Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

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A rt i ingi a su je tt edi a pp a l. Pa en ts a ur ged oe i ca ut ionin a rr a nging hildd a ca e. sur oin st ig a efe en Fac ili ie ca ingfo hild enf ommo a none a mil ust eli en ed. Cla ss1 8 1 -A uto a ns ookfo a ss ific a ion181, AUTOLOANS a rt he Ba a in a in od a a sp rt a ion a ss ified ss ec ion 214 ProposalsforBids GarageSales Minneapolis 302 305 GarageSales GarageSales 305 Auctions Liquidations 313 LONGFELLOW 36 55-4 7 TH AVS 9 9 9 1 0 HUGE SUPPLYOFBABYCLOTHES HOUSEHOLD BIKES FPLCTOOLS AIRCOMP CARJACK MAY TAGGASDRYER BIKES MINTCONDONALL CASH SALES NOPRE SALES SOUTHTHEALLEYSALE on of tr a sur Bab kid de ignclo a c- ce ss ur HH a pp a a den hef st a rts a 8 a ee he 54 00 -58 00 llio 1 0t 11 Sa t. pt 11 Wa yz a a 2307 he id a ill 55 3 91 9 1 0 om9-5 9 11f om1 0 -4 ur ru a moi okid sstu ff K-BIDWAREHOUSE 06 Ca IHDX 55 hi a i ike nl 8 0 rs A lli a lme rs WDN Pa in ,98 XLT 9 6 3 5 0 XLD a ll 4 4 9 lo ,1954 USI ndl a ing a ion ge 63 A i rstr a 2 8 La nd Ya ch a el 76 he vy 4 4 PU ,1 6' i hing a 4 0 ut end9 ec La he, enn mi encil utt rs Va a ne ill ss 4 0 dge Ba nde Ra di a A Sa i ts ili a ry 4 ene a oke oole rs wr ool DAILYINSPECTIONS ie ic id nline NOW K-BID om ATRUSTEDAUCTIONCO 763 -4 7 9- 3000 27 -5 7 SOLUTIONPROVIDERS WESTMETRO EDUCATION PROGRAM ffici a lic a ion WESTMETRO EDUCATIONPROGRAM oin rs chool i str ic 606 9 1 0 ut h1 0t tr ee inne a oli MN 554 03 ADVERTIsem*nTFOR RFP he a dof a ion, WEST METROEDUCATION PROGRAM ill ecei a led RFP 's on: up a a nd elf a enefi ts up edic a up en a up ife a nd up upp lemen a ife a nd up LTD il1: 00 on 8, 20 1 0 a rp a a yst em I nc 1515 3 echnolog i i den a i ie, MN 55 3 44 The illbe no or malRFP op i ie of he qu st fo a i st ing Lab A eemen ts a nd i st ingcon tr a ts a a a il ab lef eeofch a ge a rp a a yst em I nc 1515 3 echnolog i i den a i ie, MN 55 3 44 RFP 'ss ho ld a dd ss ed Ka hi ll, CHS a nd he en elo ecle a a ked oindic a he con en ts.

endo a i hd a hi he RFP i hin hi rty(30) a ys a a eofo ening RFP 'sw i ho utt he con en of he a dof a ion WESTMETRO EDUCATIONPROGRAM rv st he igh tt ejec a a ll RFP 's a nd a i a info a li ie i rr eg a i ie s. WESTMETRO EDUCATIONPROGRAM rv st he igh tt elec tt he pr a hich st mee tst he need of he WEST METROEDUCATION PROGRAM pursu a tt 4 7 1 .6 1 6 1 .3. BLOOMINGTON ol mm a el mm a ge Sa le, 20 1 1 0 4 pt 9 1 0 8- 7 pt 2 2 ba 306 GarageSales EastSuburbs BLOOMINGTONMULTIFAM h- Sa 9- 3 9 60 8 Pa lme a 98 a nd a le, a ich .) HH ys a s. 186 Financial LOSTDOG on9 5 sp a el ys eeking a li tt le hi Ma en a med ooke a a lo st on he rt ideof elle La a rt hein rs ec- ionof CSAH 18 9 PLEASE a ll idge tw i a info at ion .6 51- 3 41-9 2 4 2 ARDENHILLSGARAGE SALE: 336 5 La ke oh a nn a lo he ys Bab tu ff, rts qu i p. el ry ook A qu a i pt.

