The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

FIGURES FOR IOWA. The tariff wolf is partial to an all wool suit. n1 Silver STATISTICS CLEANED FROM THE SECRETARY'S ANNUAL REPORT. Ster ing ICKflllS Official Paper of City and County. PUBLISHED EYERIWEEKD AI EYENIRG BY TUB GAZETTE COMPANY.

CL. MILLER, MAX AO SB. F.W. FAUuKES, I XOITOK. Terms SEliscriution "5 Addreaa all communications to THE GAZETTE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

10 CENTS. Entered at the Cedar Rapids aa i Secoud-Clasa Mall Matter. (VAnonymoua communication! will not be noticed. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned. Some politicians will persist In classing Missouri and Ohio doubtfuL There are also men who predict the end of the world In the immediate future.

There would not be much argument In it any way, but ft is unfortunate for some demagogues that Iowa canceled her debt tinder Governor Boies. The Omaha Bee's prognosticator is sadly in need of a choke-bore and new sights. It says the Iowa convention is likely to Instrnct for Cleveland. i Loxdoh anarchists shout "No God, no laws, no property." Move to amend by inserting the word anarchists and striking out all except the word "no." A Chinese missionary has been refused admission to the United States. Here was a new field for pauper labor, but the treasury officials were on the alert.

While bulletins anxiously follow the value of silver tn a dollar they neglect to notice the fluctuations in the price of rags used in making the silver certificate. Altoixd, the democratic nominee for governor of Illinois, hails from Ohio. The Ohio-American Invariably gets the largest slice of the gerrymandered political pie. DO YOU REMEMBER. CENTS, 10 Do Ton remember bow that night was sweet? 1 We Lead in New Goods.

You called It sweet and something mors as well; The fine whits moonbeams drifted at oar feet. And nestled la each flower's trembling bell. The hollowed waves came creeping to the beach. And broke there with a joyous sound at last. Do you remember bow there was no speech? Jo need for that.

Our heartbeats throbbed too fast. A small whits falling star shot through the gray, You bid me "wish! before it could depart; Do you remember how I answered. "Nay? Benauae there was no wish left in my heart. Cora Fabbri. SAVED DOLLARS These must be a great deal of truth- Total shipment of butter billed out of the state for the year ending September 30, 1S91, less 16 percent tare, pounds.

The best authorities estimate the home consumption of butter to be fifty pounds per capita or 100,000,000 pounds; to this add 68,690,715 pounds and we have as the total make of the state 168,690,715 pounds. Estimating this amount at twenty cents per pound gives 833,738,143 as the value of the butter industry of Iowa. Iowa is first both in. point of number and value of animals. Perhaps the ideal of perfection has been reached in production of the hog.

The limit of ail those points as early maturity, economy In preparing for market, size, symmetry, etc, appears to be reached. The skillful breeding and raising of swine is so general that the standard is practically uniform. There are preferences by the individual, or in neighborhoods for special varieties or crosses; and packers have a choice for various meats for different markets. But the end of improvement Is attained and there remains only the duty of maintaining it, and obviating- all cases of degeneracy The losses are given at 8.2 per'cent or 483,530" out of 5,921,100. Sheep.

From the statistics presented by lion. J.S.OrInnell it appears that in 1838 there were 384,000 sheep in the state; in 1845 there were in 18'JO there were 45,000. In 1839 the total value of sheep and wool was in 1888 it was 8295,000. The decline in numbers in Iowa has been quite rapid. In 1870 there were in 1880, and estimated number in January, 1891, 452,025.

Losses were, year ending April, 1891, out Of 452,025, 3 per cent, or 13.501. These were not from epidemics of disease but from exposure, not especially to the weather but to the dogs. There were imported in the year 1891, 9,606, a decrease of over the previous year of The value of the importation was Exports for the same year were 60,947, a decrease over 1890 of 6,574. Value of exports an Increase in value over the year previous of 818,032. William Sprole of Traer, Taina county, says he is greatly pleased with his experiments in the sheep business.

