Commercial Bulletin, Price-Current and Shipping List from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

edits from the old States, temporary or pmaiwrx toward regions so rich in every form of maw fallh, ami blessed with a climate so invigorating and propitious." Rottvn Trar tiler. European News, THREE V. ITS I.ATPR FROM El'ROPE. point For steamships, while laying to, or for try fteamer deeply laden, the advantages of thfs improvement are incalculable. But these points are best, and well antlerstood bv steam loat men.

Its increase of ar.d economy of luel. from reUinn so much teas steam, they will thorourhly attempted to ret bin on a came! and carry him off aiive; but the captain was too cooraseons to he thus made a state of, and he manfully resited, when the savages shot htm in the lers tocrpp'e him, and he in torn shot one of the Arabs dead. Fortnnateiy at this juncture he wi saved by other whalemen cotninf to the rescne, who drove the 22 do Oarhv fc Tpemootet 13 do Belloen co 75 do bbls molases. Camnifc-k, Squires est 3 bales cotton I. obit Chancntier 21 do SaL-atier to VV tKnit.

Total, 30 bales cotton, 1-5 hhd sucar. 8 bbis rrkXa-ises. May H-15 bhds suear. 24 bbls molasses. Jark-son ct i bates nio- Trosciatr Haydei 1 hhd wool 4" Canimack, Squires VV est- bales iihws Harking onler.

Total, rfj htius sugar, 24 bb.s moiiw, 13 bales moss. Arrival of tlar I The t.rfat ct. The term of ffreat, as iscommon'v applied to the Wet.ts not as tlie reader will see by the lollovunr. complied bv the Baltimore American, Arabs ott and carried the wounded man to his vessel. I Capt.

Ryder recovered from his wounds and came appreciate too, as Utey wilt in cheapness ol contraction, as the of this cut off will he but as 73 to 5W of Stevens'. Tbe mo-lei i an eiecant piece of work from tlie hands of Mr. Thomas Hawkins, DITLI Nt IK fOTTOK. dr. Brown co 2 CampreM Stronr I Watt.

I Nolue it Mob lev I bnjnrv to Neion cr oi hide1" I bm -die 10,1 1. Mann 1 do hides, orJtT 3 bookt KibMn XT A' en. FANNY SI'AKIIAVVK. Terwbonne.fnn IK-k. prt.

with I JO hbdf Hiir ir. Foiy X. A very 15 "am mat SqiPre At fe do ids, Rawlins ro 15 ditto ll I Us moiawes, Bur-undue eo 2ii do co -jo di to 12hhd ucar, KiK-k eo 14 do 7 lb: moia-es. Brutid Lanitry 54 half 13 dr Sataner 4 bh" do li bale- him i Havdei 13 bbis tytwn snrar, "uJ do at ol awes, Unifier. Total, 54 bait 1 bbls molasses.

CDJK.t otten, from Bavon Sara, with 7 Sales cotton, Bedocq co iftds A Miben-tterer co 22 do Shw co In' do l-auve Mc at! ti1 bid moi asse. Brand Landry 6 do PiLthnry co 00 hait do Eider co 10 bbU svmp 7 do iiLar. Tate 5 tarpanlim Boi Bianc 5 do Roche Kclanon. Total, 7 bate cotron. hhd -uffar, 5o hail Ho bbis monei.

VV FARM ER, Keeling, from luachita river, with rid baies cotlon. viz 2o' to KUiti EVV-4HILEW dk JfhHI RAIIJlOAIs May 134 bales cotton. Fame ft lomler 4i Purvis 44oU do 1 Ba 3j- do Crazier from a report ot a ieciore delivered recently by Jlr. Eiimit, ot TlieStateof Micht fan, Wisconsin, and Iowa, and the Territory of Minnesota, extend over one hundred and fifty-six millions acres of land an area who ts associated with the invontor tlte patent rtcht. The tint will he placed on tlie tregon, which will be at her post again about the middle of April.

MobUe Register. home in commaM ot hisvemei. ihere were about a dozen whaling vessels on the coast, and the sea-met: had earned on considerable trading with tlie natives, who are represented as being exceedingly treacherous. Tlte men while on shore always went in company, and were weli armed. Boston paper.

VV uig. NEW BVM.V Schr Manha, from Pensacola, with 32 hales cotton. PORT OF NEW-ORLEANS ordr. more thandoobte thatol treat hnum, and thirty onetimes that of Maasachosett. This vast territory 1 is very fertile, and can sustain as dense a population i as anv portion of the Union.

It wonid have a of thtrtv six nitlnons of people, Were it as itopulons as Maachu-ett. It ha been remarked sacks salt, to hr anvn. trom with The Kail road Aain War, or the kiorte Wheeler Burke. of I alt. to New York, May 10.

Tb Royal mail steamship Aia, Captain IjoU, from Liver mm I ou the atternoon of the 3d instant, arrived at a laie hoar fast mznt. roi TUN MaRKKT. l.iVKRmot, May 3. The last advices from tbe United State depressp tiw market, awl lower fjuatitie declined d. Other remain enchanted at our lasd quotations.

Tlie ck-ed dud. Tbewsiesof the week amounted to bales, of wliurh were taken oa speculation and -d en port. Orleans Fair i nnoted at 71 OrVan Middling 5-lVi; Upland Fair it quoted at Upland Middling fr. Provisions are generally unchan-ed. with the ei- Schr Adele.

from Mobile, wi'h sack VVbeelei Burke. a a anons fact that the products of one of tltese I McKleroy Bradford-Pane llarri-on tu mkey IMr01llB hE. coRpr nmsTi. Per schr Sta-lrttt 11 hide 5 bales deerkin f'w ver co I doJI hidt-s A tiiraiid do nver do 1 bale deer-kin- tir--n, Harding At co do peitrm do mow lO Vates. At a time when Europe has jest ended a bloody war, which has cost at least rive hundred millions ot dollars, and two hundred thousand men.

it will be profitable to compare the achievements of Europe with those ol America the giory of war uh the triumphs of Fence. If, alter making Uiu com POM HIU KAI KILHOD. Steaner Oregou, fruin Mobile, with lb bales cot- iiaMKtns l.iovu ai rnerson 4 rt eo mninei. inlcr. CRESCENT 1TY.

frm St Iwii. wi'h ion order. Steamer londa, from with haiescot- i riwuiwcJiwa wiueiimek irannpon-'. ed over tlie Ohio and Baltimore railroad. The i lare cities ot tin remote re? ton, are I M-trjit, which ha a population ot and a valuation tor taxation ot twelve mriiom and a hatfof I Milwankie, uh evpie, with a cor-I' valuation.

Trie central Wert, inclndin the States of Ohio, Si bins Hour. 1 do pork keep. Bard co HO do tlour, Cotmoly co 432 do If Kennedy co h0 do 22 ks bacon 14 keirs iant Voort lies, r-o bbis rlofir. I iirie-bv ii Macaiilay 2Tsl ton, order. parison, any one shall arise from the study, with a CLEUFI.

taste fur war. we shall leave him lo the enjoyment of its pieasures. In the tim place, let us evamine Newton ni-Hi do Mel ani ifftiand lxt do HJeoiNrooe Smith Hadcen 200 bbi- Honr. r.16 koat I hip tter-45cks bacon Cook co 1 what amount of force and money Eumiie has em i Jh5 ruii" roiie Snt ion co V.ri piffs lead A rot- Wipkispsy, Mat 14. Stram4iip Ament a.

