S3 tfoclty Mount N. C. Tlejram, Monw July 24. 1967 N. C.
Weather Latest Market Reports ASMH HI I II THK YOUR HOROSCOPE One Killed, 3 Hurt In Martin Crash fatlly I'lOllll) jitnl fiitimit'd I'l tirm nt'jiniT tale Mat ht Niaai Lm laet Ch ttatf ltl It Pnn Pel lt' i 9, rl i PitPiat IMI Ml IM it It It tt ta tat I 19 It 41 NEW YORK (AD-Tha alork marael lflirfd early thin af-tcrnnfm. Trading wai active, Diinppointing rrningi by Kaslman Kodak cenrraied aril- Snrih (t'(i! na hrniiKh Tiu iV a biinti pfrsvm, aytit-tn nivt'is thf a ntii iditt'i W'lLIJAMSTOS' One prrm treiitt'tl nntl at Mar A klltpH ami Ihroa nlhera in lirhullar rtieneil a Itiillv rill I ing In that atock whirh knocked Pit Site' to P'WterG Put.i.Koie 1 Pufcttln PugiPL I pui'men I ') I RV MIAMI et" I 'J or Tiinday. July (Mar. 21 Apr. 19): jJ.J ruli-a.
rfRiiUlmni could bp u't ovirturnirl. Ynu appear lo be? clirfctlv Invoked. Maintain bl- i il i i m-ii a u9 i4 II IS )' jt II W-t ItlH II) 1 IH -t K- II'. II li -r l' HI Ul U't 'l 111 IM1 Ul IH'l jurrd near here Saturday morn clwn and a bruid kmi' and to th mountain, 'id ing In two-car rolliMon on ws trefited and relnmed HfiM eliewhere, toni.t M- -Martin Cenrral llottpital. will 4 In the mountiiu It; -L am ail 1 it down 4 point.
A number of other growth itockt with relatively high price-earning rttioa, aUfl were 2nd Barn Fire NASHVILLE NH founl.T rrrordrd lit rrond bfB fir nf Ih biniliif trtma hl irlmd, hr nil burner fliiodrd In fcara fnnr mil" at of IU4 Oak. Th Nk Fir Mir-lull's Orflit rrporifd that the Oak Volwiti-fr lire Df-partmrnt mrnl to Ihf Karl Brow farm at m. Pnt. day and nllnRtilihrd Ihf fir hrforc any damag don to Iht barn. A hau In Sprtnf Hop damaged In (he amnunt of 3iH Sonday.
Vfloprd an lflrlral ahort-gf. Th Spring Hop Volun-trtr Fir Drparlmfnt wat railed to th fir at th home of Mm. Ruth Colli at p. m. Sunday, and itlngulhfd the fir.
OM Haal Ml im I DMy I'M OameM.a CMaKltm O'MKnt I Owa I uaA) tt Dus) I I I aft alt Alt I ftatfel I almvt IS ttw in iMtreff I iiPawNO I liner I laa Ml MM rrisiact tmylCar tvai niKoway i ainiiman H. p.rker aisled that the Simra and 1,3 75 elMwhtne. i ncf. Avoid tfndr-ncy to quarrf I. CA In tuNvP a Tn 1 to i.
ittL'Attilt at I nrf tttilt officer. I f. Some who work with you mav bl ullra rnitiv. Tread lightly, reported li tl lilim that Hfrbert Griffin 41, of jttrtliemoiiville, TA I 'It I'M (Anr. 211- Mav 20): i 4i a nun inr riiuii retTived damitii'it rn.imatfd at j(H).
No chare have ben preferred, pcndina the comjileiion of the invetiglion. died just after bcinc taken to Sludy ARIKS mesmiEP. Realiw tot lit net itt K-t li 't HUt I li tl ft IIS II'. 9t ll't II. a.
a it I'S Reeding fe Reich th tmi 'I I Repufitrt I SO 19', Revian I l't Retail lob i eye Met Reytl To 1 41 I RhearxM I 40 Only ft'w ho*r were reported In the stale Sunday, mo.tly In the mountniiu und alonu the ninth co.inI. Thf wa true at Hickory. Wil-nunRtim and Anhevillr. Genir-ally, kiei wei mos'ly ninny. om friendn.
a.isonalea arc un- Mnin nominal ioiiow- U't -t JO' It t't ti', Ilia it 37e 1 7e Ua 1-e l'V 1 der prewure. Word apill over lh "ffnent of 9 2(1 a in Jumhle-mntlve. are mininter-MeilfH was a piiengrr in preted. Be calm. Wait for ill 'Smf opera'ed by facta.
Permit logic to rule. Lee (Sam) Haw Is, 27, of -4 KftKnrtnntfilli 4' -l' I4't 'A JJ'l Jl hit hard. The Dow Jonea Industrial aver, age at noon wai down i ,30 at Lo.sera outnumbered gainer by more than 3 to 2 on the New York Slock Kxchange. The Associated Pre aver-ac of tv iork at noon wa off I at XV 9 with Industrial off 3 0. rail off .7 and utilitie unchanged.
IBM also wa a 4-point loser. Polaroid dropped 2. Added to Eastman' Kodak1 weight in pulling down the average wa the depressing pow Preferred List Rnae Rnnr CP SO Rovtteie II Revel Out ig Rydtrtyl tt) SARASOTA, Fli. HP) SARASOTA, Kin. iP LMiiMiMiy 2i.jgne;ui: Th winners of the American 4 1 li' 151 104 11 at i 45a II 41 lit tat 117 tf 41 14 14 74 lit at aware ot una prim.
I nectt Patrolman rarker stated that Due jockeys at Sarasota radio ar)f Football lw details. Accent today on and Ugpett had been to station wondering titles will mert in Miami ambitions, methods of achieving Willlamston and were return- Sunday if the records they play Orange Row) Stadium on Sun-major goats. Conflict could ame.ing to Robersonville when theymiRht be too ptipular. 'day, Jan. M.
ante, etirMiu anslsl Mai etttitn ttopilr 1,1 Parrs tillrM It! Pnlr irttnf1 III PHnniHt 1 PUI -V 17 -ft 41 43't Jl'e D't tt a' 'i Jet 7-'i J41 71' tl .1 14't It 94 lt 41' 17' 11 IT UH 14'. irt 14 4 lit B't li al Wt 4, 4 II I le 41 -l' 44 I -l' -IW 71 Child Killed In Auto Mishap iinwprn UIHIIP.HIC anu pruir. maoe a sudocn turn into a ser-sional duties. vied station about Iwo miles CANCKR (June 21- July west of Williamston. Their car Key Is being alert.
