Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)

if' MONDAY EVENING; JULY ty 1941 POUGHKEEPSIE' NEW YORKER Continuing Poughkeepsie Evening Star Enterprise Beacon Boar Zone's List Humbers 3,397 cf Assions 5 Names Wait Integration ul to roost Torarrl JCON New draft lerlal hs been assigned to lit of southern Dutches. SStly become 21. by the Zone 222 JS board covering Beacon and f)JZZ of Fishkin, East num. "JZpi. Beekman and Pawling.

SdlUon of tha IK new regls Jlncrea to 9.291 the total "ber of men within the southern which ia the largest Jtbe county Ave draft aone. serial numbers were assigned by Tot' board headed by Dr. Carles V. Keating. Beacon, and ln JSU R.

Malcolm Hunter. Wap rail, and Hugh N. Oar ZbA. rlshkUL 8ejuence In which registrant will be tate mted tne or01 number St win be determined when a new JJaooal lottery drawn In Waah Mton Thursday. Serial numbers assigned include: Donald Francis Dupay, 91 Union street.

Beacon. Oeorge Iatvan. 8 Kill street. Beacon. g.

WlUlsni Frencl Smith, Wipptog'" n' 4oeorge Frederick Lindbergh, Piwling. 14 jrafi Wesley Brady. Hugh mcifflt. Arnold Lionel Roher. Wap peu rails.

8 7 James AlTah Brouther. Highsonvllle. Rsymond Henry Dugger, Wipplngtrs Falls. Kenneth John Smith, 100 Wilkes street. Beacon.


itturfaa WED. JULY 16 I 1 RAIN OS SHINE Dover Plains, N. Y. (ROUTE 22) $1.10 PER PERSON Cualral, Olliailll. Mu, a.

Irakarau us Olk hiUnt IUA.il Lan a. AT LUCKEVS Hear Recordings ON VICTOR RECORDS MADE FAMOUS BY tf jetumal alssssssssssssiPBssssssn yTvsgii.HN ssTl' laaBsssssss'lW7al rissssssssssPfvllvScfl Hear him pUy the hit PERSON Wed. at Dover PWna Tickets on sale her Sang indk Urdu.t B.sm Elver Dolores Da I Worry' Watcha Know, JMr "erythlng Happens Ma Swing Tim Up In liar Swine High A. Uwr On Of Thaaa Things, Serenade tha Spat Ce Away rram II An arts 1 and 2) now It pan. 1 and 2) raa Gat to' Sentimental Orrr tan ht and Day Nina Old, tea and assay ethers.

Wer.75c NOW ONLY, 50' wckey, PUu Co. UCORD8 TBIBD IXOOK British "Valentine's" for the Germans No tokens of affection are these "Valentines" which la what tha British call the huge tank pictured above. Wide of beam, low slung, with can nons mounted In rerolrlng turret, the new type land batUewagons are shown during recent test maneuver. 8 12 Charles Samuel Mason. Pawling.

8 12 Bernard Hundley. 27 Main rtreet 8 14 WUUam Morgan Ward. Jr. 11 West Willow (tract. 8 15 Frank Oeorge Sramek.

Its Sargent avenue. lt Paul SorcL Warjpuuter Falls. 8 17 Robert Albert Post, Wap plnger Falls. Ig Marvin van Ecbaute, Wap plngers Fall. Kenneth Augustus Sconeld.

Wapplnger 20 Elbert A. Reed, 16 Bank street 8 21 Roacoe Lee Vaughan. Jr. Brockway. 2Z a James Cole, Holme.

8 22 John Joseph Orusti, Jr. 253 Liberty street 8 2 PhUhert Alfred Comeau. Beacon street 2S Stephen Michael Kochay. 22. Davis street 8 28 Arthur Ralph Lounsbury, Stormville.

8 27 Josenh Edward Totten. Wapplnger Falls. zs Martin Samuel Schlossberg, 70 Fishklll avenue. 8 29 Oeorge James Dchhorn. 124 Washington avenue.