Netm. lor Apalachteota. by Vosl l-ow. Caro, l-'i caik liU Imxes bacon, 85 bairwcotiee, lihU hiky. Jut) do flour, 2n Midi 3u tct hams bbb pork, Jo do beef, ISA) con? rope.

Stun Hermann. Windhorst, for Merer. ployed ei titer in carrying on war, or preparing tor it, and com pare that with ire construction of railroad in the United States, la other words, let as set the railroad aeainst war. liidisna, and Illinois, whu in 1-K i not contain Vi.tMl white inhaltiunts, now hae rnipnta-tion of 4.1MMMMKI miles of railroad, and an actna) property valuation of not less than Mummy K. co.

Carso. baes cott 4oJ Utm ttvm umr it at rr neu.y nil" miles of railroad a llie hot I 'ninn hiu) in 1KTM) First ot war gionou? war In the Year Book of Nations is an account of the standing araue of Europe, which we know to be nearly correct. It is as follows eepuoe ot pork, which IkW4 an active speculative -demand, and an advance ot orie chitting tl market bare. Lard ha advanced a shtMing, and the speculative demand ts active. aneaDi-Trr.

Wheat has advancad 11. Flour is firm, and is "from 6d te Is higher. Consols are quoted $J3. The news by the Asia very meagre and nnin-teveung. In te British Parliament, Whiieides motion of censure lor tlie tail ot Kan was lt by 137 Pre ft.

tobacco, a o.L bnoii, 4 trs lard. Richard Morse, lemmorp, for Antwerp, by Batter. Iivell ic co. Careo. 4 bales cotton, lU.OWJ stave-, hhd 55 bales tobacco.

jouiiaita. Taltot, for Ga'ves oti, by Hnxrufli Morran. arzo. HU hh'srhmr. HU do In4iy FLA l'K4t A 1HMIAKH.

Per schr Fawn 23 hhds aurar, 15 half 21 bbls molasses, onler. Per lieiper 134 hhds sugar. 50 hit 25 bbls moia-e. onlr. Per scnriiabnel 43 hhds 350 bbls suear, or'er.

Per sciir Ihirote Vi bhds order. Per sloop Baiona-33 htids sugar, 33 bbls raoiaws order. M1-ISSIPPI. Per Buckley's Imat 74 halescotton. Bradley.

Wilson co HI MtMHi. Tans co-35 A Tally co -3 iNiran, Donovan co Mckie, Bajiey 00 65 NelNin co 12H Mc immure, Ray bnm co 30 Ricas, CorroU co 'J order. Total, 5ol baies cotton. Per McCallnm't boat lOO.OoO staves. McCuUum co.

INDIA a. Per Shenk'i two boats 330 tons hay. onler. Per Holder's boat 3U00 sacks corn, Twichell co. Per now bell's boat 1459 sks corn, Twichell co.

Iand lihnois has more miles of railroad than tlie whole Union had in lH4o. Fie a res only can give an adequate idea of the rate at which the vaioc of proierty in the central U't increases. In Ohio lor instance, the valuation in i40 was (I in 1Hj5 it had reached nine kundrtd dirk-211 bb jM)rk 2do floor, tcs nams csfcis bacon 1 1 ool nifi co 127 bbls pork 2Uk- oats A lo'ielarty co 177 ha coils oe Harer- I tine bales h-mr Bnulley, Wilson co rbi i-k-" wheat Hewitt. Norton co 75 bids pork Montgomery tiacon lt3 coils roi-e to KetmeTt, Dix co K5 ck Kicon Horrell. i ia le co 114 -k corn Eer do oats 122 bids lard Snaw co bacon VV neht co bins alcohol Bro li.

oks bacon KtiL'er. M' Guire co lub kess tartl iNtSneit Son h) iKir vani A Keawr 25 etc.onier Thi rsimv, Mat 15. DAVID GIBS nley. from Cincinnati. With Ji bhi" hiAv 37 eae wine vo bs 5" hams 2l bbls uii l.andis co Js do whisky Seaman ro7 hhds ba-n 20 bids oil H4 boxes candles 15 do tOfiriieK 7u do -beef 120 do bmonis 7 kes butter 4 tc- hams VV r- Wnirbt co lb do ke butter) bbls hearts Del Bondio lOodnwhKky iS hhds bacor MeGrerork co halt :2 bbls whi-kv Rorers.

Wctiutre eo Bib lib do 44 bxs cbeee 10 bids eires, i i Son oh hsj com. 15 csk -tide. 75 35 bbis irk 50 In candle. 25 bht Russia.

France Aastna Great Britain Fnisnia Tnriiey Spa.n and men. men. men. lJ7.t'J7 men. IjSM 17 men Jii.tMM) men.

men. men. mttitonf. It is here that cities rub ahead. In I IMtf the men, women and children in On car Bark Waver v.

Cum-, tor Boton, by Havter. I I (i. arfo. iate cot ion, SA plt lead, ldi flour, U5 do whisky, ten lard, 5o do pork. counted a littte over In tiiev numbered INedal lU-form.

A the citizens of Boston and vicinity are no wed en and lien mark Switzerland and Sardinia. German States men. ....2.541,774 men. Aggregate. Here is a erand of two and a half mil UM OF VEseEI-4 LEVHED and HAILED ifJlcs hiin, I'J! -k 5 hhds tobacco, SL-Hisks com.

5 Mid tiW hides, I- pkes mde. br N.ara. Bunker, for Baltimore, by Creevy Farwed. 'ariro, Lti'j pork. Schr Ene, Lacom.

lor Muinle, by Newton co. Canrn, f'-' sk oai-, IJ do com, 4 bales hay, 50 hbls iMtfk. 27 bar rnano. pken m't-e. Bnr 'itutlor.

i anaha, tr BarceMMia. by Puis Avemiaiio. I "arzo, 4-sJ tale cotton, 1JU0 staves. THI R-iPiVT, MT 15. Ship oman, Wootid for Ijverpool.

by Whiuiey it co. Cargo, 1J50 bales cotton, sk- com, stave. Ship Sultana, Barrett, far New-York, by A Cohen. Cargo. I'i baiea cot'on, 77 hhds tobacco.

IA bt! flour, do pork. JUU baes com, iiaies nme cuttines. ti5u hide. 55 bales shins. do mon.

4 In the Far West we have Missonri and KarbiAJi, with a territory ot 2 square miles, and scarcely a barren acre in it. In both titese are coal be1 which wiit last a thousand years. Id Missouri tlie sreatcoal field covers (tenure miles. South of ttie Missonri rtverthere are stjuare miles fiiled with mines of iron, lead, copper, cobalt, nickel, the best flint and tor la, and Uie best or-celain clay. South of St.

lout are tlie llron Mountain" and 4fiiot Knob which contain iron enough to lat the world forever. The city of St. I.OU1 has now people. In lnj5 there was barrels of floor manufactured there, and lions of men, employed lor two objects one, as a defense against each other; and the other, to keep down the people in either case tor war. I do 17 bbi- bean Schneider 25 do whnky 17 lof cheese 7H keif i.BTier A tinetT co lot) reel" cord co 1 hM baccn lOdotobacco, nran railed upon to sign petition to Conjrei in beha ft a ret or ra in the Iwt 'ihce.

it may lie well to sta.te iue ot the improvement asked ftr by the comnniee in New ork and Boston who have had tin- subject in charge. They are the toaowin 1. No Frank ing 1 UTeniinent pay its own notage. 3 Uniform I'owar, two cent. 3.

Free letter delivery. 4. No compulsory prepayment, i. Dead letter to tw returned. 7.

