10D Mnnrloy, Dt'tmhtr 1, I997 Th Gfnvlllt Nws Office Clerical Part Time 2185 Professional 2190 Miscellaneous 2170 Miscellaneous 2170 Miscellaneous 2170 Hotels 2180 itC8 ion, oHice All bentlill, computer iiitrate fa WHVth. iVoif tQ Ba il, Otft, SC 2Mk SECRETARY tor Children amiini minis-ttitf (or large, Soutntrn Boptut Church. Strong or ganiiotianol it i ill, people ontnttd. proficient in Word Ptfltct 4 1, Wmdo t-ACi toltware plus. Benefits provided Send resume to Box t5-SJ.
News Piedmont. P.O. Bon CfeenvMie, SC Advertising InSeorchofExcetlenci Team Wember Sought Opportunity to be port of Winning Team The Greenville News A Ganrufl Newspaper ADVERTISING SALES ASSISTANT The Greenville Newt It settling Advertising Sales Assistant. This is a lull time staff position with complete benefits package. Applicants should possess: The ability to work under short deadlines in lost paced environment A degree In marketing It desired but not required Ad agency or newspaper marketing espenence a plus This position otters competitive suiary with growth oppor tunitus.
Must have own transportation. It you on Interested, pieast forward your cavtr lifter, nsumt including computer skills), and current taiaiy in confidence to: Th Greenville Newt Atln.ClotsifiedAdveftiting Sales Assistant F.O.tox 1688 freenviMC 29602 Individuals wishing lo apply In person may do so at our Jul South Mom Street location in downtown Greenville between the hours of 4 00-11 00 a or 00 4 00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. EOE Disabled applicants requiring os 1 1 si once snouia notity tru em pioytr. Office Clerical 2180 Office Clerical 2180 Ironiportfllion Admit) tJt t')K AAA Permanent Employment H4-SVI-4Kil, to U4-iVI-4j IR0CKMAN AUTOMOTIVE Is In immediate need to Ml avail' able poiifions TITLE CLERKtlLLING CLERK fair ag, ciliint bimliti, pliaiont working invlronmcnt.
Coll korn al 2111(0(1 -r. Part Time 21 ob Agent AVON HOLIOAY SALtS AVG liO-S'O Hr ot Work-Home Flt'bU Hours! No inventory! Benefits! -m-M UH yrs) LEASING CONSULTANT needed port time tor mid-sift apt. community Ep prtttrrtd, but will tram right person. Pieast apply in person to: Hunting Ridge 300 Sulphur iprmg fid Greenville. 5C JMI7.
lee-flJl Tht quiet est. most tconomical way to advertise Call us today. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INDEPENDENT SALES REPRESENTATIVES The Greenville News It starting new tales venture! We ore seeking Independent Sales Reps to handle store booth tales. Applicants should be telt-motivufid and tales oriented. A great second lob or parMimt job.
Flexible hours Include weekends and evenings. Unlimited taming potential, commission paid tor oil new salts. Inlirtsted parties call Jill at t4-m-4343 lo tcheduie an interview or individuals wishing to apply in person mov do so at our 10 i South Main Street location in downtown Greenville between the hours ot 00-1) 00 or 3 00-4 00 m. Monday through Thursday. EOE Disabled applicants requiring assistance should notify the imploytr, Office Clerical 2180 Part Time 2185 Data Processing 2080 PROGRAMMER immtdiQte opening for Programmer, i.ofi.pllitivt tumry beriinls.
Wgu io resume to AMEBtCAN HOME ENSEMILEJ liN, 0 Boi ill ro.Kii utii, Si iwo 144-114 2)01 Fo 4t4li4 221 BOODODD Cri.l Pernio Tefal soiul.on Har0on iofoi jjirt sufypurt Fo 2IMHI All 111 paid by cent CO ton ivluooo 1 1 1 ics iti imc 0bo 4M 1 1 0 ill, SCJHOI LANSUFFING fur gll owl employment nndl nidtl CHILI IP. fiesourci Group -l 4VV FAX fitlp bphii'jptcc'n QG fl A xptr unced Coti SAWtS ASSOC STEMS Systems Engineer In Secret) of ficettenci Tiom Member Soughl Opportunity 10 be pur! of Winning I turn The Greenville Newt A Gannett Newspaper PUBLISHING SYSTEMS ENGINEER The Greenville News II currently seeking Publishing Systems En-gumer. 0u ii a full time stuff po-niion with complete benefits portage Apolir 0'itS should hove: It yean computet publishing t'erieme in a newspaper etui-fOdiritui and some co iiib i no lion ot COll(JI OtlliOf liclmital Ktioril trotntng in this field Tim position requires expertise in (juih UNIX odd Windows NT systems administration Appliroull iliuuld al)li to lfuulilili(ol yklmi pioblndlf, uiruti (jnd moriify lyittm tii un(i ifittiill lyilem loflwon unrj hijidAUri CihK jolj orflvifiii includi llhernil niUoik rjod PC 0'id urvti itlup ond maintenonc This lob requirti thi ability to rt WW lor liiingtncy fpuiu on pfoaudiun iyitenii al IntgulOf l.uuii and on alnndt. intiitifed applicant shoo id fof wgid leiuii-t, in conddtnc, la: Th Greenville New. ATTN.
