The Citizen, Ottawa, Saturday, May 2, 1981, Pages75 188 Riitiurmt Halp 1 188 Hotel Help Wapted 184 Sales Help Wanted DRESS (hop require! euMtianced ma- 184 Safes Help Wanted REQUIRED, ExMfMncad bilingual pari tint halp In uniw Itdxi It-tniont Call PapHon. Z22Q 184 Sal. Help Wanted FLU ANO PART TIME LARGE Canadian company in electrical appliance liefd, now taking mm-views 60 to 1 12 hourly, no super-lanca neceiiary. Full training 18 yaart and over Car required Alio sdvancsmenl program Call 729 8870 182 Offic Help DO YOU IOVI TVPINOf AN Kteal (nliy laval putilion 11 avail-bK lor copy to Ivpa corral pondanca liom handwmtan malarial Although lha maiwiiy at turn will pani on typing ralwl racapnon won alio includwf Oik clwnl will tnw tuilly ol Iw naming on modarn wok) procamng 3 to 6 monthi upaiianct raquiiad Salary $H000 banaliti Call Barbara (W 236-333, Hamngton Parmanani Plata-mum, 3bO Spam, Sia 182 Office Hob LEADING food distributor requires full time account! payable clerk, 6 day week, 9 to 6, full benefits. Reply in writing, Box 366 Citizen SECRETARY trainee, senior student acceptable, IBM, preferably bilingual.
CLERK -secretary with the following Fluently bilingual, good 1 ping skills, shorthand end Ixjokkaep-mg experience. We offer good company benefits, above-average remuneration, 8 30 to 6 daily, Fri 630 to 2 30 Free parking Call Mr. Anderson, 770-6060 for interview 182 Office Help BLINGUAL BOOKKEEPER CSNTH TOWN 113,000 WELL itibfitrtd cnir (own firm requires tmmdiIiv in xprwncd Mtfaclty bilingual bookkMpw bf to hinrilf all aipoctt ol bookkiMping up lo arid including ih preparation ol li-nancial ttatanwnti. SUCCESSFUL candidate mutt have two to ihrM yaari axperience, ba wall ipofcen and xtremely wall presented, PLEASE call Sammy at Bradion Par-tonnal Servtcas, 166 Kent at Slater, 237 -0470 FOR KALE FINANCIAL f'Mdom $60. If you ara a hard workar and think you can tall, giva ua a call.
Unwariity aludania walcoma Eilaan, 232-6769 KITCHEN company raquirat bilingual aalaaparaon, axpanancad in diracl aa-laa All Kadi tupplnd Muat hav car. LOSING tha budget taca? Divarufy your wcoma 236-1212, EXPERIENCED lalai paraon lo: high taanion ladies ihop. Excellent oppor-tunity 149 Bant St ALL good direct lalea peoona even- tually sell Britannica. 746 9093. SALES REPRESENTATIVE A leading diesel company requires an experienced sales person to call on automotive diesel engine customers.
The candidate should be bilingual and a self-starter. Salary is negotiable and will depend on qualifications. Company vehicle and employee benefits are provided. Please reply in confidence with a job resume to: P. RINGUETTE CUMMINS QUEBEC LIMITED 7200 Trans Canada Highway Pointe Claire, Que.
H9R 1C2 514-695-8410 A341013B 182 Office Help NEEDf NOW BlllNGUAL ftecreiauei with bilingual shorthand required immediately lor long term assignments We pay top wuft Call Lite. 23H8H0I Tempera-nly Yours PERSONAL LINES SriTTSVlUE miuianca agency it seeking a pat ion with minimum ol two years eftperience in pauonal lines Congenial offices, two weeks vacation and salary to 113,000 Contact Coilmtn Normand at Stacty Per- tunnel 23 211 DtCTA SECRETARY $12,000 A national association involved tn community and social services seeking an individual to work primarily in their lervtce bureau A medical back ground preferable but not eiiantial. a mmtmum ol years office experience it required The ideal candidate will have a protession-al work attitude and work well with othert Outttandtng benetiti are ottered including 3 weekt holidays after 6 montht end summer end winter working hours Can Barbara Dale, 236 233 Harrington Permanent Placement, 350 Sparks. Ste 214 BOOKKEEPER ACCOUNTANT EXPERIENCED bookkeepereccountant required lor dynamic west end group ot companies Exceptional career advancement possibilities Send resume and salary history to Box 372 Citizen LONG term temporary assignment. East End.
for senior secretary with word processing experience Call Lena Thomson Bradson Personnel Pool, 237 5060 At MUX OWJ UttKAIUH IF you are bilingual and have operated a Xerox 850 line printer for more than 6 months, check out this long term opportunity Bradson Personnel, 155 Kent St Pat Haaland. 237-5060 REQUIRED immediately tor busy east end sales department, mature, fluently bilingual clerktypist Duties include secretarial work, taking telephone orders and filing Call Mr Michael Mirs-fcy. 236 9961 between 10 and 3 LEGAL SECRETARY CENTRALLY located firm is in need of a legal secretary wth a minimum of one years ottice experience Lovely office surroundings, three weeks vacation, salary to $13,000 Contact Colleen Normand at Stacey Personnel, 237-2117 BlINGUAL MICOM OPERATOR IF you are bilingual and have operated a Micom for more than 6 months, don't miss out on this long term opportunity. Contact Pat Haaland, 237-5060 for details SECRETARY ONE full time and three half time positions available immediately. Applicants should possess good typing and organizational skills medical terminology an asset.