Tot oiiice Money rder. 7. Cheap Ocean Postage. The point which will commend FOR NEW ORLEANS, lurphy 27 do VV 11 I co 40 bins honor From New-York. Mar 5 lti-n-e-4 hams Betterton Keett 12V ntds whiky Phio T-aac Allerton.

In treat tain, sold cost about cents per day in France 40 cents, aj.d in Austria 3U cents-that for every tiling. Od an average, tlie soldiers of 1 VV New ton co H-i hit" 7i bids liquor tAuevrouze 1 l.anirsdorfl 35 bis cheese 120 doz tirooms Moony Brother 120 hhds bacon Lk l-ew 7m do vea at mo( important to the public conveni- cleared Apnl 3H cleared May 1 mailed April 2H cleared April 23 cleared April 23 cleared Apnl 33 cleared Apnl 24 cleared Apnl 21 Ship Clifton Schr J. VV. Schr Amy Bark Aura Bn West Schr lndianola Ship Reaini Ship MemuhlS over received from other places. For 1Kk are probably the anilorm rate of two cenu.

hhdssurar. 1J sfioulders, 3U do wine, 7li bales the trade of tlie western lakes has been estimated as worth five hundred millions of dollars. 'H rtkirw triiine. Schr Manuela. fnman.

for Campeechy. by Fer- nande7 co. 'arco, JU0 bbls Hour. UU ks con, 12 Europe cost about 50 cents per day, each. Tiie cost of this armament, then, is about one million two hundred and nfty thousand dollars per day or more than four hundred and bfty millions of dollars per annum.

Now, it will be inquired, what has this vast expenditure of men and money accomplished It has accomplished nothing but debt, taxation and destruction. Nothing eise! Some one may, perhaps, say has not some one, or alt these nations, gained by conquest? Not at al! Examine the map of Europe, and you will see that no one of Apnl I'J keLn lard Schr Imoreiie. Rinlev. for New-York, by orioe. tins'tr co JO bids janioil lark, MantfT 72 do hi-ky ContMi co 74 Knoha lilt do A Morton co-75 pes iron 10 do boiier head '01 Failon-IH bis ink Steel li ukasdoG omon ddo VV rhomison 4 te Inm lef boxes ap WoimI liw 126 do VV Newton co 2 bbs hams Kisman Ker-nion 71 tMixes cand es Vose Bro 13 Uinzues I Adams 20 reels yarn Bro M) co 17 com rope Edison co 35 bbU beans do errs Moore co sundries, order.

Total, 37 hhd ioaceo. REI'I BLH Montromerr. from St Iinis, with 23-i rioiir. sfebv Macau ey 571 do Cornioly co 4K7 do 32 sacks bran 4 bbls The Rrd Antrrimn Mac bi4rd in Knland. Soon after my arrival in En land, having won a' the insurance office one hundred guineas on the Bark Ann Boston Bark Cooner Ship Harry Bluff.

Snip Juliet Bark VV. A. Banks Bark Diana cleared May 7 April 2M April 3H cleared May I Hanmon ex co. Cargo, 3t bales cotton, liKJH bbls Hour, 115 lcsl5 bbls hams, bbis lard. I'M bales rmie cnttinrt.

JH do moss. 18 do mats, lud rajrs 11: event at Ixhtj Howe relieving Oiuraltar, and din- free deiivenr, and money order. All of these have been in operation in England tor the la.t sittet-n years, and with most satisfactory revolts. The number of letters ha been increased from a lKfi (Uw last year of high postage) to 55b, -'lb. 17b ia This about four times as many letters as have been circa lated through the United States Post Oriioe.

Can nch a vast increase be acconnted lor on any rurpoiuoe than that of a sapenority of system think not. Let ni ask Congress to estabuvh a system embracing all the best feature of the European systems. That of a free delivery stands pre-eminent a a meant of public lo wool. 21 boxes 1 Apnl 23 in the same day with Copley, the distinguished painter, who was a Bostonian by birth.

I determined to devote the sum to a pmiid portrait of my Snip Arabella cleared Apnl26 Ship John Den ham cleared Apnl IH cleared Apnl 1 mu Middlesex. self. The painting was finished in iuot admirable style, except the back-ground, which opley and myself designed to represent a ship, bearing America the intelligence ot the acknowledgment of sailed Apnl In cleaied Apnl 12 Apnl 12 saned, Apnl 1H Apnl 1 cleared Apnl 5 Apnl Snip E. G. Barney Snip llomlwiy Bne Ship ljoran.

Bark A. G. Hill Bark Bark ula independence, with a sun just rising upon the strijies el the nion streamttig trom her gan. All was complete save the tlar, which Copley did not these nations has really rained anything by cone 3oest in Europe. Great rintam has gained a great I eal by conquests on other continents.

Prussia has been consolidated out of smaller German province, and Poland was divided bv fraud, not by conquest. Since the reign of Louis XlV. tbe map of Europe has substantially remained unchanged. In substance, nothing whatever has been gained in all the wars of Europe, aitd by all its vast armies. Now let as turn one moment to the mted States, In abont seven rears, the United States have made i l.lHM miles ot railroad, or very nearly that; lor; before It4C, there was but a small quantity.

Now divide this into the seven years, and we have in each rear about the following result, which com-1 sailed April 13 Bark Lucy esteem prudent to hoist nnuer present circ*mstan N'hrO Montague. iller, tor Havana, by at Leparre. Carro, 32 tierreti 14 bbls 450 kers lard ti kegs butter. SUM bbis 40 bus pork. Schr Victoria.

Meyers, lor Petnacola, by Metcalfe co. In Schr Chryso'ite. Ackiev, for Bram St Jaro. by mhmavde ol Han-Lson. i airo, in 2UU0 busheisoau, 74 bales oba'-co.

50caes soap, do caiidies, 25 bundles paper, 114 plaiik, KM pkts mle. S- hr Emma de Russy, Berrter. for Pensacola, by Pooiey, ou. Cargo, 5 bbis pork, luo bale hay. Friday, Mat 16.

Ship Indiana. Coffin, tor New-York, by John Woodruff is co. Carro. 43 bates cotton. hhds foltacro.

hbls p-rk, 1547 do tlour. iJa oksidioo! ders, a I -Id- taiiow, 232 bbi lOU tcs UH kers lard, 21 bbls lb tcs beef, caks beeswax, 1 hhd sugar, M) empty caks, pkrs mdie. -hr id-mmmion. Smith, for Pensacola, by A Gtrand co In bnlla-t. Schr Either Bun-.

Kvau. for Corpus 4hriti. by Phibadeliihle. ce, as his gallerv is a constant resort of tlie roval family and the nobilitr. egg, florrell, tiavie eo 471 do Hour.

"iO kers shot 4odo lead A ltoucherty co 525 bols fl.jnr. 70 do hi-ky 1 7 heat 20 tales itenip 4 Newton co i3 ks corn 3 ls Ux.k Pnce. Converse co 120 ks rorn lts do oats Mcllouirail co-510 do corn 1H5 do bran 5o bbis Kirk rib cak bacon 1 tee hams Eajrer eo 41 bit" Hour. Keep, Bard co 1J5 baies hemp Smith 6 hhds tobacco. Smytiie hdo co 511 bbls whi-ky II Seaman ro 4odi- hai-on Twii-hell co 3' coiU rope Tariton, VVIntinrk Tniiis Ki duto CM arv ro i oat 42 ok- bacon I ufl co rt) hay A 53 sks tlorr.

