The Minonk News-Dispatch from Minonk, Illinois (2024)

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rV 4f HUNDRED HOSTS ME PRESENT BATTLES ROYAL Phllomatheans and Olympians 4 dealt" You sea ii the aMeMOtwfil A fit i a 0 1 ft: IM 4 i St the the 'Vf Cooperation Is Keynote Sounded and 'idea Develops Into Move to orm Organization'1 NM Plan By Cognty7 Probate Association of the State of Illinois '7 1 PLAYERS HONORED AT EVENT AT HOTEL WOODORD ON MONDAY NIGHT Hlstundiiyfoirine BtSle Hard of KI Paso watath city on Hobday onhteWhome Ba stated tw aaa wen at raorani Tunrastft HeSOnnitfB 8WWMHR iBRSKETHLLTEMD Mt Regular Meeting Held at Home of Mrs Goodrich' 1 4" r' The Domestic Science' club held their regularmeeting on' Monday aft ernootf at the home of Mrs? Goodrich Mrs Parks acting as assistant hostess Twenty six mem bers answered roll call on and Mrs Parks sang a vocal solo Little Dutch the regular business meeting three papers were read: Coffee Is by Mrs A Wilcox as Tree by Mrs Hr Parks and Summer by Mrs A Simpson Jr A piano solo was given by Mrs John Snedden and Mrs Goodrich demonstrated a new mop wringdr The hostesses then served dainty refreshments and the club adjourned to meet April 5th with Mrs Donald son jjimsiiT NINES VALUABLE SUGGESTIONS 4 1 Vri ft 1 Ju 1 i Hi Mta Ditolfc Ofl mlng to MtnOnk Wednesday and passlng a string of now Mutos JR deVries had hWiaMO rrre witn'BimnasWM ortnightly Club i The ortnightly club met1: at 'the home of Mr Theo Stimpert on' ri day afternoon Ten members resptmd ed to roll call MrsR Sutton was a guest of the hostess The study hour was con ducted by Mrs Wilcox A social time was i then enjoyed Dainty' re freshments consisting of fruit salad wafers and hot chocolate were serv ed after which the club adjourned to meet April 2 with Miss Bather Sima ter i L1 1 7 allon Estate Property Bold On Saturday afternoon the sole heirs of ths late Michael and Helen allon Ifnr Mary Mrs El len Carpenter and Mra' Margaret Maihnder sold the real' estate in Rut land The six vacant lots Ideated near the coal mine were sold to James Brady for 350 ernes lynn Sr purchased the residence and three lots one block south "of the Christian church' conslderatton37A0 THany' Were Disappoint? Basket ban fans and the Minonk team were keenly disappointed at the failure of the airbury team to keep their contract tor a game here on test riday nlght They telephoned thatthey had broken down a few miles out ot that city and not ffet here UttoBt RadfdMA bnloUsp Daniel Davison makes a bld for being one of Minonk's very earliest gardeners thin yearf He was ttt te his petch oa Tuesday and pnt iri somi lettuce onion jmd rudteiies 7 MR88COTT CLARK DIES 'ormer Dana Resident ax Ancong on rrjoay A A A I vMre NeUle 'Clark wife? of 'Scott Clark ot Ancona died suddenly at 11 o'clock riday morning at her home Mrs Clark' arose as usual and pro pared oreaniasi ium moruiugvui strtcKen wun wnat may nave oeeu naralvtle stroke "and nassetL away within a short time News of her de MhaalrAd ika anHM nhmmitnftV UAaOV' 9UVVaAyMk''TwwVMlbaa uneral services were held from the late home on Monday afternoon ounai lamiig piacu av iu (iuww Nellie Brdwn was horn in' Danal on? Off lOCA aftA XYUWUlUCr Alp AQVBp UU U1PU UCt VA tire life In and 'around this vicinity xnfl WRa nniHKi mKmaER in Clark of Reading township on SepU jK tirvUnn ft Mt dren were oornj rney wttn tne pus band mother bister andlfour broth ere are jwi to tuouni nw wb children are Raieign or Amon JN Twrivu Atdr WhUIVp Uh JUUB AUgVIUBp and lovd at home One slater' Mtsa Mary Kaminke of Reading four bro Miami flAAMfA an4Tma4 rtfRnanAlrA Brown' of PeOriaahd WnlM Af Ennr Pnlnt aloft anrviveft? Jacob Jadbk had one of the fingers of his left hand mashed bya faH gt rock In the coal mine on last riday and hMbeeh fotced htelong Weefasieoat idwrMJ jjace ck DENSON Publisher A mu ew arMksE sa auv ojucn vU'MBWuuaj aaigui rasa ed a 'great deal ot local 'attention as ncy reuwiwr tw upputMiuivu' uiutv Ike anything ever seen before Stafta ox wniiejigw mot up rom umi iww as if from a rreat distance hundreds of snotllshta were searching the hear ens They were! evapesccnt but they disappeared new ones would ap pear as ii some guiding mana was ar ranging a panorama ot phenomena' The strange exhibition lasted for sey