The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania (2024)

Winifred E. Hudkins Weds Dr. A. E. Gleitz Mr.

and Mrs. John W. Hudkins near Broad Ford announce the marof their daughter. Miss Wimfred riage to Dr. Allen A.

Gleitz, the being solemnized Monday. cremony June at Milton. The bride is a graduate of the bar Township High School, a member the Class of L923 Four years later she was graduated from the nurses' training school of Jefferson Hospital Philadelphia. Since then she had in been engaged in nursing in Philadelphia After July 1, Dr. and Mrs.

Gleitz, will be at home at New Springfeld. Pa. Country Club Golf Luncheons Resumed The first of the summer golf lunchcons at the Picasaut Valley Country ('Inb was held Tuesday Covers for about thirty were laid the luncheon. The majority of the the afternoon on the women gO links. Three tables were arranged for bridge, at which Mre.

Warren L. Wright was hostess. Mrs. G. F.

Kelly of Scottdale was awarded the prize. next luncheon will be held on Tuosday afternoon July 14. Mira. Roy Loucke will he hostces at bridge. MANY GUESTS PLANNING TO ATTEND S.

R. C. DANCE Many gu(ele are planning to sttend the annual dance of the Senior Reception Committee to he hold Fri: dav night at Armory under the committochip of John Renuer. Woody Wishart. Lon and Abbots Blue.

The hours are from 9 to 1 o'clock A well known orchestra has bean 60- cured for the occasion and a very delightful evening is being locked for-: ward to. LUTHER.AN BIBLE CLASS TO PRESENT PLAY TONIGHT program of readings, music and The Sewing Circle, will bo A play, presented al the meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class of Trinity LutherBlack 'an Church this evening at the church The pathe in invited. Smithion Man Marries, Announcement 19 made of the marriage of Mary Elizabeth Inckard. daughter Mr. and Mrs.

D. A Lockard of Sont1 Brownsville, and Albert place Mare' 1 11: Cumberland. Henry Schulz Smithton, which took. W. M.

Allison of the First Christian Church of place olliciated Mr. Schulz is employed at 'he chops of the Mononga hela Railroad Company in Brownsville. T.10 bride senior the South Browner le High S. hool. Rhoda Dunn W.

('. T. r'. The Rhoda Dunn Woman's Christian Union will meet Monday night tho home of Mrs. Ella co*ck.

South street .1 good attendance 1: desired. Meeting iponed. 'Ine regular of the B3. Martin Bible Class of the Firs: Church. which was to have been held tonight.

has been postponed. Fichtner-Clabaugh. Mrs. Leond Fletcher of Uniontown 'announces the marriage of her nicce, M.os Blanche Fichtner of Uniontown, Roland Clabaugh of Toledo, Ohio, on Monday, June S. The bridegroom is a nephew of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Vernon of Connellsville. A wedding was served at 7 o'clock in the sening at the Fletcher home to the immediate relatives of the family. Mr. nd Mrs.

Clabaugh will make their home 1L Toledo, Ohio. Local Couples Licensed. Jo.m R. Ford and Anna Pillar, George C. Heinbaugh and Betty Langford.

all ot Conne. leville were licensed to wed in Uniontowa. King's Daughters to Meet. The King's Daughters Circle of Trinity Lutheran Church will meet next Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. J.

Blaine Reagan, Vine street. With Mrs. Leonard. The Dorcas Fancywork Club will meet Friday night at the home of Mrs. C.

A. Leonard, Chestnut street. Hood attendance is desired. Vanderbilt Legion Auxiliary. T.10 meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Emery Lewis Pratt Post of American Legion at Vanderbilt, Achoduled for tomorrow night, been postponed until next week--also on Friday.

Officers will be electeu that timo. Licensed at Cumberland. Russell Paul Ilighberger of minio and Beulah Ruth Swartz West Newton and Roland Kenneth Clabaugn of Toledo. Ohio. and Blanche Mildred Mientner of Gaiontown Were licensed to wed at Cumberland.

LARMAR STILLWAGON. GRADUATED FROM PITT Larmar Stillwagon. -on ot Mr. and Mro. Larinar Stillgawon o1 East Crawford WaN graduaetd In pharmacy Wednceday from the U'niverbity of Pittsburg.

Larmar's mother and hie grandmother. Ms. Margaret Renner, attended the commencemen: Patronize Those Who advertize in The Courier. I THURSDAY JUNK I 1931. THE DAILY COURIER, CONNELLSVILLE, PA.

PAGE TWO. PAGE TWO. Children's Day to Be Observed Sunday By Dawson M.E. Church Children's Day exercises at he Philip G. Cochran Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church of Dawson will be hell Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock in social of the church.

The exercises are under the direction Mrs. J. E. Rollings. The program is as follows.

