The Cincinnati Post from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

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jLi f- PAGE IT THE qnteNATI'POST rAUG 2 1032 ACTS FOR KING KEEPS HOSPITAL" BALCHEN PICKED SOUGHT) KsevtUoul Board to Ask Agree- ment on Proposed Golf Couree Members of tbe Public Recreation Commission voted late Monday to' ask A Dykstra city manager and HUT Albert 8 Bibbs waterworks superintendent for an agreement whereby the commission would be reimbursed if the waterworks repossesses Cal- lfornia property which tbe coma mission expects to use ae a municipal golf course Ed Alexander assistant city solicitor recently ruled the eqmmis- slon -would have -no title to the -ground if given permission to build the course and could make no permanent improvements r' BOYS TO STUDY WILD LIFE Seventy-five boys at Meacham toe A -camp at Mentor Ky were cm a five-day trip Tues-' day to the Roosevelt Game and Forest Preserve Portsmouth O- They started their (our Monday Under the direction of Charles Lee camp director they will study wild life in its natural state LEGAL NOTICE To sea resilient praasrty ewners of tha aassasa af a sssolatlsn Ssclartey She latent to waareariats ta pnblia asa araaerte imaited fas tha widen Ins sxtaodlnjc and ehanaiite af tha lias of Iktarei Htrert ta provide aa aapraasb -to the Lklua Xtwiaal (Laarsf Street ii batwsni Central Fark way sad From ana Arsenal KIWANIS CLUB Thru the support of the Ki wants Club the summer work of the Branch Hospital School is being continued The materials these pupils use and salaries are paid for by the Klwaniana Forty-four pupils are enrolled in the school During the school year they follow the regular curriculum In the summer they specialize in handicraft work FIVE-DAY WEEK TO BE SUBJECT president to (fell Labor and Capital for Conference PLAN ADAPTED IN EAST Expect Workers to Protest Further Loss in By United Prett WASHINGTON Aug 2 President Hoover will call soon a national conference of Industry and labor to promote more general adoption of the five-day-week as means of giving Jobs to many now Idle accepted the -suggestion for a general conference made by -Governor John Wlnant of New sponsor of the "New plan designed to create Jobs for 3400400 thru toe five-day week Following up a conference last night with Wlnant President Hoover will discuss the problem with other groups as a basis for toe detailed study to be made by toe general conference Hoover Interested President Hoover Wlnant said evinced "deep Interest" In the plan which New England Industry generally approved at a recent conference The President recently Included a shorter work week as part of his nine-point program for economic recovery Secretary William Doak said iwing five-day week good prospect of the five-day week principle spreading widely In the near he said The New Hampshire plan would require sacrifice on toe part -of those now employed They would go on a five-day week and contribute a large part of their sixth pay fund from which other work-would be hired Contributions also would be required from dlvi-1 of the New Hamp- The aim shiip plan is a 10 per cent Increase in employment Labor May Object For Instance a study made of tven plants of various sorts showed that 10 per cent more workers could be taken on at salaries of from 8780 to $1000 annually If there were contributions of 4 to 5 per cent from those with salaries of $5000 and over 3 to 4 per cent on salaries from $1500 to $5000 and 2 to 8 per cent on salaries under $1500 Adoption of such a scale admittedly would lower the standard of living of those now employed fiut carried to its ultimate conclusion would give everybody a Job at a lower wage The same amount of money would be spent In wages but with more Individual families draw ing lt undoubtedly more of it would get back into channels A return of prosperity should result in Increasing wages again Usorsa Oscherwite If Urine and whose Placs of ycmUencs Is unknown and if dead his uukuown heirs and devisees Holly Oscherwite If livinr nteco ol nwuieaoa te'ankiiown her unknown bairn aiid devisee Anna Jtankiu and Rankin her husband 11 livinr and whose daces of residenca are nuiknown and If dead their uukuown heirs and devisees: Jaoub Mwmaa If liv-inr and whose Discs of residence Is unknown aud Mary Dr Forest Bush