eraLhpurs a 3 i 1 1 uA'Desarvlna RecoanltioiL red Young the Bloomfngton sport anthnritv and athletic official and who started the Minonk teamthla season on their winning record was chosen to umpire the basket ball clas'' stc of the year the three gamesbe tween the University or Chicago anuy the University of Pennsylvania the college championship of America (HHIvaA mliAeitsl dteiMANAik til MffAHlAiifkfc tea in this section: I fl I 7tOWNHlP PRIMARY and Democrsti Put Up AThelr Ticketa on Monday A The Republican and Democratic primaries were held at the city hall on Monday afternoon for the purpose of nominating township tickets There was no opposition on either ticket and a small vote was cast the Republi cans polling I and the Democrats 10 ollowing is' the vote cast tor the various Republican candidates: Town clerk Hohlen 19 assessor Ja cob Gerdes 17 highway commission er Bprt Ridge 15 school trustee Wm Melerhofer18 constables Geo Defries Sr' 15 Witte 17 Geo Rothwell 14 or central committee Meierhofer 15 Herman Vis seeing A3 George Tucker 15 Ben Preston 15 Thomas Paloumpis 13 The Democratic Town clerk Geo Halfman assessor Joseph Stimpert 9 highway commissioner Henry KalkwaH 6 Clegg 1 school trustee Ahlers 7 con stables rank Ward 8 E' Morey 1 05 central committee rank Merdlan Clifford Murray Barney Hin dert Clifford Kalkwarf Chas Lutom Ski ts Naw Mavaai' I John Snedden ha rented thefroom how occupied by James Qulnn with nia mratir iunu wur HNJUfWirDuv session May lr He will usa it'as aB occupy tte room where tha 'Janeen jooBien nraaio store uuw iocbiw 5ajtSet kf Eschewed Cub ur ana wf wucox rewm home on Monday rrom inoruwwJ they loitered in tne sanos on tne annwo mr uAvapai mfirtrnv tmn that he pitched horseshoes a if 4 's? Mr? viaaw vMTgA uncexipoyep woo mii to an operation at the fitreatab lorceoiw 1 Clash In Series of Basket Ball Gimes I Th'e Olympian land Phllomatheah societies of the high school have in augurated a series of three basket ball games and interest in the events has penetrated to outside the school walls the city fans having been aroused 'The first game was played at the schoobgymn on Monday night result ing in a win for the Philomatheans 21 to 15 This' game was so hotly con tested that Prof Buckler had to Cail a halt and admonish the players to cut out some of the rough stuff Yes terday evening the second game was waged at the Schlltz the Olympians copping the victory this time 20 to 10 Referees Geo Halfman and Bucky Jones who each worked one half allowed Ho go ex cepting hitting and kicking and the big crowd went wild1 over the game i Now comes the third game to decide the series It will take place at the Schlltz on next Wednesday night at 8 with an out of town referee officiating and there will undoubted ly be a swarming crowd present WEDDED ITY YEAR8 AGO Mr' and Mrs Charles Sengplef 8r Celebrate Notable Event 4 jM 1 Yesterday was' an eventfiirday in the lives of Mr and Mrs Charles Settgpiel Sr ot this city It" being w'nnntvaraarv and a banquet was held the home iq celebration ot the event" They re ceived many presents from' relatives and friend including Cofnz in gold Mr and 'Mrs Sengpiep were mar ried at Peoria by Rev Heit on March 24 1870 coming to Minonk and re siding in ths cbmmunity since that time They are widely known and hjghly respected 1 Among those who were present for the festivities yesterday were Miss Laura Sengpiel Mr and Mrs John Sengplel of Cabery Mr and1 Mrs Henry Sengpiel and son Henry of El Paso Mrs Helen Siebdrath and sons Ernest and Reinhardt family and Mrs Mary Breymeter of Peoria Mr and Mrs Henry Lieder Mrs Mary Eckhart Mrs Anna Kenney of or: est City Iowa and Mrs drews of Pioneer Jotva' DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLUB Gafdsn Wed(Hflg Mr and Mrs Jamea Andrews form tat nsaidentef ofMinonk yesterday celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni versary at their home at Pontiac and the event was 'Observed with a fam ily gathering friends also being pres ent for the occaeion i 1 Which Idf Preferable? 