Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)

Kclo Slobctttegmnttg. BRY GOODS FOR CASH THURSDAY, OCTOBEK 2, 1S63. THE BATTLE OP rCKA. On the second page we publish a full and Crapliic account of the recent battle of Juka, in which a column mainly made up cf Iowa troops, was led to victory by a Wisconsin general. Gen.

Hamilton liia troops fought welL Had other commanders co-operated with him, the capture rf Price was certain; but they did not. This war is a solid column of misspent Ccoley, Farwell 42, 44 46 WABASH Have In store the LARCEST STOCK Oi'Tatl and Winter Goods ever offered In ChloaM' cot Slf OJlg OI DOMESTICS, CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1862. NUMBER 74. Tsi'ta Sttibctuscntcitfs. mm THE STATE CAPITAL extensively It is to be hoped, for the credit of the army, that General Buell will put a damper on these gilt buttoned imbibers of bouibon and old rye.

From an officer in General Wood's division we have some particulars of the march and tie condition ot the country between Nashville and Deckerell, and from Nashville to Louisville. He states that foraging for anything and everything edible was the most interesting item of the march. The cornfields, when the army started, were just arriving at roasting adolescence, bnt they have been systematically stripped for miles on either side of the loads marched over. Every farmhouse in sight was visited by a continued stream of out-ol-their-ranks soldiers. Eggs and poultry first disappeared, then pigs and calves.

Horses and mules were not uiifrequently pressed, and taken a mile or two and then turned loose, only to he caught up again. In tvery kitchen you would find a crowd hurrying np the manufacture of hoecakes by the servants, or themselves boldly venturing upon the- mysteries of cookery. Tne men climbed for iruit, ripe or green they dug for mulched cabbage, and even milked cows. Bragg'a army did far worse on its march. It literally stripped the country through which it passed of ail kinds of provisions, leaving tae people almost entirely destitute.

The com crop in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia, will prove an almost total failure. In the best localities the crop will not, it is said, average over thirty bushels to the acre, while tbe average throughout the districts of conn-try occupied by the federal troops, wiil not exceed tirteen bushels to the acre. Well informed federal officers say that they do not see how the people left ia the country are to avoid starvation. Thera will be terrible suffering among tneni the coining winter. GEN.

BIELL. "VTe deem ourselves ia the large and respectable company of those who will m2 echne to believe in the reinstatement of that slowest of all Dons until we are fully Satisfied that the desirable end has been leaclied of his removal. Once out we doubt if any cliquing of officers will re-Store the snail-like Buell to a position he lias htld only to holl back from anything glorious. We trust that once rid of him Hi ere will be no more of him in a post here qualities precisely the reverse of his called for. ariTE ANTS OF THE SOtDIEBS.

Men and women of the North, stop Scraping lint With what is now prepared there will' be enough for months to ccnie. Cold and inclement weather is approaching, and the Sanitary Commission's Supply of blankets, quilts, drawers, shirts. Stockings, is rapidly btiug exhausted These are more than ever necessary, bolii from the approach of cold weather aodtha largely increased number of wounded. The Sanitary Commission supplies the frieater portion of these articles, and they rue now so scarce that large purchases to be made by the commission to fill their requkiuons. Let the contributions ILgain pour in.

THE TTIIKAT TK V11H OF CHICAGO IN SEPTE.HBEK. A few days since' we published a table thowicg the receipts during the first enry-two days Li September of this year, Compared with those of the saine period cf last year. As the new crop of wheat generally begins to come in freely about the 1st of September, the receipts of that month cive some- idea cf the yield of the crop. Below we append a table sho wing the ch.By receipts of wheat in city during the entiie morth of September, for three years: JAtLT BECErPTS CF "WHEAT IS CHICAGO IS SI TE31EER TOE TUBES TEAU-" Sept. 1S61.

13fi0. 3 101,174 8 6S.9fil 6UOSI Ilv3n3 4 88.950 91.S.:S 173,572 5 69.029 1U4.3J3 194.3. 6 75.95 13,321 137.191 84,17 147 .415 9 51.1s) 133.5-11 10 05,742 1K3S4T 11 74K0 12 76,931 H3 915 1SS 3'i4 13 64 -3 14 57.0S9 97.i29 173,0 ii 14 86 SM 141.5 i4 17 MS 13 65.817 li.16 li SKi 19 87.610 9S96J Stt 0 112 Kl 91.SSI St 76 057 1W9.071 76.921 3 73i4 144 187 14 64,63 171.4US 93845 S5 11519 luS.C -X tS.O'S 150 613 t5.1- SI lSU.OlS lJili'7 9 30 71.463 147,115 123,123 Total From the above it will be seen that the receipts dining the past month show a fall-irg off trom those ol last year of 1,281,876 fcusbels; while they are only about one-Jjalf as much as the receipts of 18G0. Thi3 ould indicate almost to a certainty that the crop thi3 year is far short of those of I860 and 1861. TLe following table shows the daily Jricss of No.

1 Spri-ig Wheat in store in this market during the month of Septein-lier fur Uirec yenrs JlATLT PEIC23 OF HO. 1 5 WHEAT IX BEPTEM- BfcK IS I860, 1SU1 AND lSt-2. 1SG1. 1C9. Cents, 2 93 CM 63 (Tt.64 89 8 bS fe90 fc4 67 S6 (Tfr-iS 4 87 66 8S 5 fc 65artSJf 99 H.9i 6 b5 tvi tiH 87 6l.l 7 65 S6Xif'7 BW.f 92 3o t-6 Pi-3 4 95 ec.s;j li HS UX.4&jS Ml Ti.i 3i 85 nSTJif 90 C6'2 33 S7 S7 "0.V 34 86 73 fr6 36 i6 (fffi)4 37 .90 p.1! 75 7S 8t f46 72 fiiT-iif 62 f-o 39 90 7SV79 SO fO 91 fs 21 89 frt 7S 67V3 S8 80 (3 SS 51 90 75 4S0 85X(f4S7 2 6 72 77 S6 C53 5- 92 76 S5-iS S7 9i 76 83 6J.90 91 PJ13tf 7vr.c77 86 91 fc92 76 66 7 VOLUME XV.

RE.IICTiL OF GEXER1L BUELL. Xbe Ioh of Ren. Nflon Canse tlie IMlEculty bctneeu Neuuu aud fctavis. of Co respondence of the Chicaso Tribune. Lcuisviixb, Ky Sept.

89, 1S62. Gen. Buell was this morning relieved of hi3 command of this department, and Gen. Kelson of the command of the army of Kentucky. The first was the work of the president, and the second that of Providence.

These two events, happening together, on the eve of an extended campaign, are fraught with much, of interest to the community at large, and this army in particular. The removal of Gen. Butll was a step, (I am reluctant to confess,) imperatively demanded by the exigencies of the times, and I hear of but few regrets among bis officers and men. The unfortunate fate of Keleon is, in all probability, regretted most by the unfortunate man at whose hands he fell, for a jrant by nature and of a denomi-neering will, and overbearing disposition, Nelson made but few friends, and retained none long. Two more unpopular generals never commanded fine armies.

THE DEATH OF GEN. KELSON. The quarrel between Nelson and Gin. Jeff. C.

Davis of Indiana, who killed him, was oae of several days' standing.and originated iu the display, on Nelson's part, of a prejudice against Indiana generals. Before the arrival here of Gen. Nelsor, a captain, Tlinnas W. Gibson, was actirjg as brigadier general of the city militia, and was endeavoring to organize them. Nelson became disgusted with tke attempt to orgauiz the citizens into a brigade, and shortly efter the arrival of Nelson threw up the ccmmird.

About ttie same time Brlj. Gen. Dnniout tad evacuated Lebanon Junction, it was said, without orders, and Nelson put hiia under arrest. Here began the displiy of prejudice to-rjo Indiana officers. Gibion having resigned, and Davis having reported for duy, Nelson toot advautage of the opportunity assigned Gen.

ivis to the of the llmu Guards ot" Gibson and Davis happened to be oid and intimate friends, and Gibson told DaviJ thit the command did not exis, and he would havu to meruit it that it required ai leat two iriards to each patriotic home guard to induce them to attend drill, Gen. Davis reported to Gen. Nelson that he did not come to recruit a division but to command one and refuted to ake coinniabd the brigade ot Home Gaards. Nilson used some harshlaneuags at the time. ana cursed Davis as a coward.

Gen. Davis resetted this, and told NeUon he should not use such language towards bim. Nelson remarked in the course of the controversy that he would send Davis out of the li.oi:s of the city. Gen. Dumont, utider arrest, induced Gjv.

