Princeton Clarion-Leader from Princeton, Indiana (2024)

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Princeton Clarion-Leaderi

Princeton, Indiana

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THE PRINCE ION CLARION THURSDAY DECEMBER 1 I98 GOLD DUST WASHING A THANKSGIVING TREAT CLOTHING CAUGHT IRE A PROITABLE MEETING MYRTLE MASON CLOSE CALL 1 SURPRISED COMRADE' LAMB A to ITY GENTS PER YEAR: A SUCCESSUL CONSPIRACY by PROESSIONAL CARDS JACK SWIPES A SHOTGUN THE RECORD BROKEN fc CATARRH and Tar when DeWitts Little 1 an 60 se the the for machinery In the old butter factory at' Mt Carmel has beenhipped to Chicago to be overhauled bottle at the Emulafon may do most for you now than tea cm do later onBe sore yoo jf TEN PAGES WEEKLY gold and cheerful to be chos riches un the tran Ask your Druggist for a generous Ten Cent Trial Size (rateful feeling parte affected will It feels Henry 58tb BirthdayCelebrated Thursday Night Series of Surprises Soothing healing cleansing De Witch Hazel Balve is the im placable enemy of sores burns and wounds It never fails to cure piles You may rely upon it Biggs corner drug store A Daily Clarion riday Henry Lamb was born 58 years ago yesterday and he will probably re member the last anniversary of his birth better fhan he did his first It is not likely known to him or anyone else whether there was any element of surprise in the first anniversary of this important event but it will "not soon be forgotten by himself or those who had anything to do with the affair that there was a very considerable sur prise connected with the fifty eighth anniversary It was like this Mrs Lamb sent notices to several of the comrades that there would be a surprise oyster sup per on this occasion and the presence of the person who received the invita tion was requested to assist in dispos ing of the same All the arrange ments were perfected and so carefully was the work handled that the victim was kept in total ignorance of the fate that was awaiting him He attended the regular meeting of Grand Army post last night as is his habit and leisurely made bis way to his home on north Race street after the post ad journed When he arrived he 'found that about twenty of his comrades whom he bad seen just a short time before at the post ball had proceeded him and were in full possesion of the house The surprise was complete and he very gracefully surrendered Even if he had been disposed he knew enough about military tactics to know it was useless to try to get out of ambuscade in which the odds were much against him In due time oysters were served Mrs Lamb assisted by some of her neighbors and friends and this part of the program was thoroughly enjoyed by all who were fortunate enough to be present Later tin the evening there was a visit from the Standard male quartet who rendered some lections which were very greatly predated As a closing piece of entertainment two of comrades took occasion to go out a short time and when they returned they brought a rocking chair which another comrade presented to Mr Lamb He responded in an appropri ate anil feeling manner and then it was thonght by those not in the secret that the surprises were over but it was not so The door again opened and another rocking chair was brought in Rev Wolfe took charge of it and in an appropriate speech presented this chair to Mrs Lamb Then the honors were considered about even and after general congratulations all around the visitors took their depart ure Altogether it was a most pleasant evening and will be long remembered by all who had any part in the ar rangement of the affair CREAM BALM Accident Sabbath Morning hich was Nearly a Tragedy of Cod liver Oil will sooths strengthen and probably cure' The cod liver oil feeds and strengthens the weakened tis sues The glycerine soothes and heals them The hypo phosphites of lime and soda impart tone and vigor Don't Surprise for Dr and Mrs Pumphrey Thursday Wedding Annl versary Occasion iy Daily Clarion riday Yesterday was the thirtieth anni versary of the marriage of Dr and Mrs Pumphrey These anni versaries had become so numerous and so common that they had grown into the habit of allowing them to come and go without any special thought about them It is that way with most people Certainly Dr and Mrs Pumphrey were not giving much thonght about this anniversary yes terday probably they had forgotten entirely that It was an anniversary occasion But their daughter Miss Laura had been thtnking about it sometime be forehand and she had determined not to allow the occasion to pass un noticed She sent ont Invitations to some special friends requesting them to inJ and spend