Financial op- turned into the path of a I'M er of uch atock a General Motor, down J. and Du Pont. It'ewty 1 KJetLd 1 lit lenP 1 tiRegP I r) tender! 30 ftantfert wl tchanng 74) Icenl Beta KM Cp 4tm IcnH Paper I IMCUL 1)0 lean GO 1 leart Roe 'a teeburg teryel tnamn I'l 1 teH Oil I 0 tnell TrA IherwnWm I It' raicon, operated ny tiniorfl nnrinnilv onlv annfars to ENGLEWOOD CARPETLAND NrXT TO IIMNANT IMO rtn niiMAru unv imiAiunoN 14 lt 10 II 114 etfSMM al rtwmii rwtui i It't 't IRrnnka U'nnHit orrt tlf 01 nl passea. lena 10 ooomer- ang In your favor. Don't argue Dukp University.
ruK9 down nearly 2. Control Data and United Airlines lost a couple of point each. Losses of about a point were with relatives. Element of envyi According to Patrolman HARRLLESVILLE A three year-old Negro girl from Brook 444-11 Hit ne4N lei I. Hie fttn Wt Aecatrt CtAAmlF I I I JO 1 71" 77 74 1 It It 1 1U lyn, N.
V. wa killed near here! taken by Sobering. Raytheon and C.int4 e.ff AcnnAti tttln thai flf Gen-ral Dynamic. 77 11 TH 0n Cu .11 imciaif I en RADIO PROGRA. MONDAY International Telephone wa a go.
ntn th na of an automobile.1, A im l7e -l i I 20 107 104' iraciiunai msri Ul-npuc nri iii Gen fat itt 1390 AM, 92.1 FM Rocky Mounr. N. WEEp 1 IM 7 Highway rairoiman rai pan) l0 mfrge wlth Uvit lv, investigating officer, report- Sons. that Robin Ramona Collins Most top atefls Tot grmind. could present.
er, Diana Woodard, wife of I.FO (July 23 Aug. 22): Be. nc-ulio, 'olrd and a direct contact with those o( VniXe." have authority to make wpr Pfls-nsem in the Fat-sions. Best to be your own per-jcon- sonal representative. Some may The patrolman staled that I-eg-b well-meaning but lack drive.
Rott and Rawls were pinned in See project as a wtiole. Simea and the Williamston VIRf.O (Aug. 21 Sept. Rescue Squad had to break the Don't tell all you know. Be dis-jwa's looe and use crowbars to creet.
Applies especially to them from the vehicle, tracts, special Rawls received a broken leg and Avoid self-deception. Face facts' ehest injuries and was taken to to U't -l 74 4'k i list 47H 7M i 5i'e J4't i ll' 71 4 I7'1 75 4 t'k 4' 79 t7 47' 7t 71! 551 imiffs i eoa lauCeit I toutn Ca 102 touNGat I SoutnPac I 50 ioutn Ry 1 Ipartan Ind Sparry Rand S4uera .70 SKtSrand I 40 S'0 kom 50 Jones tt i.augnun lauing amiui. I7t Ij VI i 4 IH 7H 4' 73 a 71 ll'i 4. Jl 1 l'e 4' 1 't 4VH 5:., IV I (. let i SI 40 44 'a al' 'H It't 54 -I'l 45' 1 4't 1 45't tr, 17' 7t was struck about 5:10 p.
m. Sunday on NC 43, 4.1 miles north of Harrellsville. KeJley stated that the little 77 2. American Motor wa firm. Other leading auto declined.
Prices were irregulrrly lower on the American Stock Ex- 15n ITU tt I StOilCal 71 if. Wt 72 31' 1 17 44 44 1 ItflOilInd 1 9 l't on the left girl was walking as they exist. You art able to re- Pitt Memorial Hospital. side of the highway, facing, change. 107 71 II 11 49 7 144 al 104 44 43 1 14 153 19 11 in 74 70 UONJ 1 tog JtQfl.lCm 7 30 Si Packaging Sien wern 1 StauH CO 1 SlerlOriJO 0 5ieenJP 1.75 tluoeOak I5g Surway I Swin I NEW V0 KfAPI Nw Enchangt wlacitd attrnoon to uft ai tMiLft Club 10 -AhC It -M iiirv3 AimnH 11 tl ja-VOTrtina A'fWfH It jWrl'i'irt 17 1 u-f rm rvrt Hnmt 11 Nv ij iwjii Ovfrnan .1 I V4lrAf Cr ftV rttt no oo Afwiefo hem 3 S-A3C 4 OO-H Anrtrrsrfl Qhtm 4 K--'a4i'i-' 4 AAfr)H 4 sV-ABf H.
Andfnoft Verk Si prices: Net 44. 4t 43-. M'I ii't 33't 41' 14 50' 741 41' Woodward was strapped in with a seat belt, according to; Patrolman Parker, and received' only bruises. Diana Woodward, received a broken collarhone and A It im MUMMY 3 OO-M. Anderton site 3 V-Aftllwi tiftie 5 J5-BC Renoill I JO M.
