Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (2024)

Chapter Text


Our House

This story and its subsequent follow-ons are a work of pure fiction. This is merely a story and should be treated as such.

To say I fell asleep as soon as we hit home would be an understatement. I was careering all over the road on our way through the hills. At times Rachel had to take the wheel from me. My body and mind were spent. A man in my mid-thirties, oh let's be honest now, I was closer to forty at this point. Sex once a day was a push at my age without a huge carb load or a bottle of Gatorade. I can't even begin to count the number from tonight. Was it four or... I seriously couldn't remember. There was the time on the counter, and then Liv... either way, whatever the count was, it was in fact one to many.

I barely had the energy to pull myself to bed. My wifey on the other hand was perky as a bunny still up for whatever the night could offer. Unfortunately for her I wasn't the young man I used to be. To be fair I wasn't a young man when she met me

I struggled with the clips on my halloween costume which was a little ironic as this thing had seen the floor tonight almost as much as I had. I should have been able to slough this thing off with muscle memory alone by this point. Of course that scenario was only if my muscles hadn't taken an early vacation.

I collapsed at the edge of the bed where my head struck the mattress.Half on and half off, my body lay on the foot of the bed. It reminded me of the way I would sleep as a teen after pulling an all-nighter. I guess in a manner of speaking this could be considered such.

I swear drifting off I caught a glimpse of ire from my girl. If I even held one iota of energy I would have asked, but nothing, not even her anger could keep me awake.


I woke the next morning to Rachel sitting cross legged at the head of the bed. Had she slept at all.

Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (1)

She was surely in a foul mood by the prominent scowl smeared across her brow like war paint. She glared at me even as my eyes readjusted to the stinging California sun streaming through the blinds.I attempted to open my lips but found them immensely dry probably from the one to many bed fellows the night before. Don't tell her I said that please. I won't hear the end of it for a week.

As my eyes came into focus I felt the full fire of her anger. She wasn't just grumpy, she was pissed. Yes, yes I know after last night's antics that sounds funny, ha-ha. She sat still like a gargoyle perched on her feet like she was ready to pounce. I feared my first words would be judged heavily so I had to be sure to choose them wisely. I scratched my brain for a solution, an escape route, but nothing came to me.I had to just test the waters and hope for the best.

“Babe, I'm sorry about last night. I just got a little carried away in the moment. I really never meant to get so caught up. Please forgive me?“ I leaned back slightly which was a little hard already being so close to the edge both physically and metaphorically.

Her eyes like a tempest in a cup of hot coco. The chocolate in her stare swirled with anger. She remained silent throughout the little exchange which didn't exactly fill me with all to much confidence. I was about to break when she finally took a deep sigh letting her shoulders down. “You owe me.“ She scowled. What? I wasn't sure, but I had been married before and knew better than to pull that particular thread. I just nodded and accepted my fate.

She yanked on the sheets hiking them to her as the friction sent me tumbling over the edge. I hit the floor with a thud. It was a stark reminder of the fact I was indeed dating a teenager. I couldn't be mad as much as I wanted. You did this to yourself Danny, you deserve this. I said to myself.

I clambered up off of the hardwood to find Rachel had thrown the sheets over her head in defiance and ducked into the covers. Oh I get it now. How had I been so stupid?

I moved to her side of the bed where I felt a little rustling beneath the sheets. “My baby.“ I whispered. She shrugged away my hand. “Babygirl. Daddy's sorry.“ Again I tired to comfort her with a calm hand. And yet again I was shoved aside. Okay I had patience but this was begining to get under my skin. Once more I placed my hand at her shoulder and stroked, offering an olive branch. “My babygirl, there's someone else who wants to say sorry as well.“

The sheets rumbled till she poked her little head out like a grumpy little turtle. Grumpy turtle, that'll be our secret little nickname for her just between you and I. I stood holding my penis like some sort of sad christmas present but it seemed to do the trick. Without a second thought, she downed me in one. I stood there awkwardly as she gave me radiating waves of anger mixed with the sharp sting of endorphins.

I actually hadn't quite considered the consequences of this. If she were angry enough she might have decided to go a little further than just sucking it, if you know what mean. Seemingly she caught on to my little worry taking me form her lips and held me firm between her palms. “Don't worry. I'm grumpy with you Daddy, he's a good boy, unlike you.“ She jested as she put me calmly back between her rosy red pillows.

I guess I had been a little dumb to think she'd hurt my dick. After all I think at times it may be the only thing she liked about me. She took her palms and straddled my balls with the long strands of saliva that had leaked down to my scrotum from my shaft.