the evening in an informal way These invit tions were sent without the knowledge or consent of the parties for whom the affair was arranged In order' to carry ontthe plansit was necessary to practice a little de ception but these things are excus able under such circ*mstances es pecially if the deception results Ina successful surprise as it did in this case Quite a little company of friends came in response to the in vitation and a most pleasant evening was spent Light refreshments served as an incident of the evening and the hours were well spent in so cial intercourse At a late hoar the visitors departed after expressing to Dr and iMrs Pumphrey a their heartiest congratu lations and wishing them happy returns" Miss Laura was also the recipient of congratulations on the success of her conspiracy and be cause of the enjoyment that had been afforded those who were In it Daily Clarion Monday The annual meeting of the Gibson county association closed Saturday at noon after having been a most profitable and enjoyable gath ering in many respects The exercises of Saturday forenoon were according to the programme previously printed in these columns Rev? Smith conducted the opening devotional exercises and Miss Agnes Grigsby favored the teachers with a vocal number which met with such favor that the singer was compelled to respond to the encore 3 use of Biography in the Teaching of His tory" was the subject handled by Mr Oliphant in an interesting man neri His talk was well received by the teachers ollowing this came an interesting paper on by Mr Hall A vocal solo by Miss lorence Strain was a pleasing diversion Miss Strain received hearty applause and responded to the encore A paper written by Miss Ann Dun can was read by Miss Laura Moes It was entitled Phases of the Child Stndy Movement in Connection with the Public This proved interesting to the audience and de veloped many points from which profit will be derived Miss Effie Kolb then sang a sweet song to the great delectation of all her irers Previous to adjournment a lot of miscellaneous matters received atten tion The report of the committee1 on resolutions a copy of which is printed below was unanimously adopted: your committee beg leave to present the following resolutions: 5 That we the teachers of i OLD iHr Otto's Spruce Gum Balsam A physician can prescribe Dr Spruce GumBalsam The formula is on the package Cures your cough in a day: Very pleasant to take Chil dren cry for it Large size bottles Price 25 and 50 cents or sale by Clark Son or a beautiful complexion' use Dr Dr German Liver Powder Clothing Caught from Mother A and Policeman' Extinguish ire Mother and Girl Have Pain Burned Hands Daily Clarion riday i Mr Louis Oswald of the new Princeton Coal and Mining Company operating the Maule coal mine arranged an impromptu Thanks giving celebration yesterday which was an enjoyable affair Hasty in vitations were sent out to citizens and business men Mr Oswald promising a nicentertainment and a good time In response to these invitations quite a number of people assembled at the coal mine about two in the afternoon A platform had been erected on the grounds 5 and oh this was a piano composed of Messrs Stewart Noble Kidd and Ward was present to furnish vocal music and a mandolin club composed of three of our best colored musicians was on duty to furnish instrumental music Gathered about tha jstand was a representative crowd of business men and mine employes President Os wald called or order and made a brief introductory speech He ex plained that the affair had been hastily arranged and gave several reasons for having such a gathering He said it was the intention of the newmining company to have the best of feeling between employers and employes and that the co operation of the citi zens would be a big help He said he hoped to establish a precedent by this celebration and that our national holidays hereafter" especially the Thanksgiving occasion would be obr served in some such a manner when ever possible At the conclusion of his remarks the male quartette sang a selection which was loudly ap plauded Mr Oswald then introduced ex Mayor James Gamble Mr Gamble made a very fitting and timely speech in which he said that he felt everyone within the sound of his voice had something to be thank ful for He gave a brief history of the origin of the Thanksgiving obser vance and enumerated many things for which people in all: lines of life could be thankful His speech was well received and was accorded hearty applause There was more music by the quartette and the man dolin club and then Mr 'Oswald an nounced that the assembly would be given a treat Baskets