1 Harm Risen ot TullaTexafc who is spending a few days here when asked how he likes that country as com pared with tbfe: "We make' as much mffitey down there you do here but we enjoy life a whole lot i winning basket ball team was feted in a glorious manner at a banquet given in their honor at the Hotel Woodford on Monday night by the business men of Minonk Almost one men sat at the banquet tables and high praises were sung in honoring Managers Sutton and the members of the team Capt John Meierhofer George Halfman loyd Jones Sip Wolfe Richard Devon and Herman Halfman" 1 Judge Arthur ort "served as toastmaster and added spirit to the affair Dr Joe Bell delivered an in vocation iafter which Mayor Simater made a heart address of wel come The mayor after paying tri bute to the deeds and valor of the team added another keynote to' the meeting by stating that in business as well as in sports organization and1 co operation counted the has beautiful residences good streets and fine walks and is the largest city in Woodford county" said Mayor Sim ater it has no business organi zation nor community: With this as a cue the ether speakers after paying their tribute to the great bas ket ball teanv dealt on: the Idea of business cooperation as a means of community success and uplift' "Prof Buckler followed with apt words on the same subject after which Manager Sutton and Capt Meierhofer expressed their apprecia tion the support of the fans and stated that it was this warm cooper ation that made the success worth while and the captain expressed the belief that Minonk would have anoth er winning aggregation next year A Simpson' Jr Ben Preston and Dr ft George spoke euloglstlcally nf Ilia foam and fha mftnArntlnn idAfi Bkias! Jleinfel wflla 1 UTT exhibition of a smalt boy smoking his Mrs' James ftldge is buffering with first cigar and dia itveu principal address of' the even ing made by Wk Rummels head of the extension department of the International Harvester Cp Mr Rummels paid a fine tribute to the team and then followed with a strong espousal of the commercial club for the business men of a community His address was filled with epigrams 1 that struck home and made a deep impression Rummels stated that own 1 community Is the garden spot of the world and that there are men in this 1 community who could run' the great 1 est business organization in the coun 1 try The' road to hell Is paved with good intentions he said and deeds not resolutions make things go A city need not be large to be success ful and being a small city Is not a handicap A city needs spirit Com munity spirit Is not that of just one man but many must have It There must be team work united front Then there must also be a civic con science men that see that they do things that is good for the immun ity Community meetings should be held often to foster the community Spirit How are you conducting your business? What Effect does: your business have on the community? These' questions were asked pointedly You need community clubs and other organizations he added but you need a dub that takes in everything It is the heart that rules the world he said and good road and afreets and gooJiealth keep the house flyout of business He paid! tribute to the essentiality of the church and refer red feelingly to reverence man owes to womankind and said1 that the sweetest music in the world is the word" Moth er Ehme Joosten and Meierhofer sponsors for the banquet were called on by the toastmasterfor short talks after which' a motion ap pointing these two and ueiaer as a committee to arrange for another meeting of business men for the pur pose of organizing: an association to cooperate with' Minonk citizens and farmers Id' making Minonk one of tho best cities in the country Like In referring to the heedless 'City primary held at El Paso the Journal says: "Only a very small per cent of the adult male resident Yf the city voted at the city' primary held last Tuesday EM pot one woman igur ing up the items of judges' and clerks' fees booth rentals printing etc the city treasury was set back about 2 per' each vo to cast Ths money ex pended would have been better ap plied had it been used on the mlser able strip' of city roadway near the Bcafes place' on north Adams street A Breath of ormerDaye 4 Lambert writes from Lo An geles Callf4 to a frlend here: "How are your "Coppers? I sdpposeUp to date 1 have plenty of everything Will droo vou a card when' I set down to Mexico where the hope groon the mahogany tofia mi II I III to nThiin 1 4 S' 1 a Benson and