PUBLISHING SYS. ENGfi, P.O.Box 1661 Greenville, SC 29602 Individual, wishing la oiply In pei tun iHuy do to at our South rVain iti) loiotion in downtown Orteiwill belwetn In houil of go ll OU a ur 7 00 4 66 Monaay thiough Tlmitdoy. tot Ditabied aopliiuolt (i qui ring ai-titiuiiLi tUuid notify Ihi im-pioyir. Epeiiiiiiid infotmotion Set viri Piotittioiiolt Tithnology tolutiont Inc. Engineering 2110 tNOIhttHt i JtilCtNtH Pn iiiuiiint 1 Lung Turn Strurtmot Eiiortliidutliial.
Pt iVn ti Engit 'elilet tuct E'lgftfunliolt Mirh DitignFiblitr'Acad (Veturnit to Aide in POH t'lU, 0 villi 79tOI m'nunh it4-m-i04o iinuil(uid com In Today's CLASSIFIED ADS ENGINE EftSfjESICHS Hk A Financial 2120 DtHAB FINANCE SPECIALIST fni Greenville County tnf Authority, provider ol vtrng itrvir.il lor modeil it teeklng Heha-n finumi tspinalitl. Thi will huvt yiuit Kperienct and pioi etting 1'iiif'i, loan undei-reaii review 44d'it ot teal ittoli law I 'v tkillt vVordPer-- 4 prtttntoiion 4i't tif iquivaltnt 't 4' myiii ttaklfonilal VAuiitX r. fr-A 'Witit int mid 70, -'KK'-f "utt Htler -wVaw 2060 Atjthl AljH W.ii u.g HI. Ho to door I Wrfi-ttj VDW iiidtpf dnt-Sott Pt AMERI TEMP 1300 Puttit'tcrC I'd 0 HI rnnn APPRENTICE TRAINEE MOWING $1650mo. GUA8ANTEI0 10 People Needed To hlp italt ipanding company.
Stvorol sotitioni gvoilabtt dtoinding on inftiview. On-thc-iob training Ho ip needed Loft ot room lor advancement Call Mon 4 Tutt JJI-7M4. ASSISTANT MANAGES Orcmvilli oreo til iuitt opart-mint community it iteming friendly, Outgoing pirionality to lorn our team Mutt bi will organized, ttavi ttrong laaung, com-pulir adminittrativi tdili ot well ot thi oinri to monug. Comptiititfi lalury parkogt, including paid imuiunci and monthly bonui. Smd ritumi ta: The Chimney 4W0 Old Sfjorlon-burg Road.
Toylon, SC In' or to to K-HHQ. ASSISTANT MANAGER Pigional Fmonti It torching tor on ombitioui hard working individual to liurn our butmtti to monugi ont ot aui olticit wlht opportunity tor turlher advanrt-mint A an rapidly growing Co that con oflir tail odvonct-mint, uciilint talary bini-liti It you Hi ink you ihauld bi earning a largir talary tiavi tin ditiri to lurn oromolioni trim you need to talk with ut. ConloitMr Wilionul nUm tor uppoinlminC ATS PERSONNEL itun I0X MAKERS Fin Inn 2nd 3fd shift. 56 50Hr- 59.55Hi. alter a weeks.
Call Spean Slatting 242-4242 CLASSIC (iiniK)rurlcs CALL 244-6662; FAX 268-2736 CAROIINA CARTeRHE-CkUirtKS Cookwutnien vending ottindant iiignit il-COil CDI Souihioit" DrQileit.Uetignef) ngmiiit Fa, (b COME tell ui what you want to do may liavi job 'or you. Oullmun Ptitonnil tl-ti COUNTER HELP NEEDED Full time potmon available Goad walking environment. No nireitary. Apply in person at. Cluttic True Value Hoidwaii, (ut 1620 WoodruNRd.
COURiERS lT gnnd pay. Bring Mvtv Hyidliind bililnd Haywood Rd Bui get King DC Staffing, Inc. DELIVERYWAREHOUSE WORK DL required Knowledge ot Greenville a plot Apply at ioidun Lumber Company, 104 Ruihuford Rd. Sei Deanna DELIVERY DRIVERWAREHOUSE Good pay 4 binilili. Mutt have good driving rnord 3V-S3S.
Dilivery NEED EXTRA HOME DELIVERY NETWORK a terviri ol the Greenville Newt-Piedmont, hoi opining! NOW lot delivery personnel, GREENVILLE Driving Routt Ropir Mtn Rd Spuuldiiiu Fount Aria Cull Ginger Mills North Main Street Call Kunnie Hickman Pointed Hwy aria near Sum Sourl Call Rormli Hick mon SIMPSONVILLE Driving Route Cull Dennis Fish APARTMENT ROUTES Require Wolkirio Fairview Ciosung S'villt Hailon Plait Hoywoud Rd ana Brood way While Haiti Rd una Ciottioadi Cleveland St Uniytisity Armi Neur Fu man Deliveries on TUESDAYS OR WEDNESDAYS, you need to ht able to ilart early morning. You need yaur own dependable Iruni pollution (tome routes reqoirt tome walking), good diiving ritorrt, a vulud C. driver'! If-centi, a good itrvirt altitude and a desire to muke money! We muy have routei In other oieai; il in-lintied call (41 44V Mon-Fri. nos 00 DIALAMERICA MARKETING SO Aviioae Call 3)1 WORK DIRECTOR OF HOUSEKEEPING Nlftded lor nuriing homi tanlily In tne Uplali biitllinl benehlt and comuelitlvl wogll Call I44 IllSltl Man Fn I 10 2.00, 10. riiunil1 lo (II4 206-6111 or mall to.