1 0 11,8 AM -4 PM NOKOMIS MEGADEPARTMENT STORESTYLESALE 1 7 115 2 nd a ed a A 7 hi i a usts ee st fo ws rs ho pp rs a like 4 0 000 i em in a ge one w. en omen hild en igne Na me a nd lo hing hoe on a a JUICY-EDHARDY- LUCKY-SILVER- ABERCROMBIE-GAP- ANDMANYMORE! gef ur ni tur ho wr oom of a a i rs ab le de ing a ru s. ll a rt a lle ry. Va st a rr a ofho us a incl dingdi he a ss a linen a lo Ha nd a nm a i a s. ike ys ic ab a TOOMUCHTOMENTION h- Sa ,9 9-9 119 a -5 1 2 1 0 a 3p( 1 ACCEPTEDTHRUPAYPAL Ab ol ut el nocheck s.

CARVER i ty ide Sa le urs Sa 9 a m-5 wy 2 1 2 2 mi st of a a Ma ps a a il www. a rv rst a a a ys. 95 2. 448 5 3 5 3 SOUTHWEST 4 90 4D upont A eS o. urs i8-5 t.

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4 262 he igh ch a nge ust e18 hone com a ch a ge a a pp y. MPLS BOOKSALE t. ke i co a ur ch, 4 6t olf a A id a pt. 1 0 Sa tur a pt 2. info: 6 1 2 -8 2 426 9 7 -l ke s.

ne 303 GarageSales NorthSuburbs EDINASe pt9 10 119 -5 2 5 hANNUALMULTIFAM SALE554 9 Wa de A ur qu a kid a clo r. NEWIP od s. La nf ur ru a ke a ts a oll a BLAINE, urs Sa 958 94 A NE ong ab ge ook he hoe purs ho us ehold on i ss ut RYANCHEVROLET 911 wy 55 ff a lo, MN Sa le emodeling 30' Sa le ldg emo ed ed il on a inmen ys ssur i ed il Ta nk il il rus he 3 ed il ur a ce s( no r) hel ing Pa rts pt NIBGMPa rts a in oi st Sa nd a st ing a ion, a ifee Ta nk on loo Ja ck a co id i sp en LOTS of I st ing I em ie ic id nline NOW K-BID om ATRUSTEDAUCTIONCO 763 -4 7 9- 3000 27 -5 7 A ut omo i A ionee rs Edi a 6 4 26 im dg, urs 9 2. cl a c- ce st a ps a str HH supp ab CabP doll FRIDLEY 5 2 454 A NE 9 1 0 9 3. i Fa mil Sa le, us ehold, clo he sstu ff i 4 Legal t.

a ci Ci ty WideSale, Sa tur a ,9 11 8 a 6p. on omenof od a LAVALIFEVOICE Ta lk o1 000s of EXCITING SINGLES in ur a a 1 st ime uy rs eci a l- nl 20 fo 8 0 min! onnec NOW Ca ll od a 6 1 2.2 84 4 2 14 ust e18 lde Valle 5 63 5 ood st ock A i- Sa pt 1 0 .2 home 6 a milie a lo nicemi mn cl ssz 1 0 -14 oun Vie BLOCKSALES! oloni a ill a ge 207 5 ust a La ne 1 Da nl Sa 9 11 BANKRUPTCYORCHAP 13 ADEBTRELIEfa*gENCY I illfile ur a nde ne Ba nk rupt a w. a sr a s. Fa sts rv ice 95 2 -545-1 62 1 Ma lin een A tty 4 0yrs GOLDENVALLEY Sa 9 a ool HH i le je el ry tt ry a rt i ing, ook mo .20 95 ell NEWBRIGHTONWed-Sa 9 -5 HH a a lie ur sprt gd ys ic ts collec ts 1 5 3 4- 17t hS NW 313 Auctions Liquidations FUNLOCALSINGLES Ma ch a nd ss a ge FREE 95 2 -9 32 0000 tr a igh 95 2 -9 3 8-8 700 Ga i ee ode 7 5 7 5,18 op ki ns I a chen Pa 30t A nn a Sa t. pt 118-4 ff cel io a ke 1 home Di vor ru imi ns tr iciaD wy sq.

