l3un la lrom4 pm. half-hour in mornini' an' in in ma I LaZwolkmcn harv be. six Il Ive pix dail f' in in a. 8aY8- enemy 1 theiron in' De' primness engaged IlUcb' I DESTj A ARllYI i 11 9. Felco ted mnt in sC lOol.l' night andiday.

of' tbeAmeriancamps Ids althou nd hen out. British lie' wy Aml 1 off ers as. Itntisti j. Yrcnch TTt FIEJD 1- HALIF AX DISA srrER. DEA1H I f' om I.

is no' agncieslwere 1 in. ereaSin I Tho. ple hfe is to 0 is 12. M. 0 po.

ible. pier. po ilive i auses 1 sts i main eil i be ond wept 1 is in tile' i known' is I inruin.i tolmouldermg nary fr lo he Man womn carrying el ld renwl le consumo' I alli familY have. I an towns. communi tie.

reliertrain a of. Go in Si i All concJtLii1tdY at disIIte at 88 ere rende ale I dtitut in t. ho atJ. eeted. hile 0 destro ed 1:5 000 in aUtI.

I i IN sTnnis I. CORRESO 1 I new ppers dese r. i wroug ht b. lliax is in way rk cW Ir. tre I ca.

With. life the. following I oreon MIlo. eo loaioD lIinJdoWD pili o. open I eigulthaL D' IZze 11 lr thou Iuainl I I' battlenold.

I. ton other. I nition. el tlie wroeka I 1. oth" I WIIO" 1.

lf1Il I 011. I Wo. cl l. lJeab i cr' risen. 1111 I wide I' orne oal-j lemooed the ort.

wh' 01. lawujies WbilelitUo I I Colonel I id tler en France I tI at eir000hIirenrM molf an ill 1. ID 1 walks w. ll11d lled. get cr tli I ng Litany Iracurl Ls unatnJ1 an i ppo' b.

i ill man hell" crying i lII1. oh managed what I tl101' halt-burned We in. the pn loec 00' 01 or I. tI1. 11 11 liun miolu An.

UI ties. The intry Foi vool a fm Minnter glb1 the em Xiuw A. beoia a ar fpr i i I tcl amha. ihe Govenior-Gencral Ial 1 llnst regret rioL explosion loss allolprO I rly Ijle con. Iople wlwr opnt many tm trite J' pthy UI.

lu. ou cahlltJ'- OIGE Qo.s-n xnm hI ialh Go. GIra 0 1' 1 ti' and in. convey I 1lle Hlla I Ot I. b.

1groph1 0 vmrI al byf 1Ipl. tII 1. Lnloii SogllLu erd jrofoun4 S.r..IL.U. lnvrL iti Ile 10. LOH lIYOH' Tw LorI Iay.ori.

arrngng Opna funo of sulelI Halifax dter IU IEHT CIItHGED. I 1 IUE wln TiE CCtU srDET I. To Commiit" tin Ion. ant dcai 1 1ubli 11ou.r Iho 1M 11 the unoia npo in faou SuIn I. mirt.

1lonal Ioto uplic mt1 frid dotL IIIt i Iu co" liunibcrtj wi I Ifo Cout. CUIWUJO th ri night lar nlrher prom. ienwnLrlbuor JO. uro I. n-ig ratl.

)1'1 Imbr di" tin Today JI. lme pea. II' title-page 11 lulir tal. D' lbr I' slr. nndn 111r.

lL Ltler. prtprictor EQUAJ on. SIYEHS UhLATINS II I It onklaU nnUd lt tqUor lr rltion iL4 i vln. ALLIS fTION ITAL a BO IB TiE ENEty. I I' I I OL' I CAPU HE JfRISO ERI II The.

fOi. wing Ial official clmmJniqi. bn ued- iDEe 8. siago aein th try as Ik tedto ptrl encuters. I.