restdinr at Waban Massschuaetis Tbs Amcricsu Trust A Saviiie iisnk wilhite iinncipnl aBics at Middlsmwii Ohio Myrtb Sndth restdinr at Shrewsbury Massachusetts Mlsnunslte Mortimer reaklinr at MedfiieU sir achusstta ponithy 8 lease rssiiUnr at West Hartford Connsetlcut! nwrsavi AOtMrt Aa Smith reaidlur at West Hartford Don-''1' nccticut Msrrsrm tiilpln realdlnr at' aba ib Masaachuaetts: Mabel Brummel -no of tlie hoirs of Mabel JB Taft de-emued reaiiUiur at Chicajru Illinois: Sam--oteju Tsylor on of tha heirs of Kabal Taft dacrased rssidlnr at XL SterUnr Kentucky Ctereaes Goosey one of tha tears of Gsonre Goosey deceased re- 1 Mdlrr si Do West Monroe Lou- -tetena: Michael Frank ooa of the heirs Are harahy aotlfled of tha nnssasa hr Council ol the Cite of CincinnuU ol the IuUowJii resolution dcelarinr Uia intent to anarpprtete to public use uroperty iw ST wteemna estendinr and ehanr-inr of the line of Laurel Street to provide an approach to the Union StemmaL A RESOLUTION i WAR GOST STILL BURDENS WORLD Peace Missing 18 Years After Start of Great Conflict NATIONS FACE DISPUTES $300000000000 Estimated Poured Out on Battlefields By United Brett WASHINGTON Aug A host of diplomatic quarrels arising from the great war confront the world today Just 18 years after Its major military phase began Every nation Involved still Is paying for the gl gantls conflict Gray-green troops of Germany swept over the French border at Clrey on Aug 3 1914 At the sae time Russian soldiers moved into Germany 8538415 Killed Three days before the invasions began? Austria had declared war on Serbia Then followed In rapid suc- brought cession declarations which Russia Germany France Great Britain and Japan Into the conflict Italy and America followed later During the more than four years of conflict 65036801 men were brought into the struggle Bullets bayonets gas and disease killed 8538315 and wounded or injured 21419432 more Treasure to the amount of $300400400400 one statistician has estimated was poured out on the battlefields or for indl rect costs To date the war has cost the United States alone nearly $40000-000400 Altho Its men suffered less than those of most nations nearly 800000 of them have been hospitalized at public expense The treasury still owes the American people nearly $14400400400 on account of the war while the State Department is engaged in an acrimonious effort to collect from Europe more than $11400400400 Thousands of American veterans who fought in the World War have Just been evicted from Washington by military force They are threatening a still more strenuous effort to collect now their reward for service World Sale'' The United States entered the war to the world safe for Today Italy Germany 'Poland Turkey Japan and to a varying have dictatorial governments The Versailles treaty ending the long struggle offered hope of peace ana disarmament But there has been no peace save for the peace that results from exhaustion Franco-German relations altho gradually Improving are still upset each time a nationalistic orator cm either side of the border stirs hatred and dlssentlon Germany and Poland are deadlocked in an apparently insoluble struggle over the Polish corridor A Franco-Italian naval race threatens Japan and China are at each throats while Russia looks on anxiously For six months the nations of the world have been engaged in a disarmament conference for which they si paring Thus far the conference has succeeded only in banning gas and bacteriological warfare and in- dieting the bombing of civil populations Real disarmament is still In the future IT PAYS TO CROW OLD TRENTON Aug Ain It pays to Sarah Clark has found grow old When she celebrated her 1107th birthday Monday she received a check for $101 from the bank her late husband once served as cashier The bank has mailed a check every birthday since her 100th ATTEND PARTY MEETING A Julian Democratic national committeeman from Ohio William Leonard Pint DlnstrlcL and Charles Sawyer Second District state executive committeemen left Tuesday for the meeting of the State Democratic Executive Com-mlttee in Columbus Tuesday night APPLY ZEMO ONCE STOP ITCHING SKIN When itching burning skin is unbearable apply soothing antiseptic ZEMO Thousands find ZEMO brings swift relief from itching draws the heat and sting out of the skin For 20 