He invested in 130 ewes last winter. From them he had 112 lambs. He sold 8200 worth of wool and says the buck lambs will bring as much as the ewes cost. Twenty acres of pasture at most are all that the entire lot needs, and Mr. S.

says that they are the greatest weed destroyers he ever saw. His experienco so far leads him to believe sheep will pay in this locality the best of anything on the farm, provided ravages of dogs can be effectually stopped. Mr. Sprole leaves his flock in the pasture day and night. He fed them hay and a very little corn last winter, and is now putting up some oats in the sbeaf for them to winter on.

And it is affirmed in general that wool and manure pay for the keep of a sheep, as many flockmasters attest, and the lambs are all profit. What other class of stock will show as large a per cent of profits? Every farmer can keep ten sheep and most of them from fifty to one hundred. Grasses. The census of 1885 is again appealed PIN POINTS. Mr.

Corbett will try to get in" his work on Mr. Sullivan early to avoid the rush. Columbus Post. Wearing wigs or dyeing whiskers never deceives anybody but the persons who do it. Ram's Horn.

The fellow who. offers forty cents on the dollar Is usually in a compromising situation. Columbus Post. A German physician hasdiscovered the. measles bacillus.

Science, has at last come to the scratch. Memphis Appeal. Borrowe and Drayton and Fox havo not been able to hurt each other; but they've killed William Astor between them. Brooklyn Times. "Maybe 'murder will out, but it's two to one it won't stay out half so long as will the jury in disagreeing about it." New York Herald.

Patient: "Doctor, I havo troubled about swallowing. Does that amount to anything?" Doctor: "Yes, amounts to 85." Fliegende Blatter. There are too many men in the "World who will trust their daughters with men with whom they wouldn't trust their money. Atchison Globe. A man never realizes how much valuable advice his neighbors have to give away nntil he announces his intention to build a house.

Somerville Journal. Here is another tribute to the blessed influence of free press. Harr Most says the newspapers are responsible for his late imprisonment. Minneapolis Tribune. The barber is a sort of bellieose individual.

He has his little brushes right along; he lathers people and he occasionally smashes their mugs. National Barber. Rome Is lighted by electricity. The march of progress will not be stayed until Pompeii has a cable line and a real estate boom tarts up In Thebes. Chi-ago Times.

Postmaster Field of Philadelphia, has not wasted much time studying the theory of reform, but he accomplishes some very practical results when he declares that. his carriers shall carry letters and not primaries. Washington Post. Ernest Renajj is of the opinion that the writing of humorous books makes a man sad, whilehe production of serious ones promotes amerry disposition. What a hilariously happy set most of the novelists must be, then.

Indianapolis Journal. A Washington woman recently remarked: -U've had trouble with every one of my servants, and I suppose I may always expect trouble." "I reckon you kin," replied the colored domestic; "I an't yeard nothin' yit 'bout no angels dat was looking fur service places." Washington Star. This morning you can go to the Tabernacle, tackle the gospel, and from a spiritual standpoint help your hand. The Rev. Mr.

Uzzell will shuffle the sacred shells, and it will be easy to guess the road that leads to peace. It will be remembered that our first draw was a failure we got Paddock but we have not weakened, and we propose to stay in the game until we have secured a royal flush. Rev. Mr. Uzzell is not only doing good work as a lookout for the hereafter, but he is healing the helpless here.