30 William Douglas Hager. Chelsea. 8 21 Frank Michael Pulcastro. Tloronda avenue. 8 S3 Rene Joseph denier.

Pawl ing. 8 22 Francis Charles Cunningham. Pawling. 8 34 MUton Lattlmer. Beck man street 8 35 William Clifford Lake, 57 Teller avenue.

8 38 Frank Louis Shevetone, 21 River street 8 27 Frederick Eugene Stanton, Wapplnger Falls. 8 John Joseph Walen. Hope well Junction. 8 3 William Oerald Hugnsonvuie. 8 40 William Henry Mandlgo, Jr.

42 Church street 8 41 Arthur Jackson Williams, tt Washington avenue. 8 42 Oeorge Webster Smith, Jr. Park street 8 42 Christopher Atkinson, Jr. 07 Maple street Walter Francis Bride. 27 Main street 8 45 John Irving NussblckeL Wapplngera Falls.

4S Samuel Aloyoula Megna. Wapplnger Fall. 47 Artnur Charles Either. 34 Oreen street 8 4 James McCort Seymour, New Hamburg. 4S Charles peter Bacon.

Hopewell Junction. 8 50 Herbert Lorenao Johnson. East Fishklll. 8 51 Carmen Joseph DeCastro. 52 Beekman street 8 52 Ira James Baker, Poughquag.

Lester David Wright uopeweu junction. 8 54 Leslie Ernest Wright uopeweu junction. 8 55 Vincent Joseph Paul dlen ham. 8 5 John Edward Sutyak. 189 Main street 8 57 Benjamin Oeorge Utter, Pawling.

8 55 Stanley Charles Krom, Hopewell Junction. 8 69 John Pietrantonlo, 8t Lawrence Monastery, Beacon. eO John Herbert Beattle, 144 Main street 8 James Delbert WUllams, 2t Wolcott avenue. 8 C3 Theron Serris Wlmett Pawling. 8 53 James Francis Blanchard, Hopewell Junction.

844 WUUam RusseU VanPelt 29 School street 8 65 Henry Joseph Sylvester, 19 norm ceoar street 8 58 Albert Richard Tomask 2 Cross street 8 47 Dominic Paul Catalano, 127 overlook avenue. 8 Robinson Clifford Lent 52 Beacon street 849 Jack Angels. Box 14, Bea con. 8 70 James Edward Beekman street 8 71 Charles Allen Berry, New Hamburg. 8 73 Fulvlo NennL Wapplnger Fall.

8 72 Joaeph Leo EvanleU. Wapplnger Fall. 8 74 Anthony Oabrlel DeMarco, Wapplnger FaUav 8 75 John. Joseph Belusar, 404 Fishklll avenue. 8 78 PeUrf Paul MarkowlU, Holme.

i 8 77 Joseph Roosevelt WhlU, fiolmea." 8 79 Roberta John Horton, 181 Verplanck 8 79 Michael Fody. Jr. FiabilL 8 80 JoaeDh' Btenben Polumbo. Chandler ttrtet 'W" 8 81 James Malone Flgo, 22 South avenue. 8 82 Anthony John Otsxareul, 18 VanNydeck avenue.

8 83 Justin Herman Kramer, Mage nolta Farm. 844 Charles Douglas Fisher. Jr. 27 WlUow itreet a ta jonn uarun zick, 593 south avenue. 8 88 Alfred 8teffensen.

38 Wash ington avenue. 8 97 Theodore Augustus Eyth. Jr. 28 St Luke's place. rrank rrancls sotuie.

Pawl ing. 89 Elmer EUsworth Smith. Jr. Pawling. 90 Clement Carey.

355 Tloronda avenue. 8 91 Delmar Clarence Jaycox. East FlshklU. 8 93 John Oeorge Lacey. Glenham, 8 93 Joseph David Flynn.

478 Main street 8 94 Frank Joseph Jackson. 25 WUUam street 8 9S Oeorge Robert Burchance. Pawling. 8 98 John Allison Dodson. Wap plnger Falls.