It was an intense moment for sure feeling her lips take me yet seeing her anger. I knew the one thing that might amuse her and have her drop this mood. And she was well on her way to receiving it free of my aid. I watched like a fly on the wall as she cucked me with my own co*ck. How I was jealous I have no clue. Maybe it was the way she stung me with those sharp eyes.

The strength in my legs was begining to fade as a surge grew between my legs. She talked to it, probably sensing my immense and growing jealousy. She patted my head, caressing the sensitive head of my co*ck like a pet. She spoke softly. “You're such a good boy. Aren't you?“ I wasn't sure if she expected it to bark back in response or not, so I pulsed him with a little effort. “Good boy.“ She continued the praise as she brought about her magic tongue to scoop up the few seeds she had already drawn forth. Again she stroked me, easier now with the copious amounts of spit coating my shaft. She was really loving this.

“Is my good boy going to give me a present?“ I pulsed it again jumping to her commands as I often found myself doing also.

She drew out her tongue, the perfect little landing strip for my co*ck. Placed on the very tip of her soft pink runway, she worked my dick with her palms. Both attached to my shaft at either side she tortured out my arousal making that sexy little gag face.

Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (2)

Assuming I was indeed allowed, a shallow stirring in my loins churned.My muscles were warming back down into hibernation mode which was a bad sign if she wanted anything more. My co*ck was pulsing almost uncontrollably at this point. The build up was ready to overflow. Do I talk? What do I do?

I looked like some kind of madman trying t figure what was the safest course of action for myself in the moment. But with all that thought running wild, I left myself no room for mental willpower. I began leaking, drop after glorious drop leaked onto her tongue until the first burst of adrenaline kicked in shooting out a furious white stream of sem*n to stain her gorgeous grumpy little cheeks. Its ferocity took us both by surprise making me claw for the wall and her wince as it splashed her face. She inadvertantly closed her mouth with the amount of cum and it coated her in an almost jelly like substance.

We both stayed our positions till I was completely empty.

I moved to the wall at my back for stability but she wasn't satisfied. She drew me back with one of her petite hands clasping my co*ck and yanking me back into the safety of her lips. She popped me in her cheek and washed it around her lips for a bit before letting me drop out. Final sated, I felt I could ask.

“Are we okay baby?“ I said tentatively.

She answered me by nodding and patting the bed sheets beside her. A smile like an angel glowed across her cheeks. She used her fingers as window wipers to clean up her cheeks while I watched. I knew my Rachel and because of that, I knew she'd have a with retort ready. Bang on cue she looked me in the eye. “Was that so hard?“ She said with a pout. Somehow last nights feast hadn't been enough for her and apparently it was my fault. Protesting now wouldn't do much.

Instead I took my medicine, so to say, and sat at the beds edge creating a shallow dip. My sweetums came up behind me coiling her arms round my tired physique. A kiss on my shoulder let me feel all her warmth that I had missed so much. All jokes aside, when she was angry with me it truly cut me deeply. Call me sappy, a whimp, whatever you will. The truth of the matter was this: I was in love. I was both stronger and weaker simultaneously.

“What's on the agenda today Danny?“ I knew already that the sexual tension had been satisfied by her sweet little term of endearments absence in the sentence.

“I was thinking I could make us some pancakes and then maybe we do a little shopping?“

I wasn't dumb. Show me a girl who doesn't like shopping and I'll show you a picture of hell frozen over. She stirred extremely quickly, popping out of bed probably to clear her face of our little session. She called out to me from the shower. The sound of the water slightly drowning out her voice. I just nodded and shouted back. “Sure baby. Anything you want.“

I wiped my brow and put on the nearest robe I could find as I made my way to the kitchen. I had to stand over a pile of or two of clothes to get there. I called back though I doubted she'd likely hear me. “Babe can you pick these up when you're done please.“

She mumbled something back but I wasn't sure which. I strode across the piles of laundry till I hit the counter. I took an apple from the bowl and tossed it in the air bouncing it off my forearm like a cricket player. I did a fake bowl before taking a swift bite. Its juice ran down my lip which I mopped up on my virgin white robe. I knew exactly what the moment called for. I found my bowl of remotes next to the fruit bowl. I scrolled down my playlist and found 'my song' In truth it was just about anyone's song who was home alone.

The beat to one mister Bob Seger's Old Time Rock n Roll strummed to life. The tune roaring across my surround sound. I did my best Tom Cruise impression in my black socks and boxers. I was missing the unbuttoned white shirt but made do with the bathrobe.