loaded with rich fruit such as as apples bananas etc were passed around the crowd and everyone was invited to help themselves The fruit looked tempt ing and there Was no hesitancy in ac cepting this sort of an invitation ol lowing the fruit came cigars for everybody and while the fragrant smoke curled in the crisp air the ex ercises were continued farther Mr Oswald gave a talk concerning the Intentions of the new mining company He said the company pro posed to tarnish the product of the mine in first class condition His re marks were devoted'to the quality of this product composed with the pro duct of other mines and made the statement that no coal in Indiana or Illinois could equal the Princeton coal producing documents which con clusively show the truth of his state ments He asked for the moral sup port of Princeton people asked them to assist in pushing an enterprise which will bring many dollars to all lines of business in this city His talk was to the point and made a good im pression on his hearers 1 A Mr Ostranger a traveling man from Indianapolis who lay interested in coal mining gave a short talk in which he praised the Princeton coal and the Princeton mine in the highest terms He said our people should be proud to know that the finest coal mine which had the finest coal in the state was located at Princeton He urged our people to work for their own interests by working for the in terests of this enterprise Concluding he gave the following for a motto: people for Princeton in terests Princeton interests 'for Princeton This apt remark brought forth applause and cheers and it was evident that his talk will be the means of much good There was more music and the crowd dispersed all feeling in good humor and all resolved that they would not hereafter sit idly by and let such an enterprise as this mine go unappreciated The miners and em ployes of the company enjoyed the treat and this will certainly be the means of seenring the interest of the employes our citizens generally and the country at large in the develop ment of our rich coal fields Albion Journal Edwards county circuit court terms have been Jong widely famous for their brevity but it remained for Judge Newlin to break the record in one particular He impanneled the petit jury at half after ten Tuesday and adjourned court at eleven for lack of business At one the afternoon court conven ed again and within half an hour af terward the jury was permanently dismissed without so much as being called to sit upon a single case Just one witness appeared to claim his fees for the proceedings The Journal doubts whether this record has ever been equaled at a regular term of circuit court in any other county of Illinois JMfts Princeton Royalty Manufacturing Co 7 I1 7 iBDoratlon lntroduced at Coni Mine Thursday Afternoon as a Thanks giving Celebration Slomach Trouble Malarton Endorsed PliYalnianM 'W IhUls ever Ague AU uruggigteCjor from offit West Drug OoK Louis or advice in cases requiring special directions address giv Ing symptoms Advisory The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn Un BtUBU LEWIS et OsssrtHs Texas says I I was hvublsd st swathiy Iransls 4 wflh terribls pslns la ay baas saff bask bat kava umb ntusly raltevM by Whs at Cartai" NIGHTMAN! She Shudders When She Realizes the Danger and ain of Child bearing There is so much suffering and danger in store for the young mother that her happy anticipation soon gives way to a feeling of dread at the thought of the pain which she must undergo This constant fear so preys upon the mind of many women that it fills them with ter ror and makes coining a source of the greatest anxiety and dread All the suffering and danger of the ordeal can be avoided by the use of which prepares the body for this important event It relieves and many other unpleasant conditions which ex ist during this time Thousands of women praise for bringing them safely through the most critical period of their lives Every woman should send their name and address to the Bradfield Regulator Co Atlanta Georgia end receive free Gold Dust doea it Morning noon and night Makes all dull things bright Housework's a delight with It gives to an hutnble'home 'or a palace the cleansing touch that Dvui xctuircx al 9 ucbi iririiti huu uial 9 wum THK 1IBB1RK co*kPIXT Chicago iBk Loote New York Boatea Uteda David A Davisf VETERINARY' 7 SURGEON AND DENTIST Graduate ot Chicago Veterinary College jg At Livery Stable Princetou Weak ungs 1 If you have coughed and coughed until the lining mem brane of your throat and lungs is inflamedr Emulsion Dally Clarion Saturday Lev! Johnson the wll known negro better known as is hav