Apply in writing by May 11. 1981 to: Assistant Director. Personnel, Royal Ottawa Hospital, 1145 Carlmg Ottawa, Ont. K1Z 7K4 SENIOR BILINGUAL SECRETARY CENTRE TOWN $15,000 PRESTIGIOUS Centre Town firm has an immediate opening for a senior top notch bilingual secretary with no less than six years experience SUCCESSFUL candidate must have superior command ot both official languages, shorthand and typing in both languages and be able to assume responsibility. FIRM offers excellent benefits, advancement possibilities and a professional work environment.
PLEASE call Sammy at Bradson Personnel Services, 155 Kent at Slater, 237 5470 THE right place for you for temporary or permanent positions Call Harnng- Be the FIRST in your area TOPS TV TRENDS FASHIONS A well established, Canadian owned Home Patty Company has an opening for a FULLY BILINGUAL MANAGER in your area. Applicants must have previous manager's experience in Tupperware. Mary Kay or similar home party plans and must have an ability to motivate, train and supervise others. If you meet the above qualifications and are interested in a financially rewarding career, please send a complete resume to: Tops 'N Trends Fashions 20 Ferrier Street, Markham. Ontario L3R 2Z5 or call: 1-416-495-9190 Wijaiatjytiggtjijrg Real Estate Sales We have openings for energetic, producers in general real estate sales and new west end housing development.
All replies strickly confidential. Mr. Irving Aaron 725-3151 Jack Aaron Co. Ltd. Realtors TA06O9 1000 DALMY'S ST.
LAURENT SHOPPING CENTRE requires MATURE SALES HELP Candidate must have minimum 2 years experience in ladies' coats Experience in furs would also be an asset Please apply in person: Thursday, May 7th between 10 a m. 1 p.m. DALMY'S ST. LAURENT SHOPPING CENTER OTTAWA STACEY Personnel knows where the good fobs arel Temporary or per- manent 237-2117, TEMPORARY end permanent positions for secretaries, typists, word processing operators Call Action Personnel, 2388611. TEMPORARY PERSONNEL PRESENTLY temporary assignments are paying hourly rates from $4 to $8 60 per hour depending on your skills.
Register todey and be working tomorrow Bradson Personnel Ser-vices. 156 Kent Street. DO you have shorthand or dictaphone 7 Tired of trying to find that just right job' 7 Earn money while you're waiting, work when you went to We can keep you as busy as you like in the meantime Office experience and bilingualism an asset. Call now, Manpower Temporary Services, 237-9070 183 Temporary and Part-time Help EXPANSION RECEPTIONlSTtypist. Accurate typing, neat appearance, 5 days a week; 1 to 6 Bradley Air Services, 839-3340, Brenda Maxwell WEIL Co Ltd requires food demonstrators lor in-store demonstrations on top line food processors Must enjoy cooking and dealing with public.
Preferably experienced and bilingual. For interview apply Holiday Inn, Kent Tuesday, May 5, 1981, between 9 a and 12 noon, ask for E. Budish at front desk PERSON required for east end office, afternoons. Bookkeeping and typing essential. 523-7016 between and 6 SUMMER WORK IN EUROPE LONG or short term.
Pick grapes on the Rhine or work in the shadow of Scottish castles Some hotel 0bs Licensed travel agency now accepting registrations for Summer 1981 Welle-sley International Registry, 696 Yonge St, Suite 403. Toronto, Ont. M4Y 2A7 1-416-968-1381. 184 Sales Help Wanted DYNAMIC and experienced media sales people required immediately Inter-national Perspectives, 238-2629. MOVE INTO MANAGEMENT HIGH COMMISSION PROVE you can do what your track record says you can.
Will facilitie your rise to district manager with: qualified leads, intensive training seminar, excellent check-outs, customer financing and no overnight travel If you are an aggressive self starter, with direct sales experience, a desire to increase 'xonr dsed on performance with leu in its industry, call Mr Pierce for a personal interview a' X)ir-7104 Sales Representative A rapidly expanding playground equipment company requires a sales person for Eastern Ontario. To the right person we offer an attractive salary, bonus, car and expenses. Please send resume to: lcx 732 Citizen Sales Help For Fashion boutique We are seeking people for part time sales positions. These are permanent positions on a part-time basis. There is also a possibility that a candidate can be considered for a full time position.
Please apply to: Casual Corner 181 Bank St. Ottawa BC3702B SALES CAREER Energetic, bilingual, experienced self-starter required by dynamic automotive jobber to sell established and new accounts. Excellent earning potential and benefits. Call JACK FREEDMAN 741-5118 Genuine Auto and Machine Y340825B ConstructiJh Equipment Sales Rep Experience an asset. Must be ambitious, enthusiastic, aggressive and determined, have a good education and employment record.
We offer a complete line of quality construction equipment, salary, commission, car allowance, expenses. Call: MR. GEORGE NEILSON Capital City Tractor Ltd. 5555 Power Rd. Ottawa 613-822-2700 UC21 17UXYAB tXPtHIENCED twrtMf rwiuirad tor buiy wail trtd raiUurant, ippty tn pr ion, Hurlty I RoadhouM, Marrvat at Baaatint, batwatn 2 and 4 pm EXPERIENCED bar panon raqucad B37 2244 PART time bar paraon, tor Tha Hott In Tha Wall, 77 Mete alt KITCHEN tvaip raguifad Apply in par-ton baiween 2 and 6 318 Bank Sua! EXPERIENCED waitraiaatwaitan Apply, inparton, Barrhavtn Dining EXPERIENCED wailrat aaiwiilari, wmkandi oft Daytime 9 to 2 or 12 to 9 Apply in par ion at Bowl Plat tar Tavern Reitaufant, 123 Slater FAST ACTION PERSONNEL AGENCY COOKS, bartenders, waitresses, wait art, dishwaihert, buiboys, butgirli, all restaurant and hotel personnel you are looking, (or better pay, better tobs, call us Suite 208.
