¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (2024)

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Last updated on 6 jun 2024

  1. Todo
  2. Gestión de contenidos
  3. Redacción publicitaria

Con tecnología de la IA y la comunidad de LinkedIn


Paso 1: Define tu objetivo


Paso 2: Investiga a tu audiencia


Paso 3: Buscar datos relevantes


Paso 4: Analizar e interpretar los datos


Paso 5: Escribir y editar el texto controlado por datos


Paso 6: Probar y optimizar la copia basada en datos


Esto es lo que hay que tener en cuenta

Los datos están en todas partes, pero ¿cómo puedes usarlos para escribir un mejor texto que conecte con tu audiencia e impulse la acción? La redacción publicitaria basada en datos es el arte y la ciencia de utilizar los datos para informar, persuadir e inspirar a tus lectores. Puede ayudarte a elaborar mensajes más relevantes, creíbles y convincentes que resuenen con tu mercado objetivo. En este artículo, aprenderás a escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia en seis pasos.

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  • Nate Jorgensen Award-Winning, Higher Education Marketing Leader. Senior Director of Marketing at Miami University, an original Public…

    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (3) 3

  • Eric Steinberg

    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (5) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (6) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (7) 8

  • Montserrat Porras Te asesoro a la generación de estrategias en eCommerce, Marketing Digital para su posicionamiento y ventas, SEO, SEM…

    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (9) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (10) 8

¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (11) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (12) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (13)

1 Paso 1: Define tu objetivo

Antes de empezar a escribir, debes tener un objetivo claro para tu texto. ¿Qué quieres que haga tu audiencia después de leerlo? ¿Cómo medirás el éxito de tu copia? Tener un objetivo te ayudará a enfocar tu mensaje y elegir los datos adecuados para respaldarlo. Por ejemplo, si su objetivo es aumentar las conversiones, puede utilizar los datos para mostrar los beneficios, las características o los testimonios de su producto o servicio.

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  • Eric Steinberg
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    I always wince when I hear “data driven.” It’s pompous and lazy. I prefer to be data informed. Data helps you understand your audience. Once you have that, trust the creative people to incorporate that knowledge into their messaging.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (22) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (23) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (24) 8

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  • Montserrat Porras Te asesoro a la generación de estrategias en eCommerce, Marketing Digital para su posicionamiento y ventas, SEO, SEM, Social Ads, Newsletter.
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    First step, clearly you must have an objective, however think a lot about connecting with your audience, otherwise it will not be worth the effort, then analyze well, according to the objective you set at the beginning, so that you measure correctly, then do A/B testing on copy, images and schedules, to detect what type of content your audience connects with.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (33) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (34) 8

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  • Carlos Ricque
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    First step, stop thinking of it as "data-driven copy". Assume there's a human being on the other end. Assume they're intelligent. And assume they want to read something interesting. Now go into whatever list of facts and figures and bullet points you've been given, and make sense of it. Understand the larger narrative around those data points, and start there. Tell the reader what that larger story is, and use the data to make your point. Now it's not "data driven copy". It's just a compelling, informative piece of writing with facts helping make the point.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (43) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (44) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (45) 39

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  • Erika Malzberg
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    People remember stories, not data. Data is great, but only if it's in service of a meaningful narrative. Also, producing data-driven copy is great...but measuring the quantitative impact (i.e. data!) of that copy is even better. In other words: "data-driven copy" isn't just about using data points to connect with your readers but rather crafting copy that's driven by statistical insights about who your audience is and what they want/need to read/watch/hear at what point in their customer journey.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (54) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (55) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (56) 14

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  • Lauren Holden ✏️Copywriter | You'll like the way I word it. No diggity |💻 I’m Lauren and I’ll tell your brand’s story via well-crafted content. Say hello…
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    While data can sometimes be relatable, most of it can be quite heavy and unnecessary. I'd always begin with a 'human' angle first - for any piece of copy - and go from there.



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2 Paso 2: Investiga a tu audiencia

Para escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia, necesitas saber quiénes son, qué les importa y qué problemas tienen. Puede utilizar datos de varias fuentes, como encuestas, entrevistas, análisis, redes sociales o comentarios de los clientes, para comprender las necesidades, preferencias y puntos débiles de su audiencia. También puedes utilizar los datos para segmentar tu audiencia en diferentes grupos en función de sus datos demográficos, comportamientos o intereses, y adaptar tu texto en consecuencia.