Morton to come to Louisville and erjraga in me matter. tOV. Mortoo psrtly complained ot the manner wbicb. the Indiana brijjudi were being trcalid in Kertucky, asd claised trat the biate whiohhal mruisbed tbe mSn part ot xeison's army, deserved a lesr ot oiliceis. The resuli of Gov.

Morton's in tLia ganie ai tiie ot Gen. iDont to tLe command of the 0th umsion of the army of Kentucky, and an or.ier to O. Davi3 to report to Gen. Wri'nt. Gov.

Morton returned to Indianapolis. Dumoat retirtd trom the quarrel. it is wut to Ciu cicnati, ana reported to Wright, who orcored him to resuroe comraand of tii bri ule. This I do not understand. Davis returned to the city with Gov.

Jlorton last evening. mis rnorning aoout o'clock, wniie uen. Nehon -was entering toe hall of the Gait ''use, Gen. Davis approicied Gdv. Murtoa binding In the ball, and said I Governor, I witn you to ii-ien to a coaversmon about to have wit a Gen.

Nelson." The two then approacped acd saluted Nelson. Gen. Davis stid: "Gen. Nelson, a few days since you took advantage of your position and authority to ill treat me." Neison pretended to be deaf, and told hiai to repeat his retu trk. "''hip, Davis oid.

Nelson's reply wa "Yes, I wiint of i sid, Tou ened to force me to 1-ave the city." Nelson then called bin a contemptible-puppy," and struck Mm in the fac-i twice wirh ms faliu. Davis retired and approached a friend in the hall, and borrowed a'pist 1. Nelson iu ih-! meanritiie turned to Gov. JIortaD, and sa'd in a violent manner, Did you cime here witn mat utile sort ot a to s-e htm msult me ia this public manner?" Gov. Morion replied that he had been requested to to the conversion by Geo.

D.vis. Nelson baid, By God, Eir, psrhaps you don't, Know who I am." At the smio tune he turned away, and was geiug to his roo.u, where he was bbct by Davis, when ooiy eight or ten fet from him. Ntlon fell to fai 11 or, and then ran np stairs, trying gel into Gen. Bueli's room, bun fell in the haUabjve, and was conveyed to hi room. Surgeons were immediately called in who pronounced Mm.

ist surgery. Hs had tb.e attendance of a cl-rgTinaa, and was baptised and admitted into the Episcopal Oure-a. lie died at a quarter to nine, fifteen he -d been siiot. Geu. Davis was ordered by Gtn.

Buell under arrest, and Col. fry accompanied bun to his room. At. the tiina of the tight, Davis was in citizens' attire, and I have heard, was under arrest. Divis is to be examined by Judge Johostou to-iuorror.

The trial will be doubt-ess iuteresting. TUB KEMOVAi OF GEN. nUELL. Gen. Butll this moruing received orders to tnrn his command overtoGan.Geo.

EL. Tnoais and report for outy at ladianapoli. His re-inoval bas been long demanded. Gen. Bti has lost the confidence of h's trooo.

and was ro lotger tit tocommind them. man with his army, he has forfeited lie respect of his officers, and his troops look upon him as no Ime man. Among o'ner faults was his tardiness. He wis so slov th it Brasrg has sucrei ded in escaping hin when urrounded. He moved and succeeded in leachinzthe enemy only when tha latter was compelled to stand.

Gen. Buell was p-obably aware that an effort was beinz mtide to r.move him, and that tae p-incipl com- vncaged in muking prejtarations for a rtpid olfeiitive cauipaUiD, but is now cut shirt ia his career. Tue following is the general ordr 1 st issued by bim, and iu hicli he indicated Lis purpose of pursuing the en my. Heaoqfahters Aitsv of tjie Onto, J.or,svii.L. ept.

27, Gexfbal Okoek No. -16 A. The baie of oflicvic mnrt be rednivd stri'nlv to the allowance airtliurfzed ly rctii.i'ioa'. maile iiirpi-ccors app i.ited ty aiid a'iy esceoj will be Uirowa cut. Xo trunk? wiJ be allowed.

A will jM s'l the wearing apparel is necessary for any llu -r. II. nen are ordered to move 'li -h" ivwillbe uTuieictood. uuUes sixrcjuiv x.teescd, th.a they will move wit'aout IiT'jua. amnnHncej) and a t.rai.i.

If rdered to move with "half bieTi thev will 1 a.K.w. one waon to each division and bri jaie b'annnarterH; and ore wa2n to eaca re'mut, too-rrya few necessary articles for the In all cases, the men wul be expected to have in their baversacks provisions enoutrh to lat iheai tnreensys. 11 a reserve supply is to ne lasea. lse ciders wi 1 fpecuytua aoioant, aad wagoas win De las, to rarry mem. Uy command or siaj.

Uen.Baeu. (binned) J. B. Fbt. Col.

and Chief of I do not know but that the exchange is oat rf the trying pan into the lire, for Gen. Geo. H. Thomas is a slower man than Buell. It tkfs Thomas udf an hour to say "no," aad be never has been kaown to deal ia tb.eafni':u ative.

Special. Later. In regard to the dismissal of Buell, ss staled above, the LjuicVille Journal of Xceeday ha the followiug It Is reported that General Buell was yesterday relievnd from his c.vnmand of the department ot the Ohio, and General Tnomi-i appointed to succeed him. Geueral Thomas, ewevir, tel-graphed to MTasuington.aad was backed nearly all the other divis'oa olU rs, recommendicg the retention of G'ueral BuetL are happy to state that ae application was fuccesMul and General Buell was stcred to tbe command in wh'ch he hi wou the confidence of our people, and we are confident that he fully deserves it. PAIRIOTIC AT IU EX" 1)1114.

ICbe People Endorse the ttou. Proclama Special Correspondence cf the Chicago Tribune Mesdota, Oct. 1, 18SI. Thtre was a large and enthusiastic meeting cf the loyal citizens of Mendota and vicinity, ff the purpose of endorsing the president's proclamation, at the National Hotel, last evening. John S.

Hewitt was the principal speaker. His speech was replete with patriotic sentiments and earnest and eloquent appeals to his fellow citizens to come to the supp rt of the ptesident, and to treat with the contempt they deserve, those disloyal Democrats who passed those semi-secesh resolutions condemning the proclamation of the president, at the late Democratic convention at O.Uwa. All the sentiments of the speaker expressed approbation of the course of the pretd4nt iu issuing his late proclamation of emancipation, were received by the people with enthusiastic demonstrations of applause. At the close of the meeting tbe German choir came for wtrd and sang a patriotic and appropriate song. Tue people ait perked, well pleased with the decided success of the meeting.

The meeting was the most enthusiastic one held in this county. It was largely attended, by Democrats as well as Republicans. General Itod mau Dead. Peovtoisce, R. OiU 1.

Brldir Gen. Rodman died on Monday, near leersto en, of wounds received in the battle of Aatietam. Obituary. Newark, N. Oct, 1.

Hon. Jicob wilier, ex United States Senator, diid at his residence la Moinstowa last night. Is I KcU) 5. At tie Highest Price Paid in this Market, AMEEICA1T GOLD, FOREIGN GOLD, SILVER, 7 3-10 CCTOEER COUPONS. AX ADA 3IOXEAr, OLD DEMAND NOTES.

Country "Falrer and Merchants will do well to jrlve as a call be lore selling at any of tae quotations. JAME3 BOYD, 3S Clark street. mm asanas AT WHOLESALE AUD SETAIi. Cloths far Fine Co ills. Cloibs fMr Bndi3es tuits.

Cloths' for Boys' gaits. Cloths for Overcoats. lotlis for Iadiea' Cloaks. Cloths for Saeius. IXCLUDIXG Beavers.

IVIeltons, Fi-eneh Soeslsins, XJlaek Sc Fancy CasiiTiere3, Billt 3NXixtu.res, Cloths for Xillers, OLD S1TLS 0XFOE3 AND CAD2T CA35I-KEBtS, Bought early aid will be sold cheap for cash. A. C. DCWNft ocl 150 LIKE STREET. BUY Fall and Winter GOODS Before they are Higher.


The subscribers have now OS HAND AND FOR SALE, Five Thousand Kobca or extra flie qnllty. We have received these livbf from the Sest BtiflVio Country, DIRECT, Which enables us to sell them At Lower Prices than any ottaer Deal er lu tue noruiHeti! Scolders will receive prompt attention. gj Terms Casli. J. frMITII Headquarters ITorthwest Far Co'y US LAKE STfiEEr, SC30 CHTC 4.GO.