IbO Metcalfe St 233-6VB3 EXPERIENCED cooks, waitresseswaiters, full and part time, for very busy restaurant, east and west end Morning or afternoon shift Apply in person Sunday May 3 between 10 and 3, Alsalso Restaurant, 1433 Woodroffe Avenue, No phone calls please GUADALAHARRY'S IS now accepting applications for floor staff and kitchens Interviews conducted Monday, May 4. 9 to 3, Tuesday, May 5, 9 to 3 Apply in per EXPERIENCED waitresseswaiters wantod 523-6047. EXPERIENCED waitresswaiter for Chinese restaurant, lull or part-time. 746- CHANCES RESTAURANT NOW has an opening for a reliable, full-time dishwasher, 10 to 6 Monday through Friday Apply in person 2042 Ogiiivte Road. Shoppers City East PART TIME EXPERIENCED waitresswaiter tor Saturday Also Friday, Saturday, nights, west end dining lounge.
After 2, 224- 9552. DIONYSUS Dining Lounge. 250 Green-bank Road, requires experienced waitresswaiter, 6 to 10 p.m. Apply in person between 2 and 4 pm. EXPERIENCED waitresswaiter, bilingual preferred Apply in person 211 McArthur Ave.
SHORT ORDER COOK EXPERIENCED, 2 years minimum. Hours T2 to 9 p.m. 733-4713 ask for George EXPERIENCED waitresseswaiters. Apply in person, 217 Rideau Del Rio Tavern Restaurant. WAITRESSWAITERS wanted.
Applv in person; Lee's Steak House, 1o9t Carling Avenue. KAN AT A area, experienced waitresseswaiter Sam, 592-2711 after 11 COOK, experienced only Apply in person. Belta-Vista Restaurnat, Alta Dr GRILL COOK AND ASSIS. CHEF SUCCESSFUL applicants will possess previous experience and the desire to learn Apply in person to Mr West, at The Hayloft Steakhouse. 202 Rideau Street CHRISTOPHER'S PUB ATTRACTIVE bartender needed for full time evg.
work No students Apply in person. 201 Queen St RICHARD'S SELECTED CUISINE WAITER, waitress, short order cook wanted tult-time Please apply in person at 309 Richmond Roaa between 1 and 5. CASHIER-counter help for fast food restaurant in west end Experienced. 236-7846 EXPERIENCED waitresseswaiters wanted. Apply in person, Alexis Dining Lounge, 2583 Carling from 2 to 5.
WID CARROT RESTAURANT WANTED mature, full time, waiterswaitresses Some experience in formal service would be an asset. Apply in. person. 2525 Lancaster Rd SCOTT'S Chicken Villa requires full time kitchen help for shift work and weekends. Good starting wage Uniforms supplied Must be over 18 and have own transportation.
Apply 942 Menvaia Moaa, soutn ot Larimg EXPERIENCED, mature waitresswaiter Apply Patty's Pancake tiouse, Bimngs tanqge naza FULL time bus person. Apply 779C Bank Street EXPERIENCED waiterwaitress, for 5 nights weekly, full time. Apoty 202 Hocnesier Mr Larry Leouc WAITRESSwaiter, presentable, honest. Apply in person after 2 Kountry Kitchen, 475 Rideau Street COOK, full time days, experienced. Carp Village Restaurant.
839-2036. WILD Carrot, wanted full time kitchen help Please apply in person. 2525 Lancaster Road TALISMAN Hotel has immediate openings for mature waiterswaitresses Apply in person only to Ms. Kalife between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 pm.
at 1376 Carling Avenue. MIKE'S SUBS, 1645 MERIVALE REQUIRE drivers with own cars, days or nignis. appiy tn person CREATIVE experienced cook's helper wanted, seafood only. 232-2703, Flip- pt oj pann raren SHORT order cook, experience pre ferred Apply in person, 221 Rideau St. SHORT order cook, at least 2 years experience Apply person Matador Hestaurant, at.
Joseph Hull WAITRESSwaiter wanted, experienc- eo ipp wages, va-wu. BAR help. Apply 1237-12 Wellington off Holland WAITRESSESwatters, nights and days. Apply in person, Esterel Steak House, 858 Menvaie Road, near Carl ing WAITRESSESwatters. experienced, full time.
Carousel Dmmq Lounge, o-swd or appiy tt Larimg Ave WAITRESSESwaiters, cook. Apply in person on Sunday, May 2, between 2 and 5, 1433 Woodroffe Ave. Exper- lencea only apply. DISHWASHER with experience wanted 224-6411. EXPERIENCED barmanbarmaid.
Apply in person between 10 and 2 at the Rose Bowl Steakhouse, or call 729-3632 MOTHER'S Pizza Parlour Spaghetti House FULL TIME WAITRESS Required for Bells Corners location. For an appointment, please call: GLENDA NARWA Monday, May 4. 1981 2-4 p.m. 820-5010 BM4557B 188 Hotel Help Wanted Maintenance Downtown hotel requires experienced maintenance person. Shift work (evenings).