Btwen iag a te Jf I Yalle notie. asmblf i ehmy a. J. ept re ere foza tm fre tey a sred a ob tis bmbardment ati carred our ourAll. air suan Atoma ns irPpjbb eemY8.

line. eauins amag. 1 plpsion of auuo dum alat I aen ying 10 at the fre. rt oflhe arnf aeo hich re ra. tber inten th l.

wer P. plae. I Lt r' airi neighburho ba of oI' norh the Itlil and. I Lou plain mes Iia I bombaed 5eral en ua mtorlor column in movcmeL air dul mahies brou do. durg the Braeea ged i 3Oieor.

Prom 0 Drnt fgbtng limted. I' Lgarin. aly eaptnr soldier ASi ilateu biteries ad beai beled bote I for in moement i tween Drnt ave arllrr f. ro hiC h. had I bame agan in I niht A I ronoiting 1ght.

1 prion I I pn Piae Yaley I mies sa artilcry Iily bth wary 1mnerou enemy' patl. repull I. Capror effeth ely bmbarded enemy's comuniati non theAiag I Plateau aftera fing leaving pla booDuring IlS. iilhth. airhps repated ir laid1 dping tha tn.

I nea ji 8 mles eat the entmy. aroplane wer brongh blloon fel id neigbbourho Grilera lncar tf AUSTHAN TiO 160 lHSONEHS JtII rpor- DEe 8. troop. hit in thei ttre yteray toned eat Asiag. trong dappi ltene mantat em againt atack prinrrs cap tur 1icdlahal since Debr exce 16p men fough Jumerou.

do ialian acrplanes i fer righi glained 21t DEc. In tb r' tim. rs. livelY. a.

rtileryd drlraly pr fIGl TING. AM USI ES llEENLlYl I FROG. WA Pa c. ITALAX HE 1S 9 lul1 in tle stor Of ghtg on. te 1lateau.

betw gust rad rve" lowreinforc. lent. cfr a gn frol Trent ral. Irimotano wit a acd i ons. Six ustrifn isions in tt I ne for.

wlch epc fixn lc frnt II delsit in attck whif stren gh' i at brst cme bince tad triL 1to bk tbrue. on wings HaHal lt Ole. sordl mile frnt. Ic' val. dowl Issultu can ht aid tha tte.

eft 0lgton tte Autia int tt is 1 is Ibd ed i ill tI. frllt chan. cd hour. so great are ther loes Inder 1U ielOI Itan 1 I chinn ald rile ji. bult pla at least imprlnt shel in.

thilarfar b' creat big un. inliri auf il. 1. lciVp 0 twist. tlrn is te i1Iibl Ilwirbell in cge a liri thil r1e.

of thting is kind. stan. luI 10rwrllitle pr 1Ich n. ner rid" tieat er thing lie in' wbit in acr hCrside rarities down rdd 1l The. btom of valeyo chok impassa wir artilcr cnntad luatek reh Lk cif.

a' ncral this frnt er le. 11ntO slUernk fa at 10kC di. Iba. blb 1 ih nl on he nt on. ut tlt re i.

IIthle standi ler OU arewlthm 3 yarch'- ran hundr ril. dm. IU tbol wip Olt in iuute enrrccaling tion. theemlY t. ri.

wl inthbe days. Uth i thelrenzla I in rai 1 ault wa wiped Ot a Ieh given upthc atenJlt slce htn. I. I. GtXE ALDlZS ALLID I D.

8. Dil thl Ialan hief. 1 Ord1 thd f.aud In. olr Iredu 0 Ibo Ili I. Frace ald rpt lritiu 0 lpty .1 cnuulr.

ad ay hve e.1 id tim. last ald red trusty ral a. fo ulc Ic. ju" I i ht. nm ga Iy was ni vi by th i le th.

Dagiit whlcb bmlcihle wl UPiibrJPI b. u1.d in Tatt po' ul Fnrb nOi wc LfW to. ku Ir oJ bul Uli. iif tnC I 0. thei iUd Ille a hly I aD I render ur wiou dr y.

itIt hr lol griude rat fr cuitot bvp f. a. rlwul riwulb I AXGLO SPAXISI COM IERCIL Ti tlaty' emme hl' nrlided IWIwn Ibf. 1 1. nn d.

pan. 1 ment. dal eportanJ pr col. ir 0. ft" Iclo' 8me' modifealion almmt ta Drit.