P.O. Bon IO, Easily, St Will, ELECTR0LUX HmiN6ll'OSIIION5 Coll lil 1U Miscellaneous 2170 In Search Teem Member Sought I Opportunity to be part ota Winning Team Excellence Apply at The Greenville News Product ion Graphic Artist In Search of ExceBenct Team Member Sought Opportunity to be part of 9 Winning Team The Greenville Newt A Gannett Newspaper PRODUCTION GRAPHIC ARTIST The Grttnvlllt Newt It currently seeking Production Graphic Artist for tht production department. This is a full-time ttatt position with complete benefits pock-oge. Qualified applicants mutt be obit to: Run Powtr Mac ond be tamil-ior with Quark, Photoshop and MulliAd programs, prt-prtss preparation ond block I white scanning Have thorough knowledge ot Ermt production ond color and lock and white reproduction, Product advertisem*nts tor doily newt paper lollowing (ay-outs. Work under deadline pressure.
Work fleiblt hours, Interested applicants should tor word a resume, in confidence, to: The Greenville News Attn. Production Graphic Artist P0 Box 1686 Greenville, SC 29602 Individuals wishing to apply In person may do so at our South Main Street location In downtown Greenville between the hours of f. am. or p.m, Monday through Thursday, EOE Disabled applicants requiring assistance should notify the imploytr. SECURITY AGENTS Exp In Greenville Above over-ooe wage.
421-4310, M-F, EOE. WE ARE YOUR RELIABLE CHOICE 298-4221 Stall Writer In Search of Excellence Ttam Member Sought Opportunity lo bt port Ot 0 Winning Team The Greenville Newt A Gannett Newspaper STAFF WRITER The Greenville Newt Is currently seekinu Staff Writer for the Tribune Times, These are full stall positions with complete benttilt package, Applicants should possess thi following skills: 4 year degrit in lournalism or rtlated field Computer skills required Graphic skills a plus and Page-maker Job duflet include, but not limited to: Researching ond writing ttorltt Layout and dtsign work NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Appllrotloni toh.n: Monduy throuoli Thursday 00 AM and 00 PM ol 101 South Muin Slrtal. Criinvllll, SC 2)602 or tind riiumi, covir l.llir, talory rguiriminti ond writing tanipl.l to: Trlbun. Tlmii Attn. STAFF WRITER Bo, lilt Simptonvllli, SC lllll NO PHONE CALLS An Equal Opportunity Employir Duablid oppllcantt riaulnng aiiiitunci ihauld nolily thi implovir.
Typtsttler In Search of Excellence Team Member Sought Oppoitunity to be part ol a Winning Team The Tribune-Times A Gannett Newspaper TYPESETTER PART-TIME Must be knowledgeable ot Microsoft Word, Must have good grammar and Spelling skills, excellent typing skills, and bt ablt lo work llexible hours, Pieast send nsumt to: Tribune-Times ATTN. TYPESETTER P0 Box 1179 Simpsmvilie.SC 29601 Disabled oppilcants requiring assistance should nollty the em-player. RestaurantFood Service 2200 ASSISTANT MANAGER IHOP, 1 Pork Woodrutl Dr. Storting salary S22.40Q. Must Apply in pel son.
Professional 2190 Marketing 2155 HELP nttU ptipit St Oft tfnmtOiOftii' AlMfant iVgr iVgr gmmfl No ni.ttia( Motic in J-4 th, up 10 i'JH' wl fi'l tro.nif'9 Hot Mi Coll Mi. Van- Medical Dental 2160 $400 SIGN ON BONUS Fgjity Hurting Cintir hoi tfti following ootiimnt gaiiablt. ON Sufitrviw- lit 3'ditMli frN iupttHW- Sot ni am ft LPN full lime nd lilift A bait time potitiorit Qvoiiabii CH Al fgll fimt port lim OH Sh.ftj. Flit unitormt lor CHAt. Shift dilliririlial tor Jnd J'd thilt Staiimg pay up to Vhr.
Apply In pxton al fatlty Hurting Cintir, 200 Anni tirivi, ttati, ATS HEALTH SERVICES Hi. rHt, ntetftd Coll now! i'ii-illH BAYLOR LPNPN Potlnon availobif 'am 'pr" Sot fc Sun Apply Oakmont Hurting Cntir, tOu Sulphur Sprmgi Ma. BAYLOR BN 7am-7pm Rosimond Nurlina Cmttr, 44 Otd toiillty, lulling SH lor longlttin coil iupnyilory ttft. filtlid l-ii'lil am Ml Ellini, DOM ill (IK HUM 01 coint li 111 Roll'iiond Ficlint )tt)l CHRIiTMAt 11 to' ill, CrlAl Cliootl youi own houfl. doyl Paid Mnn fn Ml )jl (M44 CNA'f 7nd Itillt.
S04 ditfinnlidl 4 com ptlitlvl wugi on lop ol tligl! lign uc loduyl Ofiinyilli rlurimg Ctf JJHIK CNA'i All ihiltt ovoilabl Including Buy. lor. Comuilitryu wogvt, void by lypirilntt E'tlllli'l litnllitl Ayiiily Mon-Fri l-4pm Oiilnionl Hurling Cinltr, 400 Sololiur SjHny Rdl mjVK COCUMIIA "HEALTH CAHE SLfivil.ti lor rntdiLgl Hofling. m-im. DENTAL ASSISTANT Cirtllnd IJHijindiilili, fiaopli penon hard working Prottlmlit yp priteriid.
land riiumt to: fiildgelon Ur. OiMiivllli, SC mis WE ARE YOUfc RELIABLE CHOICE OlfTADV AIDESCOOKS Encillint pay i btnititi. Apply in pirton ot alley Hutting (enter, )00 Anne Dnvi, tatliy. I19-I7S4. DIRECTOR OF NURSING Present Director of Hurting mo-catmg out ot ftuli leaving poii-lion avoilritjli lor ottvitiv HH wilh ttrong liadifthip tkilli und long teim can upeiienn lor bea facility with a COP and very ttublt ttull.