Electrical plumbing background beneficial. Full company benefits. Reply: Box 737 Citizen AL6202B L'Auberge De La Chaudiere has openings for Commis Saucier or Entremetier HostHostesses Please apply in person to: Personnel Manager 2 Montcalm St. Hun. Que J8X 4B4 BL20728 CVDfOltUrCr.
i.mai eal. treti (waiter! tor amaH toung. Watl end, Ottawa Please apply person, 2tH0 Carhnq Ave co*ckTAIL barmaidsbarmen reuirad, bilmevalisin necessary Apply tn person, (aoiden Nugget Hotel, 246 Dalhouiht Si 233- EXPERIENCED berlender, reference! requited Apply Mr Ing, Pari Lane Ho-tel. Ill Cooper The Chateau Laurier; Hotel Is seeking qualifisd personnel lor the following position: Banquet Housemanwoman The successful Applicant must be mature and reliable. Preyoys experience in a i'ml-lar position would be an asset.
i Please apply person to: Personnel Office Chateau Laurier Hotel Ottawa, Ont; CN HOTEL' BC4702D 190 Hair Stylists 2 barbers with experience required for unisox salon. 725-3266 EXPERIENCED hairdresser, downtown salon, Giovanni Dt Roma, 225-bOW HAIRDRESSER required, at least 3 uAara AvrMrionra fowl satai-u 711. none HAIR stylist wanted. Bayshora area. Act tm Q-i.
HAIRDRESSER, experienced, for part time ob Sandy Hill area 235-1160. HAIR stylist with experience, -733- EXPERIENCED hairdressers tor busy downtown salon Clientele nof neces- sary Z4B Bank, 232-163 HAIR Stylist with clientele for large modern Ottawa South salon 6ood salary and commission. 523-1736 EXPERIENCED hairdresser needed for verv busy salon Come ana" gef. our clientele 829-8811 CC6METICWNRECEPTIONIST OTTAWA largest skin care salon. Danielle Amours requires an experienced receptionist with a background in cosmetology.
Must be bilingual. 236-6606 HAIRDRESSER with clientele. 141 Laurier, corner of Elgin. 236-9525- 192 Automotive Help QUALIFIED pa inter finisher. Apply in person.
Performance Motors, 959 Cummings Ave. 741-0126. EXPERIENCED body person required. Must know frame straightening, metal work etc. 224-0446.
between 6 and 9 ask for Peter. EXPERIENCED painter required to manage paint department Ottawa body snop ZH4U3. AUTO body repair persons needed. Phone 822-2191 EXPERIENCED lubrication technician. Full time position to perform -routine service maintenance on all makes and models McNeil Chevrolet Oldsmobiie.
Manotick, 692-3594. TECHNICIANS DUE to increased business we require licensed automotive technicians who will meet the high standards for quality work and complete customer satisfaction. For interview, 596-1006, Bill Nash. Service Manager, Metro Ply-mouth Chrysler. 1047 Richmond Road.
EXPERIENCED Class A mechanic required immediately. Excellent working conditions, ususal company benefits. Salary commensurate with experience. McNeil Che role Oldsmobiie. Mano-tick.
692-3594. EXPERIENCED parts counter person. Apply in person to Outaouais Auto-motive, 105 Front Aytmer. EXPERIENCED CAR PAINTER-GOOD company benefits, life-insurance plan and dental plan. Hourly rate of $8.
Apply Jean Brault, Allard Paint and Body Shop Ltd. 7414)156. SUPER VISOR ESTIMATOR EXPERIENCED, sales-onented person required to take charge of independent outlet in modern welt-equipped shop. Ideally you will have a strong supervisory background in thtS industry Growth income in access of $25.000., with possibility of a partnership. Write with details to 'Box 351 Citizen.
-i MECHANICS with import car experience, not necessarily fully licenced, wanted for large import car- dealer. Service manager. 523-1323. -1 EXPERIENCED service attendants wanted. Appiy in person 2498 Bank St.
between 8 a m. and 6 pm. Wednesday through LICENSED body person for- collision and rust repair. Auto Revivals-, 255 Parkdate. 723-4345, ask for A licensed mechanic, top wages, all employee benefits, must be experienced in electronic ignition.
256 Richmond 722-8666. EXPERIENCED body person for piece work Downtown location. 233-0751. EXPERIENCED mechanic, all employee benefits, steady employment. Good wages.
Apply Barry Koffman, 339 King Edward Ottawa EXPERIENCED auto and truck licensed mechanic wanted. Apply in person at 910 Gladstone Ave 233-171Q. ONE of west ends largest body shops, has opening for experienced body person. Quality ana pride of work is essential. Excellent high moral.
Apply 10 Bentley, 226-1330. After hours, 828-1461. LICENSED mechanic needed in 3 bay station. Must have tune up and scope abilities. Good trouble shootdr.
jCon-tact service manager. 749-0057. BODY person wanted immediately. Phone 236-2871, 7:15 to after 4. 828-6246.
CLASS A licensed mechanic needed, full time position, good salary and company benefits. Apply person. 2510 Sheffield Road, between and 5 pm tj WELDER with truck and trailer. Experienced. For fabrication and bod installation.
Appry person. Malmberg. 25 Slack Road 0 KAATO AUTO PAINTING BODY WORK TOP quality licensed body person or 4th year apprentice. 40 hour yreek. Straight time shop.