'Take those old records off the shelf
I sit and listen to em by myself
Todays music ain't got the same soul
I like that ol timey Rock n Roll'

I did the air guitar as I skidded like a child around the kitchen. I jammed out grabbing down bowls and pans. Eggs and flour, milk and sugar. I closed the fridge with a quick back kick tossing ingredients around the kitchen like some poor mans version of Chef Ramsey. A pinch of salt, sugar, flour, milk, eggs, baking powder and butter all whisked together like some kitchen ninja. I made the well and tossed together the wet ingredients till it formed a thick gloopy batter. I heated the pan with a tablespoon of butter to lubricate the pan and let a single spoon full hit the hot pan.

I continued through my playlist with Michael's Smooth Criminal next up. At this point I must have had the speakers at there peak in terms of noise. I loved this song. The beat invigorated me. I pranced about doing the Egyptian as I plated the first batch.

A puff of steam flowed from the corridor and emerging from the cloud like a triumphant champion, stood my sweet girl.

She was enough to steal my attention even from the king himself. I stopped in my tracks with the whisk to my lips as a microphone. Her facial expression wasn't one of fun though. “Danny what the hell is this old man music?“

I would have taken offense if not for her barely covered naked form standing only meters from me. I watched her angelic form stride across the living room floor. She moved with such grace. It was easy to forget she were a dancer with all her other many talents.

The moment was smothered by one f my own personal peeves. Tossing off her hair towel she left the dripping white head wrap on my new leather chairs to pool. It gave me an itchy brain. I turned down the music, yes music. “Um... babe, did you do what I asked earlier? You know pick up some of your clothes from the hall.“ I said it with a grin most forced.

She brushed off my comment holding a hair clip in her teeth. “Yeah yeah. After breakfast.“

I don't know if you have kids, but let me tell you, 'Yeah yeah' along with a flick of the wrist is a nuclear act. Its the turning of the keys so to speak.

I asked again calmly. “Babe, could you please go do it now. We just got our house back and won't it be nice if it stays clean for more than a day.“ My levels of passive aggressive energy were at bursting point. Both our fingers lay about the big red button, the glass safety had been removed.

“Oh God. You my dad or something.“ She said spitting out the hair clip with that anger inducing eye roll only a teen can pull off. It was no longer if, but who would get to the button first now. Unfortunately, it was me.

“No because unlike that piece of sh*t I stuck around.“ f*ck. I knew it as soon as it hit my lips. You f*cking idiot. I watched Rachel's face wither away like a flower devoid of sunlight. She wrinkled to a hollow shell as she escaped down the hall. I followed her in haste rushing through the fog of war. In reality she had left the shower on which in itself pissed me off, but right now wasn't the time. I tripped over the Everest of clothes lining my hall attempting to catch-up to her. She was quick for sure. I threw open the doors to my bedroom only to find it empty with the bed sheets still crumpled from last night. I checked the pool area before the growing panic took me. I hadn't heard the car start so that was a plus. It narrowed my search to one place.

I squeaked my wal over the still wobbly boards outside Tommy's cabin. Immediately I heard a shallow sobbing from the room. I was going to pop my head in but for some reason nostalgia took me and I knocked. I had done it multiple times when she and my son had dated.

“Baby. Can I come in?“ I asked skidishly.

I felt a thud against the door. No doubt some wadded up piece of clothing. Lord knows there was enough of them laid about. Too soon? I tried again. Softer even than the first time. “My love. May I please come in.“

To my surprise I found her behind the door. Unsurprisingly, she had a scowl about her gorgeous face. I heard the funniest thing once and now I could see its truth. I remember Seamus telling me as a younger man. “Find a woman who looks sexy when shes angry.“ His advice when usually taken with a grain of salt, this piece was slightly amusing if I'm being honest.

Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (3)

“So...“ She said sharply. “You gonna apologize.“ I'll admit my finger was still on the trigger and with her attitude I almost lost it again. Calm down Danny. One, two, three. Ahhhhh.

“Rachel. That comment was way out of line. It was cruel and for that I'm sorry.“ I did mean it. I had never meant to say those words. It was just being compared to that douchebag really aggravated me. It didn't excuse me however. “Rachel I really am sorry.“ I said leaving the words to settle as I should have earlier before my outburst.

I brushed her cheek with the back of my finger wiping away a bead of sweat that had made its way across her porcelain cheek. I caught the first glimpses of a smile cracking through her exterior. “And... I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to compare you to 'him' You're 0nothing like him. He was a bad Daddy. You're only bad when I tell you to be.“ She said with a grin.

Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (4)

A sudden and blaring noise screeched through our tender moment. Dang. The pancakes. Taking her hand I rushed back to the kitchen only to find a single burnt pancake like black mush swirling about the pan. We both looked at one another. “That's yours.“ A second later we burst into laughter breaking what ever remained of the tension between us.

I turned back up my music slightly to the sweet sound of Phill Collins and Peter Gabrielle. I did a little strut to the opposite side of the kitchen clasping the whisk again to my lips. That familiar funk took me.

'Hot sun, beating down
Burning my feet just a walking around
Hot sun, making me sweat
Gators getting close
Hasn't gotten me yet

Oh I can't dance
I can't talk
Only thing about me
Is the way I walk'

I watched as Rachel looked on horrified. She looked mortified as if to say, 'What the hell have I gotten myself into?' It was the same look T would give me when... actually when I'd do exactly this. As the song trialed off breakfast was ready. I set out our plates and prepared the toppings. A quick sliced banana with some butter and sugar hit the pan followed by a dash of maple. A second on the gas and it was ready. Oh the cream. I pulled the bottle from the fridge and tipped it into a bowl with a fresh whisk at the ready. I know, I know. Fresh cream how un-American. I used all my strength to really beat this cream taking it up every few seconds to check its consistency. From out the corner of my eye I spied Rachel licking her lips. I'll play along and pretend it was for breakfast but come on. I knew what I was doing. She wasn't the only one who could play that game.

I whipped the cream vigorously. My arm really stretched to show out the definition in my bicep. I folded that cream delicately lifting the whisk to let the thickening white liquid drop slowly back to the bowl. I flicked my eyes to her which she caught with a pained grimace. “Daddy, stop teasing. I'm f*cking soaking through my towel.“

“Opps.“ I said turning to the sink behind me and dropping the spoon. “I better get that.“ I said bending down nice and slow. “Daddy.“ She pleaded.

I retrieved the spoon putting it in the sink and turning back to her. I grabbed the cream bowl and placed a dollop on the whisk head holding it above my lips as it dripped down onto my waiting tongue. I imagined the scene was playing out in slow motion for her. I heard the impatient tapping of a teen foot as she struggled through what I could only call a food-gasm.

I grabbed a loose banana and sliced it. “So long right baby.“ I teased.

She replied in the form of a moan. “Ahemmmm.“

“And hard, ohhh yeah, so hard baby. You wanna see?“

She jumped up and down excitedly on the stool. “Yes, yes, yes...“ She chanted with increasing pitch.

I gave her the fruit which she cradled tightly to her cheek. “You like that my baby? That big hard banana?“

She winced with arousal taking her. “Daddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy.“ She cried out. Teens these days. So bloody impatient.

She took the bowl from my grasp with extreme prejudice. Walking around behind me she had a grump on her face. Dropping to the kitchen floor she took my robe and stretched it open. She was merciless in her pursuit to be pleased. Taking my boxer shorts she yanked them down and tossed them aside, barely leaving me time to lift my feet. I doubted she'd have left them for me to pull back up anyway. She took the bowl of cream and dipped my pulsating co*ck in. The stinging cold hit me immediately. Sheez.

“What about the pancakes?“ I said cheekily.

Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (5)

Rachel looked up at me. “I'm cutting back on carbs.“ She joked taking my cream covered penis to the back of her throat in a single stroke. Pulling me back ever so softly she looked at her hard work done. “Now that's what I call breakfast.“

I leaned back on the bench using my forearms as leverage. She was thorough in her cleaning. Taking my co*ck in her palm she lifted the tip and licked the base coating the underside in her drool. After a minute or two she returned my piece to the cream tainting the whole bowl. Quick note, remind me not to eat that later.

She swirled me around the alabaster liquid now turned solid much like my dick. She scooped up a giant dollop using me as a spoon and had it drip all over her cheeks as she lathered her face. “Mmmmmm.“ She moaned like she was in some cheesy rock n roll music video from the eighties. Eyes closed and shaking her hair around like a mane. She never looked sexier. Okay maybe an exaggeration but sure.

“f*ck me Daddy.“ She whispered with her cheeks covered in cream.

Some of my furniture was still in storage so we had some stuff on loan. A few couches, a pool lounger or two and, the dining table. Some Ikea kit set. A friend had adorable dubbed, 'Kit set, s*it set' I was inclined to agree but didn't want to come across as snobbish.

Anyway, at Rachel's whim, and lets face it, my own, I heaved her up in my burly arms and placed her warm naked ass on the table. She purred upon contact with the solid cold. “Mmmmm Daddy.“

I tore her towel off discarding it to the floor in a limp state. It folded to a little soft white peak, but it wasn't the peak I wanted to see. I was rough with her, releasing my pent up rage I suspect. Using my lips I hurriedly pecked her firm body. She was taut, tense, her breath ragged. She wanted me, needed me.

