Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Lafayette, Indiana

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Lfi I Local State Journal and Courier Thursday January 16 1992 3 legislators will not seek they leadership posi Senate in 1988 after Senate Minorityank was utenant governor leadership Two other veteran legislators Republican Sens Ed Pease of Brazil and Joseph Corcoran of Seymour also joined the growing ranks of lawmakers will not be Neary announcing seeking another term growing family and financial responsibilities which include two sons in col lege a daughter in junior high a 19 month old daughter and my wife Suzan expecting in August we have agreed that it is time to move on to other challenges in Ne ary said Neary 47 was elected to the Senate in 1976 and became Democratic caucus chairman in 1980 He rose to the top Democrat tion in the former Leader elected lie Under Senate Democrats pushed for collective bargaining for state employees and additional funding for education and human services but their ef forts were mostly thwarted by the Republican majority district includes portions of LaPorte and St Joseph counties Pease who has represented western and central Indiana since 1980 said increasing demands on state legislators made it impossible for him to devote enough time to his job and volunteer work he enjoys with his church and the Boy Scouts of America another term I By The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS Senate Minority Leaded Dennis Neary of Michigan City an nounced Wednesday that he would not seek re election in order to devote more time to his family ifcwl I Cigarette bill appears dead By JAMES GRASS Journal and Courierlndianapolis Bureau INDIANAPOLIS Efforts to nearly triple the state tax on cig arettes appear dead this Indiana General Assembly session state legislators conceded Wednesday Proponents of the tax hike which would have raised the price of a pack of cigarettes to5 $225 said legislative approval of the proposal is unlikely this session However supporters promised to continue pushing for the tax in crease next session would be very difficult to get it said Sen Michael Gery West Lafayette may take a look at taxes in a major way in the 1993 session If people looK at tms enough they may ac cept The proposal would increase the state tax on cigarettes from the current 1512 cents per pack to 45 cents per pack The measure which? is geared toward dis cduraging teen age smokers though higher cigarette prices would raise more than $175 million in additional revenue for state health programs Identical versions ofj the bill have been filed in both the Indiana Senate and House of Represents ti vcs I But both House Bill 1366 and Senate Bill 425 appear to be dead Neither measure has been sched uled for hearing in a legislative committee and unless supporters act quickly the bills will die this session i HB 1366 will not receive a hearing in the House Ways and Means Committee said Rep Patrick Bauer South Bend the committee chairman just bad he said not going to raise any taxes this year I Under the Indiana Constitution tax bills must originate in the House of Representatives noted Senate President Pro Tem Robert Garton Hearing SB 425 in the Senate Rules Committee would be a 'waste of time Garton chairs the Rules Com mittee (Gery) is making a point and fine but got to have a House bill Gar ton said start a reve nue raising bill in the Boosting cigarette prices has been found to discourage teen age smoking said Dyke Egnatz president of the Indiana State Medical Association The ISMA has endorsed the tax hike plan one quarter of Hoosier high school seniors smoke Egnatz said the ex cise tax is a deterrent to young people becoming Tripling cigarette excise taxes also would boost state revenue by an estimated $175 million a year Both tax hike bills would earmark this additional money for a variety of state health programs in cluding CHOICE in home health care program for the elderly and disabled Committee approves Deaths A Marie Bender 92 retired school teacher A Marie Bender 92 a former resident of 1817 Shoshone Drive died at 9:22 pm Tuesday in Home Hospital She had been a resident of Home Hospital Extended Care since November 1988 Born Dec 24 1899 in Tip pecanoe County she was a life resident of Lafayette She re ceived her and mas degrees in education from Indiana Normal College at Terre Haute Miss Bender taught in several elementary schools in the Lafay ette School Corp for 51 years retiring in 1969 She was a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem Home Hospital Auxiliary Order of Am aranth Inc Business and Profes sional Women and Indiana State Teachers Association There are no immediate sur vivors Emma A Hazelgrove family leave By The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS An Indiana House committee approved on Wednesday a bill that would re quire most employers Ho give workers unpaid leaves I for the