Music--Sunday school orchestra. Pianist--Mrs. D. P. Husband.

Address of welcome--David Hus-. band. A Fact." Barbara Cottom. Belong to Jesus." Doris Landymore. Wish," Elva Jean Hoffman.

Recitation "Christian Business Van," Don Austin. Solo-" Wake Up," Wanda Levergood. Day Resolution," Doris Colbert; "Wha: Kind World Would It Thomas Marie "Heralds Mundorf; of a Ilappy "Which Day." Helen You," Eisie Whitmoyer: "It You Would Happy Be' Mary B. Whipkey. Children's cast.

Sir Lionel, Billy Richter. Lacy Elinor, Sarah Husband. Guide. Bessio Catherine Collins Three Graces -Faith, Edith Coltom; Hope, Anna May McWilliams: Love. Miidred Bosley.

Three giants--Self, Camden Mitchcil: Pride, Lester Allon; Indifference. Eugene Cooley. A junior Rebecca Shallenberger. .1 -Hester Cooley "Lot Your Light Shine for Jesus," chorus, Lois Landymore, Joan lenberger and Emma Leu Hoffman. Sunday school army--Leader, Black; soldiers.

Mildred Seitter Beuy Shallenberger. "From the Isles of the Ocean." horus. Blossom -Mary Esther Ind chorus. Jesus Kcep You Sweet." Betty Slater. Collection speech -Martin Strawn.

Benediction--Rev. W. F. Seitter. DR.


and Mrs. Harold Dull of South Cottage avenue attendol the baseball game Tuesday afternoon at Forbes Field, Pittsburg. In the evening they were among the guests 1 dinner dance given by the dental alumni of the University of Pittsb.irg in honor of the graduates of this dental class. Dull WiS the accompanist for the quartet of the Class of 1027, of which he is a member. Dr.

J. ('. Mo-; Burney of Uniontown is a member he quartet. N. E.

HARMON HOSTESS AT BRIDGE Mrs. N. E. liarmon entertained members of the A K. W.

Club and several Tuesday night at her home in East Crawford avenue. Fivo; tables were arranged for bridge. The guest prize WEb awarded 10 Mre, I Frank Cox. Mrs. O.

R. Herwick ceived high club prizo and Mrs. E. Sly draw prize. Following the games the hootes: servei a delectable lunch.

Mrs. Max Koch of Scottdale was an out-of-town guest. FINAL PLAY OF SPRING BRIDGE SERIES TONIGHT The fifth and final play in the spring series under the direction of the Tri-State Bridge League tourna-! ment of Uniontown, will bo heid to-. night in the ballroom of the White, Swan Hotel, Uniontown. A large group of visiting players from points in the adjoining counties are expected to attend.

$. C. CLASS TO MEET WITH MISS McCORMICK The S. C. Class of the Methodist Protestant Church will meet tomorrow evening at the home of Miss Edith McCormick.

522 North Pittsburg street. A large attendance of members is desired. MOZART CLUB'S ANNEAL SPRING CONCERT TONIGHT The public is invited to the annual spring concert of the Mozart Ciub tonight at $:15. at the First Methodist Ep copal Church. Tho offering that is to be taken will be given to chanty, according to decision of the club at its final rehearsal, Tuceday.

Children's Day Rehearsal. ('hildren of 'the Christian Bible School who are to take part in the Children's Day program next Sunday nignt will mect at the church Friday at 2 o'clock for general rehearsal, in charge of the department superintendents--the beginners, primary, junior and see that intermediate. all en children Parents are there asked to are time. hooser-Newcomer. No's Elizabeth Snyder daughter or Mrs.

James W. Roy of Nomerset and Robort Brown New-: 60ll of Mr. and Mire. K. Newcomer of Smithsburg.

Md. we.e: married Tueeday, June 9. 'u the Somet-et Lutheran Church. Rev. J.

Truxel. boy Res Dr. I. Wagner. offciated.

Mr. and Mrs. Now comer reside in Jid. Big Fireworks Display Will Be Staged Tuesday What nas iven promierd 'o ho uno, of the mort epectacular and gorgeous Crework- that was ever shou 11: this purt (: the State be c'aged a' Pay Ficid on Tuesday evening. June 16.

urug, the Eaglee' convention 'ho splas worn complete!! evening eon Joseph M. Murphy of the Eagles com-: mittee and Baly Lizza 01 the Continental Fireworks Manuacturing Company of Dunbar. Omelals of the ks company have chosen Scraping ct Navy," for the main feature of the rogram. but Mr. Lizza cald tha' in addition there will be hundred- 01 now and spectacular one never shown here before.