years ZEMO has given relief and has been clearing away Ringworm Eczema Rashes Pimples and other skin and scalp irritations AH druggists 35c 60c $140 Advertisem*nt EXCURSIONS Saturday Aug 6 DETROIT 400 3 TOLEDO 325 BOl'MJ TRIP Lv 11:15 Winton Pises 11:44 RETURNING lor Detroit Sundar Toledo 1:05 A Monday SUNDAY AUG 7 225 INDIANAPOLIS 1 flhlS RirSHTILMS 91-65 CONNKHHY1LLK St -34 1JRKRTY 1146 OXrOKD Lr 6:15 A JC Winton Film 695 Wyomtnr 0:46 Glendale 6:60 Lt Indianapolis 1 BETTER SPORTSMEN PAY DEARLY TO BALANCE BUDGET Declarinr tha Intent to appromtete to public use i public use properly reouired for the widening exlcndinr and chanrinr ol lhe lina teunl tenet to provide so approach to the Union Tomiinsl HE IT RESOLVE' the city of Cinclnnal That ft hereby de appropriate to public use far the widen-lur cxtcudinc aud cbaiiKinr af ths Una of Laurel street to provide an aiwrnach to tha Union Tbrminal the iollowimr de- w-ribed property as per piste A MOj 101170 hereto attached I Mwrw 1-1 1 Vt t- Hrelmimr in the north Street at the east Una ot of Laurel man Avenue: thence north aloiur the east be of Freenian Avenue lug feet to the south line af an axis tins brick builainy -thenoe oast at nciit aoslea wMemMN sans HUB NM rigUb fll to Frerman Avenue 1U0 lssl to the west i i i thencs south along line of Gale Aliey: the west tins of Gale Alley IM feet ib Has el Lanrel Street: thence west slour tha north line of Laurel Street 1UU fret to the east Hue of Freamaa Avenue and tlis placs of boatonlnr Trust Beginnlns in the south Una of Laurel Street at tha east Hue of Free men Arenue: thence south alone the east Una of Freeman Arraus 60 feat: thanes oot-ut right aitekwtopreeinan Avenue BU feet to the west line of Harold Alley: norlh aloiur the west Une ot Harold Alley 60 foot to ths south 11ns of Laurel Street: them west alone the south line ol Laurel street V0 lest to the line ol Freeman Avenua and tha place ol befinnine Tract 3 Heeinutne In the eouthn AJlcy: thence eaat along tha south nna et r- of Laurel Street 100 feet: thence southwest 101 feet to tha eaat Une of Harold feel aoutb llrr at a point south line of Laurel Street: thence if the along the earn-lira "KaroteAltey 14 fact to tlia pises ol beginning Traf4 4 Beginning In the north Urn of Laurel Street af tha west line of BarmUier north Hue Street: 'thence west along tha north of Lauerl Street 438 loci to ths east him 8 Alley thence north alonr tha aast line ot Gale After 82 feet: thenee aouib-i ii100 pant SS feet north nt right angles from tbs north fins of Laurel Street: thones southeast 100 lost to obit 68 feet north Sotet 68 feet north at right angles from north lino of Lanrel Street: thencs MO foot to the west lira of Bar-terera at a point 60 feet north of rth lira of Laurel Street: thence dong tha swat line of isrmilter 60 feet to tha north lin of Laurel miller tract at tha north lira south Street tercet and the place of beeiputng Irrt 6 Bcginuing in tha luirth Jlna of Laorel Street at tha east line of In milter Street: them north alonr tha rest Una of Baymiller Street 6U iw ol imnr tlwnra eaftT'paraftelto IMnre line of Dare Alley: feet to the thenea south alonr tbs west lins ol Dany Aliev 60 feet to the north of Laurel Street: thena west ahmr north lira of Laura street 00 feet "to Une of Baymiller Street and tha tht Hit Piaee of briiuTinipr Tract fl Dim Hm ral 470 lMt to the west lira of Linn Street at point 46 feet clrect at a pnlnt 46 feet north ol the north lira of Laurel Street thenee south along ths west line of Linn Street 45 feet to the north lira of Laurel Street and'" the place of beginning Tract 7 Beginning In the north Une Street at the May line of Linn Street: them north along the east lina Linn Street cl to Laurel line of Con the weat lin along the cast lina of Linn Street -44 fast thencs satt parallel to laurel Street 100 fSt to thi west Una of Cones Alley: thenea aouth along the wed line of Conce Alley 44 feet SCHOOL GOING i JOBLESS MASS Canadian Unemployed Ask Dole of $110 Daily By United Prctt OTTAWA -ONT Aug Unemployed massed here today sent delegates into the British Empire Economic Conference to give Premier Bennett their demand for their wartime pay and allowance $110 daily -The deputation limited to seven was told lt might visit the prime minister today provided the Workers' Economic Conference which