birth adoption or serious illness of a child or the illness of a close family member The House amily and "Children Committee voted 9 1 in favor of House Bill 1181 which was sup ported by religious and labor groups and opposed by businesses The measure now goes to the full House where it passed last year before dying in the state Senate I Rep Thomas Kromkowski South Bend said his bill would be great in helping families through difficult economic and personal times Under the bill an employee who had worked at least 1000 hours in the previous 52 weeks could get up to 10 weeks of unpaid leave for births adoptions or hiedical emergencies A worker would also be allowed to take off part of a work day for medical visits or counseling The employer would have to continue to provide group health insurance to the worker on leave benefits When the worker returned he or she would have to be restored to a position comparable with the one held before the leave and to be paid comparable salary and ben efits Desmond Ryan of the Indiana Catholic Conference argued the public wants family leave to be available it would help poor peo ple who often able now to return to their jobs after leaves and it would impose minimal costs on employers It costs more Ryan argued to hire and train per manent replacements for workers who have to surrender their jobs because their employers al low leaves of absence The measure was opposed by the Indiana Chamber of Com merce and the Indiana Small Business Council Christy Huston a lobbyist for those groups said family leave be a mandated benefit Instead she said employers should have the flexibility to neg otiate benefit packages most desirable to their employees Legislature should not dictate a one size fits all benefit she said mandate the benefits they offer their 92 Illinois native WHEATIELD Emma Ann Hazelgrove 92 a homemaker and former resident of Route 2 died at 8:15 am Wednesday in Rens selaer Care Center She was born June 13 1899 in Milford Ill She attended school in Wolcott and lived in Wheatfield before entering the nursing faci lity She married Ottis Lee HazeP grove on April 7 1921 in Wolcott He died eb 4 1980 Mrs Hazelgrove was a member of Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in Rensselaer Surviving are two daughters Mrs Virginia Jones of Rensselaer and Mrs Betty Cleefman of Rey nolds two sons George A Ha zelgrove of LaPorte and Carl Hazelgrove of Charlottesville Va and one sister Mrs Matilda Kocher of Indianapolis Mary Gladden 91 member of Ladies Elks RANKORT Mary Helen Gladden 91 a rankfort home maker died at 1:50 am Wednes day in Milner Community Health Care Center Rossville She was born eb 3 1900 in Michigantown She married Ar chie Dewey Gladden on Dec 15 1917 He died Sept 2 1981 Mrs Gladden was a member of the rankfort Ladies Elks There are no immediate sur vivors Lawmaker withdraws utility bill Brown survivor By The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS Legislation that would have turned the Utility Regulatory Commission I into an elected body rather than an ap pointed one was withdrawn by its author Wednesday after a one hour committee hearing Sen Patricia Miller Indianapolis said this short session does not provide enough time to revamp the commission which approves or rejects rate increases for gas electric and water utilities Indiana changes the law I want it to be the best public policy we could Miller saidi Miller withdrew the bill after Indiana manufacturers utilities and consumer groups expressed their reservations to the Senate Environmental and Consumer Af fairs Committee which iMiller chairs In other action Wednesday: The Senate finance Com mittee voted 7 5 to approve SB 112 which would automatically distribute 50 percent of surplus Hoosier Lottery revenue to towns cities and counties for local de velopment projects The inance Committee also voted 11 0 for SB 325 which would require mail order com panies that are not located in In diana but do business here to reg ister as retail merchants and col lect the state sales tax The Environmental and Con sumer Affairs Committee also voted 6 5 for SB 149 which would require the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to leave written notice whenever it inspects a landfill manufacturing plant or other permitted facility RENSSELAER Mary Eliza beth Brown of Rensselaer who died at 4:35 pm Monday also is survived by a son Thom Brown of West Lafayette oreign Continued from Page C1 group of Germans who own 10 parcels totaling 3426 acres in Montgomery County David Webb Co Inc of Edinburgh in which a Swiss company has a 95 percent stake owns farm land in White (1690 acres) Benton (320 acres) and Boone (820 acres) counties Webb is the sole foreign owner of Benton Cotihty farmland In Boone County the only other Milton Hall 84 retired painter Milton Hall 84 of Lafayette died Tuesday evening in St Eliz abeth Hospital Medical Center af ter a brief illness Born July 9 1907 in