Aooeiioo 4 Swvl, Nmai SV-ABt Nrw, 4 00 Paul Meivev New I OS hiisioesi Icor 4' 10 I veolloe 4 I 4 JO Ca.o'i'ie Ntwi l- Jie Overmen Weelher Newt 4 SO St rimiKtia On rite I I t. A "It. New, 7 OOAlev Drier. Wen Co Th 00 7 iO veol.re 7. lVwa'tierMope 7.25 Chrl, Srhenhel Oo Snort 1 In Harmon Spn-ti 1 35 Eaty Littening 7 Si -ABC Nwi I 00 Fay Littering I 13 Weethf rsceoe 4 7V ABC Pemrte I .10 Faty Litlening I VJ-ABC New I oft Fy I l.irninrj winrrnr 25-AOC Reonrll .30 From Ceoilol (ft nrt ay ntj ID IV-WMtheriff 10 JWARC ip-'l )fl 3V-1 sy tfi ss-hftt i-i Vf0 Up ttv 11 5V-Nri 4 WMthtr TIKSDAY OUf aim Sf-vl( Ur-Kit ms Wefhlf Cvriiin, 4 4j -rrm Vvirt HCKif ft SV-eABC Kfw 7 (Vi na lTeri4C 7 1iV-troltn Kn-wt J.Ji- Jr (tV5rm-n Vveilhir KfWt iK Spoiler Wo'-ni'W) AlmAfijic 7 Si-ABC Nrwi I 5ft Morn ifQ Almannc 1 1 WiithtrtcOpfl I "ft-Vornira Almn: sSPei il HJrvv 9 nn-fVori'w) Aitrninftc a) at 4 li tt t.
11 H't 14 14 tj eftl lee its 1) 91 94 H-4 91 tl kt la 41 1H li 1) It "a if i) 17) It I4't II 10 4 tl 111 19 II el 47it II Mi tMe 17 IM 57H 71 47 4l II 11 I li 41 tt II SO II It't II lit II I lt tl 141 Jill 2m II 47 I 4 a 11 l)'t lit II 44. Hi 1 43' 41 It t'H 4H 70 tVt 77'e Itl U't 79 17 II 44'. 43' 1 41 IV, 141 tOt 9' 14 It't 111 It 10 10 11 13' 49 4 1J 14 44'l 441 17 71 7 3't 94 77 7H 47 II 171 II M'l Ml It't 111 77 1 111 M'l 171 31 3.1'. lit 45 TO 14 34 13t 111 Jl 11 7 171 45 14 IV let 54 i 50 40' 147 43 441 47'1 105 ft 14't 71 34'e 54 I 43 44't 0 10 41 17 45't 431t 77 41' 40', 174 17' 11 157 IM 19 -T- I Ml Jfl It 44'1 42t IM 9 9S't 191 161 let 130 7t' 73' 37 71 TC'l 14 1391 131', 1 103 lli'a H'4 1 II I9'l 19', 44 73' 77't 99 741. 14.
'i u't ir, 411 47 43 2'-l 1 47'1 4l'i 91 14 13', 54 171 27'1 44 74i Tl 37 't 101 lti nt 195 53 571 111 14't 74-1 Wt 60-t 43 43 4i't 71 70 H9 44 43't 54 79 77' 33 '4 IC't 21 24't 73i 13 Wl 30. 771 74' 1 71 771 341 103 341 14 11 14' 103 72' 71 't 93 411 l' 4 1021 100' I 43 37' 54' 19 1T4 141 37 341 II 37'i 31 53 441 44' 41 29 M'i 51 47' 41' 19 22' 1 22 4 47 54'4 52' 49 30J 30 33 391 3'i 150 411 40'! 41 101. 40'a 49 45', 441 54 58', 51' 4 74 29 1 39 729 JO'l 72 44' 44'4 107 29' 24'4 77 341 14 49' Wt 4 I4' Wt 39 75 (lidt.) Mitk Law Abbott lab 1 act in wise manner. LIBRA (Sept. 2.1 Oct.
22): Consolidate recent gains. Don't give away what you have earned. One who sings praises of business proposition may be victim of wishful thinking. Wait, observe. Time on your side.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 No. 21): Find out what those with experience think of current activity. 41' 49 41' 14'. 14 traffic, when she broke away from two older girl and ran cross the highway toward a house where she was visiting.
She was struck by a 1968 Chevrolet, operated by Robert Jackson Fallis, 20-year-old student at Cbowan College whose address I 402 North Broad Edenton. Parolman Kelley said that the car was traveling in the same direction as the girls were walking and that it was an unavoidable accident. No charges were filed against the driver. GtnMllla I GenMol 1 log GenPrtc 1 GPubJvc PufiUI I 50 CUel tl I 71 Gen lira Ga Pacli'C II Gerbw Pd I Getty Oil I0g Gillette I 70 Glen Aid .70 Goodrich 140 Goodvr I Grace CO td GranilCS 140 GranlWT 1 G1A1P 1 10 Gt Nor I Gt West Fini GtWSuO 140 GreanGnt Greyhound 1 GrumnAir Gull Oil l.M GultSlaUl -M Halliburt 10 Marrlt In! 1 Hecia I 70 Here Inc .500 HewPac .70 Heft Electron Holld Inn HotiySug 120 Homtstk ti Hontywl 1.10 Hook Ch 140 House Fin I Houtt LP 1 Howmel 120 HuntFda Hupp Cp .171 IdahoPw l.M Meal Cent I III Cent l.M Imp Cp Am InoerRtnd 2 Inland Stl 1 InsNoAm 1 40 Hoq Market Choict No. 1 till Chf 44t 33't 11 53 4 54 -7' 41 14' Vi 4IH 1 17' II 77'4 I 31'.
1 34' Vii t7't tj'l i 71 1 I 33H ti-i 14 so -1 1 34 lli-k 44 ti'i 41 1 55', i 41 a -I '4 i IJii li 14 44 79' 3vl 45' 1 '4 1 24'i 14 71 -1 37' i' 1V 93' 1 -1 JtH 4- V) V. JH I9H -44 19 1 73' 'l 4'1 -l't 4- 'l I l't Then base own opinions on best! available data. Confusion exists! where romance is Tampa El Tektronix Teiedyre Tenfieco 1 20 Texaco 140 TexETrn 105 Tei Sul .40 Aexeslnsl Tex PLd 13g Textron Thintol .4 T.neO.I I 5'g Tim RR lir TrensAAir 1 Transemer I Trans'tron Trl 47 TRW 140 TwenCen 1 AC Con Ao Cp 1 ACF in AOMillit Addrnt I 40 Admiral JO AlrRMln t.M AlcanAlum 1 AllagCp .109 AlltgLu 7.4C Alltg 1 70 Allln) 1 It) AlliwlMr IM AHit Chtl 1 Alcoa 1 10 Amerada AmAirlln Am Bosch 10 AmBdcst 1 to Am Can 7 70 AmCrySug 1 AmCyan 1.75 AmElP 1.44b A Enka 1.30a AmEPw l.lt AmHomt 1.70 4m Hma SA Don't rush. SAGITTARICS (Nov .22 Dec. 21): Long-range programs fav 14' I14.