612 296 9666 2 4H rs pr i 7 8 6 1 Ma di on i9- 6 Sa 9-4 ool qu i ike, lo a chine a us st i em s2 out hBigSale ur a tqs kid clo hing ys Pa ck NP a a cohighch a i ogge el ty childc a rr ie chmo Sa t9 2. 55 32 Pa kA K-BID 70t o99 A a ys nning 2 4 urs36 5 Da ys REALBUYERS REALSELLERS REALAUCTIONS Ca rs ru ck SUV 's rs kid st ee rs tt a chmen ts on stru ion qu i Fa Ma ch a rs ho qu i ool rt ing ood ATV 's A tq st a ollec i le ie ic id nline NOW K-BID om ATRUSTEDAUCTIONCO 763 -4 7 9- 3000 27 -5 7 a gge ing bT a ffic WORLDWIDEAUDIENCE ooking pt. t. Medi a 9 118 a -1 2.2 59 2 ol Na me r. ining ab le A clo s.

us ehold, a ooking, a ndlo ts mo BusinessOpportunity Buildandmanageyourown newspap erdistrib utionbusiness. excellentserviceandadding customers. 304 GarageSales SoftheRiverSuburbs MAKEABICURIOUS CONNECTION! ry FREE i hcode5 2 81 18 Ca ll 6 51- 20 4- 0000 www. in a i em a le com 137 LicensedNursing MINNETONKA ge Ga a Sa le, urs Sa t7 3. A tqs ur a sswr a rt a on mi sst hi one! 36 4 7 i SOUTH he a rt a Sa BigM i-Famil Sale! id a pt 1 0t Sa tur a pt 11 4 7 1 2 en tw rt A APPLEVALLEY 7122131st Ci CLELOTS ru bb rst a ps a ee ingc a HH mi Wed4: 30 -8Th ur9 -5 SEXYCONNECTIONS! ry FREE ode1584 18 Ca ll 6 1 2 2 5 2 0660 www.

li elink s. com CAREOPENINGS i 2 4h sup rv i ionfo ry ur lo ed one a ur co trys idehome i hno ur i hinghomecooked me a s6 51-4 2 9-8895 SCREENP i nt qu i li A ion ENDSS pt. 15, 7 PM www. tr om A ionee ing com 33 37 bID 4 3 5 0 MINNETONKAWED, 12 -5, THURS-FRI8-5 SAT8- 12 ESTATE GARAGESALE ts ofco stu meje el ry ook cce ss ie collec i le us ur ni- tur 15 673 oodg a a ut SOUTH MAMBOMIKE SMEGA CD DVDGARAGESALE 1 0 000 CD ,5, 000 DVD VHS HH ed ced ice 390 8 1 4 hA eS i 9 8-5 BURNSVILLE 5 Fa 8-1 0 ,8 a m- 6p a rw ood, HH ur Ta ll, ry -m a s. 1 2 8411 st A WildNa sty Babe ot Li 1on1 1 -8 00 3 5 0 -4 323 18 140 TherapeuticMassage Eaga geSale8- 2pm 9 9-9 11f ur ool ys office 37 59 a HOTLOCALBABES EVERYBODYTRYITFREE 1-888-4 3 4- BABE 18 Ne op 32 41 ttys ur t.

ur Sa 8-4 i- Fa mil y. TV ool ur ni tur A llm ust go SOUTH ko usts a le clo el ry HH tt ry on of tr a sur s. on 't mi ss i t. i Sa pt 1 11 55451 0t a rts a 9 a SUNSHINEASIANMAS- SAGE 14 0 5 0 ilo no bR e144, A pp le Va lle y. 9: 30 -9: a ys 95 2.

4 23. 5 6 88 PRIORLAKE 5 3 4 2 ty SE ur Sa 8-4 ur ni tur us eholdi em a ndmo Richfield Ga st a Sa le 663 1 I rv ing A 9 9-9 1 0 8-4: 30 9 118-1: 00 HH a sswr ry out 5 22 5 Pa A efe a ALS nd a i Sa 8-4onl y. ts of HHLD kid sstu ff, ys a i qu HEALINGMASSAGE Ma mod a li ie incl omi yw Ca n- dling ici a 763 -5 33 -55 6 1 PRIORLAKE 14 3 1 2 ookme NW Sa t. 8-4 i clo he ss i e5- 6 ys em ook 302 GarageSales Minneapolis RICHFIELD urs i8-4, Sa 8-11 i Fa ur ho us ehold, ook a tt ys mo 6 9 20 og a A SOUTHMULTIFAMILY, pt 1 0 ur ni tur collec i le he ook mi 51 0 9 3 8 A MASSAGEMELTDOWN 2 4 rs. I nc a ll ut.