Goe met Mw Cortin1 dug mion Lndol I PLIN ow w. 1C I pRTl IIUARTES. ITY I 7. Te gal tramfe cplte bn ID I wek pt- tP ho I mnth in trn. a wel Rtl la lno hih indu ie.

Iontlo i tng ped ou ettg i Ion. new le Th tr rakbly I 1 eater The oter crcuti ava1 i infnt I ha appar. in1 jforee i Ctbled deIte le puon II br grallyb la. tvi p. fr ow.

and thob h. nuber oi btrie betwen te mount wj bk rvr Int relie whch Itans bnor ti o.1 tou1 a carrie ently utroubkd sell durig te tt ela inc lt detclents entred frt lne bn mit ry tiity byond alery rtra on on bthsde red an' oaoa sp bombcnt yee tl n. I' 10 lotello. whlb formp pu stor. is a ilated hogsbk eIgt mle IO.

Tblyer 1iave rd 0 sde it frt argly bt et a norhJhe pinL te rid. IOt a. lee surowKg pla Montello hower appa mo tan Cpln ith unl tar Je tha nemies acr tb. sraduly nohwa eored WL Alp urae i irgar slop sid. hun mul lue oflitUe dl a bolo8 The a my cppic tr.

of nuerou pubar featu. Motello is Ihe remakabl nwbr parae rght or fro tuth nor Thre eS a the. abut a rpar tcs lorgitudinalroa i' sich sm. rater obu. i cut acrs.

rUn tblla ad is al srt erel" roa mae complee tou baoo telo be. io wel Bld sla From c.t th hi wonder1 view pacularly enemy's Iroud byond lok 1 jUt 8 way rt 1ow0 over Weald. Ihom*ore exp ti. ar qUte' vile tothe he is when autw in the tlle. Ind observe.

se ou tu teJ sm 1. romlbe thl moutn rang oppte I gud slop gnlY river b8. i for. Fpe sme thr wie I is Ihiklwoed aong tr ar may' hi cut hou8sTheylook thoroulb dert leat on' tde toar hue it cam onewral thea suderty' olcaie Jy arrival a. DTtih I sl punche a.

I I. in faade indo belhing blk mok fro witin. 1 ly. eD ag mrn fa. I tlm bUuly Lngls peaing Ialian.

1" probbly bfore winter orther a. ere as ur hep' tro roorn. cimale is tost in and' at. Egli cgalte. kUcw pck ts in enr i.

Ter par. tli ay bn trarfc in lr8le I' Itrenchr in I 1 in li le mor tha. alfornight is catac ement brioOe" ilarcJ the IJnti frl. I U' I i le wekon ie arae warh. I I ln 51it.

the rrilal Itrop le an killg or rm tI ted l. ugh I' lriLINi CO HEADY IE EXE IY. I FO S. COaEsrDbT TrITI IT ft stag th tll" in. II iVt complt.

110 I udr tcnera 1ucdwu bkcni thi Ioitionin Pt th li An 1lel tu 1..1 uadedj LMo burden. ud of tL" Irglt I againsttIie 1vOcr. lie tJftL I ar. ty' lok fb th 1 h. prntdolO 10 tJhlwg al.

dL 16 lm" I. 110 onJlt aulco. ill for rthat t1 Jfry 1 tbn Li Ir.1 tw hgl itd in al dlaJ Jocr adth. exp ri1 every Ij ie til I ild. 1 OI tl Id thr.

mi" th. I h. lho way i wild they carry th. i 10t COt bUt hpp1 Ib I. 1Mly nth acf a sI1Ir.

wIue 1 ady.1 oil Plu t1 11 cO.IWII thj uL aJ JrLI brohe in an. ld 1ai WQ lt tht I nuts 01. U. auwi 1' lg lh 1lel' I I PLISTIXE I I a. RtTSIrrpor 8- GencrlAlellby prs hat the i in tution lletj rill llbr kg te I rod eultI.1 I TCRti relort.