the deputies represent was not a Communistic outfit The hundreds of delegates to the conference are being led by the Workers' International Belief a Communistlcally affiliated body Besides the visit to the prime minister at which Bennett was expected to speak bluntly to the deputation the Workers' Economic Con ference planned a demonstration in ket square the mark PARTISANS MEET Ohio Democrats and Republicans Outlining Plans Po COL the By Pott State "Wire iLUMBUS Aug 2 Plans for Democratic state convention probably Aug 19-20 are to be made when candidates meet here with state and national committee members Selection of a keynoter will be left to a committee of which A Julian Cincinnati national committeeman probably will be chairman James Cox mentioned chairman Franklin Roosevelt Democratic presidential nominee la to apeak Republican state candidates are to meet today and tomorrow with Charles Lewis Hamster Republican state chairman The Republicans are considering a statewide rally shortly after the Democratic convention SUICIDE VERDICT Madison-rd Man Inhales Auto Exhaust Fumes A verdict of suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning was returned Tuesday by Coroner Scott Keanu In the death Monday night of Charles Berman 50 retired Madison Court Apartments 2479 Madison-rd Berman found dead In his auto In his garage left a note which said: "Please remove hose and fittings toe before attempting to remove car" The hoee was used to carry exhaust fumes into the auto SHIPLINE CELEBRATES 75U1 Birthday la Observed by First Chicago Steamship Firm By United Prett CHICAGO Aug Chicago's first lake steamship line passed its 75th birthday last month It was on July 18 1857 that Cant A E-Goodrich piloted his little 8 8 Huron out of the Chicago River Into the lake and opened toe first passenger navigation on Lake Michigan Early voyages awe tilcoastwjse and It was not until after War that translake trips were made The BT 8 Huron sailed first to Milwaukee keeping well out from the share to escape roving Indians HAS126 DESCENDANTS California Woman 88 58 Grandchildren PORTERSVILLE CAL Aug When Mrs- Eliza Rambo Crooks died here recently at 96 she left 139 descend an ts-They Included eight sons and daughters 50 grandchildren 68 it-gran great-grandchildren end three great-great-grandchildren all of them residents of the Porterville district BEGIN EXPOSITION WORK Work was started Tuesday on the array of exhibition booths for the 18th annual Pure Pood and Health Exposition to be held at the Zoo Judge Simon Ross formally started the construction by driving ini a silver-headed peg Into the grow A Scheffer Is managing director Time Proves 100 Pure HOUSE PAINTS Inml In 15 Van REGULAR COLORS Gennfne Value and Honest Economy Gallons $275 -Gallons $145 Quarts 80c Wilson Paint Co And Many Dealers Ask for Color Card Two Big 8 tares: 552 Main Street and 410 Reading Bead Private Exchange FA 1796 AS HEAD PILOT Eastward Sea Flight Planned in 40-Passenger Plane By United Prett ST PAUL Aug In addition to Bemt Balehen who will set aa chief Granau the be co-pilot on Europe flight of a 40-passenger amphibian Sikorsky airplane William Kueffner president ot the Aerial World Tours roe said today Kueffner said the representative at Montreal had conferred with Vim Gronau Saturday Von GronauV services were desired because of his experience flying toe northern route which will be toe one used In the and sane" flight Balehen will bring the airplane to Minneapolis around Aug 15 The date for the takeoff Kueffner said la expected to be about Aug 30 If tbe plane does not make a stop plane does not at the Shetland Islands the longest flight over water will be 780 miles from Iceland to Bergen Norway Other stops on toe route Include Toronto Montreal St Johns Greenland Iceland Oslo Stockholm Helsingfors Leningrad Regs Hamburg Copenhagen and London A round-the-world trip was discussed but has not been scheduled LEGAL NOTICE awiratMnt pnacrtr earaws ot in of a nwatatiaa dKlarlac latent la saaraarhite Bnawitar la subtle aw tor ourk aana cwtala id far tha acw Laaid IMraet Fark Koom Oacberwils 11 livinr and whose plaua ill nMuleuea is uukuowu sud if Uuuii bis unknuwn helm suil dovuein Unite Oscherwite If liviuir and whose uUse of tcsiOeuce is unknown suil Hood lu-r unknown heua and flortssos: Anna Hauklii Vod