The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

rVWrIRO WW ART taVWRatfO WWmlngton, Dtowart, Mondey, Mty tt. 1650 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER II KIP WANTS JMARKETIfi3 MANAfifeR tunny to frow hi on fiiooi Proejoooiwjoo. rny PIPING CHECKERS PotltkxiinvXI'StofSnB datalri. aV flalll illajBl SttabklauILM tfUBfl 1 Mian xaar nca tr gatjyattnf mm tludv itMOttarv, Xatr Mil- Eaual Qpoortunllv Emafevar INDUSTRIAL phau Ac ttoclrleaf lytttmt 1 DC controN (i HarcatMlownSlT'' fcPjjjlll A aadSTIrilaMlwAAaiA wt oonofTrt. rMovy rioGMiro auw WYtftt rgonnol Counselor eartr jPtTteT "TtjtoM.fflW- STuNFiiiDA Public Rfattons fjOWHifOpyntij owjnnou pJofMonf fhnco ond Mot, Mu Accurofo HjolrjfJ rMmonv wtroii no foo.froo oojntlni, cm PERSOTvTaELREP.

MfAoopfy. Jorji oil Fndov ml tniMMpn to bOMftafi too oortM" Rtaf DBBtTtSnaaanb. AAutThava leyeterlel jkltt and ng lorvloo fholr noodft for hNfWi taulaau tOOOVt CALDWELL m-7457 lllllllllllllllllillllKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII PERSONNEL LOCAL OPENINGS Atmlnjttar corp, WAS and bgntflt trtram. DVriamlc irKf.eroorti-ttyt oraanlutlon. RtajuTrti IS wlm 4 to 111 yrt, comoonitllon Sant Per Mgr To S25K wcunvboJit orornofodi Gxcol.

tokwJlttiSpar m' SupvEmpI AojYMitvo ond OKpondlno corp. RooufrpU w2 to vn. prof. rotfwHip oxpor. Fill trick aotltton.

Plant prrion-nal potRton wprattloa nal'l mgr. Muil hava 1 yr. akwlmfgr, Illllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllll PHARMACIST In Chi nma, tmak aruf Mora, cj macv. iwarxai PHARMACIST Ful or part lima. Cal Sana.

Hippy PharmacistPart Time CatrSm PHOTO COPIER REPAIR axptrl- oncaa praiarrao ior rop-noicn orotnliatlon. Looking tar malurlty. jvatijI dopandablNty. Call PODIATRIST'S ASS'T. Milun, outeolna parionaHiy.

SjMltot'pald ratp. lorn- nt. tian. cm EPNARD a sW-'B! raMfl ptMntni, ffhodUlrrfl foroutling i PRODUCTION TollS.uat FMtd Maaarn tacMly attaint ctrttr orkntadjHtrodwM a grao wr i yr axp eper- SSOCIATES Concord Piai DIRECTOR To hMMTvft ttolt oroviolM In- hotno oorvlco. MMtort doprM hi itk cat iad.AJ-a?lTE.O.E.

PatY.aAAAAia laor. lii Ful-lkrio potlllon txp. in RPG II Protrtmmin Oaaralton at IBM oack grouna naama at aqvano aotucto to Atthtant Data to retumt a in. Newt-Journal, PROGRAiCER RttaxtjaMbafJ)ataa aaoxAabAtaas Bakwi at inWTItjWaaftw QPtVltTVg TtJT nwiof oowor ypowwd jbftv Cojjlj conioojny jcon ottor. Jn foniuMrofHon DOfpoflH, choMnoo rOaWonfttotaTty A ojrowth, Wra Iraltod to tocrtatlm vour ikka A lalntoa a dwiarnfe wtojral John Bade, Sytatma 4 Pratram-mka) futerlior eAMaBBMPMat awiBjrTwn p.

snejw LO AMI Laoo. browor.n vrwriifionfi iffff PSVC 6R ACSTEACHERS. Work PURCHASES AGENT 2CX-Fee Pd Hoovy oko In vojrloui procuro gyto ra om. A SNELLINO PURCHASES AGENT 2CX FesPd axa In. varlout proeurt- rtoavy axa PURCHASlN Growth oppty.

I. fNOB SNELLINO Bjuyma tip- IMWkPi6HARB PUirCHASINO (X SMJHO tot aaM fori l-i vrj. purchailng aw. eilirHxagr Should havoVl' carry personnel tocal raaa, tar toaaocttan of trtd- veto, tarn wloooo of taaaaJl C5, (miTYCOffTROL irPECTOR CjuMty Control NOR. and Ipiooctor Oitox ki IpHnionifonoJ atopoctton.

Coot Ootd ttarHna waot A Company od oononto oro ovod. Ctt tSt-MBT today tor further ooniiOjtion tALLEA BROS. INC. jevtorBLtwilSjl WRmaiatan. DE nwrl RESTATE SALES yfl evo Mnofojntty orowno.

tlaajaaujbri OOSOO OtOOOtfi tMOdftd HI yau with ma nacattmei to tueran-tot tuccata. Cat Huoh Wtndkt tor lito 6alaxV REAL RITA TP SAL6SEOPLE WANTED ti Wa need nato, vou trt i real ettato alvt na a CM Ylratola Vlrtm. ft tMl taw hautt canalructton with art-orronootl ftflaWiclno. aBWitMt warkkja candhtoni, ton af butt- aaaaka rmM AaaaakM Batf am aMMJwlll fw lJVT rm 9 fajWTntjtWnOI pwionnat txpar JWI'Wilcofno yourCjtnJdjpilljl Ptortl, 1150. Intorytiwi kieluej aval, by appl.

CtH dtyt tnd Mtn, aval. Id 7 Si mKO. Ptonnar aam ttljonal btotjtr to Itw Mrtoitkm OVocHon of induotrpB)! ololM to iRVwuno luAsi. iarg1 4 jxgarl- CLISK-wail ilda df Pbftjrjfnletmpar wk a Jtntr laaand, Wkia axaaf. BW.