Including will be A huge' American eagle 1:1 flaming color. 20. by 20 feet This has been made po4siblo by the special concoesion, ot the fireworks company shicn has agreed, to stage a $1,000 display STRIKING MINERS CONTINUE PICKETING, IGNORING OFFICERS: Continued from Page Ore them and that shouts of "Kill them. at Get them," were heard. Frank said ho fired hi- shotgun twice, enco into the air and again into the ground.

Stowart paid he did not his pistol Stewart had no rotfire gun, he sald. No disorder was reported toda: ns picke: lines were established soteral points the striko area Women were forced to leave the Hine of march at the Montour mine of the taburg Coal Company 1 car Library. Sherif Robert V. Cain h.trt orders that wGinen mar 1414 Inarch wit'. s'riking miners About 700 miners marched near the mire and later hold a mass meeting in a nearby field.

Two hundred Afty miners, who planned to march to the Ocean mino Of the Pittsburg Coal Company near Smithhold, were halted at 3 bridge Reading into Sutersville. Deputy sheriffs ad borouch polica Patted the group because ul a bore ugh o- parades Miners of the Moro: ca' ria and Youg! valleys Marched for LWO hours near the Warden mine of the Pittsburg Coal Company. Company officials claim the mine. one of 'he; largest of the compani 5 workines. 14 operating nimost A inceting of 160 mint was held the public hall Walkeravilla with coal po.toe on guard a short distance There was no trouble today d' land and El.sworth scores of Monday't d.6order in which dozens wore injured and mora than el score arrested.

WILLIS DAVENPORT DIES IN OKLAHOMA: A telegram ha. been received hero: announcing death on Wednesday. at Ranch Row, Oklahoma, of Willis Davenport, husband of Mary Hood. formerly of Conne'lsville In his family, Mrs. Daveuport is the solo survivor.

Funeral services will ba held tomorrow afternoon with interment at Siloam Springs, Ark Use Cinssified Ads. Rosults quickly follow. Tender, Aching, Swollen Feet In Inst Fire Minutes Those Sore, Tender. Aching Feet Get Amazing Roller. Moone's Emerald 011 151 Guaranteed.

You probably feel I like a lot of other pox pie that about al' 9011 can do IS some powder in your shone or the your tert a special foot bath and. let go at that. but don't he foolish. Make 113) your mind today that you are S01ng give your feet a real 'chance well. Go 'o Union Drug Connellsville Drug A.

A Clarke, druggist. Sco'tiale agout. Broadway Drug for any otter good druggia: today and igo. all original bottle al Moone's Emerald 0'1 The frat app'leation wall give NO. relief and a few short treatments thoroughly convince you that by st eking faithfully ta it for FL short while your foot troubles will be a thing of the past.

Don't expect A single apnlication 10 do it all at once but one bottle WA know wail show you beyond all ques! that you have at last discovered she way to solid foot Remember that Moone's Emerald 011 is a ciean, powerful, penetrating oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue and that must give complete satisfaction or your money cheorfully -Advertisem*nt. SUNKEN SUBMARINE STILL HOLDS 18 MEN By United Pream. HOAGKONG. June 11. continued tolay to r8.00 tho P'oso Britieh submarine sunk off North with 18 Ion on Nothing of tally was known here or A report that the 0114 of' tiso -hips.

had comin un: with eight nIC'1 said to ba alive'. 49:1 the The Into of al! remanol 'n doubt hare The Britieh naval antioritica bA that the Poseidon was ramme-! by the merchant ch Yuta and sunk Tuceday. A communique had the submarine was on the heard how turning port 40: In maneusere. Five officers and men caved. but two cal of 1100 (01) after their rescue.

ALFRED BURGERT GETS UNIVERSITY DEGREE M1b. Enul Burgert has returned at-, tor a short vial in Pittsburg with con. Alfred, who rece.ved desire of Bachelor of jonre 1.1 neering a. Lia ot burg on Wednesday, June 10 FIREMEN AND BAND IN PARADE TONIGHT THe New Haven love Company and the Firemen's Band will participate 111 the parade at South Connellsville tonight. preceding the atreet fair.

The parade will -tart at 7 30 o'clock. Strawberry Social. Strawberry Social. The Men's Progressive Clare Bryan M. E.

('hurch will hold of! strawberry and Ice cream social Sat-: urday evening. June 13th. -Advertisem*nt -11junc-2t. Patronize those who advertise. SALADA" TEA "Fresh from the Gardens" At the lowest price possible for fine quality tea 50 Quality Dry Cleaning -in Connellsville's Most Modern Plant persons want modern things.