SALT! 2 CCO bag 6. i. Sail, jcst ix. FCK SALE IX LOTS TO SC1T, SY PARKER, HAYMCND MSLLESv seS0-n91S Stnet No. 1S South tVater street.

'J'UTTLE, HIBBARD CO, HARPWARS AMD TIN PLATS Are now recetrlns th" IsrpestaTirt tOC OI Bheu and ileavr Hardware, l.a 1 mte, Wire, ftai.s, GLASS AND FARMING- TOOLS Ever offered In this market. VI ASK AXSO HUrtJTAOTOBKBI OF TJTK BEST AXES IN AMISICA. rmr panda vera nnrehased before the recent vauce. nd we shall sell tnem as low as ther cats Snichsed EK6t, and many articles vithout ad 11' 'ansporcnidon. XUI7IE HIBB1RD CO tnyJS-lrtp 62 Lafce street Chlcarc.

HOPS! HOPS! HOPS! 30 bales PRrRfS 1STEIXV, 50 bbla. IRISH HOlS. AMERICAN ISIMCLA3S, SO bbla. and cases of KCRWOOD AW MING'S 6TJPEEIOR MAKE. For sale at NEW VORK or BOSTON prices by the manulacturer's agents.

SMITH DWYEB, Wholesale Druggists, 92 94 Lake street. LAMPS AND OILS, WHOLESALE. A. E. GOODRICH 121 SoutU Water Street.

uS9-nlSm-net 1 1 asshts run Boston Belting Companj't CELEBEAIE9 RUBBER, BELTING, PACSIN And Hose. 3:0. i8i lake gTaaura: i I If the parly vho sold us $:95 of Demand Kotea and (3C0 In Gold, on Tuesday morning, the 30 tu -will commnaleate frith 11s, he will confer a favor and learn of something to his advantage. KUXTOX at -oa-uS lTf Corner of Lake ant Clari treets. THE WAR IN KEHTU2XY.

The Rainors regarding Sen. Buell. Bragg and his Amy, and What -will he Do with it? THE CESEQU1ESCF GEN. UlllZ'A. CITLL'S MMY OH THE M0E.

Gov. nortoa Visits tha Indiana Ecys. Louisville, Oct. Much the larger park cf Buell's army has moved towards the interior of Kentucky, in several columns, over different roads. Gov.

Morton, accompanied by Adjutant General Noble, Coi. Steele, aid-da camp, and Major Terrell, his mWary secretary have concluded, af'er several days labor, in uniting the Indiana regiments ia tlii3 military depirt-mcnt. Indiana has forty-two regiments in Buell's anry, which have been supplied with all necessaries by Gov. Morton. The Danocrat is Informed of a slight skirmish between our troops and tha enemy at Fern Creek hist evening.

The feaera's were euceeEsful. Unreliable reports are prevalent of down the road, but tailt-t 15 circles are unadvised thereof, and taey are probably incorrect. Large numbers of relatives and friends of the tliei-rs and soldiers ia Buell's araiy are in the crowding tbe hotels to snffjc Isdiaitapoijs, Sept. 31, 1862. ACvices from a reiiabl source state th it Major en Buell has been ved of his cam-UifcLd in Ken ucty, and tea; Gen.

Thorn has oeen temporally assigned to the command of thsanie. Fiftet-n fiUDdred of the Indiana narolsd prisoners frtm MunforJsvilio arrived to-day, aiiu none or tne appear to be remarkably or pleased ith Gen. Buell. Bragg is reported to hive 33,000 men, ia-cludiig Kirby Smith's forces, which have joined bun. A majority of his command are nncer ege, aud but few of them have shoes.

iiity are nusersDiy clothed, dirty, and Ere tail starved. Any two divisions ot Buell's sri could whip them with ease 1-OVisviLLE. Sept. so. Gen.

Jeff. C. Divis is nrder arrest and will be tried by court n-arial. The funeral of Gen. Nelson took place tc-day.

The corpse was enclosed in an elegant metallic casket. Tt.e following officers acted as pall bearers: Mjor Generals Me-Cook, Crittenden, and Granger; Brigadier Generals Jackson acd Johnson; Capt. Jeui-ins, chief ot S'aff, and orher siaff ofii -ers. Tbe procession was formed at the Gait House at 3 o'clock, and waa composed of cavalry, artillery, snd about seven regiments of in-far try. There was, in a company from each reciment of the old division "that Nelson commanded.

The remains we-e aken to Christ Churcb. where Rev. Dr. Tal- bott delivered an eloquent address, aad from thence proceeded to Cave II ill ai were plac in a vault, where thrv remain until they can be removed to Cmp Dick EcbicsoD, in accordance with General JNeison's reqeest. "Eesterdav it wss rumored that General Buell was relieved from bis command.

The rews caused much dis-iliafaction among oar State authorities and prominent citizens, who the utmost conscience iu Buell. vve lave reliable information to-dav that Get eral Buell is sill; in command of the araiy ci tne uiiio. A skirmish at Ehz afcethtown. between Col. Kenretfs 4t'i Ouio cavalry and the 3d Georgia cevelry, ret-uited in the capture of the ent-'re f- rce of the la'ter." Col.

Kennett paroled the. ollieers and privates. InCiwi-a tn-ops ac are being piii off. Correspondence Cincinrati Commercial 1 ISHaT BRAGG CAME TO KENTUCKY FOR. Braes: does not come to fight.

lie noes not imnd to fight. He has no army with which to Sght. Gen. Buell, slow, and they say sure cahi ot rrake him fight. Bragg's expeii-tinn bad not in view such objects as flghtioe risc'puned at nuts, it was intended by Jen.

Davis as a demcue ration to keep the men cf the W6t, the Western sinews of war, from going be vond the Alleghanies to aid McClellan, while the best of the Southern trocps, the largest of their armies, penetrated into Maryland and flanked Washington arid captured it. Is not nil this scheme apparently plausable to a man vlmia we have looked upon as made ctsperate. by his iil success of tiia FTrirg? Ai hss lhe first part cf the programme, the holding off of Western supoii-is ironi the Potomac, proved successful Have not here men Have we not at Cincinnati a laree force? Have we not at Cumberland Guv 12,000 men Have we not men at Nashville? And are not all thtse ccupied aod held ai bay by 40,000 men leattered ti.roi Kentucky nnd oniy yesterday surrounded? I know of bat one answer to these questions. iney are undeniable it'cts. lhe latter the statement that Braarsr has but 40,000 will be the first danied.

I believe it to be 4ru that Bragg, Kirby SiuiUj ard Pnmphrey Marshall Lave not more than 40,000 nies a force the most ultra Buell man will acmit to be hardly snihcicnt to demon strate before 6uch an army as ours. TnE KEBELS IN KENTUCKY ONLY 40,000 STRONG. No one has claimed for Kirby Smith and Marskpll more than 15,030 and 4,000 jveiy- a uio'j nature bas been produced to show the existence of these columns even smaller than these figures, and authorities here, both civil and military, declare that the two together cannot rrnster 15,000 men. Admitting this to be the force of Smith and Marshall, to make goo-I my assertion requires proof that Bragg his not more than 25 000 men. I have been un willing until lately to believe that hal less tLan 40,000 to 50,000 men, but tne evidence ot men having better means of obtaiii-ii correct thau I hav, has s.tii-ti me that is armv is small, and that is the refuse of the rebel army of the Potomac.

EEtiEL RAID IN CARROLL TON, KY. Frcra the Oineinr.a'i Commercial, We learn from tbe officers of the Loui grille llorence, whitm arnvea list nisac. -J at the rebels are again posessioi of ir- 'Hot, tiiuated at the moutu of the Kentucky Rivir, having entered the towu about four o'clock yesterday morniug. The Floreacs, on arriving at Captain Tuoui is Wright's farm, on tbe Iudiana suore, one and a halt miles Carrollton, was hailed by Wrijht, who ln'ormed Ciptam miarera oi tae riorance, that the rebels were in Carrollton in strong force. After the boat had proceeded to a point on the Indiana shore, half a mile below Carroutcn, she lanaed, wneu ner yawi, containing Mr.

Hoskirts, the clerk, Mr. the mate, and Mr. Wm. Aboott, of the salobn, vi-ited Carroliton. Tne party were well, tn ated by the rebels.

They foaud the citi-ztns badly scared, many having fled to the oppefite shore. Xney leaned there was a orce of 100 mounted men in the tovn, uudr Captain nry Gilbeer, of Hunter's Bottom. They bad taken possesion ct the court house, and bad lowered tbe Union and were about hoisting the rebel flag. All the TJaion flags in the town had been torn down. They had arrested a number of citizens, icclu-iiag Mr., Chailes Emery, arjd Mr. MsUlure, BTid were hunting lor toe provost, mamum, mx. Archer. They were reported strong one regiment being one mile bacii Oi the to wu. Titey pretend to say they were only after those Union men, who, a lew days since, had caused the arrest of Dngan, Soutogate, Bar-num and otnr rebels.