pommunlty School A meeting was held at Benson on Saturday to discus the 'advisability of forming a coromunity scbool dis trict and the 'matter was conpiderai favorably A petition has been filed and the election will be held on SsV urday April 2 4 'Mrs' William' Meyer of Minofik died on last riday morning nt 9:38 at the home of her daughters Mrs' Conrad Kohl and Mrs A Schmid at Mln Minn or many years she had been a patient with asth ma and other ailments? On January 1 the deceased hadi left Minonk wiUtzjjg her husbahd to spend the remainder of the winter with daughters and durlng her last days she often ex pressed 'her great joy at being sur rounded1 by all of her loved' ones each of whom took a part in minister fl Ing to her wants Her loye for her i family was unbounded uneral services were held at the daughters' home on Monday rafter noon at 2:39 the body being intoned at the Lakewood' cemetery at Minne apolis? The floral tributes from home zqM frlbnds' as well as new ones wire numerous 3 Iteglna Arnold was born in Wurtem sS mrg Germany bn Oct 28 1852 cbm il (ng to' America when she" was 18 3 years of age On July 20 1872 she was married to William Meyer the a ceremony taking blade at Blooming Gl ton They came to (Minonk Jan $3 uary of 1875 and during the almost fifty 'years that have elapsed stoce fl thgt time they had been loyal re 1 Aj spected citizens of this city er "jg these many years Mrs Meyer was valued member of the German Evah gelical' church active in all ofite branches Including the Ladies' society or'Wmcn sne was awo member She was of a gentle kind unselfish I disposition and her life was filled with kind deeds and thoughtful acta for Pnr vhflt RhA BfiWTl SMt generously she reaps the reward bt love ana regara in many au lunBuis pected heart our qmiaren were pom to mr mlu MrsXMeyerof whbmthtf twtf younjf Vf WJJUCUUU (AMU fAAVUMAChf UVU mranrr amine now jura iwau and Matilda now Mrs Smldr with their father survive their mo death' There also survive two brothers and three sisters on sister In nrmAnv and th a fnllnwln? grand children: Roland Walter and WU j'J lard Smid and Adalia ana imam aa Kohl 1 BEGINS blVORCE Mrs lubelle Drennen Aeke Separate7' Malntenanei rom Husband Isabelle Drennen through 'her at torney Scholes and Pratt has filed suit at Peoria for separate mainte nance against her 'husband Ernest and) the case will: be heard at the May parties' con cerned are former Minonk residents She charge in her bill that they werfi married November 26 1908 in Wood ford county and lived together until December 2 T919 when she was com pelled to "withdraw from their hdme She charges that her Jiusband is of a very jealous disposition and was con tinually charging her falsely with in fidelity She further charges that for the purpose of humiliating her her husband has filed suit against her em ployer Don Brock for 10000 dam ages for' alienation of her affections which suit Is pending in the circuit 7 Judge Charles Miles has: signed an injunction restraining Drennen from interfering with Mrs Drennan or her parents or selling or incumbering a piaho and Mother household goods which she claims ate her personal property ROBBERY AT TOLUCA Two Streator Young Men Charged With Rifling Candy Store 'VZftjy Held on suspiclonof being implicat ed in a robbery in Toluca Sunday night when a confectionery store was entered and six in cash be sides a quantity of cigars and othe articles were stolen rank Collins and Wllliapi Tayldr two Streator boys were arrested Tuesday night by Chief of Pblice Hofcklns of that city on re quest of the Toluca authorities and were takento that city yesterdajf morning Both deny beta" mixed un in the robbery although they admin that they werefln Toluca that night 7 Chief of Police Hopkins was notified on Tuesday of the robbery by the po lice officials kt Toluca who stated that the twd Streator men had: been in the confectionary store early in the evening and: had left Toluca at about three o'clock the next morping on a Santa train When arrested the two ydung men both of whom are ex rm vIca men readllv admitted ithat they were in Toluca that nignt out emphatically deny having anything to do with the robbery a 1 ftDRE88 CATCHES IRE 'ka I i MrsJamss Ridge Has Harrow Escape rom qprious consequence 's' fflinvnKnwiiitni