IJ1 -1 41 WRMT 1490 AM Rockv Mornf. N. C. 'Newj, Music, ond Sports All Dov" 49 I 7 1' I I4i 'i 27 I1! 53 180-220 22.25 220-240 21.75 Choice No. 2 180-220 21.75 220-240 21.25 240-270 20 25 270-300 19.75 300-350 13.75 350-400 17.75 160-180 20.75 140-160 19.75 120-140 19.00 100-120 19,00 60-100 19.00 Stags 16.50 Sows 13.50 WCEC 810 AM Rerkv Mount, N.
C. American Select List 57S H4 1 31' 37' 30' 77H 59' 2t 73 54' I' ored. Take moves which enhance; security. Avoid get-ricb-quick schemes. Highlight independence and originality.
Opposition 'could stem from concerned fam- ily member. i CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. il9): You could receive favorablej tax news. Element of surprise is.
featured. Don't take things for; granted. Emphasize joy rather l2.ro-Natlooal Newi 12 05 Noontime on Farm 12 I0-Oliiciel Weather 12. IS Vastie Bdicjm 12.20-Noonlime on Farm 12 25 l-arm Servica Talk "ock ImlnvCo 110 NEW YORK (AP) Amtrictn Cxcntngt telKfrd noon prices: Saltf Ntt AmMFdy AMel CI l.tO Am Motors IN 14' I IntarlkSt Ll Chg (hdl.1 M.tf! Ltw 5 J'i 19H AmNGat 1.90 Am Newt 1 2 3t 'i l. i i.
70 44 77't II. 10't 23 i -1' 301 77i 1 7', 34 54' i 71' 4.P 100' -i'l 57 4 30 Carolina Mornine, 4 55-New, 7 OO-Cerol'na tV.orning IM Mm Reid Weather 7 40- an. Una In the rV-o' n.nfl T-45 Srwrte In th 7 55 Stale New, I Ofl-Nlional New I 03 wh'POton Reoortl Ml Cnrlee Ttrna I Sfl -Wealher nf Jne Pyn 53-New, in on-Wn Around Houto 10 3 New 11:00 Camp Meetin' Tim! of Life 11:30 Camp Weetin' Timai Newi MOMIAV 5 no-Nat. Newi 5 05Local Nei 5-10 trtve 5 75 ft fly Reve Sport! 5:30 drive Tirre 5.35-Jlm Reid Weather 5-40 Drive Time 5, SO Otlicial IVoather Stale Newi 4 DO Nil. Mewt 4 03 Dinner Musical! 4 53 New 1 00 Candlelight 1 Silver 7 55-Newi I on canm.Mih! I Sliver I 30-Sion Off ri'KSHAT 4 on S'an On 4 01 New.
Headline, 4 OJ-Carollne Mnrnlno) 4:75 Ollicial KVeelher 1 to 57H it -)i HI l'4 Int Harv l.M nt Miner I Int Nick IH Intl Packers Int Pap 1.15 APiiro ArtLGai 12 33- Am pnoiocp Am Smalt 3a Noootimt on Farm News Rev. fireena Nahviie SonntJ Jnh Review Nethvllie Soiini 3 31''. 39 I SHOW STAtTS DUSK OPEN 7:30 BH uwc Ind IH i Un Carbide 1 4H un Elec I 20 Is UnOilCal 1 40 45't un Pic l.ioa Un Tank 2 30 49' 5 Umroyal 1 70 111 Ml UnlfAirLin 1 40 I UGasCp 1.70 34il Umt MM 1.70 991 I US Borex la 13' usGyosm 3 29't i)5 ind .70 101't US Linet lb 14' uiPiyCH M'l US Smelt lb US Slert 1.40 31 4. 1 UnivOPd 1 40 57 1' Upiohn l.M Stf 4 1'. I Vnd I SO 34' Vttritin Ajso Vendo Co I 11 i( 17 Oil SM 4 y-n vt T1 4' 4 Ma Am T4.A 7.20 1 50 1 24 lb Int TAT lowaPSv ITE Ckt 1 no c-ooe Caravan man gloom.
Avoid unnecessary travel. Be practical. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 -Feb. 18): 'Sales, purchases, profits emphas Find out how to make most jof assets.
Be thorough. Consult 3 3i 3i 3i i 111 Id't 10't AssdOH AtCon wt Strnw Eng 'tlMLtPW 1 Brit Pt 39'1 7 7I A 75' 53 35' 37't 35 -l 25' 4 49' 13' S5 l' 34' 57 -11 47 A 2 35-New 3 no 3 33-New, 4.01V -Drive Time 4 55 Pi9 I New J.OO-Nat. Newi Ctmpbt Chil AGAIN TONIGHT THRU WED. 15 5' J' Ctn So i those who know. Then applv in- fr 1H Wt 10' I Jewel Ce 1.30 JohnMan 1.20 John John JonLogan Jonas 1.10 Joy Mej 1.15 Clntrtm, MM Pi l' Ctrvwia WF 4A 100.7 FM Rocky Mount.
N. C. Tt. ,1 A- 1 I Crlolt 4:05 -olina lornlny VtEiPw 1-3 Kaiser Al 1 I 53'i 30M .40 4. 1,1 KaysarRo NO 1.
-NO. I- TONY "THE CUTIS ouiLLER CUU0IA li WUILLtR CASPiNAll Hi MfMORAN- "CCNT DUM" MA'. IN COl0 WAVES" GEORGE IN COLO SEGAL 92 '4 17'4 17' IS 4't 4' 4 7.lt 3 11 ll'i 11 '4 71 41 43'1 U'i -V 17 l' l' I 31 9' I't l'. 5-lll 71 Vt 4 3't Vk Vk 3 ft Datt Cont eiiltyCp ftrsn Felmonl OH FlyTisw Gen Plywood Gunt Vol .40 Goldflvld Gt Sat Pel Gulf Am Cp WernLamb 1 i WashWet 1.K Weitn AirL I i WnBenc 1.10 5W 5k -lt 34' l' 109' 1 11 4.Ut tt' 19 M'K 24 I J3H 13' 40 U' 171 57H S3 31 41 'i 79 74H ft 141 41 'i 404 73 II' 774 17 II lOt I 71 774 30 24. 74' 10A 'l 314 44 34 33k 141 74' li in I4 It tTt IP.
