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Pf 47 JOHNSON CITY PRESS Sunday November 17 2002 190 Professional Professional Tf90 180 General Employment 190 190 190 190 190 Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional Professional WC FORKLIFT It thglr sgrvlc dtol tprltncd 1C torkllt technicians suBonqing In loosing tor A electric 936-3900 DO You have clerical computer A organltatlon skllltS Varied duties Approximately Akhrt a week IIP per hour Late afternoon hours A all day Saturday Flexibility mustl Call 2113 LOAN PROCESSOR Nationwide Lender hat immediate opening tor eo proceeior Salary 4- ltvgrano Po return hjfHHQi MANUMCUTUR1NG ENGINEER tier I automotive supplier Requires engineering manufacturing Salary Dot Cstellent benefits Peg paid Coll Ron 41 Sneiting Personnel Services M2 410 ATTENTION HAIR STYLISTSI 0 SIQNUP BONUS HAIR DEPOT Bait TN't tor tl group ot hair cart ctnltrt hat optnlngt In I locations lor ttvllttt Wt havt pitnty at cuitomtrt Wt atttr top wagtt crtdlt union paid vacallont and Olhtr btnttlll Call 2D3 U(M DIETARY MANAGER needed torWoih Co Mut havt Mtitltnciwltri food art ooration budvtf controls ond tuporvlilon FHoato tond row wfh talary rauirmaf to io A to Johnum City prt Bo Jobnian City TN 36M WORK From hom*o- 6uslnss opportunity crooto vour own hours Nood http Immodloilv Colll0jj0 www btttgrdqys4ucom PACtORREP SsUK draw vs Commission Advancement opportunity Direct response leads tax resume Id 423 sieuevi Professional NOW hiring tor professional Loss Prevention full A part time Must be tie ible scheduling education ond'or experience Plus Must go through a background check Pieoe apply to IIOR AVI JC Press PO Bos IMJ Johnson City tn Items BUSY MEDICAL practice needs experienced Otttce Manager Prior positions as Medical Ottlce Manager required with experience In all aspects ot medical practice necessary Please mall resume ta: tLO Box 1166 Bristol TN 3621 Experienced Mortgage Professional Branch managtr needed to develop new net branch ot a national mortgage bank Must have experience with Canv FHA and VA home loans II your current employer does not recogalte your value to their production here It your opportunity Is be Iht boss You will bt rttpontlblt tor running your awn prollt ctnltr under Iht corporate umbrella ol our tartnl marltagt bank If you lave mortgage txptrltnct ond positive leadership dualities pltatt call Dustin Steward at 423-H7-3MS FULL TIME Customer Service Rep New company opening Jan 1st Mast important to show up everyday on time need phonecompyterorganuallqnal skills Please call 423 4e7 ms or lax S63-6l 2324 TRANSPORT INC IS LOOKING FOR 1 HP FOLLOWING POSITIONS TO BE FILLED IMMEDIATELY IN OREENEVILLE TN Brokerage General Manager responsible lor leading Ihg brokerage department must have a carrier lallawlng and the ability lo mentor and train all personnel and In negotiating rales Preferred candidate will have al least 3 years experience In the transportation Industry (Preterred in the Brokerage department) Salary will Commensurate with experience Please tend resume and talary history la: IballardBiandalr cam or lax resume la 433 IT 1333 No Phone Calls Please REAL EStATe had record growth in 01 train to be a licensed agent Call DAD School ot Real Estate tar tret into 232 ISM ASBURYCSNTE rTT Bovimont continuing cart rttlrtmtnl community It acctptlng rttumtt tor tht potltlon ot MarkttlngSaltt Olrtetor Wt art tttklng a motlvattd dtlailorltnttd ptrtan who hat ttptrltnct In doting taltt Tht potltlon will Indudt facility touri gtntratlon ot Itadt markttlng to tht public and follow-up on all Inaulrltt Wt otftr a camptlltlvt btnttlt packagt and talary All Inttrttttd apply at: 100 Ntthtrland Ln Klngtport TN 3IMO