umut Qftj Ul LU Tl 1 II Opportunity or years horsem*n ham found the News Dispatch to be an excellent ad vertlatag medium The one reason for thio in oh account of the large terri 1 tory we cover and the grtat number of reader To get the best result ad vertising' shout start: this coming week a that wilt be the first issue Jn REVCWMLINGDIES omoiK ORMER PASTOR MINONK METHODIST CHURCH PASSES" away At st anne Judge Arthur ort of Minonk was in Springfield last week and ap peared before the Committee on Judi cial Department of the Constitutional Convention to whom he presented the views of the County and Probate Association of the state of Ill inois as to what kind of a judicial sys tem should be created by the new coni stitution Judge ort is president' of a the judges association and his term of office sectional meetings have been held all over the state where this subject was considered and the county judges believe they have ar rived at an exceedingly comprehen sive conclusion as to the views held oh! this subject by the member of that organization there being not a single dissenting vote bn thespian en dorsed by that body The plan indorsed by their associa tion was drawn by Judge Charles A Martin of Cass county known in the convention as Proposal No 132 and provide for one court of first in? stance ot unlimited jurisdiction in all matters one or more jtdges of such court to be elected in each county ac cording to population with sa new term of court beginning each month This would mean that' a suit could be started atpractically any time and a hearing had shortly thereafter and would tend to do away with delays and giye the litigant more speedy justice" 5 4 An amendment to Proposal 132 was offered by the Association to create a judicial council ot seven jud ges which would have supervisory power ovef the business of the courts with power to assign any judge to hold court in any county in the state and with ftPower to assign: as many Judges to service in any county as the business of that court required to sdis nna nfit nrnmntlvt Judves like oth er naturally become more pro Urirtras6idBn sclent in tne orancnoi wofk in woicu they have had most experience and by such assignment the people who had before the court would be assured that fewer mistakes would be made In various ruling neceMita ting fewer appeals with a consequent ly immense saving to the people Sometimes unusual conditions arise as was the Case with the East St Louis riots when the courts become temporarily 1 overcrowded with work Under the amendment proposed enough additional judges could be as signed to hold court in any such coun ty to promptly dispose of the bust nCBBe This proposed amendment would al so result in an immense saving to the peoole generally in another way Cook county is the only county In the state (where there is: enough criminal busi ness to warrant the creation of a special court to hdndle that class of litigation with the result that the judges sitting In that court are pre sumed to be better versed in that branch of the law than others having less The people are a party to all such cases and have to pay the expanse oftprosecutions Un der the proposed amendment judges having had experience in court could be assigned to hear criminal cases In any countyIn the state 1 which would doubtless in a great saving to the public and also to the defendants 1 The entire proposal seems to fit in with modern conditions and unless a better system can be devised we hope tne convention win anopt rroposai 132 with the proposed amendments Aft wa undAHitAndL it w'thfft would! make the judiciary of the state as nearly one hundred per cent emci ent as It is possible to be made 1 'i 'inals of Accident Her The case of John Weetegnan of Streator against Director General Hln8 'of railroads wa dismissed when called for trial at Ottawa last Thursday The plaintiff was suing to Collect 2000 tor damages to his auto mobile when it wa struck by a Santa train in Minonk on May 29 191 The suit was first called for th June term ot 1919' but! was jcon tinned through sev0fal terms lt is said settlement wm reached before' the case cam to trial 4 rather severely burned hand a fe gult of air accident on Monday after noofi which after: all ended rathet fortunately The aged lady whs rak