JXIbtwl- journal L0, LI Ptrt ttntiTt OBSVN wy. Sand raaumt it Jtoyn-Journal MM iNT SUPT tuaarinianoant tr ran) malal work-'njlMtrlnrBtr xj kitovytodta of ro. rnitT.pan- ltd Mary Mar- VMENT MACHINI1T Tot wagai tor lit data macfilnM nojcMnlit for wonim jnjaHitfrfoi Good btnaflli. i mc law a MAO CARD TYPIST LEGAL antor City, frit Jarhtos. Ext.

arai, awarr m-j. uaa aM-j ita MAINrENAM.E-Supv-t2CA Jra pjajit maint. Maaway BBRriAPU PLANI Suparvlia imt! artup ol atoctrl-dam A ami malntananca rnachtnla. Emm tjowlrie nalional illl1ft ciTa. MarlK MAINTENANCE TRAINkE Aootv In oonoA onlv of Shtrtlot ilnn-Nawark MAINTENANCE FOkEMAN Local mtnuracTurar i ton txpK.

Suaarvli tnt B.cogrdmtti MtCMMItl In nwntai turtoa aaula A pxwta tano ratuma Nawi-Jaurnal Co, WHm, ItenzprTim fix jjlatj! wotti hlfhfy nioMvotod kwv who con bocoTo tnor In fftpo. Goofl loM work Modi Col "SELLING A SWELLING NGEjhNT WoVo cofTiflwtjod yowth. Occl flOFw Lw hoo on opoiortunlty for tfttHVIOUOt Row or olno OpU. mi Wotnon i nOaUAOffWfn mlHlUllTlIllL1 AaVjr PfStratilva Manaptr wW ydM.jNPkx) pantton tatton pan.haipHakialton i I Hb- oowion oioA. hoioHi artliltrateaunl.

ij you aiajkiv cm CA' iTHPRIfce'T SHOP Kkkwoad Hwv cW Cofnoonv. looklno for ftonw" on who worn ft him arm. MtN tartonaary ar oxp to warft In ma tuptr marat Mvia ttora.Jai a. mat mi yr. bxck ING1! SWELLING Smoo ooroonoJHy or oito to work In ft luoor rtwW.iiyloiforo.

Sol mow III yr KawOI IHIft. Sf LLINO KtWyatrtaafijto rrAKiON- AIL IhAVfWk atpaai laaaal dkuajyai aaaaaHdaai tavdaltaBi "wl wcw Wawn ntTarOT Jnvnrs. llACNT EVIRAL ObwMoojo OjVOJtoMo I iAimR TRAInwcS COLLEGE G.1ADS nffiitlirni, aVMawlMlTJi bBrBBajbWMJtMJ MMT KBP vtvoraj IWO oripOj wluoojrvMawy ojbMty. rr Eattnlvi A nfj ffy fOJOjnoj to tfQjat) ywwo "Wjnpojoiwont jho wwfojrtojt1 naMafo tajfcyy flwn ond worion. SuMocfi BMvaaatl twaaaaatotk abakatatBaxaaaal aaaut.

QpaWwpw, otfTwytor QCaWWQO tty oypo), tooi toryjco jnd rofoN ooBrojiiono ond OpROtiiwjiwo ntoo yojair. inoyronoOt ftttctt dontoi ItOrVrOUtSBl cann muot novo hochoori doiroo ond ho ot bMOt IMnd ador27V. TtOM ACfl To fjhoF jjt "Fp-fffh faf itTiodoil honco) Ontoor. In fropMc hjoioful. Mot only nlrt plow houri wooh, oouhJ wjtwii ffOfti you ohVo ii LTph llll'pja rOWfl City offjet MACHINIST; V) KBF CAStlYEMPU jjjMrataHMj Miawrtonti, a ENctrtctant tngtott na bukdlnot.

mtnurac- 111 IWI 1111 oz.rmt An Eaual Qartunltv Emoloyar MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Flril Claw. Far Produclton aoulp Rao. ilroni, au. i rallabllllv. ofjiu jtpfptwor Cm J.

on onntutHHTic MtforojOfooj In Soipto tojroor onort ouwoncHio ooTVfni woncontroct onpa OKcpont frinoo KAXAC3I TRAINEE Cxcjot ooojfy niowj Into tho world MANAUcmcMT CjERIlGEKENT Malurg taav It rtprotant ttoma Lfw knCa of Anwrira. For aaatkilmtnl contact tia-t. 3. Fat ftt Wmwi't tpactoltv voroo toe. In VVpWti.

you novo OjlMMM NH0 tfTy parsonncrt AWwTalMt RETAIL to ogjffJJ csfry pOTOfWWl MANAOe. PuWcdontacl-NON' SALES yart pQ Sg aj Mrry pytofMwl PAANAGiia'jT INFOa) DATA PROCESSING WHAT RECESSION 5Mh1' ratuttkit hi'VvoSrl litd nnm mm, woro ot mt My netod pronounced IneruM In mt demtndter exp'dOP arototilonalt II Mh Wit kMrnwdMt and ttntor Mow departmental erowth Hcmiw or continual. Thli tntorgid demand mteni tretitr nwtifiibify tor you. ThMt art lull tow of our moIT critical local Sr. Systems Development IN? Nor) to oimM Itw umMmh cerppreie nwmation ivt- OMH.