Ic was supposed th-jy would destroy the records iu the court house, atd all county, State, and government property. MATTERS IN KENTUCKY. From the New Albany (tad Ledger The renort In vesterdav's Ledaer, that a large 'rebel force was in tbe vicinity of SaelrvUie, troves true. What the exact numoer is, oi of course, is not known. It is suthciently large, however, to jusMfy the sending oat of a couple Ot dwi-ions to looa alter mom.

iubc divisions marched at 2 o'cloci yesterday mora- irg, and a large torce was sent out tn sTiiinrf. thAm If TifteeSSarV. Tae reba pickets were at Middletown lat night. Ir is i i la nnlff ut lit iru bills uiueuieui a leint of Bra eg to give himself a chance to escape from Bardstown. But little doubt ex ists tnat he has alreaav commenecu a rei-grade movement.

The prospect, therefore, of bis being according to programme, daily "grows small by degrees and beautilully less." i uneasiness is felt for fear that Bragg may make a movement against Buell a baggage train, which was left at Bowling Green, nnd baa not Tet arrived. There are but 5,000 ftderal troops at Bowling Green to guard and defend this immense train. It is alio deemed not improbable that Bragg may abont face for Nashville, Ke has made a frnnri lianl of fnr and orOVisions Ot all kinds, and as Nashville is a higoly imoortant point for the rebels, and is onlv garrisoned by a i-omnTiivelv small f.iroe. Braffff has every inducement to retrace his step for its capture. The rebels vet occupy Eiizbetntowa ard the south bank of Salt River and Saep- herdsville.

Thev have not yet disturbs! trentle-work at MulJronsli's Hill There seems to be a Vener! aivaacs of th it portion of tbe army wider Nelson previous to Rn.ll's arrival. Butll's army, or at least three or four divis-Ioiib ot it. rtassed throuirh Loaisrilla yester day attrrnoon and took up a position beyond tbe city two or three miles. LouUville is full of 6honlder-strips to-day, ted as a consequence, bad whisky is beias MATTERS AT THE CAPITAL The Rtimcrs Concerning: "rVT, cClernand. CONDITION OF WESTERN PAROLED PRISONERS.

(Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune. Washington, Oct. 1, 18'j2 Secretaries Stanton and Seward were serenaded last night. Neither did more than cake simple acknowledgment of the serenading party, which stopped at the president's house, but he had gone out to the Soldiers' Home. Heavy firing was heard to-day from Upton's Hill in the direction of Winchester.

Nothing is known yet as to its origin. There are 18,000 patients in the hospitals here now. Commissioners have arrived from the In dian country. The statement recently telegraphed that Major Gen. McCleraand had been assigned to a LigHy important command in the department of the Ohio, was derived from an usually very well informed quarter, and believed to be undoubtedly correct.

Subsequent inquiry, however, fails to confirm the it seems exceedingly unquestionable whether General McClernand has been assigned to any cemmasd at alL If he has. at least two of the members of the cabinet are ignorant of it. MeClernand re-cei t'y had an interview with the president the purpose of presenting a plan for the campaign in the southwest, lhe president referred it to Halleck, and that officer is un- pble to say when he will have time to con sider it. It is stated that Lee is still enforcing the conscript law throughout the whole country eojacent to Winchester and Romney, and that irom those he has collected himself and those forwarded to him fro ji Ric'omond he has, in all, received 20,000 to 30,000 reinforcements of conscripts since the battles. On the other hand it is stated that his con scripts are deserting In large numbers.

Seven locomotives, taken by the rebels on our retreat from Bristow and Manassas Junc tion, were recaptured by Col. his late reconnoissance. The rebels had partially repaired them, and were only awaiting the reconstruction of one or two railroad bridges to run them down to Richmond. Among the additional appointments of ex amining surgeons for pensions, made by the commissioner of pensions, the only Western name is Myron H. Hardirg of Lawrence-berg, Irdiana.

Applications for these appointments are pouring in at a rapid rate. The Indiana military agent, Dennis, has been investigating the condition of the Western paroled troops at Fort Delaware, some fifty miles down the bay from Pliiladel- pma. They are mostsy trom umo and Michigan and are without shoes and hats, and have, no change cf underclothes, and sle en plank without blankets. In addition to what has already besn said about the reported assignment of MeClernand to an important command in the western department, it is proper to add that the original statement here was that it was in contempli- tion at the headquarters of the army to assiin MeClernand to Buell's place. This stat-j cent came from a government offi cer whose position enabled hiai to know.

It is certain that Gen. Hooker's name has also been considered very favorably in connection with the general management ct tno western department. The whole matter of selecting generals for important commands in the West, however, seems, till a very recent pe riod, to have been in an elastic and unsettled state. It is understood that MeClernand is now eenjirgon the streets here that he had en dorsed the prcfrio'ent proclamation. Whan ever any such statement is made in any au thentic form, the govf rnment official will be produced to whom he gave the endorsem*nts.

Washington, Oct. 1. The differences of opinion anions tne memD'jrs ot tne caomet about tbe president's proclamation ot em iti- cipating t-laves, iuvolves the retirement of St me of them, and new arrange -jients con- eequence are pronounced imaginary, by those who ouL'ht to be best informed. The commissioner of pensions has made the following appointments of exmii-ing surueons Georje McCook, M. Puts- burg, ra; ivijron n.

naruiug, m. l- rtnetburg, and. tke war in fciissam Sen. SdifXielil Slaves fiMJm Springfield. The Situation in that State.

Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune St. Loris, Oct. 1, 1S2. Gen. Schofield has advanced to Sarcoxie, from Springfield, and Geu.

Brown and Gen. Totttn are in supporting distance. Col. Weir of Kansas holds the advance and has re cently been threatened by Cooper, whom he hunted in the Incian Territory. There are about 12,000 rebels in the A Gtrinan arrived from Granby reports that the rebels are pressing every able bodied man into the setvice, and all horse3 and supplies.

Tue rebels are represented iu aa extreme ragged and impoverished condition. Soutbesst Missouri, iuvi'jwot recent pre parations made by Geu. Davi is believed to be eafe. MeKinslry's trial progresses very slowly. At present rate it 'will not be fi Jislied befjre Christmas.

IHISGiS IN SOUTHWE3T MISSOURI. PCorresp mdence Janesville Gazette. Leaventvoiith, Kansas, Sept. 22, 136. Nine companies of the 3d Wisconsin cav-alrv.

under command of CoL Barstov. to gether with the 9th WiseonsiD infantry, 2d Ohio cavalry, several Kansas and Missouri regiments, and a few batteries, ail under coji-niand of Brig. Gen. Blunt, are, era tai- at 3pringfield, Mo. Capt.

Stout, Co. who rt mains with his company at Leavenworta Ci'y, is provest marshal Leavenworth district, and Is hard at work and doing his work welL Fort Seott is to he gairsoned forthwith by tne new ntn nausaa, ot wmcn donu rtiuaus, formerly of Maaison, is adjutant. The rebeU are gathering a huge army oa the confines of Arkausas, with which they propose to overrun and "liberate" Missouri They already have 25,000 men assembled, and a-e increasinit taeir number daily. They nave some caunou, but are not fully armed. Taey "reckon" they can take guns enough away from our forces to fit themselves out to the extent of their wants tnat remains to bt seen.

I suppose we already have over 15,000 men ready aud anxious to meet them, aud if "red tape is not too slow in iVLUsoari, we client to have 10.100 more lu a short time. You may look for nard fighting in soutn west ern Missouri before another month passes. Quint reli's band, the terror of the border hereaway, is bviug rapidly decimated by our boys, who have to fight them in the brush under every disadvantage imajrinable. A tew days ago twenty-two ot the vUiains bowed down to our caroine. never to pl-nder aud pillage again this side of Hades.

Taose car- bints are wicked minus kui as tar as you can see. This is the unhealthy season. Chill fever, ague, and 'sich like, are very preva lent; still, a death in the regiment is one of tne rarest miners imaginaoie. tiesruits are arriving every day from Wisconsin to fill np the regiment. Some thirty or forty of them are here now, most ot them waiting transpor tation to otntr companies.