ing the dry grass in her yard and after arranging it in a pile set fire to it In some manner "iter dress be came lgnited but She succeeded is squelching the flames before' much damage wasone 'Later she return ed to the house and after being there tor a time she smelled only to find that' her dress was again in flames This time it was more Oeri ous and it was only after? desperate effort that she saved hersplf her hands in accomplishing it It was only last week that Mrs Ridge fell against? a hot stove burn ing her dress hndi receiving painful bump on the body With her several falls during the winter she has suf fered quite a collection of unfortun ate experiences STEVE AT PEORIA' Local to Miners' Convention 1 Writes Doing There 4 4 A Stephen Wypeskt who is represent ing the local miners at the Peoria convention writes to let his friends here know what is going on at the convention He aay: 1 is my second week at the convention and we have been getting along rather slowly The most of our time was taken up with the leafier of the wild cat strike that took place In the Belleville district last August but we got through with that today and now we will start on some more Important business "We put a Mr rench a socialist speaker out of our hall It is said he was trying 4 towreck our union 1" think that we will' have a little difficulty about our wages after April 1 as our present contract expires opthat 6 Shortest Man Diss Harry Cordell our linotype opera tor grieves over the death at Macomb this week of John Kelley an old friend" Mr Kelley is said to have been the shortest man in Ulinois He was forty four Inches in height and weighed 150 pounds "in his younger days his legs were double en abling him to move as rapidly back ward as forward Kelley used a step ladder when harnessing hls horses was big enough to get" rich at farming Mr Cordell jofhim 1 BlrtMay Partyr Eylene littering had a party on Wednesday afternoon in honor of her sixth birthday anniversary Eighteen little ones were present and hsy annnt the time in nlaylnx childish game arranged by the mother Re freshmenta A toe cream and cake were served and all had a' fine time Bylene received a number of present brought by th little folks I i nil 1 1 3z At Mndota 'Tomorrow high school basket ball teatn goes toMendota tomorrow? to play against the high school team 'of that place It being 1 Minonk last game'df the season every effort will be made to bring back riotot uftfaae Henry Kalkwarf advisqs us by phono thfs morning thit hb will iibt be a candidate for highway commis sioner He waa nominated at the democratic primary last Mondane Panola: Will Arch Nethereott asanras theWple of Panpig township fhatfhe roafia win be oW Mata this Mmxts Oantal Convanttonzes Er TV WilCnv and Dr New abmo of this city have been in Chi cago this week to attend the sessions otthe Illinois Btate Dental society at tho fifty sixth annual meeting which opened on Monday to be continued for four days: Big men ofthe profession are brought together to discuss and demonstrate the practical advances of Sufha ci wcs'''' JUDGE ORT DN JUDICIAL SYSTEM fl APPEARS 'BEORE COMMITTEE of constitutional CON VENTION AT SPRINGIELD More Than Double the Circulation of Any Other Newspaper in Woodford County Ya ft? n' 4 ft faK ya WILLIAM MEYER PASSES 'tAWAY AT MINNEAPOLIS LAST ltiiEiiiWHhEON t(DUY Deceased With Her HusbandHad GoneThere Three' Months Ago or VIslA With Daughters Whero Ww Harry? crowd of pettatoro gathered i'at the Snedddn bnilart hall on Tue 'day night to witness tho expected'match between Champion Max well and his challenger Harry Uphoff butr they were disappointed Jtory failed to show a breach ot sporttag ethics' and diligent search and inquiry 2tolled A ft JV i aarantined or oupMuerau Wa 3 A Robert wa called 'to who i anarMtfaod fdrafjn tllQrflk No WafWii Xi xThd dtr otwegffl HTHEREOIOMLOPIIONHERE I ir 1 Inaugurated irst ight in Thls CIty ground was staked off and a tempor a Itr mill A ftft VW" HRr'THIl 1 uwnicn wm neuieie wiw oenw 1 feaCA MAialAd tional Exciting Incidents 1 4 Pi? Sft 1 I People of Minonk and vicinity will learn with genuine regret of the death of Rev Ayling pastor of the irst Methodist Episcopal church ofthis city for three years 1907 1910 a member ot the Grand Army of the Re I public and one