Crjinpulilive tnlui 401k, ond luillinf benefit! pork-age Auply in person; Gieinvillt Hulling Cenler, t)0V Laurent ftd. LABORATORY Rabun County Memorial Hoipitol lor olid in the beautilul North Giorgio mountain! ii taking op-piicofioni lor Medicol ruhnolo-aisl lo work in Ihi Clinical Labo ratory For man inloi motion, plmtl rontart Joan Do vis. f.liiit Tech ut 0 bi, Cloy ton, GA MM or call 83-4313 OPHTHALMIC ASSISTANT large opttinmology piortln Ii Hiking ciindiutet for ophthalmic utmluiitt in Gmnvilli 4 tutliy anut. Ep or a medico! botk-giound it pieliried, but will ton-tidei lioineit. fienetitt inrludi medical 'deulol mtuiunci, 40lk, oiolit shonng and uniform allow-one Smd iisumi to: inviy Eye Group, ATTN: Human Ut-louictt Manager.
30 Medual Ridge Dr Greinviiti, SC iVtOS PAID WHILE YOU TRAIN Frit Culiliid Nutting Aiihtont flosses avuilubii thniugtt Eotliy Nuiting Center Apply in person to tostey Nulling Cintu, J0(f Anne Ui fcutjey. RECEPTiONisf needed FT tp, pielnrid Ptychiutiic prac-tiee. Pleute apply ol Mum Sti Sti SGieenvilli, SC rttfjf I MO I A D. or gunned, tompuss*ofiuti LPN luiiir-vitor lor Greenville Adivi uay Center, Mon Fri lull timi Good bemlilt 4 talary Coll 133 0444 MOBIL MED. division ot Ti unsoorin- Caioiino Soicalty tion Siivirn, inc.
a Oiui lesion based compuny it hiring lor lit ofliLi in Ovine Wi provide the best Irontpoi lotion qvoil lor physically chullenged individual! wt on looking tor lueptiunal driviiiutlenilunti lo limned, join our iiifiidiy expanding company. We utter llenibit hours Hull 4 parl-lime), paid training, ic, woges, benetiU, omloi ml, ud-voiuement (liar cnmmnl 4 )MV inoidi read. Preltrtnn 4 bunus lo upplicanli with CPU 4 Fust Aid nil! 4 EMI t. Il mtn-tiled in joining ont af tht most rapidly growing companies in Hit tinting health can 4 transportation indutliiti, pieuse cull Mr. Hook or Mi.
Crisp to oi range a local mill view. 864 )33-100). FOF 4 Drug Fret Miscellaneous 2170 Apt LCO fcmploymenl-indui- tiuil 4 clerical otit; wanhiiiite. piodtirtion ntsembly, imetui la! data miry, lilt clerks. 31-1)60 Miscellaneous 2170 In Search ol Opportunity to fAki riME People needed to stock and itiQigMeft products local stores.
Morning hours, 3 doys per wtek. 4- hours per eet, lit tit Person needed for Memorial Hospital oreo Contact Chris, at tween l-Spm, M-0Wi WEAK YOUR RELIAILE CHOICE SANTAS needed" wetKdoys. Hnr. prefer natural white beard Mqirty-W-MW Start Processor In Search ol Excellence iiom wtmbir souom Opportunity to oc pun ui Winning Tiom The Greenville News A Gannett Newspaper PART TIME START PROCESSOR The Greenville News II Iteking a part timi start pioctssor for our circulation department Hours will vary ond some weekend work required. Qualifications for this position Include good typing (SO wpmj skills, with The ability to work under deadlines in tost paced environ-mint Candidates should bt stil-motivottd ond possess 0 positive attitude Excellent customer service skils required.
Job duties Include answering phones, handling mail, ond entering new starts ond delivery information into our computer system. Interested applicants should tend rtsumi, In confidence, to: The Greenville News ATTN. STAPT PROCESSOR P0 Box 1688 Greenville, SC 29602 Aoolicontt wishina to ooolv In per ion may do so ot our IM South Main Strut location in downtown Greenville between the hours of 9 00-11 00 a m. or 7 00-4 00 p.m. Munduy through Thursday.
EOE Disabled applicants requiring assistance should notify the em ployer, TELEMARKETING laty phon. worl t.tling appt! tor our lol.l tlall. i 10, hr toonul Hrl S-lpm, Mon-Frl. lom. Sol IQ Ipm Call Mil) In Search ol Excellence T.om M.mbir Sought Opportunity to b.
purl ol a Winning Tiom The Greenville News A Gannett Newspaper CIRCULATION SALES RETENTION CLERK The Greenville Newt hot an Immediate opening lor a port-lime retention let et in our circulation tolet department: Quantitations: Ability to on rile multiple priorities and odhirt to deadlines undei pressure Possess good communication ond follow-up skills Woid processing skills Etstntlal ob duties: Clerical Work: Heavy felt-phone, tome word processing Working hourt: 9 00 a 1:00 p.m. Monday through Frldoy, occasional Sat-uidays. Individuals wishing to apply may do so ol our JOS South Main Street loration in downtown Greenville between the hours ot 00 a. or 00-4 00 it). Monday through Thursday or call Pot Roper at (864) 248-4140.