From Havana, Havana, Sept. 27. No vessels have arrived 'rt'in Mexico since the departure of tne Prdltidc'i'hU on the 20th iust. Nothing has transpired since then, save a jubilee over news rrceivtd r-v tae Columbia, i ne only ar rivals btre of n-jt; have been the Victoria, an Euglioh vessel, tb'-ngh he carried a large sect csu flag at her tore-mast when comiug ia. She is t'roiii Sibioe Pass and had a cro of 700 of cotton, which was sold at 40 cents per pfUod.

C'ia. from Mobile, also arrived on the 2P.d icpt Sue has a cargo of about 600 bales of cotton to bs forwarded to Europe. The rains continue. The Fickness is abating. We leira that the yellow fevet has almost disappeared.

Ut Tbayer's Colonization Scheme. New York. Oct.1. Tbe.H'ra7r Washing ton correspondence says It ii understood tbt Hon. Eli Thaver will Immiately re ceive the appointment of litary governor of Ulcrida.

Tula appointment is ui.ue wita a view to enable Tnaver, and those wh.i are act- i' with him, to carry out their Mhiin for tbe In-rodnctiin Into the Southern Sl3tes ot a loyal laboring population. Bheetlngi llrtlmja. Drillings, Jeans. Bt tinea 1 1 1 11. Tt wwaauu yuiuiu fiauueia nels (nit Cloths Cassimeres, An Woolens.

soHakle for Men's wear. PfilUT Merrimack. Hamilton. Allen. Richmond, Amerlcsa other brands.

DBESS GOODS, Every variety. WHITE GOODS- A full assortment. Yankee Notions Hosiery SHIRTS AND DKAWEIIS, Gloves and Mittens, All of which will be sold at the lowest figures made this market Rr ahd smsoiim.j siiopb Our salesrooms cover a space of 60 by 36tt fe tae large West of the st aboard giving ua unaorpaasel faculties for eliowine goods. N. omits -m receive PBOMPT AVr CATraV BT 1, ATTENTION.

sepu Sinae EL DOMESTICS. Packages DRY GGOlii, At Less than Eastern Value. DAVIS, SAWYER 40 42 Lake Siroet, HAVE IN STORE AND OFPKH TO THEIR FKIENUS AND THH 1RAJDE THE Largest Stock of DRY GOODS "West of IJew York, comprising all the newest and most attractive goods cf the season, all of which will be sold at prices much undei Eastern value. CASH BUYERS Will here find a splendid stock that will pay them well to examine. BOOTS MS mil The Largest, Eest Assorted and.

Cheapest Stock in the Elarket. WARRANTED GOODS New In store, which the trada will do well to examine Before buying elsewhere. Pavfe, Sawyer No. 42 LAKE STREET. se8-nSSl-lronet LALIPSl Oi.e.

Oils, Oils, Zicr's, Ardesco and Lucesco Carbon Oil, GitEslSE. Prirce Oval or Round Double Pressed or Blown XXX Ctdmuios, rOUBTO AFOlTXD. ITS XiAKIC 8TRKKT. se2S'(i1-l8tp QXE FIRE WILL LAT 1HR EMTIRE SEASON, Without Re-Mndling IN THE L1TTLIFSELD GOAL BUBHSST. For sale by VAN SOHAAOE, 47 State cign 01 the Golden Tea Kettle.

POPE si7ocoit 1 22 South Clark Street, WHOLESALE DEALERS IH KEROSENE LAMPS AAD FIXTCKES. Carbon Oils of Dst With Irnrmuvit raftlllHes. we bellTfl snrDHtned In bo lionre In onr line, we Invite the attention of couatrj lPaiT to onr well mock 01 tne Dove sooas, Harlnc bone lit larre'y before the reexnt advance la prices tvHst wecananr win mh nw winey can rot-chased East. Iithridqn'" XX Lamo Cnlmnny. tliat will stnl the heat and froat, alwy on hand.

Got tha pena'ne. SmlBta JIIE PEACE MAKER COOK STOVE, Has six Boiler Holes of Full Size, iud a Roasting and Broiling Clubber, In whlrta Koa9ttn9 can done on a tnrn spit. DC-eectlt before th. piss; and Broiliito bs dona over uti 0OAL3, without any lames or smoke escaping Into tne room. Sold by Ko.

47 8TATS PTRBET. Et T. CRAS BKO.i Adapted to private booses, wit-, cast Iron Radlatort-All klnda of bHildinm belted jv STEAW PIPB8 the most approve pre. c'ple. AI! gojoa In our line ak Vl-BOLESAIJB.

and at the LOWEST MAEKET PRISSi 102 Weat Street. teSSSSmlstri LIVERPOOL WEEKaiS 3FTotm. Ne-w York. LasdlBX and embarKnn paraerieer. at Qtaeenisewn areland.) The UVESFOOL, SSW TOEK aad PETILlVELFEUf bteahshtp cowpiinr Win dispatch every Saturday thetr tan power ClWa built Iron bteamanips, CltrefRewfork, City or Baltlmere, tnffro.

Ciy of At ahliieton, isiOW City of ItXsuaelaeater, Y'. ftrinm, BospoerUt Rtm of iaaan tow as by any other una. Fes tleS principal cities ol Kuro'. PersnaahmVw brin out ttalr friends oat. bo sunreens.

They are built 1b EZ: aSS carrv patent fire aualliliKft-. SrUtnlormon General Western Asonts. Laaaile icac. ticnanse on Barope sold la A large Bl.v-kNew-1 fonndlasfl Wut Tn. o'wner ran oMntn tbe by apnlyipa at sn Soutb darn atrett, tandpaylnjcaarges.

IIT3, Stove F.aie Moulders ut 151 treat street. Chicago. -ANTED A Rood stcotd hand arese Post Office Pox 978. ocnS5-8t WfAlSITEI- The use of a He and Bnrgy for two tours a day. Address 6 Post office Box 1652.

Chicago. oc2-a9t33 It WZ.NTED By a I ady, two fur -nXshed rooms in a central locality, with or without riord. Best of reference given. AcMresP. O.

Box 4f00. oca utfiti-tft TED- A eitnatioQ as Ciek rn ai wholesale house, oackin? house, lumber yard, overseer ot men, or any place that Ue can of profit. Good reference can be ci or conntry. AdcresB Post Oiti je Box 190. oc2-n967 It WANTED few em art young mti to sell PprlodicaH, on the carp.

Apply before 9 o'clock this a. M. the oQl cf fcHEAti corner of briswoid aad V-ui Saren fctrett, Chicago. 111. VI ANTED Four strarc young girl3 as Clerks In a new Millinery atd Trim-mluira Store.

To such as suit $o00 wer Wret win be raid address mnrt be in hana writing of applicant. E-Viiit' came and residfrce. Address B. KAY MOSD Chicago Pott Offlae oca u97t it EXI 8WOBTH ZOUAVES, AT-TEKTIOX A'l old ar.dnTm" are lie -e-by otd--rea to be at the Armory this (Thursday) even g. at 8 o'clocktliterp.

or2 n-5s-lt E. Ii. BRASP, Comniaiilitit. -OI1TOAGO IGUT GrUTtD, AT 1 TBNTIv Every member hereby orderel to report ltlmself ar Ar-iory, orn-r R-idolph and Stnteitreeta. Fildav evealag next.

Oct. 31. at 8 cYlock, jtroirptiy. A sbuad lor new recruita wiil be fcrmrdac that time, wheaa'i lateiv elected mejibsrs and those desirous of joinin are reqneel to Oe prss-eut. CAPr.

TH JilAi. UecorUr. T. D. Ttckhb.

O. S. o-r-iH7t It AS Tha members of Wm. B. Warren Lodse fo 2 of A.

F. and A. are re Enmmoiiea to appear at tueir Dago Iiootn tt Masoi'c Temple, this (Thnrslsyl. Oct. Jrtj Ht I o'clock t.

to attend the funeral of our 1 Brrther BEXSDICT. The Slismi; Fraternity are rei-persiuny mviLtu mj aiit-au. iy atfr ti OC2 U638 It Ti l-. LU W. M.

A pleaat tint of Focms. also a stnrle coi can bs obtained with b6ard by applyins at Ha-ntioii etreat, teo doora w-zst of Avt.nne. o' -lt CEDING Tyrce t-iugie gen IL- tlemea can be accommodated wtt.h 3-iatd anl llonrne ard a lew more wth table bi.ird, it t- A laoa treot. two doors west ot Sta-. P.