Kankui Her Husband il livinr and whom place of residenca are nnkaown and il dead Uieir ui unknown Heirs uni! tlerusws Jiivuli Kuuiuui il livlne and whoas jdnes of msidouea is unknown and if dead his unknown hairs and drviBHes: Louise Koiiusu if lirins and whom idaoa of reside one is unknown and if ilend her unknown Heirs and devlsuoa Tha American Trust A Savinas Hank with its la-iuciual idlice at Middletown Ohiu: diaries Jr 111 one of tha heirs of Mury Ann 111 deceased rasulluir at Notre Dame Indiana ileruara 111 one of the hairs of Mary Ann ill decs sued rwuHuir at Moire Paine Indiana: Ulareiieo Ooosny one of the heirs of doom Uoosey deceased msidins at Mo Weat Monroo Louisiana Milton Woodward one of tha heirs of Ella Woodward deceased rosidinv at Forest Fork Illinois Lanra Dillon one of the heirs of Mila li Woodward deceased if linns and whose nine of residence is unknown and if deed her unknowu heirs and devisees Myrt Lows oho of Ills lieirs of Jtlia Woodward deeraw-d maidiue al Crete Illiiiuis Lillie Forsyllie one of tbe heirs ui Lila Woodward roddins -at Chicago Illinois: St Winscult one of tbe heir of Lila Woodwsnl deceased residing at Au-burn dale Florida: Eva Bell only nelr of Harry Bell tloscasvd rcsidins at Louis ville Kentucky Vivian MeOuy only of Leans Foote doceawd residing at Lons California Michael Frank one of the heirs pi Harah Frank deceased maul- Ins at Oalnpolia Ohio Are hero by notliied of the poense by Council of the City of -Cincinnati ol the ins resolution dacis rlns the in lento aninunrale to nubile uae for park purposes certain land lor the new Laurel BtrsetFarfe A KKMMXTIOM Deelnrins the lunmliou to appropriate to public use for park purposes certain land for tne new Laurel bireet Farit WHKKEAS The Board ol Fark Uom- the city of Cincinnati under date of September 17 1IIU1 duly adopted a resolution declaims lt necessary to ao uulra property for public use for Park purposes for tbs new Laurel street Furk 111 CiuciunaU Ohio In accordance with plat Accession Mo 101170 which property is mors fully hereinafter described which resolution of said Board also requested this Council to proceed aoourdlnr to law lor ilia appropriation ol said properly lor public use lor park purposes and lor tbe purpoeos Incident end appropriate there to: now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the eity of Cincinnati stale of Ohm: That lt hereby iluelaraa its munition to appropriate to public use for pork pui noses lor the new Laurel Street Park in CiDutenau Ohio tha fullowins described properly as per plat Accession Mp 1UU7U lierrio attached lo-wit: Tract 1 Befbniios in the east lias of Oale Alley 8S feet north ol the north line of Laurel Street thence cast IOO lest to a point 66 feet north of the north line ot Laurel Street thence east 100 feet to a point 66 fact north of the north line of Laurel Street tbencs iuPt40 feet to a point in the west line of it ay miller Street DO loot north of the north line of Laurel Street thence north along flic west hue ol Baymiller Street 46 feet to tha south line of Cardigan Alley thouce a4S81lrat ey thenus ths south llus el Cardigan Alley to the east Una of Gale Alley south along tbe eaat Una of Gala Alley 14 feet to the ptecs of beginning Tract 3 Ueclniiing In the eaat line of Baymiller Street 60 feet north of the north line of Laurel Street: thence north along the east line of Baymiller Street 436 fret: thence east parallel to Laurel street BO feet to the west line of Darcy Alley thence south along tbe- weat line of Darcy Alley 4ff feet to point 611 fact north of the north Une of Laurel Street: thence weat parallel to Laurel Street 80 feet to the east line of Baymiller Street and the place of beginning Tract Beginning In the west Une of Linn Street 6 feet ninth of the north line of Laurel Street thence wet 470 feet to a point Alley 80 feet north of the north lina of Laurel Street: thence north along tha eaat Une of Darcy Alley 46 feet to the smith line of Heard Alley thence eaat along tha south line of Heard Alley TUlln feet to an angle in said Alley: lira os north along tha east line of said Alley 76 feet: thence east parallel to Laurel Street S8S feat thence south parallel Linn Street 2376 feet thencs eaat parallel to Laurel Street 100 feet to the west line of Linn Street: thence south along the west line af