ing a good time hunting some game in the Wabash bottoms while a constable is having a good time hunting Jevi Jack The how come it so is thusly: Jess Land had possession of a shot gun belonging to Ollie Kolb which had been loaned to Land Johnson knew of thia and went to Lnad telling him Kolb has sent for the gun because he wanted it for his own use "Land let ihs gun and the colored man departed' Later it developed that Kolb had not sent for the gun and that Johnson had worked this scheme to obtain possession' Land went be fore Oorder yesterday andwore out a warrant against Johnson who up to this writing has not been luoated It is thought he has skipped to the Wabash bottoms to enjoy him relf bunting for while REMIS BELOAT CO BROowAY'LA''a i PRINCETON INDIANA A Monuments and Headstones of the very best quality of American and Italian Marble finisbed in the most artistic design We employ the best designers and most skilled workmen and can guarantee satisfaction All orders promptly executed Call and see ns at our shops or writes and our solicitor will sail on "you wmh Ulus trated designs 4 Vl BKLOAT a'CO MONTHLY SUERING i Jhousands YYVLUCU SUU troubled at 1 monthly inter' Vais with nains in the head back breasts shoulders sides 1 hipsand limbs 'But they need' not suffer These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected The men strual function should operate painlessly MnWI makes menstruation painless and regular It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly And that stops all this pain Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costa froo at the drug store Why you get a bottle IS BEPABED TO 9 MANUACTURE NOV ELITES No oooalM ao mercura do injurious drus rnyuwiune un sise sae trial i else ifc at dragrite or 6y and guaranteed to cure 01 All JEJU MUTIiUB fiT Nw YMfe J' kUkz nap spring to and shut them off from all the bright hopes they labored for is A sick man cannot be happy he cannot accomplish the work he has to do in this world he loses the very money he is striv ing for his ambition defeats itself Any man who discovers that his strength and energy are giving way has an unfailing means of regaining his physical health and stamina in the simple yet all potent restor ative power of that wonderful Golden Medical Discovery originated by Dr Pierce of Buffalo the world famous specialist in diseases of the nutritive or ganism Among the thousands who have consulted him by mail the case of Mr Newton Blalcr of Tipiersville Tippah Co Miss as shown in the following letter indicates the remarkable efficacy of his treatment 11 In December 1895 my health began to fall I tried many different kinds of medicines and the more I took the worse the dis ease grew inally In April when wm busy with the farm work my health got so bad that I eould not hold ont to work one hour My breath became short and 1 was weak and nervous and oftentimes would spit blood I was unable to work I tried one of the doctors in the vicinity but failed to obtain relief I seemed to grow worse My father received a book from Dr Pierce in wnich I read of a case similar to mine and decided to write to Dr Pierce He recom mended me to take his Golden Medical Discov ery? After taking" six bottles of this remedy I ryn recommend it as one of the best medicines to build up the system I am now enjoying good Torpid liver and constipation are surely and speedily cured by Dr Pleasant Pellets They never gripe They regulate tone tip and invigorate the liver stomach and bowels No substitute urged by mer cenary dealers is as good frr1 '21 'tea Myrtle the thirteen year old daughter 'of Mr and Mrs Thos Mason living on north Prince street came being burned to death Sabbath morning As it is she owes her life to 'her successful efforts to extinguish the flames and i the girl may be very thankful she escaped with a few burns' '5a Myrtle was standing too close to an 7 overheated stove about 8:30 and before she realized the' danger tlv her dress caught fire the cloth being light materia) the flames leaped Up the back of the skirt in an instant? The frightened began call loudly for help in the meantime at tempting to stop the progress of the fire with her hand Mrs Mason heard her cries and quickly ran to her She was at the spectacle and for an instant was powerless to move The desperate situation called for action and immed iate action at that and Mrs Mason 't was quickly fighting the fire with her hands" The daughter by this time had become almost frantic with fright and Mason had to hold her with 1 Jf one hand while she battled the flames Deputy 'Marshal Trible who lives next door to the Masons heard the screams of the girl and