at MfM UM vVtoty of mar depl'i mgmt and nKwncy mumin, not cranes engrtoM Svttemt Aivjfyili with reeulrod tor JtvjMxnliloM Gvolv-int lhflntortaino wlto both owl uien for ivttemt formutttlon, tnd tot tachnlco)! ttoff to ID tutcullon dntw deilont, Saiartoi ki art. Systems Managers Ea'd Svtleme Anolvili who trt fOWOMlbWIv tar the devetoomtnl of now corporate tvtltmt wtfl at miMOlna loam at oroo'rt ind Anetvttt It critical iwtd our local core client, yriT Svitemt Anelvtlt aR with pnvl-out wptrvltorv or meml aw from a taw woe thap It needed with a virt- tv or cnemwit Tor exrenuvo malloii avaUatta. Selernt: 1S-1 Programming Manager An kitornal reoroeniialton of their uppar mamt latm hat cratled a potlllon lor a proarammlng mar to uporvlM and direct a iton oil-10 proatntivttt, ana attiti in long ranwdept piai mull Include MlealkMi exp an on-line wironrnont, lor tuoorvliorv axpttyro, and axp with any typi ot Data lata. That lob rnponilOIII-lltt offer a moat unututl etienct to iata mat flrtl-uap -nap mamt, str try: rmc art. Sr.

Systems Analyst On at laraatt Una. kai oroaM a potlllon tar a Sr. Anatvil I or inouwarint largo km raipomloWtlai tor long ranto Wanning. Mould Include 4-7 yn ki enlfM ihoe with prior Standard! I Control! txpoturt and light pleniikig axp. The Importenet of toil row ottert the apply lor ma lor jpon Deot policy Infortna- 10 IWL Senior Analyst Or ot mt araa't larant dtve- laptri of Mah technology eeuip ii Inthtorocati developing tnd Implimontlnt naw tarlai of motor fin' application lyttemt.

They eurrenttv naad a Sr. Anatvil to anion and direct mt dtveloe-mont oj ihtM tvtiamt. Prior ip with tm'l tvttornt dtvtloomtnl (M ml In an IBM Cobol tnvlrgn-mont naadad. Sa4tsv7n-27K. Sr.

Systems Programmer To moaort ma axaantkn of lha Conorala MIS prouo, tNi WKm clktnl Ii Maklna an axp'd tyilomt prog'r to load In ma Imotumtnlt- non at malor naw tottwtro tyi-Mrm and tacnntcal luooorl. Tha mot woim nava a nnrory Of or mora yn tytlam protramrnkit ki on mvs map witn ims axp a ami tut not raauirad. Tho abflrty to atwma rwaontiwiity and tuturt gnancamam naoaoo. wmr Poilllorrl for Expi'd Proaranrnigri and Prog Anal with 1-4 yn Cotxu tip trt ako avallatxt ki obun-danct lor a ariy of Muttrlol, manufacturlna. and eommtrclal tppilcttlont.

Ptaata land rouma or cat lha OP racrultlnt iloff ol: ATLANTIC 3aii 15 yrt txp or Biua trap to. ELLIE MACK ASSOCIATEl 471-alB CencordPlaia DATA Procauino Alwavi Ftt Pd RS 16-19K wtm I yr OaOL axa vou could ouaWv tor caraar oppty lMi LOCAL Fortuna 2O0 corp. Thav rowtfi a ctiaainao up It dilt EOP imin tht mot) aa ROBERT HALF EDPVFManeial Soaclallitt Brandvwood Piaia I78HM OATA Procattlno AlwayiFatPd RPG II PROGRAMMERS Dtmand tor your tklkt It ol on all iknt hloh. your axp wSi 3. B.

34 or any aftha rwt-ltM campuiari utVnf mu Itnautgt (WANG, OK.T yau'rt tooking tor thtl ntxl caraar itao. can It maru maia ounianaing ootry'l. SMtflM iVofTt iwW tMni to mltf ROBERT HALF EDPFmanclal SuclaHttl randywood Ptaia 4S-4M DATA Procattmo Atwayi Ftt Pd Cobol Programmers you havt COBOL trot tup at urotntly naad your laiontt. your currtm aowtton nat ton cnti' lango or II you'd lull Hkt to IxPWt your arofattional potant for on fx part avaiuailon ROBERTMAL orotaitMnai potantial, cat ut HALF EDPFlnanclal SptcWltl DATA PROCESSING PROGANAL PETR0CHEM RtUcatlon h) not raaukad It pur lut thli potHion wtmin Ml muni-nail palrocnamlcl atom.

Your tuk bo trovldlna tochnfeaJ uoaart tor data acyjttitlen and proowt control. A bacltotor'i dagrat It raauirad at wad at hutnev In For-tran. A xnowtadtja al Aiaarnbtor It priiarrao. tinea vou mutt maintain convnuntcattont wtlh choml-cal and arocaat control anart. a ttgd mat araat would Imura nur caraar aroprauwn wnnm imt ATLANTIC CAREER SERVICE Chaaal Sulit 007 NtwarV DatowVt mil OATA PROCESSING FEE PD My to putlta Rnl butlntu SYSTEMS PR0GR Ta xc apply tor ktdlv mH Www (TiWlBfOnOjnCO) rOTTfOf?" for witty of vtfomi foftwart.

A twftiprow InOlAi ft IrOCH OWflOMniO fOfl. WBtOMionojt OfrvlrofWrioof for otfv cotton, orowfh A ovonconwrl PROGRAMMER ANAL To 135 Out Maior CO rao'l indTy'i w'lyiiam 1 mod IS tip Naad 1 wrrrlt bktd. I Rn'l btgd. Soma eadtnt-kiiaracilya tvtfamt. CCP aauilfm tocatlan, Ca wR toy rttocoiion Ta kid OjOOOCShpftO.

flS CQWaO)ltOjf icjowco. fff't Pk uto Oiittma, FOOD PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR BWaJilu toiiaiBlaiitlai m. Ibm Food axaarltMa Ma txatrwnca Dotrto art-d but not raauirad. Exctatnl WR aVrwitytt btnt-Apply or tand ratuma with irv raramanlt to Ptrionrial nnaaicai at, YVUmfi ipiflv Ematoytr, 91 1 Cal ajtti.raatw.aa. wtitt F00DSERVICPMGR Tampyary part limo, tor Now CmHi CtuMv aantor Ctniri, Monti pmmiMj ordorlM food.