Bradford i bbis pork Pietai hu bMsesres 1 do tieans Schneider 23 do ecss) Ilel Bondio 3i do 1 bid lard 12 ditto beans Lecmor. See I and co Hi bales hay VV Benton co 15,710 specie Adams Express 157 doG VV Shaw co Total, 14 hhd tobacco. iR BA TEV. Duras. from Tockport, with I hhds ucar, viz 4H Cam nack, Souircs West 3H deEeana 30 A Mi tenberperk co 25 A 1 Kelly co 21 Barelh co 6 Tete co 0 I Beiloco co 12 ditto bbls mobuses.

Byrne, 1 dined with the amt on the glorious 5th of December. 17p-' alter listening with him to the speech of the King, formally receiving and recognizing the I nited Maxes ot America into the rank ot nations. Previous to dining, and immediately after oar re pares very nearly wiin the actual construe Qoo ot 1455 The annual report of the Fort master General of Britain has just been received, and evince a stron dispoaition to meet the public wants. It sava MMach additional accommodation baa been afiorded by the appointment of rural measeogen, who collect and deliver letters at place- too to warrant the establish men of a Povt 'Itice Fr-e deliveries were established hut year at 1327 places here none had formerly exhisted, and at t4'J itber piaoasthofree-deUrry was extended or otherwm improved' Here we -ee that the English policy is to steadily forward in the way of improvement, whiioamrs either stands still or looks backwards. The following ttgnnm will show the state of the Kn-ltsh Tost Uce, for the Tear 4rroM income fiVS.UtO amber of letter.

1 1. 1 70 I metiers Loodon 105,12,512 smber of money orders 5.Pi7,4li Amoantof do do We may compare this with the results of oar Post Office, wo see mach in the contrast to be ashamed of. Let as therefore press niton Cofifreas turn from the House of Iords, he invited me into his studio, and there with a bold hand, a master's touch, and I believe an American heart, attached Annual miles of railroad made 30iN) Annual cost tlOO.OlMl.OlHj to the ship the stars and stripes. This was, lma- Annual number of men 100,000 Now take again the Standing Armies af Europe, Goidenlmw Ienparre. Carfo.

lK bbls Hour. 5 do pork. JK do whisky. 43 bajr corie, 13S do corn, 50 do sait, 45 bxssoap. 20 bhds coal, 4t bxs candles, 2 hbde ne, tlie first American flag hoisted in Old Eng land.

and com (tare the annual results Annual loss 100.000 men. lt bxs sucar, aUUU bricks, duw oats, ana sun inet ance co 150 do MMiipson co 113 do 1 Foley Avery 7H to 1 lower eo J8 do Lsiliin Milan. Badrer. for iro (Spain) by The following characteristic anecdote is related Annual force men. Annual cost r45b.0ii0,il00 Take these two results, and com Dare them in par 1 1 wicbeil 00 2o ditto lobit barpentier do Carroll.

Pntchard co 5. tio hhds suear. Bne Mar Qneen cleared May 6 Bark D. G. Wilson cleared May 3 Bark Thos.

Aiiibone cleared Apnl 19 Baltimore. Schr Ellen sailed May 5 4 hnrlnaon. Bark Meaco cleared April 29 Bath. Me. Ship Rochester sailed April 9 PortMiioiith, X.

H. Ship Anna Decatur cieared April 19 ProvidVncr, H. I. Bark A. II.

sailed April 19 iluiioxton, V. Schr Henry Nutt cleared May 9 JJvcrBOOL Ship Chicora sailed April 34 Ship Tamerlane sailed Apnl 23 Ship Western Chief cleared Apnl 11 Ship Patterson sailed Apnl 14 Ship Warbier sailed Apnl 4 Ship New Ene land sailed Apnl 4 Ship Coronet sailed Apnl 4 Ship Thorwaldson sailed Apnl 3 Ship Potomac sailed Mar 24 Ship Houehton sailed Mar 34 Ship Uumtin Lettch sailed Mar 23 Ship Star sailed Mar 21 Ship Florida sailed Mar 21 Ship Moneoha sailed Mar 31 Ship Eastern Uneen sailed Mar 19 Ship Eoxabeth Bently sailed Mar 11 Ship Sea Belle tailed Mar 26 London. Ship Screamer sailed April 4 Havre Meeker co. Cargo, tihdtotacco. lo.sraves Alliance, Cousins, tor Mobile, by i Newton co.

Carro, luO bbls moia. hi do flour. of lid man, the famous bee-hunter Curious Exnrrimrntji with Brva. Whilst sojourning at Hifhf ate, I became intim Kock co 34 ks ooiatoes Costa Rovira do allel lines, thai 214 bags bran, 1M do oats, loii do corn. 10 bbls brandy omon Meek ins 25 baies moss Heath Mider 7 do Trosc'airk llaydel 1 hhd bacon 35 bbis pork Hozan Murnhr.

Total. 51 bbis molasses. etc. ately acquainted with WiUiman. so distinguished hm Indus, ousirw.

for Barcelona, hr asullo SL The Railroad. War. 3urt) miles made. lOO.OoO men lost. men.

2.50(i.tsi0 men. $450,000,000. Destruction. through Europe for bis almost magio power ever Hanstie. Cairo.

bales cotton, staves, 1 tire enirve. 1 mill. CERES, Labarthe, from St Martinsville, with 56 bales cotton, viz 5 Bel lot co 24 do 48 bbls the importance of improving oar system as soon as may be. Let it bo lotifer he said that more letters have beea circa la ted in Great Britain within the last few years, Uiu in the United States in the whom period since the adoption of her Constitution Boris Journal, Schr YVefrf-Fionda. Bans, for Pensacola.

br John Results. bees. He was a gentleman ot tort one. IV tidman was accustomed to take a hive and in an incredibly short time would make the mass of bees totally sub molasses, de Blanc Tdo a hhds snrar. Jeaaner 1 tiuert icr co 1 do 27 ba'es cotton.

Oliver 32 Te obtain a high commercial prosperity, by rail 11 urier it co. Cargo, fjo bbis flour. 30 do pork. 5o sks corn, du do coffee. roads, costs not a fourth what rt costs to keep two hndnsozar, vv yche -o a 00 iuit nar-pentier-44do lkrelos, Dumve co i4 do lauve 51 McCai -30 ditto 14 bbis noiaiWNi.

Hall. Rodd fcEA ARRIVAL. Putnam 11 do 3 hhds suear, Carlis 42 do 3 bbis mo asHes. Mites. Adams co 3 do 31 hhds snrar, 14 Steamship Empire City, Wtnd New-York- Gordon Jr 19 baies moss Armstrong 31 hides hiotl) II Watien.

alien Bremerhaven fcbtp Sea, Co ley Leghorn servient to his purpose, in performing many astounding feats. Among other exhibitions, 1 saw bim form, by his amazing influence over them, a hive, in the shape of cap, a pout his daughter's head. In a moment, at the word of command, they were dispersed. He was in the receipt of a large income, derived from fats bees, which be had arranged in glass hives, in various gardens, near the city of London. He inriied me to visit him at one of his principal depots, on a particular morning, when, he said, "be expected fine port," I forts nateiy entered the garden at a cntical moment.

lntpof-tant to Mariner. Ship Lemuel Dyer sailed April 1" A bell-boat ha been anchored off the entrance of lied Aonl 19 Ship John Hanco*ck Prosfsrilly of Tclesraph Linen. We learn that the present season far exceeds all prermas roars ia the amonnt of business transacted by the vanows telegraph line out 9f this city and the profits of the companies am correspondiQgly larra. The net inoosno of one of the Southern lines, with a paid up cash capital of loss than one hundred thoasaad dollars, has, we anderstand, reached as hi as 6ve thousand dollars per month. It would thus appear that there aa ample held for a new hue to the South, and we are gratified to learn that the public will aooa be favored with greatly increased, telegraphic facilities, at a large redaction from the present exhorbitant rates of tan if between this citr and Washington.