of the beat known and I most beloved pastors incentral HU nois Perhaps the one feature of Rev Ay 1 ding's pastorate in this city that stands out with the most prominence and which will be best remembered by the connnunity is hts inauguration of thefirstlocal option election held in this city The local option idea at that time' was new for this territory and although the result of the election did pot change the situation the' city shook to its very foundations and more excitement and feeling was shown than at any'of the several sub sequent contests H'J Rev' Ayling died early on Monday at Saint Anne in Kankakee coun t'ty He was 75 years of age Mrs Ay 1 7 ling who survives her husband has rbeen 111 for some weeks but is now recovering' Rev Ayling bad been ill 1 some ten dajn In hie day which covered a long soan of years Rev Ayling was promt 4 neat in church circles throughout a rC wide' territory in central Illinois be 1 Ing for forty five years an active mem 1 I bbr of the Central Illinois Conference of ftthe Methodist Episcopal church was also at one time chaplain of the Illinois division of the A He 1 was a prominent Mason and belonged the Paxton commandery Knights "Templar During his church work he ksw was pastor at Peoria Normal Minonkand many other places' 1 In addition to his widow the deceas I' ed is survived by three sons all phy flictane as follows: Dr Charles Ay IS ling of Gridley Dr Edmond Ayling an of hl8 own the article stated that I 'at Tonica and Dr Gilbert Ayling ot after his rescue effort Mr Bruce 1' st? Anney helped the Tokltf fire department with nflWStTffiMeesare' remg held tj the pressure engine lately purchased Tontaa this afternoon and burialwllll frOra tfle American La rance Co take jplace' there Bruce was'a flremaU ln hi home town before becoming a representative ox the flra engine comoany ana ne was right at home fighting fire with the japs so 11 is stateu ORMER TOLUCA MAYOR' DIES John' Proctor Passes Away' Monday Night After Prolonged Sickness John Proctor a a one time mayor OTftLziA flip'll felai hzkmsa hdkW'nn U1 IViUVBUiPU UVMV Monday night after prolonged sick ness He had been at a on several occasions and for a long time his health had been bad Mr Proctor was an old resident of Toluca and was widely Mnown being an employe ot the coal company there for years and many friend will sym pathize with his family His brother Michael Proctor is superintendent of the' coal mine at Roanoke 1 The funeral will be held at Toluca this afternoon and it is likely that the Ancient Order of Hibernians wm at tnri in a body as the deceased was a member and? carried insurance io Uiav oraer1 krix PANOLA' NOMINATIONS' 1 4 "ft Both Parttea Hold Primaries Thera yLaat Satarday Afternoon TWl 4 Both Democrat and Republicans held a nrimarr at Panola on Saturday Afternoon with the following results: 'iC6puDiiciui iuwu Aigbww SwOrds assessor Georgs Wilkey commissioner of highways Arch Neth ercott school trustee Morris committeemen George loerger rank Cox Morris Arch Nethercott runrira wiikav and William Shuck 4 Town clerk 'no nomina tion assessor rank White commis sioner of highways no nomination school trustee Steven deVries com mitteemen Steven deVries rank Wolfe James' Gibbons 'Sam Schertz William Lyons Engle Lew Kingdonv'Arch Haas and Joseph Haas "'j A 79 Two amlllM Aiderman and Mrs George Kilts on Monday and Tuesday moved from th a Inhfiaon nronertVon Wert 'ifth street purchased by Dick Gerdes of Benson to their own ''property: on ourth street which' they recently purchased of Mr and Mr Carl Toem mee will be' mJ list 4 move 1 1 said the aiderman on Monday morning as be becanratthe arduous task Mr Gerdes fo moving IntotM (property vacated Mmnanrn rwes ramuriuMai Traffic oft Dltaote Central rail road ww affinbtockrtl Satutay morning by the derailment of a freight car a short distance south of Rdtland The accident occurred early ta the morning The wrecker from Clinton came up and opened up the way However the morning north bound passenger train was delayed three hours being nmv mmona during that time th Way to Germany Herman Rademacher kho has been in the United 'States for about "eight year left yesterday lite way to Ortfriesland Germany where ha ex pect to remaia He may be back 1 BIG COMBINATION BALE WA fl yut I 4 'Tv A CoI