SjySyTS-. Jshrt par FOUR COUNSELOR T.mEJ TrtMM tnd Educarkxiwllh at tttltutloni. Fund Wlltifv'ivlil two annt. Launtatini aror axparwKa oatirtwt, itlon and i. Nawi-jour, be fatal aw an It'P I.

an cauai uawarruniry cmwortr FURNITURE SALES Iltwtrfl purnnura aaajtpri tlura latotna ton, tor laadtna lurnllurt chtln, m. banaflt pkg.itii xcol cofivvia JL Mfioflt pko GAL FRIDAY-Aeeaunl Varlout autiat. Mutt typt or. aMfiM boMhoowno hafaful. InwMil aom- llfmDEwWoite opponunrrvamBieytr iALFRIDAV-Ta wart al lav notlla offlc Mutl work ornca in oottn wxanoLttH FRIDAY To IWK CraNnonQ dlvortlfJod GARDENERS HELPER Mm for tummtr work.

Wrlta Dtpt HI, Ntwi-Journal. WHm, DE ItoW mEuAiRbS tor attrtllon and maintantnet al Ekjctrje Dtatrtoutton, Wtltr lyi-torn, Saw Syttam and Storm Drtlnaat. Sana ratuma Including oductiion and txparlanct lo Mr. jtm W.JkratiOBoii tflfT ft ltaTllTY'T' GENERAL Omca, malum par ion a. Ualjja tulaJiJ I VPatlOf OKKP MlVWtvOpO nOVw twlYTWyifw, 6EKERAL OFFICE A caraar potnwiwlth tomt aNCLLINO OENERALFOREMAN Growing ttoillct Inlacllon mokHno co.

look-m tor oarten to handto al pntitt of Cmlom MoMhkj mini. txpar, mutl. Rapty papt. 7j, Nowi-Journal Co, WHm, DE. GO GO GIRLS WWWMtaNGCONDITIO ilRLS or EXOTiC DANCERS NO ixpar.

nacattarv. Mutl bl al nan it Fanuieua pay. tc intcond. ij-Kj ANYTIME GOVERNESS Naadtd tor ant yoar to Ivt-ki homt 4 can tor i cMMrtn In Swlttartond. Opptv tor Ntwa-JeurrSTco.

Wfen. GROUNDS SUPERINTENDENT Mtluri. canactonilout Intivlduil won rnm. or i yrt auar. lupor-vlw IMS man on 70 pert mala.

worxmg txpar. wtm varwui mi Ing aauip. I tractora. Gttd ba raawtmatHt to: DapfaO. Nti Journtl wnmVDE Itl Ful aartnrmf Ovar yn dttn raotrd, own ear phono.

Work agar noma. Paid vtcttloni, GUARDS Tat toancy In ttaia ntadi toad ptooH. FutbanatlH. You mod ctoan racord d. AaUv: UaiaaawAu IBaa thru Friday.

tM-TMl i Nawaart Gap ptta kat cVray Araa). HAIR STYLIST-Exparlancad. OfOOWjiO SoiOjlf. 11)00 otoco to wom.tttt-iCT. SAIRORESaER Immad ooanlru Toa-notch atvfttt with mm.

5 yn no. ki at phatat a) Hair gawtn. tat rat-aat tor witrvnw. HAIRDRESSER with following. ill S71-6Tin-im HAIRDRESSER wtlh totowkn.

Concord Ptkt I tft-aCTcrtn-taat HAIRSTYLIST HANDYMAN JOBS FOR SR CITIZENS toninca poiltlon In toe it! itrvlco aacy. num. araa. muiim Sit- in. or apt.

Laa aanwr ftrOfrt IQf Fiff-WfWa Em. HELPERS oolttofit our oooi. tocotot ot cnrdtiono ro curronttv vtfloMoifor wttfed InoivlOuoll. Contplofloii of ooofon ttOHNo In otomWng or pkMtiTno FWRIN rnlllHIIUIH UEtflaMCal Iw COnUOJOrOipOn It 2 vfL in 0wtri6wTj or ptpo fltfmf work or 3 yrt. In omoM burnor rractionkol 1 OjMO.

tO fTwJtt I i to on offoctlvt 1 fftOtwor with our cuttan art. Thttt art tcttoduM ton-Ikjnt. Mutt ba aoto to work mm 4 tcttgdulai at datlanatad by fho dart Submit datakdad rauima 3 oxparkjnct rtaratanl tartUnai It POrionnoi Qopf. DBLMARVA POWER ox 01 'TESs'anif WAESSEs' Fut or aan lima. Aaalv In atrim ROBINO'S, "uSTESJES A WAITRESSES naawa.

yvar n. aaaxy Ground Round Rattauraf 1B4PM, I to II i tlWI wm I wttl Apply la tartan at: WlnoWah Restaurant Itti Concord Plkg PART TIME WEEKENDS PART TIME 1 Mom. Mm-Fri RESTAURANT I ttht HOSTESS Ful lima, axp nac aWM-fAM Start JITS in hour. DuPtnt hwy. u-gw HOUSfkaliptR-Maluro woman to INt In.

frattwlaa araa. Ptattanl an. ban. INSIDE SALES NEWARK nlty for ihoro) Iwiw Jo oocornt mMo totot roox l. or I A wtoooo rooulrod bim lorno toioi flip otorto fcjt not moflootof Qur cWonf wfW ojccopt iprntom owocfrV front ocfiooi.

fui Bfift Mo oufikN latot totor. Cat tor furtntr aHjy PWOtWTIWtf ratuma la: Baa, ti nil own know wigauai dura i.oo! GAL naucaivjaj wtmaja citaar IKkPAiTER, axpr Wrlto. Vttmlnaltii. Dalawara ItlJt 11 raVWiHTS DATA PKOCESSINO COBOL IBM OS 000 FEE PD. 'nniilaii WEL kad.