MIF COB THIQftAOUATtond Profeuionol Stodiei Program ol tuiculum Collee eeM qualified odlumrt faculty for teaching ooeifione fhroughouf fcaef tenneetee Aaoikant for teaching in the Matter ot Orgamiationnl Management program ehouid have a terminal degree in any buine dticleltne (Management Marketing Finance feconomki Buiineri Low Hum on Resources Auolkanf tar the undergraduate erogram thould have a matter fc degree with 19 graduate hour in Management Economic Dunne Communication Human Resource or finance Proteiiional Vudte otters non traditional accelerated adult oriented evening classes Most classes meet one night a week for si weeks Prior experience with adult students Is preferred Doctorates are preferred Send a letter of application with current resume ond transcripts to Director of Patuitv Services tuscuium College Professional Studies to SOW Oreeneviile Tn JJ4J tOE EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS COUNSELOR Lcvtl 9 (Contingent upon grant funding) EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Colltgt ot Builntti Ttnnttttt Small Butlnttt Dtvtlopmtnt Center Invlltt applications tor Iht potltlon ot Butlnttt Counttlor Potltlon ovailablt January 2 20U3 ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Counttllng training and providing athtr attltlanct to owntrt and protptctlvt owntrt ot small butlnttt Tht purpott of this activity It to attltl ttaktholdtrt ertatt butlnttttt and lobt and to Incrtatt rtvtnutt and profitability QUALIFICATIONS: Bachtlor'l dtgrtt In butlnttt ttchnologv or rtlaltd tltld Thrtt vtart butlnttt owntrthlp or flvt vtart In ttnlor managtmtnl It rtaulrtd Master's dtgrtt It prtttrrtd Tht tucctittul applicant mutt bt obit to pats wlthlnilxmonlhtof tmplovmtnt tht TSBDC Ctrtltltd Butlnttt Counttlor txamlnatlon dtmonttratlng prollcltncy In tht cort comptttncltt ot butlnttt (accounting tlnanct marketing managtmtnl tie I Submit letter ol application resume end names addresses and telephone numbers of three references by December 16 2002 to' Robert A Justice Director TSBDC 2109 Merkel Street Johnson City TN 37604 AAE0E ICIINCt MILL ADULt EDUCATION has openings for teachers in the following AutoCod 1002 Tole Painting and Yoga instructor Please call 2J2 2201 tar more Information EXPERIENCE NEEDED Traeo Arehlttctural Svtltmi a manutacturtr ot Curtain Wall Start Fronts Enlranct Doan and Skylights It eurrtnlly looking tor txptrltnctd taw optralart lubricator! wtidtrt and olhtr various production position! In our Klngtport (acuity Candidates will bt team orltnttd lltxlbit dtptndabit and havt a strong work tthlc Muit bt obit to read a tapt mtaturt to and lilt 90lbs or mort Mutt bt obit to pan art tmplovmtnt drug terttn High tchool diploma or GEO rtaulrtd Traco olttrt comptlltlvt pay and txctlltnl btntfltt that Indudt mtdlcol dtntal vision and disability and lilt Inturanct 401 II paid holidays and vacation atttr 90 dayt Qualltltd candldalt! can apply all TRACO 2304 Sllvtrdalt Rood Johnson Cltv TN 3601 Altn: Human Rttourctt tmtp nttMtuothcnwtitiN fwtvmv Fax I 423 134-9611 SQLSERVER DEVELOPERANALYST AFQ Industries Inc leading Ileal glass manufacturer far the commercial automotive and residential construction Industries located In Kingsport TN is seeking a SQL Server DgvgloperAnolytl Responsibilities Include the development installation maintenance enhancement and support al the care business systems Minimum reaulrementt Include a degree In Computer Science Business or equivalent with experience designing (computer databases and processes I and three 13) experience programming (cade I testing) ond developing tvtiems preferably In an AS400 or NET environment Additional requirements Include demonstrated protect management and