1. ody tng ae rpedu Ibe nol Ditl vlIo 1M eou eI Ita gr i- no. Ue 1 4 m' Ir. Htrr. iELm su.

:0 1" 1' I. 0 t. I 1 a I BII. Xiu 1 TI 1" I. 1.

10 I i I tl I 01 Iv IL" c. 1. i Q''J I' mho r. J. 9' Em m.Te\ 4 Blut L1La.

1 OO' 1. EIOiC Es tiu I. 1 siva Tlit vhs vrUSs 1. tOKCE E. n.

1 UU. A. 1" t. 1111 I no OG itRJlW At' F. F.

3. I soarST tF1 TFUJ TSU I 11 UL lRTI I\ I I I' BLY LU 1 a 1 I lTHETRES cne Dn or 10. Tyr J11 IT nrPr I. IK I GL. t.

I TU JD" bU DR 1 G. n01 r. 11E 61 FJ I II BLna Ut 4" i u. 1 05 Dn I. A D.

TI ww REEE XEr. A I A' nmGB. CL 0' LUG" I I EL G' umu T. i Hi AF Ek. I Til.

JO- IR. It. FOK UIH 1 1 II' f1 4 UuTn rl1U Cf co KL M' a 1 KLGU Bt W8 IY SlrLY u' 1 LYa" EJZ E' Xt .1 U' I JO. BT TT l.r tO. E2 iDUG.1 WEU' oTl 1 i tIT TtO 1 UT KI.

lr. t. Srt CL lE0J1 I 1A ilE P. BL J. FAY NIS EK Pd iI olt 1 iLS I uns UL I I.

EOa1 oIELT' Ot hl 0. ua. 0 A BLRI 01" m' a 11 Wl SUI a. dU I. T.

Cu' HO IG dr Tit nqow TI. Gn rpra AI. WE sat Vt PRCt OF T1. J. 0 I 10n Wf Htl ttMt r.

I' I tS IL IK T. RfUo I uJ LkLr H.H- 01' A 1. r. us. LK 11 xlSU I I' JL.

nO. i 1 I. I' nl LL r. 1 1SSt. 1.

I JKI T. 11 Ti. 4" I 1 :1 rnun 0' 11 rKU r. 0' W. 1 1.

a IU 1 OHt I s.u.n"'RI t' URa RI' U' t. r. I I In" Tr I. I L1 0 5. W.

JbA nuu liIHI I I t. dl. u. 55 L' I. VUI lLU lt.

a 1. ull LBJ JSI I d' A. 1 HOD vo KtiS' IUE un. 8 UrL EVt' 6 I. stt cW J1.

IUI wlb ELt rTU1 Ibd 0. JO h- J. R. 1HW I. I' IJ rnr 1 n1 lIL Ha I mLt i 0.

I npt nm Rt 0. jI I. 01 I I Et i1 7 rt 1 nmL I UhA L' Et. I 0. I' 5 A- A I 1 D.

C' 10. If it rt tL f' 1. JH rY rno. tUhDB ml a au i 1 4aYANCE tate tig tro haadieddown. etem fol- 27 2 Rusaiaof Iiussi4 ha ova becna issued I intheranla.

LI FEEELOANSTOTURKEY. Aecordin jCon- ii II INCREASE ii session avy ltew eve 1m a I Lr sosoosi-es seaplanci 5 i year. units 4outd by com1eLitive its bringuig Isbout sniui4 js. 7. Jacobl avy.

in eATh day am halLat 2) ployed of 1i ioonera I- ot a 5E1AL They in and1 tlieir is Vill miy Army iw TI 7crE. A r' 5q NIer9nlcs I Trevllc Cattenleresk I Li I rt Setanvilleta eyrinc- Lcugsafc ermi Ri co rt Ie3Res Emeries s. II I dIeBosouetll ae 7 ao45 V. A FlOgCII I Ic I ouauco)7 itee. WalincourtI fevlleesF7' I I V5ufT coJzEUcoL7T4aejtI 15 tR fl aiso i British Line Novl9.