EOE Disabled applicants requiring assistance should notify tht employer, PERSONABLE 1 KNOWLEDGEABLE Fltnm Altindonl ne.Uod, lOum-lpm Alio cl*tillld P.ikunal Train. 1 1 needed. Apply ol. Goldentlup VMCA, 100 Adami Mill kj, S'vllll. Professional 2190 AppleOne Coll I2M12I CAREER TRANSITIONS 111! Hoywoud Commont M-S244 ESTIMATOR and PROJECT MANAGED ntedtd Immediately.
The Ideal candidates will be sellttailing individuals wilh working knowledge ol computer estimating 1 be able lo use current word processing spread theel software. Experience in industrial, commercial ond design built protect) Is a plus. Send resumes to: LDECO. PO Box 964. Greenville, SC mdl GIRLS DIRECTOR The Salvation Army 8oyi ond Gull Club, Ii seeking a Director, Will lupervlse the otter school piogrom, which Includes plan niuo and organnlng all phvslcul education aclivill.s.
College di-aiee reqd. Coll Mike Foil al IlS-IOIl or Send resume to: PO. Boi 1111 Greenville, SC 21102 Professional 2190 In Search of Excellence Team Opportunity to Apply 2130 rtONTDESKCLEtt Jnfl shift, erp preferred rping jnflt mutt Mill tiuw appmarit in person GuOlit nr. Qrrigd f-rjfli Gr MOLtl) INN PPES MCAUSTfc ifjUARE Nttdea Pod -t inn nigltt Ooditor part-time jtit y-ct seiilulie Competitive wage, esp helpful Apply in person Mon fri im No calit pieot4i DAY CL I MSON "tjndV new Mgl. Many positions gyuil.
Apply if) person, no phone colli pleas )'Jt7 Tiger Blvd. Citrnson SC. fOfc THE fctilOf HC INN it MAKNiorr no hiniig ui the position Ot Suite Attendants 1 Housekeeping Superior iov mutt be on tiingefic seit staitir ond tiom pi'jftr Abfjlirgntt can apply Pnf rt Management 2140 ASSISTANT; No tptriiiiu ntdttary Will tram Ntw butinvti ntiot help. Call Chin, nUW'i DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Loral aopartt monuiadurtr tttt (jtiitnrid fjiitnOuliofl Monogvr OkoI opportunity; and good Unttit. Inlerett tondidutet mould itnd ttitir rttumtt to MM AdmimtlrotorAd ll-VB Crttnviin Hwt 0 floi i til i Cninvilit SC 'MQ1 SANDY SPRINGS AREA ManagerSupervisor Doublt It tniKpiuit hoi an Im-rntdiola opining tor Munogtir Supttviior.
mid i do Ii mutl liuv aood Lommuiuiuliun i oigunua-liunol ikiili tpciiinci with moiiagi'ig contract imployttt a piut eUnelitt include major nudxat intuianci, paid vacation I holiday! Mail iitumi lo 4V Oittnland Or Gvim, SC ItctS oi lo lo tmH-Wi. CRAZY I Med 1 people at crazy at I am lo help me run my com-pony. Assistant Mgr. I Mgr. trainees.
No exp. nec. Up to 5425wkly In training. Must be able to start immediately. Call Trudy 370-1738 DOMINO'S It looP m0 tor two Atit Manag-iii.
Si nr to ttarl Mutt bi II yrt Of oei Call 'm iW Manufacturing 2150 ind 4 HQ I COilllUNi In mfg tnvKonmiiil Inr pirion wbutit moth inichankal oljill-tiet. Blending i toirnulntion tkillf a plut Medli.ol, dental, vision i profit thudiig. Stalling wage SH 00 Send ritumi to Vl Pellium fd7 (j villij SC miS Daniel associates Need Piod Suov 4 Uegni (fl(4 IIY FIXEB WARPEPS WEAVERS FABRIC INSPECTOOS ALL POSITIONS AVAILABLE Cramer Fabnrt, inc. Enterprise Park 70 Ventun Or Oovir, NH h'itiO periencid Sulier Natl proiir-tifi loom litrtf tictlonijl wmptr opiiufar, weuvlrt ond rater Jc in-tpn tort need. A growing weaving larility with gnat pulenhnl una plum tor oantion in tVVI Loculid in lie out i-lul New England Shorl ditluriLi dam bent hut.
luket, mountuint, Botion and offni pitrucliont A oiler tornpeiiliv taiaiy, full ben-till paikuge and gnat working almotpiim in confidence, tind rituini and. or leMer ol inlinil to (tie above odduti. Ho phoni cailt wjlljie uafpied! NORHELL ITAPFlNO SkHVICES 1314 WoodniH fid hhJUA STAFF MAM WAREHOUSE WORK lit 4 2nd sniff avail. Mutl hovi 'P, 4 be loiklilt cirlilied, mutt lliuw ftiow proof ol Llititirutiun. A(jply in person or tend resume lo.
Kelmar Indutlrnt 310 Spnr-tnn Oieen fllvd liunr an 5f 7'f14 Marketing 2155 TO OUR READERS lomi pontioni may niritiitali on initial invetlmenf or may involve your recruitment ot otbri. Fnauinlly potilioni an paid by draw, committion or bonui initial) of taiaiy. We entourage you to lull invitliguli oil flip tit ol any iob you an considering. The Greenville Newt MEDICAL JOB SEEKERS For more oppnrtunilni be tun Id (herk the tielo wuiifed display udi throughout loday'i iiLiiun The Greenville News Construction 2060 RIGGING EVENT STAFF PUSONNEL Cdll 4)l-lil (XPHESSPEIISONNELSUYICES II44 Woodiotl Bd iuitt 101 Coll J14-W4S Dtlivtry THE GREENVILLE NEWS HASTHEFOUOWINS MORNINS ROUTES AVAIAILE: 6REENTREE APIS, and TAYLORS AREA Conlocl nuiy Hindncli lit 4)04 ABBEVILLE AREA Conlorl Work ot (1001 lit illt t-l 411 or IIMIl PENDLETON Contort Karen Divldo 211-2400 or 2ii-li; DOWNTOWN AREA Contact Joi Naborl 2114201 HALE MILE LAKE Contort Jot Naborl 1II410I SOUTH GLASSY MTN. 4 HWV 414 AREA Contact Suion Sunday 1)1-11 (Ml 2VI 4I0 IW SOUTHERN GREENVILLE COUNTY Simptonvllli Fountain Inn PiedmontPeier Contact: Al Pierce, IVI-400 SOUTH GREER Contact: loci McCarton 440-111 or Bobby Hipp 1II 4114 GRAY COURT AREA Contort: William Godtny, 41I-141I APARTMENT ROUTE 211Piihom RdOichord Park Soma builniti rn.