The three heavy Eng millions and a halt ot men, either idle or in the wort of destruction. Alter this picture, who can desire the glories of war? The United States have more miles of railroad than all Europe, and am continuing to make them with a rapidity of which Europe has no conception. These am increasing tbe growth and power of the country, at a rate which surpasses all the achievements of past civilization. The Military Army is almost nothing, but the Railroads Army ss isumeose. Soldiers 12,000 Railroad men 150,000 The United States are employing twelve times as many men in making railroads as they have soldiers; while Europe employing thirty times as many soldiers, as railroad men! Where will Europe stand relatively to America titty years hemic, if it employs its strong laborer, as soldiers, while America employes hers in making railroads, buildi-tg ships, and the South-west Pass, Mississippi nver, one mile outside the bar, in ten fathoms water.

The boat has S. W. Pass," red letters, on the slopes of her deck, and is painted in black and white vertical etc, order. Total, 34 htiderar, lob bbls moiasses. BELLA DONNA, McCondw.

tin WilliamsiNjrt, with 44 baies cotton, viz la White 10 1'lao-coe 00 Byrne. Vance ci Buchannon, Car-rob co 51 hhds snrar, A Femer 30 do Boeart, Foley Avery-34 do Payne, Steele co to do Ai lain 41 do Jackson co 3 A Miltenberrer co 7 do 12 bbls moiasHes, Belloe'i co do A Doueberty co 23 ks ccwreas VV anl, Saunders Hunt 15 hides Penaud Fellon 11 do Shelby, Seymour co tar.iauiins Vv hiteman 5 trs tard Menard Vignand unonts, order. Total, li bins 2It bhds sarar. EASTPtJRT, HarrisoTu tin Tennessee river, with 21 15 bales cotton, viz 4r0 Bradley, VVii-on co 4 Henderson. Terry co S7 Feam.

1 loner an when two or three hives were swarming and inter Apnl 11 Apnl 13 Apnl 11 A(n I Apnl Apnl 1 29 Mar 20 sailed Mar 19 Mar 14 sailed Mar 11 stripes. Her bell is sounded by the action of tlie waves. The iisht-house at the S. W. Pass bears from the boat magnetic the channel at the bar N.

N.W.; the Pilot's look oat at the village, N. by and the most seaward nud -lumps mingling, tie saw me, and exclaimed, "Kan, run, I am now exercising my highest 4ili" He strip- ped ofT his coat and dashed into the midst of them, crying out Come up, they dam not hurt you in i my Although I confided in his ass nr-ance, I approached him with caution, apprehending I might be stuns to death. 1 saw the bees engaged in a terrible conflict, the dead falling like rain drops. Wild man was all motion and activity, performing his hocus poens operations in the midst of a cloud lish cables destined for the new Southern line. thip Chartes tard Ship International Ship Pnemier Shio Spark the Ocean Ship M'i'honse Ship Thalaita Ship Wurtembure Ship wis port Ship Excelsior Ship Alexandria Ship F.

VV Bailey Bordeaux Ship Dudley Ship New England BarkGntfon Cardiff. Ship Cordelia Bark Hesper Ship John Memck Ship Mary Anna co 12 Brady. 4orman co 25 Mcl.ehee co visible, is. t. by r.

which has beea ia coarse ot constriction tor six ploughing the land? In buy years, all of Europe 1 VV ait. Noble Mother 11 SO Nelson co lOO Lowe co-14 Cooper co 28 Green 1 Cmmp 153 MHiresor, A I Iowa ro 71 to MrMihon 179 i Cn mi well 1 VV Stuart I Otn keeps its present noticy) will not equal the United States trength and wealth. On the one hand, two and a half millions at le-bodied men are STEAMBOAT ARRIVAL. TriortAT, Mat 13. KTMB ALL.

Wither burv. from Phreveport. with21 hales cotton, viz 374 Miller at Fnresiier 111 RidgiU. Rotiert at Terrell 4S Faroe sx Harrison 47 Wyche co Farley. Jurev ax co XI Rawlins, Duncan co 2 Frettsen.

Stevenson co 23 April 11 Mar 27 Mar 24 April 12 Apnl 2 Ann! 2 Mar Mar 27 saiied Mar 32 Mar 14 employed in either demoralizin or destroying tbe people; while these the United States, are employed in some useful work, or productive industry. 'The victories of Europe have only wasted of bees. At length they separated, tiling to their respective hives. He came up to me, ail in a foam, like a general from a great battle, saying, the rascals, this time, have given me a great deal of trouble.1' Memoir E. ration.

Imports of Molasora. The comparative imports of molasses, as given hnn i an blood upon the earth. Tbe victories of America have made the earth fruitful and multiplied Ihip Venice Ship Time Ship Sutley Antwerp. Ship Julia Howard Uremrrhnvenu months past, between this city and Philadelphia, were hud dowa nocessfally yesterday, first at the arrow from a point nst Don of Fort Hamilton, long Island, to a point on the northerly side of Port RichsBond.

on Stat en Island second, at Heii Gate, between the Ferry Slips and the third at the Ktlls, between the steam Host wharf at Bergen's Point, New Jersey, to Fort Richmond, Staten Isiand thas aecwins a direct connection between this city, Astona, Williasasharg, Brooklyn, Fort Hamilton, Staten Island, Jersey City, and thenos by i i xabethtown, iMrylestown, and Norristown. to Philadelphia. The new lino will be opened about th middle of the present month, and will be worked ander the Haghes' Patent, which is believed lo possess extraordinary ad vac tares over ail other telegraph inventions, printing tno message unemngly correct and ia plain Roman capitals, and capable of transmitting intelligence at the rate of abont 5OU0 words Jner hour over one wire, or jW words irosn each end, and at the earne instant of time. Acs; erJ; Enquirer. co Lusk co 14 Martin 3 Bucoe 'trims 28 'to 2 bis bacon 27 skr 13 id tobacco.

Yeat-man co 3 do Turner 12 VV Robinson -33 do A ioiett co 113 do Wsks rye 14 baies cotton. 11 miners ditto 7 hhds tobacco, Michel I co 6do50 bbls flour, Moon Van Culm b0 sack com Davis. Jenkins co 24 ditto wheat Hewitt, Norton co 1 cask bacon Cad. Total, 3o5 hhds tobacco. NEW LAToN Gross.

from St 1392 sks oats 151 bbls flonr. VV inw co 371 do 2 tcs beef 7 ck aides do shoold'rs oorhies. Gncrs co ti do bacon 105 bbm floar. Alc.rech Peret 2lbdo co-lO" do Harry co 136 doOslesby Macau lay 5 (bk whiky VV Newton co 35 cks bacon Savare co 2b do A Doueherty co kd-k com Horrell, Gayle co 14 bate cotton, Bme, nice co. REEF.

Hail. Iro Kayen Macon, with 255 Mar 24 men upon it. War has devastated the earth. The railroad has multiplied men upon it. They are the contrasted types of dtnerent civilizations.

Or, rather, war barbarism hnrering in civilization: and in our tables, am calculated to mislead, owing to the fact that a Urge quantity was imported last fall, in consequence of the stock being low, which is not the case ha general, and these importations April 10 Ship Ernestine Ship Aurustas Ship T. H. April 7 Mar 2b steam locomotion is driving barbansmont. It is too Heatd. Massie si co 20 Henderson.