At his celebrated jag asylum in Denver he has taken that dreadful thirst from the throats of hundreds of democrats at 875 per thirst, and fixed a flavor where the dark brown taste had so long dwelt. Go, hear and see him, bo is smarter than he -JTHIS DATE IN HISTORY MAY 4 14T1 Edward, prince of son of Henry VI, died. -1W3 Louis XtTL, king of France, died; he was succeeded by bis son, Louis XIV, who was I pn receded by his great-grandson, Louit XV. who was succeeded by his grandsnn. Lonls XVI, with whose brother, Louis XVIII.

the Bourbon line ended. I7WJ William Hickling Prcscott, historian, bora at Salem, died 1850. Horace Mann, author and educator, born In Frank-I lin. Mass; died 1850. liorace Mann, author, i educator and noted abolitionist, born in Franklin.

died Aug. 2, 1S, in Yel-' 1 low Springs, where he was president of Autloch college. I8C4 Battle of Reeaca, Ga. 13C5 General Dick Taylor surrendered the Confederate forces in the Mississippi do- ff i3f 1573 73 lives were lost by the breaking down of an iron bridge at Jacksonville. Ills.

1385 Irwin McDowell, general, died In San Francisco: bom IBIS; he was unfortunate In commanding the Federal army In Its first defeat at Bull Run, July 1, lisGL SAVED DOLLARS i By trading with the Leading Jewelers, ON H. D. KIMBALL Evert person should have a mission In life, but a great many are glad to get consulships. 1 The physician is still probing for Cleve-, land's tomahawk among the vitals of the Hill boom. I IT wm.

be noticed that the New Hampshire republicans did not take the Blair boom to raise. Right In the face of John Mahin's Injunctions, Milwaukee has advanced the prico of beer. John C. New is coming. home from London to ride the Harrison horse in the Indiana handicap.

I There are barely enough lynchings in the south at present to afford raw thought for campaign speeches. As regards -the presidency, lielva and Victoria Woodhull both claim to be the woman in the case. Tiuc constitution of the weather bureau allows winter to hold over until its successor Is duly elected and qualified. Now that the silver in a dollar is cheap the government might afford to put a high-necked dress on Liberty. People who claim this is their particular year in politics have doubtless that mud is plenty and choap.

Speaker Crisp has revoked all leaves of absence. That was wrong. He should have made the leaves of absence to as the latest obtainable figures relat- ing to the grasses. There were then! 3,037,210 acres of timothy yielding 299 tons of hay; 117,637 acres of clover producing 145,611 tons; 8,057 acres of Hungarian with 12,927 tons, 44,470 acres of millet producing 86,400 tons; or the, aggregate of four specified grasses is" 3,767,237 tons. At 85 per ton it reached Condition, Number and Value of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep Report on the Dairy and the Grass Crop of the following figures and remarks are gleaned from the annual report of.

the secretary of the Iowa agricultural society John II. Shaffer. The statistics" of the dairy are from the report of Commissioner A. Tuppcr. The information regarding various departments of the chief Industry of Iowa will possess much interest Jy those who carefully study the commer-ial welfare and advancement of the state: The imports for the year were value exports value $784,908, a decrease of imports over the previous year of and an increase in exports of $104,498.

The animals exported had an increased value per head of $58. Iowa's per cent-age of increase for the decade was 65.60. There is doubt, at this writing, Iowa leads all the other states in horses; and it may be added, without violence to the fact, that Iowa leads also in the pastures, the grasses, the grains, to feed them, to say nothing of the care and skill in cultivating the one and improving the other. Importations of different breeds continue, the animals going to every part of the state. It would be invidious to specify a few out of the scores of persons who are engaged in the laudable work of Improving the general character of the horses of the state.

There is no community which may not claim superior breeding a nimals of one or more of the favorite strains, and the general influence is observable in the size, form and other desirable qualities of the animals. From Berlin, Germany, an enthusiastic promoter of the trotting horse sends his mare to be bred to Allerton, the first instance of a mare being shipped across the ocean to be bred to an American trotter. Cattle. The census of 1885 gives the total number of milch cows, 992,313, cattle, grades, Shorthorns, Herefords, Iloistein, Jerseys, Black Polled, 194; Devon, 192; Ayrshire, 80; Red Polled, 65; others, 3,720, or a total of 410,967 grades and thoroughbreds, a grand total of The latest estimate of numbers are: Milch cows, other cattle, 2,680,247, or a grand total for this year of 3,058,849, an increase over 1885 of 448,375. There is a minimum statement of Increase, but the quality has been very materially improved.