O. Box Jj36. oca-ntWlSt suit of roorrs. and A Frnrt Parioi. a suit of roorrs.

and slnele rmns.ti r-ct with tina-d. In p'eant locaUon on Wa'ra'h Av-if, SjOR SALE A Couae, wi fa even rooms and lease of lot with vears to run, ou Peoiia street Etar M-n Ye.m Piii cfi.v Apply io avoicf at fo. "14 Hac pi: street, or 53 NortJi Haleted 6trjet. oca 3t TO KENT Hous Xa. 250 Xvrih "Wells Mrert.

cont.nKgr te rooms, water, pa aid barn, in a good neifeliDoihood. Ksiit per snrcru. Ir autre on tbe premises. 7OR SALE Second hit.d Car- A rtaees for sle. One si seated TZotfew.iy, eo-rl Ftvleano ilh htly worn.

One tubtandal, wetl-huilt four eeiited Buecy; toprd aon suited to a aetitlo-mon former. May be seen at M. BIXKINGrov'S verv Stable, 47 atd 4ft Wahasb avenne. OOABDING A young man mi 13 wKe want board on tbe Xorth Side. A private f-miflr where theie re no otlier boarders, prei'Ta'ip.

'i fi uiP must be veiy moderate. Address Post Ottte ilos 471. giving lucattcr and pice, or At Ibi SouLU reet Kune but Ameiican need aply. oc2- eritl mau sn.l i wife or sinprle eentlemeo. can be a-jcon: mil-itei vith pleSiirt rooms aud board at No 6 Wa-iilngta t-t'-eet.

oDpcslte Dearborn Fark. Befe.reaT?s q.irij A s'nirle jzentiemau can De accoaio i.itr-d witn a fu Ush' room, without boards or a seat: ma in aa I wife hoard and the of a Quiet li oie, No. 2t Michigan avtuae. llyl.rciicts excbaDed. T7 0uL GROWERS A'CTEN" 1 7 TION" 640 acres of drv, rolling Land, vatTcd by never-fatiins o'nl? seven m'les a raiUoad depot, in Northern rlHuoia, selected by t.

pinct1ra! man several years asro a t-ep aud httat Farm, can be bouiit if applied for soon. 5 Pr-r acre, (leas tb-n its Actual v.lae.) Address B. ot Office Box 611. Chicago. oo2 RENT Tm uew, neatly flir- ni shed two-fetor Honsea To re it, X03.

125 and Fourth atret, between StopiinoD ni Morgan st tets. IJentlO.JO p-T uioiUli each. Noua but re-ppcnsirtle te. ait nei applv. Inquire of 3.

fto.hle-sineor. No 164 Milwaukee Avenue, or P. O. BxiS3. pUSIN ESS SI ru ATIU OF FERKD.

I lih to encase a eoo 4 man with a f' l'UT-drtd dollars to go to tie e-unry aad Dur p-oauceon acnouiit. tt an exctl rnt point for hu pvrchscs. Addrtss, PliO! '0E, Ca-e P. O. 475.

1VTOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. I. 1h co partnership beretof jre existing under the tame fend It of CHiceoruxE wetherbe Is tt 1 dty dissolved ty mntntl consert Either ot the parties are anthoriztd to Settle tbe all airs of sid ftrm. A. S.

OHADHHIIKXU. GEO. 1 WETHE1SBE. Chicago. October 1st 1862.

The bTjMnesp will ha co timed nnder the nime and of Go F. Wetherbe Co, Chicago, October 1st. octuyraim fO! FOR TflE KIIITiI IX- FANTUT. REGULARS. SIOO BOUNTY.

A few rr bodied MEN waaUd for tula old and porm'-ne? Kciment. ry irom yis to sa per montu G'JOfi oTrt. oilijnc aur. medical attendaace far- DiFiied immediately. month's Dav aoa government Donntv anven recruits opon ton-ine thf KoiTiment.

Second Lieoticant Infautry. Kecruitiiijr 0cer. at 15W mth Clark su tt. wm oe nata any person nrasentms an c3ntea reurulT. oci- u9i 3 ISCARRIED OS STOLEX A letter from Jo'm Phtlltns.

Plrmonth. Indlnna. tiirvctcc to bis Po. Oince Drawer, Chicago, containing Fonr Blank Signatures. liave to enntion all persons from recelvine any wrUt 'n draftn, notes, orders, or other ner-ott- wnrtencocuinnt oeinnz I will not rppor lor tbe ptf- ol sucn nnie8 KiiOnn to oe given gooa iitn or lor a consireratlon.

JUll.N fHi.LI.If 5. sianttrirtnrer, Corner ol Tliird si nd erecfi 6trei3, sne. OhlCRgo. Oct 1st, lutj. or! 3,000 SACKS Liverpool 1.

ia Balk, CADIZ 5,000 bu. TO AEEIVE. II. IScuEXSAN cr-I-TiSSMw Ki. 1 T.sitl sret.

JJcOOMBIK CHILD, PEUDUCS co*klTBilOJT MiCESHAJTIS. Ko. 11 Water street, New York. Fefef*ckcks Gor rtricb. Wil ard St.

Lonl. J. iltshv Eso Alonz" Chilo. Si Tc-iit i-y: rt. Fay.

Boston, Wi lurd Mir, ra-o S-ca Ogl b7 Mc-mi e. sew irlean, Coin Excuange Ban. ors y. oe; J. 1EX.

M'COMBIE. l. Atovzo 'pO PORK AKD BEEP PACKEHS. There's notbins like bavinsr ill things ready at the coninier.crnint' of the Pckiai 6iason, fierefore ould It net tie well to haee yinr Fomm lofe tori our and see wnat 13 wanted in tlie line cf STEHCIf. PLATES, STEVCIL MKS, STENCIL Mlil iitiS, Ard In vonr orders earlT so tbat tou may not be rclny.

wten tne great rash commences at tbe ur.t coia snap. AILES'S EoTlsLIEKKEST, No. IS Beard of Trate Baild ne. (up-t drs). Is the place to gtt Tlf-TOf worK, tic pan sive ny nnmaer to the st le and quality of his tnutacture.

in nil? cut i- juis uili viuum irop in. SALT! SALT! SALT! 20,000 SACKS GEOUND AtUM, 10,000 do. Turks Island On band and to arrive, for sale br FiBKEU, BTISO9I0 fc BIELIES. oca-uf04-12tnet if M-d DRESSilAK- Jl ISO. "With.

Mrs. "Van Keiiren, 8t30 Ko. IS Lake street, np stairs. TEW FISH AUD OYSTER ll DEPOT. AMES Has Inst opened at ISO Dearborn street, THiere wfll sreeo con-tanttr on band Tts, Can at-'d SheU.

Core oysters. SardiaM.Oceaa andLke FLb, Baltimore oysters received by express lriu the packers. se8i-u5t5-2tevlm-net TV 7E HAVE IN STOCK AND OFFEii AT LOW riatTRB3, SOlonsSODl ASfl, SO CAUSTIC SOD1, 30 SAti 30 TEKR1 JiPPOSIOA, 5000 rail T1XS Kll'S OILS, BTJBKHAH ft 8MI1H, Tholesal Druggists, se25-n6'S-l(Hrjet 16 Lake street, CTRATVBERRY PL ANTS. aD TraBsplascng is in time just sow. WET AY li ATI! E3.

FAVORS. For tbe "'Wilson's Albany Beedttng." leave orders at 06 Etave street. H. P. siABi-BiK.

T)OYALHAVANA LOTrEftY i. Tn Trati of lero. ikbj. so. vi nrw ItlOOnCO No S4 8Rf No 30.65 drew 'TaUSS drew tio.100, lSo.9.J55 drew Being toe ad tafonpatinn famished.

H'hest naici doobl 'ons. TAYLOU vJ Bi 6Wail6treettSew xors 0OLVtu-iw Octoher 1. The governor rushing the troops forward into Kentucky, in order to make room for the organization of the new regiments In the various camps of instruction. The want of tents and other equipage prevents the more rapid dispatch of the regiments. A severe hail storm visited this city to day.

have not heard that it did any material damage. I learn that Gov. Tatcs has made arrange ments at Washington to have a better deserip- tion of arms forwarded to our troops in a short time. Some of the arms lately sent here are very poor. The rumored peace proposals from Eica- niond are believed by leading men here to be gotten up by rebel sympathizers for the purpose of dividing the North in view of the approaching elections.

The rebels expect great aid from the Demo crats in the Slates in which elections take place this fall. Coi. Day's regiment (01st) left heie a noon to-day for Louisville. It will be followed by five others in a few days for the same place, namtly: 97 in. Col.

Kutherford. 114 Col. Juda. lOTtb, Col. Snell 115'h, Col.