I erry co ai Wilson, Lipscomb at co 20 Mahon li A May i. co 1 'onverse co 15 1 1 Nelson ftx co 14 Po -vell Hopkir.s l2Cammck. Squires fc West 10 McKleroy fc Bradford 10 Miles. Iwen ts. co i eltocn Rupely, Biair co 7 WA Brooiiwell at co 7 Hamvn eo -si do 4 umminrs.

Stewart at co I k. I niuhart 4 Iioean, Donovan co 3 Hemineway, Fnedtander co 3 ditto Wneht. Davenport si co 1 Thomison. Allen co 2 Bachannon, 'arroll co 30 bbls molaes, Bo-rart. Foier at Avery 12 baps wool A Tully at co 159 hides 3 bars feathers Mann 4 baiea snake root Davis, Jenkins ki co 1 do peltries, order 4 do 4 bates hides 2 tcs hams Shaw tL Zuntz hides bdls peltnes a bags wool, order.

Mar chip raoe mo late in the day lor civilized countries to be guilty of such an absurdity as war. Let us vote it obsolete. Newport, Walea, April 19 Shin Ship J. G. Richardson Ship Moilem Times Ship Elizabeth come into the aggregate, as given from the first of September to date.

The importation of new molasses commences about the 1st of December each year, bat the receipts am quite light, until alter January. This year, none of consequence was bronchi up until after January and aa the stock of old at that time was entirely exhausted, the importations from that time to the present date, as com tared with the corresponding time last year. bales cotton, viz iht, Daveiuwrt co 35 Buckner. Stanton New 23 4i Pinckard co 33 i '01. tsiHis Bojd-15 lakev Hawkins 15 11 Carter co 12 Beck Ricks 11 Carroll, Pntchard 00 11 Freiisen, Stevenson co bllen- Snip LAwson liAl iv i niiiiitiioupT- in navoa i in Jvaiirsod Rccrd.

Cnnnl Ac row the fob. wins of Nacx. This great enterprise, which for so many yean hat seemed too visionary a project to be seriously entertained, is likely to prove not only practicable, bat te be actually realized. The com mission of engineers and scientific men whom the Viceroy of Egypt appointed to examine and determine upon the practicability of uniting ocean to ocean by this aaeans, have made a report, ia which they declare Apnl Apnl 2 Mar3 Max 23 April 17 Mar 11 Mar 8 April Lstke eapcrir. 22 bales cotton, viz -i to Carroll.

Pntchard co 5 Henderson at Peaie 4 Byrne, Vance co 3 I-batut 1 Tariton. Whiting Tniiis 47 hhds snzar. Burbndre 4t eo 30 do A Kelly Sl co 12 do cive a better idea of the true position of the trade, We noticed the other day in the Detroit Tribune Greenock. GlaMitom. Hamburg.

Grnvrnend. Ship Ship Ship Bniliant Ship Copernicus an altaskoate a new ishing Company incorporated derson Peak 3 lleald. Maie co A uddy. Brown co 1 Gomen Brv 2 Thomhill co-; lot hides and peltnes, Speake McCreary do VV A Vio'ett co snnd les, onler. Leathers, from Vicksbnrr.

with 493 bales cotton, viz ii Buckner. Newmar. iNBorart, Fotey Avery 2 Tbomhill co 5fe tnan the figures in oar regmar tables. The imports from January 1st to May 1st, in each rear, specified, were 14 bbls molasses, Horrell, 4Jayle co 1H do freen Crump 74 do Ar Mittenberrer 35 bbls snrar. Wisconsin, for the purpose of taking tish Lake Sapenor.

This is rather a novelty eader the sun, Miilieun hhddo bbis moiasnes, A nienoerrer at ro 140 do hhdssurar. Brand Ai Landry half tailed April 17 2 bbls molasses, lnve kL McCall 43 half do Au- Ship Mat oak a all co II A by 35 ox. 4ihi Boyd 1pij6 bbhu 40,157 1855 51,25 1654 The exports for the corresponding periods were that the canal could be built on nearly a direct route from Suez to tbe Gulf of Pelusium, with a branch to the Nile. The cost it $8,000,000 and Klunhtiur Honda. 33trtHi Connelly 33 Carroll, Pntchard co 12 cttstia 1 tntaut mines, order, total, nnu surar, 50 half 318 bbs moiaiees.

AG il.I A.ThomasMHi. from Ixieisville. with amble 12 VV nrbt. Davenport co 10 Robson Ship Atlantic sailed April 14 TrapnnL Ship Win. Jams tailed Mar 8 2415 sacks corn n' do rve a do wheat 4J0 bbls oork lJt tbe construction will take aix years.

At Suez 25 fee, of water wiil be found at the distance ot 5.000 feet from the shore. The port to be constructed in the Gulf of Polnsram, which the former project Allen Pinckard co 7 Peron co 6 Smedes co 5 Payne Hamsou 5 McIowell, Mil. co 4 Want, Saunders liunt 4 Martin, 1 iwen Cobb 4treen Crump juo sacks i-eas Carroll, Pntchard co do Mandeville Mcll-henny 33 do Roton Allen 1 bale wool Green Crnmn 41 hide A vet. 185ti bbla. 1R55 23.H45 1S54 36,751 From the almve it will be seen that the imports from the 1st of January to May 1st, thai season, fall short of those for the corresponding period last season over eleven thousand barrels.

Last spring we had a considerable amonnt of old molasses oa hand, of which them was none this year, which increases the deficiency. Cinctuaati Price Car. MR. ANTHONY SCHRODER hat entered a partner in my bouse, which will be earned en ander the firm of LOIS CO. FREDERICK LOISON.

New-Orleans, Mav 15th, lf56. ml73S placed at the uouom ol the Gelt, will bo located 1 miles to the west, oa a part of the coast where the water is 25 feet deep, at less than the distance of two miles from the shore, and where the anchorage OPELOL'SAS, Neat, from Grosse Tete. with fiO hhds tot a ceo. tl hort co 4 do lvy nm-mers Wdo Branler. MvKennah; Hubbard 3S ditto eat man co 33 do 800 sks corn Fellowes hi co 14 hhds tobacco, Perkm co 11 do Turner 10 do Robinson do Sorry co 7 do Hewitt.

Norton eo 7 do Wills. Rawlins co 3 do Robertson McDoural)-3do McGregor, A How ay co 6 do 52 csks bacon 1130 sks com Twichell co 1 cask bacon Hurley co 274 sks corn i Mt-chell At co kees butter Schneider 431 do Moore Vaa Ceho IHSesks baron 3tet bbls oork Helm Chissn 31 cm bacon Martin. iwen Cobb tjU pot hhds surar. Pavne Harrison 17 do A Kelly atat we think it worth while to sugrest that a asan may find good fishing there oa bts own hook, ith-oat stock ia a corporation. The fisheries of the great lake are exhaastlem.

la his valuable report oa the lake trade, Mr. Andrews says that the white fish aad treat of Superior are unequalled by any fish ia the world tor excellence of flavor an natn-tioes qualiuea." The trout weighs often as much as forty or fifty powooa, and the specsm called s-kawrt is seat pnsed by the natives en account of ts fatness bat the white fish are mach naore eeti cate, aad am aieferred to all ethers by the white in-hahitaets and travellers. Think ot trout as big as the cod of the Newfound land Banks, and of white fish aad sturgeon ia propomea These fish are sonnd tno hi seen numbers, that they will supply the whole north -western section of the United States and Upper Canada, when they are popuia-ted by millions. The western immigration hitherto has been chiefly arncnhnraL For the future it wih be partial iy cte-ltP do 5 bbls molasses, VV L'rquhart do A Mannaux 3 do HO hh'is suear. Byrne, Vance eo I bbl ditto Shaw Zuntz lt bales cotton.