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    Audience research is the heart of copywriting.Without it you'll be wasting:✓ Your time.✓ Your clients moneyDon't write a single word without knowing what your exact audience looks like...✓ Their likes.✓ Their dislikes✓ Do they have dogs?✓ Their dogs name.Find out every thing you can about them.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (74) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (75) 13

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    You can now personalise at scale. Companies are leveraging data analytics and machine learning to segment an audience more granularly and tailor copy to resonate with each subgroup's specific interests, behaviours and needs. This approach takes you beyond broad demographics and lets you create highly personalised content that speaks directly to each individual, ramping up engagement and relevance.



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  • Jake Burgess Senior Copywriter at 80 DAYS 🌎
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    I disagree with the other comment here. Likes, dislikes, do they have pets, pets names... This isn't realistic research. It's also completely irrelevant for almost every business. We put WAY too much emphasis on demographic data when we should be laser-focused on: - Actual customer experiences- Performance data from campaigns etc- Mining reviews/feedback/sales callsEtc. Build a robust research process based on elements that are relevant to conversion. Ignore the rest.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (93) 3

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  • Allison Turcio, Ed.D. Assistant Vice President for Enrollment and Marketing | Marketing Consultant | Speaker | Host, The Application Podcast | Publisher, The Higher Ed Marketer's Digest | Albany Business Review 40 Under 40 | Marketing Prof
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    You can use the data in your actual copywriting. Use your audience’s words and phrasing. This is especially impactful if you can address a pain point.



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    Understanding what truly resonates with your audience is paramount, for even with a well-defined goal, it's the audience's receptivity that paves the way for meaningful results. Ultimately, the aim is to connect with individuals, whether in large volumes or a select few.The audience lies at the core of your content. It's the fertile ground where cultivation is essential.



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3 Paso 3: Buscar datos relevantes

Una vez que tenga un objetivo y un público objetivo, debe encontrar datos que respalden su mensaje y atraigan a sus lectores. Puede utilizar datos de su propia empresa, como cifras de ventas, reseñas de clientes o estudios de casos, o de fuentes externas, como informes del sector, trabajos de investigación o estadísticas. Los datos que elijas deben ser relevantes, fiables y recientes. También debe verificar la fuente y la exactitud de los datos antes de usarlos.

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  • Ebony-Storm Halladay Freelance writer focused on business, tech + work | I make the technical, human
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    Data will always have a place in copy, but making sure that it’s tied to a real-world benefit is essential. Not ‘optimising’ or ‘supercharging’ or ‘fast-tracking’ – but giving the customer more time in their day to spend on the things they enjoy, saving them money that could be used elsewhere, or taking the stress out of dealing with a complex task. Context: I write for SaaS companies :)



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (120) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (121) 7

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  • Melissa Moore Content strategist
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    When including data, always ask: who cares? Why should my reader care about this? And, when making proof points, read your copy out loud. It's the fastest, easiest, most-effective way to ensure the copy scans.



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  • Ben Hackney-Williams Content, copywriting, wearable technology and wellness at Myzone
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    Don't just find, but ensure that your data is relevant by sourcing it from an engaged audience that you've built in advance. Once you've put the groundwork in to build a community, they're a constant partner and resource in everything you do. Bring them along for the journey and you'll ensure there's quality in your insights that you can serve back to them when it comes to educating, entertaining and continuing to convert.



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  • April Kelsey Communications Strategist for Complex Brands | Senior Copywriter | Editor | Marketing and Advertising | Change Communications | Founder of Marketable Copy
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    If your data isn't relevant to your audience, leave it out. Having irrelevant data in your message can actually alienate your audience. Also, the data must be contextualized in a way your audience can understand. For example, what level of heat is emitted by 40,000 BTUs? What percentage of U.S. water use is 5.6 million gallons? What's the buying power of $1 billion? Making data relevant for your audience includes doing the math for them. If your readers have to punch numbers into a calculator to get the information they need, you've lost.



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    Having relevant information to back up your copy creates room for interest and the need for action. When it is relevant that's the icebreaker. Let the copy speak volumes by having the relevant data incorporated.