Linn street 86 feet to the place of beginning Tract 4 Beginning In tha east Una nf Lina Street 44 feet north af the north line of Laurel Street: thenea north along he east lira of Linn Street ill fret: thence east parallel to Laurel Street 100 feet ta the weat lint ol Cones Alley: thenea south along tha west line of Cones Alley 81 feet to a point 44 fret north north Une of Laurel Street: thence of the west parallel to Laurel Street 100 feet to the east line of Linn Street and tha plane of beginning Tract a Beginning In the east Une of Conea Alley 44 feet north of the north line of Laurel Street: thence north along the east Una of Crates Alter 61 feat la the eolith lino of Lows Alley: thenea east along the south line of Lowe Alley 400 feet to ths west line of Peru Alley south along the west Una of Peru 61 feet to a point 44 feet north ol north line of Laurel Street: thence went parallel tu Lanrel Street 40M feet In the net line of Conea Alley and tha place ot beginning TractS Beginning In the west 'Ins of went I Cutlet 'Street noruTof the north ot laurel Street: thence line to Laurel Street 10(1 of Peru Alter: thenoe north along tho eaat parallel feet 1o tha rset line lino of Pern Alley 36 feel: thenee oaM pnraltel to Lanrel Street 100 tort to Ilia weat Une of Cutter Street: then mulh slratg the west line of Cutter Street SS fora to the olnce of beginning Twet 7 Beginning in tbe eaat Una of Cntter Street 44 feet mirth of the mirth line of Laurel Street: thence north alung the eaat line ol Cutter Street 73 feet: thenee east parallel to Laurel Street SO fret: thenea north at Sight angina 33 fret thenn eaat parallel to Laurel Slraet and along tha rear lines of the Lola on north aide of aame 375 feet: tiumr aouth! at right anglco 4 fret: thence eaat par allel to Laiirei Street' 85 feet: eonlh at right anglea 31S7 feet Ihrnw thence eaat parallel to Lanrel Rtreel '7i35 feet to (he west line of John Street: thence wrath along tha weat lina of John Street SOM fact tu a Una Mfeet north af tlh lina of Street thence trust parallel to The north -aurrl lire! line oi Laurel SlreeetT S'TO' feet" faTAe'caiii bn of Cutter Street and tha place ot be- NlllftlJlK In tha east Una of John Street SJT feet north of tho north line of Laurel Street: thenea north along tha eaat line of John Street 11 feet: them eaat parallel to Laurel Strac 400 fort to the west Une of Bard Alley: thi-nca south along tha west Une of Bard Alley S3 feet to a point SS fret north of the north llns of Laurel Street: ihrnes west 101 fret to the east line of Juhn Bins and tha plaea of bntlnning -Tract 0 Beginning In tha eaati line of Bard Alley K7 fera north of the north line of Lanrel Street: thence north along the east line of Bard Alley 30 fret to the anutli Une of Bnn-h Alley: them east along the anulh line of Burrh Alley 106 leet tc the west line of Kohler's Alter: thenoe south along the west tine nf Xuhfer'g Alley 47 feet: thenea weat N5 fret to point 55 fret ninth at right anrle from tha north lira of Laurel Street: thenea weat 101 feet to the rest lira of Bard Alley at the Place of beginning Tract Beginning In tha eaat Mra of Knhfer'a Alley 60 fret norlh of the north line of Laurel Street: thence north slung the eaat lira of Knitter1 Alley 84ZS led Alley 3425 fed then oo east parallel to Lanrel Sired 40 fret: them south parallel to Kulifer'a Alter 8426 feet: thence west parallel to Lanrel Street 40 fret to the east lira nf Kuhler'a Alley at tha place of beguminr Trsrt I Beginning In the cast line nf Central Arrau at Ihe north Una ol Ann Street: Uichob norlh along ilia oast lira of Central Avenue 84 fret thenea east parallel to Ann Street 337 fret tn the west line of Central Parkway: hence anulh along tha want line nf Central Parkway til feet to the north Una of Ann Street: thence west along tha north jlna ffTlowgi 1 nrlKVI wrcM Hr lip sTIn mgi a Th 1 1 TIN of Ann 6tnft 897 In tho mint lino nf Cratral Arenue and ihe plot nf bo- Coifgress Could Abandon Nuisance Levy Ilowever by Legalizing and Taxing Beer The Earl of Bessboroueh governor general of Canada shown above at a review of the Foot-guards on his estate at Ottawa Can during the British Imperial conference of dominion delegates Representative of toe- king in Canada be is host to the conferees MARY RETURNS HOME Miss Quest to East to Obtain Play Fails By