VV Burbndre co ido Eabatutsundnes. or der. Total, 25 bales cot. on, 3 hhds surar, 77 bbla is good, and getting ander tail it easy. It estimated that a saving will be made in distances between the respective places and Bombay as follows: Constantinople London Liverpool e50; New York 7.317; New Orleans 8,178.

Mora than one half tbe distance is abridged between the principal ports of Euro) and Asia by the proposed canal. This tingle tact shows its im molassei. barring Vv hitehead hamners bales cotton. Acrtcwltarnl IHvWon of the Patent Office. A Report from ltlaiann.

A pentleman write that, about three yean ago. I.I'CY ROBINSON. Mallion. from Fort Smith. Brady, t-orman at co sundries, oraer.

total. bales cotton, hhds tobacco. IV HU L. Newell, from Memphis, with lH with 375 bales cotton, Campbell Strone 46 ditto 147skscorn3tcajks4bblsbotat 33)0 pes bacon 2 he received from the United States Patent Ofhce a bbls beans 2 bales deerskins Heaid, Masste co 1 paper of the seed of the Alfalfa or hilian clover, hales cotton, viz oOl to Bradley, Wilson at co 354 Byrne, Vance at co 2H3 FHUiwes at eo 154 Robson At Allen 103 Campbell di Stron 1 Pickett 1mx tobacco. 1 bbl uotatoe 1 do beeswax 2b bal soot which be gave away at tne time, ana plant mense utility to all nations, as well as to Ecypt and Turkey, and will secure for its projectors the best wishes of the civilized world.

PkU. Ledger. ed the remainder in his garden. He is firmly of the cotton. IVreenwood lift do Fellowes co 5H do McWhee co 3 do MeCutchon, Howell co 2tdo Farley, Jurey co 10 do A Ganss 5 do pscatonal.

The hsbermea of Cane Ana and Cape Cod will throw oat their lines before many months JC co flb Uav. Jenkins co t.l ti rtser st to Mills at co-5 Ward, SauiHlers at Hunt 37 Ceddy, Brown at eo 1H Buckner. Stanton aa tskssrassn of tte rrsattest of the inland seas. INDIA BAGGING, in warehouse and to amve, for sale bv WHEELER BURKE, Broken, may! 4 5 Bank Place. SALT To Aamvn.

2 cmrEoea of Liverpool and 1 of Marsalla. For sale by WHEELER k. BURKE, Brokers, ayl4 Bank Place. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Tbe Copartnership heretofore existinf between the undersigned, ander the firm of Smith Coorta, is this day dissolved by its owa limitation.

Either partner will men the name of the firm in Uouidatiea. L. L. SMITH, W. B.

COOPER, JR. TUCKER, COOPER N. Partners in Commendum. New-Orleans, May 1, 1856. NOTICE.

The nndenbrned have formed a Copartnership, and will continue the business of Smith Cooper, in this city and New-York, ander the arm of Smith, Coopek fc Co. Newman 17 rinckani at co li 1 i.nmnr The best fishing ground is in the neighborhood of co 7 Miles. Adams ts. co 5 Payne it Harmon to Ecostomicnl lllamlnnrioni by Gne. Mr.

Arthur Robinson bat exhibited, at the Liverpool Polytechnic Society, tome experimentt with McKleroy Bradford do utldy. Brown co do Wilhms do Dyas co 20 do Carter co. Total, 71b bales cotton. A LSIloTWEI.L, Elliott, trom Louisville, with 30 bbls pork Wait colrih 340 bbis dour. 22 the Apostle islands.

Mr. Owen sells as in ass Ke-rort, that the waters abont these islands not only Nelson at co 34 do 111 hhd tobacco, Hewitt, Norton At co i do Turner 15 do MrGreror. onered excellent fish, bet the fish do not aw loway co sacks corn Mc4rfhee co do gat, of a highly interesting character, tbe results of which, however, it appears at piettnt difficult, if belief that this is the only kind ot grass that will stand the droaghts of Louisiana. That in his garden it is now nearly two feet high, green and luxe-riant. When he says that the top root the first year of its growth was six or eight inches long, it will be readily understood, he thinks, how it ts capable of surviving tbe dry weather.

It is killed off in the dead of winter, but puts forth vigorously ia February. It is jest the thing for pastures in that coan-trr. He shiH preserve the seed when matured, and will take pleasure in furnishing ho planting friends (who are duposed to try, as far at Use yield will permit. diminish quantity. For trout and swkawit.

he csks bacon Martin, iwen Cobb 00 pes naxrior 5u coils rope 5 bales twine Green Crump 9 do Bed Ik Rovd A ek baron Pooe. Ei nan CO 10 hhds hides Bun. rilu sx co 2 hhds sucar. vj as a co. Total, Mi hhds lohaceo, 3 do snrar.

adds, which are caarnt with a line in deep water. th. km aieend of the neighborhood is off Bark not impossible, scientifically te account Tor. In tbe first place, he diluted the carbaretted hydrogen contained ia a receiver with 30 per cent of atmospheric air ia which state it wet not explosive the gas, in thie deteriorated state, when fit at an ordinary Point, or Point core'' of the French. This tobacco.

Robinson co 2 ditto Moore Van Culm 2 do II Short co Wills, Rawlins co 14doC Boddeckekeo 1 do Perkins eo t3 do Fellowes co 42 do McGteror, A i low ay WKPKk'DAT, MaY 1. BELLE SHERIDAN, Good all. from Iouitville. with Jfi hhds tobaixo, viz 3r Hewitt, Norton at co 18 Bud.tecke 4ico 10 Short at co Rndm-1 Hirer 2 Brvan at Robinson TS do a bold projecting point near the South-western part of the Lake, about forrv nukes front the mouth of co o4 do rurner o4 do Rotlewaid. Pident co 2b ditto 10 casks bacon Bryan Robinson 35 bbls burner, scarcely rendered darkness visible," bat tks St Imh nver.

Too water abont it bbls lard Rodewaid at co tcs bams 243 bas eorn 46 hhd toltacco, Rodewaid co dc. 3 cks on the in trod action of tlir fatly coiled platinnm a Th Minn wras a favorite rasort of the In flour, VV Neuelum co 14 hall 3M bbls beet Ihd-en Son 48 tcs 10 bbls 14 kees lard 33 bbb wire into the flame, the gat expanded into a broad diana, and bb mvsawd with a boaexful growth of pork Robertson MrDourall do 55 bbls 19 kers and vivid flame, the fa i loess and strength of the the most luxuriant clover. It is probably devunod to be the Marbsehend of the Lake, and to mute haron i Kofiinsoo ej4 btiisnour, a nnasuHiacco, Moore si Van Culm 3 tcs hams 744 burs com Brady, Gorman at co 70 do a csks bacon Twichell co ax) bars corn Green at eo 400 bbls pork Naiie, Snmmers kt co 52 tcs hams 71 cak sxles 4 csk taccu 11 sas corn ri uney ro 1 csas bacon Fenner eo 300 coils rope Rocers co 31 bbls whisky 3 do beef 2S do beans 30 do lard oil Modes of Sirant ewai-1a. We reeently alluded to the fact that some English a tub had promulgated as a new discovery the fact that the speed of steam vessels might be greatly increased by making them sharper, and stated that this fact was known and practised upon, in this with it the fashionable attractions, at no very to-nanta nod, of a Newnort. light greatly exceeding that obtained ander like eir-! cunsstances from the pare gas.