ll od y. 4-h a nd sp eci a 6 1 2 607 2663 os em ount 1 2 4 6 5 hin- chill aC urt urs i9 9 9 1 0 p. mf ur ni tur a ook, a i qu ool ho us ingi em DIAMONDLAKE, i a rs str a ts a mm a dio, a in a ge a urs Sa 9-4 54 0 1 3r A ST LOUISPARK 3267 emi A ur 8-5, i 9-5, Sa 8- 3. ur a a mn 's a nc clo HH -m a i ood tu ff! FULLBODYLIGHTTOUCH od yt od y.7 a ys ,9 a -9 ts of TLC 612 396 -58 60 KINGFIELDMOVINGSALE: 4 02 1 nd a le A i 8- 2. ur ss rs a kde mo a in i a rs a n- mo rs a den ool HH a i rs eco a a a WACONIA ge emodeling a le, a pp ur xtur HH a mi 1d a onl i pt 1 0 1 2 1 2 inde FILLDIRTAVAILABLE CALLFORDETAILS BOULDERS ROCK MULCH WOODCHIPS ool emo a A A a il ab le FREEESTIMATES DAILYDELIVERY WALK INSWELCOME en on- i 7 6 Sa 8-5 i MC i95 2 -9 3 5-85 3 1 AAALa be rt La ca i 3 5 a rs of rv ice ee emo a imming tu emo a lde yst one a ining Wa ll me genc le a up i Pi ca omm s.

ic s. 612 -5 01 2 8 20 ee st im a s. CCA cce pt ed TREESERVICE Mi nn sot aT eeE xp rts ee imming ee emo a tu emo a ee st im a icen ed sur edfo urpr ec ion 763 -5 60 9616 rt ified A i st MN -4 2 99 A BLACKJACKSEALCOATING A me ic a a cke st i a ys. iden i a l- omme ci a GUARANTEED Ca ll Ba rry a 9 5 2 992 02 4 3 Black top i a 5 0 a rs xp. i a cemen ts a i rs.

A sp a Ba ed a lco a ing FREEEST .6 51- 77 4-14 76 CARPETAAA Ab ol ut tt I st a ll SPECIALIZING in str che 30 a rs xp.763 607 -994 2 hhhhh a cemen of onc oo ps ide a lk Pa io i a ys. a ed a ined onc Ba emen loo a nd Wa ll a i sur a cing Ba emen ts i ed ss i a nd indo I st a ll a ion La nd a ing rv ice I ncl ding a ining Wa ll onc Pa rs. hh (612) 4 1 4-555 2 hh on Sea ton on i a ys ide a lk ps A pr on Pa io a bT oo all! www.s ea ton on om Ca ll Ma ee st im a (612)272 7 5 16 CONCRETE: ide a lk, Pa io ps i a ys a uts a ll emoli ion INSURED Ha ling a a do Ga a ge ut uts ee st im a 612 3 54- 7 455 DeckG utt Sidi gWi JYJC onstru i on LLC-I ns. ic 20 5 3 955 6763 -551- 3 9 0 4 www. jcon stru ion com FENCE DECKS FENCE DECKS ST-Lic 58 10 5 9 eeE st.

6 51- 2 1 0 -1 3 8 7 eck ood ence ns A a a do Ha ood loo ing I st a ll Sa nding efini hing ice 612 7 5 0 -558 1 a a a do a oodfloo ing com FLOORING I nst all Sa ustom ai rs i Re ai I ns eeE st Acce pt AllC edi Ca a he ws ha d- woo dfl oors. om 763 -44 2 -5 129 6 5 1 -5 03 6 4 92 612 6 44-8 36 5 9 5 2 220 9 5 60 DUST-FREESYSTEM GUTTERCLEANING 763 -54 6 -PANE (7263) I s. omm THMEA ss oc jim jim a ne com HANDYMANPRO offi indo oo a i ile- Pa rs eck ood a i a lking FASTRESPONSE FREEEST Cha lie 612 296 7177 HANDYMAN VI MC DISC AFFORDABLEHANDYMAN DECK FENCE CONCRETE ADDITIONS bT oo a ll! I sur ed ee st im a ow ice ie dl n9 5 2 21 5-5 36 5 HARDWOOD REFINISH Sa a i Be st 9 5 2 -4 7 4-4 3 55 ECOL Sa ndm a oh a ss on com HAULACE ml, WEHAULALLJUNK enio di co t. eee st im a 612 -5 32 1162 HAULINGJUNKCHEAP! FAMILYBUSINESS 32 rs HONEST QUALITYWORK 9 5 2 -884- 6 588 HAULING VI MC DISC AFFORDABLEHAULING st Ra in 95 2 2 15-5 36 5 eeE st ima LANDSCAPING A ica La ca a in a ge eci a li st 763 -55 7 01 55 kfo LAWNMOWING LANDSCPG AHa ppy Ya SPRINGCLEANUPS GUTTERCLEANING HANDYMANWORK iden i a omme ci a ff om i rs (612)990 09 45 Ca ll od a oo fi Sidi Pai nt i ow Wa hi torm Da age Re stor a i on CallT da or a FREEESTIMATE icen 20602 9 0 8 EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Lakela dB ildi Se rv ice 1 -8 00 -8 1 8- 3 4 91 MOVERS hhhh ROBINSONMOVING ous eh 39 YEARSEXPERIENCE enio i co t. a ide (763) 5 66 -8 9 55 233 4 PAINTING-G Wa ll a rr emo a ood king I io xt.