technical prallciency using SQL Server Visual Basic DTS OLAP and The right Individual should have excellent verbal I written communication tklllt be a team player and be able Is meet deadlines APO otters a competitive benefits and compensation package Find out mare about AFO by visiting our web site al www algglast cam For consideration Interested candidates should tubmlt resume talary reaulrementt la AFO Industries Inc Bax 929 Kingsport TN 37662 Alin: DevelanerAnalyit EOE MP PRODUCTION JOBr Johnson City buiinesi its looking lor an individual that ti honeit and dapandabta lo work tn drug tfaa production anvfronmant Job raqulrg individual lo ba quick learner with a ittong work athtc to itarl Immediately Lay fa abova evataga lot tha induitty Sarloui Inqulrlta only Call 6771826 The FIRST Tennessee Development District is accepting applications tar the position ot Planner (Grant WrlttngandProlect Administration) Responsibilities Include grant wrillngondproltcl administration for local govtrnmgnthouting rehabilitation local parks trails wolertewer Infrastructure and slhgr praltctt Some specific responsibilities Include processing ot rgauottt tor payments tar protects oversight at protect bidding processes ond compliance with grant program guidelines Other duties Include providing technical assistance to local governments In Northeast Tennessee ond responding lo data information requests Ability to work with local stale ond federal governments contractors and engineers reaulred Familiarity wltn spreadsheets and word processing It Helpful Four year degree In business public admlnislralibn planning finance or related field or equivalent experience Strong writing ond mathematical skills reaulred Monthly salary 12637 Applications are available at the First Tennessee Development District 207 Boone 31 Suite 600 Johnson City TN 37604 Equal Opportunity Affirmative Adlan Employer KINGSPORT CITY SCHOOLS MATH AND ENGLISH TEACHERS NEEDED Teachers needed tor ttcond semester Interim positions elieciive January 31 2003 Applicants must bt eligible tar Ttnnttttt licensure with appropriate endorsem*nt Applications will bt accented ond reviewed unlit Iht potitloni ore tilled Send teller ot Interest with rttumt or complettd application to Otlortt Richmond Assistant Superintendent For Personnel Kingsport City Schools 1701 Ctnltr Street Kingsport TN 37664 Phone (433) 3711 3103 Pax: (433) 371 31)4 Residential Team Manager Responsible tor the day fa day operation ol two residential homes supporting Individuals with developmental disabilities the supervisory oversight at staff and th health and well being ef the residents Our mission 1s 10 provldg auallly care ond training lo persons with developmental disabilities while creatine ond maintaining a comfortable and tale home environment Prior supervisory experience reaulred Salary plut guarterly performance bonuses High School DIplomafOBD and good refgrtncot art reaulred Extensive Training provided Excellent benefits package Pre-tmplpymenldrug screening Apply at: Dawn ol Hoot 1300 Millard SI Johnson City TN 37601 Slkahn to bmvM TRACTOR-TRAILERS NO EXPtBItNCE NEEDED ALLIANCE TRACTOR TRAIIIR TRAINING CfNTKRt WYTMKVtUt VA 1otQ0H4ttoa BRANCH MANAGER Wt'rt Tht Nation'! Lorgtit On-Vour-Lot Homtbulldtr and wt'rtlooklngtora carttr-motlvattd Individual to lain our growing loom at a Branch Manager Wt otltr comptlltlvt talary and an excellent btnttll packagt that Include: Company Cor Prptll Sharing Rttlrtmtnl Plan 401(10 Employtt Slock Purchatt Plan Lift Disability Inturanct Mtdlcol Dtntal Inturanct Paid Holldavi A Vacallont Succtttlul candldatt mutt havt a colltgt dtgrtt or substantial experience In tatti or monogtmtnt and a commllmtnt lo ttamwork It