cI i Dec6. 0 I MIS. 2 H. gsis MefrV tc- lineis byour I is number kille4l. yet l3eIban Ithe guists in thenorth cnown a.

frano children ni com of. I I descriptin ifax work D4rican wtio1bnrely Iaccond gust sod down I and erie r4cognition. I I aerne non. ever way ome nice notE- wives en covered alsosaid asiglit tlttIa ea bW-7ing mounls Lleatroete aol bodice. aid iite in getlier 4kOta str4tt3.

wood triune hots- e. Au lslptss 4ilr EOiiit WIicn I othcc4 I aip wocin VO teconc is strcd Iei4Uiercd FIoot' uiqidnts. MV eeceivnl that cUW A alerts UaIifa 1ov Rtaltr. bern resulting in les llaljf wit in hxsnIrs tgraphcl Gusral i tic deeli distrne oking I Ii oIu if niisI lai hit I it jo. tVIVgraPIi I tiovermr-Inrot ncieo by" States.

oea giart expreao ytnicitby t.irw-gi..u Liovoreept I Canad Lord Mayor is in 4iu I disaster 1W II3EHT oirc COititESPONDET. 9. The astiru detailed 1IMtt roseeur on cottl4tious in Jurnaf claiesget homls uipI entrance noire baa decid41 uOrt himbcrt VWlt ieri 211. tiefore aeliaijgo lsrgeninnhcr projninct4 rather tljiut 211. iisicr' spears 211 on rcnthrett 101kv tc previo a EQU49OR GrAsQ4Vtf.

is announcel INITALY. 1 comminiquis issued- II so sand roppedbomba osses. ex he liaice0just brouht i night brnght- Dn theAsiago naclunegnnson thd bonbetI. thir drop ping Livenza it Arsmt4 Our tr Marshal l6f0O deputy victory. FIG AMBIJSI FRoM PiIcn nother trolial nrad rcv ives e' ry day.

n4les inilo wlihi sttcnicnt conveys. both fc ti so iltws of ft against bhieved hours losses gun in etivniy ba 1 liii. au1 VU twit iiiip ssiblu ne range. llakind. iistriaiis ltieIt par en of uiitiers to t.

see. jtaliaiislie iii alicerside pass. is Ic wire reach taid pointed seO hattahionupthere you 1 dote siiaeliine-gutia tried thevalleys I end balI as4ailt wiped cotta 1 I orithii. TROOIfS. DiaL I in tle5th r- on- i oeniiing gi e.

tinti- ltalcn. country. Alrosby and- ooqucred supreme iii iust ice brint the the pe the armies the long td I- lireN CIIP4cs 21ow vicvaituds- a etruggie WitOW. hoiiu gem you of for a iwsoti teiuiipblirnti If htritishand fchloi4a tomti Government mission Londot4. Dcc7.

complete-baa so In factlor past-and I Twcthings giwatlyheped ss circ*mstancej in river th 55I tie since activty bothsidcs enemy back TheRiver is rise covered ia is to4be beyond mores nd somesniping. Irons wooded aneat agood r4in spealcing ofi own1 helpthe tost in. I ours1that lta1 fronti I these Arrial over nights. FItEN II WIT1LTJIE fltECll 1TtLY Dec. wr I Iiti Italy I uu tioncral have I so th struggle Vi urns-ed ihep fighting aeuraneu they Se.

Lvry i trtiinel details- if t4F4esiee iclt th thio in selves lid1pV i bet sorely nothing a antidvte deprqaion slriL tho witting of brot lien to te rvsultw greatest valuewill I litrnsii 5L I th7e is I December ia Engagemrnte violiore lo--'e. oilsccrs iOotm 5. Pm Stret I Vsit4I owl VijT ma isii as i sonooa Va ti-loo hi t4w- tt-rki s5 lie eeL heist oIie ttM. 505. 3O iVsi isOw 5 It Itcecv.

oOio- a. ii Lam 5 11 iisn SAi' sic- is cAte. 05 V-V-V tiii iii A iZtii To i A 1 itO- SVA saet Ta tnsa uses cc nose I VLV so- sth4tt iVeiwV oe rite wa MtioOr. os o5 at a xiV a ro a hi p. siMiLt bLDt iAL iSL VA 201w MTh1.