cutlomiri Contact: Bruci WcCamll, 211 4701 DOWNTOWN GREENVILLE AREA EARN EX IK A MONEY fOR CHRIS1MA5 DELIVERING NEWiPAPENS Siriom Inaiiiilii Only contact: Ricky J. Union 2(14102 GREERCAMPOIELLO Contact: loch McCorion 440 1(11 or 1VM114 OCONEE COUNTY Contact: Liltlr win I1S-6S01 or 20.4124 EASLEY AREA Contort: Randy Bray DvidOl or 2114124 WARE SHOALS Contact: il fy NH Micnail on nil, 2IS.224I fiotitty Hipp, ltl-4 114124 ANDERSON CO. I PENDLETON Contact' Konn Devido 2211400 or 225-llil WEST GREENVILLE Codes 29(11, 29601, 29605) Contort: Corey Feiguton, 398 401 (Zip LIBERTY AREA Contort: Wallace Johnton, I19-M4I WARE SHOALS AREA Contact: William Godlny, III4I ll llll POWDERSVILLEPELZER WILLIAMST0NPIEDM0NT Contort: Minion Bickilt 2IS 21I or 211.2400 CLEMS0NAREA Pepenauale Trantpailatian Conlut I. Wuiiore joiiiiton, IS 094 1 EASLEY-PICKENS-DACUSVILLE Contact Wondy 414-iilJor 4l REQUIREMENTS: Must be in dependant Reliable tianspnitntinn is teqairerl linlPRO Your local ilolling company 410111 FOOD SERVICE BURGER KINO PIEDMONT PELZER AREA Openingt ot Hwy. I) I Donald-ton Cti Buraei King Tap pay, Full lime avail Apply In pirton FRONT DESK CLERK FT, 2nd sh*tt, up.
pritimd. typing ifcilli a mult VVill train noui applicant Apply in porton, Cluulily Inn SO Orctioid Park Dr. GOOiNALL STAFF ING SERVICE 1411411 HELPERS NEEDED NOWI $60 cash paid dally Call 864 87-2506 HELP WANTED. No uplilincl ntcmaiv, pinon to hilp clion carpll Call ill SSOl HOUSEKEEPING LAUNDRY We have I full I part-time position available in Our Housekeeping and Laundry Depuilmenl Hours are Jum ipm. We piovidt on the fob training and competitive wugti.
Coiiii om our family! Apply In person NHC HEALTHCARE 1305 lolling Springs Rd, Greer, SC 29650 EOE INSULATION INSTALLER Will train. Pay based on tiperi- rift Must be highly motivated and woik with little tupuvitiun. Apply in pei son at I teds Building Pimluils. JI Pendleton St, Greenville, SC SuCroig JANITOR I A ll 7ft PVr lions avail Hequirementt. Truntp i plume I -log 64 tOIJ.
tllHHHttt JANITORIAL Janitor ml control lor hat Immi-(Jioie apinintfi an ind i hti tint) far luii! time ueneiol cleaneil in fl I iti Aaad' ulT RrJ titunular tor-ififf. luni'l iluiluifl wage (Wi-hf licit diMeienli'il inlentled Ufabii'U'ilt iileute 'nil Janitorial Management District Operations Manager lor hut Kin a) (ftiiliud janitorial (oinpony Well etlabtiiliid in Gren.ilt Itinlaiy Eoitlltiit taiaiy i btnefili For trrnrndiatt riJiiiiiitiriiioii, tat ritumi to 144y lWt or if.HI to 4OVH Sluuil Andnyy bl.d, lull Itlll, Hf lllll If Of 'EfV 101 HOT I INI y4 SlottiiigSoluiiani it A SIN 6 111 a trTor i limt Coll Und ttuiiun Plan ApU LEASING CONSULTANT Port-time leasing tales position uvuiiuuie, ruenaiy, outgoing per lonalily a MUSII No J.piinnii nicitioiv will train riolit u.i our tiom apply in pmon al Thi CbimniVl Apart" mnti, 4(0 Old Spartanburg Roodorlaitoll4 2l2.Siro LIGHT Induiirial, clerical, lull pontionl ovoll. Manpowir, GVilll, 21T S104, S'vllll, 1111411; Eoilly. ISO-OOl. G'yllH Tlch, 211.
HIS; lourmi, 114.2124. MAINtfeNANCE tECM oonlld lor ig opt corrimunity. HVAC Ii-(inn olut. but not nec EOE. Pr.oni jAiOlrj IVon -frl I i it il lVfF INC, Lignt Induinol 4 Clincol POii liens Call 1I2-2S1I NEED CASH Paid daily.