United Prett HOLLYWOOD Aug- Mary Plckfard came back to Hollywood today without toe play she had gone to New York to obtain It was not explained what had intervened Miss Plckfard arrived last night by plane was met by her husband Douglas Fairbanks other players and three Olympic athletes Marjorie Clark of South Africa Yvonne Godard of France and Jennie Ad- dams of Belgium FRENCH REFUSE TO STRIKE PARIS Aug 2 The call of the Communist party for strikes tfyru-out Prance Aug 1 met little response a survey showed today There were no disturbances here Factories functioned normally natural lenklnr yea eat't tHI (in nrr natiinil tint teHh we Krone and well formed a tremen-4 one vailw Broken Plates Repaired Am low -50c SQ50 CROWNS BRIDGES workmanship aM or porrWuln croam to the north line of Laurel Slraet: thence wed along tha north Una ol Laurel Street 1 (N) feet to ths eaat line of Una Street rani the place of beginning Traci Beginning In the norlh lira ot Iurel Street at tha eaat Um of Cones Alley thence north along tha east lira of Cones Alley 44 foot: thenee east ParsHel to Lanrel Street SWlteeTtoths Alley: thence sonth along tlis west line of Peru Aliev 44 feet Something To SHOUT ABOUT! In the top picture the boys and girls are shown wearing clothes which they made They ere left to right Russell Staley Nora Harvey Marguerite Kilinger Louise Sloan Evelyn Harvey and Fred Lindsey In the lower picture Robert Benge left Is displaying a bird house and wicker basket he built Ellen Ballard Is holding a blanket which she made Legalisation and taxation of beer would raise about $375400400 the first year and permit Congress to abandon the new nuisanck tax on sporting goods a team or club emblem It is classed as a uniform and taxed Hunters Must Fay If and when you go hunting this nent will fall- the federal government collect Your ducks will be very very dear meat First the gun A new federal tax of 10 per cent Is levied against the price for which the manufacturer sold it Then the shells A new federal lx of 10 per cent la levied against the price ana 'the boat that takes you to the blind a new federal license tax depending on the length of the vcbmL If you take a camera be a federal tax on that Field glasses bear a tax as jewelry The gasoline that drives your boat and the oil that lubricates It are also taxed If cold and you wear a fur-lined coat be a tax on the fur too- GOODS 0AbL i TEHMg ftPCKETff Complaint Heard by Jurist By United Prett 1 NEW YORK Aug Came Morris Prisma proprietor of a Brooklyn chicken -market before Magistrate Mark Rudich in Flatbush Court accused of permitting to crow hens to cackle and ducks to quack thus disturbing the quiet repose of people in the neighborhood to the detriment of -their Magistrate Rudich adopting his Judicious cast of mien eyed the complaint solemnly signed by Roy Waller a veterinarian of the Health Departgnent said 'the magistrate glaring balefully at the defendant "looks like a fowl So he adjourned the case to Aug 4 ACTRESS FIGHTS SUIT NEW YORK Aug Attorneys far Maude Adams actress asked today that John Williams who Is suing her for $203400 furnish a bill of particulars Williams' suit Is based on a claim for services allegedly rendered with Miss tour In "The Merchant of VETERAN DIPLOMAT DIES LONDON Aug Sir Alan Johnstone 73 veteran British diplomat and husband of Antoinette Plnchot of New York died here last night His career Included service at Washington Vienna Belgrade The Hague and Rome RADIO SINGER IS SUED LOS ANGELES Aug A suit asking $105400 alleged to be due for obtaining contracts for Crosby radio singer had been filed here today by Orace Bobish assignee of toe Edward Small Co theatrical agents Special Low Prices For Month of August No Need to Wait Any Act Now! PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS $18 Guaranteed LIFE-LIKE PLATE Special to The Pott If you play golf tennis baseball football checkers chess billiards polo or even Shoot dice a tax in it for Uncle Sam Likewise all the same If you prefer to go canoeing or fishing shoot with bow and arrow or gun box with a heavyweight or play ping-pong For on sporting goods of every sort (except those used in games by children and those that constitute playground and gymnasium equipment) there is a 10 per cent federal tax under the new revenue Mil designed to balance