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4 Paso 4: Analizar e interpretar los datos

Encontrar datos no es suficiente; Es necesario analizarlo e interpretarlo para extraer ideas e historias significativas. Puede utilizar herramientas como tablas, gráficos o tablas para visualizar y resumir los datos, o utilizar fórmulas, proporciones o porcentajes para calcular y comparar los datos. También debes buscar patrones, tendencias o anomalías en los datos que puedan ayudarte a resaltar los puntos o argumentos clave de tu texto.

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    In the end, relevance should be taken into consideration while analyzing and interpreting data. If my audience is in Africa, specifically in Uganda, and my call to action is participation in clicks and comments, then I must name and highlight Uganda when discussing the worldwide issue of children's mental health. Because the data relate when they are broken down to make sense, there is involvement both back home and around the globe.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (165) ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (166) 3

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  • Jake Burgess Senior Copywriter at 80 DAYS 🌎
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    I think most people massively overcomplicate this. From a copywriting perspective, data can mean: - How many signups using v3 of the landing page, versus the control? (And making a change accordingly)- What outcome was mentioned MOST in client interviews? (Prioritise in your copy)- What words/phrases are customers using to describe our product, that we're not using? (Use them)You don't need a million tools and charts. You need to *pay attention* to your customers, your sales process, your marketing, and be ambitious enough to *test* your copy based on what you learn.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (175) 2

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  • Alexandros Pantelakis Driving results through original EEAT content | Journalist, Podcast Host, and Content Marketing aficionado.
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    Data can tell their own stories. Consider data as a source of inspiration for generating new ideas. Utilize data to bolster these ideas and create a comprehensive pillar page that genuinely captivates your audience. Implement interactive visualizations, enabling people to engage with the data. Ensure that these visualizations convey their narratives immediately upon glance. The copywriter will subsequently provide interpretations.



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    Once you have the relevant data, it's important to analyze and interpret it correctly. This means understanding what the data is telling you, what trends or patterns you can identify, and what conclusions you can draw from it. It's also important to consider any limitations or biases that might be present in the data. Without proper analysis and interpretation, you could end up drawing the wrong conclusions and writing copy that doesn't work. So take the time to really dig into the data and understand what it means for your copywriting.



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    Tão importante quanto obter dados é saber analisar o que cada um conta. A palavra certa aqui é interpretação, que não deve ser confundida com obrigatoriedade: dados devem ser vistos como bússolas, mas a mão que guia o conteúdo ainda é sua. Por isso, a combinação ideal é usar dados, junto com sua experiência e conhecimento de mercado. É uma maneira de transformar em criatividade informações frias que os dados trazem.


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5 Paso 5: Escribir y editar el texto controlado por datos

Ahora que tiene los datos y la información, puede empezar a escribir su texto basado en datos. Debes utilizar un lenguaje claro y conciso, evitar la jerga y los términos técnicos, y explicar los datos de forma que tu audiencia pueda entenderlos y relacionarse con ellos. También debes utilizar técnicas de narración, como ganchos, titulares, subtítulos o transiciones, para captar y mantener la atención de tus lectores. También debes utilizar desencadenantes emocionales, como el dolor, el placer, el miedo o la curiosidad, para motivar y persuadir a tus lectores a actuar. Por último, debes editar y revisar tu copia para asegurarte de que esté libre de errores y sea coherente.

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  • Heather Kenny B2B Content Marketing Writer and Consultant | SaaS | Healthcare/Healthtech | Higher Ed/EdTech
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    People aren't motivated just by facts and figures. They are motivated by what those facts and figures mean and how they illustrate a problem or suggest a solution. Presenting data as a problem to be solved or as an answer to a challenge makes it immediately relevant to their needs.



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  • Jake Burgess Senior Copywriter at 80 DAYS 🌎
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    All good copy is 'data-driven'. What this point really means is *apply* what you've learned. And hire a copywriter to present this in the most engaging, persuasive way possible.



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    Writing and editing data-driven copy is about more than just including statistics and numbers. It's about using the data to inform your message and make it relevant to your audience. This means using the data to tell a story that resonates with your audience and makes them feel something. It's also about writing in a way that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. And finally, it's important to edit your copy to make sure it is error-free and consistent with your brand voice. With these steps, you can create copy that is not only data-driven but also engaging and persuasive.



    ¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (229) 1

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  • Nate Jorgensen Award-Winning, Higher Education Marketing Leader. Senior Director of Marketing at Miami University, an original Public Ivy. I lead proven, successful brand marketing, creative, website, and social media teams.
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    Tell a story with the data. Don't just give the data. Give an example of someone who experienced this issue and became a data point. Readers connect with stories more than just numbers.



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  • Brianna Mauk Content Writing Specialist at Risepoint
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    I've identified a lot of lackluster data representation throughout my work in content marketing. We owe our audience the most ethical, accurate copy possible. That said, common pitfalls are:- Charts/graphs that are too complicated- Over-emphasis on qualitative data- Lack of crucial information, such as sample size, data ranges, demographics, time frame of research, etc.- Cherry-picking "good" data and burying "bad" data


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6 Paso 6: Probar y optimizar la copia basada en datos

El último paso para escribir un texto basado en datos es probarlo y optimizarlo. Debes utilizar los datos para medir el rendimiento de tu texto, como las tasas de clics, las tasas de conversión o las tasas de participación, y compararlos con tu objetivo. También debes utilizar los datos para identificar y mejorar las áreas de tu texto que no funcionan bien, como los titulares, las llamadas a la acción o las imágenes. Puedes utilizar herramientas como las pruebas A/B, los mapas de calor o los formularios de comentarios para probar y optimizar tu texto en función de los datos.

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  • Kendra Nicholson Helping you make friends on the internet.
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    Start by writing for human consumption, not for search engines. Otherwise, what's stopping ChatGPT from poaching your clients? 🤖 💰



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  • Ben Thomas Maximising LTV for 7-8 figure eCom health brands with the Automated Email Profit Engine
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    Take imperfect action and test quickly. Use A/B testing, heat maps, and feedback forms to gather data rapidly. Fast insights help you understand your audience better than they know themselves, allowing you to optimize headlines, CTAs, and images efficiently. The quicker you iterate, the faster you outperform the competition and achieve your goals.


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  • Jackson Scarlett Copywriter, Lifecycle Marketer, Brand Builder
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    This is where the data actually comes in, in my opinion.While you can certainly use data in the ideation phase to discover underserved and high-performing subjects for copy, the data portion occurs largely in the revision and optimization of texts.A/B testing, SEO, SEM, analytics and other feedback channels will suggest changes to increase viewership and conversion numbers. And because your copy is being published to the web and isn't static, it can always be optimized for better returns.


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7 Esto es lo que hay que tener en cuenta

Este es un espacio para compartir ejemplos, historias o ideas que no encajan en ninguna de las secciones anteriores. ¿Qué más te gustaría añadir?

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  • Nate Jorgensen Award-Winning, Higher Education Marketing Leader. Senior Director of Marketing at Miami University, an original Public Ivy. I lead proven, successful brand marketing, creative, website, and social media teams.
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    Where are the audience's passion points? What do they care about? If your content can speak to one or both of those, then you are more likely to hook them to read the rest of what you need to communicate.



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  • Justin Oberman Copywriter, Ghostwriter, Marketing Consultant 👉🏻 I help people and brands write things worth reading and think of things worth writing about.
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    All of the data in the world won't help you unless you focus on one of the six great motivators. 1. Fear2. Exclusivity 3. Guilt4. Greed5. Need for approval6 Ego gratificationAnd two soft motivators...1. Convenience2. Pleasure If you write clearly, within the reader's experiential background, and present benefits based on an appeal to one of these motivators, you can't miss.



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  • Anita Siek 🧠 Psychology-infused word nerd | CEO of Wordfetti | Speaker | Host of Brandfetti
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    You have MORE conversations. You listen. You ask MORE questions. Instead of trying to seek the perfect answer. You test. You refine. You tweak. You experiment. Data is everywhere around us. This includes conversations, listening to words that your audience uses, and also on a larger scale, through surveys and focus groups.



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  • Leonardo Rocha, CNPI-T Head of Content and Digital Strategy
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    Test, test and test. Data is cool and all, but the market (and reality) can change (a lot), and you need to be open to test things, change directions and even discard some hypothesis.


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¿Cómo puedes escribir un texto basado en datos que atraiga a tu audiencia? (2024)


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 6049

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.