ran to the house to investigate tbe cause He arrived in time to be of good service in nnttincr a rmiAfns nn thn hnnrrrv flr i fiend that was seeking to destroy the daughter of the household After the flames were extinguished and the ex citement had died somewhat it was found that Mrs Mason received injuries more "severe than were re ceived by her daughter consisting of deep burns on i her hand scorched hair eyebrows and face The daugh ter received burns on one band but was otherwise uninjured The dress was completely ruined The burns of Mrs Mason and her daughter were given soothing applications and will heal in due time It was a very nar row escape from a horrible death and it is indeed lucky that nothing more serious is to be chronicled Marhlp WnrlfR 'J niftMft i WASHED DEATH ISHERMAN LITTLE Nimrods "all over the country will be pained to learn of the death of James Little the host of fishing camp on White river After long suffering of chronic diseases and lat terly pneumonia the whole souled and big hearted 5 has crossed the dark river of death The end came Saturday morning at Camp Little Deceased was an old soldier having made a good record in the irst Mis sousi light artillery or several ft re ft iftTKiv a JL1V JUCU3 UVVvl JUU VOUIU VAA IXLlx? river and made a business of selling fish in this and other markets His camp was the rendezvous of fishing and bunting crowds during the favor able seasons and everyone was given a cordial reception and generous hos Mpitality by the lone fisherman He was a gruff uncouth man but all who knew him liked him His death is cause of sincere regret in this city The remains of the lone fisherman were brought to this city and funeral services were conducted by Rev Jenkins at the undertaking es tablishmnt of Smith on south Main street" Sunday afternoon Quite tVAA Auauj muujuoio ui uw uouiug "and hunting crowds attended the ex erclses over the remains of their friend and there were a number of beautiful floral offerings on the bier as a token of the esteem of some of our nlmrods The remains were laid to rest in the I 0 cemetery The deceased had no relatives in this sec tion but a brother and a sister reside at St Louis '7 eant Aina fio oocaIda COLD EAO It is quickly absorbed UItss relist st ones Opens tad clesasss ths nasal passages AUays InSasuBatioa Heals aad protects the mem brane Restores the senses of teste and email It Hits the Spot When Buttering trom a severe cold end your throat and lungs tael core take a dose of oley'a Honey the soreness will Iteved a warm and healing of the he experienced and you will aay The Cincinnati Weekly Commercial Gazette Weekly Edition of the Commercial Tribune) Stomach trouble is the common name applied to a derangement of the stem' which is keenly felt but vaguely understood It may mean inability to retain food or to digest 4 it It may mean nausea pain after eating fullness inordinate craving for food or entire lack of appetite Whatever it means with the stomach you ahave stomach trouble you will be 1 interested in this letter tfrom a man who had it and was cured by Sarsaparilla or nine years I suffered from stomach 4 i trouble tried the aid of the best doctors of Philadelphia and Pittsburg and spent large sums of money all in vain One day while waiting a train in Bellaire 0 I picked np a paper with a notice of zrr Sarsaparilla I got one bottle to try it It did me so much good that I purchased five more bottles I took four of them and gained in flesh my appetite improved and now I oatf eat anything My stomach is all Tight thanks to the use of Ayer's Saraapa CAivnjMSTBVEN3 Uniontown Pa Gibson county in association assem bled believing that ourcourae of study for the common schools is overcrowded and in consequence that unsatisfactory work is done we rscommend to our legislature for their favorable consideration this winter the subject of shortening and revising the course of study for the common schools Therefore be it That the state board of education be re organized and that the common schools be represented by a county superintendent as one of the members of the board Also be it That we highly appreci ate the music rendered during the as sociation and extend our thanks for the same Be it further That we appreciate the lengthy papers read by our fellow teachers but suggest that the execu tive committee limit tiie time twenty minutes WrrHEBSPOON Cablisle Committee 4 Repair Bicycles Guns Locks Sewine Machines Gasoline" Stoves Etc They will make you a key in place the one you have lost or broken They will make models for the in enter or will make kwCZlA ilxre owtvxvlo A a ww vwvill nlftrewre ftvAVr VviviW V4UVV SVA LAAV