This is evident on the farm, and in the market. Doubtless if a census could be taken now it would show a decided increase in all the favorite breeds; and a like decrease in the number of animals not improved by admixture with some one of the blooded kinds of cattle. The singularly fortunate adaptation of the state to the highest development of the dairy interest has caused the cultivation of special classes for the dairy. The increase of 448,375 in the number was largely in those classed as milch cows, 286,299. The losses in Iowa, given only in the year for the twelve months preceding, were 98,971, or 2.5 per cent.

The general condition In the spring was excellent, and it continued so during the year. There was no fatal epidemic, and the losses were very few, and these were confined to narrow limits, depending upon local influences. ths dairy. No. of Amount Cream- of buttor Counties.

eries. shipped. Adair 3 12.052 Adams 1 178,723 Allamakee 9 1.W1.0 Appanoose IKT.401 Audubon 7 SW4.0&7 Benton 9 T77.815 Black Hawk 14 2.201.335 IJoonea 4 105.ti.S0 Bremer 2tS 2.46S.720 Buchanan 1 S.HOM.740 KuenaVista 4 627.795 Butler 19 2.455,510 4 Carroll 5 6l5. Cass 4 385.42 Cedar 9 1.1B7.9M4 Orro Gordo 8 1.281 Cherokee 4 Chickasaw 20 2,118.658 Clarke 2 514.734 Clay 4 ,48.870 Clayton 21 8.702.671 Clinton 12 854.061 Crawford i 2 3B2.C69 Dallas 2 1,020.808 Davis 2 21,110 Decatur 1 18K.43 iXilaware Sv 2.8rxi.344 DesMoines 1 311.10U Dickinson 2 224.814 Ihibuque 20 Kmmet 2 I5.V.030 Fayette 24 aifi.270 Floyd 12 Franklin 6 909.17 Fremont 0 10.208 Greene 7 474,958 Grundy 14 1.739.4WI Guthrie 4 87. Hamilton 11 2,193.550 Hanco*ck 7 2tti.S- Hardin .10 Harrlnon 4 42.33i Henry 8 7O.H08 Howard 10 1.567.474 Humboldt 4 29810 Ida 0 28.1H Iowa 8 873,083 11 2.034.641 Jasper a 874.378 Jeilerson 1 3I.4Tb Johnson 4 880.675 Jones 40 2,906,687 Keokuk 924,00 Kossuth.

14 1.265,154 Lee 6 ftM.OHO Linn 82 2.PS,02 279.48U Lucas 04,534 Lyon 2 141.260 Madison 1 231,980 Mahaska 4 302.60 Marlon 1.708.868 Marshall 856.102 Mills 2 40.406 Mitchell 11 Monona. 1 2S.2 8 Montgomery 1, 86.840 0 71064 Muscatine. "5 704.504 O'Brien 0 SOfi.OlO Osceola 1 W.i0 Pajte 3 4K7.1S2 Palo Alto 453.9 Plymouth 3 175.500 Pocahontas a 273,220 Poik.rr a 334.390 182.244 PowcHheik 5 476.282 Ringgold 8 52.301 19 863,216 Shelby 2 74.802 Scotfc 1 104.450 Sioux 4 64.115 Htory 10 1.411.891 Tama 6 786.8 0 Taylor ...5 109,267 Lnlon 1 840.357 an Rtiren 65.770 Wapello 8 2.19S.298 Warren a 257,375 Vahlngton. 6 870.770 Wayne 3 35,020 6 700.819 Winnebitfro 5 MW.Oitt is 2.542.478 Woodbury "1 66H.393 Wort (I 810,760 bright 7 775,9 Total ................705 81,774,601 about the Venezuela revolution. It has been crushed to earth several times, but It Is still strolling around the republic as we go to press.

rATTi says she will go to acting when her voice fails. This would indicate that writing endorsem*nts for cosmetics, soaps and baking powders would not guarantee a substantial income. McKinleyites wish to know why tariff reformers do not demand the repeal of reciprocity. Bless your souls, they intend to build a house onto it and use it for a summer kitchen. TnE Reading combine, which controls the coal fields, has advanced the price of coal.