Thai strange effer. of the ptatianm wire it at present involved in mystery, nor can Mr. Jackson exactly calculate its economic value bat it it clear that while it decreases 15 bbla 85 ker lard sks corn hhd tobacco. bbts 3 csks pork Twicheil co 1372 sks cum 53 csfct A gentleman familiar with the Lake Superior iwen at i 4bb 100 pieces bsrgmr 500 eoihi rope to Whitehead it Chamber 500 do Roeer co 40 do Panne at Bro 32 do Smith. Johnson at Scott to nieces hazTing Smith at Hadden 15 tea hansi country, lnlorms oa that Bark Potnl win bo a in bacon 00 hhds tobacco, 10 tc 1 kers lard Me win, Norton co sundries, to order.

Total, 339 hbda vent somnwr resort of the North-west ns i the price of the gas, it wcicatut the power of the light from 17 to 30 per cent. tobacco. L. L. SMITH, WM.

B. COOPER, J. ALLAN MITCHELL. New-Orleans, May 1, rsLTTTIONThe copartnership heretofore existing- ander the firm of WILLIAMS, PHILLIPS expiree thai day bv limitation and ta dissolved by mutual consent. The name of the firm will be used in liquidation by either partner.


The undersigned have this day formed a partnership ander the stylo of C. W. PHILLIPS to succeed the law firm of William. Phillips and will continue the lonnirt is deveiened. The opening of the na-niMMi sirred arsisra Iim enmbon to Fond fame.

Steele ai codU kecs iard reiers, itnaru eo 1 bbls pork Levy Snmmers or 64 bbls apples Benton ro 24 bbw ers Costa Rovira 6 ditto Greve VVerle 61 cans butter SchneHler i country years aeo. The bc*nttjit gives to the late Robert L. Stephens, whose death had recently been anoonced, the credit of' being tne first person who improved the models of onr nver steamers by extending their bows giving them a sharp entrance aad a clear ran aft, thereby nearly doubling their speed, without mach increasing thesr engine da Lac, and as seen as the aamn-abse properues of bales jeans Burnssde co bbis brandy Holt Saloon a rolls leather 2 bcls trees FrelUee, Steven FninaT, Mat 16. FRANK KEELING, Grant, from Wishinrton, with 8 bales cotton. Camma' Siuires VV est 4 do Fearn.

IWmeran co 2 baiet wool Riaachia Chaadet 157 hhds uear. Frellfen, Stevenson co Sdo Peret-9bbls molasses. Hall, Rodd Putnam 1 jar drurs Hart co. Total, 12 baies cotton, lttt hhds sucar. bbls moiasses.

A Grvwt Voyar. The ship Abigail arrived at New Bedford on Monday eight from a whaling voyage, having been absent lortv-fonr months. She hat taken during son at co 50 bbw whisky rmiih Hadden. power. 1 tut must nave been nearly a quarter ot a centnry ago.

let the improved model has just that time 329 barrels of sperm oil, 5253 barrels of been "discovered, ns cjigiand, and it win probably be another quarter of a century before it it applied. whale oil, and tt 1,500 ooueds oi none. At present prices the aggregate the vovage would amount to about 1 "5,000. VV McRAE, Broad wed. Irm Orand jake, with 4 bales cotton, viz ttt to Cuddy, Brown co -HI R-dzill, Roberts Terrell 60 VV Jackson co iQ Ward.

Saunders Hunt 30 Perkins co 28 Don net I 24Thornhill co 19 Waiker Hntrhm-on 14G Pinckard eo 10 Lewtsk eo 12ditio Wneht, Daventmrt co Heminrway, Fnedlan-der co 7 Pavne Harrison 4 Anderson Met-cail 4 Cleveland. Bros st eo Tariton, Watting Jt Tulbs 73 hide, sundries, order. sotsow am the English io depart from established I the baetnem without interruption. They assume theolisaate of Laka Superior are anderstooa, ute ocmrssoa will become a very common one. Mr.

Owen says of tha nesghaorhood, that no portion of the countrv sarpsim it for its climam. In the ensnuaer months it the nmut cooi and do-hghtrnl resort that can be imagined and for invalids, ospeoaily each ns am affected in the liver or tangs, the uniform bracing ataiosphoii produces the anost smrprsnng and beneficial eflocta. Dr. Jack-aom, in ha offictal report on the stingy and topography of Lake Superior ears, that none of the i asenrsn lakes nan osoapam with it in aealtcfer-Boxt of climate daring the so earner months, and them hi a plane so well calculated to restore the health of an tsrvalid who has so tiered from the do- and wih pay all the liabilities ot the fate hrm. NEW-OKLE.

OPELOlhAS 4k GKILVT WrIEHN KAILROAD. May 14 30 hhds snrar, Lohit Charpentier 21 do Beiioeo co do Hall. Rodd Putnam do 35 bb asea. am mack. So aires West w.

rniL.L.irss, WM. GIBSON, RICHARD KlXOy. May itlM6. JOHN NIXON, Jr. SALLIE RvBISVi, rower.

Irom ioMwater, 37 do larby TremouW 37 do Totedano Taylor 4h do VV Jack -on co 151 do Hewitt, Norton eo 10 hnds -urar. VV LevemcT co 6 do Braud A hnlrinan natosag Armba, The whaling brig Lewis Bruce, of Orleans, Capt-Rrder, arrived at this port from the coast of Africa, where she has been cruising several months ia search whalea. She broufht home 310 barrels of oil 1 Davis, Jenkins st vith A bales cnttoa, viz- Robsot. Allen tl Ward. Saomlers Hunt Adam 27 Hemireway, Fnedlander eo- JA Rni-kwr.

SlanUm Si NnrBun-1 Rtcks Important Hteman Eadne Itnniwvemeot. Our Btweumsn, Mr. Henry J. Hawkins, principal eegineer oa the mail bent Oregon, hat patented his mraluable improvement on the cut off' of the steam engine. It bound, within a year, to be so generally adopted and approved, that Mobile may be nroed of its engia hi nor midst.

Thai new cut off ss fin mail by an adjustable cam, with a sslf mifrtmg tee aad its great advantage ss, that ia ten aacondt, and while the engine st ander headway, can with ease be affixed te any reqaued toonunr items of the serer-hoedia( toil of the I lndry lrido Ait estia fc Thibaut 18 bales moss iTrosriairk Havdel do B'ltivei 1 do wool 1 iiiver 50 bars potatoes, order 33 bales cotton, 1obit Chanentier-JO do Belloeq eo 8 do I 37 hides DeGruy co. Toal, 144 hhds suzar. 13oA bbls motasses, bl ba-es cotton. Mry 1515 hhds saear. Boch xenon, Carroll co Kjtath-wMtarn ON retiring from business, I retarn sincere thanka to my fneods for their many proofs of kindness, and moat cheerfully recommend my successors an enure! deserving their continued confidence aad patronage.

May 1856, FRANK WILLIAMS. and 5,000 pounds of bona. The whalemen during their vorace were often ia the vicinity of the wandering Arabs, who frequently come down to the const from the Great Desert. Capt. Ryder was eoce captured by thata whim an shore, and they With ouch axtnetioa, now that the marree of eo 17 Bachannoa.

Carroll on 14 Cleveland. Bpw co 14 Walker co 18 Cooper co IH McLemore, Raybnm eo 8 (o Smedes co 7 Byrne, Vance co 7 Miles, Adams co 7 Knox co 6 Brady. Gorman co 3 Lewis co 3 Cnd- Lace Snpohor are leaidesul ot each easy access ty It WC loaii lOast aor no ssaonssuoxauie.

Commercial Bulletin, Price-Current and Shipping List from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.