15J 41H 40a 77 44 a 41' 439 IIS 771. S7'k 70 J2t 72' 2M 3IH KPt 71 37'- 37' )0i 30H 7 77H 77 59 J9' 71 43 I l4 II 124 74 23H 172 S5H S4 te UH 13' 134 40' 39 4 't 77t 9't 9H 51 71 139 75H 34' S7 53 S7 41 35' 74 37'i 3H 794 3't 34' 49 24 Tj'l J9 49 li 4IH 24 iy US' 97 i5 't 54 71 3ei 34' 41 S3Vt 792 31' 30t I 4J' 47 174 30' 2934 14 W'i 101H 797 744 57 551 4273t 537' 19 109 109 43 53 57 24 31i -30 73 43 35 I3i 13'4 47 M'i 47 141 53H 511 73 79 47H 444 13! I 111 344 334 132 101' lOOi 91 34 104 36H 34 30 44' 9 57H 57' 75 74' 73M 903 134 I2 77 32'i 31 33 lJ 15 37 37 40 7l'-t 7' 111 35-' i 35 41 140' 131 21 Ft 15 37H 3H 22 21 59 79 Wi 41 73', 23 40' 39H 79 42J ii 3 1.5 15' 34 21 'it llli 47 47H 443 44 59 5" 13 S6' 45' 49 47' 41' 42 42 411 II 174 17 13 47't 47 130 11 3 471 47 5 33 J7 43V 43 4 70't 2W 7 351 34 375 41 47 153 30' 99U 47 34' S3't 17 WA 3' 48'. 23 Vi Tev formation, knowledge. Don't 371 7 guess or speculate. 44.4 hi PISCES (Feh.
19 Mar. 20): i Earning ability spotlighted. Al-m lies appear your efforts are ap-72 4 preciated. If determined, can be S'Z7'day so'i( accomplishment. am-tjTake mate, partner into confid-" ence.
IT I 4 IF TODAY IS YOUR B1RTH-J'- ''Jf AY you are introspective, 11 1. cere your emotions are intense. vi when you feel something it is all 147 2H wa'" ou are a 'ya' frierd-a formidable adversary. ') GENERAL TFNDENCIES: WnUrsTel Weslg El Weyerhr 1.40 l.M 1 40 l.M New M0. -fWfietsi Weather i2-30 Musical Mood :7 30 Diiv.ension 12 13 Vmirai sAnod Newi lO-MusIra' Moodl 1:10 Dimenslno an CBS Newe ie cnri Matla 1 30 nimnslon 100 CBS Newi in A'nsir 3.30 Dimension 3:33 Sound of Vulle 4.
00-CBS Newi 4:10 Sound ol Mullc 4:10 Dimension It Mnsl- 4-S3 Bla I Newe 5 03 News Headline! Jt 130 1'' 11 I 15 ii'j im if I ho*rnerW Hycon Mlg Whirl Cp While Mot 2h MOMMY 5 OB Mem Heudl'ttes 5:05 Local Nw 5:10 Orive Time 5 25 Ray R.ve Soorti 5-30 Drive Time 5:35 Jim Reid Weather 5:40 Drive Tine 5'55 State News 4 00 National Nfus 4 05 flinner Musical! 7.00 News 7 ns Dinner Musiral I OO Leals v. Burlinqlon I0.0O -CBS News 10 05 Music Loveri Hour 12.00-Sion Oft I I KSIIAV 3-en. Sinn On 5:01 Faith Messace 5:04 News S. OA Carolina Morning 5' 4V -t awrence Aelk 00 New, 4 75 fitiriel Weather 4-wCaronna Morning 4 35-Npws 7 CO -Carcfina 7-13-I'm Re.1 Weather 7-40 Carolina Morning 7:43 Soorl Carolina Morning S3 tle News I no-Nat. Newi 9 05 Wtthinoton Reportl I 10 Col tee Tlma 1 30 Weather 155-TN Newi 9 00-CBS Newe 10 Morning Music 10 OO-CBS Newi 10 In e-iventiir Mlisle 0-3O Dimension 10- 35 Adventure 4Aifiic ew 11- lo-mi Morning Vuile Dimension 11 :35 Mid-Morning Mullc 52'i 31 i.
13' 1 51 Vi 73 3 44 14 'I 4 Kerwtecott 2 KernCLd l.M Kerr Mc 1.40 KimbClk 120 eKretg t.O I Kroger 1.30 Lear Sieg .70 LehPCem Leh Val Ind Lehman 2.0ig LOFGIS 20a LlbbMcN .231 5 Litlsnln 1.34t Llvinqstn Oil LockhdA 2.20 Loews Theat LoneS Cem 1 LoneSGa 1.12 LonglsLt 114 Lorlllard 25.0 Lucky Sir .90 3i'l 4 I Winn Dix 1 SO Woolworm I Worthing 1.50 Xerox Corp 1 YngstSht l.M Zenith 1.20 Copyrighted by 31' 17' 1 35 51 13' 73' 100 1'4 7' M't 79' 3 1 74' i 27i 44s ill 74 40 VI 'Cycle high for PISCES, ARIES, 1 58'n 't SI't 11J Vm 15't 1JH 15'1 I 7 7 7 '4 50 3I'4 30J4 304 Hi 35 7'4 7' 7' II SOU 4H Hi It 103" -5 I 4 34M11H l'4 '4 11 l't 1V l't 341 41 40H 1U 3 35V 35t 58 N4 Wt '4 I 1 iVl 41 "i IM 17 79'- -Vl 121 371 30' -5 3 l't I' 4 33t 33 33 Impw Oil 21 Corp Kaijer lod AAcCrory wl AAHdJohn 41 MlchSuO Aftoiytxlen Monoq Ind NewPark Mn PartCMnl Pl RIC Group Scurry Rain Serial OUA 1 Sperry wt Siatham Inst SyntexCo .40 Technicol .40 UnConlrol .70 WnNuclr .20 i'i The Associated Presi 1947 34A 44't 57. 74'i 12' 3114 V. TAURUS. Special word to LIBRA: steady pace is bes! policy. Sale liaiire an unofficial, ntherwie noted, ralel el Oivl- Jl 4i 44' 40 44 1 2'4 17 54' 35't )1 47 44t 53 IS't 17't 19 1'4 114 17 71 77le 41 14W 52 47 44 144 1 79' II 45; 45' UH 24 2 5 44 431 79 73 i 71H 1 31 17't ji i' li 9 II' ID 11 70 491.