The combine and the tariff are both talking at once. Will Mr. Reed whleh has the floor? The report that the United States sub-treasury at New York was burglarized of $125,000. was a canard. The treasury of the United States is safe so long as Burglar-Alarm llolman is attached to the door.

Philadelphia is kicking against the introduction of trolley electric cars. Some one has told the people that they make a noise, and the thought of being disturbed In their sleep Is too much for their patience. Oxe-third of the ashes of Mnie. Blav-atsky have been shipped to her disciples in New York. By adding a few of the disciples to the ashes in lieu of pork rinds they would probably be of value to a soap manufacturer.

White Eagle, the Cheyenne, who was announced as an Oklahoma delegate to Minneapolis, has organized a large band of warriors and threatens to wipe out the settlers of County He Is getting in form for a Tippecanoe parade. Conflict rxo reports come from Georgia. One says that there is a threatened exodus of negroes from the state, and another that the melon crop will amount to 9,000 car loads. Where do the darkies expect to find more melons? Chief Justice Fuller is mentioned as a presidential possibility. Chief Justice Fuller occupies tEe highest position in America, and for which he is apparently well fitted.

Ilia veto on law counta for a good deal more than the presidential signature. Ocr neighbor, the Republican, don't like Boies. The reason is that Boies is sure to be elected nominated, and the Republican Is just narrow enough between the eyes to think more of its nasty little partizanship than it does of the state of Iowa. A Mexican priest is to be compelled to apologize for publishing a book in which he refers to Americans as "thieving Yankees." Had he confined his remarks simply to democrats the administration would probably have ordered a few thousand copies of the book for campaign purposes. "Bob" Coustss of Cedar county would be the strongest, inan the republicans could run in This district.

He is a "roarer" on the stump, Is brainy, bright and always interesting. And he Is a dead, shot against prohibition, as well as an advocate of a greatly modified McKinley bill. If he sticks to his own opinion and judgment on those questions he is a bird, and would fly high, very high. If the report of the British board of trade is to be trusted pauper laborers from protected' Russia are arriving in England In increased numbers. This would show that England by her tariff laws affords better employment for laborers than protected Russia, that Is if the American protectionist's theory was to hold good.

It ir true that wages in England are better than on the continent, but the immigration statistics prove only one fact, viz: that when people become 818,836,185, or the dried grass five years looks. Creede Chronicle. MARION MENTION. Great ana Very ago represents a greater cash value than the estimated value of all the sheep and mules, all the rye, barley, potatoes, flax seed, and orchard products of the year 1890. TIt is within about six million of dollars of the wheat crop and of the oat crop; and is more than half the value of all the butter and cheese product.

The estimate of tame hay for 1891 is 833,497,340, or more than the value of of the hogs, or of the milch cows, more than the crop of wheat or of oats. But the amount of hay made, the amount of the grasses cut and cured for winter feed is but a very small portion of the grass product. Is it one-third of it? If so It is worth as much as the corn crop. But it is less than one-twentieth of the crop. Then the is six or more times as valuable as the crop.

The grass feeds more than the one million horses andT'three million head of cattle, and six million head of hogs, all through the months and years of growth to maturity. The cured grasses, the hay, is but the small fragment of the crop which is preserved for the life of all this immense array of live stock, for the short period In winter when grazing is no longer possible. Astonishing. Interesting, Are the prices on i Carpets v. Items of News Gathered in and About the County Seat General News.