O.ir 100 nicdld Apply ot Labor Fir.diri, 40 Mnirford Rd. PORTE POSITION tof large opt community Outlet to InclutJe maintaining nallwayt. Good pay benelitt, Apply at Trie Blutft. 4001 ftlham 6. Greer or tareiumir to 7tt-OV44.
PHESiEB Exp (or dry cleaning oiid tMrt pr liung Starting Say 1 hr Apply at Ace Cleaner, jJ4 eVade Hampian Biwd Toy. lor or can 244-VU! ROUTE SALES Penon needed ta run wholesale route in Often-villi and lurrounding ortai. No tperience nedeary. Will tram Call Tonyi Pmo at FOE. SALES MARKETING Fortune company ii looVmg lor energetic people to till pon-tiont in ttit Orttnviile ur rounding oreai Comprehtntivt training program, salary plat perlormanct fnctnttvt pro gram 4 lull feenetii pat age.
For immediott consideration tun reiume to JC Hart. TruCitin Chemiawn. Ii4-tl Vlil; or call 1-tOO-m il0 SANTAS medtd cedoi hr, prefer natural whitl OeO'fl ijior iM-niJUt SECURITY OFPtCEPS Full I part-time. JlVMJt SEWEKl I1HHR 1ST SHIFT 0 HI AFflHd 1IHIII STEAK OUT ii now filling Oikiii, up to 112 1 Pnam pirtonnil lyp. cookl.
Apply in oinon ot: 400 Mauldin Rd 01 2S24 North St. 422 0422 or 244 TALENT TREE Stalling occtptl apolicolioni by appt only Cull 211410I tor llgnl induiirial or clincol POiilioni TEMP "CHISTWAS HELP Van dnvirdtliviry PT lorly A Bour i TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS For Word Proclttma Optiulorl ItLLT SLHVILtl, yvy yiii TEXACO CORNER MARTS Ind 3rd sh*tt Cierhi. keli Overtime allowed Apply: Tenoro Corner Marl, EoMey Bridge Nd. or iter ceaar un. ho.
VET, TECHNICIAN. Uttnstd or 3 yrs tvp Greer area. Coll WAREHOUSE AND MOREI Chorion band dut. co. Now hai opinmgt ayuii.
1150., WUY TO START appl. takin thii wtk only NO EXP RfO SIARI IMMED. For appt Call Kim4lM44l WAREHOUSE' PERSON to pull, pack iliip ordm. Mull bl pigunlnd Coll HI-HOI. WAREHOUSE POSITIONS PERSONNEL INC.
Coll 22 llil WEOCY'S PIZZA has immediate openings tor lunch 4 evening driven. Earn UilJ hr Flexible hours. Evening counter help also needed Apply at Idle Augusta Rd "western STAFF URVICEl Oltut Light Industrial AMERICAN SECURITY BRING THIS AD To Interview. If Accepted tor Employment. Will Receive 100 BONUS FT I PT SECURITY OFFICERS Apply In ptrson 1100 Ruthtrlord I 30am OOpm M-F.
EOE ENTRY LEVEL Wire puller Installers helper for security communications company. Ddv-trs lictnst high tchaol diploma requited Non-tobacco environ- men). Call 10-5, M-JW-Wi. HELP WANTED IMMED. No tp.
military, Mutl havt valid S.C drivers license, Will ti am, Pola't Mom Caver Ing, W9i4 In Search of Excellence Ttam Member Sought Opportunity to bt purl ot Winning Team The Greenville Newt A Gannett Newspaper Earn Extra Each Month Early Morning Hours FIELD SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Duties include' Diiivtiing replacement popiri lo lubur liters Assisting District Managei with route deliveiy il needed Must have registtrtd and insured vehicle und good dnvmg record Mutt have ability lo woik with Ill-tit or no tuptrvition alter training period, Work 5 Days Ptr Week Monday through Sului day beginning ol 10 AM Sunday beginning at 00 AM Interested randidates pleost coll Bill Fusig ltUi or Sieve $hivertm4IM ot opply Monday Thuisdoy Vam-Iiam oi Am I'M a( The Greenville News 10S South Main Street Greenville, SC f6U EOE LAKE FOREST QUICK SHOP fl, S'ville. Ind siiill Cotluer, ue-Sun, Storting pay 17 hr. Call 963-foft. NEED 12 PEOPLE IMMEDIATELY $345 $680 WEEKLY CalllorappU77-i699 DOMINO'S PIZZA INSIDE HELP Friday ignis, 110 per hr. Must be ep, 1 over It yit old.
Cull msg. APPLY TODAY" IMMED. OPENING We have 14 pusiliuiis in all areas ol our dut NO EXH EQ'0, Pssilloni will include you In: win iliuutt invintary admin. pet sonnet, dist tolittor. up lo 1400 1 wkty to start.
For appt (an kim iiMW IbEKINQ IKPER MainT Supv Strviie lei hi Mm 1 yiS opl miitnl. (PO VAC terl teud Sutimil resume to ISO Huwell (ir Greenville. SC tllS or (till Gieinvillt IV 1 140 or inn psonvilli lit JVUi SHORT ON CASH FOR CHRISTMAS? Mali manly nol Mini In II aniiiiiii, ull 111 ftl ilCNIemuoiarv Seivlil II OiilKird Pk fir laOlCiO i ii lie Win king Solution Office Cluneal 2180 CUtlCAlPOSIIIONS-AIAreai WoilSmorl, pn 111 III) LEOAL UCRETARY "7'' onlon 111 CumpililM tulaiy A ln 'J 1 1 "W.1 tf't 144 111 LEGAL SECRETARY legal territory for downtown low llrm. Comoelihwt lultu l4J7l-7tJ. RECEPTIONtST'SWITCM-BOARD OPERATOR SlHon iwitchboard oeprotor.