8 97 John James PletrogaUo, 211 Liberty street 98 Donald Arthur White, Wlc copee. ra Vincent PhUlp Cramer. rlsh kUL 8 100 Douglas Thomas Hamilton, wapplnger Fall. 101 John Anthony Taecartne, jr. south street.

8 102 Clarence Oeorge Craft wappinger rails. 8 103 William Michael Lyons. wapointert ran. 104 Wilfred M. Thomas, Flsh klU.

8 105 Augustine Michael Dlgneo, 21 south street 8 108 Frederick Lewi Sandford, 29 Center street. 8 107 Hobart Mortimer Brockway, 9 Rombout avenue. I08 Harold Brown, Kelley 8 109 Daniel Arthur Newton, Hopewell Junction. 8 110 John Alexander PantaUne. Wapplnger Fall.

8 111 Ernest WUUam Rogers, 28 Ellxa street 8 112 Frederick Caruso, 256 East Main street 8 113 Earl Donald Wvant 6 Prospect street 114 Karl Phuun Weber. Hope well Junction. 8 115 Oeorge Henry Handler. 28 Ackerman street 8 118 Richard Them a Price. Chelsea.

Ramon Novarro To Star at Pawling Starlight theater. Pawling, will present the romantic comedy, "Com mand to Love," starring Ramon Novarro, beginning tomorrow and playing through Sunday. Matinees are Thursday and Saturday at 3 o' clock. High School Alumni Band to Give Concert Pouahkeensle High school's newly organised alumni band wUl present it open air concert tonight at 7:30 in front of th school. The concert program includes: Anna Mater March "Appleton," R.

B. HaU; Melody in A. Rubin stein; March MUltalre, F. Schubert; Lucia (Valse Espana), F. R.

Bertram; Trojan Prince Overture, O. E. Holmes; HaU of Fame March. Thomas 8. Allen The Rosary, cornet solo by Oordon HohL Ethel bert Nertn; The Walts You Saved for Me.

Kahn. RH. FUndt; Light Cavalry Overture, F. V. Suppe; Home on the Range, O.

F. Briegel; March Rlligioto, W. P. Chambers; I Am An American, Schuster, Cunningham, Whltcup; The Star 8pan gled Banner, F. 8.

Key. Officers of the alumni band are Harold Goodwill, president; Oordon HobX vice president; Donald Lutx, secretary; Thomas Richardson, treasurer; Mary Ellen Buchanan, librarian; and Donald Knaua. historian. 'v LOST CASH ITSHZD TOK, Angler In a coast town of north Queensland have fished in valn for a lady" handbag containing! about 8280, It reported In Brisbane, Australia, Diver alto 1 failed to find the money. The lure wa th large reward offered in an advertisem*nt The loser 1 a woman angler who upset a can on which ah had placed th bag.

ilailBKpfp lasiaHaVlim (gftFi Is th time to get your baby's photograph of a 50 savingl $POAl TrllS WKK ONtY 1 "WW nMI (1 1 rholograph DNLT 1 HAND. COLORED IN OIL lofohrfr $2 vl A a aa w8f p8jaffjBaBBBn)B; 4BBBwyrrBaj Jooa asraw StsaU, sa now Lackey, Piatt Burroughs CASH REGISTERS gKUBnsnwwwwwwrsnfia4lnlln lgBgnLEnKL annWaiBHtaaail pgMpSEQunSMSnSPI gaBgaBtnaCalr IIlWplssHsSsfl LsPLa9 "LONC UHTT'' Burroughs Cash Registers have extra large indication figures visible from wide angles and reading correctly from both the customer's and the clerk's side. Exceptionally fast and easy key action. Secret, locked in total. Available in print ing, non printing, receipt issuing and certifying styles.

utjuututo tttdt Hi isSSS Mtfr'i lMb jMMsaBnLi COMBINATION CASH REGISTERS Onrahlne th advantages of both' cash ragbtcr and an addlog ni. chine hi otm low priced unit. 'BvUt tosaact you raqulraaatot LICKEY HAI1VIX Burrouglis Adding Machine Company ALBAlY, N. 1.1 112 SUte Street What Goes On Here? A le of line linen. price on a new radio beauty from Oiz.bc Arden.

are just a few of th. Hung. I find a. Luckey. whether th.d.yU blue Monday ZrEiLfm LUCKEY'S Presents Treasure Islands a They're the new streamlined aisle counter we've been planning for you.