Tri Oaebttb is sold In Marion by M. Breed. A. B. McKean Co Senator J.

J. Mosnafof Belle Plainc, is in town today on legal business. The O. O. P.

club was entertained last night by Mrs. Clara Toms with a basket picnic Yesterday marriage license was issued to Miss Eliza Uollenback and J. E.Sealls, both of Marion, Iowa. Frank Hardenbrook, Conductor Mitchell's head brakeman, is laid up with the rheumatism at his home in Maxwell, la. The roll of bills containing 870 which was lost April 25 by John Griflin, was found by a lady and returned to him this morning.

The Cary club gave an entertainment at the residence of Hon. J. C. Davis in honor of their worthy member, Mrs. W.

W. Gist, last night. A "Flower Moon ball" will be given by Wacomo Tribe No. 20, 1. O.

of R. in the hunting grounds of Marion, at Mentz-er's hall on the 26th. Robt. Conn, formerly of Blairtown, but now of Cedar Rapids, was in town among the democrats, with the Cedar Rapids democrats yesterday. 1 Judge Preston, W.

Kepler, J. M. Redmond, B. F. Shaw and W.

P. Daniels were in line with the elements of the democratic party yesterday. Mrs. Leora Houlahan, sister of W. F.

Fitzgerald, with whom she has been visiting for some time, left last Monday for a short visit with Vinton friends. The Knights Templar of this city accompanied bv their wives and lady friends were given a banquet at the Daniels hotel last night. Music was furnished by lrof. Norton's orchestra. Total number ot deeds nlaced on record from January to May 1st, 1892, is January, 189; February, 187, The com mittee has arrived at that point where the pension Investigation should be bathed in antiseptics and kept on ice.

Honduras has been forced Into the reciprocity combine. When they get In our chute they must necessarily come aboard. Buckeyes declare that there are no flies on John Sherman as a candidate. If there are they certainly wear overshoes and ulsters. Inoaixs declares that he doesn't want to ride Into office on a hearse.

It would call to mind the manner of his departure from office. Part of the delegates desire to make the Minneapolis meeting the tin anniversary and others declare It shall be the silver jubilee. Sherman will be compelled to attach himself to a dynamo If he electrifies the Minneapolis convention with his nominating speech. Bloody shirt howlers want to know what the war was about. It was about five years of fighting and twenty-seven years or yawp.

1 The Princess of Wales is said to blush very easily. As wife of the prince it would seem to be her most important household duty. Ohio republicans are not prepared to say whether they will reject free silver. It was so sudden, you know, and they must ask papa. IIaykb was once a book agent, and the announcement will cause his dark horse to go lame.

No book agent could carry a doubtful state. A backward spring may be in part responsible, but thaf "innocent purchaser" roorback Is turning yellow at the top, and Is of sickly growth. Ir the world's fair is to be closed on Sunday, will some benevolent person please cork up the entrance to the Chicago "summer resorts?" Theodore Koobevelt will confirm the, poor opinion of his acuteness entertained In some quarters, should he attack Post-master General Wanamaker, la it Whes London Modern Society says that Mrs. Deacon is the typical American woman, a great many Americans ence a desire to step on the coat tail of that editor. All this week our thousands of rolls ofc Dress; Goods and Silks, Cottons, Challies, Ginghams and all Wash Effects at astonishingly low prices.

No lady should pass by this most excellent opportunity to secure the best for theleast money. The assortment is unsurpassed and regardless of what all others may advertise we have the stuff and our money-saving prices are not and cannot be met. McGarthy SchindBl. Ladies Muslin Underwear Department is a feature attracting wide attention. On; account of superior styles, make and quality at revolutionized prices.