AAA IfttlV LWJ AAA UV UUUVBV OAAJ U4U VUUlg 'i a to please you Come or send forour Hand Book of Information' NO 1 13 SOUTH MAIN ST Democrat OfficsT 1 i I 8 Send sc in Stamps for our 132 page Large Illustrated Catalogue of Premiums offered with the Weekly Commercial Gazette a Published every Tuesday 5 It has the most complete and reliable Market Reports' It is Republican to the core but never offensive Its departments relating to arming Labor1 Manufacturing and Legislation are of the greatest value to every reader It is an up to date family newspaper It has ten pages compactly filled with the most important news of the world and just what the family fireside mosts enjoys Special inducements to club agents Sample copies mailed on application Address COMMERCIAL' TRIBUNE C0 Cincinnati 0 Levi Jack a Colored Man Works aa" Scheme and Departs With a Good Shot Gun Gibson County Association Met riday Morning and Con a tinned Till Noon Saturday Daily Clarion Saturday The annual meeting of the Gibson County Association jcon venedin the circuit court room at the court house yesterday morning There was a large attendance of the teachers of Gibson county schools and there was also a good attendance of outsiders at the opening session the seating capacity of the court room being barely sufficient to accommo date the audience The first session opened at 'ten with one hundred and tbirty five teachers enrolled out of nearly two hundred teachers of the county The first exercise was the singing of that great national hymn by the audience led by Cavanaugh An invocation followed and Prof" Chappell the retiring president of the association delivered a5 short farewell address which was well received 'The new president Prof Wm Smith of Branch introduced and made a neat inaugural address' in which he acknowledged the honors of his position andhoped he would be able to satisfactorily fill the chair Old Education versus the was the subject of the address given by 0 Wirth Many inter esting points were produced ln this address and the subject was handled in an interesting manner throughout After the conclusion of the address a discussion of this subject by the teachers followed The discussion was participated in by the teachers generally and was a profitable one to all During the forenoon the exer cises were interspersed with some choice music which was a source of much enjoyment The afternoon session opened with music and this was followed by a paper on Life and Teachings of Helen by Prof Sandford Trippett of the Hazleton schools The wonderful development of this deaf dumb and blind girl was re counted in a most interesting manner The paper received close attention and many complimentary comments Prof CaLMinton of Owensville had a paper on Concentration of the course of which was a splen did one and full of many profitable points for the thinking teacher This was followed by more music of an en joyable nature Mr Mark Harris of Branch who has quite a reputation as a speak er before such gatherings addressed the" association giving an excellent lecture entitled Brains in Thy His talk was a masterly ef fort full of good sound logic and showed deep study Mr Harris en tertained the association at some length on educational subjects and oc cupied the time until the hour for ad journment in a most profitable man ner This lecture was the cause of much comment and many compli ments were bestowed on the speaker by his hearers After some music led by Prof Dearing the association adjourned until 9:30 this morning Many a man with his whole soul immersed in business and money get ting is like the miserj whose spring shut to and locked him in for ever Men work and slave and worry and get sick and broken down forgetting all the time that health is worth more han that a happy home is rather en than great til they hear door of disease NOTICE I will be at my office in rancisco on Mon days Thnndaye and Saturdays ot each week tar this tntnAflLrtInn nt An hnmna to Center township THOS MAX AM Truatee JQR 8" ANDERSON PHYSICIAN SURGEON PRINCETON IND Office No 108 south Main street Residence corner Prince and Monroe Nptice The undersigned would respectfully tender jflt his services to all in need ot an Auctioneer All business In that line promptly attended to Charges reasonable Call on or write ffW A GARRISON janlltf HAUBSTADT XND "wj li lrpfo Wi I Is ar El fte' 1 'BB IH 4 fl MM Igj 'JiQim 8 The HlMr ll 04? 1 A rjs 't A i i 1.

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Princeton Clarion-Leader from Princeton, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Rating: 4.4 / 5 (55 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.