J. H. Moore. llTdb, Col. It.

A. Moore. 124th, Col. Sluan. The Chicago Tiws charges Mr.

with fcavitg been a government contractor. I know not whether this is so, but I do know that his Vailandingham opponent, Mr. James C. Alien, has been interested in government coi.traets for horses, cattle, In his part of the State, Crawford county, since the breaking out of the war. I ta in VliWiit4j4B SoYfmen.s of ike Fesirafe.

i i.C.CU.-feUlUU ia AiCCUUUUiaJdUOcJ to ISartinsbnrg. REBUILDING THE BRIDGE AT HAR- PER'S FERRY. Headquarters McClellan's Armt, Wed- nesdjy evening, Oct. 1. Fleasanton crossed the Potomac this morninj at Shepardstotrn with a force of cavalry and artillery for the purpose of making a reconnoissance of the entry's rear, information having been r3-ceived that their army had fallen back from the line of the river.

He came up with them sear Shi pardstown, and drove them towards Mtitit*burg, from which place they were soon blu-lied out by our artillery. Cur loss was two wounded. The rebel lvfcs was one killed, two wounded, a rebrl lieutenant and wo men taken prisoners aud a number of wounded paroh-d. Very fow rebel troops are believed to b3 at Winchester, the greater portion beiag between tbst place and Martinsburg. The work of constructing a bridge at Harper's Ferry is evidently progressing.

It will be completed to-morrow. Gen. McClellan and staff visited Harper's Ferry, Bolivar and Sandy Hook to-day. Washington, Oct. Captain Towoll, of MeClellan's staff, reached here this morning from the headquarters of the army of the Po tomac In cbargo of troubles, flags, taken at Scuth Meuatain and Actietam.

WAbiiixcTox, October 1. A speci.l dispatch to the New York Eacning Jbst say3 Col. John Cochrane arrived to-day from Hirper's Ferry. He expresses opinion that Lee's army is marly exhausted and must retreat. Navt Yard, Wasuixgtox, Sept.

30. Sir: Lieutenant commanding igaw reports the destruction of the rebel bombproof magazines at Lower Sbippiog Point which I had instructed him to blow up. They were seven In nuai- ocr, at. a the work was heavier than was anti cipated. A small body of rebel cavalry made its appearance, but dispersed upon the discharge of a volley of musketry from our side.

(Signed.) Andrew Harwood, Com. commanding Potomac Floiilli. To Hon. G. Wellss, Sec'y of tho Navy.

Baltimore, Sept. 29 The following is iri.u: the American's letter, dated imp of uieoiniMew ork zouaves, near baarpburg. 29:" A ride from th? centre of the army of the Poromactoits right, wing at Wihiainsoort, tnves one an ircpressive idea of tae imnuuse lumber ot men and prodigious aggregation material that has been brought" together. For thirteen miles the eye never loses sight ol camps. At WilUauisport there has bean no aative operations on cither side.

The rebels continue to picket the Virginia side of the river, while our troops do the same on this side. As a general thing, there, as elsewhere on the river, there is no firing between pickets, bo-h sides, by mutual consent, abandoning this useless nnd murderous practice. When in H.srerjtown, a few days since, I gave a li-t of some distinguished rebels who recorded their names at the Washington House. Among these was Dr. McLaughlin, of Bradley Johnson's staff.

This samo" indi vidual, a few days p'nee, crossed the river and gave himself up to the pickets of the 8.h Mv rland remment. lie staved that he was lerly tired of the rebel service, and would sooner be in Fort MclDr.rv than wph their armv in Virginia. MeLvuuhlin is a Mirylaui- rr, and I helieve formerly resided at, Ellicott's Mills ne brines neirsoftue deatiof Ai- bt rt Carroll, one of sons of oarles Car- esq. Enly this morning a large forc cavalry crossed the Potoinac at Blackburn's Ford aad ttsovid off toward Sbepotrdst vn. Th-jv it ot turned when I close th's letter.

Oar sr-outs visit Sneppardstown frequently by i1 hde rebel cavalry still come there by riie pltire b' iim hrld bv ueiUr party. A niiitih'. re'x'l vound'-d are there. At Sat ppardstown Ferry, on this side th? Poti.niac, there sre over 200 wound r-'r prisoners, guarded by the 91st Pennsylvania cimcat. and undr the care ot tbre renl They have everything done for tritm tnat is possioie, no service maT; is ue- sired beirjir revised by our surgeons or otli eers.

But the ho.plt is a terrible place. Tue men are ot the desperately wounded cUss at: there is scarcely one who has not lost an srai or leg or is not otherwise mutilated. Onr men niinirle freely wich them, and are prompt and uutiring iu their willingness to aid ut any way tnat can give reuei or com tort. Harper's Ferry, which I reach this noon Iroin Sharpsburg, is now the center of important movements. A firmly constructed pon toon already crosses the river, aud the recon-trnction ot the railroad bridge is being pur-hed forward with all the expedition that can be gained by the employment of a larg3 force of mechanics undr the directioa of tae railroid company.

The completion of this brdge has an important connec'ion with tae movements of the army, as it would beiaipos-sible for it to move fir into Virginia wicaout a completed hue of railway communication with its base of supplies. 16 would be an easy thing to march onr men, now re-ited and in una condition, to Winchester or MirMns 1 unr, but it would not be easy to fee 1 thetn thev were there. When the bridre is completed, and the railroad can be brourut Into use as the army advances, we shall see active operations resumed, and that time is not very tar distant. Onr advance is four or five miles out, and a rebel force, composed of two brigades of Louisiana and North Carolina troop-, are in our iinnit diate front, and show a dispsition to contest our further advance. A spirited cavalry and artillery skirmish took place this which our m'mdia weli.ana drove the rebels some distance.

A rebel cavalry officer and a squad of men were captured in a bouse which was surrounded by oar troops. He was brought into the ferry but I did not learn his name. Hiere are reports that the rebels are fortify ing both Winchester and Martinshurg, but I hey are not generally credited in military circles. A sudden rebel dash on Cumberland ie regarded as more than probaole, and meas ures have been taken to cnecKinate any sucn movement. Off for the War.

Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune, Kockfobo, 111., Oct. 1, 1S6J. The 96 -h regiment having received march-irg all furloughs are revoked. Tuos. E.

Champion, Colonel 96th Regiment Counterfeits. Pnn.ADBi.rniA, Oct. 1 Peterson's Detector cautions the public of a new aud dangerous counterfeit on the City Bank of Montreal, of Canada, of the denomination of four dollirs. It is as follows: vignette Vulcan an anvil, trail's ol cars, In the distance. The coat of arms of mad a ard an ladiiu woman on the richt end.

CuDld bestriding a lioa acd a "4" on the lefu As Canada money ta at a rtruiura they tnny be lirgely shaved. A so, specimens of fives on the Maa'aaaics' Bank of New York, are being largily r.i IT" AMD OILOV. mm Tlie siajion at Corlnlh. THE CONTRABANDS, STILL THIT CQfAE. MATTERS AT MiPHlS.

ISpeeial Dispatch to the Chicag-o Tribune Caibo, Oct. 1, 1S83. There is no truth in the reported evacuation Ctriiith. A gentleman of high rank assurts me that it will be held at all hazards. The rumor, doubtless, origina-tfd in the transfer of General Grant's headquarters to Jackson.

Gen. Kosecrans Is at Corinth, where he has esta'ciithed his headquarters and where he vi'l remain until driven out at the point of the bayonet, an event not likely to happen this gereration. Col. T. Lyle Dickey, of the 4th cavalry, was in town yesterday en route for Washington, whither be goes for arms for the cavalry regiments in the field in Gen.

Grant's department. Col. Rankin, of the 17th Iowa, one of the heroes of Iuka, passed through here to-day. His resignation was accepted befoe the late battle, but he bravely resolved to stay behind ard take the chances in the fight. The colonel's horse was shot from under him tlree times.

One of his shoulder straps was shot off and his pistol holster, which he carried' ink's left breist, was perforated. Ha will resume bis connection with the law firm of Rankin Miller, the latter having recently received the sppointment of juhtiee of the United States supreme court. It is said that thf re over 5,000 contrabands at Corinth, who will be shipped to Cairo as eoon as transportation can be obtained. The number here is being very much diminished, po great is the demand through Central Illi-ncis. The intelligence of the shooting of General Ntlson at Louisville creates a profound sensation here.

The general opioion is that the action of Gtn. Davis was entirely justifiable. The steamer J. J. Roe, as we learn from the Memphis Bulletin of the 27th, was fired into Ashport and again at tndolph, by guer-BUis at the latter place, 'with a six-pouner.

Fortnrately the Roe had on board, a lot of carbiiies, destined for the 6th Illinois cavalry, with they returned the fire, wounding and killing a half dozen. The porter only was injured on the Roe. Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.J Memphis, Sept. 29 10 a. m.