A new department for us, and our idea of conducting it is domestic prices. McCarthy Schindel, Ladies' and Boys' Waists, choice new styles and colors. 100 dozenat popular prices. Ladies and Misses Kid GlovesOur Dollar Glove is not equaled in the city. Try one pair and you will have no other.

ancu Curtains This Week. A lot of Chenille Curtains, price a large lot at a quantity at a bunch at a jag at $8.50, 500 prs in alL Who wants a bargain a genuine bargain? 1050 pairs Lace Curtains, all at prices to move, and quick. Expected Tuesday, 150 pairs Irish Point Curtains $3.49, worth $6.00. Great quantities of Curtains all week, positively at manufacturers' prices to close to close only. Carpets, Best Wool Carpets 2-ply 25 rolls, 55c.

150 rolls, very choice patterns, 65c. Wilton Velvets, 75 rolls, at $1.10, made and laid, bargains. Brussels, 225 rolls. March, 373; April, 280. Corresponding dissatisfied with their surroundings they time last year, 887; January, 235; Fcbru.

ary, 157; March, 28 5 April, 210. RESOLUTIONS. 1 CRADLE OF PROHIBITION. In Kansas the drug store is the great enemy of prohibition. In Maine the private club appears to stand between the citizen and an abnormal thirst.

An instance of this is furnished by the Lewis-ton Journal, of which paper Congressman Dingley is the editor and proprietor. The Journal says there are In the city of Lewiston eighteen clubs which receive and dispose of all kinds of liquors with a regularity that would meet the approbation of one of the most exacting residents of the state of Kentucky. The Journal prints the names of these clubs and declares that every day kegs of beer and whisky arrive at the railroad stations, the largest receipts being on Saturday. The esteemed Journal doesn't undertake to inform the: outside world what becomes of this large amount of liquor, but by the application of a very simple process of reasoning it is not out of the way to surmise that at least a portion of it is consumed by residents of Lewiston. It may be against the law.

According to the statutes ail intoxicating liquors are strictly barred; but according to the esteemed Journal, there Is a very logical reason for the existence of so many clubs in the lively little city of Lewiston. Washington Post. Another Cyclone In Kansas. Topeka, May 4 A disastrous cyclone last night struck the farming country ten miles southeast near Levis. Everything was demolished; one person is known to be killed and many were injured.

Physicians left here at noon in response to calls from that neighborhood. Hail fell In great quantities destroying the fruit and breaking trees. For the democratic convention at Council Bluffs May 11th the Milwaukee road will sell round trip tickets at half rates, open to all. Dates of sale, May 9, 10 and 11, good to return till May 12. Hon.

W. Eaton Thanked for a Presen tation to the Bohemian-American Hoee Co. At a Regular meeting of the Bohemian American Hose held last evening the following resolutions was presented and adopted: Resolved, We, the Bohemian-Ameri can Hose tender our most sincere thanks to our old ex-chief, and organizer will move. LisToir McMilles gives away some great "snaps" in his sermons. For instance, his exposure of Ken worthy and his extortion of money from Allison is Immense.

Kenworthy will never peep about It either. But Kenworthy Is not the only one who succeeded in getting himself "bribed" by Allison. We have an Idea that if any of the gentlemen named ever "get hasty" and begin a libel suit that there will be the loudest howl ever heard In Iowa. It is because McMillen exposes political-deals that the Cedar Rapids Republican dislikes him. A Wealthy Planter Murdered.

New York, May 4. Intelligence Is received from Cuba, of the murder of CJon-cales, a wealthy planter, by Inspector Hernendes of Havana. Hernendcz ays bandits murdered Gonzales, but blood stains on ilernendez' clothes led to his arrest. I of our company, Hon. C.

Laton, for his kindness shown our company in pre senting us with a beautiful- crayon por trait of himself, which is highly ap preciated by us. Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions bo spread upon the records of the company and printed in the Slovan- Americky and each or the American dailies. J. M. Maktiskk, J.

W. Kocba, E. A. Kriz, Committee..

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.