Coughenour's is truly modern. A new plant with every new device--the answer, Perfect Dry Cleaning. Men's Suits Ladies' Plain Dresses $1.00 and Coats, $1.00 Coughenour's Cleaners and Dyers Phone 222 VANDERBILT CLUBS RECEPTION TOMORROW TO AID UNEMPLOYED ThA Sa'urday Afternoon ('lub and. its auxiliary, the Pioneer Saturday 1 Club. of Vanderbil' ll hold ItA arnual reception tomorrow' afternoon 111 the Feat Liberty Prosbyterian ('hurch 't Vanderbil'.

An esting entertain 15 being ATranged An offer ng will be taken up, the procecils to be turned over to tho' fund for the reliof of Troop 7 Scouta Hike. Eighteen members of Troop 7, Boy Scouts of Trinity Lutheran Church, accompanied by Scoutmaster Victor Mosley and Assistant Scoutmaste: R. hiked to the home of the latter Twosda; night for an ove- night outing The occasion was 1n honor of having passed 1101" coolung add Are building tests Strawberry Festival. Thuraday, IDe 11 by Mary J. Rhodes ('lass Trinity Reformed 1 lawn.

6 to 10 P. M. 25c -A4- vertisem*nt 9june- 2t. RESINOL HEALS SEVERE CASE OF PILES few years ago my niece was 111 and after being in bed several months she developed a very bad piles. As nothing she had used seemed to help her I advised Resinol Ointment which I had with me.

After a few applications she WAS greatly relieved and before long was entirely healed." (Signed) Mra.B.Storland, 319 Etna St. Paul, Minn. leis unnecessary to suffer from Itching, bleeding, painful piled when Reenol Ointment gives such immediate relief. Many women use it regularly to relieve itching caused by acid or irritating secretrona. Pree sample on request.

Reanol, Dept. 91. Balto Md. Bold by all druggists. Gain new a clear with NEW STRENGTH in the Blood look better feel better! the Blood envy is of Life! others Build Surprise yourself and be more red cells in the Blood -thence will come Sturdy Countless thousands know this to be fact.

Just take S.S.S. and prove it yourself. You, too, will enjoy your food have firmer flesh sleep sounder your nerves will be calmer your skin will clear up you will possess a greater resistance to infection and disease! S. S. S.

is the world's best blood medicine. It is composed of freshly gathered medicinal roots and herbs-a gift from Mother Nature. Successful for over 100 years. It works safely surely swiftly! Make a note of your condition today--then compare the difference six to eight weeks hence. S.S.S.

makes you feel like yourself again. Vivacious? Yes 1 SSS. Purifies and Enriches the Blood Patronize Those Who Advertise in The Courier. of DO YOU HAVE ANY VACANT ROOMS? Are you willing to rent these rooms to visiting delegates during the Eagle convention, week of June 14th? If you are, fill in coupon and mail toW. P.

McNULTY. Secretary F. 0. P. 0.

Box 477. I hare- -'acant rooms. These rooms single bed (-----double bed). I want to realize per night from each roomer. WII you serve meals? At what price Name Address Phone Don't Paralyze Your Dollars--A But Spend Them Wisely at we TROUTMAN'SI Dependable Thrifty People.

C'onnellsville's Store for One big reason for this nation-wide depression. W'o believe. is that the lion there money Birthday the is is millions a Sale Better being huge depression that for hoarded have increase Values would good in at end. unwisely. jobs saving It would will Consistently accounts are pay put you told as their Low to that compared shop in money Prices! New during with into York our 1929.

circula- City 34th If Women's and Girls' i "Charmode" Arch Shoes Reduced for Our Anniversary Sale! T'sual $5.00 Value $3.94 (Proof of Lower Prices) Walk in Style and Comfort! Genuine "Charmode" Fashion-Arch Charmode Footwear is Reduced for the first time FASHION COMBINATION ARCH LAST and Only for Our Birthday Sale! They are so smart that you'd never dream they could be so comfortable -or cost so little. Straps and Ties. in black, brown, seasand and white. Fast Colored Misses' and Women's Colored 11c Cretonnes yd. Hem Sport Novelty Special Anniversary at Suits Dresses and Pillow 15-Pc.

Lunch 24c ea. Glass Cases Set lung ioned sport Charming of suits. and silk $2.84 2-pc. Smart styles, crepe, knitted outfit: shan- fas'1A 50c 94c Screens Window for ocasion Batiste Girls' Cool most at and new real every Sheer Voile frocks Savings. summer in Frocks sizes carefully 2 to made 14.

of Dimity, 94c 34c Gifts or Bridge Prizes Crash 45x45 Cloth 94c Special 2 for $1 Penter Ware 4 prs. Socklets Children's 68c or Bon stained ('hoice Velour Dish, wood of Covered C'omports, Pewter Magazine Foot Salt Candy and Racks. Stools; Dish; Picture Magazine Pepper all Fancy formerly Frames Sets, Racks Specially Velvet $1.38 Bon Priced..

The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.