Manaaa all HI aaaralkw In IBM fntttptw of ivtttra MML DATA PROCESSING MANAGER. P.P6 II. TO FEE PD. Svttam v. II Comptin miam dapt.

uparv- DAY CARE Ma hrv banypersonnrt DELIVERY PERSON. 2-1 IK day, mun hawa mm car. Pilar' rnacy.MarlurlSI.Mall.S7l-(n74 pEMOMTRATQRS aart ttma tor ki'tlora nod product aromo-Hon In ttta Mawara araa. No axp. iitiniya car, txcpav, cat DENTAL ASSISTANT N.

tan dmlna Hundrad. Eu ant hut not nat Mual ba wiMna to work tema Lonracr nvv Avary ar jni or rtiumt le Or. AW Ml, Fut lima HCKTllll 'Mnan. Padodonllc. Gan.

Dantai or ormo axp. Bui wa train. tana ratuma. uapr. Fuff nma woanariti.

No pravle axa nac. Sand ratuma 1 hMAnrtl DENTAL land ratuma to 1ST ANT tor pJPMilmiSJiiiiurbi, DENTAL ASSISTANT Exp. In 4-hanoad Oantlitry, tVi 'n-jamim. nn. ut run.

DEPTMGR NO Fee TO APPLICANT Fortuna SW Co local plant hat a aotltlan lor aarton lo hand us Moctton mold tool Mutl hava tuparvitton ant mtciion mow axp. A macliantcal bktd would bt htto-M, Thtt to day-work with lull co. biwH ond ojrowtfi, WM bo roioonil-bta tor Mot mkNon dollar capittl fewatl ATLANTIC CAREER SERVICE N. Chaaal SuH OtB DESIGNER lAL tono lonn om INOUSTRI aiilanman Tot 'tit. CjJ orMnO ratuma to Jack Rowt, THE FRANKLIN CO.

I Kimwaad Hwy. Warn. iaiCtoartunErryayor DISHWASHER PfOT. pOfi tl HffH. MiM Mmu nnamorwi gw, iwi van- puran.

DISPATCHER TRNE 12K I on noc lorno colooo A tood oottlno yoo. SctMtf, mtfnoto i ojopfObM. ehcoj Bfn. WL 1 SNELLINO it on of (notrtol dd for powojr jaV olooH. nioction KOf COfrlOWiOtatl tVltOfttfc taalaa laaaaaaai laaiaaHaaaLaai bm VV nalV aTTWTaNaWV wVaWVI HI our Dramnt Dap).

PotTttont raauJra HWi School Education xicuowia jnornf ileal uri Aitaara 4 Trta. gwo rootaVvto io Huniojfi romutc BENJAMIN P. SHAW CO. I MW Lana, Drtwtr Bl Wttwilnotoft. Ool.

Wtt Eaual OpponunltY Emptoytr DRAFTING tot ttaicn, ottaa a upotit matoriai hi at Ekjct'Otociranrc ti j. Qtxowaw. w.ii' NARj Riwpp m-awi, DRAFTING toa paid ooMpn fTtOcwoo oorrt DRAFTSMAN wa Twffvnaar luiown nraa nat aotltton avaH tar Orafltman axa. IntnadatlanafaatalpMntandor 0adiiarttitowatttCamaanypd jOJf fooloy for ftjrffojr ifUIA BROS INC lOVWr LOCUII 5M Wtottkiatony)! TRAIN I) or cat Mon-vrad. JICS tit.

raaalr A al anoumaiic MR ar. WtJ'ajWWT CKnARW t) tagMWl ELECTRICIAN txpar. nacait Wt-dltl mm A Tumi Yom Tilntum Aid Ontifl A TO $25, A JR. PROGRAMMER DATA MOCESUNO PROGANALYST HBlSS WTAPJOCEJ-P WJ0O. FEE PD.

lurrouBlTi DMA PKOCESSINO pnaiaB or ivwam oara. nr tmaa COBOL A ces PEE PO. Fortran axp. PO COBOL jfPO Ftguijt jft NBiH CalMM IlIoBC FEE PO. OS axp.

ml DP PLASTICS ELECTRONICS: WILL Can (vvttmmoton. S7S-WH (Nawark 4M-latt)M ELECTRONICS aaawtaaataW daaatatai MpiC0 "Cnntiimar fffrtf' SSA ailtndlnt mtm? Kpjr Jarrv, ti-aaaji pany personnel Boat Mechanic, exp. njo nmo oorpihio. unty txaar.ndtapli MECHANIC Ful. lima, Exttrl- rroni-ano tot- MEDICAL ASST.

exp. wnmoanan otnea, vwn-tToHlet work; Part manj MEDICAL part ma petijlont avaFfor wlf bo contMorod. Comootltr Si Francis Hospital azi-aiia MMmsSasmiJSi MEDICAL RECEPT. i ranot oT duTtot IS buty Lima MEDICAL SECRETARY WRnlnfttn AtaJdfcol Cantor hit tpttina tar Madlcal Sacratarv In our oi-GYN dapartmant to han- oiiHno, typo madicai buMntM couratt. Gaad tvplit, i of adalna machlna, and awllly la utt dlctitlon aoulamant It raaulradL Patt tacratarlal txptrl-tnct wltn maotcal taYmtootoav and bookkaoolng It nacottary.

tWaripoollarlint Mlary with comatott banatlt packagg. i wamtraaan nnaoicai Latnar Wlrrangion. MtOICAL TECHNICIAN fort tkno to work ovory ofhor wkand, Frl A Sal ntohlt. Ptoaig Part tlmt to work wkaFrlL Sa axamonai rtotp, nn. Maow, MteOKAL licRETARY rut tant, txp, tor Stnd sono MEOiCAL TECMNPLOGIST TbLMNILIAN Part Hmt potlllon aval.