Id I'l 17 44 451 34 31'k 17' 35 49', 49H I lilt 31' 34 M'4 40 49 34't 34 99'! 991 70 12' H't 23 7 79J 79' li lrc'a iv I 74't 24 I M'l M'I 14 31 ION 53 57' 54i 19 721 72t I 50 SOH 4J 47 451 42 14' 34 43 53' 57' 34 24' 23' It t'at 17 921 92 II 143H 141' 12 49i 49'i I 4ti 4l' 23' H'l 31? 30't 34 1214 12'1 15 I TO 35 34H 49 '51 1 51' 30 111 1.T 74' 73' 1 109 1011 100 225 I' 7't 74 71 44 75 II' 77i 37 II I74 41 2'i 25t 21 27' 27'4 190 70 M4 4 24' 24 14 40' 40 Alas 451 44' 44 I7K 17 1 M' M'k 1 7414 241 5 57'. 54't 153 45' I 44' 12 7 77 9 30 30 19 14 91 23t 79 3314 33' 51 37 17 2 32 442 50i 41' II 43l 43 I ii M'i 11 lk HI 1 25 25 71 S3'l 53 24 IJi, 23' 40 441 44' 74 7914 7lJi 34 12' 142 42 41', 25 19' 1814 105 45'i 441, 12 30''l 301i II 31 304 95 241, 24 33 31' 3714 110 119', 117 47 to't 79 31 4S7 45 11 31 3'1 31 102H W2 72 391 38't 39 41' 4714 11 291 29Vi 0 14't I ft' 40 4014 39' 47 42' 41 45 51 51 I 14 14 14 43 421 14 231 73 I 26' 24 13 7 111 205 Wt 4 lO IM 33 4i US 41 471 20 4'4 431l 11 31V 3i't 47 42' 411 42 US' 1'3 104 52' 52'4 41 4314 2'l 1 I3'1 3Vi 11 271t 27Vl 00 7(P4 70 19 451 4514 52 30V4 1914 21 551 5414 111 32'j 31' Fea (Copr. T-M, 1967, Gen Stl I Wt Vk (C lnriicalrs Color VFifnlii am i-nmnilfil from Inform atlo" ftirnlehnrl by stlllnm. idend in tne roreqoinu 37' I I Mack Tr dirmrsem*nl based oo the lat Quarterly i vui p. I I a4aa(in.
1.591 TV PROGRAMS MONDAY 35 131 -3'i Copyrighted Th Associaltd Pri 147 Vaj IO0Y thru WcD. I I Adulti "QUE1-I ISc WELCH I JOHN ea ItlCHAIIDSON Student IN e5c "On Million Yeon B.C." In Color Children 35c eetitures; 1:55 3 4S.5:40-7:30-V.JS at-7ianyjj ImfCiiMiiE Iras 1 1 flivinnos or prw. v. lt 0 nut'' UIHAri 5 rt booklet. The Truth About a Also extra or exlra.
Annual AstrologV, send SO Cents to rate plus slock dividend. r)marr'r! Chinne! 9 WNCT Greenville, N. C. 17 40', 24', J7'4 tft 71 33 -1 Am Too l.M AM Pine AmpcxCorp Amphtnol ,70 Anaconda Anktn Cham Armco Stl 1 Armour 1.10 ArmsCk 1.20a Ashld OH 1 70 Ad DG l.M Atchison I 3 18 Atlas Corp Avco CP 1.70 Avnat Avon Pd 1.40 Rabco*kW l.M Ball GE 1.37 Beat Fos 145 fieaunlt Beckman .50 Geech Aire 1 Bell How .50 Bendix 1.40 Benguet BelhStl 1 SOt Boeing 1.70 BoiseCasc .75 Borden I.TO BorgWar 2.70 BrqiS J.tOa Bnsl My Brunswick BucyEr l.0 Budd Co .10 But lard 1 Bulova Burl Ind 1.70 Burroughs 1 Cal Finanl CalumH l.M CamoRL Camp Soup 1 Canieen .10 CaroPLt 1.34 Carritr Cp 1 CarlerW Case Jl CalerTr 1 .10 CelaneseCp 1 Cenco lot .30 Cent SW l.M Cirro l.M Cert-teed ,10 CessnaA 1.40 CFI Stl .80 Ches Ohio 4 ChiMil SIP 1 ChPneu l.SOb Chi Rl Pac ChrisCraft lb Chrysler 7 CIT Fin l.M CitiesSvc l.M ClevEIMI l.M CocpColaJ.10 CollinRad CololntG l.M CBS 1.49B Col Gas 1.44 ComlCre l.M ComSolv 1.20 tomwEd 1.20 "Comsat Con Edls l.M ConElecInd 1 "ConFood 1.40 ConNGst 1 ConPow 1.90b Contalnr 1.30 ContAIrL .40 Cont Can Cont Ins 3 Cont Oil t.M Control Data Oividend O-Deciarea oiu stock dividend. piiiq ti paid last year.
paper), Box 3240, Grand Central Payable in dunno iar. Npw Ynrk. 101117 i. mated cash value on ex-divioena or e-. 31'4 distribution dale.
q-Oeclared or paid so this year It-Declareo or p'o VII IN OA Snortl, Weather 4:30 News (c) 7:00 Pefpr Gunn Island 1:00 Mr. Terrilie I 0 Vacation Playhouse Grlllilh 9 0 Family AMaT 10:00 Coronet Blue II :00 News. Snorts, Weather 1:25 -Timet rip -so-World lijnti 00-Password (C) 2: JO Houseparty (e) i rum (C) 1'30-Kdne itl Nleht I rmSerel Storm lfl rartrnn lundlon 3 00 Suaarfoot 4.0u News soort. sVearher lorn oiv oeno or sum uw- 32'4 -r 1 ruEso-; a to rsrnlifia Tmtay 9 li'l I Kanoaroo 10:00 candid Camera Hlllhllhel il.00--Ant1y Grlttlth 11 Van Dyke 1200-Ncwi 12 I5-Farm News. Weather 12:55 Weather 17.30 Search Tomorrow 12 45 Gnirline l.laht I.OO-love ol Lite Issue paid this year, an accumulative i 32 2IJ 42't -j 47H i 15' 1 11 "a H'v S9 li 55', Vi 47'.