Good tele- phone voice and computer expert eoci required. Good benefit Dark- oge. Hours 1:3 AM 5 JO PM Mondoy-Frlday Telephone III-1400 tor appointment. ADVERTISING SALES ASSISTANT The Greenville News is seeking an Advertising Sales Assistant. This is a full time staff position wilh complete benefits package, Applicant should possess: The ability to work under short deadlines in a fast paced environment.
A degree in marketing (desired but not required). Ad agency or newspaper marketing experience (a plus). Own transportation. This position offers a competitive salary with growth opportunities. If you are interested in this position, please forward your cover letter, resume (including computer skills), and current salary, in confidence, to: Greenville News-Piedmont Co.
ATTN; ADVERTISING SALES ASST. a P.O. Box 1688 I GreenvUlcSC 29602 ti eoe: k. )omcn Individuals wishing to upply in person muy do so ut our 305 South Mam Street location in downtown Greenville between the hours of a.m. or p.m.
Monday through Thursday. Disabled applicants requiring ussislunce should notify the employer, Part Time 2185 In Search of Excellence Team Opportunity to Apply at Member Sought be part ol a Winning Team Apply at The Greenville News Member Sought be part ot a Winning Team The Greenville News tllic ttciwtllcNcius 5hc(0recnwl(cWciw5 Member Sought be part of a Winning Team at The Greenville News 7 Iflte(0rectwtl(eNcii)5 PURCHASING MANAGER Wtiwj'jvsi tAfjtnayw. Must ut auifc iv wrfjun qyteft, rje pvfyficiiifc fH'tfj fXjrnrnts, piaytyl atig Kit(tyij: rth clwt. Mi(iH(Miti 2 4 fVall WtfwM sKiirs fejit. in O'wii'iite.
siC lutt ffeSaS 'fty approve jg Sfend ffctijfT to: Sanders tine. P.O. EJox I Gaflney, SC 2342 or apply at your local Job Swwe OtfvA. EOEMTHV I i t.Sf SUPERINTENDENT MELD SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE (Independent Contractor) Harly Morning Hours Duties Include: Delivering replacement papers to subscribers. Assisting District Managers with route delivery if needed.
Must have registered and insured vehicle and good driving record. Must have ability to work with little or no supervision after training period. Work 5 days per week Monday-Saturday beginning at 6:30 a.m., Sunday beginning at 9:00 a.m. If interested, please call: Bill Fasig 298-4131 Steve Shivers 298-4859 PART-TIME START PROCESSOR The Greenville News is seeking a part-time start processor for our circulation department. Hours will vary and some weekend work required.
Qualifications for this position include good typing (50 wpm) skills, with the ability to work under deadlines in a fast paced environment, Candidates should be self-motivated and possess a positive attitude. Excellent customer service skills required, Job duties include answering phones, handling mail, and entering new starts and delivery information into our computer system. Interested applicants bhould send resume, in confidence, to: The Greenville News ATTENTION: START PROCESSOR P.O. Box 1688 1 Greenville, South Curolina 29602 I eoe c)cwcnr wishing lo apply in person nitty do mi ut our till South Main Street location in downtown (ireenvillc between the hour of 'J OO-1 1 a. in, or pin, Monday Ihrotigh Thursday.
Disabled applicunu requiring assistance should notify the employer. PRODUCTION GRAPHIC ARTIST The Greenville News is currently seeking a Production Graphic Artist for the production department. This is a full-time st a IT position with complete benefits package. Qualified applicants must be able to: Run a Power Mac and be familiar with Quark, Photoshop and MultiAd programs, pre-press preparation and black white scanning. Have a thorough knowledge of print production and color and black and white reproduction.
Produce advertisem*nts for daily newspaper following layouts. Work under deadline pressure. Work flexible hours. Interested applicants should forward a resume, in confidence, to: The Greenrille News ATTN: PRODUCTION GRAPHIC ARTIST 8 P.O. Box 1688 I Greenville, SC 29602 EOE c)sAHCCT Individuals wishing lo apply in person may do so at our 305 South Main Street location in downtown Greenville between the hours of 1:00 a.m.
or p.m. Monday through Thursday. Disabled applicants re'iiniing assistance should notify the employer. Sanders Inc. a top 100 Industrial Contractor is currently in need of an experienced RiggingRelocation Superintendent.
Must be able to supervise total construction effort. Minimum of 12 years experience as Superintendent in Industrial Rant Relocations. Experience in preparing schedules, managing subcontractors and a commitment to safety required. Travel required. Must pass a company approved drug screen.
Above average total compensation package included: Health Insurance Safety Incentive Plan 40 1K Retirement Vacation Apply at your local job service until 122297. For more MAINT. ASST. needed full time benelitt fipenence in leul es-for apt. community.
Must have pfobale, 1 wills pieleired HVAC certification and own Please mail resume to tieiu-tooit. Eic. pay good benefits. Director PO Boi 1004S, Apply in person ot Polo Club Greenville, SC 1903 or Ion to Apts. at 3S7 Hillondoit Rd.
EOE MAINTENANCE PERSON for small prop, in Taylors. Eip in oil phases ot opt, mam't Mutt be Fontioc-GMC truck hai on imme-Ujtr rcrtifmrf nr w.iiinn i diote opening for a reciDtionitt information please call 1-800-527-1684 ext. 128. certilied. Pltast coll 268-3460 for interview, Mon.
-Fri. -4 30. MAINTENANCE PERSON Salary Open. Call after Wpm, 233-472S. EOE EOEMFHV I I.