In Mlton aval. In tht 'itlLScJfmllmt Mrv tactl atorv. tor a tolilrTtcMKlan to work third wknd.Compatltlva tai. cal ar aaaht at. PBRWNNBL DEPT ST.

FRANCIS HOSPITAL An faual Opportunity Emptoytr MORTGAGE SERVICING REP. mloa. tary. or ottactton raoulrad-lntkto ttmt am ot town rival. taiarv minaot.

tommarSiti' NANNY to La. f-alf A In. WPnV nltj houiokooo4fio NANNY tut lima, 1 cMId, llva- tb tarm. soma it. cook Int.

Lott of i in wHttar. Hon- too. salary dvtonty RAFT. Naw parly plan traiort Inttruc- raraa.4-IHI Director OFNURSiNG hava axtomiva aommtiiranvt backtTound araj, arovan tccompktlimoatl ar altorptr unM raJaitontMn, tlafflna ond itoff doyw0O)fiiontf budooff I bMbbVuIiVb) PSERN Part hma char pi potlllon. Two gMito.ptr wk.

Tap pay rata, xalKTTTi. tor day came Miwawl araa RN-LPN an aam on 1-fl Dtroctor of Nuritio Buf 2 1 Al6 expartonced only. VriFrtoay to SUM cw S'afS iffSVmi yf it BM wVw TWaVTIfpTip Willi tjWTa)plaWt in AP payraB Mutl have good Wtot. tJujB itxcl. aptltudl tor ffaaOMiri ft eiafOjfat AWnl COffWUtOf I wj awnft roMatno wnh iOJnf to Ptt I NOftrfiOOjOf aWWjf taffy pysonnol lw, Muof fib to oroduco too "toj ii Paiaji aptf ajattaajr av pn wwuvaj Ttjtjr aaaaautxtba aaaauda AM fc.

Wton. (am! ootTtwjOVwC A RtfjBMMMByK-ottOBM Inckido Mttoi nfatw naoWJ0t bottc tattt, atwJdgct omcaotNi- (soHJa'aod to opwjBjnd In rooponOMo Wt Wrfh WMfltWlMyo Off WO)- jfjfj kj tfOrfr CydiolotOtj thooad onioy 6 Ojornonwinoj onvfronrnont with CxWrwiorMurnto roworo tiiiJ tatorr. WtTaJW aWWTt Bj WjpWwT. fW aaafAaabaMuaaaxaabaxB wwven ibeNleyiM. OajWa fWPUWI IMfJfl griTg nrlto rl OnOfeR CLERK-cMcutolor Jiu.vir,n rtHunntL ORTHouONT Dental attltllnt rcaratay.g' PAINTER-Itt ctoat M-aJatrariam lllatoini.

ft. OOMOnmOtll. WH alt RVWfi ftl'ital 1701 KlfSioopoj Hwy wlwwniMil An goQjyufUfy Employorr CHANiC-lKoor'd only. Awjv ntochonfc Part Hmt. TJo par hr ta ttrt4: Ful ranot of dultot In buty Umt-lloni RS yftoo.

Fraa pkg, Wnjj, SxtPTtrOjIfiVTiod optnlnj, Rapty PJttOJmt, MM MuwiLa-ACl i Aaaaulaatajaaaai BmlvJiitnaTtTPjBl jooMno lofn fho Dirocfor of tOiaTwio p. Lltho StotriSlflO foor( hom*o wljif hot lmmotlioto oooMM tor fuf tkno RN, nioht a dHJaa dT nib ii -I ji.i nurtat Nurtat amm BAaaaV Bbuay-aa A 1 TmmH rWFWIn OOTVICOt RN-l LPNul Mrnt tnd tort tfina path torn aval totor-tmdtoto CorOocity with Madl-C jbjj11 Nuriai tor thnto. aorna aarmantnl Mil aval. Contact. Director at NujttotM rtoteT- Contoct fic7iK.r.

tor i mw home Oi'Si I tr Iruct viino GILPIN, Realtors QALAXY 7 ran Real Estate Sales KEWHOkVIES lOmfcnteJI Vlle ful. fknt1 real io worn Ina moll-nltvlf tgnt Ptrton. otmWna- oonniionco. No onodcotlon wM bo latitat awaxai BRaAt tuua akaUaaaktaaaa' CTaIS CfWisSlnSi: OX 11, I EAL EiVAf ULEiPf ftiOH jnjnllWrUf to ftod. you taeTbJM than compto-toly caratr In real ttiire wtm Lamury jt may ot your antwor.

CM mt tbtuf a Ptrtonal career atamnyjnO'i a CENTURY 21 BETTER HOffii REM. ESTATE HERITAGE REALTORS Jjorpojoooi wno wonl oxcHornont. chMonon! row Mttm with oroi ocoroorln comooiiv that wM oivo youthtadvonioMof Mwonood mcrf)n8H)oy. CflfflffpjSoi jpood worhlng condtHMi. jTyou ort ooff-flvo wfwMjly wonta to ochlowi HERITAGE REALTORS TJSrtiliLartLy? p.

VaS oowm. nun i iwrinO' NEgiN6 CEPTIONIST II Type1 RECEPTIOKiST Medical Snot. Exc. locttlon. Fat WfelVDgR ASSOC.

RECEPTIONIST A SNELLINO "H.T SVdHSal new; i CA1TIP Ofoof vhlforo bwO aMtwi tor executive on Intornallonaic peel wnti waa-iuwan clltntt. Tvp- cOaWjnf frojnOef int for rooonf jjyvtoor b3ny personnel RENTAL AGENT ean. txp. tec- AGcNT, wtaktndl Htoto- A rar- erd rotoatt, prapart culturt 1 maoto, prtport Bmalnttln raatrtt racor dt. Prater trtduttt af tochrdauea.