Required tpme-diatefy Call Mr Darners, 526-1336 CERTIFIED body person tor' GM Dealership Southern Alberta. A.ots of wort, pays 60 flat raid. Biased on shop rate of S26 hourty or $1200 monthly guarantee, based 'on- $15 hourly Telephone (403) 562-212ST after hours, or Sunday, telephone 1403) 564-4600 Mechanics; Sparks Kenworth. Ltd is looking for qualified, diesel truck mechanics. Wages competitjv.
vary with experience Contact: Mac Sparks Kenworth 746-9032 B0992C 4 Westboro Aut3 Imports Ltd. requires a CLASS A LICENSED: MECHANIC Competitive salary attractive company be nefits. Apply in person to: 4 OTTO OR TERRY 225 Richmond Rd. YWV458 5 FOOD SALES REPRESENTATIVE BILINGUAL, institutional sales representative required lor Eastern Ontario and Weilatn Quebec Immediate ring with generous compensation and company vehicle Salai enperianca required, food sales experience an aisel. Call The bOO, 237-2888 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNrtY FOR A FLUENTLY BLINGUAL SENIOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE TOP notch sales person thoroughly experienced in trie building materials lield required by an old established manufacturer lor eastern Ontario and Western Quebec.
Musi be a sell starter with strong tales record, ability lo organize, and to work effectively with minimum supervision. Post secondary education desirable as position offers good chance ot advancement, but knowledge, experience, energy and initiative more important Executive level salary plus car and excellent benefits. Contact Bradson Executive Search, 155 Kent Street, Ottawa 237-5066 WEST end Rest Estete office requires self motivated representelives envying independence. Excellent pay system, licensing course refunded. Kon- tac neamea itg pvy-apu tur CAY, bltAOT VVUHK EXPANDING company will train 3 mechanically inclined persons lor sales career Great opportunity for advancement.
Earn top money. Must have a car Tall 7id-1CI? Int nroruuiu SUMMER position excellent lor students. Sales assistants with Gemcralt display in local shopping centres. Send personal details and photo to Summer Sales Help. 3ox 44.
Stirling. Ont KOK 3E0 EXPERIENCED STEREO SALES PEOPLE WE are one ol Canada's leading and progressive audio chain with 14 locations at present Due to our expansion we now have several openings lor sales positions in Ottawa We oiler excellent salaries and benefits, as well as an opportunity lor advancement. If you are aggressive and experienced in audio sales, call Hi-Fi Express 416 298-8319 lor interview All replies will be kept strictly confidential CARPET cleaning business requires telephone solicitors, downtown, hourly rate or commission. Ask for Kevin 236-6569 FULL AND PART TIME SALES STAFF REQUIRED for distributor of preserved tropical plants in eastern Ontario An i exceptional and unique product requiring no maintenance. THOROUGH training program No door-to-door selling required IF you are outgoing, organized and able to communicate effectively, call for an interview prior to May 9, 1991 i MARY-Belle Pulvermacher.
Plant Hea- ven 1613) 828-7271. INTERNATIONAL COMPANY NOW hiring beauty consultants in this area to work part-time with natural and health products Interviews May 4, 9 30 to 6, Talisman Hotel, contact Shirley Convey, Director, Con Span Industries; COMMISSION SALES REP TO call on retailers to open new territory in Ottawa and area We are looking for a self starter, a real go-getter, someone with high goals Must have car. High commission and gas allowance For interview call, 1-800-267-0205 A CAREER WITH PROFESSIONALS WE offer an exciting opportunity to join a group of the best All successful candidates wilt have the advantage ot sales training end experienced management team which will aid and guide you to increased volume and greater income. Excellent training program to update your product knowledge Please call for appointment, Century 21, M. Lepage Realties Inc.
238-7301 SALESPERSON needed for exclusive line. T-shirts and sweatshirts. "Smurfs in Please send resume to PO Box 628. Napiervitle. Que JOJ 1L0.
DRIVER sales person wanted for fast food industry Over 25. Apply in per- sun, JQD rorgsi ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE PREFERABLY bilingual aggressive in- dividual required for credit career job Sales-accounting background. Apply 391 A Bank Mr. Ranieri. INSULATION, heating, aluminum sid- ing and windows salespersons QAIFQ ran (W n.innl weekly magazines Travel required.
Salary $12,000 to $15,000 plus company car and expenses. Send resume to Box 315 Citizen. DON MANN DATSUN REQUIRES an experienced sales person for auto sales. Bilingualism an asset. Contact Stuart Arbuthnot, 238-5561.
PART time for high fashion men's store. Experience and bilingualism an asset. 236-8146 LfKE NEEDLE CHAFT? BECOME a Creative Circle representative and demonstrate needlecraft. Write to Box 112, Ingleside, or call 1-537-2607. GREAT opportunity in energy conservation.
A combined insulation and heating sales offer up to $1,300 grant due to homeowner as selling feature Double your income Call 728-1925 today. FREE training Supplement your income now Join our winter sales program. Car essential. Please call 741-1098 WE'RE HIRING JOIN CENTURY 21 FOR A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE WHY? Because we are the largest real estate organization in North America and that's your advantage in real estate. The only one who puts limits on your growth is you Flexible hours.
You're the boss. You earn exactly what your worth. You structure your work day. An international image the public respect. Rapid personal advancement, highly trained management, international network of referrals, extensive training programs, proven methods and systems, committment to professionalism stability.