Lafayette he was a life resident of this area He attended Jefferson High School and took night courses at Purdue University Mr Hall was in business with his brother at Hall Brothers Painting before retiring in 1983 He served eight years in the Na tional Guard He was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church and Beta Phi Sigma fraternity and was a 50 year member of Masonic Lodge 123 in Lafayette He mamed Dorothy Ehrhart on Aug 26 1933 in Michigan City She survives Also surviving are three daugh ters Linda Rae Hall and Mrs Robert (Sally) Baxter both of Lafayette and Mrs Robert (Jane) Platt of Escanaba Mich James Carroll 83 Pine Township farmer OWLER James Carroll 83 of St Cloud la died at 2:15 pm Tuesday in St Cloud Hospi tal Born on Sept 19 1908 in Pine Township Benton County he formerly was a resident of ow ler Mr Carroll farmed in Pine Township most of his life before moving to lorida in 1983 He was a member of St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in St Cloud and the St Cloud Shuff leboard Club He is survived by his wife the former Margaret Ellensohn orest Parks 77 Lake Township fireman LAKE VILLAGE orest Parks 77 formerly of Lake Vil lage died Tuesday evening in the emergency room at St Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center in La fayette Born on Oct 14 1914 in Lake Village he lived here qntil moving to the home of his son in Brook ston four months ago He married Dorothy Newell on June 21 1950 in Crown Point She died in 1988 Mr Parks was a inember of Lake Village Presbyterian Church and Lake Township Volunteer ire Department Surviving are a son Leonard Parks of Brookston a daughter Alice Banister of Morocco two stepsons Ronald Collard of Las Vegas and Donald Collard of Lake Village and two stepdaughters Carolyn Wicks of Brownsburg and Melody Brooks of Lake Village The service is riday in Mor occo foreign owner is Ross Poultry Breeders of Thorntown a subsid iary of Imperial oods of Eng land The company has 288 acres Besides holdings in White County another thousand acres are owned by Austrians and Germans along with a plant breeding company owned by The Netherlands North of Lafayette foreigners have an interest in 1386 acres of farmland in Jasper County and 2128 in Newton County They in clude Germans Belgians Greeks Jack Pippenger 58 retired police officer RANKORT Jack Pip penger 58 died at 4:30 am Wednesday in his home on Kil more Road He had been ill for three years Born March 3 1933 in rank fort he was a life resident andgraduated in 1951 from rankfort HighSchool Mr Pippenger served in the Army during the Korean War He was a rankfort police of ficer for 20 years retiring in 1978 He was a member of the rater nal Order of Police and the co owner of Ye Olde Spirit Shoppe He married Wynona Jones on Nov 30 1955 and she survives Also surviving are three sons Chris Pippenger and Kelly Pip penger both of rankfort and Terry Pippenger of Mulberry a sister Betty Thurman and two brothers Bill Pippenger and Don Pippenger all of rankfort John A Carnahan 70 PINE VILLAGE John A Carnahan 70 a retired Pine Vil lage barber died at 1:30 pm Wednesday at his home at Route 1 No further information was available Betty Seward 101 MONTICELLO Betty Seward 101 a former Monticello resident died at 3:55 am Wednesday in Westminster Village in West Lafayette No further information was available Randolph survivor Among the survivors of Evelyn Carte Randolph who died Monday morning jin her home at 2107 Car lisle Road WL is a sister Altha Thompson of Indianapolis Her husband who died in ebruary was William A Randolph Deaths Elsewhere Ronald Kirk 56 IUPUI biology professor By The Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS Ronald Kirk 56 a biology professor at Indiana University Purdue Uni versity at Indianapolis died Sat urday in Manati BraziE He was on a church sponsored work trip Kirk had taught at Purdue in the mid 1960s and also had taught at Indiana University at Kokomo A graduate of Purdue he was a' member of several academic and professional organizations As a member of the Church at the Crossing Kirk was active in out reach mission work in Brazil Jamaica and Panama and a couple of corporations reg istered in Liechtenstein The nationwide report through the end of 1990 shows foreigners had an interest in 60500 out of 205 million acres of farmland in In diana a mere three tenths of a percent Canadians are the top foreign landholders nationwide followed by the United Kingdom Germany and rance The Japanese often thought to be gobbling up every thing American have just 4 per cent of the foreign owned acres or the record I I 1 uneral Notices Births Home Hospital Jan 14 Mr and Mrs Lane Brooke Brookston a daughter Gerry and Laurie Darding West Point a daughter Robert and Catherine Hanna Route 4 Box 1 86 Rensselaer a daughter Xiw Quing Li and Qing eng West Lafayette a daughter Wes Hicks and Jamie Staggs Lafay ette a daughter Craig and Paula Stockdale