Lia sairtsaaacaLmLuL i. 5sad Lantlic saint 00 Sat Loss. toc. itisksaaa roJ try Qfl sIvr. I kilEcioS Infl.

5Oi ScVsi 5. aol Mgt' Or risoa sad se or 5 iiL 5 5 to. sAt. lairs. 004 55 iiriosl Joi aiki aaiaay sa a.

ILCVVV 4 to cocsaiei Wait- W. Is tsooaouss OO in gyoiaicg wgtizexjs 1) Tik 5tIi. 10 UiL5TVti55 IVIO itiuiiii iSsmtsai ru-iao 5 a SisWt ie I rae StrL tncr. Icerat ia r5 ito sia. sUit sossot A Jce isoos 050 liLt CAtS.

5 4 LoS aiV AtA te ji ii itSI An. I it s. 1ifEVt11f1UOVVLL 5ssiUid CRTIIfit CUWStL Dorio sso s4littt5 i. I. stiira.

a iin. sii N. tawsr nail StiIniii4 5toa watk musssotit lIsts IiVi lttss CTcsLEv i Lsts ttfrr 5tiiinitti stLxxa tisist aisoux sat ecas sins 15 iii I THEATRES tEx tonct nrtar e. tat is PSaa ieo Se 5O skU2 ai axt xysi a7rt Msj a TIBI iseaLry ap. aisa4 a AITfiUR ANDE isOM fn i ynsa be tUFouw flVtkajs sc t5asi iy JA5a ElY kty5tc4iieea lL1E SAVIiO liaatp esiaatsaaa 57I 1.

em xc2VLaa ILt atvssg Li a aws soaictiVOU d3 EYLWat iiLi0 5ss TIlE A. E. CLflre I IVLKt svo- 1Vts ZTtkt in. Wg1i ucs la basEaal. bi5r.

A mctV53r.bJ RorSg IVUJIY aativivealig rRTaci5 o1x ascwa IresICTr l. WEtLcrcii sLmLs siLos. ilii ai ararseroiirp ANT ve YESO ONFT5ttp 1 LaisS Lord. caueeiss Tr sog 4e5i BRonEy Lk a RES kMirra a to I wat a wsi aa iVs Leo w. 1ibb To aa ECSSY ETES SLSIUaheewy ed eat wasj.

flRLa Li5 IQ PCsUL sTYicY iVt CitliS 5f4sO 55W O5O1rt LOs1j 5 stV 5 nvI 5 I Vt. ta wEW I liPt 50 tIbai aM Cy I ast tbs Menaesi of film 5oaossO iA 5t MSTiSLF4. a4 La TntsI i seLaiiat ESLMSG5 liI TVAS5EEEV TUELS1W Ii S. Prm WtEL 5 ie Si' ToritsosY i EVTStNGi. argus' VESLii5 ras vMxsita Box1s as VIp UiIPTON a.

Cfltig i a VFVi CiVnI 5 KSbE IVt siEavve sstpBmL C. DasTres sneg LCSLi ss CR. tioi ssxx Bose5snco acoss Kxoati Twa.T. 5i eel tine. 8natis5 ts i Itn It uRsee avlCa aai SoJsc AZIs.

5st kHist UI iSsi 5550055. OV iuidi ALMEtt5Nit5lft 0 I i.i us TSi iS etsela iu l.tsis-i UESTLYOwLS St5ESamo7nis Philse. IMttIa asas Uses. Toad tna CobL5 s- ts5e. iC 55 TIcax.

St lied tiS5e tS AT WOfT jfyaa wnLaa t55 Tt l- 4 MtMstS fat tasriosb tinieaaUaahI sikto RgiNETrA. C- tSetuot ee iero cnesswwtit MsbU tiisi. 5s. SaL 15i50. MasSe i4aoea jesse sc LOe it.

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Siwaisi Mi Vl5iVt.

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.