For a confidential interview, call Pasquale Ricciuti. 238-1476; Century 21 Su-zanne Robinson Ltd. LADIES WEAR SHOP REQUIRES mature sophisticated full or part-time help. Experience not necessary Good wages. Congenial atmosphere.
Appfy 187 bank. TELEPHONE sales, experienced in advertising, excellent commission. 235-9240 SALES help needed, evening work, ideal for students, no experience ne- cessary. caB zJo-itwa. IMMEDIATE TELEPHONE solicitors, $4 per hour plus interesting bonuses.
9 a m. to 9 pm 233-9843 TRAURS SALES person required for travels and tent, campers and caps Call Stan at Ottawa Camping, VU-UVQ REAL ESTATE SALES RHODES at 1367 St Joseph Blvd. Orleans has opportunities for both experienced agents and those who are new to our industry. We provide professional sales training, modern work environment, graduated bonus and action -oriented marketing programs. Call Nancy Forrester, Rhodeseast.
824-8000. Rhodes A Sons Limited. Realtor MEN WEAR SALES PERSON MUST have experience in the above field and be biltnguai. Cad for appomt ment. Mr Tasse, 731-2689- BUSINESS is booming.
Immediate opening direct sales. Successful candidate must be a self-starter, car essential, free tratrang. salary or conv rmsston 741-1097. SALES AGENT WANTED TO represent better tine of ladies kngere Eastern Ontario. Candidate should trve Ottawa area.
Reply to Box lit utraen. 186 Restaurant Help FRANK Veiere Pizzeria. Bets Comers Fufl tana prep cook, 9 to 5 weekdays Good wages for right person WAiTRESSwsiler. tmw. Appry: Manager, i par street EXPERIENCED cook tor busy restaurant, evening shift.
Arjofy in person onry to tha chef. The MM Dtnmg Lounge. Ottawa River Parkway. Otta- MATURE experienced waiterswaitresses wanted for one of Ottawa finest OVtng estabiistenarits-Appty Monday. May 4 from 7 pm anal 9 pm at Tha Melting Pot Restaurant.
Cflftessy Wast Hotel MOO Carkng Avenue GRECO pizza. 862 Menvaie Ad. now eeakma part feme halp weekends Appry in person- MMEOtATE emrjtoyinw, for cooks, and preparation parson, axpenenced preferred Cat. for nterwew. 226-1866 between 9 am and t.3Q EXPERIENCED waiterswartrassas waited enmsdwtaty Cnantaf Dnu Lounge.
XB9 St Laurent Bvd COOKS lebwty an asset Acoy parson to rwnva rmauram. bub bushuiiiI Rd. WOHD PflOCfSSORS MANY intaraiiing tamoorary aiuon-manii lor MS pU. 90, 100P, 1008. CiO, Micom 2001, lalaa and alphalant ogiiato.1 lop wagaa Call liaa, 23 TYPIST, bilingual.
80 worn minimum, accunla, lull tima 9 to 6 Should nOy typing ZMU0p, 7ZOb6l LtGAl aacraury, tola piartictionai, om apananca nacatsaiy 232-4HK) ASSOCIATION SICRtTARY $14,000 DIRECTOR ot prolasnonal association requires the servicei ol an experienced secretary to asutt in the administration ol day to day activities ot the association Individual must be fluently bilingual and atxe to take shorthand in both olticral languages A friendly working environment end excellent benefits are offered to the successful candidate Call Louise Greaves, 236-2333 Harrington Permanent Piace- ment, jx sparxs. bte 14 BlINGUAL TELEX OPERATOR CENTRE TOWN HOURS 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. CENTRE Town organization requires immediately a telex operator with jood conversational French SUCCESSFUL candidate must be ma-ure minded, capable of working without supervision and under pressure ltd have two to three years exper-ttice iEASE call Sammy at Bradson Per-nnel Services, 155 Kent at Slater, 5470 PERIENCED legal secretary required busy downtown firm Emohasis on rL estate 233-1111 LITIGATION SECRETARY bisy downtown law firm needs a caple litigation secretary with one ysai experience. The candidate should navt fast accurate typing and the abilu to take dictation Salary com-menurate with experience and ability For confidential interview call De-Ioret238-8901 Hunt Personnel BLINGUAL SECRETARY $13,000 A wst end client is seeking an expeenced secretary to work tn their saleslepartment Excellent telephone mannr and strong orginizational ability anpre-requisites The work is varied ad includes typing, general cor-respodence, some dictaphone and order aking For further information about this interesting position, call Barbai Dale, 236-2333.
Harrington Permfent Placement, 350 Sparks, Ste 24 EXPERIENCED AES PLUS OPERATORS CENTIULY located professional firm is acely searching for AES plus operans At least six months experience required These are long term tempotry positions with a distinct potenal for becoming permanent ATTRTIVE company benefits and a pleasar work environment contribute to ma? this a great place to wcrk Fairban Executive Services, 238-7171. ik for Karen. Eight, energetic prson for various cfice duties. fpenenced in typing, cctaphone, shorthand asset bod starting salary. I day week, all com-pny benefits.