Ultra (mart modern design and bleached wood. And every one of them wUl carry a treasure of savings not buried, mind you, but right out In the open for easy inspection and selection. For example, look for: 8yl 0 Supe, shadow paneled ..1119 Frult af the Laam Shirts and Shorts far men 29 White Summer Handbag, Copies of 82 Bags ..11.94 TREASURE ISLANDS STREET FLOOR Treasure Kit Tha fare value" o' fhe season eleven lovely Elizabeth Ardon Preparations, Including Ardena Cleansing Cream, Ardena Skin lotion, Ardena Orange Skin Cream, Ardona Eye lotion, Makeup, Superlin Tooth Paste, Blue Grass Perfume. The beautifully simulated alligator, coses come In a wide variety of colors. Special value Repeat Sale On Giant Glass Basket St si z'wQ.

emir rt An outstanding; value in our recent Anniversary Sale. We aola out then, but have now managed to get more. Copy of an 'old Waterford 1 1 tnehe; high and twelve acrosait'a. big 'enough to hold twi, doxen rosei. LINEN SALE Save Now On Fine Quality Iinen Cloths and Sets A II, Linen Hand Printed LUNCH CLOTHSK Ml :1 Imagine getting such valuel A real linen cloth, aixe 45x45 inches, with lovely hand, printed design in gay color.

Size 52x52 inch Cloth A MoaaWaW 1 mi. I 1 n) Linen BRIDGE SETS; i Regular $1.39, Fme quaUtT. 000 If a linen embroidery in brilliant colore. 'j fy ft 3 'i Linen A regular $3.98 Imported Irish Knen of excellent quality bleached to 1 a anowy white. Site.

M. 1 iZ "si I.Nl' $m9JT 1 fy. VP u. Irish Linen CL03MS Sti. TV am a.ima MiiaaliHr lnfft kal ftla DsamBsiV' flMKsHafl' gsfrv' 60x80 isiclte, regularly $6.78, rot.

ioy55.9of' 60x90 mcbes, ri tf ll SSM A nanaun. reguiariy so.o aoxen iA 0C YA 'VW ft1 llll Blsaasaal I 11HeHBHb.H' "I 1 gHSIagalaBgaPHHgHglggllJBaS aVBHaaSBagaagaBaBBaHaai. sasai I IHlBa.g.ngEl'' saaBBai aH tagaavSagaal BaHgaaSBaHBagaagaagaag IV' gHflgSaHHgSaH gK tgglgsHHsaBaBaHaaBaBai'' HI BlgHllBagB 1 sHgUHsiUBgi2.glr' BaVaUaWaUalBaaBBaaBBsBaMai UHgUnlUHBl ku UIIIIImI Bagi2.gi2.gi2.gi2.gWlBIHI' fJjHK2faTst9Jtay fafjfjpaafj) a. iis' tic. SensationalNew Model296X PHILCO Radio i $79 50 with you old act Regularly $99,50.

New oversea wave band geta Europe 5 time stronger. Brand new radio cabinet, Built in American foreign aerial system Greater' sensitivity and selectivity. Eight electric push buttons. Beautiful, walnut cabinet. See.thia set before you buy any radio I $1 WEEKLY DELIVERS A NEW PHILCO TO YOU bK71bbbbbbbE11bB aHlsaUJsBBBBBBBBBBBKBai1 A New Litfle philg6: yw'w'kis t.

mw H'-ii- viir.o Mote powef A Amazing per forminca for' auch mall a frt 'W A aVADIOS TBIXI fXtf:.

Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.