nitntlal Wt tncouragt carttr mlndtd Individuals la contact: Jim Walltr Homtt Inc 2933 Stont Drlvt Kingsport TN 37660 Pltatt Fan Rttumt to (433) 206 6J93 We Offer Experiment OTR Drivers: Competitive PAY Package! A HOMETIME Policy That Works! Great Fringe BENEFITS! Late Model STAND-UP PETERBILTS! More NO TOUCH FREIGHT! Head Start Position Available Full-DayFull-Yiat Program Tht Upper Eoit Ttnnttttt Human Development Agency Inc Head Start Program It now acctptlng applications for tht following full-llmt potltlon (with btntfltt) located In Sullivan County: Teacher Minimum Qualifications: In Early Childhood Education i or A Dtgrtt In Early Childhood Education: or Child Development Associate (C0 A)i 'Prefer txptrltnct working with prtienool agt children Qualified Interested applicants MUST submit an application by contacting' ETHDA lnc Alin: Human Resources P0 Box 46 301 Louis Street Kingsport TN 37602 Phone: (423)246-6180 Driver MULTI-SKILLED CRAFT PERSON APO industries tne motor International flat gloti manufacturer and distribution company with tbcllllles located across the and Canada It seeking an txpgrltnctd mulll-tkllltd craft parson to work at part ot our Engineering Sgrvlctt Team Quest If 10 candidates should possttioHSdlplemo completion of a recognised apprenticeship program In a related craft and have skills In the following areas: Welding rigging ond plot filling Machlnt repair and Installation Experience In pntumallci A hydraulics i glut years In construction of plant malmtnancg CLASS AHAZMAT if iwa SMALL nvlranmental Engineering Firm located In Oak Ridge li seeking structural and Mechanical Engineers or clearance Is a plut but not required Wt provide an excellent work environment A benefits to our employees The following experience It reaulred: MtchanlcalBnglneerDetlgner HVAC design codes nealing and cooling load calculations dud tiling and layout pressure drop cplculallant AutoCAD and Intergraph Structural EnglneerDgslgnerLocxf calculations beam siting dgslgn details welding procedures codes beam siting plpg support design concrete and steel design familiar with llnlle element analysis taltware Intergraph and AutoCAD EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY Student Affairs Disability ServlcesLEAP Program Vocational Rehabllllallon Case Manager Level 6 Position contingent upon yearly Grant Renewal (534871) SEARCH EXTENSION AND MODIFICATIONS ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS: Rttpontlblt tor tht preparation and planning of Individual rthabllltatlon program plant managtr dltnt training budgttt provldt rthabllltatlon client carttr counttllng ptrlorm othtr dull! at assigned Mutt pottttt strong Interpersonal communication tklllt In addition to working Independently In fast paced dtodllnt'drivtn telling QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's degree required In social work counttllng education human resource management or related field i three to live years experience In the vocational rehabllllallon system and knowledge ot process at employee or client Screening will begin December 9 2002 Submit lettsr of application resume and the namas addraaaasand telephone numbers of three references to Disability Services ETSU Boa 7060S Johnson City TN 37614 AAEOE Computer Tech A loading aulomotlvt co It tttklng a aualllltd candldalt tor computtr Itch Potltlon rtaulrtt minimum 3 vtart experience with 2 ytar dtgrtt or minimum 4 ytar dtgrtt Rttpontlblt tor PC Installation and troublt mooting and programmlngrtport writing JD Edwards Cryttal Rtportt PCM2000 and Ptoplt Satt a plus Pltatt submit rttumt with salary rtaulrtmintt ta: Human Rtto'irctt 337 Phipps Bond Hoad Surgolntvlllt TN 37S73 llAiTi-ilOLIUAYS FROM TllEiJQMl'ANY