oply in person 103 BANK ST. bility Confidence Trust ntegrity Opportunity Noteworthy ACTION PERSONNEL The company temps recommend! Register now for 'op paying secretarial and clerical obsi Action Personnel 350 Sparks Suite 806 238-8511 BA105BO 4 jliiiii OF OTTAWA LTD Concordia Body Shop Ottawa-Hull's largest, most modern body shop, has 2 immediate job openings. EXPERIENCED ESTIMATOR Must have a good personality and the ability to appraise most types ot auto damages, as well as an understanding of insurance industry. EXPERIENCED SHOP FOREMAN WOMAN Must have a good organizational supervisory ability, to oversee a large staff as well as practical experience in the trade. All inquiries confidential Contact: NEIL HENRIE 746-9143 or apply in person 1575 Cvrville yBC6962BD SECRfcTARY, bilingual Muit have vary good typing skills Hours 9 to 6, Monday to Friday, Reply writing to Sa cratary, Physical Education 180 Aigyle Ave Ottawa, K2P 1B7 DYNAMIC marketing organization requires a sales secretary immediately Responsibilities include operating a small but busy office, order taking, telex and general office duties.
Tremendous opportunities for the right individual Must have an excellent telephone manner and bilingualtsm would be an asset, Please call 238-4001 REAL estate secretary required immediately for very busy downtown law practice Reply in confidence to Watson, Hughes, Font ana and Coulson, 429 MacLaren 238-2151 CHARTERED Bank Data Centre requires a computer operator, previous experience on IBM 4331 or 370 Series in DOSVSE environment preferred Three shift rotation with weekends off Competitive salary with a full range of benefits. Call Mr Ed Gaiu-tan, 725-3328 during normal business nours 'or an appointment TOP RATES FOR TOP TEMPS WE have long term assignments for fluently bilingual typists and secretaries with 4b wpm. minimum. Call PSL at 238-137 WHY PUT your typing skills to work and earn top dollars plus weekly vacation pay We have many downtown assignments ranging from 1 week to 3 months Register today and work tomorrow Victor Temporary Services. 237-7501 MATURE receptionist for denture clinic, dental laboratory experience an asset 238-2216 JUNIOR accounting clerk for accounts payable, receivable and bank reconciliation 2 half days weekly.
Apply in writing only to Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada, 1226A Wellington Street, Ottawa. MY 3A1 DICTA typist position available Banking experience an asset Apply Toronto-Dominion Bank, 126 Albert 10 a to 3 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST BOOKKEEPER wanted for a busy centre town office. Must be well orga-ni2ed and enjoy dealing with people Call between 8am and 9 am. 238-5960 EXECUTIVE legal secretary for senior partner, must bd experienced and capable of accepting full responsibilities in real estate and general commercial areas Contact Mis. Leone.
725-2117 TYPIST, full time, needed immediately by non-governmental charitable organization Busy office with wide variety of work, excellent typing skills essential, shorthand an asset, independence and flexabilrty are key qualities, start-ing salary $12,500 Inquire, 563-4801 BIL. RECEPTIONIST TYPIST $10,400 NON profit organization located in west end requires a fluently bilingual receptionist typist This position requires a mature, intelligent person who can type in both oificial languages Duties are varied and client will tram successful applicant on the Micom word processor An ideal position tor someone who likes to be involved Call Bradson Career Services, 237-5060 EAST end firm has immediate opening I lor a clerk typist for approximately 5 months Bilingualism arid experience wnn calculator a must wining to undergo typing test Salary $170 weekly 741-8730 ext. 49. LITIGATION secretary, with 1 to 2 years' experience, required immediately for downtown law office, shorthand necessary Contact Peter Bishop, 238- 1515 TRAVEL consultant required, 2 years I A A experience and outside sales representative. 837-2331.
WANT A BETTER WORLD? NON-profit human rights group being organized Secretarial help needed urgently. Low pay, high interest. Volunteers welcome 232-2920. DENTAL office requests, experienced, certified chair-side assistant for office, south Ottawa. Apply Box 318 Citizen END THE SEARCH OPENINGS now available for experienced secretaries, typists and word processing operators.
Call now for expert counselling Bilingualism an asset Selective Placements, 238-4S20. Smith requires part-time office clerk Typing and bilingualism would be a significant asset For appointment call Mr Ashraf, 236-0637, bet- ween 9 and 12 noon daily ASSOCIATE lawyer, in small downtown law firm requires secretary. Some experience or legal secretarial training necessary. Phone Marilyn Marshall at 238-1424 FLE CLERK THE Professional Institute requires a file clerk to maintain and operate it's existing filing system, to maintain a register of correspondence and to be responsible for the distribution and retrieval of files A minimum of 4 years secondary school education and at least 3 years experience operating a filing system are required Bilingualism is desirable but a thorough knowledge of English is essential Salary range $12,175 to $13,212. Send applications in writing to: L.
Mosley. Executive Secretary, The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. 786 Bronson Ave Ottawa. Ontario, K1S 4G4 by May 15. 1981 and mark the envelope "Competition 816" TYPIST, bilingual, 80 wpm minimum, accurate, full time 9 to 5 Should enjoy typing 233-4005 VERSATILE individual required immediately Reception, bookkeeping, typing, for small west end manufacturing company Box 334 Citizen OFFICE SUPERVISOR INDIVIDUAL with accounting background, experienced in automobile dealership vital.
Apply Box 336, Ctt- PART time bookkeeper wanted for wholesale food business. 741-4687. ACCOUNTS Payable, full time and part time required, with experience with One-Rite System, up to and including trial balance. Please apply to Box 333 Citizen. AES Plus operator needed, bilingual, long term assignment Ottawa Call Geme, 236-9689.