Ratuma An BryptoTSd tamo melnitiianco contrtctor tuaajYtoton. Thli I part lime aeailtoaretijirtno Nhturt it work pw waax. amvviuuai aituM bt rtaujrad to tva on prtmlittrCam- JjurnoJ. RESPIRATORY Anj RpST TRAIE OroaeoaoalurttpM Jtt. BMtoV CM RESTAURANT UTILITY PERGCJI is FtTi-PartTlnM tLtl''THlal.

turraundhei, ROCflfCHiQS aVWLAM-jCT liaian protoctl A nnSni mora aSauf HMMffMil at BltQm ojfttoto lomtnoi Wavma wn orBCirv nr vim Mai atlala It raautnSl ltd aMNJ- eaal aai BaBfimai Laok tar taartttTvt, uri-iiarHnf valM ttaivtolual.lxc ooaortu otllton It fmd by rnmaantaiimi wbj aa Han of alary, ABBAe $7020 Ptoatam partonailS jo i buty Irant daak. Nlco office taM bflt. CMira-tni. i fLLING RiC trMOWAOBMPJ MaVMMBh TavJM laaulA uaaWi WBfrnwjaw ovvn unn ooonnwo? SWT AGENTrllt un aaartrnam CDrnptox. Full Hmt, af LAKhT.

LABRATORY TELnNKCMPJ-PTaJorm muHna atnttord baciertotonlal aaaaxaa cal am B. vnM rv. iaxax ay retHot kidMduol Hnonmt dept. rlrtunnYina-r AUHANT MuR. laVlfi it Mlywutli ma Btnlt- tltori ajrowlh, aati wiari advancamanl oooi iwtafiti ittdor In Itia ana araciian atinoui It mtlor po war and Kim, rwitonwioa, IIom art avail, tip.

tnacKart ktdd ratkaai tit in pan ihouM ratumt or cat): Human Ratourcat EMAMIN F.SHAW CO tm3Xf IaVotMriEl tJaafajajg xtraFtaiPT I canbaarrai mi LECTRICAL DESIGNER To SIS ton? xaar owr. conlrotti Immad cia torm attkaimanl kidudaa col toot rafund trorom, paid Hall-otyt, vocation and profit iharim LTJNKF3 iMPLOYMtSNT. Fl FRTRdNIC TFRH Ta tTBvnr Tana farm local lenmaril. Cat Jack Rowt, aOaotiy Emtao rEmptovar ELECTRONIC BACKGROUND? fojm ojfowlflf cotnponv wokMo for mm JB2SE opinlnoi. Cajf Rhodt EN4 ER Procatl CHEME -MAtHH tM-avaluala or( ductton tutptn lyttamt-lmprova- ENGINEERING PLANT ENGINEER IECTENGINE toBMraT i.

Elnal. I tar thalr Narrlnalan. DE il 4 blown Mm pajnf. Wo alto oiTtOr ooponunnoo o)i ovnor Mom rooty tfi cogfl- JUi Ml aV nOrrMpjlOOf Erw-IW cR Maktl. Ptonnar MM tot paw rata, tor aciiadula UIHHHIUIIIIlllll HHIIIIIIIIIIIlHHlllll mROnOJaVinfj FoaPd Local Careers Into Management (Partial Mint of pttHlont-M axctuMvarvtat poi OwmE's Protltot Fortunt SNeerp taakt tavaraJ mtml tr tonltd onor't waiyi txp.

Altar Initial attfon- ftaOfll QOHOfl 10 DTOVMO MflfJat COTD tocbnolaty axpttura. candldait wa) atwmt kay Mtn vhaWNlv, pncoHi ovvnaXptrioni, WfP; onoj i roiot. Mach Design ftoot ME w3oiiOjftdowo)topiToot or oooimitcitoo rmo ivmrf ProiEngr Raat Cham tr Ma wI yrt cnampairocnam prowctiri Dent axa. For addManal kH Hon en Inau tmar axdutlvatv tot ad aatfttonicontact in canfl-danot, R. Knd, 47i-jls0 Hilar vltwi ktct aval by attpl.

Call otyt a mon ivtt. rrw WSMpawBUa. Concord Plait ENGINEER ProNcI 130.000 -tot yrv plant raa, tnamt or me. ami. BEBNARD A tLa-tari.

ENGINEER Cnamlcal -KiO iut toa aald lacal wu atom 1-1 yrt axa, knowtodoa W3F ap EM Fortuna wa tram wle. or Cham E. tor luoarytiltn of orocaw oparanta. Any tto troanic Umiii axa raxpn. hm prmt I ra, coniaci Mr.

ntn ASEY EMPLOYMENT VWU WHm. DE latOl Eiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyii toatrkaj FoaPaC Plant Engineering Equipment Facilities Mar Local To $33,000 DEGREE NOT RED'D Manaatmtnl poiltlon wltti Woli arowm ura ummai vitWMiry opportunity. Candldtlt win tuptr-rtt Hull of tradaicrafttman on ad uttnlkti, attclrlcal, atociroma-chanlcal and ntocnanlcal protoci nvnTirrnanca. rar aaanrofw iinur merton an Mm 1 otttar axdutl-vaiy toa pd anllltnt contact In com or. a.

aj, Ktnt, 7t-Sl. imarvitwi ra tvat oy otxat. Cal oayt man avtt rn laa SMptav Bkrt- Cancord iiitiiiiiiiKliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ENGINEER ELECT ENGR SUPV mm SBX. Tha Iknt to mava It naw wtm ttonati tt-i aaak atttonad ay fortuna Co to racruH an Ekjd Enar wtm Koavv Ptorrl tocWItol bktd. Vou wW ba Invotvad Atm aotltlan a union plant.