T1LVT OI-l'bRS $10 PbK M1LB AT 6 MOS BXP HOLIDAY SICK DAY PAY PLUS VACATION $07 PbR DILM (NON TAXHD INCOMP NPW bytJIPMPNT WITH QUALCOM 1 1LALTH DLNTAL VISION tk RX CARD OUARANTLLD HOME TIMb PLPNTY OP MILLS 866-822-4480 Please moll or fax your resume to: Kimberly Poston HR Coordinator step me 1006 Floyd Culler Court Oak Ridge TN 37630 1669) 461 0290 Doodling for receiving applications It November 33 3002 ol 4' 30 PM In the Central Office on 301 Louis SI In Kingsport TN Rtsumti without application will not accepted UETHDA Inc It an Equal Opportunity Employer Interested candidates should lubmlt their resume along with salary history to: APO Industries Inc PO Bax 929 Kingsport TN 37662 No phang colli please EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MP Cost Accountant A loading aulomotlvt co It tttklng a aualllltd candldalt tor cost accountant Position rtaulrtt minimum 3 vtart manufacturing txptrltnct and accounting or tngldttrlng dtgrtt Rttpontlblt tor cost accounting (bill of mattrlali and routtrt) and cuttomtr auotti JD Edwardt txp a plut Pltatt tubmlt rttumt with talary rtaulrtmtnft to: Human Rttourctt 337 Phlppt Btnd Road Surgolntvlllt TN 37173 Gentlva Health Services America's largest and-leading healthcare provider Is seeking exceptional clinical nurses to provide one-onv one care to patients In their homes If you are a Registered or Licensed Nurse searching for flexibility employment stability and competitive pay rates then we are looking for you QENTIVAOFfERtJEHEFIT PACKAGES TOALLEMPLQ YE E8 Current Opportunities: Afternoon and Evening shifts In the Elizabethan area iW King Pharmaceuticals Inc IS SEEKING THE FOLLOWING PROFESSIONAL AT OUR BRISTOL TN CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS RAW MATERIALS BUYER Unicoi County Memorial Hospital Inc Immediate Positions Available Radiologic Technologist I edITsOTes The responsibilities of this professional position Include locating sources negotiating beet pricing and die purchasing of all raw materials Resolves Issues with purchases when problems arise from quality billing and receiving ot materials Compiles and distributes approprk as directed Assigns Item numbers and communhtP' any changes tor raw materials (Must have a current ARRT registry) Full Time 3:00 pm pm Require Bachelor' degree in Business or related area from an accredited Institution supplemented by 35 yean of related ewertence andor framing: or the equivalent combination ol education and experience SAP experience preferred tjXMDJ King Pharmaceutical! Inc offgri in Attractive Salary nd Superior Company Senelni Call Gentlva today for an Interview 423-230-1000 1-800-765-7830 Fax resumes to 1-423-246-6087 eoe Full Time -1 1:00 am Weekend opportunities available and cros training in CT 743-1221 Emergency Room 5 RN Part-tlmePRN An excellent career opportunity in sales is now available Join a team of professionals working for the largest and fastest growing outdoor company The' successful candidate should have a sales background be highly motivated very organized and possess the qualities for future management opportunities We offer one of the best compensation plans which includes: major medical dental life insurance and 401 Send resume and work history to: Buddy Scheerer Lamar Advertising 1551 Shipley Ferry Road Blountville TN 37617 or email to salesmgrl48lamarhqcom EOE Check us out at wwwlamarcom (22ZEQ Tri-Cltles TNVA Genti va HEALTH SERVICES For tmmediet cenbdenttal conAdaratton ippty online it www kmgpberm com or fix yeur resume to 423274-8634 or mill your reeume lo HUMAN XCSOUftCIS 01PAXTMINT SOI Fifth Street Irlitol TN S7S20 No later fhr) Fndey November 72 2002 MsowtMtaiMxKMsNeMCsa ine Story tester? mi sol MKMsrrt