Way netown a son Births Elsewhere Capt Wayne and Jacqueline Adams Heffner of ort Huachuca Ariz are the parents of a daughter Lauraleigh Anne born Jan 14 Grandparents are Robert and Alice Mae Adams of Lafayette great grandparents are Ruby Watson of Lafay ette and George and Mary Adams of Dayton Your legislators Indiana Senate Phone: (800) 382 9467 Address for all: Indiana General Assembly Statehouse Indianapolis Ind 46204 GERY Michael (D) West Lafayette 22nd District airfield Wabash Tip pecanoe Union Wea townships in Tip pecahoe County HARRISON Joseph (R) Attica 23rd District all of Clinton and ountain counties parts of Tippecanoe Warren Carroll Montgomery Howard and Ver million counties WOL Katie (D) Monticello 7th Dis tnct all of Benton Jasper and Pulaski counties parts of Carroll Newton Tip pecanoe Warren or White counties Indiana House of Representatives Phone: (800) 382 9842 Address for all: I Indiana General Assembly Statehouse Indianapolis Ind 46204 DAVIS James (R) Kirklin 28th District parts of Clinton Tippecanoe i Carroll Boone and Hamilton counties i GRUBB Dale (D) Covington Dis trict all of Vermillion County parts of ountain Warren Parke and Vigo coun ties KLINKER Sheila (D) Lafayette 27th District airfield and Wea townships in Tippecanoe County i 'LEUCK Claire (D) owler 25th District all of Benton Newton and White counties parts of Carroll and Pulaski counties POOL Dan (R) Crawfordsville 4 1 st District parts of Montgomery Tip pecanoe ountain and Parke counties ROORDA Walter (R) DeMotte 16th District all of Jasper County parts of Pulaski Porter and Lake counties SABATINI Robert (D) Logansport 24th District all of Cass County parts of Carroll and ulton counties SCHOLER Sue (R) West Lafayette 26th District: Parts of Tippecanoe and Warren counties To call us To reach the Journal and Courier newsroom call 423 551 1 from 8 am to 5 pm on weekdays After hours and on weekends call the Local Desk directly at 423 5522 and the Sports Desk at 423 5518 1 Outside Tippecanoe County? call toll free (800) 456 3223 Our AX number is 420 5246 I Staff Reports ARMOLD Esther A riends may call two hours prior to 1 1 am service today Stitz uneral Home Remington BENDER A Marie riends may call from 9 a until service time at 10 am riday at Tippecanoe Memory Gardens Mausoleum Chapel Pastor Jacob Hoffman officiating Two nephews survive Those desiring may contribute in memoriam to charity of donor's choice Hippensteel funeral di rectors in charge of arrangements BOLIN Ralph Visitation 4 9 pm today Windier uneral Home owler with Masonic service at 7 pm uneral there at 2 pm riday DIEKMAN Dorothy CORRECTION Service 10 a Thursday Boiler Baker West Lafayette uneral Home Chapel the Rev Robert Dexter officiating Interment riday at Evangelical Brethren Cemetery reelandville Memo rials to Lafayette YWCA Aquatics Dept GLADDEN Mary riends may call 6 8 pm riday Good win uneral Home rankfort Service in Goodwin Chapel 11 am Saturday the Rev James Eldridge officiating Interment Bunnell Cemetery Two grandchildren 6 great grandchildren 5 great great grandchildren 2 nieces survive Pre ceded in death a son Harry Kenneth Gladden in 1951 3 brothers 3 sisters CARNAHAN John A Arrangements are pending at Maus uenral Home Attica CARROLL James riends may call 4 9 pm riday Windier uneral Home owler with Rosary at 7:30 pm uneral Mass at 10 am Saturday at St Charles Catholic Church in Otterbein ather Ambrose Ziegler of ficiating Entombment Tippecanoe Mem ory Gardens Mausoleum Two brothers a sister preceded in death Memorials to Sacred Heart School LANDIS LOY 914 Columbia at 10th Ph7421 1 17 MILTON HALL uneral Homes Inc Obituary Line 742 1161 Lafayette Chapel SOLLEKBAKER RANDOLPH Evelyn Lafayette DIEKMAN Dorothy ADMPHONE: 742 1131 Meaty matters: Examine Surid HALL Milton No visitation at Landis Loy Mortuary Pri vate family inurnment service the Rev James Chase officiating our grand children 3 great grandchildren survive His parents Garl and Essie Wren Hall preceded in death Those desiring may contribute in his memory to Wabash Center 2000 Greenbush St Lafayette 47904 HAZELGROVE Emma Visitation 2 9 pm (CST) riday Jackson uneral Chapel Rensselaer Graveside service 10 am (CST) Saturday Memory Gardens of Rensselaer Pastor Howard Jordan officiating Surviving 24 grand children 36 great grandchildren 9 great great grandchildren Preceded in death by 2 sons 3 brothers 6 sister parents PIPPENGER Jack riends may call 4 7 pm today and 2 8 pm riday at rye uneral Home rankfort Service there 2 pm Saturday the Rev Lloyd Louks officiating Inter ment Greenlawn Cemetery Three grandchildren survive 764 4440 wlLUAM NELSON COOPER JOHN A CARNAHAN UNERAL HOMeVJVTTICA IN 47940 THOMAS EDWARD COOK A ELBERT MCPHERSON ALVIN McMAHEL A MARIE BENDER IVMUl MOMt People who know you People you can rely on 822 Ninth St Lafayette IN 742 7302 ja HAHN Euneral Homes LAAYETTE 742 7873 OXORD LINDEN 385 2119 339 4321.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.