4I 17 47H 21'. 474 Issue with dividerds In arrears, New News Briefs j'4 Paid this year, dlviaen) emitted, deal ferred or no action taken at last dividend 25 r-Declard or in ,164 plus 7, nock dividend. 1-Peid In stock during 1 1. estimated Cash valu on x-dividend Hollywood 9 ex-distribution dale. FBI Searches For Robbery Suspect GREENVILLE, S.
C. (AP) -FBI agents Saturday combed northwestern South Carolina for a man who took $499 from the. Poinsette Branch of the South Carolina National Bank in Greenville Friday. The robber, who displayed no weapon, was probably photographed during the. holdup.
A teller triggered a hidden camera when she was told to put all the money at her window in a bag. Bank branch manager David Nelson said the film would probably not be developed before Monday. Chonnel 7 VITN Wasrii.iqfon. N. C.
BOSTON (AP)-A Scituate, 57'4 I OO- Today frl Ed 0 10 -Girl Talk lO.IIO-Snap Judgrmfnt 11 i AT: 1:41. 4:53. 7.5 9 i-Saiei In lull. eld-Called. x-E dividend.
v-Ex dividend and salei in lull. x-dis-Ex distribution, xr-Ex rights, xw Without warrants, ww With warranis. wd When distributed. wl-When Issued. nd-Next day delivery.
VI In bankrupt, receiverahip or beiog reorrjanied under the Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such 1.0m-panie. In Fore-oo issue aublact la Interest equalization tax. antique dealer has raised a 60-year-old Chesapeake Bay oyster dragger from Boston harbot and nlans to make itinln Days ot Uvtt Ic) 2-30 Doctors (el Anolhar WorlrJ (c) 3 30-You vi (c) r.trrm (CI i 1,1 M.nr LassiO 6:00 Nr. Weathar, Sporti (c) 10' 10 Conrpnlrtlnn 431 20't 34' 47' 29' i 54 4 3S'i IM Vi 94' 4 3''l 37H 14 MON04I News, Sporti, Aieether News (c) 7.0O RrsndPd (C) 7 .10 AAonlirrs I 00 Jeflnn I "0 CanM'n N'ta 00 Rood Wist 10:00 Run For Your Lit Sports.
Wealtier 11 Tinirjht ShnW TUESDAY Asorrt 1:30 Country Mulc harhnr anrt rtlanc in mate if tntn 1 W'4 ll'i 42 45' 30J. jO'i 244 37V, '4 I'l -J'4 Vj 45 I Vs 102 39' 41 294 IH, 1 40 "4 51' 'I la 123' 119 179 9'. 94'. 23 31 371 II .00 I'ersnnelity 11:30 Hollywood SqUflrM (C) 1 3 23 Wrow 12.30-Fvc Guhi (e) 1:10 JenordY lMO-Leu Deal (c) Nsw for the. right to salvage the vessel, the Bugeye, which sank six months ago.
Dow Jones Adulti 90e Ar I Child 50c "lY" '4 I MOBILE, Ala. (AP) An ul Channel 5 WRAL Raleigh, N. C. ATLANTA, Ga. W.
O'Neill a member of the tramodern guided missile de-j Averages President's Commission on Ur stroyer believed to be the first military vessel built in the Unit- DOW-JONE1 AEVKAGES ban Problems says public housing could be vastly im eoi 1 e(. States for West Germany is "A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED MAN" RULE 26: Remember, there's no such thing as a perfect hideaway! MackeCe .30 MacyRH l.M Mad Fd 2.23g MagmaC l.M Magnavox Marathn 2.40 Mar Mid 1.40 Marauar MartinMar -'I VavDSir l.M Maytag 1.40a McCail McDonD Mead Cp 1,90 Melv Sh l.M MerckC 1.40a MerrChap le MGM lb MidSoUtil ,74 MinerCh 1.30 MirmMM 1.30 Mo Kan Aex MobilOil l.M Mohasco 1 Monsan 1 MonlDUt 1.52 MonlPow 1.54 Montward I Morrell Motorola 1 NttAlrlln 40 Nat Bisc 2 Nat Can tie nr. 1.10 NatDairY 1.40 Nat Dist l.M Nat Fuel 1.41 Nat Gent .20 Nat Gyps 2 Lead 1.53 Nat Steel 2.50 Nat Tea Nevada .91 Newbrry .150 NEngEI 1.3 NYCenl 3.12a NiagMP 110 NorflkWst a NA Avia 2.M NorNGas 2.40 Nor Pac l.M NSta Pw 1.52 Northrop 1 Nwst Airl 70 NWBan 1.90a Norton 1.50 Norwich 1.30 OfiioEdis 1.30 OllnMath l.M Otis Elev 2 Outb Mar Owenslll 1.35 Oxford Pep 1 Pac El 1.40 Pac Llg 1.50 Pac ePtrol PIcPwLt 1.20 1.20 Pan A Sul Pan Am .40 Panh EP l.M ParkeDay la Peab Coal 1 PennDixle .40 Penney I.Ma Pi PwLt 1.51 Pa RR 140 Pannzofl 1.40 ePpslCo .90 PertFllm PtlierC 1.20a PhelpD 3.40a Phil El 1.44 Phil Rdg l.M PhllMorr 1.40 to be launctied Aug. 11. It car- proved with stronger political H-00-News, Weattitr 12:30 Donna Reed 1:00 Fuqitive 2:00 Nr-wlvwed Gami Girl 2: 55-News i on cental Hosplta, Movie 5:15 Lone Ranger 5:45 Sporti 4:00 News, Sports.