the federal budget Uniforms Taxed This like many others Is a tax placed on the skle price of the manufacturer or Importer- In most eases It is passed along to the consumer the retail Eft being quietly raised to cover tax Thus when a golfer buys a Aew 75-cent ball Uncle 8 im gets a of the mi tax manu- equal to 10 per cent lecturer's sale i price tho the retailer may collect 714 cents Likewise on a 50-cenf it tennis ball Wearing apparel is not taxable unless sold as part of a uniform For example a plain bathing Is not subject to tax but if lt bei suit ism VOLCANOES ACTIVE Report Eruption 1 of Craters in Manchurian Mountain Range By United Prctt PEIPING Aug Manchuria torn for months 'by political and military strife now is experiencing an outburst of nature according to reports received here A group of volcanoes in the Hingan Mountain Range are active The volcanoes described as conical Manchurian hills are 12 in number They are located 300 north of kilometers north of Harbin and just southwest of Mergen They nava erupted occasionally since 1720 when the first scientific data concerning them was gathered and recorded CINCINNATIANS PROMOTED William Hooper Jr 714 First National Bank Building and Arthur Caine Harrison Hotel Victory Parkway have been promoted to be captains of infantry in the Reserve Corps lt was an- nounced Tuesday CLASS AND PRESSING NO STAIRS TO CLIMB Street 111 CROWD FLOOR to lbs trwrt Vh roQ Stnit Soorferalto rdncS ot Laurel Street tcr bireeti thence line of Lanrel Slraet -line of Peru Alley: the east Una of Pern Alley 1 hence east parallel to Laurel I feet to the west Une of Cutter Street Une ol Cut-tor Street 44 feet to tha north Una of Ttenrel Street end the place of beginning Tract 1 Beginning In the north lina -of Laurel Street at the cut Una of Cut- tor Street: thenea norlh along the east lira fit Cutler Street 44 feet: I hence Hit parallel to Laurel Street 670 feet to the vnt linr Jra of John Bireet them along the went line of John Street feet to the oorfh fine of Laurel Street: tliencc west along tha north Uw of urel Ztrcct 878 feet to the outline 1 of Cutter Street and ths phnw nlng -Tract 11 Beginning In the north Una of Laurel Street at the east lira of John -Street: thence north along ths east fins nf Juhn Street 85 feet: thenee cut 101 fret to the west Tine oi Bard Alley at point OS fret north of the north lira of Laurel Street: thence south along the west line of Bard Alley 68 fret to 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berinnlnr Tract 14 BfTiitninr In the aouth lino of Laurel Street at the west line of On- trol Avenue thenm aouth alonr the weal line of Crntrul Avenue 10 feet: thmco wmt parallel to Laurel Street 60 feet: thenoe went 60 feet to the weat Jlna of a private alley at a point 6 fret aouth of tha aouth line of Laurel Street: these north alonr th weft lisa of Mid alley feet to the amith line of Lau thenee eaat alonr the aouth ml Street 105 feet to tbu Central Avenue and the pier of berinnlnr Traeft 10 Berinnlnr In the eut lino of Ontrnl Avenue 04 fert north of tbe north line of Ann Street: thrnen north alonr tha eal line of Central Avenue 110 feet to the south line of Bohn Alley: thenea eaat JE34 along tha sonth line of JSnhn Alley 337 fret to he west line nt Central Parkway thenee south nlonr the west line of Central Parkway liM (ret tn paint 64 fret norlh of the north line of Ann Street: thence west parallel to Ann Street 33T fret tn tha salt Jins of Central Aveana and the piece Passed nt 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Mnat bmatlfal teeth 050 ikwMt etlefc Kkllled H-Kt rrmovabte Yeu me avoid tfinuMlinm nearlilH etc X-RAY lin I vnur teeth CLEANING FILLING 75c Ynwr eppoef unify to hj" beeutlfel nM teeth let Kiawald aaik rnur Mh frlmdk Hr tbs eavr ot root DRY CLEANING DR KINWALD 3-DAY SPECIAL ANY DRESS SUIT ONLY NO ETRVATOKS TO HUMS GOODYEAR Painless Dentists au ofnm 1 uan Qffjce 6th Vine Downtown Mem SHOE REPAIR OeiNond Vloar NnJbert Block Bid Xnlmnw Vine MAIn MON -6mm 6 ntieu Huttday to 1 a NORWOOD 4S33 Main Ave MEIrose 6161 111 West Fifth look for LOCKLAND Mill and Dunn VAlley 4848 342 Fifth St- Near Central CHerty 4938 three ones PONT FORGET VOIR SHOE REPAIRING ll I O'! -J- mulm.

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

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