Clegg Holds' Successful Auction Saturday Afternoon 5 Co Clegg's combination sale lS at James feed barn on last I Saturday "attracted hundreds of buy pl era and sellers all of the neighboring" cities and surrounding territory being well represented 'Col Clegg began i the sate at 10 and worked ii rapidly and continuously until 5:30 in the evening stopping only about ten If mlnaitAM at tho liinnhAAH hftll 'clerks were Ed Schroeder and Joseph' i Hertschuh fZW All manner of things were sold at1 the salq "including horses mules ponies cattle hogs automobile? machinery of all 'kinds? household goods bedclothing tools I cream separators 1 buggies wagons 'J bobsleds and the thousand 'and numerous to articles The sale totalled approximately 8 000 and as a whole satisfactory prices were realized' In only a few cases did the seller withhold the sale It 'was one of Col Clegg's most success LWfulsates'ff? VA V'U ft 111! linlr 11111 Hill An Evanina af arewells' Members of the Wontan Catholic Order of orresters gathered at the Mrs' Carl Toemmes home on Uast Thursday night to give Mi Toem mes a farewell reception before her departure for her new home at Miamila Refreshments were served and a pleasant social (evening enjoyed Mrs Toemmes was presented with a silver spoon by the orresters offt 4 whom she has long been a loyal faith 'ful member i Ai 1 Moneyed Worri Assessors incometax men oil '''stock salesman gold mine stock sharks and everybody looking tor mono? has been hounding Will Whits' to death since his offer lost week to ft" buy the Meierhofer farm at 800 per acre buy a thing now" said he the other day because I lost all of my money on two board at trade won wuc num i want to know ror "WHAT GROUND Zlft Pestiferous Muddle In Ownrehlpof Small Tract at fM0 5 The strip of ground known as no man's land just south and across the street from the'Bingner pool hall is receiving considerable attention these days Saia tne na raso journal ia week 'or many years it was the location of David Evans oats storage house After his death the plot came into the possession of Elmer Shreve and he leased it to the Gaged opera house management for billboard' pur? poses Now comes a number of farm era'who contemplate erecting a black smith shop on the ground and estatr lish a repair man tn the placC The I Cement blocks have been hauled to the place and all preparations completed commence the building whereupon the city steps in tears the fehce 'down and claims that an attempt is being made to con vert municipal land to private" uses Meanwhile an investigation is being made relative to the original tltle The County records will have to be exam ined clear back to the jtfme tHe city was founded in the The city claims a width of sixty feet from the south line of the block on the north under the deed dedicating such wldth to the city for street purposes lt is claimed that this sixty feet' takes in all the land up to the right of way Just what will be the outcome of foe matter' remains to be seen' The city countll held a meet ing yesterday morning relative co nronosltlon as will be seen in published proceedings elsewhere in Journal1 IN I A 1 La ranc Motor Truck Expert Well 1 Known Here In Hero Role uf sx 5 number of Minonk" partles will remember A Bruce the expert who was here for a number of weeks when 'the fire company purchased the La rance motor apparatus now in use and who made a large number of friends here 7 Mr Bruce has been in Japan for some time now in the interest of the company? Recently the American La rance uo issued one ot us perioaicw bulletins concerning its business and its staff and among the articles there is one concerning Mr Bruce and a late experience which he had1 In Tokio The Imperial hotel where he was stopping took fire and he is said by the bulletin report to have rescued three women from the blazing build ing He also saved a great many of the personal effects of others bqt lost hia reanUH alfort Mr HrUCe 1 ft I neipea tne ioxio nre uepuruueuji wiu nfiWfil leesflare remg held at the pressure engine lately purchased Ml Si 1 fe: sttes A nQMiiBMJttygEi i SI 1 Be 2 jj sMI fe lg 7: sC fUQK 1 1 in tt ir ririiTi 1 rr nr 1 nr it rnjir ft 1 1.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

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