Weathar ries the name Luetiens after .331.70 173 TUESDAY I 00 Dayhrenlt I 45 Farm Newi 7:00 Viewpoin 7 05 News Mousa Club Paul I in Everybody's lalking 9 00 AAlka Douqlai 10 oo Femma i-ri 10 5.5 word, Song 11:00 Honeymon Pac 11:30 Family Game MONDAt 4:00 Dalellna 6-20 News 6: SO Viewpoint a 55 Weather 7:00 Bewitched It) 7 30 Iron Morse (c) I in Rat Patrol 1:00 Felony Souad 1:30 Peyton Plata (el 10 00 gig Valley 11 Sports Weather 11:30 Movie backing. 14 I 43 1 '3' 26 I Itfit IM 47' 41 "4 V) STOCK1: 30 Indua 20 Ralls 15 Utils 45 Stnek BONDS: 40 Bonds 10 Higher grade rails 10 Second grade rail i Public utilities flam, sjunwier iiipijens, roni-mander of the battleship Bismarck, sunk by the British in 10.0.30.(72 .71.04 I1.1443.I0 11.970.10 15 2 7 17 2774 AO 32 32''l 37' "4 31 44' 43S I 54 49H 49 49 104 70V4 49' 491 -2 94 34 331 33 30 S2't 51' 5H't 7 49 4814 49 97 24k JO 1 29 44 431 43 i 15 34'4 33 34 99 32' 32V 38 59H 59' 5914 13 It'o 14' 73 41 47 47 V4 317 9IW 941 4 4 "401 3I14. 301 53 43'4 43' 43Vi 10 33511 34' 335' 1 I II' II II1 35 55 54 54' Ht 12 37 37 37 25 Si'i 544 54' 19 441 o3't 4.H 41 4 4114 34 24' 24 V. 511 11' 11 14 55 14 15' 1514 14 31 24' 241 24'i D- 15 111 11 'A 11 Vi 9 341 34 Zi 77 57'4 5A1i 34 33'i 32li 33 19 120' 119' 1I9H 1 4 19' 19V, 1, 34 2914 2914 1 World War II. Channel 11 WTVD Durham, N.
C. Coooerln 1.20 Corn Pd 1.70 CorGW 2.S0e Cowles .50 CoxBdcas .50 CrouseHind 1 CrowCol 1.171 I Crown Cork CrownZe 7.70 I Crue Stl 1.70 i Cudstiy Co Curtis Pub 23rd. Traffic Fatality 31 ii -r 4U4 32'4 1 I3V4 27'4 701 45 1 20' 54V4 It JliI -IVi NOTICE HOG FARMERS The Rocky Mount Hog Market being quoted by this paper ond the News Observer is prices being paid by Sell us your hogs, no commissions, no waiting, daily buying, PEAco*ck MEAT CO. DIAL Gl 6-5174 Registered In Halifax Gumby, Friends 7:00 lortav IC) 8:00 Cap'n Kanqaroa 9.00 Candid Camera 9 30-Tell Truth 10:00 SnrtP Judgment 11:00 Personalily Van Dyka 12:00 Love of Llla 3:30 Riflpman 4:00 Newsheat 4:30 CBS News Trek (c) Jeannie (cl 1:30 Expo '47 9:10 Family Affair 10:00 Dean Martin 11:00 Late News 1 1 jo rmnv i arson(C) TDFSOAY 4:00 Summer Semester 12:15 CBS Newi (tl '2: 10. -Search lor Tomorrow 15:15 Gulrllno Llahl 1:00 Peqqy Mann Turns (e) Party (e) World (e) 130 EdKa nt NIzOI I no crrp, jtorm Bear 5:00 Andy A state bodv truck, operated Curtisi Wr 1 Dan Rlv 1.70 DaycoCp l.M Deera 1 Del Mntt 1.10 Delta Air I DenRG W1.10 DetEdis 1.40 ROANOKE RAPIDS Willie I Ivey, 68, of Rt.
2, Roanoke Rapids, became Halifax Coun by Lorenza Smith, 30, of Skip pers, was going west on ty's 23rd traffic fatality of the jp year when he died on July 16 in Medical College, Richmond, Va. Ivey was the operator of a pickup truck involved in an accident on June 29 at Days Crossroads, about four or five miles south of Weldon. Highway Patrolman A.S. Godwin, investigating officer, re rural paved road IfiOfl and, according to Godwin, failed to stop at the intersection and struck Ivey's truck. Ivey was treated for injuries at Roanoke Rapids Hospital and later was transferred to the Medical College in Richmond.
At the time of the accident, Smith was charged with failing to stop for a stop sign. Patrol- huim Famous Itimw Give You Ins Do sM Donts ForThe Man WtK A Roving Eye Ard The (jigs To Stray I p- 3 341 33VI 33V4 33 2 7:1 24' 04 14 14' 50 23 23' 23 35 25 2J' 25' 194 I0J4 24 IS'A 4157 30', 2 53H 15'. 35 35' 171 2 173 24 44 437a 44 Vi 114 UH 13 13 1 31 oa'l 6 4a Vi 11 31 31 31H 'A 70'4 3'. 49" 7 117 HlVilliVi 1 47 43 42' 45' V4 13 37 3444 344 41 05 (33 3l 11 74H 74 74' 111 33V4 32 33' 1 44 444 41'A 423 14 51 K'a iU 521 I Mlihats tVUKRS NEW YORK STC BOUWt-AMauON STOCK KCHANCJ IJS N. MAIN ST, ROCKY MOUNT, 27102 tUl) 441-7114 r.aiaHJa ported that Ivey was driving the Starring Academy Award Winner WALTER MATTHAU and JAYNE MANSFIELD J.
O. BISHOP, Manager pickup trucK soutn on in.c. man Godwin said that the m-and attempted a left turn at the vestigation is incomplete: how-crossroads onto rural paved lever manslaughter charges pro-road 1600. bably will follow. CENTER Uiinii i 'niiiin, Thuriday of the.