Gen. Sherman's order in regard to the acts of guerillas, and retaliation on families of known sect ssionists, creates a good deal of txcittment. It is considered just by ail but those interested. No news South. All is quiet here.

Caiko. October 1. We have had no arrival from Memphis for twenty-four hours, and apprehensions are felt that the guerillas are at work again. That they swarm on tha banks of the river between here aud MempMsiswell known, and their 6uocess with tae steamers Eus-tne ant) Forest Queen wiil nave a tendency to emOoideu them. At last accounts an attack on New Madrid was expected.

The tiuth is, the rebels are desperately in need of shoes, blankets and mon-y, and they hope to make a rich haul from some well- lad ned steamer. Gee. Grant's headquarters are at Jackson, Tennessee. From appearances there wnl either be a or reb I skedaddle at or near Bolivar be fore many days. Two new gunboats, the first of the new Musquito Fleet, have arrived from St.

Louis. From Mexico. New York, Oct. 1. We news from ra Cruz to etept 19th.

The French had tuken possession of La Soledad, between Vera Crnz atfourizabs, and had garrisoned it. Tbeir otjsct is to secure coaimuuieition between the two cities. The ne-vs at Vera Cruz t'uiit tpphoid fever was making dreadful iVfgs iu the Jiexicaa army, ana tnat lieu. Zarrgoza had died of it. It was also said his ssor would be Commonfort or Ortega.

Fori-v. the commander-in-chief of the French" army in Mexico, had stopped at Mar- on pis way to vera uruz, ana was xriectto to arrive at tnat city in a aay or vo. me' march of tbe army on Mexico was ex- cied: to take place toward the middle of Ottootr. A New Matt-of-war. New York.

Oct. 1. Commodore Vander- bilt is converting the steamer Vaadrfoilt, which he lately gave to the United Sta'es Gov-trinitnt, into a maa-of war. She will carry some twelve guns of heavy calibre and will bs tiie lasttsi war vessel afloat. Dlsafctrous Fire Newark.

N. Oct. 1. Five brick band- Ices, 180 feet lorir, a portion of the ex'ensive ja'eut leather Eiiiaatactory of T. D.

Hirdeil was destroyed by firetbis witn a large quantity ot Knapsacits aud learn er. L.OSS, Jb nlly insured. From Indianapolis. Isdiauapolis, Sept. 30.

The attendance at the lair was not sj lre to-day is anticipated, ih conseqmaee of tbe unfavorable condition of the wearhsr. There wre over 1.700 entries made by tue middle of the afternoon. Slock and michi-liery etiil" continue to arrive. The shoar of hors as. ill be very Elias.

Doreev S'm tl lentueKv, aiorjc lave totue thirty htad of Graen Mjuutiia Moreane. The display or cattl9 will fU short ot taat of previous years. Col. Sol. Mir3dita'3 superior herd is sad iy mUsad.

Ine cotDmitiee wui ds appomrea to-ni'jr- row, and examinations on tar.n proaucts, macufiictured articles, will take plsice borses in harness, sir gie ana ooaoie teams, for citizens purse, wiii also be shows. The review of all the military foree in this city, by Gov. Mortou, Gen. Love and Col. Crrington and thtir respective staffs, wiil take piece during the afternoon on the rounds In the rear of those oocnpisd by the lair.

The fast horses will bs sbonn on Ihurs- dsv, ard sweepstakes on Friday. The Indiana trocps in Gen. Knell's army are btitg paid off at Louisville. Gen. liuell.

From the Cincinnati Commercial, 30th. Our special dispatch from Indianapolis says that Gtn. Buell has been relieved of the command of the army of tue Olio, and that Gen. Thomas has been placed in comtn; ni. Louisville dispatches contradict this report, anl siy Buell is popular with the Kentucky State authorities, tinne the rumor of Buell's removal Is true.

He has utterly lost tie confidence of his army. We are not in aouot on mar, point. Onr information is too positive, and comes from too many quarters to be questionable. It was witbin Gen. Bneil's poer to hva brought on an action with Gen.

Bragg, and ha had the force to whip him. It wa within Gpd. Bnell'sTower to have relieved Munfords- ville, and saved the- terrible disgrace and disaster of the surrender of that piace. Toe garrison of Mnnfordsville was retained there on Gen. Bueli'a account, and he aioae ia respou-ihle for its lass.

It" he has oeen trying to play re ire's game, be could hardly have done more for him than he has done. He baa left Nashville in a precarious condition, fnll aick and stores. H-J has left Ms waeon train packed at Bowling Green, an invitation to the enemy. And no teristie laggardness he has waiting at Lonisfille, giving the rebels ar opportunity to cut ofl Gen. Morgan on his tretred.

from Cutn-hcrlard Gap, and pHcing this city ia (Uner. While looking over the above table, it rould be well to recollect that a dollar "Iilll now is worth iu gold about seventy-eight cent's, wbile last yer it was worch Oie hundred cents. This will bring prices Xt elly down to about those ot last year, and bout ten cents per bushel lower than those cf 18G0. roxcnEssioNji, nomination By a telegraphic dispatch from Marengj to CM. Moore, we learn thit CL J.

F. TarDSworth was nominated for Congress Cn the first ballot. The National Finance. The receipts and expenditures ol the United states for the quirter endni June 3J, ISC exchuive of trust fui'ds, are ai follows: EECEIPT3. Trom cnitoms 3i-ect lax 1,7.

.0 o' land? 3UrCM3LClU n'hieee3re bor.ds at7 3 liltfcs percent. lS.SiiO1 Jive-twi-uty jtais' fcouds, act of Feb. 85, it 13 93,000 tock for VTashiugton and war debt 193,010 ITiiited States cote? o.r acts of Joly 17 and Anan-t 5 Istil 30 "0 9S, f.erttl5':aTeif acr of nd 17th of A'l'i-t, Vrtl 41 ioaii, act cf Feb. 45, 1S62 4i Tetai. EXPE.XDITrEEJ.

Clvtl, ft.ri0n Ir-tcrcourMj and miiscctla- Econ3 In eriot Fciisiocs and Icdiaa 7 War 0i. tavy ier'. rn lrea-ory Tte Jay "of Treaory notes iasncd by act of tic. 3 K-7 Tay of Trta-nrv notes i-eued hy act of March 2, WJ Jir dem prion tf I'niTed States aotea 1s-taed ty act of Jnly 17 Jttjml-nrtement of losn, by arts of Feb. a ud Mrcb 17, lf61 J)t duct excess of yment above expenses for pi- of Treasury notes, per et of Dec.

17, 1S00 8 969.0OO 792,000 7.137,030 23,0 Total. nton litis socriiEKN coast. matters at Port rtoyal. Xew Tokk, Oct. A.

Port Royal letter of te 26th 6ays ibe steamer bTille is penned in the Ogtechee RWer, witluo chance ot es cape, lier late cniet ouiccr aas oeea cp-lcrvd in a pilot fcoat. Charleston strji's sxc difeaded byrifle pits, the by is obstraeted by piles, fire-rafts, etc. There are three gHEboits In thi? hirbor. Every body teems to think that CHrrleston vill be attack soop, and GenerJ Mitihel is jnaturing plans. Our torce is eonsidsraaly increased.

The health of the troops is excellent. The Finaal ram 1 nearly completed at Si-VBEcah two otters will probably prove fiut-Jires. New Orlears advices by the steamer Creole lotethat pTienlli bards were Quite bld mA lsrras9 federal vessels preatly. Admiral Far-ratut bad crc miz -d a naval police of fourix- teen oared whale boats which are cruising day and sight in the rirer. ch carries a liowitzer and full crew well armed.

Oue ot these beats captured a band of sixteen guerillas, who made spirited resistance, losing ionr or five men. The 7th Vermont lost 150 men as prisoners in the late expedition to Opelouse. It was believed that Sherman would be ap--Jwiinted to the command ot the forces above liew Orleans, and Arnold to command in the itv. Gen. Butler had apponted two additional marshals.

Prom New York. New York, Oct. 1. A general convention Of the EpiscovtChorch is in session here today, with full attendance. Messrs.

Thompson Bros, commenced delivering stamps to-day. The line of applicants extended to nearly one be lock from their office. The excise law takes effect Tues-Uy. Counterfeit Ss and 5s on the Commercial 35 ranch Bank of Canada, st Collingwood, finely executed on green tinted paper, have made their appearance. Kew Toek, Oct.

1. At an enthusiastic Cerrmn meeting last sight, one of the speakers denounced the statement that had xeeigned, or was about to do so, as a mischiev-ena islschood..

Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois (2024)


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