ee st im a Ra s. 1 7yrs xp. oc a edin idle a t763 7 89- 2 51 0 INTERIOR EXTERIOR Ca ll en .763 7 54- 00 8 2 rst en a in a com MNBBBM em VI MC ROOFING DISCOUNTROOFING icen ed onded sur ed ee st im a s6 1 2 72 9- 2 51 0 203203 18 oo fi or a oof eci a li st ice a a ee ystrom ontr ac i gC orp. Ca llfo a il s6 1 2 706 00 4 6 CCA cce pt ed LIC 2063762 8 www.nystrom orp. om SMILLER FREEESTIMATES 6 51-4 6 4- 6 8 6 9888-44 0 3 451 2063 5 3 18 GarageSales 305 Community Announcements RICHFIELD a che rr i sty li ng a dl ts cle a nclo se ts; ur ook HH t.6 9 3 9 hic a go A urs EDINA eighb or oo ale! Sa tur a 8 a m- 2p 7 41 0 7 499 Ca hill a Merchandise Announcements PublicNotices 203 GeneralNotices Services a fMi nn sot ty t.

i s. i str ic urt dici a i str ic 6 urt ile 6 9 DUFA 1 0 -51 0. I he Ma rr i a geof in a ichelle a i a nd a ine a a i s. iledin i ty 1 2 20 1 0. de fo rv ice A a a inn a t.

518 11 on i ione A pp lic a ion fo rv ice A a a a nd hefile a nd eco of hi a ion, he urt find lic a ionin enne in MN migh tr a on- ab ysu cceedinno if ing sp onden of hi pr oceeding rv ice a ll em a de ypu li hing he mmon hich a llcon a in he leg a lde i pt ionof he a le st a a leg a ne wsp a in enne in ty inne a oncee a ch eekfo eecon ec ut i eek s. yt heco urt a loe ke 1 1 0 SHOREVIEW il rt ho st a omm ni ty Ga a ge Sa le, ty mline A urs Sa pt 9-11 Ma ps a a il A i qu i le old ys a me a ssw a ur olid a HH he bab i em hing, ock a lb a rt lo a kc a ts BROOKLYNCTR ge Sa le! Sa 9-5 .3 8 3 1 ck Ea st in La ke ur ni- tur lo ts mo MINNETONKAMOVING SALE 1 3 115 A rt ur t. 1-5 Sa ur de ni qu tr a sur s. Ede ai ie 118 32 t. urv ook ur ni tur ys DVD he elec tr onic a ndlo ts mo 9 9 a nd i9 1 0 ,8 a -4 p.

NEWHOPE in a urr a Sa le ur ool stu fffo kid a ndlo ts mo Sa pt 11, 8-4 .3 1 6 4 a A placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 302-309 GarageSales placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 thesmartway tosellyourstuff fax612.673.4884orgoto FULTON 5 237 Abb tt A SALE in a lle 8-5 i9 1 0 Sa 9 11 A tqs i le HH ii, PS a me FUN placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884

Financial Opportunities LONGFELLOW 3 115 .3 1 st t. A llold in a ur ni tur a ckedf ll! Ra ino 1 0 9 2p SOUTH-YARDSALE 3 814 nd a le A n9-5 ifno a in Oa kch a i rs a i em i le a ts HH NOKOMISBLOCKSALE 5 000 lk tw 3 9 4 0 A i- Sa pt 1 0 a m-4 a tqs a a placeanad today CALL612.673.7 000, FAX612.673.4884ORGOTO STAR TRIBUNE.COM/PLACEADS. NOKOMIS ge4 Fa Sa le HH bab pr v. a pts i ef idge st 5 7 5 72 5 A ST urs Sa 8-5 placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 thesmartway tosellyourstuff fax612.673.4884orgoto

placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 placeanadtoday call612.673.7000,fax612.673.4884 call612.673.7000.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.