No pbooe cetie pteeee WWW KIN0PHAHM COM EOEMFVD For more information: 743-3141 2580 East Stone Drive Kingsport TN 37660 F06 STRONG 1 gaiMTnpfini in Gmnfr ti Ds onftAomg Pint Hospital! lit fwiGP Jft RADIOLOGY FOSIHONS AVAILABLE AT BRISTOL REGIONAL AND HOLSTON VALLEY 2 M4CAOVTK 1UHS VnMYflMt4 Shift CLINICAL MANAGER 1CU AT HOLVTON VALLEY MEDICAL CTATER err BtH with mtmmurrt 2-5 yews orittoaf care experience end sfrong neurolreume becAground required Minimum 25 years of strong leedershrpmenegement end excellent communication skills else required STRENGTH Quality Compassion YKw Mjt ti i Vet fis eg i vlwei ia I Rc WmtWMf pomtota wt ifKWUQ mi HAWKINS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Htftbl HU Emergency boom Night Dhift RN with Current IN license 2-4 years Emergency Cate required 1 11 AWN Must be NT A Sonography Seemed or eligible fl position Alternate Ultrasound cat! and rotating holiday wont 1 30am-5pm If interested please contact Chad Adams Radiology Supervisor 8 (423) 521 7246 4 umtUM 1U VAOMA1A Two RRN positions avertable Most be Registry or Registry Eligible rf MAT 0 Rtf Emergency room M-gbtsnrft Regular pad trme RN vnth Current TN beense Interested candidates should contact Memorial Hospital (It laeael (treat PJ lee IX NepanvlNe TH 37X7 Phaar (423) (21-7(11 4 1 UlUAOf V) ROMS with 1-2 years experience preferred hiMmg cm call required (IIUHVfUtMT Hmon vm) 3fm-llpm AftfiT reqd Preneusexp preferred M4 vmit umtutut i unsnutuvt AHHT Peqxered FuF-Pme Pased at Hctisf on Vatie Graxeard sluff mmte STAFF PHARMACIST -INPATIENT PHARMACY AT BRISTOL REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Parl-fime benefited pnsrhwt 02 hours swee Pharmacrsfwdhtfftcense SONOGRAPHER VASaiAR LAB 14014 40 MHime 3rd shdf pusmew at HcWssteei Vahw Must he A88T regtfered XecenfsaUey upgrade AMe tMt fer heyiflry ApehcaM AT BRISTOL REGIONAL FuSfi me pesMm at Snstof hegtenal Ixpenenced vascular er wen a immom ol 2 years experience a vascular tab fcxeenen 'Commtttm skats Fhrt or ftOMS CASE MANAGER PSYCH SERVICES AT BRISTOL REGIONAL Wf-twe poseion Must be a or VA ncensed predessyrutt (omom Therapy and case management extent pferred RADIOLOGY MANAGER AT HOLVTONVAlilY Must PeAFTnqed preferred wen 5 year pt experience mosfy days LwarfaJ etfa A IX nTK iPtNWW XV 6 0XXW (My LONESOME PINE HOSPITAL aHT0MAMTt0NtlM4AtsrTHf4MTFiyTime Must be currently licensed Vvgima WAlPV-Rej'Strp9srt)ons PN wnn coent VA Bceme SURGICALTECHS F0MT10N8ATHOLITON VALLEY AND ROSTCR-REQOfkL CerbbedSw'gxailKhorLPV Prerus experience prefers RADIOLOGY NURSE AT HOUTON VALLEY we current it om Ute (eve experience preferred Fvjev OTn HAND THERAPIST HAND CENTER -HOLAT0N VALLEY teenf £4fT eendejM or (Ml ttqm wm Pi yers exponent bsadq PHARMACIST WELLMONT IMIMON NETWORK BR1STOUTN Pharmacy wen TIMicense FuUbmeorpnvifvrepeseem iNEURODUGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGIST NEUROPHYSIOLOGY AT BRttTCH REGIONAL CLINICAL MANAGERS fUITMEfOMTIONiAlAlLAKEAI BJQSTOLKEOOWL MttBEMODlALVitt mi'Wef IPtr met eca-eex KAprex C1CLTML tm-mitrnmH RAp TYe 5iB(A4pg tft locate! at BUCHANAN GENERAL HOSPITAL Gnm4yYA CtATI0 HM RRN posom Mm It rniresied pease ea 4 mdax resume (artaaae lanaret HeepAet 0mm Haoiarcae Vaate 0ee Vraady 24(14 PkaaK 27BAX12W Pic TtPVHAm R-stames may aso se e-maa to raaditlaai80x( NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECH AT HOLBTON VALLEY Must be a jradne 0 of Hue Wed v4 twit ander (Mn reqsne'ed hmm expenence prefers Musi be wtumplP lane pn cat putyjttvtj wets I mm VI WVC Vv MADISON HOUSE pMrMitN rs-4m Umtm TNI (AM exerwq are 4NJMS p4dfTtii ratimttf mi imMm hi KwHwart Twimi mi fwrtJwwt VfrfWa wff tfrtmmA tptm prnrifc gum? 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