I squeezed her firm little A-cups as I rimmed the edge of her areola. I placed my arm round her back, clutching her to me. I took my finger back behind me to scoop up some cream and planted it on her little peaks. Sucking hard, I had her begging. “Please, please Daddy.“

I pulled back biting playful on her right breast slapping it hard with my flattened palm. “Owww.“ She shouted followed by a dirty grin that swallowed her entire face. “Rough Daddy. I like it rough.“

I quickly had a thought back to the party at what she had asked of me hoping to avoid that request again. Dragging my tongue down her sternum I tasted the salty excretion from her skin. She was sweating so hard just waiting for me to give her what she desired.

I came close, taking my palm again and slapping her thighs both. “Open for Daddy.“ I commanded leaving a small red print on her legs. She was vibrating so hard I wasn't sure she'd even need penetration to cum at this point. The mere idea was making her foam at the mouth. A happy little puppy, she spread herself without further need or instruction.

The table sat just above my waist which was perfect. I slicked my co*ck on the copious amounts of free lube she was providing via her puss* before slipping in. She gripped my shoulders tightly biting on my neck to release some of the tension. “Ohhh geez... Da... Danny...“ She groaned.

Our bodies slapped against one another echoing off the empty house. Her moans were heightened through the caverness halls. Neither of us could keep this pace, no matter how much we wanted too.

There was this slight pulsing in my head. It was the same thing from the party. I liked being rough with her.

With my hand still firm to her spine I took us both onto the table tossing her around like a ragdoll till she was on top of me. “Ride me.“ She planted her two hands on my chest as she stroked my co*ck with the lips of her puss*. “Do it baby, make me cream for you.“

She sunk me between her lips as she sat her full weight on my crotch. “Like that Daddy?“ She mused knowing my answer before it left her lips.

“Y... yes... baby. Just like that.“

I gripped her ass cheeks and gave her a little spank which helped get my point across. She Waved her hands through her hair and tossed it around running her hands then up her naked breasts. She felt herself up as we mutually closed on an org*sm. I could see it in the whites of her eyes, and feel it in the way her muscles contracted round my dick.

The pounding of my heart had reached my ears drowning out most else save for Rachy's sweet voice. “Da... Daddy... Daddy...“ She chanted.

With an almost metallic drone to my breathing I returned her words. “Whose your Daddy? Tell me, whose your Daddy Rachel?“

She stroked me back and forth with the stiffness from her folds growing tougher to penetrate by the second. “You, you Danny. You're my Daddy.“

A sudden cracking noise appeared with little notice. But I hadn't the strength to fight it. Instead I rode out, or better yet she rode out our mutual pleasure. With a final flick of her magnificent hips and magic puss* she had me cumming. I broke in tandem with the legs of the table beneath me. I flooded her birthing chamber at the same time as we crashed to the floor. Her eyes turned milky ironically enough as I streamed a relentless flow into her vagin*. She collapsed in laughter on my chest her hands slapping me as she giggled. “You tryna get me pregnant Daddy?“

We looked around at the mess. All four legs had cracked given our combined weight. She perched herself on my chest like she was ready for a nap. She liked to curl my beard hairs round her finger in the calm after sex. It usually was a telling sign my little vixen was pleased.

“Danny.“ She said softly.

I knew that tone. “Yes master.“ I replied playfully. She smiled devilishly. Oh no, why did I say that. I got a glimpse of leather in my future.

“You shouldn't of said that.“ She teased. “But, what I really wanted to say was, well..." she seemed a little starved for words." Its just, you keep saying, 'my house' and 'my' this and that. I felt so bad. I hadn't realized I was doing it.

I cupped her chin, letting her feel my genuine apology. “I'm so sorry. It… Its your house too babe. Its our house.“

Accepting my apology she kissed my chest. “Thank you. Babe.“ She turned to me slightly with her own look of apology. “And, I'll pick my stuff up. I promise.“

Laying there it was easy to forget the world around us. But the world hadn't forgotten us. Bzzz, bzz… Rachel's phone rang. I could see the dread in her response.

“Yup... Okay. Okay...“ She said unconvincingly. I watched her shoulders tense and her demeanour change. That could only mean one thing: her mother.

“Babe…” She said with dread. “Mom's invited us over to brunch.“


Rachel Brockman: Stay In This Moment - Chapter 1 - TronLegacy29013 - Rachel Brockman (2024)


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.