Trautto-tnaatlna aWctronic ATLANTIC CAREER ry Carews al tot pd oca ASSOCIATES tTl-K-R tancor" Sunbelt Instruments To $35,000 yvttvvv tav aatnlna tor axannaNurinarila' nonLoniroa tnainotr, dtoft irttomt aoauttw, Anal i warm aotanttoL Contact a) oanfldanca H. Graana. 4n-ilio. miarviaw kid avaby taat. Cal dtyt Mon ava f'ORRIS SY V.

Caneard Ptoia ENGINtER-Ekjdrlcal M.Owb- ooM tfloW i ral Drlvt urn, otoeirl I pry ti tflittfOO col ONWtHiffwt fnoocorto! ft fSSSS'SS aMnBnrTI. MB ITItJH pipVill Tno obovo oot ojwojoywojw. Hitojrojifod OPoWcoflH ENGINeiR-lnolrlil M.OOO-tot pjlf rata, tor facHlilat plannlrn, rramacii Inwovomtnt, capllal axpatwiturtl, wtraMyia layout ER Fntrnit InOtllCI, Pttt Productt Ii llirl .1 iii iTnul ca ma oi FOX INDUSTRIAL MECHANICS with tomt wnti, 9 vaari mnimun anca.Jjart AsV" hflur' minimum axaarl i nour, txstiiam ttYffl.PEi. INSIDE SEW REP fSomjWfflli Insubtlon Installers InidannaT axparltnct raauirad. S3kNf-Aulo Damaot Ogtowarfi Itrgail kjxandanl firm) txt, only.

ponnon iyiH. uanarout i lor inwrvwwi man mru out Convnarcw Caiully Ltoti or Product Managtmml txp oatlr-abk) utKtorifan.of Atrtcui- ouxj oa, npxnui, Lonaaa JANITOR frtt tit, Jrmt, baih! Prima, araa. Pan lima Janitor, nun ue i Tory icuici av in cFa Mwwur JP. ANALYST lablaaMalk ffiitl'll SPELLING A SNELLINO KEYPUNCH OPERATORS III, 2nd iMtL Mm. 1 yr hta.

profit tharkx). E'wrtgirv'i'rwwr To aSSO mo. tai pd. eentldar irilnkx. wi 1SONNEL Hatvv mint and cttankit to rnnutr nan awn irant, Parian It Ealacooai Lanculgr Pait i LE4 KITCHEN HELP Exp onty, mutl ft.

Apply In par ion StantoVi Ttvtrn, Foulk VnTlffti HO mt. toa awn. ivaw aawwn in namaioway OC Lab of Mtnattle manutac-turarTMIn. 1 yn. txpar.

to taadaj tr Mitral nomaltkiay. Apply Jit RATJF7 f'EDICAL TECHNOLOGIST rfrwiodlofo oojrt HfBi oooorfbr Wiavajabto tar Nwdlcal ToctptaOtotfht M.L.T. or H.E.W. Eacoojrtl PJ9r Hoi. For moro Infoc trio Hon PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT RIVERSIDE HOSPITAL 764-6120 Ext 255 Eaual Opportunity Employar LABORATORY BLOOD BANK Patnion ivtkaM hr Mtdtcal Taclmototlll Bl, M.T., In tmal community hotpltal Wood bank.

E.caW latory. ianjctodg lbt tutlon tmttoyar paid pantton and Inturnaca Cotram, and Hboral vacation, Itoav and Dck Hmt. Far PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT RIVERSIDE' HOSPITAL 18CS9 764-6120EXL2S5 luoJ OoojortUriltv (fnoeovor LABORERS Oioorioncotf. AltlvrlacaUroAut. LANDSCAPtRS ex anr aui pat ntc Etna.

reS ry, Sf Sfit 09 jwi wfMoo DrVinO tor fiootmoj focty. oooffioii. Eicolortt oonoftn. Mpasfi5l LEGAL SECRftAR V-Mki yrt LSECRE rtoulrai. A lhartoi OKpor.

roouprod. AAuil novo oootf ohorfhono ikMi. Aonoftto i tAii tcnitf arju wt MpnfMO wr Ovortirno. Loooi o. hotefut but not mondo- Mo Fo.

jMid oofTaOrofioneivo Secrete 10-13X LOTS OF VACATION Any loooJ oi. wi I to cowilfjoriol fjor ifioi ojOjiOn ooojtion wilt) ojcotttfto ft yof jojroji ofcojatt Fjyoj fOJOOO OJflOj OpfMnOOffatm OOtOfffwOL iuaar banai't. tot and. Cab or Mr. IOSOo OOMtajOtWO.

NTSFR att itrtoi. pal, mi LEISURE TIME AjyKteslnstor Fowion with Wlftrllnotofl Hoof owtoni A aaactot tduca rotvurcof. aMtv warklna SMRfdJi" ilm f9K.V-m fraln. INSTRUMENT MECHANIC Exp, to ttoctrlcal wiring, Pnuama- aotllkxi of SR Immatwm Ttchnl- M)l I ajlittSIx WlW atontard tRSrlna; yrt Conwvaral Workart Com- ruro Doaraa ih atw iou. rf xSmmtffVttgYy yrt dornmol tckUr)ar -wnlkw tip.

Prgyjoui cornrntrclal Caturfy Unit of Product Mtnaoa- oltM Daaraiartrot Wd'lna ISItvartMa Raid TAW An Equal Opponunlly Ematovtr uayvu Lf ocn ipfjjit-m LAB TECH. -Ship work lor ouaT tv control tob. and wot cnam wry. On tha Job framing. Apply In atrton from fam to am, Standard Oaarlna oi Dtttwart, Gov.

Laa Rfd. Dtowtrt City, DE LeplSwty. T013.5X PEE PD tor caratr tatv to raro HOW JIOtMO barrypersonnoi HARKINS, OmMAiitittl IMto 5ariaVa( Afotp) (fW 4I ATLANTIC CAREER REALTORS 738-9760 UaaMUdtaV.

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.