Barbaras Office Personnel. PART time secretaryreceptionist required for centre town office, morn- gs, 238-6690. LEGAL secretary with some experience in real estate required for busy west end office. 722-4254 WEST end, immediately, person Friday, steady job, clerk typist and general work, mature person, $3 50 per hour. days 830 to 5.
Free parking. Apply person, 1275 Wellington, 2 blocks west of Holland. EXPERIENCED receptionist required for busy downtown legal office, typing essential, opportunity for advance-ment Mrs Martin, 237-4000. THE 500 SECRETARIES, stenos. dtctas needed for short and long term assignments.
237-2888 BILINGUAL (French and English) legal secretary, pleasant surroundings, good working conditions 236-7981 wi's uaigneauri EXPERIENCED legal secretary required ior oeiis corners on ice. excellent po- sition, 828-2120. 9 to 5 PART time clerk typist, 2-3 days weekly, mature, west end. Apply Box 327 Citizen EXPERIENCED legal. Mtcom 2000 operator requved.
salary commensurate with experience and ebilrty. Caft trmgn ai EXPERIENCED part tone legal reel estate secretary required June 1. 1981.238541. FOR at your permanent and temrjor ry arnptoymant needs Can MacOonald Bnsson Personnel. 233-4065 TOTAL Employment Services.
130 Albert. 238-8778. Typists positions available CLERK typist, preferably bilingual, encerlent company benefits Cat 236-9915. between 9 am. and 5 pm 35" downtown law office 1781 EXPERIENCED typists, secretaries, macfane operators, for trie best selection of pennaneiw or tenxxxsry office positions, cat) V.
Chapman i Assooaies. 2385011 LEGAL secrelary for busy downtown lew offce Excellent skies required and salary comniensurete with abrirty and eipanence CatwwH. 237-4220 ATTENTION TVPBTS SHORT assnnmenu of de. I week, month or tongar eveotw enmetfratety Csf Conwernpre Services Im 236-2424 LEGAL secretaries, word Oct as cat Tna Job Farm PREVIOUS bentono, esstwnerice' See- baoenk eiferestad Crrnce Hoars. 830 to 12 and I 430 566-2467.
I SALES REPRESENTATIVE Steady economic growth by our client has necessitated the addition of a sales representative to join a professional team responsible for the marketing of office furniture and supplies. The position would be of interest to candidates who have relevant experience in the sale of office products, possess a professional sales approach, are career-oriented and have management potential. An attractive remuneration package is being offered to include salary plus commission and expenses. Interested candidates please' contact D. Mineault at PASS Management Consultants Floor 22, Place de Ville 112 Kent Ottawa, Ont.
238 BP240B lon rersonnej, zjtwjjj i INDUSTRY association requires secre-' tary-bookkeeper by mid May Although secretarial work is maior i portion of the job, accounting experience essential. Salary $12,000 Call 232-7213 for interview NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! TOP PAYI BILINGUAL A.E.S. PLUS OPERATOR for 6 months or more to start now Experienced need only apply Call PSL at 238-1376 i EXECUTIVE secretary required for busy school-board, downtown office i Excellent shorthand, typing skills and some aammistrative experience required Knowledge of Jewish community an asset. Apply tn writing to Director of Education. Ottawa Talmud Torah Board, 463 Rideau Ottawa, Qnt KIN 5Z3 EXPERIENCED pari time legal secretary, downtown, 238-6180.
Ottawa South Dental Office requires full time Office Assistant Receptionist Pleasant, modern environment and attractive salary potential for the right person. Please send letter and resume to: Box 734 Citizen AM2269F Required Immediately DICTA TYPIST The Children's Aid Society has an immediate opening for a mature, experienced Dicta Typist. Typing speed of 60 p.m. is essential. We offer excellent fringe benefits.
For appointment, please call. 737-1816 BN1334B EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Good opportunity, experienced, mature, qualified person, excellent English grammar, shorthand and typing skills and a flair for figure work required Salary commensurate with experience. Minimum 5 years. Office hours: 9 to 4. Call for interview: 731-3275 A342350B Secretary Word Processor Immediate openings with one of Canada's largest and most successful information system consulting firms are available for a secretarial position and that of word processor.
The successful applicants will possess fast, accurate typing and shorthand abilities and be able to keep pace in a demanding atmosphere and work well under pressure. Personal qualities will include versatility, personable, conscientious, and the capability to grow with the job. References are required tf you meet the above requirements, please apply tn writing to: Janet Scharf Software products Quasar Systems Ltd. 275 Slater St 10th Root Ottawa, Ont. K1P5H9 BQ3C888 A Golden Opportunity Awaits You In AUTOMOBILE SALES We are expanding our sales team and require experienced sales people immediately.
We offer you: 21 years' history of continued growth excellent salary and commission incentives above average income per year) superb selling location Call or drop in now; Capital Dodge Chrysler 1554 Carling Avenue or 729-3111 Contact Bert Landry, Bill Morrow or Rick Wilson YC2152B CACTUS The High Fashion Boutique now requires SALES HELP Full and part time sales help is now required for our 1st location in Ottawa at the St. Laurent Shopping Centre. Candidates must have a minimum of 2 years experience in the better ladies' wear market. Full understanding of the sophisticated designers' market is an asset. Cactus is currently operating boutiques in six Canadian cities.
Please apply in person on: Wednesday, May 6th between 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. Four Seasons Hotel 150 Albert St. Ottawa BOOSED.